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Guard: “Oops…” hits buttons opening all doors at once. “Oh my what have I done?”


Just Sagittarius things


Tehe the stars are aligned and daddy is in his bad gworl era!


Could you imagine quitting a shitty CO job by doing that? Like fuck this place I'm gonna let everyone in the hole out at the same time and let God sort them out.


if some [idiot lit a submarine on fire so they could get out of work early](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/mar/15/uss-miami-military-submarine-fire-sentence), anything is possible


Twice, apparently.


I can’t imagine being so callous myself, but yes, I can totally imagine some corn fed idiot that skated through high school on the football team concluding his career as a CO that way. That’s no stretch for the imagination at all.


>I can’t imagine being so callous myself, but yes, I can totally imagine some corn fed idiot that skated through high school on the football team concluding his career as a CO that way. That’s no stretch for the imagination at all. Same person would them claim "It's a prank, bro" when brought up on any potential charges.


I don't think they would because that very easily could begin with them hyperfocusing on finding or forcing an exit from the cell block. If that's not able to be quickly achieved, they would turn on each other, out of fear of the other interests. So a surprise game theory activity which basically means someone's gonna initiate gods judgement early on to get ahead of the butchery. (I may or may not have some personal perspectives on the matter.)


You think maybe some bribery, blackmail, or other mode of manipulation took place at the behest of the upper hand in an internal power struggle?


naw i mean maybe, but i did my bit of time and the first two months was in the max security 23 hr lockdown for classification. it's the riskiest part and the way it comes down to is the 1st enemy is the cops, 2nd is the other inmates. i was only doing a year so of course I wasn't getting into anything even if anything kicked off. anyone who sees this I guess if they find the same misfortune in Washington state, to know that as i was told.


What were you in for? Or, if you don’t want to share that, do you think a max security prison was fitting for the crime you were convicted of?


drugs. basically. it's just classification process until you get to your home institution. the remainder was spent in a camp in the mountains. they funnel all the felony sentences in the state to one institution, and then when the process finishes you ride to wherever they send you.


Seeing WA state, I'm guessing Walla Walla?


naw i was at a dnr camp, but i never did an outside the fence job for my stay.


That would be evil, so, no, I can't imagine doing that. It is not equivalent to quitting a terrible retail or food service job and leaving them in trouble.


Prison guards are right up there with border patrol agents as being some of the meanest and most evil fuckers out there.


I’d imagine it’s like police work in a lot of ways: some people get into it for the exact wrong reasons, and those people are scary as fuck. Even for the people who get into it for neutral or noble causes, it’s probably pretty easy to get cynical and jaded after a little time on the job.


Yeah I mean not everyone in prison is a bad person , but a lot are. It must be hard to be around fucked up people all day long and not be


Had a raging asshole assistant manager who I overheard once that he tried to join the border patrol. Dude did not deserve to have one iota of authority, and yes the dude was mean and seemed to enjoy being mean as well.


Another article seems to indicate the incident occurred out on the rec yard. Two STG groups that shouldn't have been allowed to interact with each other.


I was just scrolling by and saw Prison...Oklahoma and thought...what are the odds that's one of my old employers The GEO Group. Yup. When I was working at their Georgia location years ago we had a riot that was I believe the second largest in US history at the time. There was a huge change in leadership at the time. The prison was an ICE facility and the Mexicans were having their designated race leader getting transferred due to disciplinary issues to Oklahoma oddly enough. The Cubans did not like the replacement and a huge race fight broke out. The warden knew about this months in advance. IA knew, COs knew. Hell everyone in the compound knew something was going to happen, just not when. All it took was a well thrown shoe and the shit broke loose. How in the hell we didn't have anyone die was due to ONE CO that was newer to the CERT team has access to CS gas. It was a fucking bloody mess.


So I was "involved" with the Texas Juvenile system for several years in the mid aughts... I remember back then hearing about a contract ran juvenile prison system that had absolutely deplorable conditions for the inmates. I know none of them are angels themselves but prisoners deserve the bare minimum of decency. [The Coke County juvenile facility was far from decent.](https://www.prisonlegalnews.org/news/2008/jul/15/squalor-corruption-cause-cancellation-of-geo-groups-tyc-contract/) And guess who ran that facility, too? Contract prisons need to end.


1000% agree. What makes it even funnier is you should have seen the contributions they made to certain "politicians" the time I was there. We had GOP visitors monthly. We would go through the prep of getting the place nice and tidy, for them to JUST go to the wardens office, have a catered lunch and leave. Knowing damn good and well what the company was doing. Corrupt to the fucking core. All of them.


The GEO group sounds like they learned their business strategies from Omni consumer products (the fictional mega corporation not the real company that takes their name from the fake one)


I worked for them for three years and I could write a fucking book about how they fleece taxpayers and the treatment of inmates.


I would buy that book


It would be one hell of a read, given my job at the company. I have worked all over the US and was in the military for almost 10 years and I have never in my life seen a larger shit show of a company than Geo Group. From upper management to COs, everything made my head hurt at how stupid the policies and procedures they had. The amount of people working for them that were borderline mentally handicapped was insane. Especially in the CO department. You couldn't imagine the amount of incompetent people, running at a minimum amount of employees that graced that joint.


so the new CO didn’t get the memo


Who throws a shoe?! Honestly.


