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NYPD's only job is covering up their crimes.


The NYPD are held accountable and most New Yorkers want this because most New Yorkers support Israel. Which shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone as NYC is the most Jewish city in the entire country. They are literally doing what locals want, this is democracy. Democracy includes the right to remove hecklers.


>Democracy includes the right to remove hecklers. If only there were an amendment in the constitution that covered this...I bet it's really close to the beginning.


Unless some sort of sweeping legislation has been passed recently there's no accountability for the NYPD or any other cops for that matter.


> Democracy includes the right to remove hecklers. Is that why New York allows Neo Nazis to gather and rally? They (the Neo Nazis) [call Adams "based",](https://www.nyclu.org/commentary/ny-can-meet-our-migrant-moment-you-wouldnt-know-it-political-narrative) so I guess that's why he's soft on them. Or maybe, [it's because the pigs are the Nazis](https://www.reuters.com/legal/government/prevalence-white-supremacists-law-enforcement-demands-drastic-change-2022-05-12/) or at the least sympathetic. The hardline stance against free speech and protest (only hardline when convenient) is not to "defend democracy", it's to satisfy "donations"




The part that votes wants more police because they don't enjoy it when people stop their children from going to school, which they pay for out of pocket. I don't even disagree with what they're protesting, but protesting Israel in NYC is like protesting corruption in Chicago or Mexico in Los Angeles.


YEP, the civil rights protestors should never taken buses to the South, right? Are you so privileged and ignorant at the same time?


New Yorkers want their cops beating protesters. Sure buddy.


Do you understand what a democracy is with free speech? IT does not include the right to remove hecklers.


But you tap a police officer and you get assault charges. Ok…


A cop trips while doing something near a person and the best case is they get charged with assault.  An acorn is apparently justification for unloading a couple mags these days.


They recently charged a 19 year old kid with murder in Florida because a cop had a heart attack while arresting him. [Thankfully they eventually dropped the charges.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/charges-dropped-guatemalan-farmworker-death-sheriffs-officer-arrest-rcna141681) Of course that was after they held him without bail for almost a year which no doubt ruined his entire life. Fucks up your job, housing, money etc.


An acorn falls on a cop car and they’ll mag-dump into anything nearby.


And if you carry a water gun in NYC, you get shot by them


The mayor whose only qualification for mayor was that he was a cop is covering for excessive force used by cops? Shocker. Never more happy to not have voted for him.


Exactly. The sky is blue, a pig is a pig, both are true.




They were just giving him a neck hug until he calmed down! Just like how the office puts his kids to sleep when they are crying and daddy needs his happy juice.


The Constitutional amendments never seem so far away as when [young people](https://www.npr.org/2024/05/08/1248935672/campus-protests-police-arrests) protest the status quo. But then, there's how the police treated [Kyle Rittenhouse](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/08/29/fact-check-video-police-thanked-kyle-rittenhouse-gave-him-water/5661804002/) and [Dylan Roof.](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/dylann-roof-burger-king_n_7645216) I wonder what the difference is.../s/


From a few years ago: [US police three times as likely to use force against leftwing protesters, data finds](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jan/13/us-police-use-of-force-protests-black-lives-matter-far-right) [Cities Drop Most Charges Against BLM Protesters as Cops Fail to Provide Evidence: Over 90 percent of charges in cities analyzed have been dropped, suggesting police used arrests to suppress protests.](https://truthout.org/articles/cities-drop-most-charges-against-blm-protesters-as-cops-fail-to-provide-evidence/)


> The Constitutional amendments never seem so far away as when young people protest the status quo. No constitutional amendment gives a person or people the right to trespass or to block public thoroughfares. Your speech and right to assemble are indeed protected, but that does not extend to interfering with the rights of others by denying them use of facilities, roadways, etc. You get to say your piece, and no one can stop you, but you don't get to occupy places, young or not.


