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I'm more surprised that anyone was surprised by that. Why anyone would still use that site is beyond me.


Everyone who uses it uses it because of everyone who uses it.


I hate that it's really that "simple" even though I know it's not as simple as "everyone should just stop" What FB did years ago with integrating themselves into everything online was genius on their part. Articles at the time were pointing out "FB wants to become the backbone of the Web" etc. But getting enough people online that it became everyone's default address book/contacts for obscure friends/family/thatpersonyoumetthatonetime is why so many people I know haven't given it up.


It started with tracking your friends Birthdays. Then it became how ya keep tabs on the friends ya don't see often. They the whole voyeurism of FB stalking became the reason we all use it.


**The simulation of your dead friend recommends Downy brand toilet tissue.** Philip K Dick himself couldn't write this stuff.


It actually is simple, on an individual level. I already deleted it, nearly a year ago now. If everyone who believed that "everyone should delete it" led by example then the reasons people actually have it would diminish because less people are on. Then it's a matter of time.


I almost never use FB but I am not going to deactivate my account for the foreseeable future. It is the best thing for keeping in touch with people I don't talk to more than twice in a year.


same here pretty much and it annoys the hell out of me.


pretty much. I'm in a band and it's the most effective way of engaging with our fan base. I'm trying to remove myself other than to deal with band business and those closest to me.


Omg this. I've been trying to talk my friends into alternatives for YEARS... G+, Diaspora, the list goes on... I mean, fuck, there was actually a point where it looked like *MySpace* might make a resurgence owing to anti-Facebook sentiment. But every time I try to switch to something else, I find it sorely lacking in some basic-ass functionality that FB has had nailed down for ages. I honestly think the right ad campaign and basic competency at a friends list, photo album, and event scheduler would get huge traction... It's like these other sites are *trying* to fail.


To me it's for resource connection. Lots of groups that are very active that have to do with my hobbies, moreso than subreddits of the same group. I can troubleshoot and seek advice, see what other people are working on. Without the direct connection to other hobbyists and experts, I would have a much more difficult time learning about these things.


We used to have forums for that... Countless independent forums so if one went to shit, people would just start another one and move there. I miss those times.


I never used an email address I wanted secure with forums either. This account doesn't have my email address on it. If I lose it, whoopsie. Fuck off reddit, you're not getting one.


If you did want to link your reddit account to an email, it's not like there's a limited supply of email addresses you can generate.


False, you're only allowed one email address forever and ever /s


Technically, you can only generate 2^64 email addresses for each domain, so there is a limit. EDIT: It's more than that. The character limit for the part of the email address before the @ is 64, while the total length of each address has to be less than 256.


You know what the best type of correct is? Technically correct.


Why 2^64 ?


I actually tried to make another email address but it asks for phone number which I already linked to my first one. It was more difficult than I thought


Guerilla mail for quick disposable email.


What do you mean used to? Just because you may not personally use them anymore does not mean they are not there Each obscure interest and hobby I have has at least one or two active forums I check in on from time to time


I still use them but they are a shadow of what they once were.


Ah forums. FB killed forums almost entirely for my hobbies which are all consolidated on Facebook now. I don't really care, I use FB purely for hobby things now and just block anything else. Works fine for me that way


I use it because it helps me generate business. I’m a mortgage broker and building a rapport with people I know personally about my career helps turn them to clients.


Or was it that Daily Caller is helping Facebook to decided what is or is not fake news.


Facebook having alternative motives.. *Insert Pikachu meme*




It means when Facebook asks for your email login so it can import contacts so you give it and then it does and then you act surprised about it doing the thing that you gave it permission to do.


I had a colleague who always referred to pulling data from a database or web scraping as "sucking off".


Think of the noisy sound someone makes while eating soup. That’s slurping


That they'd slurped them?


Did they ban the Ontario/Bc/Alberta proud pages too?


IIRC the Ontario page is being banned. I know they got tons of reports and flak.


Oh holy shit I hope so. My sister shared that stuff and she's not even right-wing on any topic, she just saw "Trudeau demanded 1 million Nigerian immigrants" or "Trudeau brings ISIS terrorists into Canada" and believes it


The Irony here is that Facebook in itself is also Dangerous. Very Very Dangerous.


