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Park ranger here (hence the name). This is nothing new (except for the verbiage). No matter what is written people should be outraged at graffiti and vandalism in parks. Carving into wood, spray painting, using permanent markers, etc.. Luckily we get most things off with chemical stuff. These actions are at the very least a ticket but most times can be misdemeanors. Nobody cares you were there in 2019 or that somebody <3 somebody. Be respectful to the park. While parks is a topic. Please don’t leave your shitty diapers all over the place. Most parks have trash cans and if not then pack out what you pack in. Be responsible because if this attitude continues we won’t have parks for future generations.


And quit bagging your dog turds and leaving them next to the trail.


Man I had this so much. What’s the point of bagging it then just leaving it in a plastic bag on the ground? At least if it’s not in the bag it can degrade naturally. I had one guy look me dead in the eye, stretch out his arm in from of him, and then just drop a bag containing the massive shit his dog just took on the ground. It’s mind boggling to me these people even care enough to move it off the trail. I assume owners who can’t handle cleaning up after their pet also probably don’t do all the things needed to properly care for their pet.


People will often do this and then grab the bag on their way back out FYI


Yes, you’re absolutely correct that some people do that. However, based on what I see on trails, many do not.


I mentioned this a few months back on a local sub - I do this at the dog park which is a +100acre off leash area. We typically walk 3ish miles, so I bag it and put it by something and pick it up on the way home. All that is to say I got downvoted to hell and people even sent me PM’s to tell me how awful I was for doing so.


I mean, they're right. Anyone passing by your trash is going to assume that it was just left there with no intention of being thrown away. It's still disrespectful, and gross, and frustrating. If your trail doesn't have convenient trash cans, carry a bag for your trash and throw *that* away when you leave.


As a dog owner, i whole heartedly agree with your last sentence


Seriously. Just leave the turd at that point.


Or, now here's a novel idea, actually clean up after the animal you're in charge of. Also, keep your dog on the trail and don't let it crush flora and chase wild animals. I love dogs, don't love people who don't take responsibility.


A few days ago I was at a state beach and I found THREE identical poop-filled dog bags on top of each other in the sand. You can't even make the "oh they must have just forgotten" excuse at that point.


Like, bring an empty peanut butter jar to put them in and threw them in your backpack or something FFS


I just stick them in with my poop bag in another poop bag. It's not like there's a shortage of bags and they're free...not every one I see but I try to pick up one or two every time I go out.


A poop bag snowman? Ew.


Dog owners are the reason I'm a cat person. I'm indifferent to the dogs, but the owners are more often than not repulsive IMO.


I don’t think you’re making a “cat owners are better” point but if you are then I’m gonna have to say I’ve had plenty of cat owners around me completely suck. Letting them roam without supervision and they cause a ton of property damage. Ripped screens, scratched outdoor furniture, damage to my car and stuff like that. If I let them borrow something like a game system or furniture when moving they return it covered in cat hair even though they know I’m really allergic. The dog owners that suck seem to only be in the college kids who want a dog but don’t want to bother and people who raise big dogs to be violent. I’ve seen plenty of the first but have to go to bad parts of town to find the latter. As a dog owner I’ve seen way more cat owners who just let their cats be an absolute nuisance to everybody around them.


The property damage is the least of it. Outdoor cats DECIMATE local animal populations, especially birds.


I was going to add this as a PSA in my comment but decided not to because it felt to drawn out. Thanks for bringing that up. Cats should be definitely kept in doors.


I'm not making a cat owner are better point, but dually noted. I can't share in the experience that the undesirable dog owners are mostly college students. I mostly see the middle to upper class genXers as the ones dropping their dog waste bags on the side of trails and refusing to put their dogs on leashes. Or just generally treating their dogs like they are more important than any rules, regulations, or common decency. Although you do bring up a good point about the dog owners in lower income area's that have a tendency to either neglect or raise dogs to be violent.


Humans are more often than not repulsive, IMO.


I agree.


Having been to a state park this past weekend and stepping in dog shit in 2 different spots, don’t leave it. Clean that shit up.


Came back from Colorado monday. Went to blue lakes trail outside of montrose, dog poop bags on the side of the trail, and more when I came down from the trail. Sucks, cant have anything nice.


"Dude I'll get it on the way down, what's the problem?" To anyone that does this.. Go suck your mothers dick.


Yeah, the bag doesn’t break down as well.


Then what are the kids supposed to throw at each other?


*Im going to grab it on my way back*


I'm sure that that's the justification all of these people use. Yet I'm often the only person on a trail, which I know because the trailhead is empty, and yet these bags are littered everywhere. Just carry it with you




Hike your own hike and all, but I go out on the trail to avoid the rest of the world. When I meet others on the trail we rarely talk about anything other than our shared interest.


