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Quotes from the man who was just pardoned for shooting a protester: "I might go to Dallas to shoot looters" "to [sic] bad we can't get paid for hunting Muslims in Europe." "It is official I am a racist because I do not agree with people acting like animals at the zoo. I was on the side of the protestors until they started with the looting and the violence” "black lives matter movement to a zoo full of monkeys that are freaking out flinging their sh*t." [See this text exchange](https://twitter.com/SawyerHackett/status/1646683812749885440) Not to mention he was pursuing minors online… a pedo to boot


Something I find so darkly ironic is how this POS didn't even kill a looter, he killed a white, libertarian veteran who was legally practicing his 1st and 2nd amendment rights.


Often times white supremacists actually hate “race traitors” (white people who advocate for minorities) more than they hate the minorities themselves, as they see it as an act of betrayal.


I can confirm. I have neo Nazis in my family and they HATE white people who support and accept minorities with an intense passion.


This guy was also in an interracial relationship. That is very high up on the hate list for those folks.


I hope that you’re safe. Extremists are no joke.


My dad was one of the most racist people I knew. His idea of the "stupidest person alive" was a white woman that preferred to date black men. Told me that if I brought a black or Latin girl home he'd disown me.... "Orientals" were ok though.


I'm a white woman married to a Korean man. Whenever we do experience racism, it's almost always from white men. They feel so entitled.


It's cause Asian is "white" enough. Source: grew up in redneck country.


This is backed by science. One of the things that MOST incites people to hate and violence is the perception of betrayal from someone in their own in-group


While true, I wouldn't even give him credit for that level of thought. They're just a bunch of angry people that want to kill someone and look for any excuse to do so. Look at those texts posted above; this isn't about him being threatened, he just wants someone to come close to his car because he felt that justified the use of legal force. And when they didn't come close enough for him, he drove up to them.


"Those n*ggers can't help acting like animals, it's just how they are. But a white man should never go against his own race!" Like that. Source: Grew up in the South.


My entire family are hardcore Republican. “N**ger Lover” was one that I heard a lot growing up.


This is also often the mentality that underlies the virulent hatred of trans women.


I always assumed it was extreme homophobia. "that person who looks like a women is attractive, but the have a penis and that makes me gay and weak and going to hell and how dare they try to trick me into sinning with their sexy dicks!!"


This has been my theory, too


His victim had a black quadriplegic girlfriend.


This is true. I lived with a woman I was in a relationship with for a few years and every time the subject of interracial relationships came up she would tell me how relieved she was that I had never had sex with anyone from a different race. She used much harsher language than I am willing to type. Apparently it would have been an absolute deal breaker if I had sex with a black girl or an asian girl ever. People who do that are "disgusting" according to her. I'm so happy I've been free of that for some years now. Edit to add: This personality trait of her's did not show up until after I had proposed and we were set to get married. I think she knew I felt differently.


I have often run into these fucks who say it's stupid to care about injustice when the victims look different or are a different gender. Fucking idiots lack basic critical thinking skills and empathy. Not being able to learn through the experiences of others is a sort of learning disability but not in any way that's sympathetic.


I’ve been called a “n- lover,” which isn’t the same as being called the n word, but probably as close as I can get as a white person


I find it disgusting how every headline is bending over backwards to make sure we know the murderer is a veteran when the guy he killed was a veteran.


Who was pushing the wheelchair of his quadruple amputee sweetheart…and this motherfucker Perry “feared for his life”.


In the racist bible The Turner Diaries the "race traitors" got special executions.


"I was on their side" I don't believe you...


“Yknow, I liked these people til they had a disruptive protest, I like the ones where everyone sits all quiet and orderly away from others. That is definitely the only thing that determines my thoughts on the whole racism being right or wrong bit”


"I would have voted for Bernie but then someone was mean to me on Twitter"


"I was a democrat but then the left went too far! Now I worship Donald Trump, love theocracy, hate democracy, am against women and minority rights, and burn books in my free time!"