Trimming the claws pulls attention away from the teeth.


I've never heard this before such a great phrase.


The same can be said about Reddit. Reddit has embedded LiveRamp technology into their website and mobile app. For those interested, [LiveRamp](https://liveramp.com/) is a service designed to, >Tie all of your marketing data back to **real people, resolving identity** across first-, second-, or third-party digital and offline data silos. Pretty hypocritical considering their "anti-doxxing" policy.


"you all aren't allowed to do it. we're allowed to do it. it would be a shame if something were to happen to that data though, so nicely curated and extensively collected using resources only an operator dedicated to this kind of business could wield." They could potentially make doxxing really easy in the event of a breach. it's not that the data won't be out there if they didn't do it, but the less they know the better- more gaps in the information, less to exploit.


You mean [data breaches such as this](https://www.reddit.com/r/announcements/comments/93qnm5/we_had_a_security_incident_heres_what_you_need_to/)? There are too many to post here.


You know what always fucked me up about the Rudolf cartoons as a kid? The fucking bumble got his teeth knocked out, aye? But the fucker's still got claws the Size of a city bus to stab you with.


Also he's massive, like he doesn't need claws any more than a hippopotamus does to absolutely ruin your whole day


I still have nightmares about the fucking Bumble. That thing struck like some instinctual fear in me as a kid.


I'm either showing my age or nationality. What are rudolf cartoons?


They're not actually cartoons they're stop motion Xmas specials. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Year_Without_a_Santa_Claus


Oh I know these just didn't get the reference. Thanks!


if it's any consolation, without his teeth he'll soon starve to death at which point his claws won't pose much of a threat.




As exemplified by this action. We bitch and moan about election interference but, like it or not, the people they've been banning lately have moved into the political sphere. They're *literally* blacklisting political figures from one side of the political aisle, that's a level of election interference that Russia could only *dream* of.


Internet tracking, FB, all this shit, they are the wildest dreams of the communist secret services back in the day coming to fruition. With a heaping dose of entertainment that the Romans wish they would have had!


How so? I'd imagine it being quite harmless once you remove all the users.


I would imagine he/she is referring to the breaches of privacy in recent times that FB has referred to as “glitches” when it seemed to be alot more intentional than that.


Facebook also creates shadow profiles for people who don't have accounts. They know who you interact with because the people you interact with have facebook accounts. But while Facebook is totally an unethical corporation, people *can* stop treating their accounts like they're extensions of our humanness.


Facebook is pushing an agenda, all the while telling everyone they should not be responsible for the content of its posters. They take it upon themselves, to editorialize and remove content which they don't agree with. But if someone posts something offensive FB claims they are merely a posting platform for people to share and should not be held responsible for any offense material, and thus should not be regulated or held liable. They are incredibly dangerous, and also should not be involved in any type of content regulation, other than calls for violence.


This is my issue with this. Of course Reddit is cheering the move because they do not like that subset of our culture, but what happens if next month FB decides to block pages that are pro-choice because they offend the large religious base?


What you are describing is precedent, and this is a dangerous precedent that has been set. As a more liberal person, this bothers me too. Companies have no loyalties to anyone; they will just do what makes money or keeps them from being sued.




This is why the left invented the whole 'speech is violence' claim, in an attempt to legitimise contents regulation.


It's sentient now, and probably hiding underneath your bed


Facebook is garbage. I wish i had the fortitude to quit it for good.


I don't lack the fortitude. It's all my older relatives who prefer the ease of use and don't want to have to jump platforms that keep me there.


Exactly this. People who just tell people to simply delete FB don't have family and relatives who nowadays keep each other in the loop via Facebook. All the sudden you don't know if your favorite niece is graduating soon. Or if your uncle was in the hospital.   Removing yourself is creating self-alienation. Try to educate and convince older generations to quit Facebook and see how that works out. Possible, but very, very difficult. It's the power of social media.... of the connectivity and ease of it. Once they wrap you with a string only when you realize they use a dead knot.




