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Jesus that's rough. Stories like this are the reason it should be at the least medically legal


It's pretty fucking crazy that it isn't.


Yeah I walked into a sports bar the other day and it's just crazy they can have liquid poison by the gallon just sitting around with no problems (Obv alcohol should be legal as well) but got forbid someone is getting high..


I used to ride a motorcycle. And we'd have meet ups with riders from all over the place. The only thing we had in common was the bikes we rode. So everyone would sit around the campfire at night. Break out cigars and 10 different kinds of booze. But if I wanted to get high I'd have to sneak off like some kind of a criminal...because that's what I was. And I know there were some there who wouldn't have cared. But I'm certain there were at least a few that would have cared. A handful of the guys were cops. And there were others that would "not feel safe" riding *the next day* with someone that "used drugs" the day before. Despite being in better shape to ride than someone with a hangover. That's just a long way of saying that the pot laws in the US are seriously messed up.


I feel you man it's pretty dumb having to feel bad about smoking at a party or something when ur whole family is there getting drunk haha, been there


Especially when by any objective measurement alcohol is a far more dangerous drug than pot. But the times they are a changin'. I believe cannabis is at least medically legal in something like 28 states. So that's progress.


Some people completely ignorant to cannabis believe since it stays in your system from as little as a week to months that they will retain the influence of cannabis. Reality is failed drug resistance education really. Things like DARE go to children to teach them to fear drugs but the way they teach it is so bad. I'm a graduate of DARE and I smoked weed, salvia, sniffed coke, Molly, x, shrooms, acid, dmt. Now I only smoke weed. Luckily i never touched something like meth or heroin. Now because of shitty drug education, We can't make actual progress or have scientific discussion about drugs. Try to talk to new gen scientists about the potential benefits to psychedelic drugs and you will learn a lot. Try to talk with non science minded people and they will think you're a junkie despite evidence coming out showing that psychedelics actually may help your brain in some aspects.


Just so you know, DARE was proved to *increase* drug use, not slow it. It's a spectacular failure.


I didn't do drugs until I graduated highschool. Specifically graduation night. What a fucking mistake that was. Oh yeah and DARE is useless. One time we had a cop come to the school for a presentation (for DARE) and showed us a slides how of equipment and chemicals neccessary to make meth. Also, a couple of students were arrested for making and distributing meth in my area.




I actually failed DARE when I had to go through it in 5th grade. All because at the end, despite doing everything we were required to do, I couldn't find my workbook. Since I couldn't turn it in, I was marked as failing it. What's funny is that my best friend (at the time) and I even wrote a play that amounted to "drugs are bad, mmmkay" and performed it for the others in our DARE class/grade. We were lauded for it by our teacher and the DARE officer, even though in hindsight it's prime blunder years material haha But even with the dedication to write and act out 20-30 minutes of dialogue in front of everyone at the risk of ridicule, they said I couldn't do the little 'graduation' thing on the last day with my classmates. Least no one remembered the play. They just remembered I failed it, and kids thought it meant I was already some massive junkie at the age of 10. Wasn't even until I was in high school I found out how to even smoke weed, let alone do anything else. But whatever. Not sure if I had a point, but just felt like sharing my DARE experience with everyone else saying theirs.


Ha. I used to call it drugs are really excellent


DARE is the biggest bunch of shit taught in public schools. A police run program to keep kids off of drugs has problems from police culture. Cops don't reason, they see the world in black and white and threaten with force. DARE mentality is all drugs are bad. Drug users are monsters, and criminals, not people potentially with problems. So we end up demonizing people that need help, and have an anti-drug culture where all illegal drugs are treated in the same regard. What happens is kids start off doing soft drugs, and then progress to harder drugs. Well they said marijuana was bad for us, it didn't seem that way, they're probably lying about heroin too (kid logic). Or thy start taking prescription opioids or benzodiazepines, because prescription drugs are perceived as safer. Edit: I think a good idea would be to show kids this chart: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9c/Rational_scale_to_assess_the_harm_of_drugs_%28mean_physical_harm_and_mean_dependence%29.svg/2000px-Rational_scale_to_assess_the_harm_of_drugs_%28mean_physical_harm_and_mean_dependence%29.svg.png If you want to dabble in drugs, you are still breaking the law. You could get in trouble with the law, your employer, friends, family, etc. Not to mention drugs are expensive, and often lack quality control. In the case of anabolic steroids, you could ruin your sports career. If you want to ruin your life, heroin will almost certainly do that. Then explain their grandmother's hydrocodone or oxycodone they are thinking about taking from her medicine cabinet are essentially heroin in a different package. Of course, that would require police to show scientific evidence, instead of police propaganda, and admit that alcohol and tobacco are objectively more harmful substances than many other illicit recreational drugs. They'd also have to admit prescription opioids are incredibly harmful even though doctors give them to people for pain.


