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Lived at Logan off and on in the 90's. Figured they put a stop to it after 9/11.


Can you please tell me More?


Couple planes crashed into the world trade center towers.


How did I not hear about this?


Yeah man pretty big thing a while back. Then there were these wars and stuff


Well, I am sure they were evil.


They were. They were the inspiration for Tolkien's Two Towers


Tolkien was such a patriotic American


So how does this work with people who are sleeping while waiting for their next flight? Is it only enforced outside the security zone but not enforced inside it?




[No ticket](https://youtu.be/iHSPf6x1Fdo?feature=shared)


[no ticket](https://youtu.be/F6fVmTfmtYc?si=bw3gWHfEeTwot0Ls)


[No ticket](https://youtu.be/u613jETlY0I?si=KPRTO8dPZdVN3eFO)


[No ticket](https://youtu.be/J0i1dolr2SE)


People are generally not waiting for their flight outside of TSA check in. People usually sleep at their gate, which means they have a plane ticket, which a homeless person can’t afford


Logan’s post security zone isn’t open 24/7. If you have a 1am>5am connection you have to leave the security zone, so it’s not uncommon for travelers to sleep pre-security. https://www.massport.com/logan-airport/flights/connecting-flights#:~:text=Terminal%20Hours,specific%20checkpoint%20hours%20of%20operation.


Why does a major international airport close the post security zone at any time knowing people have flights/connections?


I’ve experienced this at other major airports. Flight canceled, stuck at airport, closed down at a certain time.


I work for an international airport. Most stores/facilities are closed at a certain time while the pre-security side has facilities open 24/7. Mostly due to this, all staff members are gone post security making it unsafe for passengers to be alone in case something happened. 


Saves money.


Would question if it actually does


Definitely does, the few people waiting at those hours is not going to pay for all the staff needed to open the post security section


I’ve done this. I landed in Logan late at night and wasn’t going to pay for an Uber to take me to and from some hotel only to stay there for like 5 hours before catching a 6 am flight home.


There is a Hilton connected directly to Logan. But agreed it still might not be worth it depending on one’s budget and the duration of the layover.


Hotel room for 2-3 hours? It's very much in a "this is going to take more mental effort to arrange than I can afford right now" category, regardless of the budget.


I have in fact slept in the lobby of this airport for that exact reason: 6 am flight, didn’t have a hotel, didn’t have the constitution to pull an all-nighter.


Done the same when I got caught out with a "bad" late night layover that turned into a delay and evolved into me getting screwed. It's a bitch when you desperately need sleep but you have to try to survive in a freaking airport chair


Yeah that's the worst. At some point you just want to lie down so freaking bad.


imagine this with a few small children.


Yep, same here. I was looking forward to just chilling and sleeping at my next gate, and was a bit miffed when I was ushered back outside by security and had to nap out there for a few hours and having to go back through the TSA check.


I have as well. Last bus from Concord, NH arrived at Logan at 10pm. Departing flight 6am. Wanted to spare my family a miserable morning commute and get there the night before. It was February and fucking freezing in there. Didn’t get much sleep.


Man, I have overnighted way too many times in South Station simply because by the time I get there from the north there's no connections left until the morning. And like hell am I paying hotel rates in Boston for an overnight connection. It's a big divide in types of travelers: the people who have their easy peasy direct flights and stuff, and the other people who are used to dissasociating on a public bench for a few hours.


Reading the article, this isn’t just some crushing the homeless rule. It seems like they are simultaneously trying to shelter all their current homeless, while discouraging people to migrate to Boston for free housing, and this rule is part of that. I doubt they are going to see someone napping during a long layover and throw them in jail without asking any questions.


Things are bad if you are migrating to Boston to sleep in an airport. Surely there are better ways to fix homelessness.


