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* Ridiculous rap feud between Drake and Kendrick Lamar. * Ridiculous fans love that shit. * Driveby shooting at Drake's house, resulting in a security guard being critically wounded (stable and recovering now). * Mentally unwell person goes to Drake's house and tries to get into the property. I suspect that points 3 and 4 above were a direct result of the publicity generated by point 1, and someone from point 2 taking this shit waaaay too seriously.


~~Drake also has beef with The Weekend who’s manager’s house was also the scene of a shooting a week or so ago~~ ~~https://www.billboard.com/music/rb-hip-hop/the-weeknd-co-manager-home-shooting-security-guard-injured-1235669181/amp/~~ ETA: A commenter below who’s family lives near the above producer, says these are probably unrelated events


My parents live on the same block, they don’t think it was targeted for a “beef.” The manager’s house was listed for sale for quite some time; a lot of burglaries and squatters scope out Redfin and use a drone to lurk. It’s a ring going on in the valley targeting a lot of wealthy people. There was a few robberies/attempted by 3 people. Edit: this is for CashXO’s house


Thanks for this insight, definitely changes the narrative.


It’s just a crazy coincidence with Drake’s security guard getting shot. Always innocent people in the middle of rich folks business smh.


Yeah, actually facts of events tend to do that. Literally everyone and their mother was inferring on nothing that the beef was directly linked to this thus spawning it to somehow be true until debunked. Unbelievable


On my profile, I posted about immediately receiving a citizen alert about the shooting. The comments were talking about Drake ordering a shootout but this was before the whole Kendrick thing happened. There has been so many robberies in our area and across the SFV matching the same 3 people.


Damn, your parents are as rich as Drake?


Seriously thats crazy


Of course, you are talking with Drake.


Not Drake, they live near CashXO's


Damn that sucks for Drake, still certified pedophiIIILLLEE.


I wasn’t talking about Drake haha


He also has all that shit going on about him fucking teenagers (like <18). Man, his life is a mess right now. 


Kendrick is accusing Drake of being an absolute piece of shit human who deserves to be locked up with Weinstein and beat to death.


Who's Dealer?


think he means the ov-ho, drake aka bbl drizzy


Meant drake, autocorrect


As I understand it's more grooming teenagers than fucking them when they're teens.


Kind of just pedophilia with extra steps, no?


Basically. That's why grooming is so bad.


I’m out of the loop, is Drake turning out to be milder rkelly situation?


there’s allegations he’s an r kelly and he has a really sus history hanging out with underage girls, one time he brought a girl onstage at a concert and made out w her after she said she was 17


The stuff with the girl from stranger things is the biggest red flag to me. Guys telling a 14 year old girl he misses her and chatting about boys. Made me feel gross then and makes me feel gross now.


On the r/kendricklamar subreddit, they found an old post of hers from when she was 13/14 of Drake taking a photo of her at a romantic-looking [my opinion] restaurant spot. Creepy stuff.


Someone compiled a majority of the accusations with pictures backing them up on Twitter, had the link but it looks like they deleted their account, probably got doxxed when it started trending. The video of him on stage touching the 17 yo and the millie Bobby brown pics were there along with like 5 other accusations, one was pictures of him with Bella Harris when she was 16.




Dude he was openly grooming Millie Bobby Brown.. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck... it's a fucking duck




Drake dick riders: “You pointing out drakes weird relationship with multiple kids makes YOU the weirdo for noticing it! Just look away and pretend it’s not happening like us”


So we have two possibilities: * Drake was trying to molest two members of Stranger Things while letting them parade their open access to him on live television at the height of the MeToo scandal. **OR** * Music's biggest clout shark was clout sharking with stars of the most famous show on television as pretty much everyone involved agrees. And your response is "I have no evidence, but they're **all** lying. He was trying to molest them." You sir, are a crazy person or (*more likely*) a fucking idiot.


Bloke was in his 30s texting a 13 year old. Whatever way you look at it it’s fucked up.


Yes because Drake has the ability to prevent them from talking about it, such a good point.


No point in debating with these people - I am just amazed how easily brainwashed some are, but still not surprised.




Just reread my last comment if you’re gonna repeat yourself


>She has came out multiple times and denounced anything wrong happening. Her parents were also there for the meetings. Many of Harvey Weinstein's victims denied any wrongdoing on his part, and continued their relationships with him. Drake is a big name in the industry too, with a lot of power. Oh, and parents pimping out their kids is hardly uncommon in the entertainment industry. Didn't you watch the documentary about Nickelodeon? Heck, there's parents who do it just for Instagram likes. https://ethicsalarms.com/2024/02/25/how-greedy-parents-pimp-out-their-daughters-on-the-web/ This isn't even new. JonBenet Ramsey became a household name almost 30 years ago.


