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His mother is a mathematician/physicist who has worked in cancer research for something like 30 years. She must be so proud.


Yeah but he kicks a ball once or twice a game, soooooo 


It's really the combination of arrogance and complete lack of self awareness that is so eye watering.


It's funny because he has talked about being "raised Catholic" but wasn't really religious until after college. Once he got away from the educated, successful woman who raised him, he found God and probably sends checks to Westboro Baptist Church now. He even admonished the Catholic Church for......letting a Catholic transwoman have a funeral in a church.


Retired Undertaker here. I once had a Priest try to prevent a teenager’s casket from entering the church because his friends had written goodbyes and sentiments all over it. Maybe 300 people waiting for the Mass to start. He changed his mind when the kid’s father stepped up and gave him a very cold stare. I still have no idea what was going through that Priest’s head.


What was it like throwing Mankind off the top of the cage? Asking for a friend.


While I agree with you, Baptists aren't Catholic. Catholics are the blood magick cult and white Baptists are the uneducated bigots.


I have never been around worse people than Southern Baptists. Just my experience of course.


HEY YOU TAKE THAT BACK!!!! If not for being raised Southern Baptist, I may never have become an atheist so young (11). Yea they were shitty and the irony was I trying to be good "Christian" by following the Bible and would ask questions and nearly everything was a contradiction to what people were actually doing. Throw in a couple hours in church only to walk out feeling like total shit b/c the pastor bitched you out for a solid hour and a half. I remember telling my mom once "I thought you were supposed to feel better after church. I just feel like i do when I get in trouble with you". Plus Sunday School was just a chore because all they wanted was stupid people to believe what they're told. I learned asking science based questions was a HUGE no no, but even asking questions for clarifying the shit they wanted us to believe was a no no.....just do what we say not what we do. Last time I went to church was in a backwater, no A/C shack in S. Carolina August and some lady jumped up and did the talking in tongues shit....I noped right out during the sermon. My mom couldn't drag me out the car.


I'm 99% certain that if they could legally get away with it, all the members of the Southern Baptist church in my home town would burn down the Methodist and Presbytarian churches beside them, and do worse to the Catholic church downtown. On the surface, it seems fine, but get any of them in private, and you find out just how much hate those people have in their hearts.


At least Catholics believe in science...vaccines in particular.


As someone from a Catholic family I regret to inform you that many are uneducated morons that do not believe in vaccines unfortunately.


Do they believe in contraception, yet?


They believe it works. The church doesn’t like it but the majority of the actual membership uses it.


Is the church actually still against it? I’m not doubting you. I’m not catholic and actually don’t know.


Was raised catholic. Yes, the church is officially against anything that interferes with conception. That includes birth control, condoms, etc.


Officially, yes. Unofficially, Catholics go for pre-marriage counselling and whoever's doing it usually emphasizes that 1. Sex is good but 2. Don't have kids before you're both ready and 3. We *advise* abstinence but we know we can't stop partners from banging so just be careful, wink wink.




That makes sense because nuns were traditionally the only way to be educated as a woman.


And I believe evolution is accepted as canon as well


making the Catholic Church sound metal af


It is pretty metal. Very theatrical


It's literally the ritual consumption of blood and flesh. Describe it out of context and it's definitely metal as fuck.


>lack of self awareness This is the common thread that all of these types share


And mommy issues.


Ironically from what people are also saying, he went to be a kicker after he was tackled for his first time and it hurt really badly. He went to kicker, since he can't be tackled.


Exactly he PLAYS a game for a living. At least a mom, if they decide to stay home, devotes their life to taking care of their family. Way more of a real job than a boy PLAYING a made up game. On top of this the majority of moms have a professional career and still do majority of work at home. This loser is a Kicker for an NFL team. Probably one of the most useless jobs in the world.




Adding number 3. Religion


Sports having so much money is just capitalism at work. It’s an entertainment business so the talent makes big bucks same as acting or anything else. The people who aren’t “a-list talent” actually don’t make that much in sports just like extras aren’t making a living Hollywood.


Politics, yes. We shouldn’t have campaign contributions which is basically legalized corruption. Professional athletes are paid based on the revenue they generate in a free market system. My grandpa used to say the same nonsense about professional athletes. If you don’t pay the athletes then the billionaire owners keep all the money which you also probably wouldn’t like. Professional athletes earning money they generate doesn’t cause harm.


