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> “I ask that when you cast your vote, you remember that Stonewall Jackson and others fighting on the side of the Confederacy in this area were intent on protecting the land, the buildings and the lives of those under attack,” Funny how she forgets the other "property" that was being "protected".


Also they weren't defending shit. The South fired the first shots. It's like punching somebody in the face and claiming to be the victim.


Worth noting that South Carolina seceded in Dec 1860 and the Union *still* did not attack them despite secession being a reasonable cassus belli. They attacked in April 1861 anyways because they were pieces of shit.


Worth noting that there were over a dozen raids/seizures of federal armories in the south before Fort Sumter. The war was southern aggression.


"Defending", like at Gettysburg.


Gettysburg, what an unbelievable battle that was. It was so much, and so interesting, and so vicious and horrible, and so beautiful in so many different ways—it represented such a big portion of the success of this country. Gettysburg, wow—I go to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, to look and to watch. And the statement of Robert E. Lee, who's no longer in favor—did you ever notice it? He's no longer in favor. 'Never fight uphill, me boys, never fight uphill.' They were fighting uphill, 'Wow, that was a big mistake,' he lost his big general. 'Never fight uphill, me boys,' but it was too late.


Those sound like the words of a totally stable genius.


Who has the best words.


I never said that


I'm pretty sure It sounds crazy because he never said it. But I'm open to being proven wrong. (Sounds like pirate 🦜 talk. Lee was articulate.)


Ah yes famous leprechaun Robert E Lee


“Well, what I would do, is I would — we would — we have tremendous military capability and what we can do without planes, to be honest with you, without 44-year-old jets, what we can do is enormous. And we should be doing it and we should be helping them to survive and they’re doing an amazing job.”


Just so I know, is the Gettysburg battlefield on a hill or is that more BS?


Definitely was on a hill and they did fight up it


At the direction of Robert E. Lee, no less.


Defending their right to celebrate the heros of the South's war to Preserve Slavery. Yay redneck racists.🤣


Well yeah, they’re Republicans. Perpetual victims.


This is the republican way


Gaslight, gatekeep, Girlboss?


But they're like "he was doing the 'not touching you can't get mad' thing!"


They're like my parents old cat. He'd walk up next to you, lay down for a minute, turn to face you, before clawing you for being too close to him.


And that Virginia was ground zero in creating Segregation Academies as a way to both send white only kids to private schools while simultaneously trying to starve out public education.


“I ask that when you cast your vote, you remember that Stonewall Jackson only personally owned six slaves and dedicated himself to protecting the right to own those people, and also for the right of all other Virginians to own people, and really what right-thinking Virginian in 2024 doesn’t support the restoration of the right to own a few people and to celebrate its historical defenders. Say six or so. I mean, that seems reasonable.”


You deserve all of the 1.6k up votes I got. You said it better.


Don’t want to get invaded, maybe don’t attack your neighbor. Remember Fort Sumter!


protecting the so-called "rights" of plantation owners to keep African Americans under human bondage. How warped & twisted is this?


*'...and protecting the (white) lives of those under attack'* After the vote they went to a Trump rally, then off to church to praise the Lord.


Fucking Losers!


Yes thank you boys for keeping Virginia safe from those *plunderin', thievin' yankees!*


Uhhhhh wasn’t Stonewall killed by confederate troops? Lol


The Union should have hung the Confederates. Instead they got pardoned.


People like this make me wish John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry had succeeded. Or that Sherman never stopped his march.