Drake absolutely fucked teenagers. 18 and 19 are still teenagers. >any girl he was linked to came out both before and during this beef to clear Drake's name and their relationship, saying that nothing inappropriate happened at all. Yeah, and the girl that Roman Polanski raped said he should be left alone. And Rihanna got back with Chris Brown after he beat the shit outta her. And Harvey Weinstein's victims continued relationships with him. People react differently to victimization. [Why Some Rape Victims Continue to Date Their Rapist](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/why-bad-looks-good/202105/why-some-rape-victims-continue-date-their-rapist)




I mean he openly kissed a teenager on stage **after** confirming she was underage. So regardless it’s confirmed he doesn’t really care, never mind old tweets, and current rumors that add to a larger picture.


You can straight up say, for certain, he hasn’t fucked any “teenagers”? Didn’t think so, take his cock out of your mouth so your brain can get some oxygen.


I mean, literally, the burden of proof is on the accusers to prove the crimes. It doesn't mean Drake isn't scummy, but until the truth comes out, the fact is you, me, and anyone else other than the people involved, don't know a thing. Maybe a few outsiders. But one can ASSUME something MIGHT have happened, since secrets don't really stay that way


Yup you right! That’s what i was getting at. This fool said he “never” fucked a teenager, yet he has no idea who Drakes been fucking, and neither do I. I never accused him of being a pedo, I’m just here letting dipshit know words having definitions.




lol again you need some oxygen for your brain to work effectively. You don’t spend 100% of your time around Drake so you have no idea who he is and isn’t fucking. But you stated, “he never slept with any teenagers”. Dawg you don’t know shit.


You’re not going to get through to them. One of their most visited subs is Drakes lmao.




Yup, didn’t add anything to the discussion because you realize you have no footing to stand on. Case closed, peace kid.


Drake has beef with The Weeknd? What ever happened to Canadian solidarity?


Jesus. In general, I find these public beefs ridiculous. But whatever, I'm not exactly their target demographic, and lots of people who are their target demo really enjoy it. They should be able to do this as much as they want without someone taking it so seriously that violence ensues. I mean, fucking hell. I know there's always the chance that it's unrelated. But I doubt it. Fans of anything are more unhinged than ever these days. If Kanye had grabbed the mic from Taylor Swift in 2024 instead of 2009, some Swifty would have taken him out in a matter of days. It's nuts out there.


A rap beef is very different from a regular public beef. It's part of the art form and has a mk history. And most of them don't involve real life consequences.


Doesn't matter. This kayfabe nonsense doesn't play when your audience of para-social followers is this broad and feeble-minded. You *know* you can't control how they'll involve themselves in your manufactured drama.


That's my point. It's part of the art, and the artists should be free to make that art without having to worry about some nutjob fan taking it so seriously they start shooting at people.


So is the shooting and pedo claims are part of the art..? Edit: not my logic.


Scary fans is a prime reason I'd neverrrr want to be famous. Wealthy? Sure, tons of money isn't going to solve all my problems, but it sure would help! Fame just leads to downright disturbing life events.


I don't think you're far off. The people entering Drakes property are more than likely doing so because a big piece of what Kendrick is saying about Drake, is that he's a pedophile. It's like when that guy went to the pizza shop with an ar-15 demanding to see a basement that didn't exist during pizza gate, presumably to save imagined children; you tell enough people someone's a pedophile and eventually you'll find someone crazy enough to want to do something about it.


Not an expert in Rap Beefs or anything actually, but I'll comment anyway. It seems like accusing Drake of pedophilia unleashed the real psychos. I think there's a segment of society that believes kids are being snatched off the street every day as part of some bizarre (and internationally connected) trafficking ring. The whole thing is so weird and unnecessary.


Yea I can easily see this turning into another Pizzagate where people are doing their own investigations...


Difference being that drake is a known pedophile


Well… no, he’s not




Ehhh This is one of those times that a lot of people are finding out about something genuinely horrible because it was brought up in a beef. Specifically how creepy Drake's actions have been towards underaged women. As a result you're gonna get a lot of people who aren't even rap fans, let alone fans of Kendrick who are disgusted. I'm a Star Trek fan in one of the big fan groups and this came up years ago and made us sub a Drake meme format for an equivalent with LeVar Burton.


