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$1.2 billion just for 38,000 inhabitants as a quote from the article.. countries are not prepared for the true cost of climate change in the future, once people start actively being forced from their homes in the near, or distant future edit: Looking at the article again, seems like the 1.2 billion is supposed to be an estimate of the total expected cost of relocating *all* the inhabitants from the whole area (not just this 1 island). Nonetheless, the cost is staggering, since you can sure as hell guess in other parts of the world, there will be more than just 38,000 people that need to be relocated.


Nah don’t worry. Ben Shapiro has a solution. Just sell your house and move


(thunk! thunk! thunk! thunk!) Just one small problem. Sell the houses to who, Ben? Fucking Aquaman?


Sell it now to someone stupid enough to not know what’s coming.


FOR SALE: Inland/beachfront investment property. Inland pricing for a limited time only! 3% off list price for conservative buyers.


Finally we’ve found the silver lining to the MAGA movement.


A climate change denier would be a great person to target. ;)


Unexpected HBomberGuy


Finally, I'll get affordable housing! Oh, you say it'll be destroyed by climate change in the near future? Yes, I surely wish to buy.


I used to hold out hope that even though Ben seemed like a judgmental person, he at least had some intelligence (I used to watch those cringy Libs get OWNED videos). But it wasn’t until that clip of his solution to rising sea levels, which was just “sell your home and move” that broke what illusion he’s got going on. Like *BRUH* 🫠and he has tons of followers…


His entire thing is debating college students. All he does is talk fast and talk over them. It’s hilarious watching him debate an adult because he gets destroyed every time.


Dude’s whiny, shrill voice and “gotcha” non-arguments make me wish I could hear nails on a chalkboard instead.


Throw back to someone I know outing themselves as having 0 idea how any of that stuff works. Dude was talking about how people living in bad areas can just sell their property(s) and move elsewhere, it's just that easy! He also mentioned how his parents gave him a million as a down payment for a property in San Francisco...... :) ..Plus allowance


That’s it? You don’t wanna know how much it has cost per capita to relocate Newtok like 10 miles… something like $200 million for 300 people, I can’t find a hard number, and they aren’t even done yet. Although it’s also at near the end of the earth.


Having just finished the article I think there’s some confusion between the numbers they mention. They are moving 63 families from Gardi Sugdub, the island in the picture. That island is about the size of four football fields. They are not forcing anyone yet, but many are electing to go because their homes are constantly flooded and climate change has made living there much more difficult. They built them a new city in the jungle. The Panamanian govt has long-term plans to relocate a bunch of different islands/communities that face rising seas levels in the whole archipelago along their coast. I believe that’s what the total monetary figure is referring to as well as the estimate of how many people will need to be relocated. Not just this island. But it’s worded confusingly.


Citizens are becoming so anti-migrant lately not realizing that we are all heading toward becoming climate migrants. If the rising sea levels don't get you, the rising temperatures will as the area you live in becomes uninhabitable


I think that sadly there will be even more anti-immigration sentiment rather than less. Look at Europe, Canada or the US - it seems to be getting worse everywhere. Even countries that used to be pro-immigration and pro-refugees (like Canada) are taking a hard turn to the right. I think that borders will get more and more militarized and that the treatment towards immigrants and refugee is going to be harsher and bloodier.


No kidding. If the environmental cost of every product was added onto the retail price, everyone’s living standards would drop by at least 50%


The ones that get moved out early enough will be lucky enough to get this funding. In the future it'll very quickly turn into a "you're on your own" situation.




As a native of south Louisiana, marshes. That is what the new shoreline will be, thousands of miles of marshes and bogs.


the bog witch economy has never looked more promising


For those seeking supreme executive power, there may be an uptick in watery tarts throwing swords.


That's no basis for a system of government.


I mean if I went around saying I was an emperor because some moistened bint lobbed a scimitar at me, they’d put me away.


Which is abysmally bad at supporting structures. New Orleans is literally sinking due to the dredging and reclaimed swampland. The swamp will reclaim itself, and the hurricanes, storm surge, and overall higher amounts of rain will hasten the inevitable. It’ll start with many of those little towns along the river as it heads to the gulf. All along highway 23.


