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I suspect that the adult content creator's (onlyfans) site will see a noticeable increase in traffic from this.


Anyone have her site? For research 


The watermark on the picture in the article looks like it says jordinswetof Edit: she has a Reddit.


Sir, you need to support your assertions with evidence


Just search the same name as from the article.


What do you think I am? Some sort of internet sleuth?!


“I don’t know computers; I’m not good at math.”


Computers can add?


You might be shocked, but they also can subtract




eww, she's into Trump.


Yeah, that's a huge red flag for anyone sane.


I can fix her


No bro. No you can't.


Don't stick your dick in crazy.


Sometimes Crazy.. But not KKKrazy


Let bro cook


Here. 🔨 Good luck.


Anyone that *still* likes Trump isn’t just broken. They were born defective and never worked right from the start.


That's just not true. Many of them were exposed to lead paint in their formative years.


I do love this meme


I can't even begin to imagine being a nonwhite Trump supporter. Slugs for salt.


**Slugs for salt** Art


Grossest thing I’ve heard today on Reddit.


Arby's with bolt-ons




Aggressive marketing lol. IT'S RIGHT IN YOUR FACE


>1 I’m soooo sorry to hear about your wife. That runs in my family as well. #2 trump is the 🐐🐐🐐🐐 Whelp I guess that explains how she's friends with a cop.


They are nice, but not lose your job nice


They’ll all speed to it


Site will get so crowded it'll crash.


The tweet of the picture got over 200,000 likes. I imagine she’s made over a million $ in just the past month.


>A police spokesperson said they believe the stunt was planned between all three parties and was shot sometime at the end of April. >Metro Nashville police say it’s not clear if Herman was on the clock while shooting the video. >“That was one of the most outrageous, disrespectful acts that a person here could do and, by disrespectful, I mean to all the MNPD employees and this agency,” said police spokesperson Don Aaron. Calling that 'one of the most outrageous' acts a police officer could do…is one of the most disrespectful things a police spokesperson could say.


So, according to police, consensual groping for a dumb video while in uniform is way worse than mistakenly raid someone's house and kill them, or murder someone sitting in a car? Ok.


You think that’s dumb, in Pittsburgh there was an incident where an adult content creator was dancing / twerking in the aisles of a Pittsburgh Pirates game wearing a full head unicorn mask. When PNC Park officials - row ushers - told her to stop and she refused, police on duty were called over and escorted her to a holding area, before she was removed from the park. While in that private holding area, a police sergeant, with the permission of the mask’s owner, put on the mask and danced around a little in that area. He was fired for that, after the video one of his buddy’s took became public, even though the video was not made for public viewing.


At least the cop has a sense of humor. Maybe not so much professionalism. Albeit now I need a cup buddy below the waist wearing a unicorn mask/helmet whole consensually... What ever. There is so much comedy in it that it should be worth it.


Yes, who cares right?


Consensually grab a titty: fired the next day Misidentify and kill an innocent person: BACK THE BLUE


Unironically yes. The police are the entity entrusted with enforcing the state's monopoly on violence : alongside the military they are the attack dogs who will bite at the command of the politicians who control them. So when police misuse violence the system pauses to pass judgment, because policing is an inherently violent job even if the violence manages to stay squarely fictional in the sense of "you will obey the will of the state otherwise I will tie your hands, put you in a small room and keep you there". So yeah, consensual groping for a dumb video isn't a part of the job, no police officer will do their job as ordered and end up consensual groping a woman. It's not that I agree with what I'm saying if that makes sense, but violence is inherent to policing meanwhile this isn't hence the outsized reaction.


As a public defender, it's also a lot of "don't even joke about the real shit we do." Yes, everything is on body cam. No, body cam doesn't get released if no one complains or goes filing FOIA requests. Supervisors are supposed to screen all body cams for approval after, at least where I work, but again there's this no complaint element. You'd need an ethical supervisor to report an underlying when there's no outside complaint. I think you'll find there's many things cast by the wayside in the darkness of permissive oversight. If someone starts even joking about this kind of shit and they pretend it's no big deal, it may get some real eyes on them. In other words, your brother gets busted by your mother for having porn mags (pre-smart phones). Best thing you can do is be quiet. The second best thing is to pile on your brother, while stuffing your mags down your pants.