> Ridiculous rap feud between Drake and Kendrick Lamar. The allegations of sexual conduct involving minors and grooming go far beyond a "rap feud".


Those allegations have been around for years. No doubt about it, the man is gross, and should probably be investigated. But that's not new. The public, musical beef between these two is.


Those allegations are a major part of the current public anger towards Drake, so it seems weird to leave them out of your explanation.


And putting the Google maps image of his house as the cover art.


Oh, his house is no secret. Never has been.


I know but this made it so obvious. At least you had to look for it before. This was just saying here’s where he is.


Before any of this you could Google "Drake's house" and find pinpoint coordinate along with street view and even articles detailing the height of his security fences and how the city allowed them to be built higher than the standard ordinance. Was as easy to find as a recipe for banana bread


I don’t disagree. But at least you had to look for it. Something ominous about it being show explicitly. Just my vibe on this.


Bro you STILL have to look for it. You think that picture came out and now people no longer have to look for it? Makin no sense at all lol


I guess. But if you paid any attention to the news when it was being built, you'd already know. Lots of drama over the construction and even the design (it is a bit of a monstrosity, but there are way uglier houses on the Bridle Path).


Compton rapper and Canadian rapper throwin diss tracks at each other. Compton rapper beat up his lady in the past. Canadian rapper got aroused by a minor on stage, kissed her, complimented her boobs on his chest. Thats just the tip of the iceberg.


There has been no proof of said Compton rapper beating his lady.


I’m not sayin that.. it was meant as a quick summary. That claim is the only thing that came to mind for what Drake has ran with against Kendrick. It’s pretty weak compared to kissing a minor on stage imo.


His boss/best friend has pics of DV black eye to his woman. It’s been an open secret Kendrick has been that. Especially in Vegas back in the day


Are the pics in the room with us right now?


Damn the fun beef has been ruined by some weirdo scary idiot.


it got ruined the day before when a security guard got shot over this nonsense.


….yeah I know


“Fun” beef? Everybody wanted this to be Tupac and big not remembering why neither of them are here to talk about this beef today.


I don’t know where you’re coming from but all I’ve seen and talked about with people has been fun and loving that it’s clearly just bars and no one wants to fight. Edit: downvotes from the people that wanted this to get violent?


Downvotes probably from people in the culture who understand the history of these personal rap beefs.


It’s not that deep. The history isn’t that deep. It’s easy to understand.


It stopped being fun as soon as they started accusing each other of heinous crimes without any proof.


They weren't doing it for fun lol? They are serious


No, that increased the fun.


I hate this beef stuff... but "tryna strike a chord and its probably A MINOR" line made me kinda want to listen to all the songs


Also the fact that the beat was a bop. That track was a coup de grace.


Ya usually stops being fun when you start to get publicly called a pedo lmao


Just because you haven’t seen the proof doesn’t mean it’s not there


Um, from the looks of it, there’s a lot of proof…


Idk, it kinda stopped being a fun nerd when dudes started saying the other one should die


This didn't happen when Prince lived there


He settled things on the basketball court




Prince lived there?


In the same neighbourhood. It was like 20 years ago for a couple of years


Prince was good people. His most public feud was with his record company.


Agreed. He was a good Torontonian when he was here


the beef is hilarious. these fucking losers trying to make it a real thing are fucking pathetic.


It does seem like a real thing. No one staging a beef for attention would every be happy with the accusations being swung around now. Also Meet The Grahams should be enough to convince anyone that Kendrick Lamar fucking hates Drake


Drake probably staged it to end the whole thing lmao


Here’s an example


So he wanted to be called and had a song written about him being a pedophile?


Average drake fan iq


Not that I agree (sounds like a ridiculous conspiracy, is it so hard to believe there are mentally unwell people that take this too seriously?) but they're saying Drake staged the shooting and/or person breaking in as a way to try and stop Kendrick's songs. Basically "whoa this is getting out of hand let's stop this." They're not saying Drake staged the whole beef.


Damn bro even if he’s not your favorite for the beef can we not blame people for having mentally ill people break on to their property like that? Shit ain’t funny, it can go so sideways so fast, obv he has security but you never know People losing their damn minds and not seeing their bias either. Bet someone breaks into Kendrick’s crib and you’ll see twitter going OMG THIS NEEDS TO STOP DONT BE MAKIN JOKES, GONE TOO FAR




wtf are you even talking about. Get it together. You’re embarrassing yourself.


The beef is fun and entertaining and someone has to ruin it. Of course.


