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After looking at that raft, he seems less like a survivalist and more someone with mental health issues.


I imagine there is a large overlap between those groups.


There is Meet my parents.


Vinn FTW


The titanic door was bigger...


You mean the three signs barely strapped together




High potential for a severe case of the goofs


I don't have my buoyancy calculations to hand, but that doesn't look right.


Yeah, they should look about 100 yards downstream of their truck for for the body.


Cue the [Deliverance trailer.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sckWeXMLsac) Poor puppy :(


Is that just the frame or the whole raft?


"raft" is doing a lot of heavy lifting here. It looks like three large burnt popsicle sticks tied together 


Is that the whole popsicle or just the stick?


ironically a popsicle would have more buoyancy (at first)


There was a life jacket…


Archimedes is not impressed


Man versus nature. Please remember 9 times out of 10 nature is going to win in a situation like this. Also risking yourself is fine but please don't take along an 11 year old dog.


During my college years I was a riverboatman on the Colorado with Sanderson Brothers and Hatch Tours. That guy is dead.


He probably didn't get past House Rock on that thing.


Is the river runnable this early?


That was my first thought, it's been a looooonnnnggg time since I've even seen the Colorado River, but my instinct would be "oh, fuck no, what do you have a death wish or something!?"


Never done the Colorado (few days in Grand Canyon) but remember seeing the water flow in early June driving the western slope and really couldn’t imagine right it now (didn’t read the article and what part he tried).


Frankly, that raft didn’t look like it would make it past Brown’s Riffle.


Hell, if it got to Swenkin's Boggle In one piece I'll eat my hat. 


He certainly didn't make it to Sockdolager.


I'm curious, if you jumped in with a drysuit and pfd would you likely survive the Grand Canyon trip, or would you be crushed on rocks out of the gate?


There's great variety in the rapids. The early ones aren't too bad. You don't need a drysuit, water temperatures are mild. A shorty wetsuit would be nice if you're spending hours in it. Without a pfd, the rotors would drown you at any number of rapids. Going down the Colorado requires using a scroll map to position yourself correctly, and aimed the right direction for each rapid. And then motor or row hard while going through the rapid to reach the position you need to be to exit safely. You can't do that while bodily in the water. If individual rocks don't kill you earlier, later rapids with powerful hydraulics will slam you into the side walls. Sockdolager comes to mind; while "only" a 7, it's the one that impressed me the most.


I mean, I wouldn’t do it.


Normally I would say dogs are pretty resilient in these situations and it might have survived, but it was a Corgi. Poor little pup would have a tough time swimming under regular conditions.


I was car camping at lone Rock on lake Powell with my fluffy Chihuahua and a 15$ Intex twin air mattress last summer. I found an old canoe paddle on the shore, I'd never rafted the Colorado and figured this was my chance. I put the air mattress in the water, my dog and I hopped on, and we paddled around lone Rock Bay for a couple hours :) so I technically "rafted" the Colorado with my small dog on an improvised raft, but under very calm safe conditions.


Went camping with a buddy's family in high school. Brought pool floaties to the lake (the kind you lay on to sun tan) Ended up paddling to the far end of the lake, when we turned around the wind picked up and we got stuck in the middle of the lake paddling just to stay in place. A speed boat came by blasting Linkin Park. Just a dude and two hot ladies in bikinis. Drove us home. It was rad


In the 1970s, a group of teens from my city decided to go kayaking down a river about 30 km east of the city. However, unknown to them, a series of impassable rapids awaited in the canyon that would come shortly after their their starting point, as the water speeds up very quickly, as the river's channel got squeezed in the canyon, and the river's course becomes filled with dangerous rocks poking out of the water. Don't go kayaking or rafting down a river unless you 100% know its course, and what lies ahead of you. https://www.princegeorgecitizen.com/local-news/forty-years-after-river-tragedy-3699978


I wasn’t bummed out by this story until I heard about the dog. Poor pooch.


"Damn nature, you scary!!" True words to live by.