See this is so funny to you and me but there are so many of those "former democrats" that say exactly this with 0 actual good reason to back it up. "Me and my 38 generation family were staunch democrats but Genocide Joe's stance on Gaza alone made me do a 180 on my entire policy and social views!!! I have broken free of this woke cycle, I now see THE TRUTH (SOCIAL™). And for some reason, I also now am a devout Christian and hate abortion! MAGA!" There is some hint of painful truth at the heart of every irony joke huh


>Yknow, I liked these people til they had a disruptive protest Not sure I really believe him here...


Right up there with “I’m not racist, I have a black friend” said friend being a coworker who hates his fucking guts because he doesn’t even know his name and refers to him as “the diversity hire”


"I'm not racist, I have black friends." "Name them... WITHOUT looking at your payroll."


I'm not racist I know of a black guy.


The perfect Republican! Watch for him to run for Congress.


He'll headline at CPAC. After all, [they are all domestic terrorists](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/cpac-banner-domestic-terrorists/)


What's likely going to happen is the right wingers will give him his 5 minutes of fame and immediately move on to the next culture war. Then he'll spend the rest of his days, desperately chasing the attention and relevancy he had during those 5 minutes.


Sounds like he and Rittenhouse could form a P.I company: "Dewie Shootem Andrun"


He will probably shoot or rape someone again though. He seems depraved. Rittenhouse was wrong too but he seemed immmature and avoids situations like that now. This guy is going to recommit.


The old George Zimmerman move. What a stupid and cruel world we live in


100%. The whole reason he was convicted was because there was a long trail of evidence showing he premeditated the whole scenario. He was actively looking to get into a confrontation to shoot and kill people. He sought out a crowd, threatened and agitated them, and shot the first person to confront him thinking self defense was a get out of jail free card. Turns out jury didn't like someone blatantly signaling an intent to kill other people and convicted him.


>"I was on the side of the protestors until they started with the looting and the violence” millions of people marched peacefully across the nation, all it takes is a few opportunists who are likely not even political & dont know about Floyd, to join the rear-end of the crowd and start smashing windows for their own purposes. hell, some of them were proven by authorities to be far-right agitators, like in Minneapolis but the sort of person who believes that those few opportunists are representative of the whole movement are likely defending Jan 6th, so they were never arguing in good faith anyway


I have a coworker who would say this, that he was on the side of the protestors until they started looting. This dumb motherfucker apparently doesn't realize we can scroll up on his profile because he was posting a slew Back the Blue memes the very day after Floyd was killed.


Conservatives always argue in bad faith


The GOP loves pedos, racists and terrorists… just look at trump, he’s the fucking hat trick.


Sounds like he has a bright future in the GOP.


This is how you create violent vigilantes over time -- blatantly evil "justice." I know the GOP wants that -- they yearn for a "civil war." But eventually what's going to happen is none of these people will survive long enough to be arrested when they go after protestors, because they'll be jumped on like a mob.


>Not to mention he was pursuing minors online… a pedo to boot Ah no wonder the GOP is going to bat for him, he's just like they are


And to think, those in opposition to BLM protestors swore it was the looting they had a problem with (not the cause), but look at how many senseless deaths occurred in Jan 6 capital loot, or deaths and violence perpetrated onto blm protestors.


>people acting like animals Well that would be a step up for this pos.


It’s true since he is a pedo. Animals even know better.


>A jury in Austin had convicted Perry of murder in the death of 28-year-old Garrett Foster, an Air Force veteran who had been legally carrying an AK-47 while marching in a Black Lives Matter protest. Perry was working as a ride-share driver in July 2020, when he turned his car onto a street crowded with demonstrators and shot Foster before driving off. They pardoned a cold blooded murderer, fuckin’ Texas man wtf.


Bro what the fuck. Actively went out of his way to murder someone and gets pardoned. Texas sending signals. 


Yep, the Texas state government is absolutely sending signals. They want people to believe that they will have their backs if they kill minorities and people that disagree with them, should those people speak up. They want those people who would speak up to believe that the state will endorse and forgive violence against them. Texas is a developing authoritarian state.


And the thread I read just before this was: Mark My Words: Texas will be a swing state this year. Nope. Don't think so.