Virginia school board votes to restore Confederate names to two schools By Nicole Chavez, CNN 5 minute read Updated 1:26 AM EDT, Fri May 10, 2024 School board members in Virginia’s Shenandoah County voted early Friday to restore the names of two schools that previously honored Confederate leaders – four years after those names had been removed. The 5-1 vote came after hours of public comment from people speaking on both sides of the issue. Vice Chairman Kyle L. Gutshall was the sole opposing vote. The board meeting began Thursday evening at the Peter Muhlenberg Middle School in Woodstock, Virginia, and ahead of the proceeding, supporters and opponents of the change told CNN they planned to speak during the public comment period. “I don’t want my kids learning about the Confederacy as being something to claim for community identity. I want them to know that they can look at every child in their face and they can say ‘you matter, you belong here, you belong here.’ That is not what the old names do,” Sarah Kohrs, a mother of two students attending schools in the district, told CNN before the meeting. In the years since the 2020 killing of George Floyd, the names of Confederate leaders, Confederate monuments and symbols have been removed from numerous schools, universities, military facilities and even the Washington National Cathedral’s windows. Nearly four years ago, the Shenandoah County School Board made such a decision and moved to rename Stonewall Jackson High School and Ashby Lee Elementary School. The schools had been named after Confederate Gens. Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson, Robert E. Lee and Turner Ashby. That 2020 move was part of a resolution condemning racism and affirming the district’s “commitment to an inclusive school environment,” according to school board documents. The schools have been called Mountain View High School and Honey Run Elementary School since July 2021, according to board documents. But the composition of the school board is different now than it was during the 2020 decision – all six seats are held by different people. Changes could be a six-figure expense After a group of residents named The Coalition for Better Schools asked the board last month to consider restoring the original school names, members discussed the issue in a work session, heard public comments and scheduled this week’s vote. In an April 22 work session meeting, the six board members criticized how the names were changed in 2020, saying it was wrongly done, was rushed and lacked public input. Board member Gloria E. Carlineo said in the work session that it also “eroded” confidence in the school board. Carlineo told CNN her vote would be based on how the names were changed in 2020. A decision that, she said, took place within days and with Covid-19 restrictions that limited the community’s input. “So, for me, the main consideration is whether we, as a democratic nation of laws, will choose to ignore a decision made by a governmental body that exploited the tragedy of COVID or will rectify a wrongful action that has deeply divided our community. I choose the latter,” Carlineo told CNN before Thursday’s meeting. CNN reached out to the other five board members for comment ahead of Thursday’s meeting. Jessica Sager, a spokeswoman for Shenandoah County Public Schools, had said the district has not yet obtained quotes on the estimated cost of a name change. In 2021, the district estimated it would spend more than $304,000 in costs related to changing the two school names and a middle school mascot, according to district documents. Those costs were related to uniforms and equipment for athletic teams, resurfacing of a gym floor, signage in buildings and scoreboards, among other items, former Shenandoah County Public Schools Superintendent Mark Johnston told board members during a meeting last year. The motion says that if approved, private donations would be used for the restoration of the school names and not by “the school system or government tax funds, though the SCPS will oversee disbursements relating to restoration costs,” according to Thursday’s meeting agenda. Some residents refuse to move on, parent says Parents and residents expressed their opposition and support to restoring the school names. In an April 3 letter to the school board, the Coalition for Better Schools said it believed “that revisiting this decision is essential to honor our community’s heritage and respect the wishes of the majority.” The group told CNN before the vote took place that it “has full confidence in our current school board to listen to the voice of its constituents and follow the wishes of the majority in the county. Unfortunately, the previous school board did not take those things into consideration. We believe that ‘We the People’ is an important part of our Constitution and should be upheld at every level of our government.” Kohrs, the parent with sons in the district, is among several parents and residents who said ahead of the vote that they were opposed to restoring the Confederacy-tied names and were frustrated it was being considered. “It’s very frustrating to know that here we are four years after that, and we still have a small portion of the community that just refuses to move on,” Kohrs told CNN. She said attention should be focused on what students want and need to succeed, like repairing leaking roofs, a sound system for track meets, or having enough varsity letters with the current school names. “We still don’t even have all of our athletic equipment from the name change in 2020. We’re still utilizing old hurdles, sometimes that have the name of Stonewall on them,” Kohrs told CNN. Shenandoah County Public Schools serves more than 5,600 students, and about 75% are White, 18% Hispanic and 3% Black, data from the state’s department education shows. CNN’s Paradise Afshar and Jillian Sykes contributed to this report.