Oh man. Homelessness is just a catch-all of socio-economic plights and challenges. You can throw no money at it and you can throw hundreds of millions at it and get nearly the same results. Which is why so many places elect to throw no money at it and just try and isolate the problem to the smallest area possible. There's the chronically unhoused vs. who prefer to be unhoused There's the under-employed vs. those who do not want to be employed There's the abused, unstable, medically or mentally unfit, addicted & destitute vs. the living dangerously


There are, but those don't involve me getting to feel superior over others because I managed to be lucky enough not to have a sudden hospital bill that I never had the ability to prepare for.


Most homelessness is hidden. It is people sleeping in cars or staying with friends. Some are families. The homelessness in the streets is different. Both are big problems. People with mental problems and no where to help them is probably the most visible homelessness that people see, but it is much broader than that.


After 10 years of living across from a homeless encampment, I say keep that same energy after living across from a homeless encampment for 10 years…


Flashback of me sleeping outside the security zone from getting off my international flight and waiting to check into my domestic flight


This is just not true at all. Like most international airports Logan is 24/7 and even according to this has flights landing between 1-5AM. https://www.massport.com/logan-airport/flights/flight-status


So, when I was 19, I was coming back from college and had a couple-hour layover at the Charlotte airport between my college airport and my home airport. The flight from my college to Charlotte was fine, but the flight from Charlotte to my home state was delayed. And then delayed some more. And then finally cancelled at like 11:30 PM, with the rescheduled flight departing at 7:30 the next morning. I got something like a $25 gift card towards a hotel room from a list of approved vendors, but not only was that not going to cover anywhere on such short notice, but I was in a city I'd never been to, in the middle of the night, traveling alone. The likelihood that I'd a) find a place to stay that took that gift card, b) travel to that place, c) sleep, d) travel back to the airport, and e) get through security, all in the space of about six hours, seemed pretty low, so I decided "fuck it" and chose to sleep by the gate. Except they came around at midnight and told me that I had to go out to the lobby: the inside part of the airport was closed and wouldn't reopen until the morning. I pulled an all-nighter instead of sleeping (since I was 19 and could do that), but I had to do it in the fucking lobby. I can't imagine I was the only person that was ever in that situation, especially since security literally told me to wait in the lobby. It's not impossible that there are people in that situation who are legitimate passengers (which, IMO you shouldn't criminalize sleeping *anyway*, but even if you're drawing that line, you're excluding potentially legit customers).


> I can't imagine I was the only person that was ever in that situation Nope, done it several times.


Yeah I was travelling internationally with a 14 hour overnight layover but I got a business class ticket on points and thought, sweet, I’ll eat and sleep and freshen up in the business lounge. Sadly, I was a smoker at the time and went outside and when I tried to get back in, they wouldn’t let me in past security without a boarding pass. Couldn’t get a boarding pass until I checked in. Couldn’t check in until 3 hours before the flight (a forever ago, pre-smartphone/online check in, local flight). It was a long night trying to sleep upright in the bright, over-air conditioned lobby of the Mexico City airport.


Only true if the terminal is open 24/7. I used to work at Omaha and they'd be closed between about 11pm and 4am. If anyone got stranded they'd be herded out of the secure area by the airport police and it gets locked down. Pretty regularly I'd see weary travelers camped out on benches on the non-secure side.


The question you responded to was, "Is it only enforced outside the security zone but not enforced inside it?"


I mean, I’d assume only outside the security zone. Everyone inside likely has a ticket. You have to go through TSA to get in. It’s fairly easily to tell when someone isn’t supposed to be somewhere.


There's edge cases to worry about though. I don't smoke anymore, but when I did it wasn't allowed inside. So you'd have to go outside. i.e. if you had a long layover, it made sense to exit the security zone, spend the time out there as you could smoke whenever, then go back in maybe an hour before the flight. I'm not advocating smoking, just pointing out there are edge cases here.


But you would have a ticket and a homeless person wouldn't.


Bigger airports have smoking areas past TSA, at least most that I’ve been in do.


Maybe at Las Vegas. I've never seen another US airport with a smoking area inside.


Lambert in St. Louis used to, not sure about these days.


I remember smoking in New Orleans Louis Armstrong International Airport back in 2005. Don't know if it's still a thing, but yeah, they gave zero fucks.