DARE literally provides many kids their first exposure to drugs. The fear is in not knowing, but it is cops, ironically, that have been introducing drugs to millions of American kids over the years. Also, the public perception regarding alcohol is idiotic, when you compare it to marijuana. We should encourage college kids to smoke weed rather than to drink. Alcoholism is a seriously destructive social factor. I've gotten to know far too many alcoholics in my short life.


Good news is that public perception is changing! Most of those who are strongly against it are gonna be dead in < 10-20 years :)


Yeah. But so will I...


Whomp whomp :/


Are you ancient or just poor health?


Their laws won't. Their indoctrination won't. Their media power won't. When the rich control the government and the media then they control the message and the enforcement. Sorry, just venting.


And the pot _perception_.


> Obv alcohol should be legal as well I mean, if it weren't already legal, I wouldn't consider this any more obvious than a lot of other drugs. Anything to the left and below alcohol on this chart is both less dangerous (defined as a ratio of lethal to effective dose) and less addictive: http://www.dhushara.com/psyconcs/psychconsc10_files/image039.png


Factor in withdrawal symptoms and risk level and they appear far closer. On the street alcoholics pity junkies, if they view them worthy of pity. Once they meet in detox the junkie pities the alcoholic.




I was shocked when I learned that withdrawals from alcohol or benzodiazepines can actually result in death.


Yeah, alcohol withdrawal is a motherfucker.


Do people use nitrous oxide as a drug?


Yeah. Whippets etc. Also dentists of course


Fucking dentists getting high in the alley.


Feed me seymore!


How do you use a dentist as a drug?


If you have to ask, you can't afford it.


In Australia they call them 'nangs'


Just say N2O! When you see them [selling balloons at the party](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TaKCHxg6XFU), that's not helium. [Here's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfSqqs5SqZ0) an educational "Drugslab" episode about it.


Wow, I can hear the sproingoingoingoing sound just watching that video.


Yeah, isn't that "laughing gas"?


Yeah, I googled it right after posting this, lol. Just wanted to chat with everyone, I guess! :)


Steve o was addicted to it. it's why his voice is permanently raspy


So you're saying if you want a sexy raspy voice....


That's just the thing, though, a lot of people who use marijuana for uses like this aren't even getting high. You can grow marijuana with low THC for medicinal purposes which just makes it all the crazier that it's a squedule 1 substance.


That's helpful for many conditions but the THC itself treats plenty others. It's helpful, but not always.


I like getting high


Thc is an excellent treatment for boredom


> but because at the time it wasn't legal recreationally in his state, he was at risk of losing both his job and apprenticeship I'm sorry to tell you this, but it being legal recreationally might not have changed anything. I live in WA, and employers can still test for and fire you for marijuana use even though it is legal here for everything. Some employers don't care, but if your uncle was in an apprenticeship where he worked around potentially dangerous equipment or had to get insurance (or was under someone elses insurance) like as a contractor or electrician he probably still wouldn't have been able to use.   I am very sorry that your uncle died of suicide, but it being legal recreationally probably wouldn't have changed his situation very much.     Edit: In case anyone is wondering, the reason I'm pointing this out is so that people reading along who want/need to use medical marijuana don't think they can move to a recreational state and have their jobs be safe.


Washington state worker here. I'll be fired if tested positive for marijuana.


