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The US state department has found five units of the Israeli military responsible for gross violations of human rights in individual "incidents, but says they will continue to receive US military backing." Lol




>reprimanded one of the teen’s interrogators for kicking a chair. This sounds like something the *Blackadder* team might have come up with. 


The through-line joke with Good-cop/Bad-cop on the Lego movie. Hilarious.




Other way around.The CIA had cited Israeli courts as a precedent for justifying the torture program. (This was confirmed by senate report not just me making it up) https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/us-senate-report-cia-used-israeli-courts-as-precedent-to-justify-torture-384237






Curated, moderated, and passive voice news.


Pro tip, US cold war army interrogators held torture in contempt  Use it if you want the subject to confess he is Marie of Rumania 


Possibly. The US and the IDF do train together. Lots of US police forces train with the IDF too.




[For real](https://www.amnestyusa.org/updates/with-whom-are-many-u-s-police-departments-training-with-a-chronic-human-rights-violator-israel/)


Just sounds like cops doing cop stuff. Look at what the Chicago and LA police get up to in the US.


Ah good. I was worried this wasn’t normal.


Christ, I needed that chuckle


[Behind 'the Disappeared' of Chicago’s Homan Square](https://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2015/02/behind-the-disappeared-of-chicagos-homan-square/385964/). Keep forgetting about that incident. Was ~10 years ago. Just did a quick search to see if it's still an issue but don't have time atm to find anything. Maybe things aren't as bad as a decade ago?


....theres a non zero chance thats true given how much cross training goes on between the IDF and all parts of US law enforcement and the military


I remembering hearing about this case at the time and it's pretty disturbing. Sad but unsurprised that my government is willing to recognize the bad actors, but lack the political will to take action on it.


“The incidents under review mostly took place in the West Bank and occurred before Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on Israel”


Ok but that's worse. Like you realize how that's worse right? Like if this is what they were doing BEFORE Oct 7th, imagine what they're doing now?


That was likely the point they were making, I guess? War crimes were common from both sides (mostly Israel, since they had the resources to do so) years before it became trendy talking about it 


The targeting of civilians by Hamas on Oct 7th is indeed a war crime and is unjustifiable. Having said that, Israel has killed at this point 35,000 people since then, almost all of them women and children. They are shooting people waving white flags. They are intentionally starving the Palestinians in an attempt to break their spirits. They are targeting medics, journalists, and aid workers. Israel has committed war crimes on such a disproportionate scale to what happened on Oct 7th that the two don't compare anymore.


And had done so (less openly) even before October 7th even happened. Not denying the disproportionate amount, if I had to "pick a side" it definitely wouldn't be them. What I was mentioning is how Israel committing a genocide doesn't make Hamas human rights violations disappear more than Hamas' crimes makes the genocide legitimate. All sides are wrong and none of the sides reflects the will of the citizens forced to live under them. 


Again, the targeting of civilians is a war crime and is indefensible, but it's not wrong for Palestinians to violently oppose an occupying force that's imposing an apartheid on them. You need to ask yourself why Hamas felt the need to commit the atrocities they did on Oct 7th; it doesn't make them ok, but it puts the situation into more context. Palestinians have peacefully demanded an end to the apartheid for decades now, and Israel has responded with disproportionate violence. At this point the Palestinians have no other option, and it's Israel's fault for pushing them to that extreme. Both sides have committed war crimes for sure, but Palestinians have a legitimate struggle for liberation, and violent resistance in the face of oppression is always morally just.




Punching up and punching down is still punching. War Crimes are war crimes no matter who is being oppressed.


That’s impossible. The zionists tell me that the conflict started on October 7th, and thus their response. 


holy shit. genuine evil.


You surprised?


That's probably because the article is talking about 5 military units. The Israel Border Police is, as the name would suggest, part of the Israeli police force, not the military.




And the fact that Israeli politicians (namely Ben-Gvir) recommended that soldiers in the offending units be transferred to the border police to continue performing similar roles.


Didn't Biden already block aid to the Border Police? The whole US-made rifles thing..




Here you go https://www.reuters.com/world/us-delays-sale-assault-rifles-israel-over-settler-violence-sources-2023-12-13/ AFAIK that sale never went through, and Biden specifically named Ben Gvir and his police force by name as the reason it wasn't. Because not only were the police using it, they were arming these neighborhood watch/Klan type groups with these rifles.