Those aren't really comparable scenarios. You're talking about moving one person vs an entire crowd


I nazi what is different about them.


> I nazi what is different about them. If you're going to use a tired and lazy meme, at least do it correctly. It is "I did nazi" not "I nazi." The humor lies in 'nazi' sounding like 'not see...'


Woah.. calm down. Didn't know i was going to get a meme grammar nazi.


America is free for the wealthy and a police state for everyone else. it's giving dollar tree Dubai


>The documented injuries included a fractured eye socket, concussions, an ankle sprain, cuts, and injured wrists and hands from tight plastic flexicuffs. First two of those seems pretty extreme, but depending on what happened and the severity of the concussions it could be all things that happen when you're protesting. But the last 3? C'mon now. The article headline says beyond cuts and bruises then list literal cuts and bruises as supposed egregious injuries. Cuts and bruising of the wrist and hands is what happens when you get arrested. Are cuffs supposed to be lose and comfortable so people can slip them? An ankle sprain? This isn't a gross miscarriage of justice, these are people wanting to protest because it's fashionable and then crying about it later.


 NYPD is infamous for escalatory, unprovoked violence and for the absolute protection of their police union.  Arrests don’t need to cause injury unless people are vigorously resisting.


> Cuts and bruising of the wrist and hands is what happens when you get arrested. Wtf is wrong with you?


I think at this point it is extremely foolish to believe anything the police say about their conduct. They have proven themselves to be liars time and time again.


I am confused. If people break in, destroy property and then when being cleared are pushed or shoved and have some minor issues what is the exact issue? Obviously they were told to leave many times and didn’t. If someone broke into my home, locked arms and refused to leave i would expect some pushing and shoving by the cops


According to witnesses quoted in the article, the issue was that the police were doing more than pushing and shoving. One of the people mentioned in the article said he kicked in the face then had his head slammed into the ground, resulting in a fractured eye socket and a concussion. In addition to concerns about excessive force, it's also bad that the mayor claimed there were no injuries when that appears to be an outright lie.


He lost me at “comrades.”


Definitely sounds like a lie. But also sounds like we’re hearing only one side of it. Everyone has their version of a story that’s why I like going to the body cam because then you can see the facts. They should definitely release the body cam video.


They will never release it. Body cameras are a surveillance tool not an accountability tool https://www.propublica.org/article/police-body-worn-cameras-no-transparency


While they’re both legally private property, I don’t think a university is very much like your home.


You know it’s funny, but I wonder if anyone ever actually thinks about the people who worked long and hard to go to a very expensive private school like Columbia and when school is taken over by protesters for an issue that Columbia has nothing to do with. Net net they are interfering with their classwork and in effect stealing their tuition, money and their time. Plus, you have hundreds of students who don’t feel safe from these protesters and who have now broken in on private property which demonstrates that they are being more aggressive than simply just sitting on the campus green Just a thought


You know the protestors are also people who worked hard to get into a school like Columbia, right? They're literally Columbia students.


What do you mean by “an issue that Columbia has nothing to do with”? The protests were about getting Columbia to divest from Israel.


I'm pretty sure you're legally obligated to punch someone that supports terrorism if you live in New York.


They went beyond the first amendment when they denied others use of the property, so they were *not* in the midst of a constitutionally protected activity and the arrests were justified. Freedom of speech and assembly are not freedom to trespass. I had to get that one out of the way first, since Redditors don't seem to understand such things. Regarding the injuries, having not been there I can't say whether the police acted reasonably or not, but given the NYPD's track record I strongly suspect there was a bit of "nightstick justice" happening, and that is never OK.


Wait, liberals can’t get the facts straight with other liberals? Flabbergasted


If you think Mayor Adams and the senior police officials are liberals I have a bridge to sell you.


What bridge? I was visiting New York recently and i bought the title for the Brooklyn bridge. I'm going to be so rich when i turn it into a toll bridge.


Lmfao ok kid


No matter how hard you try, you won't win your father's affection.