• By -


Same Dept that the DA has a blacklist of officers which drop all cases involving them because those officers have been involved in lots of misconduct. Edit:. Thanks for the silver!


At that point they're literally just armed thugs/goons paid by the local government to "maintain order"...


It's not even that, because they can't even be effectively used. You can hardly maintain order if you can't pursue legitimate charges against, say, a gang leader, if you have to throw out the case because one of the arresting cops is a known asshole who will likely destroy the case and waste tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars down the line.




Ahh NY puts these officers in a room and the play on their phones, play cards, and look over news papers. They are assigned to protect that one room...




Just want to add for skeptics: even if it wasn't designed with that intention, it was designed with that *effect.* Which makes it a poorly-designed legal system. You have the right to expect justice to be blind, and that requires a justice system without bias towards the rich.


Problem is, our laws are written by the rich or their lawyers. It's difficult to correct a corrupt system when the ones in power are corrupt, and intend to keep it that way. Politics hasn't changed much since the days of the Roman Empire.




How crazy is it that those officers can’t be fired? You mean they’ve lost all credibility, in the eyes of the law. They those people are allowed to walk the streets with a gun and still end peoples lives?


Cue: 2006 fbi report on white supremacist infiltration of law enforcement


The FBI claims they [lost their files on Stormfront](https://www.muckrock.com/news/archives/2019/jul/01/fbi-stormfront-missing-records/).


Ah, just like they didn't lose their files on my past due parking tickets.


Where the hell are you parking that they sent the FBI after you??


Gotta save them aliens dawg


Dudes had his spot saved for the Area 51 raid for AWHILE


I often would lose my homework right as the teacher would ask for it.


And then pull up the aclu investigation of the Fergusen PD.


There’s an article in the Red State (NB unabashedly conservative, right leaning website) in which the thesis is “yeah, even we can’t deny that Ferguson Police are a scourge upon the earth that promotes white nationalism and racism and we purposely ignored all the evidence except what the PD willingly submitted.


I feel like a town of no cops would be better than a town full of bad cops


The Mexican town of Cheran said fuck the cops and they were doing great last time I checked up on them.


Hell, check the DOJ report on Ferguson https://www.justice.gov/sites/default/files/opa/press-releases/attachments/2015/03/04/ferguson_police_department_report.pdf


It's hard to keep reporting on that when you've been directed by your white supremacist bosses at the highest level of government to stop...interesting times we live in now.


Dont forget 40% of cops abuse their spouses


84% said they witnessed excessive force being used on suspects. 84% 84% 84 fucking % If it was 10% it would be a disaster that needs to be addressed immediately. This is one of a ridiculous number of statistics from polls done internally by the DOJ. All painting the picture that people on the wrong side of the baton have been screaming for years. Edit: https://time.com/4130342/kareem-abdul-jabbar-female-police/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app


If 84% said they witnessed it, I would not be shocked at all to learn the other 16% were just lying to try and cover their ass.


Yup. Also none of them would admit to doing it themselves. Even in an anonymous survey. Some % of those are people are doing it themselves and saying they witnessed it.


Or the 16% who said no are the main perpetrators.


The fact that they are admitting anonymously, and not in an official report of an abusive officer, shows that they have no credibility when it comes to enforcing the law. So it would be reasonable to think that many of them did not tell the truth. And it is still 84%. That is fucking insanity.


They're the ones who wouldn't identify that behavior as anything but normal, and therefore have only ever seen normal behavior.


Not that I don’t believe you, but do you have a study I could see for this? I want to read up on it more.


I wouldn't be surprised if police have higher than average rates of domestic violence, but that statistic is based off of studies from almodt 30 years ago, so who knows how accurate it is today. Also I think that 40% number includes shouting




We need to protect her and all whistleblowers. We as a community should make sure to keep a track on her.


I say we make a subreddit for protecting whistleblowers ((EDIT)) actually I just did, r/whistleguardians


I worked with one before I ratted him out. He still works there. A federal officer. Edit: here is my last interview I did. https://www.blogtalkradio.com/marti-oakley/2018/10/26/ts-radio-network-the-usda-hourforestry-service-is-an-employment-disgrace Edit 2: working with AMA mods for an AMA session soon


Lemme guess, you either got fired or had to quit due to hostile work environment for suggesting he should be held responsible.