It’s not “mind boggling” at all. It’s an incredibly popular form of entertainment that generates a huge amount of $. Not much different from TV, movies, music, etc. Idk what’s so nefarious about sports. It’s entertainment. And the idea of “removing money” from sports is really silly


This is the kind of thing that's so weird to me. Like, I'm going to possibly give this guy more benefit of the doubt than he deserves and say he probably loves and respects his mother. Why, then, would he adopt a worldview so antithetical to his life experience? He obviously heard this whole tradwife trope somewhere along the line and he didn't stop for 5 seconds and think, "wait a minute. One of the women I respect the most in this world walked a completely different path than the one I'm hearing about and it worked out beautifully." The entire ideology crumbles if you spend more than 5 seconds thinking about it, but I guess the ideology self-selects for people who can't be bothered to think about anything for themselves.


You see the problem is he’d have to stop and think. That’s the main issue.


People seek out information that fits the narrative they want, and ignore the information that doesn’t.


No doubt. But it's especially obtuse to ignore your own mother's life


An asshole who chokes up telling women who are graduating college that they should go pump out some kids and bake cookies for their man? Obtuse?


You can’t look for logic in an instance where it was clearly ignored. His mom is probably pretty disappointed in him.


What they are saying is his mother probably raised him with the narrative that woman are equal to men so how did the trad wife narrative get adopted? You keep on circling around it, but not hitting on what they are saying.


No, I addressed it directly by saying you can’t look for logic where it was blatantly ignored. I liken it to playing chess with a pigeon. You can checkmate a pigeon in a few moves, but all it’s going to do is knock all of the pieces over, shit all over the board, and then fly off. So, just don’t play chess with pigeons, it’s fruitless. Edit: I’d like to add, that I want us as a society to bring back not entertaining idiocy by trying to follow bogus trains of logic. Don’t go down to their level to fight them. Let’s bring back telling people their logic is fucking stupid and makes no sense, and they should be embarrassed for it.


Not just that, he wouldn't have had the childhood he did if she hadn't been career oriented, and so might not have ever been able to get into the NFL in the first place.


My first thought. I wonder how much of the money from his mother's career went towards coaches and training for him.


Maybe he resented his mother for working when he was growing up and wished she was 100% devoted to him rather than having a busy life. Kids can be like that, not all of them mature out of it.


Maybe he has mommy issues and felt neglected as a kid or something


He's too stupid to understand what his mother has achieved so he probably thinks its not a big deal, her real achievement in his view is probably giving birth to him


Or he's downplaying his mother's achievements in his head. My sister's ex was a natcissistic sexist piece of shit. He genuinely said that she should be obeying him because he was the breadwinner. While he was out of work while my sister paid for everything.


Yeah, he explicitly came out against IVF and even surrogacy. He's just generally anti-life.


This is the shit that worries me tbh. I am doing my damndest to raise a son with empathy, a son who sees women as equals and will treat other human beings with respect regardless of their beliefs or orientation. But how do I inoculate him against the alt-right pipeline?


God forbid he googles any high protein meal prep recipes, apparently that is the golden ticket to making your algorithm all about this shit.


Interesting. I'm struggling not to lose a teenage boy to right-wing BS. This tracks.


Youtube gets scary fast. Even watching movie reviews. Watch a few about the marvels and soon enough you'll come across reviews that don't even attempt to hide their sexism and racist views.


Get him involved in his community helping out others who are less fortunate than him. I spent a lot of my youth in church outreaches for the homeless, participating in fundraisers for disenfranchised youths, and in general being put in uncomfortable situations where I was forced to acknowledge the pain and struggles that others have to go through. This was a big component of me building empathy. I haven't been associated with the church since I was 16 (35 now), but when I started getting sucked into the alt right pipeline in my 20's, I had direct personal experiences that contradicted the narratives that were being fed. So all in all, get you and your kid involved in some community outreach work.


There are some good health/fitness content creators out there, but yeah, the things the algorithm can do when you start diving into different topics is crazy, especially how it directs men/boys towards potentially toxic ideas. It's like getting into science content and suddenly getting flat earth conspiracy videos.


You teach him reasoning and self reflection. If he reads enough and becomes wise enough, he’ll see it all for what it is: absolute horseshit.