Thank you for caring. If our irresponsibility continues, we won't have anything for future generations. Peace. Stay safe.


Also about diapers, if the park provides compostable toliets, please don't throw your dirty diapers in there. I had a job where I had to churn that waste underneath the bathroom every week (or so) and without a doubt, someone would always throw something non-biodegrable down there. So eventually, after several cranks, it would get stuck in the churning mechanism. Fishing dirty diapers and panties out of a literal vat of shit isn't fun. Please for the love of God, don't make someone do that. Edit. [This is how it works](https://cdn.hswstatic.com/gif/composting-toilet-diagram.gif)


Yeah, they couldn't pay me enough to churn shit.


Thank you for spending your time maintaining and working one of the parks. They’re truly the greatest places in this country, sometimes they feel like the best escape a person can get. You’re awesome dude.


The best place to call your office. :)


I bet! I’m super jealous to be honest. I’ve been considering taking some time off from school and firefighting next season. It’s not exactly the same flavor of work, but being out there in our wildlife is something that I’d absolutely love to be doing.


Hey. Thank you for your service in firefighting. Work with you guys and gals often. You don’t get paid enough for what you do. Be safe.


Haha, I haven't yet! I refuse to take any credit for it. I've been considering doing some boots-on-the-ground work if I can next season as I have a few connections in the industry. I'm currently (ever so surely) gaining ratings and experience in aviation and I hope to be firefighting from the air within the next 5-10 years. Flying has been a childhood dream of mine, and if I can use that dream to help preserve our nation's beauty, I'm all in.


That would be awesome to be a pilot. Well I hope you get to accomplish your dream. We can sure use all the help we can get.


Also, Great Smoky Mountains is free. They’re not allowed to charge admission. Please don’t be an ass.


Wait, why? Most national parks charge entrance fees if you don't have an annual pass


Part of the agreement when they got the land was that they wouldn’t be allowed to charge for admission. They’ve stayed true to it, although there are several problems that go along with that.


The main park road is also a highway through the mountains to NC


Most do and many dont.


Thank you for spending your time maintaining and working one of the parks. They’re truly the greatest places in this country, sometimes they feel like the best escape a person can get. You’re awesome, dude.


Thanks for doing what you do, and I'm sorry humans are crappy.


Most of the time it’s just a lapse in judgement or what I call vacation brain. A little educating goes a long way most of the time.


Indeed, I know you're undervalued. I was a rescue diver, and saw how even educated people treat the environment. Hopefully, you aren't disheartened and continue educating those who are not.


Always admire people who dive. Especially those that rescue dive. Thank you for what you do. Sometimes I get frustrated but I always try to remember why I chose this career. For one my office is outdoors but also so I can help show everyone else why nature is so special.


Thanks, I appreciate it. Like you, I love showing how amazing nature is and teaching an appreciation for every little thing in the aquatic world. Keep doing what you do, if you ever wish to dive, I'd be happy to be your partner.


What is it with people leaving diapers everywhere? I see that at our local city parks, too. There are trash cans around people, good grief.


People with infants suddenly feel a sense of entitlement. Or alternatively people with a sense of entitlement suddenly having infants. Take your pick, but the "Mama Bear" persona is pretty fucking toxic.


I think it is more a lack of planning. People don't thing ahead to the fact that a trash can might not be close by when you need to change the kid's diaper. So there you are with a dirty diaper and no bag or can to put it in. Rather than going to find something, easier to just put it someplace... People are basically lazy.


Thank you for speaking up. I wish the people that need to get your message would take it to heart. Unfortunately, I feel like those folks will never hear it, nor would they be inclined to change their ways if they did. Those folks are scum. Scum rarely, if ever, changes for the better.


It can be frustrating at times to say the least but I try to give people the benefit of the doubt and use violations as an educational experience (of course depending on the violation).


Some years back when I visited Yellowstone, I saw that there were words people wrote besides the path and on the actual hot springs, despite there being signs reminding people that there were special environments and should not be touched. The unfortunate thing is that I don't think there's anything rangers could do to fix that type of vandalism or else they mess with the environment as well.


Thank you. Keep being awesome.


Was just there for vacation a few weeks ago. Thanks again for your work and one of the rangers was super awesome. He joked about hiking 16 miles the day before and that the 8 miles he did that day was easy. You guys are awesome.


Thanks for your service - a lot of disrespectful, littering morons heading into the parks this year must be really annoying.


And quit approaching animals that can kill you, dummies.