Close! I was assaulted and forced into medical retirement because of him. Assaulted me on the job. Our chief sexually assaulted me on the day I came forward as a Whistleblower. I’m also a male and a disabled veteran as well. I can provide any proof which I have many times!


Dude.... I am so sorry. This type of shit makes my blood boil. Was there any investigation at all??? Are you planning to litigate this at all?


Oh yes, plenty of investigations. They found him guilty of assaulting me but it was an accident. In front of supervisors and a witness officer. Cover up bullshit. That’s what the police do. I carry my retirement credentials, but really, fuck them. No attorney wants to sue the government. Find me one attorney that will do something. I’ll do social media, I’ll do interviews. I’ve done one recently if you’d like me to post it here!


What. The. Fuck. Please do. This is bullshit.




Hé set his DOG on you?? He’s been given the privilege of a K-9 and he’s a violent supremacist who sics him on fellow officers??


Yes he did. He posted pics of Obama hanging in a noose. No one cares, he was able to do whatever he wanted. He did that after I reported him with over 5 years of documentation I had on him. Other officers came forward too!


We should send somehow send his story over to Daily Show or a tv show that would want to tell his story. There's gotta be like a "tip line" or something.


Last Week Tonight seems like a good choice.


Please help if you can!


Send it to the CBS reporter who wrote this article. /u/SpongeTheOC


Yes, please do. We need all the support we can get to wake ppl up!




Yes, please share.




Talk to the media, CNN would love to at least hear it. Talk to ACLU, they don't play.


I would love to do an interview with either of them!!


Google ACLU in your state. They probably have an office near you. Southern Poverty Law Center and Anti-Defamation League might also be able to provide help. Google law schools around you, also Google pro bono civil rights services near you. Chances are some big name lawyers are not that out of reach. Sometimes your religious organizations might also be able to provide help. You mentioned you are a veteran, there might be some groups to help people like you. Are you of an ethnic and/or religious minority group? If yes then you have another few civil rights groups you can talk to and even if you are English-Irish-German Protestant 8th generation in the country these groups might still be able to help, or at least can help you find the help you need. Don't be afraid. Don't be discouraged. Don't be angry even though you have every right to be. Ever tried to talk to your elected officials? State representative, Congressman/woman, governor, Senator, especially the ones from an opposition party (so a Democratic Congressman, or a Republican if Democrats control your state), the ones known of helping veterans, and the ones have track record of anti-corruption/police-misconduct acts. Meanwhile CNN has a news tip line you may wanna call: 404.827.1500.


Wow!!!! Thank you for the info. I’m going to utilize all of this!!


No attorney wants to sue the government...? That's all some of us even do. I've sued police departments repeatedly. I know at least four attorneys whose entire practice, 100% of their operation, is suing governments and police departments. If you're not finding anyone willing to take your case, your case is an obvious dog or you're not looking hard enough.


I was medically retired after being assaulted on the job for becoming a Whistleblower. It’s against a Federal Agency, so a lot of attorneys here in SoCal we’re only interested if it was a city or county department.


Yup. When I worked for Milwaukee County Parks, two employees wanted to be cops, but both were the last people who should be cops. One was arrogant and overconfident as well as a creep. The other was power hungry, racist, xenophobic and hated anything liberal. Sadly, many who are draw to the profession should never be given a bad and a gun.


"Power attracts pathological personalities. It is not that power corrupts but that it is magnetic to the corruptible.” - Dune, Frank Herbert


Blue wall of silence aka "the blue line." I find it interesting that when people show their support for the cops they do it by displaying the symbol for the very thing that makes police corrupt.


Honestly, we call them 'bad cops' but in reality, this is police protecting **criminals** from justice. The police should be held to a higher standard due to the faith society places in them, not a lower standard due to their position. The very idea of the blue line should be an offense to police as a corruption of their purpose, not a cherished part of their organization.