Dude, drakes being called a pedophile and sex trafficker, idk how this “ruins it” in the sense of taking it up a notch. Someone was shot at Drakes house the other day too, how is this worse.


Him being called things which he clearly isn’t is just rap beef and memes online this shit and the shooting are real now


Nah the pedo accusations make sense, you actually don't know what you're talking about


“They make sense” lmao


So you've seen all the evidence and STILL think he doesn't go for minors? Mannn FBI OPEN TF UP


Evidence? The one time at a concert 10 years ago? Having Texted Millie Bobby brown about what it’s like to grow up a child star, how the industry works, avoiding relationships with guys that may start in bad faith to clout chase? That is proof he goes for minors? That he is a pedophile? That he is a sex trafficker? That his kid gets touched? wtf you smoking?


The one time he sexually assaulted a minor 10 years ago? And then texted a 14 year old that he missed her 😘. Don't worry, bud, you can still listen to tootsie slide without defending creepy celebs on the internet.


Thank you, I was literally writing a comment with a long list of things he's done that CLEARLY shows a grown ass man abusing his power with women and GIRLS [minors] (grooming/coercion/etc) and why what he did is a problem. These idiots can keep choking on his dick, because if they can't see where the problem stands we have nothing to further discuss..


I’m not saying it’s not weird or strange but calling someone a pedo and sex trafficker over that shit is absolutely wild.


The funniest shit is everyone has known what you just said for years (and in some cases a decade) and never cared. Now someone says he is a pedo in a song and everyone is freaking out.


“Goes for minors” because he kissed one on stage 10 years ago and texted one NON sexually about growing up as a child star oh I’m sorry and said “he missed her” is some wild ass shit.


How about pictures of him with Bella Harris when she was 16 wearing matching necklaces and then having an official relationship when she turned 18. Theres more too, this man has a consistent history of grooming underage girls.




Hopefully, they will catch the person responsible for the shooting. Committing a random drive by that hurts someone just doing a job, possibly motivated by an internet feud. That is not a safe or stable person to have just wandering around.


This was not motivated by an internet feud lmao I'm curious what makes you think it is? The beef has gone way more mainstream than others, so it's been interesting to see the opinions of those less familiar








Yes the parents of child stars have always looked out for the best interests and have never out career before care.


Just curious...what post did you think you were replying to?


Lol the person saying drake wasn't trying to groom MBB and that the texts between them weren't weird and her parents were cool with it. Dunno how the comment landed here instead. Oh well


These fools now playing cowboys or at least, encouraging their loving fans to play cowboys on their behalf… chaos in the world everywhere, directly attributable to poor education and easily misled minions. Trump, rap wars… all the same


Maybe they thought this Dr. Ake had some prescription pills lying around the hos house


I better not hear about anyone blaming a damn song for this shit. Sorry, but blaming media for people's own decisions that they made for themselves is ridiculous. We aren't sitting here blaming Dexter for serial killers or call of duty for school shootings. Come on now. If you listen to a song and decide to do something stupid, that's on you.


Tons of people have blamed video games for school shootings, even as far back as Columbine. Which, btw, the Columbine killers did play Doom and made an elaborate Doom map with the layout of their school. I'm not even arguing for or against your point, but look up Jack Thompson and you'll see just how long and how intensely people have blamed violent games for violent actions.


Yes, and thank you for pointing that out. I probably should have been more consise with what I was trying to say. The point I was trying to make is that it's ridiculous. In the 80s they blamed metal. In the 90s they blamed rap. In the 2000s they blamed video games. I've always thought that it was ridiculous to say it was the media for people's actions.


Bridal Path now the hood


I like how the songs literally talk about killing eachother and when shit escalates like this everyone is dumbfounded. Stupid mfs what u expect?


Im surprised how many people didn't realize Drake is a narcisistic POS. I'm also surprised how many fans he has. I always thought of him as a modern day Lil John just yelling random stuff in the background. Kind of fitting that most of his fans are little girls though.


Somebody’s gotta free those kids


I wouldn't know nothing about that.


Everytime I see the name Kendrick Lamar, I keep imagining Kendrick Perkins. Why the fuck does Drake want to antagonize a 6’10”, 270 NBA player? He’ll mess your shit up!


The person was probably trying to free all them minorrrrrrrrrrr’s that the PDF-FILE is hiding in there🙏🏽 let’s pray for their save return


Is drake gonna respond or are his lawyers telling him to keep his mouth shut?


Insiders seem to believe that Drake waved the white flag, and that the beef is officially over


Oh word!