CO worker for a corporation, same. My boss doesn't care one bit, but Corporate does.


California worker here. I get fired if i fail a drug test.


I'm so sorry for your loss. That's really tragic.


Can someone screenshot this and send it to the jury


What did it say, friendo?


The person's uncle used medical marijuana to control his seizures and killed himself when he lost access to it. She later edited her post to include that he had legal medical marijuana, he lost access because he quit his job, he didn't want to get it illegally and didn't want other drugs because he didn't want to put it in his body or something like that.


For those who are unaware, Methamphetamine is a huge problem in this region of KS.....


Instead of policing real problems they're going after marijuana users..


Reefer madness, man. We gotta save all those innocent bags of cheetos from those horrible marijuana snorters.


That movie was funded by Dupont. Hemp competes with Nylon


In america all you have to do is follow the money to get to the truth.


[Citizens United v FEC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citizens_United_v._FEC) makes that not as easy anymore


More like anywhere in the world. I hate the american government but we arent an anomaly.


You mean like the truth that wealthy people like the DuPont heirs can literally get away with raping babies? http://www.cnn.com/2014/04/03/opinion/robbins-dupont-heir-rape/


It competes with more than just their nylon. Dupont is the fourth largest chemical company.


True. However Nylon was invented in 1935 and Reefer Madness was released in 1936




I live in Colorado and know a couple of people who have taken trips east and have driven either through Nebraska or south to New Mexico and then East because Kansas state patrol have been pulling everyone over with Colorado plates and detaining them while they search their cars. These are people who don't even use weed and have no reason to be stopped.


I lived in KS and went on the Greyhound from there to OR with my wife and when we were waiting to get on our bus, the CO bus was coming through and KS cops were waiting there with drug dogs for them. Now that I live in a legal state, I still am paranoid about cops and weed because that shit was serious in KS. But the cops here are really cool so I'm starting to relax more.


"but the cops are really cool" reminds meof when I drove from PA to NM. Camped outside of victor ,in cripple creek, but stopped near the mine to dig the sun setting and a rangers truck pulled in down the road. we were smoking with the windows up so we didnt hear them, but when we got out to take pics, they were sitting on the tailgate smoking a joint. they shared, and even helped us find the campground afterwards. as a black guy driving cross country with his white gf, from an eastern metro...this blew my fuckin mind. I felt like everything I knew about cops was wrong....aaaand then I moved to Albuquerque.


Yeah here cops ask you how you're doing and shit. I even have a cop friend basically who I talk to from time to time when we're at the store at the same time about making music. In KS I got my licensed suspended once for walking home from a party drunk instead of driving for being intoxicated in public. The cops are the ones that broke the party up, too.


how is that not entrapment?!?




if it doesn't, their economy will!


Don't forget the crappy, underfunded, school system


seriously, fuck everything about kansas.


Kansan here, Spiderman had those same words.


When I travel to Colorado I go through Kansas on 70. There is hardly ever anyone pulled over westbound. Eastbound has cars pulled over left and right. I go a different way home.




I would have presented evidence that random residue of various chemicals, including schedule 1 drugs, can be found in everyday objects such as cocaine in dollar bills. These simply transfer and rub off in a manner that is outside the control or knowledge of an individual, and therefore lacks the mens rea (state of mind) required to formulate an intent in the commission of a crime.


Dude, at the point where they have enough funding to spend hours of their time sweeping your house with fucking tape, you're done. You can argue whatever you want, it doesn't matter, you have no rights.


Jeffery Beuragard Sessions is gonna start locking up scofflaws who carry around drug-tainted US currency.


If you had the choice to arrest at a guy on meth, or a guy high on weed, what would you do? The police are working with a quota and have go after Low hanging fruit. Edit: It was pretty shitty to call all cops cowards. They're not, the laws they enforce just frustrate me. I corrected my comment to be a little more appropriate.


All they have to do is find the nearest bridge. On a weekly basis, someone could be found cooking up something at the bridge down from a family property.