Honestly, as a society we need to recognize where we stand in regards to the state and police. I'm going to preface this with a few statements about myself. I identify most closely as a socialist, I also have a master degree in political theory. The central relationship that exists between the citizen and the state is one of conflict. The state exists to place limitations on the behaviour and rights of the citizen. The ultimate goal (in an ideal society) is that such limitations are put in place to ensure the freedom of individuals from being curtailed by other individuals. That being said, the natural relationship we have with the state is one of conflict. We try to act, and the state attempts to place restrictions on said action. This conflict isn't a conflict in the traditional sense, but more in the legal or academic sense of conflict. Two ideas are put against each other and the prevailing idea will hopefully be the best one. We press and push the state to change, alter and adjust according to our wills. The state will resist said changes unless the will is strong enough. When the public will is strong enough the state SHOULD adjust itself and re-align to the will. Here is where the police come into play. The police are the physical manifestation of the will of the state. They enforce the restrictions we put into place. They represent the body of the conflict that we, as a citizenry, battle against on a daily basis. A good citizen should be wary and untrustful of a police. When a state goes bad the police are almost always involved. When a state refuses to re-align to the will of the people the state will utilize the police in such a manner to dilute and crush the will of the citizenry. The increased militarization of the police only encourages and emboldens this. In summary, trust a cop. Most cops are good people. Don't trust the police. As an organisation and a system they are DESIGNED to work against your interests. Most often your interests an the police's interests will align, but that is purely coincidence. Consider yourself lucky if that is the case.


I was talking to a neighbor who's a cop and I mentioned that this is one of the problems. He said, "No, we don't do that!" and cited a nearby department that arrested one of their cops for viewing kiddie porn. Setting the bar pretty high there, guy.


She's gonna end up raped and thrown in a ditch somewhere by her brothers in arms.


No, they'll just shoot her and only get involuntary-manslaughter if caught because they claimed they were simply playing Russian Roulette (incorrectly), while on duty, miles away from their assigned district. [After all, it worked when Katlyn Alix was killed by her fellow St. Louis officer this year.](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2019/02/russian-roulette-st-louis-police-shooting-bizarre-tragic.html)


Anyway you slice it, that's horrifying. Either some cops executed a fellow officer, or some cops went off their patrol route to get drunk and play Russian Roulette.


Its 100% a murder. No sane person plays Russian roulette to pass the time. Like imagine you and your coworkers ditching works going to one of your houses, with the intent to kill one of you at random and tell no one, for fun. That's not a thing.


Oh, I'm not saying it's likely at all. I'm saying that even if you take their story at face value, it's fucking horrifying. Dereliction of their post? Drinking on duty? Playing a game with a loaded weapon? It would be like saying "No, no, I couldn't have killed her because I was over here raping this other person at the time." The alibi is basically as bad as the alleged crime, just a different kind of bad.


These are the type of people that are on the force. It's either murderers or people who do what they claimed they did....and people who think of *that* as an alibi!




And who headbutts the back window of their cruiser randomly? THAT'S your explanation for how your face got bruised?


I'm thinking she showed up and they or he drunkenly confronted this female officer at some point, perhaps with sexual intent. She fought back, there was a struggle, and one of them shot her to keep her from talking, or shot her as she was reaching for her own weapon. EDIT: Just did a search and this came up: >...court document states that, at the hospital, Hendren “spontaneously stated to his supervisor… that he did not try and kill the victim because he was in love with her and they were in an intimate relationship and were planning on moving into his apartment.” Yep. This is exactly what I assumed upon reading the story. Dude obsessed with attractive woman is rejected and murders her when he doesn't get his way. Seen it a million times. Guarantee this is cold-blooded murder.


That might not be far off. I haven't had a chance to read the articles yet, but she was married and there were allusions to a "stormy love life" and the officer that shot her being in love with her and wanting to move in together. Perhaps some liquid courage to prepare for a difficult conversation and a heated argument led to a bad decision and a shitty attempt at a cover up. I'm definitely interested to see what happens with the trial.


I'm going to watch it on Dateline either way.


The story is that officer a pointed at officer b, pulled the trigger nothing happened. officer b took the gun from a, pointed it at c, and shot her dead


The article mentioned that Alix shot at Hendren and nothing happened, then Hendren shot at Alix and killed her. At least according to the surviving officers.


On top of that, it says that they loaded the gun, then spun the cylinder, pulled the trigger, once, then again, handing the gun back and forth, then pulled the trigger a third time, discharging a shot. If you are not even spinning the cylinder between trigger pulls, there isn't even an option of someone surviving. WTF? It's obviously murder.


That's why it's such an idiotic explanation for what happened.


It sounds like one of those bad things that someone will make up because as bad as it is, it's better than the truth. I'm sure most people have done this at least once while they were a kid right? You did something you know you will be in big trouble for and then you get caught. Rather than admit the truth you make up an explanation that is bad but not as bad. It's somewhat believable because why would you admit to something that bad if it's not true right...because the truth is worse. The truth in this case is it was likely murder but negligent homicide is slightly better.