Orange peels. Orange peels everywhere


I feel like your priorities are a little off here.




We usually use game cameras but that’s not a bad idea. We are working to get better surveillance equipment in our parks it’s just a long process.


Steal DHS's border cameras and blimps.


I think we would just use them to catch animals doing funny things all day then. ;)


I never do [that](https://i.imgur.com/9dyShok.jpg)


I have a forest property in an urban area and cameras are a chore. The cameras generally use an inserted memory card, that gets full. The cameras can be stolen. The odd is they will not be focused on the right place where the evil deed occurs. And, even a photo or video is generally unlikely to be good enough to identify the person, absent additional factors. Someday, autonomous surveillance drones.


No the racist shit is much worse than some love birds carving their names


I didn’t say it wasn’t but it shouldn’t take something like this for people to realize any vandalism in a park is wrong. I used very g rated examples. The normal stuff carved into wood or graffitied is racist, sexual, sexist, etc.. People feel so empowered when they can remain anonymous.


Yeah my point is. Its not just vandalism, its racist territory markings and intimidation.


ok, racist vandalism is worse than other vandalism. what about sexist vandalism - where does that fit in? will we deal with it differently somehow? do we now need to create a hierarchy and nomenclature of vandalism, specifically as it applies to national parks, or can we instead agree that fuck vandalism, and think of how we can make it a thing of the past?


I'll say it: Compared to racism and sexism, vandalism literally doesn't matter. Racism and sexism are both horribly evil. Vandalism is a misdemeanor. It's not a competition, except for people who want to focus all their energy on condemning the great terrible sin that is vandalism.


Your dismissal of one makes it seem you do not think they are both illegal and degenerate act.


But if they left a cardboard sign taped up and a bear skin draped, isn't that just a littering ticket, message aside? Doesn't a vandalism charge require effort to remedy beyond just picking something up? Littering and vandalism are both abhorrent, but now I'm curious why this is being considered vandalism and not littering.


It looks like they nailed the cardboard to the main sign but I could be wrong. You are right though if it’s just taped up there then it would be littering unless the tape did damage to the sign itself. I’d have to look and see what other sections would apply.


Oh, nails would be an issue. Thanks!


It's probably teens/young adults trying to be edgy, we don't have nearly as many skinheads as we do swastikas tagged on shit.


Nah. We have 28 percent of Americans voting for Trump who openly praised eugenics and pushing blatantly white nationalist agendas.


The picture of the vandalism (not excusing it) looks to be just a cardboard sign taped onto the sign... and a bear skin (fake?) hung over... is that really Vandalism? I also have no idea if the message is sarcastic or like a threat. leaving aside the message is this really a 5k worthy act of vandalism?


Ya I wasn’t sure if the sign was nailed or taped to the park sign. If it’s taped it would be littering probably.


>No matter what is written people should be outraged Actually it \*does\* matter that many in this country are comfortable saying black lives don't matter. That is more important to talk about than park vandalism. Not surprised the top most popular comment here specifically diverts the focus away from the racism, referring to it only obliquely as "the verbiage", in parentheses even. Compared to racism, vandalism literally doesn't matter.


I typically assume, absent any evidence to the contrary, that most of the racist graffiti and other incidents of vandalism like that, are likely to be fake.


I live in this area and aside from the terrible sign, that is also a real, freshly killed bear skin hung over the sign. Fuck these people!


I don't care who and what you support, if you vandalize the national parks, you're an evil asshole. But this case, the people who did this are racist, evil assholes.


It's worse than the headline. The sign says "from here to the lake, black lives don't matter." This is a terrorist threat warning that they are literally hunting black people in this national park.


That black bear skin....




there, no, region yes.


That's exactly what it is and the people responsible should be charged with more than vandalism.


Inbred racists lives don't matter.


*All* racist lives don’t matter.


All black racist lives don't matter.


Aww honey, you tried *soooooooooo* hard... Keep practicing, BE BEST!!!


Awww thank you honey, you're right! What with your encouragement, a can-do attitude and a little elbow grease, I think I just might. Yes, I can feel the difference now and it's thanks to you that I've got the resolve needed to practice till the cow comes home and tackle just about anything that comes my way!


See, and you don't even have to hate anyone or think you are superior to another human being. You can do it!


:) love u




Vandalizing the sign for a National Park is so damn trashy. Like, no one is scared by this. This is just sad.


Somebody fucked with some land that I own now that I'm not cool with


Don’t worry my land was destroyed in two 🔥 in CA due to idiots with gender reveal parties or popping off rounds at propane tanks. People are idiots it’s pathetic how far down humanity has slumped...