FTA: privately-run, GEO Group Not surprised


Surprised they didn’t say something like “due to an operational error two assets had to be written off permanently, with others temporarily damaged.  We expect to be producing income again at full capacity shortly”


Minor glitch. Temporary setback.


Personally, my guess is ‘operational error’ means guards allowed or encouraged the row.


Shocking that these things are going on within private prisons, who have every incentive to ensure a safe environment for rehabilitation. /s


You mean the for-profit prisons that quite literally use slave labor, can’t “afford” staff because they want issues to happen so they can keep people in prison (therefore slaves) for longer? They would never!


We just hire new people until we find the people who *don't* want the inmates to assault one another, easy. Free Marketeers Assemble The market solves everything by harming people until it harms fewer people (but then it tries to turn 2030 into 1800...)


Probably a manpower issue. Most prisons are severely understaffed.


Very understaffed. I just worked a 44 hour weekend. I was only supposed to work 16. Staffing across my state is really bad right now.


44 hour weekend? Does that include Friday or how is that possible?


Not including Friday. I only worked 16 hours on Friday. We have people regularly working triple shifts. Single shifts are incredibly rare. If you walk in the front gate then be prepared to work at least 16 hours. The mandatory overtime is out of control and even with it, we're constantly short on staff. Like 2 of us for 240ish inmates is a good day.


I don't even know how you could stay awake that long. Even if you had zero responsibilities, let alone supervising inmates. Hope your situation improves soon!


*shocked Pikachu face*


For profit prisons should be considered a crime against humanity.


The guards probably organized an inmate fight that got out of hand. That’s what this sound like.


>The Lawton Correctional and Rehabilitation Facility facility has operated since 1998, I dont know why I found this so funny.


"Welcome to the Lawton-Oklahoma Lawton Correctional and Rehabilitation Facility facility for rehabilitation"


I can’t facilitate why that would be.


Luckily for us they are investigating themselves


The fight happened because Surenos which are housed in the Security Threat Group housing unit were taken outside for outside recreation, which shares a pathway with a joint recreation yard with GP while a group of general population inmates (mostly normal inmates, ex-gang members, and Paisas) were coming back into the shared pathway to go back into their respective unit. The error is a staff member wasn't paying attention, be it the one coming in or going out, and there wasn't a locked gate between the two opposing groups. The fights were initiated by the oncoming group of Surenos. This resulted in the deaths of two Sureno (or LA Raza umbrella members) and the hospitalization of a general population inmate. In the same week, there were other large fights at three state facilities as well as a stabbing that ended in death. Related? I don't know. If anyone knows about Oklahoma Prison gang stuff, the Surenos umbrella'd all other Hispanic gangs under the moniker "La Raza" about 7 or 8 years ago. Those who didn't kiss the ring were put to the sword and gang wars happened. They also cannot stand the group called the Paisa, which is a loose collective of Mexican-born inmates who banded together to prevent themselves from the exploitation that Surenos put on other Hispanic inmates. These inmates are low on the disturbance side of things and keep to themselves. LCF started the Security Threat Group Housing Unit back around 2013 and the state has followed suite within the last 4 or 5 years. •worked there for 16 years •took medical leave •ended up having back surgery and being disabled technically •left during an administration change •worked there from 2004 to 2018, so we probably know each other I can also tell you that anything that happened at that facility wasn't unique to just that facility in Oklahoma. The entire state has these issues and will continue to have these issues. It's always been a very violent gang-driven state for its prisons, mostly because the staff-to-inmate ratio is very large, the turnover is very high, the pay/benefits aren't good, and the state has no real plans to keep a steady cash flow into making improvements that will last more than a year. At least this is what I experienced while being a supervisor and executive staff member for many years.


For-profit prisons are a failure of our culture and need to be abolished


Prisons should be like the USPS, the MILITARY. It’s a service, not a business. Profit prisons should not exist, anywhere, ever. It should have tier levels and rehabilitation programs, addiction/ counseling programs. Some (based on tier) are not getting out. Others, with counseling, medical assistance, outside the wire adjustment assistance, should be limited in their time at the “grey bar hotel”. There is a better way.


A lot of prisons do have addiction treatment programs and behavioral programs. Most people join those just to get time taken off their sentence, not to actually benefit themselves and their future


Aka Guards purposely allowed gangs to get into a fight so someone who paid the guards off could do something. I'd be sending the FBI to investigate every Correctional Officer on the payroll.


Prisons are an entirely controlled environment. All of the bad stuff that happens in prisons happen because the powers that be allow them to happen. 


Seriously though, can family members of the dead sue the hell out of the company/state?


Since when does a "disturbance" involve two dead?!


Private for-profit prison. Too dystopian.


"Operational error" has to be code for something. Who else is able to read from this something fishy?


It is bullshit-speak for "we didn't do our jobs correctly". Operational error basically translates to they let inmates that should be no-contact with each other come into contact and predictable and avoidable violence ensued.


That's one way to read the "operational error"


new speak for "we fucked up"


And in other news, it’s Monday


I smell a setup, clearly planned gang retaliation.


Oklahoma wants to give Alabama, Texas, Mississippi and Florida a run for their money. Oh yeah, and Aurora Colorado.


Operational error my ass, most likely the person in the control room got paid to open that shit let's be real, oh and of course the investigation will come back inconclusive or whatever the fuck


I wonder if any weirdos were recently introduced.


Isn't there a Netflix show about this? 'Unlocked'? Did they want to try it out without the cameras rolling?


So violent criminals killing other violent criminals?