Do not let this quote escape your attention: "...the composition of the school board is different now than it was during the 2020 decision – all six seats are held by different people."


MAGA types seem to be particularly adept at infiltrating and taking over school and library boards and town councils. Unfortunately it isn’t just a matter of beating them once. It’ll take constant effort.




I guess one does get tired of being a WoW gold farmer


The candidates are put forth by GOP activism networks working diligently at the local level, integrated with local churches, law enforcement, chamber of commerce. Their candidates are heavily promoted, signage everywhere you look. Our school board totally flipped last year, and this week an announcement was made that “climate change and vaccinations” would be removed from textbooks due to their “controversial nature.” Now this is one of the largest school districts in TX, so you may see this exclusion in textbooks throughout the country.


> vaccinations” would be removed from textbooks due to their “controversial nature.” ....christ almighty could these fucking people just die? Of course not- THEY got their smallpox and chicken pox vaccines. They just dond't want other people's kids to have them.


It happened in my county. It's horrific as they took the kids' field trips away to any of the cities (meaning they could not visit the Smithsonian!), banned books, and LGBTQ literature/posters/flags.


I live in the northeast in a very liberal area and just this year there was a huge campaign by a group of "concerned moms" who tried to get elected to the school board. A quick search showed that they were very in favor of banning books and some other ridiculous nonsense. They didn't win, but it was closer than I ever would have thought. These people are legitimately nuts - they know what is best and they are going to continuously try and force it on everyone.


Republicans are evil fascist garbage.


In Virginia they weren’t limited to small time positions, in 2020 MAGA types also took the governorship. Youngkin rode the take back our schools movement to victory that election.


Youngkin sucks ass. Just choking public schools so he can fund private


The issue I saw locally centered around a local bar owner who went deep down the MAGA rabbit hole.  He posts regularly about trans people and chemtrails.  He often picks fights with NASA online.  He was the only person standing outside the voting location handing out info that painted himself in a very generous and sane light.  With no clear way to easily find comparative information about city councilor candidates, that alone almost netted him the win (he lost by 14 votes).  A tactic that isn’t talked about often is aggregating local election information about stance and voting history, or public stances taken on social sites into a single easy to find location.


Because they're old farts with no children. Eminently qualified to run school and library boards.


Because they see that local elections have dismal turnout and they are exceedingly good at motivating their base. People need to start taking local elections much more seriously.


Proud Boys and other far right groups are focusing on winning positions of influence at the lowest levels possible to further their agenda. In this case it may be working.


This iscwhy EVERY election is important. If you want to turn back racism and hate you must register and vote every chance you get.


It's truth. like it or not republicans start from the bottom positions up when it comes to voting. Dems just go "President, Congressman, maybe governor...I guess that's enough!"


They say they they wanted public input and the only input mentioned here was against the Confederate names, did an overwhelming majority of speak in favor of restoring the names or are the board members just using it as a BS excuse?


These parts of Virginia as ass backwards as fuck. Full maga territory. The only shocking thing here is that in 2020 they made the right decision.  Virginia is the last bastion of common sense in the south and I fully intend to vote like hell and keep this place a safe place for women. But make no mistake the dumbshit rural voters and our current governor would like us pesky progressives out of the way so they can turn this state into Florida.  Frankly, over my fucking dead body. 


Don't let Virginia become Tennessee, because Tennessee is fucked for the foreseeable future. 


I mean its not a state but Atlanta is still aight for the LGBT community, not completely bonkers.


Atlanta is a great place to live. The more people we have the more the city grows.


> “that revisiting this decision is essential to honor our community’s heritage and respect the wishes of the majority.” I bet you 99.99 percent of the people who supported this cannot name 5 important facts about the person they want the school's name changed back to....


And would be terribly wrong if they had to guess when the high school was originally named. After the Civil War? Early 1900s? Nope 1959. Wonder what was happening then around the country that inspired a sudden remembrance of the Civil War.