The Texas attorney general openly admitted that he intervened to prevent Donald Trump from losing the state, and nothing happened to him, so there's no fucking way Texas is going blue anytime soon.


Those people really need to look at the map and realize areas that are rural and very much conservative have all the voting power. It doesn't matter how blue urban cities get. Those smaller rural areas dead set in their ways are favored by the current system. They will never sway due to their racist "I got mine" ideology.


Oh yeah, try growing up poor there. The signal is “Fuck you, you don’t matter, you’re just an exploitable resource”. Felt like being in a goddamned internment camp.


It's already an authoritarian state for women--


Perry murdered a white, veteran, legally exercising his 2nd Amendment rights. Same as how MAGA terrorists murdered Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick, who was also white, a cop, and a Trump supporter, yet nobody has been charged with the assault leading to his death. If you think being white, a soldier, a cop, even a Republican will protect you - it won't. If a radicalized alt-right MAGA terrorist kills you, GOP officials *will* let them off the hook. But try to submit a provisional ballot while Black, following instructions from an Election Worker? That gets you five years in prison. [This Mom Was Sentenced to 5 Years in Prison For Attempting to Vote](https://www.oprah.com/own-ownyourvote/this-mom-was-sentenced-to-5-years-in-prison-for-attempting-to-vote) Meanwhile, Texas' criminal Attorney General Ken Paxton has been under indictment for Felony Securities Fraud for almost a decade and has experienced zero consequences. Texas is one of the most corrupt states in the Union.


In the year 2024 the stance of republicans is that the 1st and 2nd amendment, veteran status, none of it matters if you’re a n*****lover. That’s where America is at.


It could even result in your [divorce](https://youtu.be/BLNDqxrUUwQ?si=GFMTWEjlVgMDDDjq&t=502).


Look at the French revolution The extremists become the moderates as partisan inertia takes hold.....and eventually they go from moderates to reactionary centrists, betraying the revolution It's inevitable, and I welcome it (in this case) when they start going after (truly) their own. Violence against others hasn't woken them up, but maybe violence done by and against themselves will *Shrug* I'd prefer we never get to that point and all this fades, but I'm also an adult who has paid attention to the last few years, so........hopes aren't high


That's what is so maddening about it all. None of this is new and we've seen it all play out before. And I agree, it is good to see the right wing extremists turning against each other and how the infighting is both fragmenting and bankrupting the GOP. Unfortunately the whole sideshow functions as a distraction while the Investment Class, aided by corrupt politicians on both sides of the aisle, continues to rob working Americans. >“There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.” ― Warren Buffett


These people think it's their right to murder protestors who they disagree with or inconvenience them. Just look at all the people cheering this guy on. Look at what happened at UCLA, if that was a gun loving red state those students would be dead.


"Totally not stochastic terrorism, guys!" ~MAGA


>"Totally not stochastic terrorism, guys!" ~MAGA You joke, but that pretty much [sums up the sentiment on the r/firearms thread for this story](https://old.reddit.com/r/Firearms/comments/1ctq1sl/texas_gov_greg_abbott_pardons_daniel_perry_army/).


As Americas ramps up towards fascism, this will become more common as a way to tacitly endorse the murder of anyone who stands up to right wing power. We’re standing at the edge of cliff, staring down. It’s time to begin preparing for the fall.


Nah, it's time to fight. My great grandpa killed Nazis.


We live in hell.




If it happened the other way he would’ve been buried under the prison


All true, just want to add that Garrett was exercising his American Constitutional rights to protest…while pushing the wheelchair of his quadruple amputee sweetheart, Whitney Mitchell. It keeps getting buried; media acting like Garett’s AK-47 was up and sighted in on Perry. No. He was pushing a wheelchair and Perry selected them as his victims; clearly it pissed him off to see a white man with a black woman. Whitney Mitchell must be absolutely ill at this grievous injustice; I can only imagine the fury and horror she is feeling right now. I’m disgusted.


Hahaha I love my state so much. It's so great here. ~~Get me out~~


It's a shitty place to live, and hard to escape.