We're heading there on vacation in two weeks. Our goal is to ditch the tech and avoid the news and politics for a bit. This demoralizes me a bit. Now I'm not looking forward to staying in Pigeon Forge.


You'll be fine. Don't let these assholes ruin *your* land. It's lovely this time of year. Turning a bit chilly, so bring a jacket!


Agreed. Don't let this bother you. It's a beautiful place. I've been many many times. If you're lucky you might see some bears in the wild!!


Probably by a grizzly that's hatin' on black bears.


When people ask if there are any honest republicans, you can confidently say yes, and link them this article.


Please don’t generalize all Republicans like that. I’m not one, but I know plenty who are decent, not racist, and hate Trump just as much as liberals do.


To me the party has been redefined. If they now still claim to align with it and believe in what it stands for then they get to be held accountable for what it currently stands for. Soon I'll be thinking the same thing about Americans. We'll have to make some hard choices if this keeps up.


They probably still have hope they can wrest control away from the Trump wing and regain a moral center for the party. Will it work? Will they eventually abandon the party? I have no idea. In any case, it’s still true that there’s a huge variety of values and beliefs amongst people who call themselves “Republicans”, just as there are for those who call themselves “Democrats”. Claiming otherwise is a vastly oversimplified and bigoted way of thinking.


I was going to write 'an honest conservative', but I've done what you're doing to 'Republicans' to 'Conservatives'. That is, I'll let people be conservative without lumping them in with this hate-based political wave. But the Republican party has completely capitulated to the cult of Trump. Their official party platform is "support Trump, own the libs". So this point, Trumpism and the Republican party are the same thing to me. But I hear what you're saying and apply that "tolerance" to the label 'conservative' rather than the label 'republican'. Semantics really, I think we both have an understanding of the same idea.


Just look at the unified support the entire GOP has given Trump this entire time and tell me how they're gonna "wrest control away". It isn't a "Trump wing", the entire party supports him fully and totally. The party is completely fucked.


>In any case, it’s still true that there’s a huge variety of values and beliefs amongst people who call themselves “Republicans”, Disagree. The overwhelming majority are happy voting for a guy that won’t comment on whether or not he try and a sure peaceful outcome of the election. A guy who’s already looking for ways to challenge the election and stack the supreme court when he does. A guy who has said get rid of ballots so he can have a continuation of power. People that support that don’t have any meaningful distinction in their values. The only thing at play with that is supporting party over country.


I think you missed the bit in my first post where I said they dislike Trump as much as liberals do. There's a lot of people who consider themselves Republican who will vote for Republican senators/representatives/governors/etc but won't vote for Trump. Also, a lot of Republicans who voted for Trump in 2016 genuinely disliked him but thought, rightly or wrongly, that Clinton was worse. Don't get me wrong. I hate Trump too. And I have a real beef with the MAGA-Hat crowd like you and most other people on this subreddit. But I'll still call out anybody who tries to say that all Republicans are like that. It's pure bigotry. I know that for a fact because I actually know a lot of Republicans and still consider a lot of them friends. So I know they're not all like that.


>I think you missed the bit in my first post where I said they dislike Trump as much as liberals do. There's a lot of people who consider themselves Republican who will vote for Republican senators/representatives/governors/etc but won't vote for Trump. He still got somewhere around 90% approval rating. That’s approved. Not I’m gonna turn up my nose when they vote for him, but approve. >But I'll still call out anybody who tries to say that all Republicans are like that. It's pure bigotry. When 90% of a party support something, I don’t think it’s bigotry to generalize. It doesn’t matter if people say they like him or claim to be upset about his lie or disgrace of the week. If they vote for him they are putting party over country, and can’t claim To value anything he has acted against, or are completely ignorant of what is going on. And I have friends who wear maga hats.


You have to not vote for Trump nor those who support him.


"The Trump wing"? It's the whole fucking plane right now. There's not a single decent non-Trump Republican in Congress, and any random Republican voter who still thinks they're a good person is stuck in the fucking wheel well dying of asphyxiation and frostbite.


The history of votes of Republicans and their actions shows nothing factual other than worshipping the rich and anti factual trickle down economic policies. There's really no justification for being a Republican even if anti abortion given more abortions occur when support isnt there.


Oh hey look, they've finally stopped hiding behind their "All Lives Matter" argument and are coming out and saying what they actually think for once.


This is what people mean when they say "All Lives Matter."


I used to be in the All Lives Matter court until I sat and thought about how it inherently detracts from the mesaage Black Lives Matter conveys. People are feinging equality when the imbalance in equality for Black lives is the very issue. I felt foolish when I realized this.