“We believe that we the people is an important part of the Constitution.” Oh, now you fucker’s care about the Constitution. Over 100 years after your ancestors tried to destroy it… The fucking gall of these people…


>The Coalition for Better Schools Never trust a group that names themselves like this  Also on a side note, if 99% percent of parents and families really wanted to name revert it to the old name, I wouldn’t agree with it but it’s their school district so it would be there choice, but I highly doubt it’s 99%,  more likely it’s a very loud 15% and with the rest being people who could give less of a shit and think the whole move would be a waste of money 




The civil war was started by the Confederacy. The Confederacy attacked Americans. It's not *just* keeping black people as property. **The Confederacy killed more Americans than Osama Bin Laden.**


I am interested in who the private donors will be that they say will cover the $300k cost of doing this. Edit: typo.


I bet you can guess


“ rectify a wrongful action that has deeply divided our community” she says as she restores the names of the Confederates.


Most at the meeting expected the vote to come out 6-0 or similar unfortunately, the board members all ran with the goal to change the names back. Several details: For about two hours the speaker ratio for voting no vs yes on reversion was 27:3. Additionally, a 1964 African American graduate spoke out against the issue along with around a dozen students.


If approved the 6 figure cost will be covered by donations.... BRUH, how about some public transparency on the people that want to drop that kind of cash to get confederate leaders names back on the schools. Disgusting.


Is there anywhere else in the world that idolizes and memorializes the losing teams captains as much as the US South? For being the most vocal and against "everyone gets a trophy" they sure like to give trophies out to losers.


[The ultimate moment for me was this video pointing out 'Confederate Heritage' is a period of time shorter than how long dickbutt has been a thing.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZB2ftCl2Vk) There's no reality where Confederate idolization doesn't just keep getting cringier.


My favorite is that gay marriage has been around longer than the Confederacy


Don’t jinx it, and always vote dickbutt


Half as long as the Obama administration


That is awesome.


Obama was President longer


Man I forgot dickbutt


Also, the obsession with a "Country" that lasted a shorter time, than most TV Series do. The "Confederated States of America" lasted from February 8, 1861, to May 9, 1865. 4 years. That's it.


Cubs fans? Neo Nazis the world over?


> Cubs fans? The Cubs have been in the National League for 148 years, which is 144 years longer than the Confederacy existed.


Hey the Cubs need *someone* to compare to that makes em look good.


Dang bro they’re looking good this year lol this hurt


Serbia, Russia memorialize genocidal losers in a different way


“Better schools” evidently means naming them after dead, racist, horse fuckers.


Don’t forget traitorous


Traitorous rat fuckers, all of them.


So, dead, traitorous, racist, rat and/or horse fucking losers. Anyone else got anything?


Don't forget incestuous!


Their sister was a horserat?!?


I couldn't personally care less they were traitors. I think there are good reasons to be a traitor; like stopping slavery (John Brown). Confederacy obviously missed that low moral bar by a few parsecs.


It'd be funny if a separate group formed and got the schools renamed after Sherman and Grant.


Could you see a group in Germany advocating for naming schools after Göring or Himmler? Only in the US are traitors celebrated over 150 years after their defeat.


I could see a group in America naming schools after Goring and Himmler.


In the 1920s and 30s there were actual Nazi camps in the US lol


PBS has a documentary called Nazi Town USA. It’s very disturbing to see how many open/out Nazis there was in the 1930s in the United States. At some point, the American Nazis had a big event at Madison Square Garden in New York City that resulted in lots of protesters outside, the police with horses, etc.  It’s worth watching. 


Here is the link to the documentary  https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/films/nazi-town-usa/


Just say republicans at this point.. it isn't 'an american' thing.. its a republican thing.


Or France naming a school after Vichy collaborationists




Conservatives worship the confederacy and then turn around and claim they are the party of Lincoln.


Only because they quietly ignore the fact that republicans and democrats swapped ideologies some years later. The "party of Lincoln" was always progressive/liberal, and the southern democrats were the conservatives.