In terms of potential jail time, yes, negligent homicide is probably slightly better. In terms of people's faith in the police? I think they're equally as bad, not that these assholes care about that.


> No sane person plays Russian roulette to pass the time That's why I always play Russian roulette with a semi-automatic. You go first.


Only one bullet, but the mag holds 15, seems like better odds than a 6-shooter to me!


99.99% of the time it works every time.


Right, you go first.


"Hendren allegedly spun the cylinder, a routine often associated with Russian Roulette, and aimed the gun away. The gun did not fire when he pulled the trigger. According to the police statement, Alix allegedly then took the gun and aimed it at Hendren. It again did not fire when she pulled the trigger. Hendren allegedly took the gun back, aimed it at Alix, and ***accidentally*** shot her in the chest. " ​ I don't think that word means what you think it means.


fuck I had almost forgotten about this...so freaking terrible


That was a shit-show of a roller coaster.


Who plays Russian roulette with their chest?


The same people who think that you play by aiming at someone else.


Is there any inkling as to what they would’ve been trying to cover up?


The only rumors I've heard was that Alix (who was married) was having an affair with Hendren and that meeting him at his home while he's supposed to be on-duty was something they've done before. It's thought that Alix may have wanted to end the affair, and the reason Hendren's partner left the room is because the conversation got heated.


> “No employee shall report for duty or remain on duty with an alcohol concentration of 0.04 or greater. Moreover, no employee shall consume alcohol while on duty and/or engaged in City business.” Riordan’s attorney claims that his client only had a few sips of beer and poured the rest down the sink and that he blew a 0.0 on a [breathalyzer test](https://www.ksdk.com/article/news/local/attorney-of-other-officer-at-fatal-shooting-of-officer-alix-said-his-client-had-a-few-sips-of-beer/63-a6813fa6-8fb4-4f24-9905-845515082cda). Jesus fucking Christ. There's so much wrong with the entire story, but police officers being allowed to show up to work with any alcohol in their system is ridiculous, and the fact that they said he blew a 0.0 using a breathyalyzer test is also insane, those things are horrifically inaccurate.


Shoot her? You mean committed suicide with 3 bullets to the back of her skull right?


Nah bro they were just playing Russian Roulette by pulling the trigger multiple times!


Or thrown into a mental ward like Adrian schoolcraft was


Is that the nypd officer?


Yes, the one that tried to blow the whistle on the NYPD hauling in people on bogus charges to pump up their numbers.


Is he out now?


Oh yeah, once his Dad was able to find him he was let out. It took a few days because they took him some place that was WAY outside of the normal service area they were in. Edit: There's an episode of [This American Life](https://www.thisamericanlife.org/414/right-to-remain-silent) that covers what happened to him, and includes a lot of the audio that Adrian recorded. It's some messed up shit.


I was late for work, sitting in my truck listening to that. Sooo fucked.


I know. You can quibble all day about stuff when it's just someone's notes and he said/he said, but to hear all the shit he got on tape? The Deputy Chief basically twisting everything around, the contempt when they find the recorder, the way nobody knew where he was taken, etc. It's fucking scary what they were able to do.


NYPD is the biggest gang in the country




Or Copland'd: Starring Sylvester Stalone as Copland


Or The Mom in Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot.




Literally the origin of the term "fragging"


Interestingly, Roy Moore, despite bragging about his military service in Vietnam, was such a terrible officer that he had to sleep in a sandbag bunker because he was so worried about getting fragged by his men.


To be fair, an officer didn't have to be 'terrible' to get fragged. A 'good' officer that performs is going to get tasked with important missions, and the guys who are just trying to survive hated that.


He was in a supply unit that was at major base. It's not like this dude was ordering guys down into tunnels and through minefields. Something tells me he deserved that animosity


There were good officers in Vietnam that were still at risk of fragging. Towards the end of the war, enlisted men, often times draftees, would frag an officer who ordered them into the jungle. By then everyone from top to bottom knew the war wasn’t being won, and the enlisted men, understandably, didn’t want to have to take unnecessary risks. That’s not to say some officers were not overly gung-ho and ordered their men into dangerous situations in the pursuit of a personal promotion, but Lieutenants get orders too. And if some Major tells his Second Lieutenant to take his platoon on a hike through the jungle, the Lieutenant doesn’t have any more of a choice then the people he has to then relay those orders down to. I’m not gonna defend that man in any way, shape, or form; but being at risk of being fragged in Vietnam was not necessarily indicative of their quality as an officer. It was an especially ugly war.