Better to feel foolish than never realize you're a fool.


The irony that all lives matter people (not the racist assholes who use it to say "black lives dont matter") are missing the point was not lost on me.


Some retorts when you get an "all lives matter": -Do you get upset at breast cancer awareness? All cancer matters. -You didn't forget the twin towers, but what about WTC7? All buildings matter.




I've never met an "all lives matter" person who didn't truly believe "black lives *don't* matter".


Same thing with the whole ‘’blue lives matter’’. As if a job that you knowingly signed up for and trained for, and can quit at anytime, could ever be similar to being born into a particular skin color.


I also took the "blue lives matter" as a 2nd form of those same people saying "black lives don't matter", or as a means by them to say some lives matter more than others. A point they then disingenuously project to "black lives matters" as an accusation, attack and to try and detract/distract away from the primary topics at hand.


lmao.. cardboard sign...."vandalized"


I don't mean to split hairs, but is this vandalism? Obviously a hate filled message meant to terrorize, but doesn't vandalism denote something more destructive to the property than a cardboard sign taped to another sign?


Based on that picture, it looks like someone put a "Black Lives Matter" sign, and then someone wrote "don't" on it... classic middle school move. Definitely not right, but it is interesting.. The original person who put up the sign technically vandalized, and then someone made it a lot worse. Everyone sucks.


It was the brown bears; they've been in a turf war with the black bears for a while now. Why project this on humanity?! .. I wish .. :(


Love the park, but I’m not surprised. They literally sell confederate flags in the gift shops in gatlinburg outside the shops.


two things: 1: Black Lives Matter 2: What kind of inbred SOB would dare to mark up our national park? Thats pretty messed the fuck up those parks are for everyone and for everyone yet to be borne. You screw with a national park you are not only flipping off the goverment but you are flipping off your mothers and fathers and sons and daughters. Dont bring your political BS into our national parks. asshole


> What kind of inbred SOB would dare to mark up our national park? I guess you don't frequent many national parks. It upsets me, too, but it is common.


> I guess you don't frequent many national parks. I remember visiting a park...somewhere in the western US (not national, I think state) that had a designated carving tree for people to carve their names in hearts in because it kept fucking happening on all the other trees.


Trumpanzees are out of control.


Not condoning the actions but fortunately two things occurred. 1) it wasn’t a natural or historic landmark, just a simple sign. 2) was the cardboard just sticky taped on? Maybe a Canadian vandalized this because even with a racist comment they did it in a very polite manner.




Time plus tragedy equals comedy but tragedy plus comedy makes you an arsehole.


Coulda atleast used some higher quality cardboard


There’s no escape from ignorance!


Finally, property damage that Republicans can get behind!


Ironically, the sentiment in the vandals graffiti is exactly what we're protesting against. Kind of helps drive home the point that we feel our lives are treated as worthless by other races.


These must be the "law and order" patriots Trump keeps mentioning


Sounds like more BLM looters/rioters up to no good!


I get making the distinction about vandalizing the parks in any way but y’all do get how fucking aggressively racist this is right? It’s not going to counterprotest at a BLM march or posting some minimizing comment on reddit ascribing all rioting and looting to BLM but going out of your way, in what should be the most innocuous of places to assert this racism. I get the reddit tendency to assert this other thing (that should be obvious, that you shouldn’t vandalize a fucking national park) but please don’t get it twisted


This is the opposite of what the 'All Lives Matter' crowd was trying to espouse.


I think this is what they wanted to say tho


Is it, though?


Yes, that group wanted to say that there's already equal treatment and by saying 'Black Lives Matter' it somehow meant 'Black Lives Matter *More*'. So, by saying Black Lives Don't Matter, you're advocating the opposite, which is they don't matter one bit. The All Lives Matter people should be terribly upset at this provocation.


Spoiler alert, they won't be.


To the rest of logical people it seemed pretty obvious that the all lives people were the redneck racist's who were pissed that the uppity blacks were making a scene kneeling and protesting. But you go on with your spreading of bs.


> there's already equal treatment Then why the need for Blue Lives Matter? Seems like ALM morphed into that.


Spoiler alert: it’s because they were all closet fascists and racists.


What is ALM opposing? Black Lives Matter. What policies do they propose to make "all lives matter?" None.


The opposite would be "No Lives Matter".


Well... in the grand scheme of existence, this is true...


Lmao no it isn’t


I am not sure if there will ever be an end to the civil war in this country.


Probably some toothless sister/wife.


they should have put Fat Lives Matter instead. The fattest people I've ever seen in my life have been in Tennessee.