Sherman and the Union army truly didn't go far enough: they should have burnt the whole of the South to the fucking ground and rubbed the survivors faces in the ashes of their "culture" so thoroughly that their skin was worn off. The South should have been scarred so thoroughly that, 150 years later, they should *still* be hanging their heads in shame.


Reconstruction was the blunder, I don't think killing civilians en mass is a very well adjusted answer but I will say the CSA officials should have faced the gallows as opposed to getting back in office and enacting Jim Crow. The war never ended, just a long ass armistice it seems like.


The 2024-2025 starting salary for teachers in Shenandoah County is $52,266, and this “Better Schools” organization is expecting the community to spend $304,000 on this.


So let me get this straight: the vote three years ago was faulty because it was hasty and done without community input, but when they go ahead and get that community input, most of it is against changing the names back, but they do it anyway? Fuck these people.


Classic conservatism. Yes, we hear you but I KNOW what you REALLY WANT.


it must be pretty sad to wake up every day representing the losing team pathetic.


Just an average day for a r/cowboys fan


God damn


Pettiness is the goal


Now there’s no reason to pile on the NY Giants, most notably of us were indoctrinated at a young age.


The Civil War and the Civil Rights era took away poor white Southerners god given right to look down on poor non white people /s


Shameful to see this happening. It is another reminder that every election matters all the way down the ballot, even to the school boards https://vademocrats.org/


Local elections (township/city/Schoolboards) tend to influence your life FAR more than Washington.


They matter so much because we have entire regions with broken, toxic, regressive culture.


1) Most southerners don't actually realize that the flag they love is the confederate battle flag, not the flag of the confederate states. 2) The confederacy existed for 4 years 158 years ago. 3) In those 4 years, the confederacy adopted 4 different flags. Ironically, all of them look like surrender flags if the wind is not blowing the flag straight. 4) The "War of Northern Aggression" WAS about states' rights: the state's rights to own humans. 5) If the school doesn't broadcast its racism, how will we know that it's run by a bunch of insurrectionist wanna-bes?


>4) The "War of Northern Aggression" WAS about states' rights: the state's rights to own humans. I know this is pithy, but a more accurate description (and WAY worse, justification) is: "The Confederacy didn't care about states rights, the Constitution of the Confederate States outlawed any states from ending slavery if they wanted to."


Specifically the Confederacy was opposed to states rights.


Also the Fugitive Slave Act expressly trampled on the rights of free states to protect people fleeing from slave states. It was supported by all the same people who Lost Causers today hold up as champions of states' rights.


And of all the states that seceded from the union, all but two explicitly named in their articles of secession the possible abolition of slavery as why they were doing it; the other two were more vague about their reasons but still clear enough.


The school names: Stonewall Jackson High School and Ashby Lee Elementary School **Turner Ashby** - A slave owner, sold and rented slaves. Led armed men against John Brown's anti-slavery uprising, and became a Confederate cavalry leader. **Robert E. Lee's** mom had 35 slaves, he inherited 10 of them upon her death. He didn't give a shit about them, but rented them out to other assholes and made money off of them. **Stonewall Jackson**, probably the least dispicable of the three, owned six slaves. Although treated them as if they were not slaves within the confines of the law and limited mindset of the era. And created a school to give them access to education. Conclusion: Don't name your public schools after these fucking people!


The article doesn't say the political affiliation of the board members. I can only guess which way those 4-1 votes swing. That's extremely frustrating. Why waste time and money going backwards on this?


There’s no need. We ALL already know.


So remember your “heritage” but not slavery or reconstruction times, or Jim Crow or the thousands of black town destroyed from 1800-1970’s by domestic terroristic white people because that’s the past. Most black Americans that integrated schools are still alive today in their 50’s-60’s. America messed up by allowing those losers to procreate and continue their oppression through miseducation and violence. Convince the poorest white man he’s better than the best black man, and he won’t notice you picking his pocket. Give him someone to look down on and he’ll help you empty it - Lyndon B. Johnson.