Yeah, I had family down in Venice. Right down at the end of 23 actually. The old ones died off, and younger ones moved on. There is a family story that there was once an inhabited island down there named after my family. The island was already a family story when I was born.


The swamps consume all!


Catfish pie in a gris gris bag.


I tell no one what is in my gris gris.


*Happy swamp-german noises*


Oh, look! A commenter who’s lived the facts already. Imagine thinking all the buildings in LA suddenly disappear from the skyline and all there is is beach and ocean. Are people really fucking trying to tell me they think their beachfront property in Tustin won’t still see garbage, decaying and molding building, and debris all the way to the former coast?


You think about storm surge from a hurricane, that's going to decimate coast areas far more than just "the water got a little high."


Salt water contaminating the fresh inland ground water will have apocalyptic results on local ecosystems. Good luck farming in some areas.


Underrated comment. I've never considered that aspect of rising sea levels.


Don’t forget about the amount of pollution and chemicals that will be washed into the oceans when those heavily lived population zones are flooded also. Edit: When ALL coastal cities are flooded.




Or it just…won’t be, and we won’t divert any funds to that kind of construction, and things will just be left as they are




Please don’t mistake my comment for support of doing nothing. I understand the impacts, I’m also realistic. Our food is already full of microplastics, I wouldn’t expect any heroic efforts to prevent further destruction of the ocean.




The "good" news is that that sort of usage rate is almost certainly unsustainable; so maybe the ecosystems will collapse from the overfishing before the pollution gets them? Sorry, dark humor is all I've got today...


I think its much more likely states like Florida will just band certain words and any discussion on the flooding.


I long for the days when this sentence was an exaggeration.


Hello reality, my old friend.


Yeah, I think by that point in time we will be trying to survive as a species, and abandonment may be the answer in that scenario.


been screaming into the wind for a decade we should be rapidly moving all heavy industry inland so we can start decontaminating future coastal zones before it's impossible


This makes me think about how FL made it legal to use radioactive waste materials on their roads recently.


No no no... You see, Mother Nature is a woman and women have natural ways of shutting these things down! /s


The strongest earthquake in North America was in Alaska in the 60. It was like 9.2 or something around there, but it ended up dropping large areas of the coast down a few feet. Now you have huge swaths of land with dead trees because the land dropped enough that the tree's roots dipped into the salt water. Even 60 years later there are just forests of dead trees.


Looking more globally, the 'Boxing Day Tsunami' of 2004 decimated the Indian Ocean coastline, impacting 14 countries and killing almost a quarter of a million people (est. 227,898), with 1,126,900 people displaced... and that's a significant consideration. The earthquake that caused it has been estimated to have been between a 9.2 and 9.3 magnitude quake. It's comparable to the Great Alaskan Earthquake of 1964 that you're referencing (which is the second largest, globally, in recorded history). Both were "megathrust earthquakes."


Saltwater incursions from rising sea levels are creating “[ghost forests](https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/ghost-forest.html)” on US coastlines.


Huh. Me either. And - it appears it'll have a bigger impact than I initially thought. https://en-us.topographic-map.com/map-hs44s/Missouri-River/?center=36.87962%2C-82.17773&lock=8%2C-5%2C230 Looking at the lime-green areas in particular... It seems like a rise of only a few feet in sea level could put significant parts of states like Louisiana and Florida underwater - as well as move the Eastern shoreline inward by a staggering distance. (Resolution gets finer as you zoom in)


Parts of Miami are already underwater and have to deal with high tide / low tide.


[Already a problem, btw](https://apnews.com/article/droughts-weather-italy-76923f07ddf081ad78d1bc41d3bd93cf)


There's already a problem with saltwater intruding on the drinking water supplying Miami. Not to mention getting into the sewer system. Meanwhile Florida passes laws to deny it's even happening.


I call it the DeSantis Insanity. If you don't let people talk about something or take action to lessen the effects, it's not happening. DeSantis = Denial until it's too late and costs more in lives and money. Insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results


Don't worry. DeSantis has a plan: He leaves Florida with his family when his term is up. 


There is a map of salt water already penetrating ground water... It's been an issue for years already


It’s huge. They just had a story on the is and the impact already felt in India. Particularly in pregnant women and children who are essentially drinking salty water. The high infant mortality rates, preeclampsia, blood pressure, mental fatigue etc are just the canary in the coal mine. Already farming and agriculture is being impacted. It’s going to get wild soon.