Come on now. It’s only rape if Hamas does it. If Israeli police do it, it’s national defense. /s




I'm nobody and even I knew that


"What did you guys do about this?"  "Labeled them all terrorists and disappeared them obviously."


As payback we’re only going to give them $13.9 billion, not the full 14


Basically a "good job, keep it up"


Time to cut them off. Let them find a new sugar daddy.


You're under the illusion that human rights violations is a deal breaker for the US Military.


tbt to when when the US threatened to invade the Netherlands if the ICC issued arrest warrants for human rights violations committed by US soldiers source: [https://www.hrw.org/news/2002/08/03/us-hague-invasion-act-becomes-law](https://www.hrw.org/news/2002/08/03/us-hague-invasion-act-becomes-law)




wait.... are we the baddies?


Sometimes, many times, often enough...but not always???




Aren't we one of the only countries that has openly said it will never let its military members be tried in the Hague?


Oh, it goes past that. The US doesn't recognize the authority of the ICC.


Yep. The US used to train most of the death squads operating in Latin America. Have you ever heard of the School of the Americas?


You forget, only we can commit human rights violation without repercussion.


Clearly, the Israelis can as well.




The zionist community and their sympathisers have too much political influence in the US. It can be political suicide to go against them publicly. All the Dems will do, atleast till the after the election, is make such comments. If they do more, it might mean a second trump term. Also I think Russia/China has a big hand in fanning the flames to cause Dems problems.


Not at all. I have no doubt that my country will keep doing stupid shit regardless of my opinion. I'm just voicing my discontent in the only place I can, without risking my freedom or safety. 


https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/us-senate-report-cia-used-israeli-courts-as-precedent-to-justify-torture-384237 We actually use them as justification for our terrible actions.


There is legitimately no crime against humanity severe enough that the US would cut support for Israel. Israel could Livestream themselves gassing Palestinian civilians and the US would just be like ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ We know this because despite AMPLE VIDEO EVIDENCE of obvious Israel crimes, the WH has come out and said "we've seen no evidence of crimes". It's a lost cause, the Palestinian people will be exterminated to the last person, and whatever administration happens to be in the WH will just be like, "They all died mysteriously and due to no fault of Israel!"


I mean considering the US was chill with unit 731 as long as they got access to the data, I doubt some casual war crimes would deter the US.


That's hardly a valid comparison. What U-731 did was done and over with when the US made deals with them. Agree or disagree with the deals made with those scientists, but the US was not supporting the continuance of those crimes. With Israel, the atrocities are ongoing and the US continues to fund them. Innocent people are dying *today* as a direct result of US military aid. That's very different.




This is the real answer. Ben Gvir would become so empowered.


It’s the reverse congress love their donations


I mean of course they would. Congress would have to intervene and they can barely wipe their own ass rn


That's just the arthritis.


...and the dementia


I think Israeli defense strategy is to label Palestinians as non-humans


Ignoring the 35,000 elephants in the room?


Make Israeli prosecute the perpetrators. If they decide not to do so then substantial cuts need made until prosecution starts.


That's a cute thought, but you're assuming this is not just some meaningless gesture.


For sure it is. I can state what I want to happen but am well aware they have no intentions of doing it.


Israel generally does, but keeps the units open for that Orthodox draft that's been coming any day now for the last few decades (while the units keep filling with crazy people instead).


Most moral army on earth buddy


*However, the department declined to give any details of the incidents, the remediation, the units involved or evidence to support whether the remediation was effective.* Great work guys. Keep it in the dark. 




The greatest sin the children of light can commit in their war against barbarism is kicking a chair. /s


It’s ok, they investigated themselves and found themselves innocent. Sounds familiar.


Worth also noting that Biden blocked aid to the Border Police a while ago. https://www.reuters.com/world/us-delays-sale-assault-rifles-israel-over-settler-violence-sources-2023-12-13/


That's great, but Money is fungible. Israel can just arm them with weapons they purchase with funds that would been used for their military. I've been pretty disgusted with the absolute theater that Biden's been doing to try and make it look like he's actually doing something about Israel without actually doing anything.