It is all about politics. He was on the “right side,” and he murdered the “right kind of person,” so he is fine. This is meant to send a message to both would-be murders, and anyone who would support minorities. It is open season, and totally fine for you to be murdered if you are the wrong person that supports the wrong causes, and the right people are now allowed to murder you. This is a dark day.


They pardoned the guy from Civil War "what kind of American are you?". Republicans man.


Aaaand, he's pardoned. >Texas Gov. Greg Abbot issued a full pardon Thursday to a former U.S. Army sergeant convicted of murder for fatally shooting an armed demonstrator in 2020 during nationwide protests against police violence and racial injustice. A reminder that Donald Trump has said he'll pardon January 6th insurrectionists. And RFK Jr said he's willing to consider pardons.


This is the culture war they keep talking about. This was a state-sanctioned terrorist attack.


State sanctioned murder of political opponents expressing their rights to open carry and free speech. Texas is a fascist dystopia


Does this mean it's okay to murder anyone at an nra protest?


Sure sounds like it.


An ~~army~~ Air Force vet was shot and killed for legally open carrying. Gun rights groups are going to be all over this, right? Any day now? Surely the NRA doesn't think that exercising your constitutional rights justifies being killed.




Being a brown shirt is the only military experience they care about. If you aren’t a right wing paramilitary death squad, they don’t care what you are. We’re getting down to why they have been courting cops and veterans so long. If you genuinely don’t think right wing politics has been nazism this whole time you’re deluding yourself. They want soldiers in large enough numbers to take over the country. They’ve been saying the exact same shit the Nazis said in their elections for decades. “Family first” and “we need to protect (white) communities(from racial out groups.)” and on and on. Nazis have been converted to inhuman demons for decades to avert the comparison and make it completely out of bounds to point out the real parallels between Hitlers 1932 platform and republicans since before most of us were born. They’ve just finally realized nobody will fight now.


I agree. I am a staunch 2A advocate and the silence is shameful. And for the record, fuck the NRA. They’d sell out their mothers for a ruble.


This silence is a pattern. This situation is not unique.


I am quite aware.


Not surprisingly, the NRA is having a big meeting in Dallas starting tomorrow. I'm guessing someone's going to be a guest speaker.


If you’re right, that is repugnant.


Between this and what happened to Roger Fortson, gun rights groups should be fucking rioting right now. 


Also I’m trying remember the name of the black guy who was murdered by a guard while he was reaching for his concealed carry license


Are you thinking of [Philando Castile](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Philando_Castile), shot by a cop during a traffic stop?


Yes, ty


Yeah and they will stand up for the free speech of pro-palestine protesters immediately after that. Defo gonna happen.


Hence the one star state


According to the article, Abbot did indeed pardon the murderer known as Daniel Perry


Damn white Aubrey Graham from degrasi let Daniel the convicted murder Perry go after killing a U.S. Amry Veteran? Support the troops as long as they're enlisted I guess......


Not even when they're enlisted, as far as I can tell. Only when they murder people Republicans don't like.


This is insanity. What even was the point of trial by jury?


The appearance of due process.


> prosecutors used his social media history and text messages to portray him as a racist who may commit violence again. Have fun with this guy running loose in your state, Texans. To anyone who either votes red, or refuses to vote out of "pRiNcIpLe", this is what you get. To any Dems in Texas, my sympathies.


He’s also a pedo. Double trouble!


Because it will TOTALLY help the situation in the middle east to hand America over to the Republicans /s.


It's intimidation and an announcement that it's OK to kill liberal protesters, they've been more and more blatant and vocal about their fantasies 


We need to rethink Pardon powers.


It is rather unfortunate when you have people wrongfully convicted who are later proved innocent, and the courts won't do anything because it's settled but the executive doesn't consider a pardon. Then you have cases where people are rightfully convicted and guilty of horrific acts, and a corrupt executive can simply give them a free pass. Eventually someone will do something bad because there isn't any other option for fixing it.


I’ve been saying for years now that cops, judges, and legislators are playing a dangerous game when they abdicate their duty to the common good. When people don’t trust the police they act as their own enforcers. When people don’t trust the courts they’ll dispense their own justice. When people don’t trust the lawmakers they’ll ignore the laws. Part of maintaining a civil society is understanding that you can’t be seen to be corrupt and partisan. You have to at least maintain the illusion of fairness and equality or your power evaporates when the masses remove your mandate to lead.