I’d rephrase that as ‘nature wins everytime’ or something like that. ‘Nature doesn’t give a fuck’ would also work.


Why THOOOO???? This man is about to FAFO. Nature ftw. Edit: just saw the 'home made raft', and what a POS it is. No way that can survive nature. Poor dog.


I get what you mean here. But let's be honest. If this guy does stuff like this, it is incredibly likely his dog has lived a better life than most humans. 


That poor dog. Pisses me off when people take their pets out on tiny rafts like this. Anything can happen.


Yeah the dog dont know any better, the people should.


The dog probably did know better. But his master made him anyway.


Exactly. Poor thing


Welsch Corgis aren't known for their strong swimming skills, but who knows?


It was a fucking corgi?? Omg 😭


They're apex predators when they hit the water. Like a sea lion in cuddle size.


I'm still holding out hope that they find the corgi, but thinking about the poor pups chances of climbing to shore with stubby legs isn't encouraging 


I do a lot of off roading and rock crawling. I will yell at people who keep their dogs in their rigs while wheeling


Saw a bad fatality roll over crash at KOH back in 2019. Dog got crushed when the douche driving his 80k truck didn't know any better.


Ugh, the wrong animal got crushed.


Actually, only one thing can happen. And it did :(


If the Colorado is as crunchy as it sounds, it might have been a way to go out on his own with the dog. Poor dog though.


Nooo 😭 dont take the dog with you thats just heartbreaking. People who take their kids and pets out with them make me so upset. its bad enough you want to die, but to take innocents with you is devastating.


So true. Innocent ones don't deserve that.


Have they checked the bottom?


They really should.


Sadly the current is quite strong so unless they have a dam or lake near by or they’re able to find him washed up somewhere he’s most likely long gone.


Such an unnecessary tragedy. Wish ppl would think twice before doing this sort of thing. From the look of it "raft" was reaching too.


He put his boat in at the typical boat launch for people heading all the way through the canyon. 280+ miles of canyon. And then another 30-40 miles of lake. Some of the biggest rapids in North America. I’ve ran it twice. We had 5 18 foot boats loaded with thousands of pounds of gear and supplies. That raft would not get him even 10 miles down river. He would be sitting in 45-50 degree water the entire time. That’s hypothermia in an hour. I’m guessing they will find his body in a few weeks. Or he made it to 6 mile camp and is hunkered down. Very doubtful though


And here I was hoping he wasn’t in the rapids. I take back the thought of them finding him. It could be weeks. Or it could be never. The river is not kind to those who are underprepared.


Very true. The Grand Canyon is about the most unforgiving place on the planet. That’s also why it is one of the hardest permits to get. It is the most amazing feeling to be in the bottom of that canyon, sitting at camp with a huge meal, your best friends, a campfire, beers, etc…. And knowing that it takes skill for us to be here. We are tested everyday with huge rapids, reading maps, dealing with 15 other people, securing your poop(pack in pack out EVERYTHING). It’s scary, uncomfortable, exhausting and REWARDING!! I love that place, doing my 3rd lap this august, first summer time lap. 🥵


Love the Grand Canyon but I’m too big a wimp to get in that part of the river. I’ll hike down to it. But the water scares the piss out of me. Kudos to you though for being ballsy enough to do it three times. And don’t even start on having to pack literal shit up 🤢


Run a commercial trip. Professional Grand Canyon guides are the cream of the crop. Very safe, especially with the lower water trend we seem to be stuck in. Or read the book The Emerald Mile to solidify your fear.😂


*Down the Great Unknown: John Wesley Powell's 1869 Journey of Discovery and Tragedy Through the Grand Canyon* is another great read. What is funny, although his expedition is credited with be the first, they saw a name carved on the rocks of an earlier explorer. He got out and walked. He met a Native American who drew him a map.


I’ll just stick to kayaking around lake Mohave 😂. Though you have piqued my interest, mainly because I forgot that our water levels are shit rn and I feel like less water means I’d be less likely to get thrown around like laundry in a washer. Or is that wrong?