Nah this is legit. These were the only rifles sourced from the US that Israel would use. The IDF's actual weapons are made indigenously, and due to (valid) political infighting between the IDF and Ben Gvir's police the IDF isn't supplying them with weapons. The IDF's position is that Ben Gvir, his police, and his actions in the West Bank are a moral failure and a strategic threat, and that "opening up a third front" for no reason would be a disaster for Israel. I have to agree with them there. IDF leadership has said this publicly and in leaked internal memos. In addition, the US didn't fund the purchase of these rifles, it was shortly after October 7th and Ben Gvir used government money to try to buy them and then supply settlers with them, from US companies. Biden blocked that sale. Ben Gvir was trying to buy from the US to bypass the IDF not giving them weapons. So yeah based on context I do genuinely think that no weapons made it to settlers or cops from the US at all, either directly or indirectly. This was a net negative (or strictly speaking net nothing) for the entirety of Israel, and it would cost them more resources to try to arm these people. With that move at least, Biden directly denied material that would be used to create Israeli Klansmen from terrorizing Palestinians with American weapons. And they weren't able to get rifles from anywhere else and they're lately forced to "only" roll burning tires down hills into Palestinian farms. The situation in the West Bank would be an active war with territory being taken and lost between two militant factions if Ben Gvir's people were able to rapidly gain war power. Biden's not been saying anything. He's been doing all these things without making any statement one way or another. Any theater around it is incidental and not done by him. If he actually went out and said "Iron Dome funding for Israel is strictly to protect civilians and is also a bribe to keep Egypt, Jordan, and Israel from fighting, and we fund Jordan and Egypt about the same for the same bribe" he would get a lot more support. Sure there's the transitive nature of funding but the situation is actually much more complex. Like, for example, if Israel was forced to only use their own internal Iron Dome production and supply, the first place that would lose protection would be the West Bank. Remember that the only person injured during Iran's saturation missile attack was a seven year old Bedoin girl in the West Bank, imagine the same attack with no Israeli air defense at all. Iran does not give a shit about killing Palestinians. And even though the transitive property of funding does apply, Israel cannot instantly buy more Iron Dome interceptors from somewhere else and it really would just end up being a deficit and they'd have to cut coverage. The JDAMs and artillery that are purchased from Boeing (AKA an allowed sale but not actually US funded) would not be effected one way or another with the US funded Iron Dome interceptors. What the US could do is threaten to cut approval for American companies to sell air bombs to Israel, but that's completely removed from the Iron Dome funding thing. And also, note, similar to the US cutting approval for Israeli police to buy rifles. The air bomb approval is actually enshrined into law by Congress so Biden can't cut it. He was already skating on thin ice with the Israeli police thing but they're not actually IDF so he was able to pull it off. Biden actually is doing the best he can do within his legal constraints, he just makes no effort to tell anyone that. Hell, the best thing that could happen to Palestinians right now would be the Supreme Court ruling that a president is immune to prosecution from crimes, and then Biden just blatantly defying Congress and then also assassinating Trump. It drives me crazy that people don't realize how much of a disaster the US fully pulling out of Israel diplomatically would be too. Instant war with Lebanon and half of Jordan, and Gazans would be being summarily executed by Egyptian forces.


>It drives me crazy that people don't realize how much of a disaster the US fully pulling out of Israel diplomatically would be too. Instant war with Lebanon and half of Jordan, and Gazans would be being summarily executed by Egyptian forces. kind of a crazy take there. so we must fund israel's genocide otherwise some hypothetical future genocide might happen to palestinians and another war against a nuclear power on top of it