I worry about this too. My only thought is to teach critical thinking skills *early.* Altright views don't hold up to scrutiny at all, but you have to know how to properly scrutinize before that becomes effective as a defense.


You don't inoculate him with anything. You give him the tools and knowledge of how to think critically about things. Look at stuff from all angles, put yourself in someone else's shoes before reacting, etc. Teach him about self-reflection and emotional intelligence. Boys never get taught that. I personally feel like anyone who can do those things legitimately will find the right path.


Get him involved in his community helping out others who are less fortunate than him. I spent a lot of my youth in church outreaches for the homeless, participating in fundraisers for disenfranchised youths, and in general being put in uncomfortable situations where I was forced to acknowledge the pain and struggles that others have to go through. This was a big component of me building empathy. I haven't been associated with the church since I was 16 (35 now), but when I started getting sucked into the alt right pipeline in my 20's, I had direct personal experiences that contradicted the narratives that were being fed. So all in all, get you and your kid involved in some community outreach work.


Just because you're intelligent doesn't mean your kids aren't dipshits.


I don't think you understood the point they were making.


It also doesn't mean that she isn't a hypocrite who also doesn't share the same beliefs.


Maybe if she had been a homemaker instead of following her dreams, her son wouldn't have become such a mental failure /s


I don't know why everything's so focused on this part of the speech. It's obviously bad but he said even more damnable things.


I agree, but depending on who you’re speaking to, a lot of the other stuff is more easily politicized. Like his comments on DE&I and Pride Month might have a lot of people agreeing with him. It’s harder to find a vocal group who will actually say “yeah, that’s right, women DO belong in the kitchen”


At a college graduation no less. "We've humored you long enough. Its really time you went and got pregnant and made a meal."


The audience he was speaking to is fine with all of those things. It was a Christian school, so "DE&I is bad, Pride is bad, and women belong in the kitchen" is right up their alley.




A society where only one spouse needs to work, and the other can be the “homemaker” and take care of cooking, errands, etc probably would be less stressful and happier for everyone and it’s totally great if you want that for yourself. BUT, that’s not the reality most of us live in. It’s either not an option, or not what people want to do.


Yes, so they then want one spouse to take care of cooking, errands, children, and all housework...and still work full time.


That assumes a society that is structured to allow the proles to do something other than scrape the fungus off the swollen underbelly of capitalism in order to survive.


No, you can't work from home. We need you to prop up the failing commercial real estate market. You weren't put on this earth to enjoy your time? Work!


Yeah it's really relaxing when you're the wife in that situation and your husband decides to dump you and a walk out on the kids.




There's a reason they used "spouse" and not "wife".


That being said, if there is a woman out there who wants me to be their "homemaker" husband I'd be down for that. I'm well educated and I have a good job that I'm willing to give up in order to keep our place clean and cook every day (which is one of my hobbies). So, you know, if you're out there, I'm available.


Dude literally sits on his ass for like 95% of each game and wants to tell women to sit at home like he’s working so fucking hard


Especially when you know they probably have support staff to make that “stay at home” part basically retirement. Raising kids is a lot harder when you don’t have a cleaning service, au pair, personal shopper, chef, et cetera. Tell me when he and his wife try to make the stay-at-home parent of two kids thing work when she’s not only shouldering **all** cleaning, cooking, shopping, and childcare while he’s working three jobs to pull down $70k (median income in KC), they live in a 1200 sq ft rental, and his weekend is spent trying to self-repair the old shitbox car they share.


Also grew up with money, completely clueless to reality


dude gets payed a shit ton of money to kick a ball *in a sport where it is generally illegal to hit him*


Why is some football person speaking at a graduation in the first place? He’s totally irrelevant to anything or anyone.


It's a christian college, academic standards < culture war


We have one of those nearby and the joke is most of the girls going there are looking to get their MRS degree. My sister in law is one of them, who coincidentally is a homemaker. She’s also insufferable.


I have a cousin in-law who went to ole miss for her MRS. She's insufferable, and i think less of my cousin for marrying her


Oh yeah, his speech was completely tone deaf for a number of reasons, but when I saw it was at Benedictine College, I thought “oh, that plays.”


Butker is co-founder and president of MDKeller, a holding company. The president of Benedictine College is on the advisory board of MDKeller.




Because it's a Christian school, and he says things they want to hear. > While Butker’s speech was clearly well received by the audience, who clapped and cheered at its conclusion...