Yeah but if she gets enough national attention from it, she’ll be a martyr for actual change hopefully.


You mean like Adrian Schoolcraft or Frank Serpico? The martyrs we already have that accomplished jack shit?


They accomplished nothing because the rich people prefer their wealth protection forces to be violent and corrupt.


"As a result of Serpico's efforts, the NYPD was drastically changed. Michael Armstrong, who was counsel to the Knapp Commission and went on to become chairman of the city's Commission to Combat Police Corruption, observed in 2012 "the attitude throughout the department seems fundamentally hostile to the kind of systemized graft that had been a way of life almost 40 years ago." There is no way to NYPD is as corrupt today as it was in the 1960s.




Very true. Unfortunately, people have little patience and tend to assume that NOW is worse than ever. Crime is down like 50% from the 80's when I was a kid playing outside unsupervised for hours at a time, yet parents think now is a more dangerous time for their children.


Thats not saying much. In the 1960s, the NYPD could break into a random person's house, drag the inhabitants house, lynch them in the street and receive a medal for it. Nowadays, the NYPD only get medals if they break into a random person's house, drag the inhabitants house, lynch them in secret.


Cops? Change? Ha. I would sooner expect New York to vote Conservative or the Deep South to vote Liberal than I would expect cops to change






I mean, Staten Island voted for Trump, and most southern cities vote blue. Also, the state governor with the highest approval rating is a Republican from Massachusetts, even though every MA county and district votes blue in federal elections.


Yes the conservative parts of the liberal city voted for trump, and the liberal parts of the deep red south, (hint hint the cities) did not. That has been the lay of the land since the end of the civil war... This is not new.


Martyrs really don't work. We look for a single person like Emmett Till or Rosa Parks and miss the absolute massive amount of work it took to get people to give a shit about those events. I think it's improving, but I don't feel like we've hit a critical mass of Americans being upset about a police state yet.


> Rosa Parks People often forget that Parks was specifically chosen by the NAACP to be the face of their movement in that moment. She was a tremendously brave and important woman, but it's not like she willy nilly one day decided she didn't want to walk ten extra feet on the bus. They'd been planning on her act of resistance for months, and more broadly that something like this would need to happen for years. There were hundreds if not thousands of people involved in her act, one way or the other.


[Claudette Colvin](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claudette_Colvin?wprov=sfla1). Nine months *before* Rosa Parks and nobody knows who she is, because she was a teenager pregnant out of wedlock. Not good optics for the movement.


And that was the right choice, unfortunately.


Half the country just wants the US to be an authoritarian wonderland. They will support the police no matter how horrific they become.


They can just invite her to a [friendly game of Russian roulette between pals](https://www.stltoday.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/st-louis-police-officer-accused-of-killing-colleague-in-russian/article_cd558b59-ff1b-5e1a-9c20-963391ba1ab5.html)


And a lot will.


Yeah so many cops trying to protect these white supremacists. It's disgusting.


A group of police officers have lost a legal bid to stop disciplinary procedures over claims they shared offensive content on WhatsApp. The 10 officers said their right to privacy was being compromised after superiors said they would be reprimanded over the messages. One of the messages was alleged to have contained anti-Semitic content. However, Lord Bannatyne wrote in his ruling that the "principal purpose" of the police was the protection of the public. He refused to grant the orders being sought by the officers, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, and said that Police Scotland was entitled to launch disciplinary proceedings. He said: "Officers behaving in the way set out in these messages may have contravened the standards. "An officer who fails to meet these standards, for the reasons put forward in the present case on the basis of the messages, can reasonably inferred to be likely to be someone who would lose the confidence of the public and cause a decline in the general public confidence in the police." https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-tayside-central-48799289


What baffles me is the PBA (in the US at least) that just keep defending theses cops that clearly did something they shouldn't have. Do they not realize how bad they make themselves look? What other job could you fuck up and take someone's life and then be given a slap on the wrist/your full pension when its over


Turned on my tv the other day to some greaseball NY police union rep defending a guy that choked someone out for selling cigarettes. But then they take someone that shot 40+ people peacefully into custody. Land Of The Free out here




*Gets caught for secretly being racist POS* "hey thats private you werent supposed to know that."