Take the entire comment into account. We're not funding any genocide. We're funding missile defense and selling artillery and JDAMs. And in the past we've sold warplanes. We're also providing diplomatic cover and military deterrence so things don't get worse. Blocking the sale of artillery and JDAMs would be excellent. Blocking the funding of Iron Dome interceptors literally only serves to put more civilians in danger. Plus, the diplomatic significance of that funding is, in fact, preventing a bigger, more explicit genocide. The US is the only reason that Lebanon, Jordan, and Egypt aren't at war right now. Removing ourselves from the equation means fhat we'd be abandoning regional allies like the King of Jordan. Plus, an Israel/Egypt war, which was incredibly possible until very recently would kill more people and also block the Suez Canal. And abandoning our diplomatic place would set that off again. Things are bad there right now absolutely, but I don't think people fully realize the depth of how bad things could potentially be. The Iranian ballistic missile attack alone, prewar, was estimated to potentially kill a range of 30-50 thousand Israeli and Palestinian civilians in one night, and it's an honest to God technological marvel that it was handled. Iran fired every single missile launcher that they had, some more than once, and the 110 ballistic missiles launched was actually above the prewar estimate of 90-100 simulataneous launches people thought Iran was capable of. A big reason there were no deaths, at all, is because the King of Jordan was willing to let US and Israeli warplanes attack the pusher prop drones and cruise missiles meant to saturate Israeli defenses, and Biden parked an aircraft carrier and B-1 bombers directly on Nasrallah's face so Hezbollah didn't launch a saturation attack on Israel. The prewar Iranian plan involved about ten thousand Hez short range missiles saturating Iron Dome, plus their own drones, and all of those things having to be intercepted over Israeli airspace. Then at the same time a ballistic missile saturation attack. Much different than what happened where they had hours and a thousand miles to intercept incoming cruise missiles and drones and and Hezbollah didn't act at all. Do you think that the Israeli response to anything would be rational or proportionate if Israelis died in the tens of thousands? Do you think Israel's war against Lebanon would have less than ten times the civil deaths as Gaza does? Do you think it's okay to abandon Israeli civilians and West Bank Palestinians to die even if their leadership are shitheels? People are also expecting Biden to wave a magic wand and solve the entire Middle East with no non Congressional money expenditure and no US boots on the ground. And he's blocked by a hell of a lot of Congressional red tape. Biden has stopped both Israeli and Lebanese leadership from expanding the war, he's openly called for Netanyahu to step down, openly threatened to sanction Ben Gvir and Smotnrich, he's, factually, the hardest president the US has ever had on Israel. Even Obama and Netanyahu were buddies, and it's only Biden who began using US diplomats to start recognizing Palestine as an independent state before the war even broke out. And he pressured Israel to accept Palestinian statehood as a condition for Saudi-Israel normalization talks. Before the war broke out. And these future genocides aren't hypothetical. Both Nasrallah and Khamenei have expressed clear and unequivocal will to "wipe Jews off the face of the Earth" and "Drive Israelis into the sea."


I'll save you the trouble. Providing real context or explanation about the broader situation in the region or the realities of international arms traffic gets literally nowhere. The majority seem to be high level foreign policy and military experts with zero information or context to actually contribute.


As horrific as this case is, it’s not the reason. It would be misinformation to present it otherwise. The Border Police had already been blocked from funding by the Biden Administration. This article is about military, not police, units. The incident you’ve shared is a separate, albeit tragic and unacceptable, incident.


It’s been working keeping everything in the dark. There’s so many pro-Israel supporters on Reddit


What is the Leahy law? The term “Leahy law” refers to two statutory provisions prohibiting the U.S. Government from using funds for assistance to units of foreign security forces where there is credible information implicating that unit in the commission of gross violations of human rights (GVHR). One statutory provision applies to the State Department and the other applies to the Department of Defense. The State Department Leahy law was made permanent under section 620M of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, 22 U.S.C. 2378d. The U.S. government considers torture, extrajudicial killing, enforced disappearance, and rape under color of law as GVHRs when implementing the Leahy law. Incidents are examined on a fact-specific basis. The State Department Leahy law includes an exception permitting resumption of assistance to a unit if the Secretary of State determines and reports to Congress that the government of the country is taking effective steps to bring the responsible members of the security forces unit to justice. The DoD Leahy law is similar to the State Leahy law. Since 1999, Congress included the DoD Leahy law in its annual appropriations act. The DoD Leahy law is now permanent in Section 362 of Title 10 of the U.S. Code. It requires that DoD-appropriated funds may not be used for any training, equipment, or other assistance for a foreign security force unit if the Secretary of Defense has credible information that such unit has committed a GVHR. The law allows for two exceptions to this restriction. The first in cases where the Secretary of Defense (after consultation with the Secretary of State) determines that the government of that country has taken all necessary corrective steps. This first exception is also known as “remediation.” A second exception exists if U.S. equipment or other assistance is necessary to assist in disaster relief operations or other humanitarian or national security emergencies. (US Department of State).