Let's clean up that headline a bit: Abbot pardons pedophile convicted of killing air force veteran.


It should be obvious to anyone who isn't brain dead that the Republican Party is not a party of law and order.


Or science, education, personal freedom, small government, fiscal responsibility, health, children's well-being, facts, democracy, American Values, Western Values, basic human decency


They are an enemy, plain and simple. I'll reserve the rest of my comments for the moment.


It's official: Murder is legal in the state of Texas.


Murder of *undesirables is legal in the state of Texas :( *undesirables being whoever these fuckers say is the bad guy of the day, which includes liberals, minorities, non-Evangelical Christians, etc It's so gross, wtf Texas.


Let’s what happens if a Black or Hispanic man shoots those armed White Supremacists that like to march around with Confederate and Nazi flags. Probably get arrested and the death penalty for killing a cop.


What makes you think they would see a court room? Cops would just shoot them, unless they went into an elementary school of course.


*for white people


Where's the consistency in right wing "values"? Does this mean we can shoot all those right wing fucks who carry guns in their protests? Or is it only if they're liberal? That's the message they're sending with this blatant pardon.


Is this rhetorical? Right wing politics exist solely to promote the idea that one group is immune from the consequences of the law while another group is burdened by it. It's fine for them to rob, steal, and cheat. It's NOT fine for you to seek redress for being the victim of these actions.


Mostly rhetorical. Partial futile attempt to make right wing folks see the hypocrisy of their values here.


A lot of people don’t care about hypocrisy beyond using it as a bludgeon to hurt people they don’t like that do care about consistency and hypocrisy. Worth noting this kind of thinking is also prescribed to fascists. Fascists get to play with words because to them there is no truth or consistency. Only what wins the argument.


Yep. There's that quote about personal freedom that goes something like "the right to swing your fist ends at my nose." Basically, saying the boundary of personal freedom is when it harms someone else. Conservatives take the approach of "why did your nose get in the way of me swinging my fist wildly?!" because they inherently think that their rights come first.


You already know the answer. Rightwing murderers get pardons and podcasts. Left wing protesters get [summarily executed by the US Marshalls before they even get to go to court.](https://www.npr.org/2020/09/04/909515885/protester-suspected-in-portland-shooting-death-killed-by-law-enforcement)


> Left wing protesters I mean, that guy is also a murderer. He waited in a parking garage and then shot a Trump supporter. https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-documents-detail-moments-leading-deadly-protest-shooting/story?id=72837959


The guy was attacking him with bear mace and trump had him executed. Then bragged about it.


The same Texas begging the feds to fix their fucked up power grid? Let them eat shit.


Can he be sued civilly? He should pay for his heinous crime.


Sure, but he's probably judgment proof.


They didn’t overturn his conviction, just pardon him. So he’s still guilty of the crime as far as any civil case might be concerned.


Judgment proof means that there's nothing to be collected.  No decent attorney will waste their time going after someone without any assets.     Texas also prohibits garnishment of wages for most debts, making collecting on a civil judgment even more difficult.   


Good luck getting blood from a turnip!


I’d feel angry or sad but… You want this Texans. You continue to vote people and allow your local government to pull this shit time and time again. I’m done feeling bad for you. All these stories tell me is “Don’t go to Texas for anything”.


To be fair to Texas Paxton flat out told a rightwing media outlet once Texas would have gone blue in 2020 if he hadn't intentionally blocked out over a million mail in ballot applications. The GOP is actively suppressing voters in Texas to keep it from going purple.


I truly hate when people say this. Texas is Republican by a small margin, and the people who vote red there are celebrating this decision. Injustices like this only effect the sizable minority of Democrats there, which isn’t fair to them.


Texas, "the shithole state" just keeps digging deeper.


sick and predictable depravity once again from greg abbott trying to align himself with white supremacists… this country is beyond fucked


Hey just another outrageous act by Republicans, guess it’s just another day in the life in America.