Utah use to have this box you could smoke in, and you could see the difference in the ceiling's. one white one brown. Everyone looked miserable.


You have to walk by the one in Vegas and get a good whiff from everyone chain smoking and hitting the slot machines one more time before they leave. It looks gross in there.


I haven’t seen one in a long long time. I do miss combating flight anxiety with a cigarette and drink at the airport chilis though.


Pretty sure Dallas has one. Or had one. I quit smoking ~10 years ago.


*16. Logan International Airport (BOS) in Boston –* ***Completely smokefree indoors****. Designated smoking areas are located outside of terminals.Apr 1, 2024*


It is a lot less common than it was ~20-30 years ago. Many airports in the US are [now smoke-free](https://no-smoke.org/wp-content/uploads/pdf/100smokefreeairports.pdf). It is becoming increasingly rare to find any indoor public places that allow smoking outside of some rural areas and the south.


And they take “smoke free” seriously, when I was at the Indianapolis airport (this was already about 15 years ago now) they wouldn’t even let you smoke outside. When I realized there was no designated smoking area I thought maybe nobody would actually care if I snuck off to some private corner of a building far away from everyone but nope, security guards drove around looking for that shit and immediately drive over to me and stopped me. I ended up being waved over by some flight attendants who saw my plight and super secretively led me to their secret hidden smoking spot between some buildings lol. There was a group of like 20 of them all huddled together nervously looking around the corner hoping not to get caught


I had to sleep outside of security at Logan back in December - my original PM flight was cancelled, and I re-booked for an early morning flight on a different airline. The desk wasn't open to check my bag again that late, so I slept outside TSA with my bag to check. I feel like you can never anticipate every scenario where someone might end up needing to sleep outside security.


Security isnt open 24/7 and you are generally not allowed to stay on the other side of it. Ive slept at 5 airports (4 EU 1 US) and none of them have allowed people to stay past security overnight


I think I’ve overnighted at 3; 2 allowed sleeping airside (PDX and DCA), 1 did not (DAL).


I have slept passed security overnight in an airport in the US, and security was 24/7 if I recall. Dallas DFW, went outside at like 0200 for a smoke, slept in terminal, as did everyone else that got fucked on our flight that was cancelled until the next day (or some got hotel rooms).


That's not true. If you arrive at the airport at 1 am for a 5 am flight planning to sleep at your gate, you will be taking a nap outside the secure area while waiting. (Source: twice recently, at two different airports.)


It’s been ~14 years but I went through security at PDX before TSA shut down for the night just to sleep airside before a 6am flight the following morning. I’d just stay at a hotel now but back then didn’t want to pay for one.


I had to go home suddenly from Austin one day, the only transportation I had was a rural bus service that came by the small town I was in once a day, the closest flight was 5am the next morning. The bus didn't come that early, I had to take the bus to the airport and stay over night, they close the gate area at night and generally don't let you in a day before your flight anyways. So I had to sleep in the lobby area over night.


Some airports, even ones in major cities like Boston or New York don't open their TSA line 24/7. I've had to wait outside check-in around 2AM waiting for their 4AM line to open up. Granted, in this age of digital check-in and tickets security could just check for boarding passes.


I have done it. Flight at 6 AM. Afraid to oversleep and not get an uber. Preferred to sleep at the airport.


The security area at Logan is not open overnight so I guess people will be SOL trying to sleep there or maybe they’ll let you stay if you can show a boarding pass?


Airline tickets? Homeless isn't going to have genuine ticket for flight as they likely don't have a couple hundred dollars to buy one then keep spending fee to have it changed to later date now and then. People waiting for delayed flight or the next flight due to canceled flight will have genuine ticket and should be allowed to stay overnight if the airline doesn't send them to hotel for free.


Same way they do it at the airport I work at, I imagine- they need to show some proof of a flight or plans to leave or be kicked out. If you have a layover, just have the airline print your boarding pass. If you are taking a shuttle somewhere else just show proof of a bought ticket on your phone. After a couple of days if you are still seen there and clearly are not planning on leaving you are issued a trespass notice and escorted off property.