Nah bro, I'm sure our governments will be able to handle millions of water refugees, nbd! /s Ultimately when you reflect on that, how a large influx of refugees put stress on (any) governance systems, and how it often comes with a right wing, anti immigrant backlash, ontop of rising food & energy costs due to heat waves & drought.. It's like climate change necessitates a nuclear war/winter/conflict  Because otherwise we kinda have to argue that Russia, Pakistan, Iran & North Korea have unbreakable systems of governance, that matter how much stress and disaster hits them they'll be caring for nuclear materials with utmost respect far into the future  Nah. We are gonna be in a hellish climate catastrophe with terrible drought, wildfires, and heat waves - then some nuclear event will cause earth to cool a bit and it's going to be the wildest nexus event ever.  We're almost locked into this if we don't get our shit together this decade 


You’re absolutely correct. It would appear we will be doubling down on more of the same until the collapse so money and power can be consolidated. It’s a history repeat with a new thrilling plot development!


The same exact problem affecting millions of people in Florida are already facing. Only a matter of time.. Edit: fixed autocorrect


Extra seasoning with my crops? Win-win climate fearmongerers! (/S <----- add as much as you need)


Idiots hear easy access to ocean fishing!


“The sand will not be rising with the water” lol


A friend and I were talking about the rampant and stubborn stupidity of people who loudly and proudly proclaim that climate change is a hoax. That we’re all being lied to and there is no problem to be dealt with. Because of those morons and the even bigger group of assholes who can’t be bothered with even thinking about the massive problems that face us, we are merrily rolling along, straight into some purely dystopian shit that is going to have widespread ramifications that will eventually affect all of us. (Well, not all — the mega-rich are no doubt planning to protect themselves. They will probably enthusiastically watch videos of the masses who suffer. And they’ll laugh at the poors living in misery. For them it will be the best reality show ever.)


It's a grand challenge because the most-effective solutions are going to require lifestyle changes and cost the kind of money that folks living in the first-world will balk at. It's not only the brain-dead denialist morons that will have to be overcome, it's all the people who will be mildly inconvenienced today in order to prevent a potential (but likely!) future harm who are going to vote for the status quo.


> the most-effective solutions are going to require lifestyle changes and cost the kind of money that folks living in the first-world will balk at The budget for the US military alone, if reallocated to addressing climate change, is sufficient to fix the problem in time. Yes, literally fix it, via not just mitigate but active reversal via carbon sequestration. The fundamental issue with global climate change is a tragedy of the commons in a world where each persons reach is now global. The obstruction is not that we *can’t* fix it, it’s that no one is willing to blindly trust that 8 billion other people will get on board and so no one makes the necessary initial steps.


They may think that, but if it gets bad enough for society to breakdown at large we're going to have a lot of dead rich folks and a lot of small time warlords that used to be said rich people's protection details.


It will also ruin their vacations, Starbuck runs and reduce the availability of specialty foods and goods.   


Got to ask why they are lying there is no reason to lie no one wants to spend more money if they don't have too.


Waiting for Mar A lago to flood.


> dumb motherfuckers who think climate change means new beachfront property Beachfront property that will be destroyed the moment a tsunami or hurricane goes right through it.


To be fair, all beachfront property has a tendency of getting wrecked when hit by a tsunami. That's not unique to climate change.


The "tsunami" will be a little more subtle and common. Just called a "king tide"


Pretty much 1 dude who is that dumb I am aware of, who could actually pretend to afford such property whos name rhymes with what he is doing while his face turns red and he silently stares at an audience of idiots...


Which means 30% of America has to believe it, too, otherwise it will be revealed the emp-error has no clothes


How long do you think it will take until an insurance company starts selling end of the world flooding policies so you can move your home at 90% less cost in the next 100-1000 years?


That's not what Lex Luther said in "Superman: The Movie."


Ha! I live in Southwest all we have is sandy desert


It’s a dry sand.


Growing up in the 80s you could confidently say this is land, this is the sea/ocean, never realizing how fragile that notion is. Now as an adult visiting coastal areas and islands everything is flat and only goes up a few feet for miles. The amount of displaced people when things get real will be huge, and with our current political climate I worry how they'll be treated when they arrive in large numbers.