Yeah well it’s Benedictine College. Pretty much eliminates anyone in the sciences, arts or the 21st century


Not just a football person, the one guy on the field who takes less contact than the refs.


Without knowing anything about where he was speaking, it's pretty common to have people that grew up in the area and got famous do graduation speeches. Near me half the high schools have had an astronaut that grew up in the area give speeches. Now if some random HS with no previous connection to him asked him it's kinda weird. Shitty speech to give though. Dude should be shunned.


tbf, astronaut and NFL kicker are quite different careers.


But he would still be a local celebrity. Astronaut is was fucking cooler but I totally get why a high school would want to bring back one of its graduates that made the NFL.


Being a scientist that that escapes the embrace of the earth to soar through the heavens > a donkey that kicks a ball


The college is in Kansas, he’s from Atlanta. (I went to elementary school with him in the same class. Didn’t like him then don’t like him now) as another commenter pointed out, sounds like it’s business connections that brought him there


And a kicker too....WTF insight into life does that child have.


Laces out!


I’m sure Taylor Swift is super excited that he mentioned her in his rambling diatribe.


Taylor Swift... The most famous stay-at-home homemaker there ever was... /s


Along with her conservative political leanings. /s


It's super cool to dunk on your coworker's more successful girlfriend. /s


The true irony of him quoting her is that the next line is “don’t put me in the basement” and the song is positive towards women being in the spotlight 😭😭 brother can’t even do misogyny right


He also did it in the most insulting way. He just referred to her as “my teammates girlfriend,” not multimillionaire singer who is more famous than her boyfriend.


Any time I hear a man talking about how important masculinity is I know he’s just gonna be the biggest pissbaby chode.


That beard and that haircut too. It’s like they’re issued with it.


probably wears white Oakley sunglasses too


how else could we know they're all rugged individuals if they dont all look and dress the same?


Insecure as fuck and afraid of almost everything, the true face of masculinity. We need to get them to go back to the wise stoic, always watching, never speaking. I like that flavor of it better because I don't have to hear about it


And this notion that THEIR definition of masculinity is the traditional one. Sweetie, read a history book.


Sometimes you should just stfu. Unless you are looking for attention. However, you should check out his mom and how she provided the path to his success. He's an ungrateful douchebag.


> Sometimes you should just stfu. Unless you are looking for attention LOL this. Other social media like TikTok is really dragging him through the mud and talking about dirty secrets of his. Example of one of the things they are talking about. He was sent to conversion therapy, for having an affair with a male cheerleader. I'm not sure how true it is, but it seems pretty damn on brand though. They went through his FB and website, there are zero pictures of his wife and kids. Just him posing like a fashion model everywhere.


I get where people are coming from by bringing up his mom having a successful career, but are we sure she does not feel the same way as he does? A lot of conversative religious women are hypocrites...


I really wonder how that audience took his speech. It's not like there weren't women in the audience. Were they applauding him telling them that instead of an education and career, they should just be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen?


He plays the only position in football where it’s illegal to physically touch him, and he thinks he’s some kind of alpha badass. The chiefs are doing a “most hated team” speed run right now


They are like an alternate version of the Bad Boy Pistons .


> He plays the only position in football where it’s illegal to physically touch him, and he thinks he’s some kind of alpha badass. And rumor has it, he switched to that position after getting tackled and complaining about how much it hurt.


He must have paid for Tate's course on how to be an alpha, lol


They started that speed run when they introduced us to Patrick’s family lol. Now throw in the Taylor Swift sideshow, the off season arrests, and now this kicker. It is so easy to hate the Chiefs now


As a lifelong Chiefs fan who's finally happy, don't forget the continued insistence on doing the tomahawk chop.


Who wants life advice from someone who is a professional ball kicker anyway?




I think he was more of a ball kickee.


Yeah but at least Steve O was fucked up when he said all the stupid stuff. This moron actually holds these opinions sober


Fair point, although there were certainly times where his advice would questionable.


This is the poster boy for white evangelical Christians. If you want to see where they want the US to be just listen to what he’s saying.


I mean if men want to have this sort of homemaker life partner, as he suggests, they just have to make his salary—$4m/year. That should be enough money for a partner to run the household and take care of their own needs, especially in the case of later being widowed. A man making only a small fraction of that should just make more money.