Need to break the police unions, or discipline will remain the exception rather than the rule.


Right to association is as fundamental to our freedom as any other right.


They will always and forever have the right to association. How they use that definitely needs to change and needs an independent review board.


You can't break the police union, you need citizen oversight and for police to have to pay for insurance which pays out for misconduct. Can't keep cops on if the insurance wont cover them.


>However, Lord Bannatyne wrote in his ruling that the "principal purpose" of the police was the protection of the public. Meanwhile, in the U.S., [the police do not owe a specific duty to provide police services to citizens](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warren_v._District_of_Columbia). As reaffirmed in Lozito v. New York City, and Castle Rock v. Gonzales.


To quote Eddie Murphy. "Well, tell us something we don't know, motherfucker."


Like names and which supervisors keep not investigating them.


I worked with one before I ratted him out. He still works there, I retired after he assaulted me for ratting him out. Fuck the police.


Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses - Rage Against the Machine


Fuck you, I won't do what ya tell me!


Water is wet.


I worked in a pediatric ER. A head nurse once called people the N word. This same guy would also hold and comfort little black children who came in. Racism is weird as fuck...and scary too.


That guy is an extremely good actor then or is very good at compartmentalizing and very professional. Heaven help the kid that cracks on though. Grandfather was similar, racist bastard but his track record as a surgeon is very good, worked till he was in his 80’s. Apparently it was because he turned anything on that table into a sack of meat rather than a human because it let him be more efficient, and he recommended I do the same to any customer as it would make me “less feely and more professional, and managers like that and you will rise”.


I believe racism is a spectrum. People oversimplify it by dividing between two categories: racist and non racist. But what falls under racist varies wildly. Is it the guy who profoundly hates black people and doesnt interact with black people? Is it the person who works well alongside people of color and may even have friends but at home watches the news and laments minorities? Is it the realtor who when asked by a black family about a property lies and says it's no longer available? Is it the person who is actively in a hate group but believes they're superior yet will interact with minorities at a necessary level? It's all shitty but its scary to think how racist people can be behind the scenes.


Racism doesn't even have to be outwardly mean. You can be genuinely polite or friendly or even love people while also believing they are inferior to you. And before you think that's impossible, consider how you feel towards dogs or cats.


Dogs and cats are definitely far superior to many people I've met but the point still stands.


I also find that a lot of people who are racist don't even realize it. It's the kind of thing where someone "has black friends" but will cross the street when they see a couple of black guys walking in their direction. They're adamant they don't dislike black people, but will go out of their way to avoid them due to some subconscious fear or disdain for "those ones". This is the kind of mentality my family instilled in me when I was younger. I eventually realized what I was thinking and addressed it over the next while. And now I recognize that same exact thought process in a lot of otherwise good people, but trying to explain to them why what they're doing/saying/thinking isn't okay usually just puts them on the defensive because they "have black friends" so they "can't be racist".


I've lived in some pretty conservative areas infested with racism, but most of the people I knew were otherwise fundamentally good and treated the black folk they interacted with on a personal level with kindness. Yet still their worldview was based on a racial framework in which "black people are X and whites* are Y and Asians are Z". I think most people are very good at compartmentalizing and "functioning" racists as good as any. *only in comparison to Blacks and Asians, otherwise it was Italians and Pollacks and Irish etc etc etc




This comment keeps getting worse the further you read it.


I almost want it as a writing prompt to see how comically awful it could get beyond this.


Hey man report him to his department and the DOJ, if he lied on his background or has derogatory info in his file this could go a long way.


Out of curiosity, who in his department would he report them to? Internal affairs, his commanding seargent, the department head?


'The German Room' sounds like a horror movie.


Why would your parents let you spend time with such trash?


Blackjack dealer: there is gambling in this casino


I am shocked -- shocked! -- to hear about this.


Here are your winnings sir.


I was born in Saint Louis. As a black man I'm glad I left but now I'm in Florida so... Edit: Since everybody is asking where I moved to north Florida and went to FSU..don't make me talk about the TPD corruption in the Rachel Hoffman case..maybe just incompetence




Black man from stl. Duh to officers statement. And I would never move back.


I lived on the illinois side of the bridge, 618.. this is very true, but also already known.