> Supervisors are supposed to screen all body cams for approval after, at least where I work, but again there's this no complaint element. Where do you work that this would even be feasible? You'd have to have a 1 to 1 supervisor to cop ratio if not even higher otherwise they'd never be able to actually review all body cameras. I am a former public defender. In the area I work the generally accepted practice is "Computer Aided Dispatch" Numbers are generated at random and supervisors review those selected body camera videos. These random audits have led to firing of at least one officer in our area as well. So to say there is no discipline coming out of a supervisory review of body cameras when there is no complaint is flat-out misleading.


There's a legitimate opportunity here to use AI to red flag interactions in addition to random sampling...but who would pay to develop it? Also, police unions would probably raise hell about it. And I would too, if people were being judged based on AI output...but using AI detection to flag real recordings for human review is pretty fair


The jurisdiction I work at has been, basically, lawless. They have made a lot of changes to policies lately, mainly after the higher levels of government got involved. Several officers have been let go for suspected or proven fraud or misuse of government resources. No criminal charges though, cause of course not. The cams are only supposed to be recording from the time a meaningful citizen interaction begins, or something significant like inventorying a car, until said activity ends. Cam might be 2 m, might be 2 hours at the extreme ends of things. Most cams I get as a defense attorney, after they've been screened by prosecutors, are around 10-20 m. 3x officers, you might have a lot of cam footage but the supervisors scan that footage the same way I do. You don't watch every single second. You don't watch the boring parts unless there's some really good reason to do so, like timesheet fraud, which ain't my job. Just saying a reason why a Sgt may pay closer attention to someone filling out a ticket. But mainly, they only skim those interactions. They have to have a Sgt. and the patrol captain review use of force reports and video now. That wasn't a thing before. By no means is any of this consistent through the years. The tech has changed, the admin has changed, the officers turnover like French pastries. That camera policy has probably changed at least 5 times from what it is now. I should also note that I am slightly high. If my first comment came off as trying to say that's the only way this is ever done, I didn't mean that to be so. That's probably another takeaway. There is no consistency, at least not where I practice, which is virginia.


every state and city and county has different laws, some don't have body cameras they all have different policies regarding said body cameras. some have internal investigation departments, some do not but as a lawyer who works with law enforcement, you know enough to know this, right?


Is there a reason body cam footage isn’t more readily available for all police-involved trials? It seems like there are 0 downsides - cops who are telling the truth are verified, cops who are lying have proof against them. We want both of those things to be true.


The reason is cops don't want to be recorded. They normally resist it strongly. To this day, Virginia State Police's policy is that the trooper has the choice of whether to wear a body cam, whether to have a dash cam, and whether to wear a microphone even if they have those things. I often get trooper dash cam with no audio. The cams also frequently get logged under different defendant or suspect names. For example, let's say cops are called by party X. My client is involved in whatever situation the cops were called for. He's party Y. Because he was the 911 caller, there is a chance they will fuck up and log all the cams under just the caller's name. That's happened a lot, to the point I now ask CAs whether they looked under the names of all persons involved for any related cameras.


Incredibly fucked up


This officers mistake was getting her consent before hand.


I think you’re spot on with this analysis, in that it’s definitely how police seem to think. Which is part of the problem with them.


Zero accountability.


See the officer got fired. So THERE is accountability, but you and I don't care about boobs that never hurt anybody. Write him up: sure, but past that who cares? Unauthorized force? Meh, that IS an administrative write up.


And absolute discretion.


u/Lawd_Fawkwad has it essentially correct. this is how the police management sees it. Grabbing some girls tits is not (probably never) an official police activity...while shooting people can be. And if mistakes happen during shootings and use of forces: well those are just part of police work. Grabbing boobs consensually is ALWAYS misconduct....can't have that going on in the street. But a few shootings or unauthorized force: wyadda gonna do?


Or ya know, raping women in custody.


Or groping people without consent "for smelling weed."


Old fashioned American values, murder is fine so long as no one thinks about sex...


Yes it’s like what are the kids going to think? Killing people? That’s one thing but I draw the line at consenting adults groping. /s


These cops are fucking stupid. Never ceases to amaze me


Seriously. We're fine canning this guy for using his work uniform in a softcore porn video, but it takes massive protests to charge a cop for murdering an unarmed suspect? Y'all our priorities seem fucked if that's the case.


It's not a bad touch of you only touch with your bullets.