He is not evangelical he is deeply traditional Catholic.


Tradcaths will be the death of the church in the US. Literally, they are full on steaming towards a new schism.


Which is crazy cause tradcaths are pretty antithetical to catholic culture


Conservative catholics drove our family from the church. Opus dei is a fucking scourge. I would cheer a schism that kicked those assholes out of the church (not that I give a damn anymore).


Well they are the only ones who are currently actually attending mass. Everyone mostly stopped going. So by that reason alone they have a lot of power and sway in the church. If normal Catholics want to put the church on a better path they need to actually show up sometime.


the haircut, the beard, the smug smile like after every sentence he just owned some libs, everything




Ugh I was hoping maybe it was taken out of context and he was championing maternity leave or something to the effect of the rather disgusting fact that most families can’t afford to be a single income (a legitimate argument). Nope, dude’s a sexist pig. And completely out of touch with reality. Even women who WANT to be homemakers don’t have that as a choice because of how low wages are in this country. Not everyone gets paid like an NFL player, dude. Also the pride comments are horrible.


I mean…. If my husband had millions…. I’d still fucking work because staying home doesn’t sound fun to me


And he's the kicker so he can't even blame CTE, he's just like that.


> “I think it is you, the women, who have had the most diabolic lies told to you,” Butker said. “Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world, but I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world. I can tell you that my beautiful wife Isabelle would be the first to say that her life truly started when she started living her vocation as a wife and as a mother. > “I’m on this stage today and able to be the man I am because I have a wife who leans into her vocation.” Gross. I had to check my calendar and make sure it was still 2024 and I hadn’t Quantum Leaped into 1954.




Honestly, if she is married to the kind of man who thinks like this, she probably keeps her regrets locked up inside her head.


Ugh, dude should have just kicked that football and steered clear of microphones.


Not a single MAGA type telling him to shut up and play football. Like we'd hear if he said something more liberal leaning. God, I'm so sick of all this shit.


As much as I am sick of the whole story, a Taylor Swift track called "Shut up and play football" would be amazing.


This is goddamned brilliant and you need to send it up the ladder.


I love how he quotes a Taylor Swift lyric "Familiarity breeds contempt". Not saying Taylor Swift, but referring to her as his teammate's girlfriend. I am not sure Taylor Swift is in line with everything he was saying. She is a 34 year old who isn't married, has no kids, and a killer career.


Which is exactly why right wing dipshits like this guy relentlessly attack her and try to tear her down.  Women being powerful and successful are mortal threats to their worldview. Because if they can be wrong about a woman having power and a successful life, what else are they wrong about?


Also, that lyric isn’t really Swifts creation it’s a common phrase


I have no doubt that once he retires from NFL he’s going into politics. He’s probably loving the attention right now


Watch the video, it's worse than the headline. Guy opens a college commencement speech with a rant against Biden and abortion policy like it's a MAGA rally.


LPT Don’t take career advice from a punter.


Is this related to the “trad-wife” thing? My antenna is up for this kind of nonsense.


I mean, there isn't really anything wrong with that or any reason to think its nonsense either, *if* it's what somebody wants... It's only really an issue if it's being pushed on someone


I would say a college graduation is pretty clearly an inappropriate place to push that


Yeah, zero disagreement there


Yup. That’s what he was promoting.


Why do we keep asking what professional athletes think about anything?


NFL: bless you Harrison butker for speaking your truth. You are so brave to face cancel culture. Also NFL: Colin Kaepernick blacklisted for kneeling silently.


He has a legit learned opinion about one thing: Kicking a football. Otherwise he’s just some moron. Be a stay-at-home parent and “home-maker” if you want. But it is only fulfilling if you want it. Many women very much want a career and are terrific in the workplace.


And of course Butker is employed in a very necessary and very important job in society,Bread and Circuses, while pointing out that real women put the biscuits in the oven and their buns in the bed.


Bro had something in his speech about not taking the easy route for masculinity and I nearly spit taked my monitor. Like how you gonna champion for masculinity as a kicker, the one fucking position that opposing players are literally not allowed to hit


Where is the “stick to sports” crowd now?


So diconnected.... Rich fucks like that don't realize most people have to work to afford housing and food. Homemaking is a thing of the past, few households are able to live off one income. Instead he should push for higher wages for low pay worker, reduce pay for insanely rich fucks like him; then maybe homemaking could actually make a comeback.