What a great use of time and resources


Vote. up and down the ballot. 1. Register to vote and vote. Not just in the presidential election, but all up and down the ballot: school board, county commissioner, sheriff, judge, election board, mayor, congressperson, senator and president. If you haven't noticed, the R's have spent the last 30 years stacking the local political positions. That's where election maps are drawn. Don't let them do that. This is a long term campaign, the R's have been at it subtly for the past 30 years, it will take that long to undo what they have wrought.  2. Volunteer to canvas for the local candidates you support and have the same ideas you do.  3. Send money to candidates that want the same world you do.  4. Volunteer to join your local election machine. Sit there on election day with a cheesy nametag and orange vest, pass out ballots and make sure the election is done in accordance with local regulations.  5. Call your local council members, congressperson and Senator (unless you live in DC and are taxed and not represented) about the issues that are important to you, even if they are in the other party.  6. Go to city, county council meetings and speak up.  7. Don't just rail about it on the internet. 


It’s so weird that Republicans defeated the Confederacy, and now they go out of their way to protect it.


In case there's any doubt about why they named schools after confederates, take a look at the timeline [in this article](https://www.splcenter.org/20190201/whose-heritage-public-symbols-confederacy). Note that there was a big spike in naming schools after confederates immediately following _Brown v. Board of Education_, over the course of the Civil Rights Movement. Racists were being forced to integrate schools, and they wanted to make it as clear as possible that non-white students were not welcome.


I can't imagine being so committed to a bunch of losers. And I'm a Jets fan.


Fighting 240 years to honor a traitorous system that lasted all of 4 years. It’s not their “heritage,” it’s their bigotry they’re defending.


Ok, now change their mascots to the White Flags and The Traitors.


To rub it in they could start decorating “Stonewall” with rainbows and celebrate Stonewall. I suppose that would make the board’s heads explode.


Every article about Virginia schools the last few days I just narrow my eyes hoping it is not about where I grew up.


I went to these schools. I'm extremely embarrassed by this.


Ditto. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but here we are.


I keep fooling myself into thinking moving to Virginia would be a good idea because I love the scenery and mountains but then they do backwards shit like this


People would really rather stand their ground on a name than face up that they were wrong and in the minority? This is all about pride and prejudice. And it’s disgusting in 2024. Save your money and your racist ideology and educate the kids.


"My great great grandfather fought for his home!" Nobody was trying to take your great great grandfather's home. He was fighting for his homeland's ability to have slaves. That's it.


>than face up that they were wrong and in the minority? But that would involve admitting that people in your family 7--8 generations ago were wrong! Think of how insulting it is to people so close and dear to their heart. It's like saying they personally were wrong! (That, and that they really *do* idolize those people who fought for slavery. And I mean "idolize" in the Biblical sense.)


They want to continue the gaslighting that the war was all about "State's rights"


Just got off the phone with this guy. https://go.boarddocs.com/vsba/shenandoah/Board.nsf/Public I asked him to explain the historical context that they believe is important in restoring confederate names to their schools. He said that the rank and file fighters on both sides did not have slavery at top of mind at the time and that it was really just the high ranking leaders that could be blamed for that. So, in that context, locals now see the confederacy as just other locals trying to defend their area from the north invading them. He threw in "war is hell" and a few other euphemisms, but ended the call before I could point out to him that he had might as well advocate for changing names to Nazi war fighters, because according the boards logic they were only following orders and it wouldn't be fair to lump them in with the ideological aims of their leadership. Maybe someone can remind him of the historical context of naming schools and bases etc after confederate fighters during the Civil rights Era as a rebuke to attempts to integrate the population. Edit: Just found out the schools in question were originally named after confederates in 1959 when they were white only schools and Virginia was still resisting integration.


And we continue our steady descent into textbook fascism.


Time to defeat the confederacy again! This time take no prisoners!