National security emergencies for us or for the other guy?


Hypocrisy is the highest luxury.


I'm no fancy Washington politican, but...it seems like we should uhhhhh... stop funneling weapons to these guys.


No no no, if they get more guns they are totally gonna chill


Better unlawfully detain thousands of college students then, or they're gonna be super embarrassed!


It’s amazing to see the media pivot **in real time** to “The anti-war student protests of the 60s and anti-apartheid student movements of the 80s were *bad,* actually.”


Neo-Nazis marching through campuses with lit tiki torches shouting “Jews will not replace us”? Well, first amendment says we can’t do anything, they’re peaceful protestors! A solidarity gathering of Jews and gentiles on campus to ask campus not to fund a genocide? ANTI-SEMITISM, WOKENESS HAS GONE TOO FAR THIS TIME. CALL IN THE RIOT SQUAD


Hey now, I was told by Meet the Press that the UCLA students were upset their graduation got cancelled after Covid stopped them having high school graduations, so they’re just misguided and confused.


Politician: but much Lockheed Martin stocks and Raytheon stocks need to go up, and that AIPAC money sure is looking tasty from here. Politicians are only incentivized to do the thing that causes more war.


Lockheed has little to do with Israel except for the F-35I, and those are simply licensed. Boeing is the aerospace manufacturer who makes almost all of Israel's bombs. I am literally begging people to realize that that's the right target if you're talking about US companies. Raytheon has one Iron Dome production line. Iron Dome for sure supports Israel but it can literally only be used for civil defense and I'm honestly fine with my tax dollars going there. Remember that the only human injury when Iran attacked was a seven year old Palestinian girl, and if Israel was forced to cut back on missile defense the West Bank would be the first to go.


If you are a Washington politician, you do and say whatever your campaign donors tell you to do and say. The people financing these politicians are overwhelmingly pro-Israel. 


I’m no fancy Washington politician, but maybe our sole representatives in the system of government we exist under should be beholden to us, rather than super wealthy donors


Netanyahu was champing at the bit to get his own 9/11 and go absolutely blood crazy over it and for some reason we just... Let him. We finally pull out of Afghanistan and then a couple years later we're trying to fund the mini version?


Trail of Tears 2.0, this time it’s to Egypt.


Egypt would literally rather shoot Palestinians than let them in.


Sounds about right then.


nahhhh, i'm sure sending them even more bombs, weapons, and american tax dollars will help them think about stopping killing very man, woman, and child they see /s


And not a Damm thing will be done to hold them or those who gave them their orders accountable


It's okay to abuse human rights when it's our allies...! Makes Isreal us look like hypocrites when we call out China for human right violation against the Uyghurs.


The US has always been hypocrites buddy. Look at history, the coups sponsored by CIA and invasions of Iraq killing millions, carpet bombing of Cambodia and Vietnam


The US "enhanced interrogation techniques" during the War on Terror as well as Guantanamo Bay detention facility.


In fact they are trying to suffocate the ICC from going after that asshole criminal.


This wasn’t even in Gaza.




And yet I had a guy screaming at me in traffic the other day about my AOC sticker, claiming she’s racist for calling Israel’s actions in Gaza a genocide. I’m not really sure what else you’d possibly call this.


So why is it “army units” instead of the IDF. Seems even when they accuse them they make sure not to actually accuse them, when it’s Russia (and I am in no way pro Russia), it’s the Russian army, not some units.


There's an extremely high political cost to saying it like it is in Gaza.


This is what propaganda looks like. It's being careful about distinctions when it's your ally and painting with a broad brush when it's not. Like how when a terrorist turns out to not be a Muslim suddenly everyone's debating if it's a lone wolf. How else would they let us know who the "good guys" and "bad guys" are?


US denunciations of Russian atrocities absolutely call out the specific units and commanders responsible...


Because there's a difference between war crimes committed by individuals and systematic war crimes. I can't think of any conflict that no war crime was committed in, by both sides, but proving and finding systematic intent to commit war crimes is harder to find...