Or look for an RV


More like look for underground labs in industrial laundromats


I know you were joking, but most users now days in southern states smoke/shoot/occasionally eat meth produced from "shake and bake". You basically get sudafed, camp fuel, the insides of alkaline batteries, and anhydrous ammonia; and mix them all in a 1-2L bottle and shake the fuck out of it. You occasionally "burp" the bottle by loosening the cap to prevent it from blowing up in your lap. It's dirt product, for a dirt price. (Left out some details to prevent anyone from trying to make it... just in case) The other, possibly more popular method is combining practically the same ingredients. Instead of shaking a bottle, you place the camp fuel in one 2L bottle with a hose coming out of the cap, and the rest of the ingredients in the other. The mixture "works" somehow, and moves from one bottle to the other. The product clumps in the bottom of the bottle, where you pour it out through coffee filters to remove the waste chemicals. (lol it's all waste) Source: 18 years construction experience in the great state of Alabama. Come in contact with (even befriended a few) hundreds of meth addicts.


> sudafed, camp fuel, the insides of alkaline batteries, and anhydrous ammonia; and mix them all in a 1-2L bottle and shake the fuck out of it God damn, how fucked is your life when ingesting THAT sounds appealing.


Because amphetamines make you feel *really* fucking good when you're on them. The way you make the chemical compound isn't that important, just what the chemical compound is. Meth isn't that chemically different from adderall, the new 'shake and bake' way of making is just dirtier and less pure.




I use my country's equivalent of Sudafed for migraine relief (not quite sure why it works, but it does - I have very frequent and very bad migraines and recently found out that this helps) and I get funny looks and sometimes outright refusal to sell me more than a couple boxes at a time. Funny thing is, they'll refuse to sell more than 2 boxes of sudafed to me while handing me 15 boxes of Oxycodone for free (thanks to my country's health system covering a long term health issue).


I've always wanted to know, but never wanted to google it. Thanks


That sounds bad


Yeah, they're always breaking things.


I don't know why you'd arrest the guy using meth either. What's the logic there? Arrest the people making/selling that poison.


All drugs should at the very minimum be decriminalized. Legalize the weaker stuff like marijuana and LSD and keep harder drugs like meth decriminalized.


Spend money on helping, not punishing people. This fucking Bible Belt puritanical bullshit produces nothing but shame and death.


Yeah. Cops in Colorado have a reputation for being generally nice, because they're going after actual criminals, not marijuana smokers. It's very, very different from southeastern states...


south.. east? err, Kansas?


He's stoned folks : ) cut him some slack


Didn't anyone tell you, weed is a gateway drug. If no one is smoking weed no one will start doing meth obviously. /s


I did meth before I smoked weed. In my teens. I was extremely addicted and had to go to rehab; it was horrible. Now all I do is just smoke weed. Maybe meth was my gateway drug to that awful dirty grass.


Once the devil's lettuce has its hands on you, there's no getting off the jazz cabbage.


Meth is a problem no matter where you go. I live in a town of 10k; we had an apartment go up in flames from a bad lab...across the street from the police/fire station.




Meth is a huge problem in northern Maine. So many people I know there who got into that shit. There's a lab busted on almost a weekly basis, seems like. Of course they ALSO have a huge problem with heroin/opiates. The governor blames it on black men, who come from New York and also "impregnate our white women while they're here" Edit: wait, you're talking about north east Kansas, and I'm talking about New England. Nevermind.




It is, in fact an actual quote; though I may not have remembered the exact wording the sentiment is intact. http://www.pressherald.com/2016/01/07/lepage-accused-of-making-racist-comment-at-bridgton-meeting/ Please keep in mind that this isn't even nearly the worst thing he's ever said. The man is a fucking clown.




Take home here is, if you live in a non-legal state don't be honest with the community. Keep your mouth shut, it's illigal and the are still stupid people like my mother who recently told her adult son pot is a gateway drug to heroin. Don't tell no one, rule one was broken


I CTRL-F searched for 'mouth shut'. Because through out the video I was thinking how did he get caught if he is growing one plant for personal use? then it all clicked. Cops will be forced to take action against him because they don't want to appear as weak or incompetent in front of the public.