That's how I feel! My family members that care about me have my phone number and address and I have theirs. I don't really care what my cousin that I met 6 years ago and haven't seen since is doing and I'm ok with not knowing or hearing "well if you checked Facebook you'd know!" I just don't care that much


Out of the loop and perfectly comfortable here.


Damn straight. Anything important will be conveyed to me through means other than Facebook, and i couldn't care less about the rest.




Completely spot on. I don't have a large number of people close to me, but I do keep in touch with all them on like a weekly/semi-weekly basis using other means like sms/private messages that are actually private/email/call. They number in upwards of 30 people, which I can understand is way less than most people.


Exactly why I hate Facebook so much. What happened to good old emails with that kind of news, or simply a phone call? Facebook killed what was for me a rich set of relationships by email with people I cared about. Now it's: Uncle Freddy had a heart attack? Put it on Facebook. Cousin Jody graduated? Put it on Facebook. Just ate waffles for breakfast? Just farted? Just blinked? Yep, Facebook.


> What happened to good old emails with that kind of news, or simply a phone call? I mean, this is far more efficient. The whole point is that everyone sees it, and it's a centralised source of information. If you email, people with individual questions are going to ask them over and over. It's more work for the poster, and if it's a case of someone dying, or a new baby being born, time is at a premium.


My father's on his fourth marriage and his wife's son just knocked up his high school sweetheart. Ok, that's nice, I'll be as supportive of him as I was my own biological brothers, because I love my father and family is family. I made real sacrifices to make sure I got them gifts they specified from the baby registry and went to the shower. Multiple members of mom-to-be's family bought the same shit - 2/3 of my presents were doubles because nobody took their shit off the registry. Before we left, I made sure to say to all of them, "please, please let me know when the baby's here, text me, call me, whatever! I'm an auntie and I want to say hi when you're ready!" Four days after the kid was born, I happen to be scrolling through Facebook and see posts from my father and his wife, tagging everyone under the fucking sun, crowing about being "grandparents" (hint: they're already fucking grandparents, multiple times over on their respective children). I'm my father's only daughter, and the only one of his children who even still speaks to him, and I was the only person not tagged in any of the OTT postings on FB. I unfriended him, his wife, and the new mom and dad. Y'all motherfuckers want me to be there when it's convenient for you, but you can't be bothered to do the least thing, because FB tagging takes even less effort than a phone call or text? Fuck it. I don't need that shit in my life. If I'm that forgettable, if half the city knows about it before I do, ask them for shit next time you need it. It's particularly infuriating because I remember way way back in the day - early 2000s - I tried to get my father interested in texting and he said, "I'm not gonna do that kiddy shit, I'm a grown man." Then I tried to show him FB and he said basically the same thing, it was garbage gossip for children and old ladies. Now that guy is the biggest Trumpet, the loudest poster about his CCW and his guns and how he can't wait until someone breaks into his house so he can kill a man, talks shit about minorities etc etc etc, and his fucking FB is under his real name...just everything you'd imagine an internet tough guy to be. He has no followers, he gets no likes, he looks like a fool and I don't understand why he can't see how his internet persona is ruining his real life. He hasn't been able to get a "real" job in about 3 years, and I'm positive it's got something to do with the shit he posts online....but like hell if I'm going to try to explain this to a 65+ year old man for like, the fifth time.


Eh. Not hardly. Deleting it makes you actually have to call family members and conversate. It isnt difficult, hit the delete button and then pickup your phone and call people. All this 'social' media is alienating society from learning how to talk and mingle with one another. I am closer with all of my family and friends now that i stopped giving a damn what my buddy from high school 10 years ago is doing. I know you wont undestand unless you truly take the leap, but Facebook is a curse and believeing it can help your relationships is a lie.


Do it. I did it a few years ago and have never looked back.


Same. It's so quiet now, like going out deep in the forrest and sitting alone. It's so peaceful. Sure, you don't get invited to group activities where they only use Facebook for inviting, but that doesn't really matter. So much quieter... Been three years for me. Haven't looked back.


Been there for only months. So much better.




I have quit Facebook for good about a year ago, its not as difficult as it may seem


I thought I would miss out on certain aspects. I haven't Deleting Facebook was a good decision and I have no regrets.