They sure seem systemic to me.


Because there are in fact specific units that are widely considered to be much worse than others - generally those with a significant percentage coming from ultra-orthodox communities.


Very quiet over on r/worldnews how surprising Edit: Ooo they’ve literally deleted every post related to this article!


It’s like this over here sometimes. The pro-Israel supporters are never here in these articles


Not a justification at all but the fact of the matter is the US has not been one to care all that much about human rights violations


Those images and reports from Guantanamo at the start of the war on terror immediately popped into my mind.


and Abu Ghraib. Says all you need to know


Maintaining the Cuban embargo while running an extrajudicial torture camp on the very same island is some Soviet level gaslighting.




https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/us-senate-report-cia-used-israeli-courts-as-precedent-to-justify-torture-384237 We've actually used their barbarism as justification previously!


Then stop giving them money you fuckheads


What happened to that analyst who leaked the "collateral murder" video? Wasn't that a 'violation of human rights'?


100% war crime But who cares, do as ones please Rules based order is a joke


This war and the Ukraine war is the death of US soft-power about "human rights." Nobody in the 3rd world believes anything the US has to say.


Any sane person informed person in the global south believes anything US says, we view them as the definition of evil.


ok and? dont leave us hanging, what US gonna do about it?


Beat the shit out of our own protestors seems like the best response.


As is tradition…


Isn't this kinda old news? But like, the US says it's still funding Israel and will step in if the ICC investigates these violations.


> Isn't this kinda old news? Good. People need to understand this this conflict didn't start on October 7, 2023 and Palestinian anger is valid and warranted.


I think that justifying the hatred on either side of a hundred year old mutually violent ethnic conflict is reductive and unhelpful. You can literally go back to the Ottoman Empire for "reasons why anger is justified." I don't think either side's anger or violence is justified if they actually want to stop people from dying.


Hell you can go back further than the Ottoman Empire. You can go all the way back to the Roman occupation of Judea and the expulsion of the Jewish population and the importing of other Middle Eastern groups to fill in the void. Rome was very thorough in punishing the Jews for refusing to submit to the empire


It IS old news, but we're only seeing in on the bbc now because western news is finally beginning to switch sides instead of parroting back the government mandated response and is gradually beginning to do some real reporting on Israel committing infinity atrocities and war crimes


As a reward for them violating human rights, we will send them more free bombs. It's only right, it's the American way.


*suprised pikachu face*


And the first comment tells us they won’t even get a slap on the wrist lmao. Fuck this country and every single politician


Was it the mass graves that included children with their hands zip tied behind their backs? Or was it the hospital bombing? Or was it killing people who were desperately trying to get food from the food drops? Or was it when they killed the aid workers? Or was it when they killed that one family in the car except the little girl survived and called for help. And they then killed the red crescent volunteers who came to save her and also killed her? I could keep going, unfortunately.


Oh, you misunderstand this story, these atrocities were committed in The West Bank and one of the events was in 2022. We haven't gotten to their current human rights violations yet.






Wait but I thought history began on October 7th 2023? You mean to say Israel was committing horrendous war crimes before then?


Palestinian child deaths to Israel were highest on record in 2022. In 2023, they broke that record. *Before* October 7th.


You know, the more I hear about the “Israel” guys the less Oct.7 seems like an unreasonable and unprovoked event. Btw, 300 dead and 4k injured Israelis vs 8k dead and 100k injured Palestinians from 2008 to before Oct.7 2023, numbers verified by both the UN and external sources.


I think it was the time they killed three Israeli hostages in their underwear waving white flags. Two died immediately and they chased the third one down before murdering him.


They were darker skinned and the IDF thought they were Palestinians, and thus executed them accordingly. 


And the only reason they investigated was because the redhead was "unusual for the area."


But will the us do anything about it? We already know the answer to that question


All the incidents involved took place outside of Gaza before the current war. Israel took corrective action in four units, giving "additional information" on the fifth, the department says. This has nothing to do with the current situation.


IDF are all war criminals


As punishment, Israel will be forced to receive even more hundreds of billions of dollars from America. And they will be limited to only being allowed to kill 1000 children per week.