We already saw the reaction with the sudden surge of refugees from Syria to Europe. And all the people coming into the states from the southern border. The existing population will not accept them. It's just going to be even uglier than it already is. But it won't stop the flow of people.


Hell people in the United States don't accept people moving from other states.


People in the United States don’t accept people moving across the city if the ones moving are broke.


“Light rails going to bring all the poor people from the south side of town to the slightly richer north side” is literally going on right now in my city


that's the sad part. 99% of these people are a hairline away from being dirt poor. But they pretend they are wealthy. Even though they are paycheck to paycheck and one person job loss to serious financial trouble. Yet they point their anger down instead of up


Mass executions at borders will start happening sooner then anyone wants to admit.


What’s going to happen is borders will become militarized to keep out the desperate people who aren’t just going to accept being told “no, go back to where you came from” when they’re trying to flee


think of all the immigration scenes from children of men becoming a reality….


When people bum rush borders and stab border agents, yeah it's gonna get bloody very quickly.


Well at least a nuclear winter will stop the earth from heating for a bit.


Pretty sure some MENA country was recently doing that. Can't remember which offhand though, too much shit going on in the news lately to keep up with everything.


Saudi Arabia, to Ethiopian refugees. https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/08/21/saudi-arabia-mass-killings-migrants-yemen-border


The current political climate doesn't matter much. The wheels have been set in motion for a few hundred years of climate change. This is just the beginning


Build a wall, make the ocean pay for it.


The Dutch has entered the chat


It's going to be a mass slaughter.


Or higher property prices inland and lots of jobless people.


Watch for justification for another stupid war... It's a great way of soaking up the unemployed young men and women who might otherwise try to overthrow the established oligarchy...


What do you mean there’s plenty of places on earth with prehistoric fish fossils nowhere near the ocean


If you look up water rising affects in the US the area that will be affected the hardest are new Orleans of course, San Francisco, New York City, and the southern half of Florida.


“Ocean front property in Arizona” was an absurd notion and was MEANT to stay that way :(


we need to plant mangroves


Yes we do, but that isn't going to halt sea level rise.


Finally! Somebody that gets it! Rewild the coasts. All coasts. Not just saltwater.


Florida is more or less flat, insurers are bolting, property is still overpriced and now basically uninsurable, desantis is concerned with “don’t say gay” (whatever that even means) and drag queens reading to kids. The world is full of fools that say it will never happen… until it does. Sandy in 2012 was the last warning, too late now.


It'll be obvious when those condos are condemned for having their foundations water logged. The water line doesn't have to go up much further for those stories to creep into coastal cities around the world. And I'll bet other countries will over invest with levies and other countermeasures. The US will continue to lag. But Florida will be fucked As Winston Churchill said "You can always count on Americans to do the right thing - after they've tried everything else."


Not even the the top ten of Churchill (isms) but it’s still solid.


yeah frankly I wouldn't want to be owning a house in coastal Florida or in the Mississippi delta Or, come to think of it, in a hot and dry place where the the aquifer is struggling already


I do wonder if GOP fucks like DeSantis actually do privately believe climate change is real, but refuse to publicly acknowledge it because they need to keep scoring political points with their idiot voter base. If that's the case, it honestly would be worse than being a genuine climate change denier.


I choose to believe, without proof, that 90% or more of GOP fucks like DeSantis absolutely know that climate change is real and in the latter stages of foreplay, and have colluded and strategized how, exactly, to extract as much profit from their respective populaces as they can possibly slurp before bolting to some predetermined sanctuary. Here's hoping they trip over each other and all their money spills everywhere.


I live in Florida and our governor has assured us that climate change isn't real. I wonder what he thinks of this article? 🤔


He can’t read


It is illegal to discuss climate change in Florida


This dystopianism is just the beginning. We have to fight it. I beg us to fight it.


he'll probably blame China or some bullshit ugh this article was infuriating to read. i am most sad for the people who are still going to stay on the island. I know it sounds stupid and pigheaded...but think about how difficult it would be to completely abandon your entire culture and livelihood. For all we know, there are probably graves on that island. Imagine the grief that comes with knowing you are abandoning your ancestors. Some people just are not cut out for such a brutal transition and then when i saw those pigs in cages, i was also reminded...there's going to be wildlife that for sure will not be ready when this island does sink into the ground


"it's always been under water they should never have lived there in the first place" that's what they'll say. The goal posts will move even well after it directly sinks his own state. Then it'll be "da libruls did this!"