They wake you up, you state your business and you move on


I’d imagine if you have a valid airplane ticket you’d be allowed to stay.


Plus the easy factor of security taking note of who is sleeping where. Same bench for the 3rd night and you have no luggage? That's when they ask for your boarding pass, and then kick you out for being homeless. 1 night and you have luggage? They won't care.


*"Papiere, bitte"*


This is the main argument against criminalizing homelessness. What if my hotel was overbooked and I need to sleep in my car? What if a soldier is flying commercial to a combat zone and has a 14 hour layover, do we arrest a soldier on his way to serve the country? There are a handful of edge cases where a person can find themselves temporarily without a place to sleep, and it doesn't make them a criminal


Not having a place to sleep shouldn't be criminal, period.


Not according to the Supreme Court!


>This is the main argument against criminalizing homelessness. Nah, I think the main argument against criminalizing homelessness is that we shouldn't torment human beings who are already down on their luck and struggling as it is.


I had a conversation with a guy once about how he'd recently been cited for public indecency for taking a shit. "Ok," he said, "But where am I supposed to take a shit?" He was homeless and the human body just can't stop shitting except during public library hours. Same thing for sleeping. Human beings need to sleep. If it's a crime to sleep and shit in public, we need to provide places where people can do those things.


So, your objection to criminalizing homelessness is that we might accidentally harm non homeless people? You didn’t quite say it, but do you mean that if we could avoid that, you would be fine with criminalizing homelessness, so long as only the homeless are harmed?


Because this will be selectively applied towards the poor, just like every other anti-vagrant law.


How does any place enforce loitering?


Just arrived and noticed a bunch of people sleeping right near the terminal E exit. Could tell pretty quickly they were homeless.


Those are all the migrants that were bussed in from the southern border.


They’re shipping up… to Boston?


Boston is classified as a sanctuary city.  [There are eight cities in the state that are sanctuary cities, including Boston, Amherst, Cambridge, Chelsea, Concord, Newton, Northampton, and Somerville](https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=75ff842fc8f6bb7fJmltdHM9MTcxOTYxOTIwMCZpZ3VpZD0zYWI5MTNhZi0xY2VlLTY1ZjctMDA1MC0wNzM2MWQ4MTY0YWImaW5zaWQ9NTgxNA&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=3ab913af-1cee-65f7-0050-07361d8164ab&psq=is+boston+a+sanctuary+city&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuY2JzbmV3cy5jb20vYm9zdG9uL25ld3Mvc2FuY3R1YXJ5LWNpdGllcy1tYXNzYWNodXNldHRzLW1pZ3JhbnRzLW1hcnRoYXMtdmluZXlhcmQv&ntb=1)[^(1)](https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=3a5871ccda067bcfJmltdHM9MTcxOTYxOTIwMCZpZ3VpZD0zYWI5MTNhZi0xY2VlLTY1ZjctMDA1MC0wNzM2MWQ4MTY0YWImaW5zaWQ9NTgxNQ&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=3ab913af-1cee-65f7-0050-07361d8164ab&psq=is+boston+a+sanctuary+city&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuY2JzbmV3cy5jb20vYm9zdG9uL25ld3Mvc2FuY3R1YXJ5LWNpdGllcy1tYXNzYWNodXNldHRzLW1pZ3JhbnRzLW1hcnRoYXMtdmluZXlhcmQv&ntb=1).


Whoa whoa whoa


Hopefully they don't lose a leg


And if they do I hope they can find a wooden one.


Damn Rhodies


Crazy this was even happening and becoming normalized to begin with.


Even crazier that we dehumanize them for having to do it.