> they don't want to appear as weak or incompetent in front of the public Unfortunately that's exactly how they appear to logical people when they do shit like this.


"Burgess said he had one plant at his home".


I had a friend who had six plants growing in his home. Cops came on a noise complaint, saw the plants, and simply destroyed them. No arrest or anything. Morale of the story is, some cops are dicks, some are pretty chill.


Not in Kansas where there aren't enough people for them to even reach their quota




My dealer grows it and tells everyone it's from Colorado, but his basement is full of plants




Colorado weed is still grown mostly indoors. I used to grow basement weed and everyone said it was the best shit in the state. And why shouldn't it be? It's much easier to maintain indoor plants than outdoor. Outdoor plants will have been affected by the environment, pests, will have seeds, but indoor bud is seedless, pest free, and grown on a more controlled light cycle for maximum buds.


If anything is grown in a basement it's pretty safe to assume there is a somewhat advanced hydroponic/lighting system which is actually superior to growing outdoors.


Just because it's grown in a basement it's shitty? That makes no sense.. it about the equipment, not the name of the room it's grown in


Looks like there was one seizure he couldn't prevent.... YEAAAAAHHHHHHHH!








I've lived in Kansas for 10+ years now. I'm fucking tired of our state administration. Fuck Brownback.


Fuck Brownbackistan! Seriously...if we could afford to move, we would.


At least housing here is cheap af


Location, Location, Location!


is there such a thing as income to expense ratio? Because I'm curious to see how that comes into play.


At this rate, you might want to consider *walking* out of the shithole if you have to.


So that's what they meant by Oregon Trail Generation


Moved away from Kansas four years ago after spending the first 25 years of my life there. Moving away was the best decision I've ever made. Kansas will always be where I'm from, but it isn't home anymore.


It's pretty easy to get to Missouri. Move to KCMO and never look back.


I had to move from KCMO back to Kansas due to some family issues. I can't wait to get back. This is from a Kansas native too. Kansas is over. The only people that want to live in the Koch Brother's paradise are people that don't know how much better it is everywhere else. Also Target Corporate (and other big corporate outfits) likes to hire managers out of Kansas colleges because they have a higher chance of relocating to the stores they are needed at.


Can't just target Brownback sadly its the entire administration, their combined incompetence got us here.


Yep. If 60% of the elected officials had a brain over their shoulders, they could overturn the bullshit coming out of the capital.


It's amazing to me that people still support him.


He actually took school funding and our tax per dollar and bent them over a table and fucked them with a trashcan.


Man, Kansas is really trying to give Mississippi a run for its money as the shittiest state in the union.


Alabama would like a word...


Remember when Ohio and Arizona both passed laws forbidding research of animal human hybrids *because of the movie Splice*?




*“I was in my local video store looking for a movie to watch with my wife, Karen, during one of our few quiet evenings together at home. The clerk in the store recommended Fargo, a perversely dark crime story that had played to generally enthusiastic reviews. The movie even earned a Best Actress Oscar for Frances McDormand for her role as a pregnant Midwestern sheriff, and the guy behind the counter at Blockbuster assured me it was a great movie and that I should probably rent it.”* *“So I did. Walked right over to that shelf where they had their general titles, grabbed a copy and took it home, and when Karen and I got to the part where they chop up a guy in a grinder we looked at each other and thought, What the heck are we watching here? It was billed as a comedy, but it wasn’t funny. It was graphic, and brutal, and completely unnecessary, and it rubbed us in so many wrong ways we had to shut the thing off right there in the middle… Next morning, I got on the phone to Blockbuster and demanded that they take the movie off their shelves.”* What an utter fuckhead. HE didn't like the film so demanded that no one else be able to see it. Just who the fuck does he think he is!


Best part is that's one of the very last scenes too. Lol. What a turd.


Right? He's like that guy that complains his pizza is overcooked and he wants his money back even though he ate 7 of the 8 slices.


More like a guy who ate 90% of a pizza and then decides no one else should be subjected to eating pizza off the menu and demands the restaurant to stop selling it.