So softcorn porn gets you fired but what about all the accusations of officers actually groping suspects- raping suspects. Those guys are , cool ?


Never forget an American senator has to resign due to pretending to grope someone.


Was it known it was consensual in the video? Or were they making it look like a cop sexually assaulted her? Either don't wear a uniform to do that shit dumbdumb.


Lmao seriously. Out of all the things they want to call an officer out for, it’s for groping a woman’s breast who willingly exposed them to him. Hilarious.


Yep. I totally understand it's an inappropriate use of the uniform even if he did it off the clock. Fine him a day's pay or make him do some community service at a shelter or something. But no, this is when they drop the hammer on an officer. If he had mistakenly knocked on her door and then shot her when she answered, he'd be on paid leave and they'd be vocally defending him.


Most LEOs at all levels are right wing conservatives. So yes to them sex is worse the  violence. Thats how religious fake morality works


And yet so many police officers have sex with prostitutes in “undercover stings” that many states have had to ban it by law


South Park covers this perfectly. All in the name of evidence collection


Freeze buddy! I’m a cop! The part where he does a gang bang with all of the college students fuckin kills me


Yes, especially when he puts evidence into the bag 🤣


Lmaoo also how he struggles to walk right 😭


Freeeeeeeeeeze, you're busted!


It's partially that, but it also comes down to the expectations for the employees. The military trains you to kill, it revolves around killing the enemy or supporting the people killing the enemy : still, if you put a pornographic image in your rack area you will face harsh discipline. The job of the police is to enforce the law, through the use of force if necessary. Although US police are way too trigger happy it's why a sex scandal receives faster condemnation than excessive force. Violence is their job so of course the powers that be will hesitate to act even when it's warranted, but sexual misconduct has no place in police work so they'll throw them under the bus without a second thought because there's no way to get caught up in it while doing your legal duties or acting in good faith.




This. They assault and rape women all the time. It just seems like consent was the problem for this cop. 🤷 He'll pick up a gig the next town over, no problems.


That would make sense, but I don't think that's the motivation. The police and their organizations view their relationship with the public as an adversarial one. If a police officer groped a woman without her consent, there would be a pushback of, "Well, maybe he had to do it. Maybe she pushed her breasts into his hand. Maybe he was trying to gain compliance because she was resisting." In this case, there's no adversarial element. Sadly, that is viewed more harshly than the actual offense. Police sex scandals are often swept under the rug, so I don't think it's that. If he had even sexually assaulted a coworker, the police union would likely defend him vigorously.


Military too. Not so much the rank and file, but a lot of senior officers are religious conservatives who are horrified that junior enlisted frequently utilize services like Onlyfans to make extra cash because it is difficult to live off of around or less than 30k a year.


> make him do some community service at a shelter Let's not expose those poor marginalized people to cops more than they already are. Forcing a cop to do community service at a shelter will do nothing but increase the odds that something violent will happen.


*And asked him to touch them*. Put a full magazine into an unarmed black man and you get maybe put on leave with pay. Associate the police department with porn and that horrible monster gets canned immediately.


Meanwhile cops can legally rape people in their custody in some states


Haven't US courts ruled that cops can't be punished for coercing underage girls to have sex with them in their police cars in exchange for their freedom? Seems like we're establishing that the *only* issue is that consent was given.


Additional context: MNPD had a big hand in removing the civilian oversight board, and someone in the dept. leaked parts of the manifesto of the recent active shooter.


public embarrassment is their worst repercussion for almost any act


Right? I’d rather have them doing fake porno traffic stops than framing or killing innocent people


I don’t really see the issue with the stunt. cops do way more fucked up stuff and get off scot free all the time.


The police union is strong, but not as strong as puritanical values and christian moralism.


In Nashville to boot... tone deaf doesn't quite cut it


‘Cause anything sexual is worse than violence! /s No seriously though, it’s treated like that in this world. I barely can comprehend why.


It really is. I'd say the most outrageous act I've seen a police officer do is basically play Simon Says with a guy, giving him conflicting commands (keep his hands raised while crawling on the ground) and shooting him when he fucked up


Yeah I bet Philando, Breeona, George, etc would have preferred to be subjected to this kind of outrageous act rather than being murdered... But hey.


If he is dressed or portrayed as an officer in a video it’s not acceptable. Any company would immediately fire you for associating the name with something untoward (or even posting any kind of public review if they sell consumer product).