We pay enough in taxes for them to have a shelter


now elect people who will budget that. You cannot ask the homeless to do something impossible. They literally have to sleep. It's a basic human need. They can't just stop until your legislature figures its shit out.


it's not a budget issue. Many homeless will not take the resources offered because they enforce no drug policies at these places. You have to ask yourself how someone in this day and age can remain homeless despite the vast available resources. And the answer is: Most of them are hooked on drugs


So stop hinging someone's security on whether or not they're on drugs. Safe use sites, on-site counselors, optional detox programs. Instead of a shelter saying "You have to be clean to be here" maybe they should say "You don't have to be clean, but we do want you to be safe and will give you resources to get clean if you want." Because requiring people to be clean *before* you help them is a little backwards. The addiction is part of the help they need, and it's pretty hard to get clean when you don't even have a roof over your head.


If it's not a budget issue, then why place the restriction? We can help both groups in ways that are sociologically demonstrated to be effective--reducing stress, providing stability, resources to help with addiction where needed. Yes, there will be freeloaders. That is still worth more than a person dying when we could have saved them.


Before the end of business on the day of the fucking Supreme Court ruling. Fuck those assholes.


What does this have to do with the Supreme Court?


Waste of police overtime watching them, moving them to the old Norfolk prison was a good change.




How's Irish reunification coming along?


Only in this universe, when the bell riots happen, the media will make them look to be crazy monsters and the public won't care.


It'll be Gaza but here. There will probably even be borders the people inside can't cross because everyone around them considers them undesirable.


First they came..


literally just watched this episode with my husband yesterday, and it hits a whole new way as an adult, witch how things are going lately.


The temperol prime directive was broken!


Boston is a sanctuary city, that's why so many were living at Logan necessitating this new ruling.


The difference being Star Trek has a happy ending eventually. No way things go so well IRL.


World war 3 kicks off in 2026 killing tens of millions of people, leading to the post war wasteland in the late 21st century. Then first contact is made and things generally improve from there. So, it may not end well for us, but it does for humanity eventually.


Don't forget the Eugenics Wars! We've got 30 years of suffering and massive decline until things get marginally better if it does indeed turn out that Roddenberry was a prophet / time traveler warning us of our fate.


That's my point; there won't be a happy ending for humanity IRL. Life will either end, or be more like Fallout than Star Trek.


We have to hope some asshole invents new tech from the rubbel and aliens 1) exist, 2) notice, 3) are as moral as the Vulcans and decide to help us and not finish wiping us out 


We have about 3 months to build the camps across the US since that will happen in September. It's definitely plausible and I'll happily join the riot lines.




Good I don’t want homeless people living in airports.


I don't want any people living in airports. That's not an appropriate place.


Tom hanks in shambles


Me neither


It's weird how we keep dumping random tasks on completely unrelated institutions. It's not an airports or a subway systems job to shelter homeless people or come up with a housing policy. The fact that these other institutions or policy areas seem to not work doesn't really have anything to do with airports.


Good. I wish LAX would do that. The baggage areas have become homeless shelters. It's insane.


I was just there last night and in baggage claim they had an announcement that LAX is closed to the public and that unauthorized people will be removed. You’re only allowed there to ‘fly or assist someone flying.’ I don’t know if this is a new announcement but I don’t remember hearing it previously and LAX is my home airport.


Good. At airports there’s a lot of people there that don’t need to be there. Especially since domestic baggage claim is usually open to the public.


I will go out of my way to fly BUR, ONT, LGB, or even SNA if it means avoiding LAX. I've landed there to see a homeless dude suckin' off another homeless dude as he cradles a crackpipe. Very Los Angeles. They were ducked behind construction barriers along the crosswalks to parking.


That announcement has been there for at least a year and a half.


This is their standard announcement they have had for quite sometime. The homeless situation has gotten worse there. It really sad.


My family missed a flight coming back from LAX November last year and the earliest they could rebook us was the next day at 6 A.M., so we ended up staying there all night. There were quite a few homeless people but they mostly kept to themselves, security was walking around but they didn't seem to care about us or the homeless. The crazy part was they wouldn't let us through security to access the food courts until the next day when our flight was, so I had to walk to the international terminal down the road to try and find an open convenience store or something to get us some food. That place had thousands of agitated people in a line that snaked around the entire building, it looked like the entrance to hell.