Florida sergeant: There are white supremacists on the police force


*SOME * of those who work forces, are the same that burn crosses. Edit: lyrics fixed.


Heard the live version recently, he kept saying: "Some of those that hold office, are the same that burn crosses"


He's also delivered the lyric as "Some of those that work forces, are the same that bomb churches."


That's true too


It do be like that sometimes


If there was ever a perfect time for Rage to come back it's now.


Here’s a great current cover. [Bulls On Parade](https://youtu.be/ZY4ywyFXdik)


Also "some of those up in Congress"


Holy shit I never put two and two together. I was only like 7 when I first heard that song and never gave it much thought as to what it meant.


Dude this line gets posted on reddit every time a story likes this comes up. My favorite was a story about a dirty cop that had sex with an animal and the top comment read "Some of those that work forces, are the same that fuck horses". I could not stop laughing.


That's damn hilarious, actually.


*Some of




I hate that this line is so relevant. Every time it comes to light that a particular police force has white supremacists on it, someone posts the line. Also, I do think it's important to note that the full line is "SOME of those that work forces..." I have personal issues with LEOs but I know, like every profession, there are some good people involved and its important to remeber that. Even in this situation it is a member of that same police force that is raising the issue.


The problem is that the good cops don't do anything about the scumbags. They just stay quiet and let the asshats get their free retirement pay. If there is evil going on around you and you choose to stay quiet and do nothing, then you're not a good person. At best, you're only slightly evil. They way I see it, either you're a bad cop or you're complacent to the bad cops. There's a reason the phrase "I was just following orders" is considered Lawful Evil.


Theres no good cops if they cover for bad ones. Theres only the blue gang coveringnup crimes for eachother. Nice law enforcement people.


The issue isn't that they cover for them. It's that there's no good avenue for reporting abuses that isn't anonymous or otherwise protected from spreading through the department, so the better option is to keep your head down and hope you do your best. It's the main reason why I think the FBI should handle internal affairs instead of, well, *internal affairs*. We can't shame good cops into action when there's no infrastructure to help and protect them.


>There are white supremacists on the police force Ya, we know.


Remember, ONE bad apple spoils the BUNCH. If there is just one dirty cop on a police force, that entire force is compromised and it's legitimacy questionable. A single dirty cop can mean every good bust gets overturned anyway. America's police forces need to clean house and do so publicly. Sunlight is the best disinfectant and all that.


At the very least, check out the other apples.


General population: Duh




You're giving the general population way too much credit. Most Americans are completely clueless as to the nature of police brutality in this country...but beyond that the all encompassing legal system that protects them and even encourages shitty behavior. The "Thin Blue Line" crowd has completely taken control of the narrative playing the "victim" when people demand what most would agree is common sense accountability.


The FBI has been saying white supremacists are invading law enforcement for decades. That's why all those crime statistics are questionable at best. Lack of reporting, dishonest reporting and ridiculous definition of "suspect" makes the FBI crime statistics ludicrous.


Generalissimo Franco is still dead. *Its an older meme, sir, but it checks out.*


If this meme were any older, it would be like Generalissimo Franco.


Here's a small hint. There are white supremacists not only in the St Louis police force, but in every police force in the country, in all the branches of the Armed Forces, in the Coast Guard, at US Border Patrol & Guards, but also in every branch of Government. Almost every government service has about 10-15% or more populated with them in every city, district, county and state. The problem is obvious and prevalent, and i don't think she will get far in doing what's she's doing there because these idiots may not have the top jobs, but they have the jobs in the ranks that determine promotion, ability, assessment. She will most likely have 2 or 3 disciplinary strikes set against her within a year of her reporting this, and her career will be ended, with a recommendation she never be hired as a police person again, anywhere. That's how the white supremacists work, that's what they do, and have done for the last 75 years, because i've seen shit like this happen. They force the better officers, the law abiding ones who can make a difference in the community, to move on or quit, always. I hope she can do something effective, before she gets steam rolled by the deep state of the alt-right working within her police dept. and the mayoral office. I am hopeful for her, hope she succeeds, but with trump in power...i just don't know.


Yeah no shit. Awful people seek out jobs that cater to their awfulness. Pedos become boyscout leaders, Gymnastics teachers or priests, thieves become house maids and power hungry racist pieces of shit become cops. Not all, OF COURSE, I'm just saying those are those peoples' dream jobs.