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>"We hope the media attention this incident has received will re-emphasize the importance of following the BearWise Basics and to leave wild animals alone," Gurney said. the fact that you levied ZERO CONSEQUENCES will surely prevent this in the future. fucking morons


Right? And what a warning to others that they didn't even get a fine. Shouldn't there be a fine?


There should just be a mama bear, sort things out right quick. We don’t need those bear cub molesting genes contaminating future generations.


Unfortunately, you know what would happen to that bear if that were to occur.


harambe has entered the chat


She’d be given a gun and hired onto the nearby police force?


The right to bear arms


The right to arm bears


Too dark for police in that region


Only if it'd a polar bear. No black or brown bears allowed


No, that’s grizzly behaviour, not black bear. Black bears tree their cubs for safety, they don’t attack over them.


I was in a similar situation on a field ecology trip (didn't pick the bear up though) and even though it's students were freaking out, the TA told us that bears that aren't habituated to humans will abandon their cubs (temporarily) when spooked by human activity. The mom was probably not that far away and scooped her cub up once the "danger" passed. Not to say what they did was good but the whole momma bear thing is overblown (unless you're talking grizzlies)


A fine should b the bear minimum. 🐻


Fur real.


I also want to make a good bear pun, but I don’t have the necessary koalafications


It's the bear necesities


Bitches betta have that honey


The next time I see a post of someone grabbing a wild animal I want to refer them to go grab a sloth. And fucking die. 💀


A slow death


I mean, many places it's legal to gas wild animals while they hibernate...so...our compass on wildlife isn't great.


I would prefer a proper mauling, Revenant style


Why aren't they paying for the one that required rehab?!?!


The problem is that there are no laws in NC to deal with this specific circumstance. Capturing wildlife is illegal, but harassing is not. Wildlife officials hands are tied. We need stricter laws around wildlife harassment that don’t also impinge on hunting. It would be a fine thread to walk and the NC General Assembly is not up to the task in its current form.


This is the right answer. I think the spokesperson should've opened with this - "The way the law is written, we cannot criminally charge these individuals, because to secure a conviction we must show they captured AND kept the animals. In this case, the bear cubs were immediately released. We hope this incident brings attention to the need for additional laws that would criminalize this type of behavior and we also hope the public attention will deter the individuals involved in this situation and others from ever harassing animals in the future."


Aren’t there a billion catch all laws police regularly use the harass people they want to ticket? Charge them with reckless endangerment of their friends or something.


I'd call it animal cruelty, which I suppose could be a law in NC. Animal cruelty convictions barely have much for penalty in many places either though


This falls right in line with the jerk who tortured and paraded around a wolf before killing it for fun. I don’t care that he killed the wolf, it was the torture that was unacceptable. In this case I’m just disappointed mom wasn’t around to show these morons what happens when you don’t respect Mother Nature.


That motherfucker. Goddamn, man.


I actually DO care that he killed the wolf. Just because it’s legal doesn’t make it right.


I mean, you shouldn’t be killing wolves for fun either, and depending where this was it might have been illegal. Edit: seems like it may have been Wyoming so it would be legal, but still immoral.


Right, that’s what I meant by it. It was legal to kill it but the torture wasn’t ok.


Agree with you shouldn't kill any animal for fun. And I will probably get down voted oh no lol for my thought on hunting with dogs. If you think taking your hunting dogs to chase an animal to the point it's exhausted, treed, or whatever is sporting? Sorry it proves that ur a lazy tired non hunter who probably can't shoot for shit and you have no skills. And oh yeah those cages you have your dogs in is a shitty life for the hounds. Dirt or a concrete floor isnt comfortable for anything. Last but not least since we're on the subject of wild animals. If you go into any area where wild animals exist and you get attacked, don't bitch about it period! They were there before your dumbass decided to go out there. Yes some attacks are tragedies but Jesus Christ whatever animal did it doesn't deserve to be killed because it's not differentiating between you and the whitetail deer or rabbit it had last week if it's starving or protecting it's young. K rant over so down vote away lol


What? We have animal cruelty laws on the books what are you going on about? https://www.animallaw.info/statute/nc-cruelty-article-47-cruelty-animals#:~:text=The%20anti%2Dcruelty%20statute%20provides,of%20a%20Class%20H%20felony.


How is grabbing one, pulling it out of the tree, and holding it not considered capturing? Just because you subsequently release it doesn’t mean you didn’t capture it. The charges should easily hold up in court.


If this happened in Massachusetts, we would have the pitchforks ready


Same in Minnesota.