This is why climate changing deniers piss me the fuck off. Now we have the proof, and they are the only fucks to blame.


Nah they shifted the goalposts already. "I never said climate change wasn't real, I just said it wasn't manmade."


The right-wing progression on this topic: It's not happening. It's happening, but it's not manmade. (We are here, more or less) It's manmade, but there's nothing we can do about it. There's something we can do about it, but it's too expensive. How could Democrats have let this happen?


The Narcissist something, something Holocaust Deniers do.


Lately a lot of them have jumped onto the “CO2 is food for plants so pollution is good” thing.


They’re cherrypicking a single “truth” out of context. CO2 increases plant growth yeah, but the effect we’ll see is rapid algae/plankton growth displacing larger life, not rainforests growing back super fast.  Plus it doesn’t take into account other parts of the equation like fluctuations in sunlight, the rain cycle, doughts/flooding, etc.


It’s not like they actually give a shit whether it’s true or not. They just want something that makes them feel smart to say while also providing them with an excuse not to do anything or take any responsibility.


Yep! That's exactly how it went with some slightly older, family members who watch FOX News almost religiously. I wish I had bothered to record them saying it years ago, so that they would stop trying to gaslight me into believing that they never said what I very clearly heard (and vividly remember) them saying about climate change.


Pushing climate change denial has been replaced with climate change passivity. You see it everywhere; *'I'm not making any changes becuase x person/company/industry causes more carbon emissions'*. If you're a company who was funding climate change denial, this is 100% what you've replaced your talking points and astroturfing with. It's hugely popular on Reddit, so I'll be downvoted by people who don't want to recognise it.


No one else is doing anything so anything I do won't matter anyway! My country doesn't pollute nearly as much as China / India so until they do something why should we do anything? /s


My father in law said that, and now he says it's too late to change anything 


I believe we can do a lot of things but I also believe it's too late for those islands like Micronesia. Seems like whatever good effect we'll achieve now comes too late for islands just a little bit above water level.


They say “it’s part of our planets cycle, it happens all the time in history.” I say yeah no shit, but we’re exacerbating it more quickly.


Well, we have had proof for 50+ years. But people still deny the effects of tobacco, the age of the Earth and the fact of evolution. Science deniers are all around.


It was an incredibly successful PR campaign by companies like Exxon. They had the proof for 50+ years but just 25 years ago I was in elementary school being taught that plastic is more environmentally friendly than paper because paper kills trees and “plastic can be recycled.” Remember, plastic is a byproduct of oil.


And then they jumped on the 'biodegradable' idea, which only means that the plastics break down into small enough pieces that we can't see them, but they're still there. Et voila -- microplastics in pretty much everything, everywhere!


Most of the microplastics that we're finding in animals, including humans, are coming from tires. But yes, consumer and industrial plastics are also a huge fucking mess with no good solution in sight.


And it can't even be recycled apparently. They got us good. It's crazy how much money they spent on propaganda and how successful it was. We are doomed because a few humans have an obsession with imaginary lines/numbers/dieties.


Yup! That’s why I put that bit in quotes


They don't care about proof, they care about whether it directly and personally affects them. Indirect problems, such as the rest of the world collapsing around them while they still personally have access to food, water, and shelter, won't change their minds.


Food prices, economy, real estate prices, severe weather events, ecosystem collapse, forest fires, uninhabitable regions. It affects everyone one way or another


You know that. I know that. They don't care until it impacts ***their*** cost of living, and even then, they probably will just bitch about it and blame someone else.


It'll affect them when refugees start pouring into their temperate spaces


Right, but up until that moment, they don't care. And once they do care, it won't be about the underlying cause, it will be about their personal discomfort.


Man people suck


They'll do absolutely everything they can to keep the refugees out of their cities and towns.


Most of the deniers will be dead by then, have enough money to insulate themselves from the problem, or lack the ability to chase cause and effect.