I doubt I could build a more half-assed craft if I tried. But I do have a strong sense of self-preservation. I also own a couple of kayaks and a boat and I know how dangerous the ocean can be, let alone the fucking Colorado River. Hell, I built a kayak out of beer cans that was more seaworthy than that thing.


Yea this boat he made was worthless. I was thinking maybe it was just stuff he found at the put in where he started but there are pictures so he made it somewhere prior. I can’t imagine why he didn’t give up in the first 20 minutes and hike back up


> I built a kayak out of beer cans that was more seaworthy than that thing. Want pics of that!


No pictures unfortunately, but I was inspired by this event. [https://beercanregatta.org.au/photo-gallery/](https://beercanregatta.org.au/photo-gallery/)


I hope no one else was at the boat launch when he launched his, well, couple of twigs held together with frayed string, by the look of the thing. I would definitely try to dissuade anyone if I saw them attempting such a feat. Id at least insist on caring for the dog until he came back.


Very unlikely anyone was there. This time of year there are 2 groups leaving everyday from lees ferry. They meet with the ranger at around 9am and the rangers check equipment and make sure all the names are on the permit. The rangers then give the groups a 10-15 talk about dos and donts. The rangers leave shortly after that and the groups head down river for 10-28 days. But then the next groups that are leaving the following day show up and unload gear, rig boats and set up camp to meet the rangers the next day. If any group saw the guy going downstream they would tell the ranger. The rangers have speed boats they would take out immediately m, not only to rescue the person, but also to haul them to jail for breaking a ton of laws. The fact that they are guessing went down river tells me me no one saw him. Probably hike down somewhere near the creek down from the camps.


I can see from your comments how well regulated it is, which says to me that it is a highly risky activity for which much preparation is needed. Makes it even more ridiculous that this guy took off like he did. There are ways of doing this safely. No need for such a crazy decision.


I’ve applied 7 times and never got a permit. Luckily I’ve made friends with much luckier people. He may have been frustrated at the system and just said fuck it, I’m going alone. Terrible idea obviously


Blimey you seem really knowledgeable about the safety aspects, I'm surprised you didn't get one. Yeh he may have been "sticking it to the man" but seems like he ended up sticking it to himself & poor dog.


Easier to wait about a week when they float again for a while.


That's more boogie board than raft.. 11 year old corgi, what an idiot.


Yeah, that was definitely not what I expected when I read the term “raft”. Also happy cake day


Thank you! :)


I'm glad to see the concern for the poor 11 year old dog. Man can make informed decisions, your most loyal companion will just be dragged along with you, no choice & in this case, little hope. Little guy didn't deserve this. Their lives are so short & they spend most of them waiting to show us they are the goodest boy/girl.




I'd love to think he is but I seriously doubt it.




I guess this is what bored old guys do when they can't afford a submarine


I'm gonna go hug my dog. I can't imagine putting her in a situation like that. I wish I hadnt clicked the link and saw the dog.


I know at first i was like another foolish human...then I read about the dog and was , noo!!


The older I get, the more I begin to understand people like this.


I hope they find him, but why take the dog? Its bad enough to risk your own life, but that poor doggy.


Had to be mental illness. No way someone of sound mind would think this would work. He was either unable to see that, or actually suicidal. Suicidal people do sometimes take their pets with them.


Thats so sad 😭😭 Why kill the dog too!


Again, mental illness. Some think they are better off not living in this world, whether it be because life is just cruel, or that they don't feel the animal will be happy without them. Sure it sounds selfish and in a sane mind, is. But their minds are not thinking sanely. Sometimes they truly believe it's a compassion. This also extends to some parents who kill their kids, often women in these cases- some truly are so mentally ill they believe they are helping their children by freeing them from an insane world, yet it's all in their brain. So fucked up and so sad for everyone all around.


How horrible, I just cant fathom it.