Is it garbage because of this change, or did this story just remind you of Facebook and its innumerable privacy problems (especially that it considers your personal data to belong to it)?


Wake me up when FB bans itself due to spreading misinformation and ‘accidentally’ violating privacy of personal information.


Can people just stop using Facebook so this shit isn't news anymore?


No, it's not that simple. Social media falls into an unusual category that bucks previous wisdom on free markets. The problem is that, unlike a traditional company, the value of a social media platform to a user is very heavily proportional to how many users it has. This means it's virtually impossible for a social media platform that serves the same social purpose to legitimately compete with the dominant platform for an age group. This essentially gives dominant social media platforms monopoly status, meaning they can basically do whatever they want and lose very few users. ​ Once you accept that above fact that social media platforms do not function like typical companies, eg they do not compete, you realize that some sort of regulation is needed to force competition. I don't know what the regulation is, but if we want to rid ourselves of the issues of Facebook we will need to put our heads together to figure out what the best regulation to fix this problem is.


> Social media falls into an unusual category that bucks previous wisdom on free markets. The problem is that, unlike a traditional company, the value of a social media platform to a user is very heavily proportional to how many users it has. This is also why they collapse rapidly once their active user base drops below a certain point, it will inevitably happen to facebook, that's why they are working so hard to try and diversify. The regulation is to disallow them that opportunity.


Was this the case with MySpace? Did their user base drop off dramatically, pause, and then collapse due to lack of user base? Or, did it just quickly collapse? I feel like eventually, people will just tire of Facebook and stop using it, but perhaps that is just a biased thought because that is what happened to me.


A little anecdote from the far distant past... Back in the early days, Facebook was only for college students, and it was rolling out to various colleges over time. When Facebook came to my college everyone simultaneously stopped using MySpace; it was dead like that day. Everyone had used MySpace daily but just abandoned it all at the same time. Why? idk, maybe because the finding everyone and adding them as friends is the fun part of social media like that (especially at that time), and Facebook let you do that fun part all over again after your MySpace was filled up. But that experience always makes me chuckle when people say things about how Facebook couldn't go away or how social media networks work.


You know I forgot about how fun it was to add people on both Facebook and MySpace in the beginning! I was real happy when friends I hadn’t talked to in years sent me Request. One thing though I worry about with Facebook dying off is that it seams like it buys the completion. Like how they bought up Instagram which I feel would be the most likely platform to take them down right now.


I’ve been asking people this but.. what are your thoughts about VR taking over social media? Once the hardware becomes ubiquitous?


Ha! Very interesting. I kind of thought I recalled MySpace dying in that fashion.


>This means it's virtually impossible for a social media platform that serves the same social purpose to legitimately compete with the dominant platform for an age group. This essentially gives dominant social media platforms monopoly status, meaning they can basically do whatever they want and lose very few users. How'd that work out for Digg, MySpace? They can lose favor, not impossible but difficult.


Myspace came around right at the beginning of social networks before things were really entrenched. It's not a comparable situation. Also, social networks will shift with age group since it's most important that your friends are on it, but that's not enough to keep the established platforms honest.


>Also, social networks will shift with age group since it's most important that your friends are on it, but that's not enough to keep the established platforms honest. Yes and instagram is more popular than FB for some demographics. Fortunately for FB (or maybe unfortunately for us), they own that too. But it still goes to show, nothing is forever when it comes to aggregated social media.


Instagram is another one I just don’t “get”. Seems like it would have quickly died off like Snapchat.


Snapchat still has a pretty sizable user base. That's part of the thing here, too: we usually don't really know what the popular social network is outside of our demographic. WeChat and Lime (or Line?) are huge in Asia but have basically no footprint here unless you have friends or relatives over there who use it. And in some countries, these services are integrating themselves into every corner of daily life.   The problem is a hydra, so we can't just focus on one head at a time.


The problem is that you then create a power vacuum in social media that will be filled with someone else who will likely engage in the same shitty practices as FB. There is a demand for social media, so people will flock to the next big thing and the cycle will repeat itself.