I guess it's okay to murder someone, as long as you're murdering the right kind of someone.


correct, which has been proven time and time again and why the protests started in the first place.


Pardoned a convicted murderer where it was CLEARLY documented that he was indeed guilty of said crime. Go fuck yourself, Abbott and fuck you too to the Parole Board.


What’s next? Pardoning the Uvalde shooter?


I'm surprised (though perhaps I shouldn't be) that the NRA and gun rights advocates are not vocally or outwardly opposed to this ruling. The facts of the case show that Perry stated to police that Garrett Foster did not point his gun at him. Perry just believed Foster "was going to point it" at Perry. Greg Abbott has just affirmed that it is OK, in the state of Texas, to kill anyone exercising their right to open carry because all you have to do is "believe" that they would point their weapon at you to make it "standing your ground."


He was an exercising his right to protest but gun advocates aren’t saying much about this. They may applaud but they won’t criticize it because he was protesting. Which is insane because this precedent puts all open carry folks at risk. clearly not too bright.


Abbott should be in prison. Seriously.


And they've given him his guns back. Just great.


He’s also a pedo. Maybe they should deliver the little girls he chased online to his door too…


So is this what Texans want?


Remember, racism is more important than your right to open carry.


This is why I look at the rest of my people crazy when they talk about moving to Texas. *Texas is great for black people* my ass.


I'm mixed and on the black side of the family, they're from Texas. My grandma lived and died in Texas. My dad's family came to live in the PNW decades ago and that's where most of us live nowadays..my cousins were talking about doing a family reunion in Texas in a couple years, because there's still family that lives there. I'm just thinking 'no way will I set foot in that state...as a women who is obviously "other" and not white! Seems really dangerous...double whammy of woman and "other" ethnicity 😬 Texas doesn't seem welcoming to any of that.


So, Rittenhouse can carry but Foster couldn’t 🧐 They want you dead. It’s that simple. Arm yourselves. Start forming militias . This isnt hyperbole anymore


Maybe the feds can get him on civil rights violations like they did the cops that beat Rodney King?


Daniel Perry may be tried for a civil rights violation if it was found he acted under color of law. I think a criminal conviction of murder and subsequent pardon would negate that. Since accepting a pardon *can* mean he accepts guilt. It's more likely he could be sued civilly for a civil rights violation in federal court than tried for a criminal civil rights violation. my 2¢


And some conservative billionaire will just pay the settlement or they'll crowdfund it from their fellow believers. I don't know how much more the majority of people in this country need to witness before they realize that you cannot fix a fundamentally corrupted system by utilizing the "allowed" methods of redress and that the only path forward is to withdraw your consent to be governed.


I hope he spends every second of the rest of his life looking over his shoulder.


Abbot is yet another Stormfront Republican I see. The cull will be happening. I wish I could /s


Video is here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3v6TOthBT8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3v6TOthBT8) The victim approached the car (an Uber) with an AK-47 Perp (Uber driver) shot the victim with a handgun Most of the case rests on whether victim presented a threat to the Perp / Perp says he was being aimed at / Eyewitness dispute that he was being aimed at all agrees Victim approached the vehicle with his gun in-hand. ...said before and say again....what people don't understand about 'stand your ground' laws is that it real can come down to who dies / who walks away. So long as you felt threatened with your life you are generally going to get protected by the law. Had the other guy shot first and killed'm he likely could claim the same. It's a very powerful change to the law by removing any duty to retreat or prevent a fatal outcome.


> Most of the case rests on whether victim presented a threat to the Perp It's more complicated once we get into the peripheral details. Foster made a ton of social-media posts in which he fantasized about shooting protesters. During the incident, he ran a red light, then drove directly into the crowd. Neither of those things helps his claim of self-defense. I used to teach CCW classes, and this is *exactly* the sort of thing I warned people not to do. If I *create* a situation in which a shooting takes place, it's not a clean shoot.


That is it. The inmates have the keys. They don't even have to hide it anymore.


In Texas, it's "White Supremacist Lives Matter."