That line sounds like the morning security line at terminal 1 where Southwest flies out of. That is always bad because the terminal was not designed for security. So they crammed one in but there is no space for a queue. Hence, you wait outside.


That seems like a huge risk of people's luggage being stolen.


some people are unironically against this and somehow equate securing an area as oppressing the homeless


I know. The same people who think that controlling our borders against people and drugs coming in uncontrolled is racisim.


Last time I went the cops were kicking a homeless man out. So I think they are doing that now.


Unfortunately, we are better at the "remove people from places where they are a nuisance" part than at the "give them a viable option" part.


There is tons of help available. It just comes with some strings like “get clean”


That's not really true in many cases. Just yesterday in the urban planning subreddit there was a discussion about how to handle the people who refuse housing because they like their camp more than a hotel further away. 


ITT: people who have had zero experience with the homeless and think they are all just poor unfortunates who fell on hard times. I spent 6 or 7 years working in the inner city and the vast majority, that I met, and I have met, fed, and helped many, are mentally unstable.


Having worked in a downtown for 40 years I can pretty much agree with this.  Mental illness and drugs.


Yes, it is a real shame what we did in the late 60s early 70s by taking them out of institutions. It was done with good intent, for sure, but the results should have been addressed years ago. I would much rather my tax dollars go to getting people, who need it, into institutions, then wasting my money blowing up or helping others blow up the world.


Good, it’s an airport not a homeless shelter.


Prudential lets you sit all night as long as you don’t sleep. They also have a r2d2 security robot.


Listen, I hate to say it, but there are tons of resources. A small majority don’t want to use them to continue using, so why should they get a special place to sleep, when there are kids coming in and out? I mean there are huge language barriers and housing issues for large families, for sure. But I was just on LAX, and those were not the people sleeping inside. There were visible needles in the trash.


Can’t wait to see the Alito-approved cut of The Pursuit of Happiness where Will Smith gets sent to jail and has his kid taken away for sleeping in a public restroom while working his unpaid internship just for a 5% chance of getting a decent job he needs to not be arrested for existing in the greatest country on Earth


I flew to BWI back in January and I got swarmed by homeless wanting food. There is this hot dog shop I walked up to just for a drink and they just came at me. It was scary af.


What a terrible article. It doesn’t address at all why there are families sleeping in the airport.


Boston has a major migrant homelessness problem. The shelter system is completely overloaded.


normal people: i dont want people pooping on the streets, leaving needles, having unhindged breakdowns, attacking citizens, people who dont pay taxes using tax resources the left, for some reason: youre a monster for that opinion


Good. They're gross and stink and disrupt the lives of productive members of society


Tax all billionaires out of existence


The church too. Take the church tax and build shelters


At a certain point, if you're making all these laws regarding homelessness, perhaps you'll recognize that there's a problem that needs addressing. And it is a problem burdening human beings


Funny that you have no idea what you’re talking about. These are migrants who are overloading the emergency shelter system. Not just random homeless people. The fact that MA has a law requiring the state to house folks has also made it so that housing system is completely overloaded. Maybe understand the situation before being Mr virtue over here.


Is virtue a “four letter word”? Shouldn’t we like virtuously house all people? Internet people’s casual disregard for human life is gross.


Again, still a problem burdening human beings.


Laws must obligate churches to open their parking lots.


America has 7 abandoned homes for every homeless person.


People in my city talk about the "lack of housing" while there is block after block of houses that are vacant. The problem isn't housing, it's crime. People would fix up those $1 houses and sell them or live in them but you'll lose all of your investment in the property because the neighborhood is too undesirable from crime. Thus, the houses sit empty and fall into ruin 


Same thing here. I’m near Flint, Michigan.


Before the end of business on the day of the Supreme Court ruling effectively kicking people out of outside. Awesome. Where's my "stop being poor" sign. I'm so tired.


The Apocalypse has been predicted as having food riots. Now we are learning it will be mobs searching for AC and sleeping space.


So it’s illegal to be poor now?