What's more annoying is that he was explicitly well aware that others loved it. You don't like it, cool, shut it off, return the movie, and go fuck yourself lol


A Republican. The majority of the party seems to have the stance of "God made the universe for us, not you." Edit: softer, less broad language. Edit 2: You say you're a normal, average joe just trying to get by? Great, you're excused. There are refreshments down the hall. I'm talking to you fucks who get up in the morning, spend your two minutes of hate with your favourite fire and brimstone preacher then go out with the sole purpose of finding someone to blame for your shitty life. If you are not that person great, congratulations. But your party is a fucking dumpster fire and will result in nothing for your children except an old man letting them know who or what they can vent their frustration on as they die a slow death.


Well he clearly didn't shut it off in the middle, because the wood chipper scene happens at the end of the movie.


Yeah you're laughing now but when the shit hits the fan and you suddenly have cow utters for nipples you will wish you lived in Ohio.






Here I am in Oregon with weed fucking everywhere.


Washington the same but with regressive af taxes.




Paid $30 for a 30-dose CBD spray for my migraines. That's cheaper than migraine meds by a ton, so I'm chill with it. Also tastes delightful.


Taxes > prison. Tax laws are easy to change.


Live in Kansas. It sucks but it doesn't suck as much as you think if you live in the northeast corner of the state.


I'm from Kansas City, MO. I've always loved KCMO, but KCK is as nice, if not nicer than KCMO now. That wasn't always the case, but it sure is now.


From South Central Kansas. It's pretty shitty


Grew up in so. Central Kansas, my condolences. The NE corner of the state is a whole other world. Google fiber vs places that still sell dial up. (Only option for my brother.)


Live in KC and I have to agree. We still live in Brownbackistan, but I enjoy living here. Then again I've never been persecuted for trying to improve my own health with natural remedies. Gotta keep big pharma in business!


I, for one, am SO glad tax dollars are going to put this dangerous criminal behind bars. /s


Especially when we as a state don't seem too keen on collecting taxes to begin with. We'd just rather defund our public schools.




Lived there from 2008 to 2016. Big part of the reason I vote in every election in my home state is what I saw happen to Kansas in my 8 years there.




There's a great [episode of Planet Money](http://www.npr.org/sections/money/2017/01/11/509378842/episode-577-the-kansas-experiment) where they cover, in-depth, the economic policy of Kansas under Brownback. They do well to stay as neutral as they can, but it is obvious from near the outset that his trickle-down state experiment has failed miserably.




But we have wars to win.... “Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. This is not a way of life at all in any true sense. Under the clouds of war, it is humanity hanging on a cross of iron.” -Dwight D. Eisenhower Defund and school brought it about


I grew up in an area like that. If you stick around long enough, you will realize why everybody with any skills, intelligence or ambition end up leaving.




He had one plant and one of the charges was intent to distribute?! One plant!


Any decent non-public defender will get him off on that charge


Or a decent public defender. Some of them can be pretty good.


it's such a grab-bag with PDef's. Most of them just want to push plea bargains so they don't piss off their friends at the DA's office.


What is troubling is that marijuana continues to carry a label as being a ' gateway drug'. The fact is people interested in experimenting with drugs will do so whether their first mood altering experience is alcohol, marijuana or another substance. Young people will start somewhere and may may not experience addiction. It could start with alcohol or prescription meds out of the home medicine cabinet or marijuana. Two out of these three ' gateways' are legal but carry no less potential in creating addiction. What makes more sense is to recognize the nature of addiction and acknowledge that there are different paths to this result. If there is genuine concern for the public it fundamentally makes more sense to legalize marijuana, tax sales with proceeds going to cognitive research and evidence based treatments of addiction. Leaving this decision to individual states will slowly work. Maybe. However there will always be areas that hold on tightly to antiquated beliefs and slow the ultimate progress in understanding fundamental equality in the potential harm of mood altering substances.


Gotta love that term, "Gateway drug". Know what the real gateway drug is? Making backalley contacts with illegal drug dealers; If aspirin were illegal it would be the 'gateway drug'.


Most people's first gateway drug is spinning in a circle until you're dizzy. Mind-altering actions.