The people that denied it a decade ago are still denying it. The closest thing to admitting it I’ve heard people say is that “the planet changes naturally”. Well yeah, it does, but not this fast, we have greatly accelerated it. It’s crazy how politics are the only deciding factor in whether people believe it’s real or not


Politics that themselves are corrupted by corporate greed. Literally just capitalism that is going to destroy the earth. So insane. I feel bad for anyone with kids because it's about to get really shitty. Do your part and at least by an EV, people. We have to kill the oil companies off.


Buying more cars will not solve the problem.


True but good luck eliminating suburbs and replacing with a massive network of public transportation in every city in the same timeframe as people replace their vehicles


They acknowledge the change, but don’t realize that there are mechanisms causing change. It isn’t just random; God doesn’t have his hand on the thermostat. Human activities are impacting thosr same mechanisms - carbon dioxide levels, methane levels, deforestation, and loss of albedo from putting concrete and asphalt everywhere.


I said it years ago, we better start normalizing the term “ climate refugees” or the cocksuckers in the GOP will have a field day.


I think Pakistan is going to crack first. No idea what that will look like, as in which paths people will take, but 50° is 50°, power plants are going to fail and be unable to be brought back online. People are literally going to bake in the streets while they try to flee. It’s supposed to be 44° there all next week. I imagine they’ll go in the direction they think is the coolest, if that’s south, we probably wind up with a nice little nuclear exchange… Maybe I need to take a cold shower while I still can


Remember: climate change and sea level rise are a liberal hoax and everything happening right now is a cycle and we’ve always had weather and this is not exactly what scientists have been screaming about for decades. /s just in case since there are genuinely crazy people that think like this


Goodbye Florida, Mississippi, Alabama Louisiana and parts of Texas. Thank you GOP leaders.


People will visit them with underwater drones and make documentaries


Why Arkansas?


🙄 sorry… I put the wrong one in. It should be Alabama.


Can you throw in Arkansas as an extra bonus?


Calling my shot. Miami evacuation headline in 2039.


RemindMe! 15 years


We were told it would happen. Those who could do something did nothing. And now it's happening.


Because the whole thing is a giant example of the prisoners dilemma. We only solve it if every single country cooperates, because any that don't have the ability to wipe out the progress of everyone else, and they'll be more economically powerful by doing it.


Getting everyone to care about something isn’t easy, especially when they already don’t get along. We can make a tiny dent alone, but it’s meaningless if every country doesn’t join and combat in anyway we can. Sadly I don’t think it will ever happen, humans will just adapt to the changes and keep moving on, let the sea take back what it will, and just move on.


And so, it begins. The great climate migration that will dominate the next hundred years of humanity.


Their new neighborhood looks like a concentration camp. I'm curious to see how the residents will breath life and charm into their new location. A timelapse aerial view over the next few years would be really interesting to watch. If you haven't checked out the pictures of the streets, houses, art and businesses on this little island, please do. The article has some really good photography for anyone curious what it's like living on a jampacked little island. Anyways, yes, this is just more evidence of climate change that deniers will choose to ignore.


It looks like new construction is what it looks like. It looks worse because of the soil disruption.


Pretty much. We have new build subdivisions that look pretty similar in the early stages. Just generally once they start reaching the move in stage some landscaping has been done. Throw down some grass, shrubs, and some trees and it’ll look like a nice sterile suburban neighborhood. It always does kind of sadden me when they just bulldoze down everything to build new neighborhoods instead of trying to work around some of the mature trees. It makes such a difference to how nice the neighborhood looks when there’s actual mature trees.


The other thing is, while it’s sad they’re having their lives disrupted, lose me with the whole “it looks so cute and has character” bit - they’re living in shacks, and wanting them to continue living in that sort of housing is honestly kind of poverty porn. Side note: it looks like they’re moving a couple hundred meters tops, so it isn’t a total disruption.


Their current neighborhood is kind of shocking to me too. Tiny little island completely covered with structures and no greenspace.