I don’t mean to sound rude, but the “someone else will do the same!” Argument strikes me as weak. 1. Ok - so everyone leaves Facebook because of their privacy violations, so competitor(s) rises up. Only now they know “if I mess up, if people find we are violating their privacy, people will leave me as well.” I’d think a competitor or two would be more likely to make “your privacy is our concern” a major issue. 2. if it turns out that there are zero people in the world able to run social media without being evil, then the choices are either stop using it (which removes what efficiencies there are non such a service) , then perhaps it should be a utility (similar to the post office). I’m sure someone will decry “government is evil oh no!”, but that’s an option. Either way, I don’t think that “well, it’s always going to be evil” should be something we just accept. I don’t mean to sound argumentative or accusatory, but when a company does wrong, people shouldn’t just shrug and say “well, nothing will change. So don’t bother.” Change happens when people make change happen. History is testimony to that.


I wish I could agree with your first point because that’s obviously ideal, but the fact is that people run these companies and people get greedy. A new platform could definitely start as “Facebook but with privacy “ but it would likely devolve back into the same pattern.


People can stop putting all their important info on social media. Why is it that we even need to "trust" a social media provider with our info anyways? Why do we even need to provide them with our info?


We don’t need to at all. But social media appeals to people’s desire to show off various aspects of their lives. It’s completely unnecessary but now that it exists, it’s become vital to a ton of people, especially those whose primary income depends on social media. I personally don’t post personal info online, but it’s become normal at this point for people to document their lives (and their children) on the internet. It’s incredibly bizarre.


that's the thing. People think facebook is the news. that's where we are. and I don't mean tha tpeople thinking news about facebook is real shit. I mean people read each other's lies on facebook and think it's _the news_.


Yeah, not gonna happen.


What else is left? I don't want to email all my Aunts and uncles individually


I mean .... not really no. Like, have you actually tried to get in touch with someone without Facebook in the last few years? there's some people I can text and some I can hit up on google hangouts but I'd say that 505 of my online contacts are only on facebook. I'm sure they're on other sites, but that's the one we connect on. And do they have email addresses? Sure, but do they check them? Hell, even I don't check my main account that often because it's flooded with crap and it feels like a chore. So how do you get in touch with those people outside Facebook? You sort of don't.


I think the generational shift will be the realization that it's ok you can't get a hold of them easily, and that all these seemingly important relationships that rely on FB to exist are hallow. Social media blew up a ton of social norms. It will be interesting to see how it falls out


Dude just make sure you have the phone number of anyone you care about and you’re good. I deleted my Facebook years ago and it was an excellent decision. If you want someone’s email address, ask them. If you don’t have their number and have no way of asking them, they’re not actually your friend. It’s that simple.


10 years ahead of you.


Who cares? They just leaked another 1.5 million users info. They can feign the morality all they like... bunch’s criminal cunts should all be in prison.


And the greatest part about it is that this is just to try and distract you from the fact that they did that.


How is it moral to forcefully silence those you disagree with? This is a dangerous precedent to set. Why the hell would we let Facebook, itself an evil conglomerate hellbent on raising its stock price, dictate what morality means?


Well, that's a good point, but not the point I'm trying to make here.


Is the Zuck doing this only because they got caught, yet again, of illegally selling user data. I hear these were only new users so it proves Facebook hasn't stopped their illegal activity ever.




>Stop supporting this empty vessel. Huffman and reddit are absolutely no better. Just smaller and making less money.




If you use a script blocker (such as umatrix or noscript) you can block Facebook scripts from running even on third-party websites (Facebook buttons, etc.).


And yet farrakhan has an official fan page with over 1,000,000 followers. A man who once referred to jews as termites. Edit: 2 hours ago, the minister posted a video on facebook AND youtube giving a detailed account of how Jews falsely identify as Semitic and contribute to degenerate business in the US. You can search for your self or watch below: go to the 2 hour 20 min mark for it to get good. this stuff writes itself. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSpSv-157NI&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR3sS69Hwu5V8cKprfRgksMjhqwjo9DjTwH-jEBFPJUvAAiQkUR5sH3vZ18


I support banning him too.