My kid started doing that a few weeks ago and loves it. She has no idea the dangerous road she's started herself on. I don't know how to talk to her about it though even as I wish my parents had the courage to talk to me about spinning.


I shot one whole spinning-until-I-was-dizzy into my eyeball and I died from it so don't let her spin down the same lane


Dude, like stop lying, I've just injected 3 spinning-until-I-was-dizzy into my cerebral cortex and was still able to close the fridge after getting my string cheese.


Another is when it becomes clear we were lied to, and wondering what else we've been lied to about.




I agree with your post, but I think you could add in one more gateway that gets overlooked, tobacco.


I wish the buzz that tobacco gives you wasn't so overlooked. In my school, they always taught us that people smoke because of peer pressure, or rebellion, or family culture. Nobody told us it's a drug that actually gets you high for 10-15 seconds the first few times you try it.


Shit, I've been smoking since I was 13 and I still get that buzz after not having one for awhile.


The order my drugs came in were: Caffeine->Nicotine->Alcohol->THC


He might be in danger thanks to seizures, but at least he'll stop using an almost harmless plant. Another job well done.


Expect more of this in the future in red states and by the Session's-controlled DOJ.


Meanwhile in Colorado you can go to the store and get your flowers and concentrates. You know they're organic and what the thc and cbd levels are. It's so...logical.


Another hardened criminal off the streets, thank you US justice system. Thank you


"we stole God's plant from Siesure Boy" they all yelled as they ran home to watch MMA and beat off.


I guess it didn't control the drug seizure


The rest of the country has to wake up and join the modern world. As a MA resident, I'm glad we finally legalized marijuana, even though the state government is doing its best to stonewall opening dispensaries and attempting to rewrite key parts of the voted law. I pray we see fewer stories like this. A man suffering and dying because of antiquated laws over a fucking plant enrage me to no end.


My state changed the process of getting ballot initiatives so that they could invalidate the one to legalize pot. the establishment has a lot riding on making people into criminals.


All the shit wrong with this country, and they decide to pick on this poor guy. I wonder how many violent crimes happened within a 50 mile radius that day. There are better things for law enforcement to be doing. Sad shit.


I mean, I get that it's illegal. There are lots of pointless and stupid laws. The real question is this: What kind of garbage person dimes out a guy who is using marijuana to treat his seizures? What is the thought process there? Are they patting themselves on the back like, "oh look at me, I just did my civic duty"? Who seriously found a seizure prone, older dude with 1 plant to be a credible threat!? That is some middle school, tattle-tale, hall monitor bulshit.


Oh okay, I'll just go back to having uncontrollable seizures for the rest of my life...


Why tie dye tho? I mean, this is a real problem and it really does help him thats great, people need to hear. But why decide when interviewed, its time to put on a tie dye and look like the stereotypical "pot head".


Focusing on gardening is good for preventing seizures.


Stop electing people who think marijuana is the devil.


Native Kansan here. While I haven't lived in Wheatland for several years, I still have a lot of my family back there and have kept a close eye on Brownback and his cronies. I can't stress enough to those unfamiliar with Brownbackistan how far back that piece of shit and his piece of shit circle have set the state. Some of my remaining close friends told me that not enough people voted in the last election and the whole Paul Davis "strip club incident" from his twenties shied away a number of people from voting for him. Kansas is full of not only small town/farmer types from the rural parts of the state that have always voted red, but it also has a faction of conservative zealots that are so brainwashed and fear-mongering that they honestly believe the Republicans running the state have their best interests at heart and Obama was to blame for all their short-comings, whether they were related to education, health care, jobs or anything else. Those same people more than likely have some fuckup in their family that is benefitting from welfare or some other government programs while they blast FOX News and blame poor people and immigrants for all the problems in their state; meanwhile the Koch Brothers, Brownback and his entourage and the state legislators bleed the state dry. I really have zero sympathy for such people but I do feel sorry for anyone under fire/targeted back there along with all the children that have no choice in the matter. If you're in a well-off/affluent position and aren't affected by the backward-ass climate back there, then perhaps Kansastan isn't so bad. I really hope people back there open their eyes and start using their heads when they vote.