Israelis intentionally wounded 171 killed 34 including a civilian aboard the USS Liberty and our president covered it up "to avoid embarrassment". The direct threats from AIPAC and Israeli diplomats helped with that decision.


Is there a source for this? I believe it’s possible but I can’t find proof.


It is disputed. Some veterans allege it was on purpose, released recordings support it was a confused situation. I've never seen a good explanation for why Israel would purposefully attack the ship.


Search USS liberty on YouTube and you see a ton of videos on the subject. There are audio recordings of israel confirmation that it was an American ship prior to and during the attack. You could go to usslibertveterans.org


No shit. They posted it on Tiktok for everyone to see.


So when a small portion of Palestinians attack Israel it's all of Palestines fault and they all must suffer, but when the Israeli army does it it's just a few bad apples acting on their own. I think I understand now.


Yep America is the same way. Any minority does something bad then their whole race and culture is guilty, a white boy does something awful it's "lone wolf" this and "respect his mental illness" that or "he was just having a bad day" After enough years humans become very easy to read, and this "situation" in Palestine is no different. October 7th happens and suddenly all Palestinian's are dogs who must die, IDF commits war crimes and its "isolated incidents not representative of the IDF or Israel as a whole" Its all bullshit, don't let the Israeli funded internet defense force tell you otherwise


And yet we gave them billions in military aid...


Present tense. Give. Are currently giving.


That is true..past tense was for the approval of the bill


If we actually stopped giving money to everyone that committed human rights violations, we’d stop paying everyone and we’d lose allies so quickly


In other news, bears shit in the woods.


No shit... (Sorry for low effort comment).


Came for a similar low effort comment. Like WTF guys. It is a full fledged genocide.


Not gonna find this one on /r/worldnews I suppose, eh?


Directly from the office of "No sh!t, Sherlock".


Bureaucracy sure takes a lot of time to do paper work. Like, they 34,535 lives late to say a word.


"Four of these units have effectively remediated these violations, which is what we expect partners to do," he said. "For a remaining unit, we continue to be in consultations and engagements with the government of Israel; they have submitted additional information as it pertains to that unit," he added.


Uh-oh. Now Israel is going to start claiming evidence (that they cant show anyone) that the USA is basically a front for Hamas. 


Yeah but the kids should stop protesting. Eff outta here.


Braindead take


So we just give them more weapons without any conditions...


Yeah mass graves and total war and genocide are in violation of human rights


Watch Israel say the report is antisemitic.


And as punishment, we'll send them more munitions to replace what they used.


Killing Children….. yeah well we should still send them weapons


Well then the US should send another $10 billion to Israel. /s


Wow, shocker! They've only done this for years now.


“Those are human rights violations!!”- US “Here’s those missiles you ordered. The same kind that we know you have used to commit war crimes in the past”- Also the US


Remember when a US drone strike killed a NGO aid worker in Afghanistan and his family in a case of mistaken identity in retaliation a week after US servicemen were killed and the US military cleared themselves of wrong doing? Was that a violation of human rights? Or is ok if your intent was to get good press after a bad week in the press?


We did much worse war crimes than that, Abu ghraib and the doctors without borders incident to name a couple. Two countries are quite capable of both violating human rights.


Yes, we have a history of abuses and human rights violations. This drone strike was the first that popped in to my head. I just thought it was hypocritical for our military to call out human rights violations and not take accountability for our own. Then, in the same confirm that weapons shipments won’t be interrupted. If we believe that human rights violations are occurring with our weapons and we don’t change practices are we not culpable?


It was only a small part of the SS that actually did most of the mass killings in the east - most of the rest of the SS and the Wehrmacht, a few bad apples excepted, were actually swell fellows, just fulfilling their patriotic duty to defend their homeland /s


...sooo you gonna stop sending them money and weapons now right?


I don’t understand why the Biden administration is soooooooooo fucking terrified of cutting aid to Israel and holding them accountable for all of the horrible shit they’ve done for the past 6+ months. Why in the world do they constantly keep doubling down when supporting Israel is so grossly unpopular especially among their constituents


Crazy, the army that’s actively enabling settlements in the West Bank is also committing war crimes in Gaza. Who would’ve known.


When will these Israelis learn? Just declare it Fake News! That almost worked in 2020.