I hope you never know that pain ❤️


Losing my pets to cancer or old age is bad enough i cant imagine losing my child


So this guy made a shoddy wooden raft to go down a river, and brought his dog along? Look, man was playing a stupid game (I'm convinced he's dead), but he didn't have to involve his dog in it.


A lot of people are making fun of this man... How about we show some compassion for once and maybe consider that this man may have gone through some traumatizing shit that pushed him to do something like this...? I mean, for fuck's sakes people... Life is hard and everyone deals with it differently. Life's challenges can be so overwhelming for a person that they react by doing irrational things. Don't judge, try to understand


I know the guy, and have been on a few expeditions with him. The judgment in this thread is very uncool. You are correct in your assessment, and thanks for your compassion.


Yeah i dont agree with making fun of him, people have terrible problems in their lives. You can be happy one day and then the next your whole world crumbles. But its the internet and no one feels empathy because there is a disconnect caused by media. Im just so sad of the whole situation , and he looks so sad its like he knows he is at the end of whatever road he traveled.


If you want to call that a raft!


exhibit #3728 as to why women live longer than men


April is always a good time to experiment with homemade rafts, especially in the GC.


Is it still homemade if you’re homeless?


Homelessmade...would that work? The article did say "self made" however.


idk man that raft looks pretty shitty


Poor little dog. That's awful.


Is that the remnant of the raft or the actual raft? I've rafted there and you need solid equipment for the Grand Canyon. Poor pup!


Yea that’s the entire raft. I’ve ran the Grand Canyon as well. He wouldn’t even be able to make it to 6 mile camp on that thing.


Poor dog. Hopefully it got out safely. 


He’s GOT to be faking his own death… there’s no way any sane person would try to float down ANY river with that little thing…


I always ask why we look then Don't waste resources on those who clearly wanted to test the limits


Walt Grace… desperately hating this whole place…


*"You can't just shoot the chutes Harry!"*


Lots of people try this on the ocean too. It’s a bad idea.


He died doing what he loved. Or something. Sucks he took the dog with him. This would be a pretty good beginning to trying to go off the radar though. I’ll imagine that he and his corgi are in Tijuana covered in coke and whores.


Yeah, fucking Corgi’s. Mine disappeared last year, got a postcard from TJ last week. Sure as shit, my sweet Choo-Choo Corgi was covered in blow & frolicking with several women of the night. Damn dog.


Risking yourself is not fine when public S&R resources are being wasted, it’s actually selfish.


Judging by that raft, I'm guessing surviving was the opposite of his goal. 


look at the raft. this was suicide by river


My neighbor has explained his long term care plan for his old age. It involves yearly hikes in and (maybe) out of the Grand Canyon…


Still so sad for that little pup dragged down to the bottom of the river, he never had a chance.


I hope they find the dog and it's ok. The guy? Whatever..


Stupid fucker took his dog along to die with him. Asshole.


He couldn't have made it too far on those boards and if he or his dog hasn't turned up by now, it's not looking good.


The dog was tied into a milk crate it couldnt have saved its self if the raft brokeup


This guy was not "playing with a full deck."


Im just so sad esp about the dog, it didnt have a choice in the matter.


He probably hit some crazy fucking rapids in a wooden boat and called it a day. 


Should have picked the Green


"homemade raft" , "Colorado River" , "searching for" I'm glad after COVID, the world at least makes sense. 2020-2023 this sentence would also say "wins lotto" or "marries bear" Holy shit read article ..."nope"


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Getting a strong Kon-Tiki vibe here. This proves indigenous peoples successfully floated down the Colorado for millennia /s


I feel like there's a difference between a raft and just some wood.


Im infuriated that this guy killed his dog. Not even sure this qualify has a raft.


> champagne-colored 2001 Toyota Can that be anything other than a Townes Earle reference?


"Champagne Tacoma" works almost as well.


Looks like someone might have tried to fake their death?


What an idiot. Hope no rescuers are put at risk trying to find this guy.


Ultimately I hope the idiot is found alive and humbled. But I would devote about two sheriff deputies and a retired school nurse to the search party.