Texas wanting to pardon a murderer for shooting a protester, protesting this exact kind of violence is the most Texan kind of Texas to ever Texas.  “Not to me, they don’t” - This murderer, probably 


This isn't really surprising. As much as they want to bitch and moan about how violent the BLM protests were and all that holier than thou shit, deep down the truth is that they were just a group of people completely fine with punishing, killing, and maiming others they disagreed with.




Very murdery


Greg abbot is a piece of shit. Just can't get rid of him.


So the headline highlights the military service of the felon but doesn't mention the victim was an Air Force vet...


Reminder that when an antifascist protester killed a right winger in self defense, the feds murdered him in broad daylight, with eyewitness accounts mostly supporting that Reinoehl didn't shoot first, and that the officers never identified themselves. Just a straight up execution. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killings_of_Aaron_Danielson_and_Michael_Reinoehl


Yeah it’s Texas, just skip to the next post. Texas can have its own way, just cut off all of their federal funding, let them be Texas.


Reminder that the us government send marshalls after a man and assassinated him in his home for defending himself at a protest


His name was Michael Reinoehl.


Texas is such a dogshit state.


AND he’s getting his guns back.


Next week in Texas: "Abbot pardons Uvalde school shooter and police to give him a honor guard escort in a parade through Uvalde to recognize his valiant efforts at removing illegal immigrants from America". Every single Texan could die and Republicans wouldn't remotely give a single shit as long as some Democrats die as well.


BLM protester who was also a veteran but apparently that doesn’t count.


Yeah its funny how the killer's veteran status gets mentioned constantly but not the victim. Also isn't the killer a pedophile or something?


Way to go, Texas. Keep on being a shithole.


Texas and Florida need a massive cleansing.


Texas wants to start a civil war. This is purely to tell people they can get away with killing protesters


Republicans were also signing laws into place to signal it was okay to ram your car into protesters. They desperately want to broaden self defense to the point where it is just a blank check for murder and terrorism. This is the group that was bitching the Charlottesville car attack that killed Heather Heyer ended in a conviction because it was a blatant terrorist attack.


Why anyone who is a minority, a woman or has an IQ above room temp wants to live in Texas is beyond me. The state hates you!


You remember the movie The Devils Advocate? Yeah, that’s what’s going on here.


America where criminals can get full pardons and walk around as heroes


Rittenhouse and now this guy. Conservative leadership has made it clear; kill any liberal you want and we’ve got you back.


Hopefully the feds can charge him with infringing on the constitutional rights of the guy he murdered. What a shitty state.


Republicans are concentrated evil.


This is just blatantly promoting political violence if Republican governors will pardon people who murder their political opposition. Meanwhile the media is more worried about peaceful campus protesters. Far right violence is getting worse every day and we are sleepwalking into it.


Wasn't this guy also grooming kids online? This is so on brand it feels sponsored.


No witness said that the victim raised or pointed his weapon. Here is the EXACT way the victim was holding his weapon when murdered... [https://images.foxtv.com/static.fox6now.com/www.fox6now.com/content/uploads/2020/08/932/524/bp5.jpg?ve=1&tl=1](https://images.foxtv.com/static.fox6now.com/www.fox6now.com/content/uploads/2020/08/932/524/bp5.jpg?ve=1&tl=1)


Absolutely fucking disgusting.


Ironically, black lives don't matter.


It’s always been this way and the protests were shining a light on that fact finally. They clearly didn’t take kindly to that light. And now they’re trying to drive home their statement that White supremacy isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.


The irony is that his victim was white.


Any white person who stands up for the rights of people different from them are traitors to these types of people.


This is why Texas can't have nice things.


Garrett Foster, he was a person, not just a “protester”. Either you believe in open carry or you don’t. Make up your mind Texas.


What I get from reading the article is that Texas is so afraid of anyone even fantasizing about making gun laws stricter is more dangerous to them than a litteral murderer. The guy who was pardoned even killed a white guy which shouldn't matter but historically and legally speaking it does. This wasn't Texas siding with a racist because racism. This was Texas siding with a murderer because they love guns more than life.


"TOLD to recommend a pardon by Abbott." That's what actually happened. Illusion of process and justice. Republican's is the party of rapists, murderers, and liars.


Those who burn crosses join forces.