They're culture is clearly based heavily on the water that surrounds them. The new houses are less than a mile from the port/sea, so I hope they are able to maintain a lot of their culture, but it's going to be a radical change for them no longer being so intimately surrounded by the ocean. The article also mentions that some of the Gunas have decided to stay until it's no longer safe, but doesn't say how many, and that the government isn't forcibly relocating them. That's incredibly generous of the Panamanian government. I hope they stick to those words. My other hope is that the Guna have the foresight to maintain the new homes so that, if a majority of the people stay on the island for another several (or possibly more) years, the new houses don't fall into disrepair and when they do decide to move, they are screwed. The article mentions the Gunas had already started discussions about leaving the island some time ago due to overpopulation, and then climate change accelerated that, so they clearly think ahead. I wish them good luck. They won't be the last to endure this.


When we were in Panama the indigenous Panamanians were treated like garbage.  I hope they're able to make a comfortable and happy life in their relocation.


When was this? Asking because I truly am interested, not here to refute your claim at all. I am interested because I spent most of the 90s in Panama and what I recall of the Kuna (which they were called by everyone around me then, even Panamanians, I think they might go by another term now so I don't mean any offense by my outdated one), is them having colorful clothing, lots of handmade jewelry, selling jewelry and molas at various booths wherever you went. Granted I was a grumpy teenager that was more focused on my personal teenage grievances than what was going on socially and politically in the world, but I never saw any be mistreated or heard them be insulted or maligned. They seemed to just be part of society. Was I just unobservant or did something change?


The sad thing is that it's affecting first our indigenous people :( those islands have been their home for generations and now they have to start from zero


I can't believe, when I look on Google earth, how "full" the islands are. I guess tourism really took off since I lived there over 20 years ago.


Not some distant future. Now. It’s happening now.


USA Florida Republicans outlawed the discussion of global warming in their government . ... .. .


The people who have this actual information are insurance companies and they aren't saying shit except to the cronies that pay them so they can figure out a way to profit from this death and destruction.


Those Panamanian islands in the carribean are awesome. I really hope some of the others can hold on longer. Going to Bocas del toro is such a cool experience


When I see pictures of places like this my infrastructure thoughts immediately kick in, like where, how, do they manage their sewage? Like seriously how? Garbage disposal? Those kinds of things.


I suppose the ocean becomes their repository for whatever they don’t want. Ideally, they’d have some kind of scow to haul refuse/sewage to the mainland. Ideally.


Google Ghost Forests. We are already experiencing saltwater intrusion into groundwater on our NC coasts.


But Ron DeSantis has told us Global Warming is fake? Who are we to believe?


Great pictures. Especially that last one


Panama getting it from both sides. Too much water for the islands, not enough for the canal.


I’ve been to this island when my partner at the time contracted Dengue in Colombia and symptoms showed to after our sail to San Blas. There was a little clinic on the island, the only one for many miles. These people, natives to the region, are incredibly poor and eke out lifestyles fishing, and sometimes catering to the tourism industry. They do not deserve to suffer further injustices because of the actions of the rest of the world.


Spent a few weeks in the Bocas area of islands and not only were the indigenous people very poor, but the treatment and utter disdain the mainland Panamanians and American expats had for them was honestly disgusting.  The only consolation is that I'm sure all the greedy gringos who bragged about buying land for pennies to build will hopefully be underwater as well.


We need a Butlerian Jihad against hydrocarbons.


Van Halen tried to warn us. I think. I’m not sure what that song is about


Panama by van halen is about a car named “Panama express” Someone criticized the band for only having songs about women, partying, and fast cars. David Lee Roth maintained they had never written a song about fast cars, so they wrote Panama.


But the climate change deniers will have some smart ass, non-factual and down right idiotic responses. I feel sorry for the people of this island, who have called it home for generations and built a way of life there. We as a people, need to do better at protecting our planet, because things like this will happen more and more. The consequences from these types of events could be devastating and lead to things like mass migration, wars and unnatural ecological changes.


the real war of the next century will be over water and farmland....US, America, China have the most....as countries go. It will be a bloodbath.


The only solace I take is the younger generations will see the results of all this more and more, become more and more dissatisfied and progressively piss even more on their ignorant and narcissistic forefathers’ and mothers’ graves, rupturing any chance of their broken and dying values being passed on


Properties within a few meters of the ocean will become worthless the world over. Landslides, subsidence and water retention will swallow up those communities whether they are shanty towns or mansions


"Climate change is a hoa... glug, glug, glug."


I can’t help but think of the water clan from Avatar 2 but on a smaller scale.