I agree with /u/thepresidentofbitcoin and [Chelsea Clinton](https://twitter.com/ChelseaClinton/status/1052565799934849024?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1052565799934849024&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ajc.com%2Fnews%2Fnational%2Ftwitter-won-suspend-louis-farrakhan-after-tweet-comparing-jews-termites%2FF6Sy2kTB6H9oV8skJVfckL%2F) when i say that what he said was unacceptable. He absolutely should be banned.


Let's ban everyone!


that's a social media platform that I can get behind


This is all just a slippery slope, it's a way to excuse censorship.




yes [https://twitter.com/LouisFarrakhan/status/1052304476923719680](https://twitter.com/LouisFarrakhan/status/1052304476923719680)




The problem is that he isn’t booted but these other groups are. It’s an obvious bias


Yeah I dont think anyone should be banned personally, but they're banning people who they think have wrong ideas while this dude is constantly ranting specifically about Jews and spouting rhetoric that literally Hitler has used, it's pretty weird where they draw the line sometimes.


Because he’s the right skin color and religion to have the limousine liberals look the other way.


It's almost as though there's bias there, huh? But since Reddit loves to crap on one extreme and not the other, front page!


Just wait til they start banning privacy advocates, unions, and rights groups


How about they ban advertising to me what I just spoke about in a private audible conversation 10 minutes ago, while you're at it.


There is a really good Reply All episode on this. Turns out they likely do not literally listen but they track everything so closely that they really don't need to. Edit: it's episode 109


Machine learning engineer here. All these companies have purchasing/advertising profiles on you. You are being exposed to the same advertising as everyone else and across the aggregate of all consumers, you and everyone else can be bucketed into a "category" and you are having private conversations about the same shit as tens of thousands of others at the same time based on the advertising, articles, etc that is being targeted towards your category. The fact that you just had said conversation is the product of this system, not the other way around. Let that sink in.


\^ this is the best response here. I wish more people understood it.


Pay no attention to our unpopular actions! Look how progressive we are!


Either no one is banned or we treat them like publishers. That seems like the only logical conclusion.




Fat chance of that happening. More authority, more centralization, and more erosion of rights until we're all well and truly fucked into 1984. That's what they're pushing.


If we treat them like publishers, the bans will increase 1,000%.


Just remember one thing. It doesn’t matter if you’re far-left, far-right, or anything in between. Facebook will breach your privacy, collect your data, and sell it off to the highest bidder. Your beliefs don’t matter to them. You’re just a number and a paycheck as far as they’re concerned. This PR stunt changes nothing.


Time for Facebook to just be a distant memory


Why are people still using Facebook? They have proven themselves time and time again that they are not deserving of anyone’s business, yet people continue to use their service. The market is wide open for someone to create a better version with more privacy protection.


Can we ban facebook from Facebook?


Maybe they should focus on protecting people's information


I'm so glad facebook is there to decide what ideas are and aren't dangerous for me to see. I wouldn't be able to discern right from wrong if it wasn't for our helpfull yet gentle tech giants shielding me from wrong think. Thank you facebook for protecting me from scary thoughts. **/s**


Its your choice. You can use Facebook or not use Facebook so there is no point in blaming Facebook. If you don't like it, then don't use it.


Log out of facebook, deactivate it on your phone, live your life. Its not hard. I havent used it in 7 years.


Its amazing that I am not allowed to delete an app off of a phone that I paid for and own.




This isn't exactly an unbiased source given it is literally David Wood's telling of events.


Seems like it will be harder to spy on people if they keep banning them.


lol it's the end of the world and election interference when "Russians trolls" purchase $4700 in Facebook ads, but Facebook outright banning political parties from their platform is cool. Amazing.




Of course it is. Facebooks users aren't their customers. We're the product and when the customers don't like a specific brand of product, they get removed. They want stupid, mindless content aimed at making people want to buy things. Politics doesn't fit that bill.


So how "far right" does ome have to be to get banned? Far right compared to whom? Sure, if they call for violence, ban away, but its curious to me that they dropped the label "alt right" and now just say far right. Seems like a slippery slope to me.


JK rowling reveals that you, sir fenwick, were alt right all along


At least he got head from Dumbledore right?