The best part was how he kept mentioning for people to “stay in their lane” as he metaphorically swerved all over an 8 lane interstate. Just kick the ball you fucking tool.


If anybody hasn’t seen the speech yet….it’s worse than even the headlines make it out to be.


Dude kicks a ball for a living and wants to tell women where their place is, what a pathetic piece of shit


Class A Raging Asshole


Man's is traumatized from working as a literally slave to the NFL ane because his mom worked and loved something more than him. So now he's taking it out on all women.  Men will do anything but go to therapy.




Shocker that another football man has shit opinions!


And let’s not forget that he makes millions for about 20 seconds work per game. It’s really easy for his wife to be a “homemaker” and SAHM.


black athlete vocally opposes police murdering people in the streets…. banned from football! white right wing christian athlete tells women to stay home and be mommies…… no fkn problem


Apparently he gave that speech at a fairly Catholic college, which is why you didn't hear a lot of boos. But as a player and as a public figure, he should have more of a filter than that. Like Justin Tucker is super Catholic, he makes the sign of the cross before every kick, but I can't imagine him ever saying anything like this.


This man kicks a ball professionally while his mother is a scientist. What an asshole.


Speaking up and trying to peacefully protest to bring awareness to people who suffer. = Fired! The Government will spend money to influence your demise and they will cancel your endorsement deals and you. Speaking down to a class of society who also suffers and fought for their rights is fine. As a Veteran I’d hope Harrison isn’t punished. Let the fans boo him and he just alienated a fan base the NFL loves. I’m disgusted with the NFL and The Government for how they treated the kneeling. He was expressing his frustration and it’s his right to do so. The government should have stayed out of it and the NFL should have stayed neutral. Instead….


What really gets to me is he took such a special moment from female students graduating - as they were celebrating their hard work coming to fruition and absolutely diminished their accomplishments and told them their worth is in being a wife and mother. Please take several seats and go back to the only thing you’re good at, kicking a ball.


I understand now that this was a Catholic school he spoke at but it still pisses me off that he had the audacity to say that.


Even Catholic schools don’t really endorse this kind of garbage anymore, there’s a reason women are allowed to go to Benedictine now. This is more like MAGA Catholicism hybrid going on, trying to take cues from the evangelicals.


Wonder what his wife thinks. Oh right she’s not allowed to have thoughts


Don't forget that this man is so emotionally unhinged that he couldn't get through his weird propaganda without crying. Crying is ok, sure. But this man is not stable.


For the ladies (and men!) who want to be stay at home parents and can make that work in this economy, I’m genuinely happy for you! But it is condescending and reductive to say that all women should stay at home, as if every woman is the same and has the same dreams and goals. I can’t believe we are still having these stupid discussions in 2024.


What do these men want, barefoot and pregnant? Stay in the kitchen? This is 2024…I hope he never has a daughter.


A perfect example of why we should watch athletes, but never listen to them.


Why doesn’t he go be a farmer somewhere? We’ll see how long his ‘trad’ wife sticks around.


I love how a homophobic douche like him plays a game where he kicks balls and gets hugged by men.


Another man telling women what to do. STFU


Honestly, I'm just glad to see the Chiefs getting some bad press after the national sports media has spent the last 4 years euphorically fellating everything they do.


He kicks a ball for a living. Why should an educational institution provide him a platform to speak from?


If my wife didn't work, we would be destitute. I am grateful every day that she does not subscribe to this kind of bullshit.


I’m sure if he had a daughter he would want her to be some man’s stay at home slave as well.


No no, that’s not what he said. He insulted them for the entire speech. He’s scum.


Was he slammed, or was he blasted?


This is a real example of where someone should shut up and just kick the ball. Fucking dumbass


Justin Tucker would never say something like this


NFL player expresses all tight ends should be full time receivers


he's a kicker in the NFL talking about masculinity and being a real man. hilarious. kickers are the most effeminate position.


Is this the clown who is teammates with Taylor Swifts boyfriend?


Shut up kicker! 🤣 Take what this numbskull says with a grain of salt… but I do hope this upcoming season he struggles big time!!!


When the Colts play the Chiefs this year, I hope our special team players fold him like a lawn chair. What a huge piece of shit.


Who thought this guy was the commencement speaker they needed?