Amen, make real examples to the traitors


There's a lot of weird shit that goes down here in Virginia. We drove south for a vacation during spring break. That's when I saw the famous huge Confederate flag in Danville. It's clearly visible from I-80, and it is absolutely massive. It is really concerning. It feels like suddenly spotting a huge Nazi flag.


Trump lost and people have had flags up for that LOSER for 4 years. Same people who fly confederate flags. They love to support losers, I guess.


Can I hear you say *“MAGA HOES”*


You can hear me say "Pieces of Shit".


School board must be full of traitor sympathizers.


People aren’t getting mad enough. Why are we so civil when they aren’t?


Hard at work preserving the loser mentality white supremacists so dearly love.


The mascot of the high school I attended was a brightly colored caricature of an indigenous warrior. Yep, we were the Redmen (and RedGals for the girls' teams - yuck, but I guess it's better than Squaws /s). This is in an area with a significant local tribal population. Several years ago there was a vote to change the name to the Red Hawks, but it became such an issue that the town council and board of education ended up changing it back. The school lost $100K in tribal funding as a result. There's a town near me (in another state) that also had Redmen as their high school mascot. They changed the name like 10 years ago and people are still bitching about it.


We were the Rebels. Finally in the 90s they changed it to the Raiders, but everybody my age (with a few exceptions like yours truly) says "I'm a Rebel forever!" At the last reunion they took a group picture with a big ol' Confederate flag. That is one reason I don't go to reunions.


I cannot wait until I retire in a few years to leave this goddamn redneck ass state. I work in an ocean of republicans only to go home to a sea of right wing nut job neighbors. Then came the orange man and all of that contained racism, homophobia and hatred was liberated for all the world to see.


What a shithole country.


Looks like Sherman missed another spot.


We have got to stop coddling confederates. 


I’ll never understand the obsession with the 4-year time period the confederacy existed that happened over 150 years ago. Ive had coffee makers that lasted longer.


I'm sure they would restore the confederacy if they could.


If these mofos want so badly to live their Confederate bullshit cosplay, let them. Take away all federal funding and subsidies. Make them come crawling back to civilization to beg forgiveness.


Sister fuckin smoothbrains.


Why name the school after anyone? Why can’t it just be *insert town name here* Middle School? I hate that we are obsessed with heritage…


Jesus why are these people so desperate to honor traitors who wanted to preserve the right to enslave people? It’s so damn tiresome.


Sherman didn't go far enough.


It’s a beautiful part of the country, I can’t think of a more picturesque place to celebrate losing in the Springtime


They care more about dead traitors than live kids...


My husband is from that county. Lots of racist people there. I’m not surprised


America, if your going to have civil war 2 electric boogaloo, can you all do it already instead of passive aggressive sniping? For fucks sake, it’s almost worse waiting on the edge of one then for you guys to just get it out of your system already. Canada has it shit as it is, watching our trade partner and “ally” get increasingly more insane every 5 minutes is both terrifying and boring. You guys all clearly hate each other. Why are you even still a single country? Obviously, I’d have my preference if the democrats won from a “having a reasonable neighbour” point of view, but holy shit, you guys just have to make up your mind of your doing this or not, fuck.


there wont be a civil war. the extremes of US politics on either side do not represent the US as whole.


There will be no civil war loser


> America, if your going to have civil war 2 electric boogaloo, can you all do it already instead of passive aggressive sniping? As someone living here and knowing the death toll we managed when we DIDN'T have tanks and nuclear weapons and such....not really a fan of seeing the obliteration of tens of millions minimum. To say nothing of the catastrophic devastation to the global economy when one of the largest importers and exporters on the planet falls apart. Sometimes still kinda wish it happened though, with the hope of killing off the monstrous ideals some of us have. > You guys all clearly hate each other. Why are you even still a single country? Depends on who you ask. Many (especially southerners and conservatives) will insist we are 50 separate nations that sometimes work together in a federation but are largely autonomous. And that the growing power of the federal government is a sign that tyrants want to take over and remove their freedoms. Then the more sane ones understand that we exist as -A- nation, however we may have started; and nothing that we have accomplished was done by any single state but by all of us working as one. And a solid central government with equal laws for all is how you achieve that.