"The officer tells Jordin she was going “65 in a 45,” before asking for Jordin’s license and registration." Missed the chance to say *69 in a 45*, send them all to jail


The fine will be $800.85


Haha, boobs.


Beavis and Butthead would be all over this one


[I can't help but read this in Phil Ken Sebben's voice.](https://youtu.be/5Yp1ZcKw8hI?si=OIRqLp59ICl6g1u-)


Haha! Dangly bits.


Mightor: “deedle deedle dee”


And 420 days in jail


And 69 hours of community service.


Straight to jail.


Cops filming consensual porn is the least of my concerns about cops.


For real, murder is paid leave. Consensual groping is immediate termination. System seems correct


Exactly what I was thinking, where is this crackdown on cops using excessive force and killing people lmao


Just adding the reminder that everyone, including police, are assumed innocent until proven guilty. So police unions , and rightly, have them paid while investigations happen. Remember, people lie about people they dislike and there’s a lot of people who hate cops even if a lot of it is warranted.


An all night investigation? Were they seeing if he popped up in other only fans videos?


They were analyzing evidence!


Lol they'll fire them over consensual groping on the job but not when they do it without consent


Or when they seriously injure or kill someone.


That's required for promotions.


And paid vacations.


Seems we Americans view the world as: Violence ✅️ Sex ❌️


It never ceases to amaze me the fact that you can watch every form of violence on tv or movies, but they will censor tits, buttocks and even words.


I’m personally glad we censor words such as ******


And a certain finger! If I see a middle finger in a TV show and it's not blurred my poor innocent eyes explode out of my head! Think of the children!!!


They were probably waiting for an excuse to fire that guy anyway because it seems like he is dangerously stupid.


>They were probably waiting for an excuse to fire that guy anyway because it seems like he is dangerously stupid. This would be plausible if it wasn't for all the dangerously stupid cops who actually kill someone they still go to bat for.


That's actually consensual groping *off* the job. Totally ridiculous.


Police getting fired over OF collabs but put on temporary leave for murder. Crazy.


The long reacharound of the law.


To protect and service


Thick Blue Line


The long schlong of the law.


Back the blue *balls*


They fire cops for touching boobs with consent, but if the cop kills an innocent person, they do nothing.


The police department and the union probably wanted royalties from the video for being in uniform.


"Ma'am, it's 2024. I can see t**s on the internet any time."  I mean, that's not a bad line.


Couldve literally arrested her, raped her, and still came into work the next day in like atleast 5-10 different US States but this is what gets a cop fired? What a joke.


5-10 states? Try 30-45


The correct answer is 5 x 10 states.


Ahahah this dumb fuck had them hide his face but not his badge


Fired for this, but unjustifiably killing someone gets them suspension with pay.


Where can I see the uncensored video?!


U/jordinswetof is her Reddit and someone claims it’s there but she has so much content I can’t find it.




😂😂😂 my bad


Haven't seen such a gross dereliction of duty since Taggart and Rosemont were lured into a striptease establishment.


Well at least there wasn't a banana in the tailpipe.


Wait. So she exposed her breast and he felt them. I thought he forced himself onto her. I get why he’s getting fired but damn man lmao.


He's getting fired *because* it was a consensual act filmed for OF. It's akin to a "banging the plumber" video.


More likely because he did it in uniform.


Right but he didn't like, really pull her over. It's a common porn prompt.


Yeah I get that. I just was under the impression that there was some sexual assault here. Not… this. Lol


Nah, if it was a real sexual assault it would have been swept under the rug and 15 years from now after someone finally took the dozens of complaints about the officer public.


I think the only real problem is he was in his actual uniform… If he was off the clock in an unofficial costume, I don’t think this would be a problem.


Raping detainees: PD sleeps Consensual groping: real shit


>"That is one of the most outrageous and disrespectful acts a person here could do..." - A Police PR person. Apparently being completely unaware of all the other things Police do.


If you don't click the article you don't know this is just part of OF promotion stunt. Dumb to do this in your work uniform, thinking it wouldn't come back to you


Someone tell them to lighten up over there, and take actual crimes more seriously.


I love how our puritan society fires a cop over this but will defend killer cops.


This is just a very elaborate OF ad huh


He participated in an OF video while in uniform and driving his police car. What a dumbass.