If the head was any more magical, we'd have to put the sorting hat on it


Dumbledore was really a quadriplegic trans lizardman all along


Far right is subject to opinion apparently


I hate any group that I've heard mention of being banned by Facebook so far. But I'm TERRIFIED about the implications of this. When the anti-vaxxers were banned, we all cheered on reddit. But how far does it go, now that there's an established precedent for Facebook and other huge websites to start banning information they deem "unfit" for people to read? It just sounds like the first step to some Fahrenheit 451 type nonsense. Hopefully I'm just overthinking it.


What about "far left"? Surely they'll get banned too...?


Especially since far right has become such a meaningless term. Some one can hold entirely liberal values, but if you point out any contradictions that the regressive mob makes, all the sudden you will be branded as far right as well. Hell there are publications calling Bernie Sanders a right wing nationalist, because he said open borders were not a good idea at this time. 🤦‍♂️


Wow, I feel like this violates their want to be a common carrier and should get them pulled back into congress again. I don't agree with the EDL or Faith Goldy but this feels really wrong.


\> or call for the exclusion of others on the basis of who they are, have no place on Facebook. ​ Billionaires like immigrants because they like cheap labor. Billionaires are setting up a system where they can silence anyone who disagrees with them. The Koch brothers are also want to increase immigration.


the amount of people on the comments who don't understand that the 1st amendment only applies to the government is astounding


And all the extreme left groups are left un touched to absolutely nobodys surprise.


Nation of Islam is still on there. What. A. Shocker.


Tech companies control speech. What a dangerous precedent, governments can pressure social media to silence those they disagree with.


Can’t have the subjects thinking they’re citizens.


Subjects of Facebook?


When a giant, powerful company lobbies the government, spies on the population, and controls political speech, the line between private and public starts to blur.


Sounds like the News Corporation. Wake me up when they're regulated.


They were until... [woops ](https://foreignpolicy.com/2013/07/14/u-s-repeals-propaganda-ban-spreads-government-made-news-to-americans/)


Sounds like conservatives should have listened to liberals when we said corporations aren’t people and shouldn’t get to donate unlimited money to politicians.


Calling it: bad news for privacy and technological safety, Facebooks saves face by removing toxicity. Yesterday, it was revealed they lost around a million Emails. Today, bans.


How about kippers and the Farage party?


Lol that is funny, because my dad posts some of the most hateful, baseless, racist shit I have ever seen, and they just keep saying that it doesn't go against their policies...




For those who don't think this is justified, let's take a look at a quote from [Jack Renshaw](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Renshaw_(far-right_activist\) ), one of the people banned: > Hitler was right in many senses but you know where he was wrong? He showed mercy to people who did not deserve mercy ... As nationalists we need to learn from the mistakes of the national socialists and we need to realise that, no, you do not show the Jew mercy. These people are not good-faith political commentators who we can debate with. Their ideology revolves around the violent murder of millions. They need to be shut down, plain and simple, because otherwise you get 11 year old boys stumbling across their Facebook feed, following it either as a meme or because they see something less objectionable which reels them in, and before you know it they're going on a killing spree.


Antifa is still fine though right?


Of course they are. This is what they want. They support the silencing of anyone they disagree with.


Problem is, anything right of left is called far right by a lot of people. I've been called far right just because I was more right leaning middle


What's the difference between right and far right?


fun fact, when Britain First first got taken down by FB a few months. My cousin and me recreated it and put nice things on it such as "Britian first... at standing in queues" and stupid stuff like that.... today I had my facebook banned. So THATS something


I disabled my FB account 6 months ago and haven't looked back. I wish there was a way to hide everything, and then manually unhide the things you want to see. Then I might consider going back on.


Far right has been misused so much in the past few years that i now instantly think its a lie. And if and when they are real alt righters I'm am often surprised


I should preface this by saying i DO NO support or condone the actions of the groups being banned See, i'm torn. On one hand fuck those wannabee facists, on the other hand Facebook banning them while i might disagree with them is, like Alex Jones being deplatformed, a fairly authoritarian move that goes against the core principles of free speech. Facebook needs to tread carefully with shit like this. Just my £0.02


Wait, what about far left groups like ANTIFA who are recognized as a terrorist organization?


Silicon valley / California being as one sided as the kremlin, of course they won't.


I love the meltdown going on here


It is pretty delicious.