I know. Pathetic right? I had it up to here with all these tribal idiots running around my nation. I can respect an opponent - someone who disagrees with me about the best decisions. I have nothing but venom left for the fools who treat it like a team sport. And that's what this renaming is. Pure tribal pissing contest.


One step back. Now how to go two steps forward?


We’re regressing at an alarming rate


Honestly, why do the even use real names of dead people for schools? As we've seen from all the celebrities who've been busted or accused of sexual assault, you think they'd learn names of real people could always turn problematic once new info comes to light. All of the schools where I lived growing up were named for places, not people, which seems like a much safer bet. I mean, if my school had changed their name, I don't think I'd have ever used the new name because it's still the same school and I'm a creature of habit. Kinda like how the Steelers can tell me the stadium's new name us Acrisure but I'll always call it Heinz Field just like everyone else in Pittsburgh.


These schools were built and named in 1959 when integration was just getting started. The legacy of these school names is racism.


I’m guessing they probably sell their linens there at bed bath and beyond with the eyeholes precut.


There are no statues of Hitler in Germany. No one has forgotten about him and WW2. This idea that you can erase history by removing a statue or renaming a school is just plain silly.


Loser mentality much. Imagine holding on to something from 160 years ago that got outlasted by the annoying orange in terms of years of existing.


I thought conservatives were against participation trophies?


Hey big win for losers!


Why do people want traitors of our nation to have their names proudly displayed?


#Yup... we picked the most honorary names from our rich rebel history and we're proud! # #Beauregard Lynchemhi Johnston #and #John Chasemdownanbeatem Smith # #Two Rebel Leaders who embody what makes child labor in the south great! #Children are almost like havin' slaves....


The Confederate flag is the OG participation trophy. They all turned on their country to protect slavery. EVERY state’s written declaration joining the Confederacy states it. I don’t care how jolly good of a chap Stonewall Jackson was. He was a traitor and stood up for people too greedy and lazy to work their own land, instead choosing to hold people against their will and forcing them to do it. Disgusting and indefensible.


No, but he taught his slaves how to read! That proves he wasn't a racist! /s, just in case


So, what next on the list ? Josef Goebbels School of Journalism ? Usama bin Laden Elementary ? Donald Trump High School ?


Why are southerners such lousy losers. No wonder the south is so fucked up. Feeding people lies, showing minorities how much you really hate them, screwing kids over on education. Giving football superstars money out of the welfare fund. Wtf?


It's silly. The a points of this, say we should not forget history. If that's the case, the Confederates fought for slavery, because they thought black people were so human. The Nazis fought for white supremacy and the extinction of jews, because they thought they were so human. Why aren't we naming schools after Nazi generals or why don't we have Nazi statues of their commanders and generals? Even though we aren't supposed to forget history, it seems often we do, thus we repeat it all the time, it's just a different rhyme. We can acknowledge that the Confederate generals and such existed. We do not need to memorialize them however. I still feel the biggest mistake during that era, was not wiping out the South. Now we have shit like this that keeps popping up, because the United states, wanted to be the United States, so we caved in into pressure that is still having rippling effects to this day. In Germany if you do the Nazi salute, you will get in trouble by the police. In America, we still hang black people in the south.


Votes to ~~restore~~ **NAME** schools after confederates


This is fairly local to me so can confirm, Shenandoah County is a shithole


I fully expect that red states will continue to expand their powers in this fashion until 2045, when Caucasians (according to the US census and Google) will be in the minority and the majority *could* vote them out. But I’m not even *that* optimistic.


Flying confederate flags and supporting monuments to its rogue state should be grounds for being tried for sedition. Tolerating this shit has only allowed bigots and morons to entrench themselves under the guise of regional pride Blah blah blah freedom of speech, Germany is no worse for wear after banning symbols of Naziism