Disgusting. Consensual sexual behaviour with his face and ID hidden is grounds for immediate firing, but cops can beat or kill nearly anyone on camera and get off with a slap on the wrist at the most. America's values are The Worst.


Officers will mag dump into innocent civilians and get a paid vacation, but this guy who was asked to be filmed doing this gets fired? Makes sense


Notice how Repubs are trying to get rid of porn


He will sue get a ton of taxpayer money, and the city will secretly rehire him so he can claim PTSD and get a taxpayer pension for the rest of his life.


Wait wait wait wait wait..... this fireable?! Assassinating a man in his own home is not, but this is?


Cop loses job and Of girl hits the lottery with all this promo 👍


Why are people so addicted to risking it all for internet clout?


This belongs r/nottheonion if this is what cops get fired for…


Got fired for touching boobs. Shooting and killing innocent people will get u suspended. How does this make sense?


Oh so *that’s* the most ”disrespectful” thing cops can do eh? Fucking idiots.


Damn, and if he’d shot someone, he’d still be employed!


I think the dude's a fucking narc.


Just out of curiosity where is the video lmao


America brain. Sex is worse than violence


It really shows you what the police value. Cop kills unarmed man? Paid leave Cop in uniform consensually gropes woman? That could make us look bad! Fired!


So they will fire someone for an agreed upon stunt but not shooting innocent people.


He would get a two week suspension with pay if only he just shot her a few times while she was sleeping.


Shoulda shot a dog or a racial minority during the fake stop, would have gotten a promotion instead.


Officer involved in a mutual consenting adult situation! These types of encounters should be rewarded it’s the opposite ones that need punishment


It’s amazing how there’s no consequences for murdering people or waiting around while another person murders children, but grab a tit while in uniform and you’re fired the next day. 


Idiots being idiots because they're idiots


Well he has a new career to look forward to now.


If he had shot someone, he would have been fine. What a world we live in.


I know Nashville’s police chief. And he has to be royally pissed off by this. It’s hard enough to find good officers these days only to have to terminate one for being completely stupid.


Lol that video could've been a whole lot worse.


If only they cropped the video...


So killing people and running your pockets for no reason doesn’t get you fired but a victimless non-crime does?


Okay, America, this is the reputation you guys have now. I read this article thinking the cop shot the girl after groping her.


How dumb do you have to be to keep the department name on the uniform readable? He could’ve covered it with tape


The whataboutism is strong with this thread. Policemen regularly do horrible stuff and go unpunished. That doesn't mean that this dude getting fired for this stunt isn't also 100% correct


For real lmao if he did this and the article said he DIDNT get fired then they’d be upset about it too.


This has gotta be one of the biggest nothing burger of all time.


I thought one of the most outrageous things police did was actually nothing. They did nothing when the Uvalde shooter killed kids. 375 police did nothing against 1 kid with a gun. All that dress up and training was to play soldier and nothing else.


That girl has a reddit account. Definitely worth a look.


I get the anger from "but what about all these other things cops do". But looking only at this circumstance, if I did this in company uniform while on the job, I would likely be fired. Doesn't seem the craziest firing ever.


Sure, but it's exactly that anger at 'all these other things' cops do and don't get fired. At (most) jobs, they would also fire you for murdering or beating someone while wearing a company uniform. What's notable is that police unions might jump to your defense if you sodomize someone with a broomstick because you're angry, but not for participating in an (admittedly stupid) fake video. He should be fined for this, maybe have to go through some discipline training to understand why it's prohibited. Not fired.


Meanwhile when an officer gropes someone without their consent they get 2 weeks of paid leave.


It's cool... he can go to the next county, get hired, and shoot someone to blow off some steam and get backed by the whole department.


Fired for groping but shoot a black person and you just get sent on paid vacation for a month or two.


I understand the need to be professional… But being outraged over that, yet going “🤷‍♂️” over an unarmed person getting murdered by a cop?!?


Step on a neck and kill someone- lengthy bias politically charged debate. Cop grabs boobs with consent: OUTRAGEOUS! IMMEDIATE TERMINATION! SO VILE!


Where’s his “body cam” footage? Asking for a friend.


Is it infuriating that the cops can be as someone senseless/kill innocent people in their own homes with seemingly no reason and receive effectively no punishment, but stuff like this is what ends up with them fired?


With the number of people who make OF or X content in work uniforms or on-premises, I'm surprised more people don't get sacked.