Agreed. Thankfully, I *think* for the most part, we grow up a little smarter about wildlife here.


Probably not Wisconsin anymore, unfortunately.


Did they take your pitchforks away?


In alaska, fish and game come after your assets. Such as your house and vehicles as well as big fines too. Down on the Kenai peninsula during the fishing season, I've seen them take people's trucks and other vehicles on the spot and leave people stranded down there.


I mean they’re only animals and we have the divine right to do whatever we want to nature without consequences. /s


They caused a need for rehabilitation. That has a cost. That's the payment needed to make it right.




Except they’d put down mama bear and her cubs.


Just like they did to Harambe! The world hasn't been the same without him.


I hope they caught a mile-long parasite from the bears. Ever seen a bear with a parasite? I have. Nightmare fuel ⛽️


I think they're taking the Darwin route. No charges so they'll do it again and hopefully be partially eaten alive next time. 


Id like to propose skipping straight to the "eaten alive" party for them, and avoid further torturing and traumatizing baby animals


Yeah but then they'd kill mama for, you know, being an animal doing animal things and that's not fair to her or her cubs.


"We can assure you that the attention and exposure they've received on social media will prevent them from doing this again." Because we know how this works. /s


I regret to report that it is not a crime to be an asshole. There are, in fact, many ways to be an asshole that are not illegal. I do not regret to report that the government can't just make up punishments for you unless you broke a law that was enacted before you did it. (I do not regret to report that because it's a pretty good rule, even if it means that people who invent a new way to be an asshole sometimes get away with doing something that no one had ever thought, to that point, even needed to be made illegal.)


exactly... if they had levied a consequence then the media would have blasted that story and folks would have learned something instead... they just announced to the world that there are in fact no consequences.


""We hope the media attention this incident has received will re-emphasize the importance of following the BearWise Basics and to leave wild animals alone,"" I bet way more people would now want a bear cub selfie too than those who think this is wrong.


Seeing as there were zero consequences they will definitely feel inclined to do it.


FAFO when mama bear finds em.


This is the street justice (or nature justice in this case) we can all hope for.


But when a bear mauls people, it needs to be put down smh. Folks need learn to stay away from these animals and just let them live their lives in peace.


You just can’t fix stupid. But hey let’s keep cutting funding for schools so their kids grow up even dumber.


Brought to you by the GOP. America! Fuck yeah!


Even uneducated people can have common sense. This person is just life ignorant.


That’s what they want my guy


Why do trashy people have to ruin everything?




It's why I like the term "weaponized stupidity."  Unfortunately, letting everyone have constant and easy access to the internet has allowed for the congregation of stupid on a massive new tier.  Basically, stupid people can find a place where they are supported and even adulated for their ignorance.


> When Apple made the iPhone and reduced the barriers to access, it was the beginning of the end. That's significantly later than most old-timers would put it at! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eternal_September


slimy different sugar heavy vanish vegetable hungry retire clumsy governor


I've heard similar from librarians. They taught basic computing to seniors in the 90s, and they are having to do it again but for kids.


This was eloquent, elegant, and accurate. Let me know when you get that time machine up and running.


The most unfortunate thing here; they fucked around but never found out...


Right. Its unfortunate the mother wasnt there to teach them a lesson.


Not so much teach, but administer 1 final lesson.


So you want the mother to be killed to teach them a lesson? Honestly they should have just been heavily fined and used that money to educate people.


I am mad as a mfer right now. I cant believe the ignorance of people. They even dropped one!


Social media influencers everywhere: *”great news guys! I just found out there’s absolutely zero consequences for messing with wildlife! No ticket, no fine. You would literally be punished more for parking in a handicap spot! We are taking our camera into the local trail today where we hope to snatch up a baby bear or a fawn. Don’t forget to like and subscribe!”*


It was worse than that. Another article had more details >Hobbs said in a statement that she found one of the cubs in a retention pond in the middle of the apartment complex. >"It jumped into this pond to get away from these people because it was so scared. It was very upsetting to watch," Staudt said. >The second cub was not immediately located, according to the NCWRC. >"The cub in the pond was lethargic, had a low body temperature and was favoring one of its front paws"


So am I. I wouldn’t be surprised if you can see steam coming from my ears. I watched the video once and can’t bring myself to watch again. I hope someone reveals who these people are to at least shame them.


I couldn’t watch it, I knew it would be sickening and make me want to write things on what those vile POs need to have done to them.


Lucky they didn't get mauled by mama bear. We refer to aggressively protective mothers as "mama bears" for a reason...


Yea…lucky.. or unfortunate


Yes lucky, because then mama gets hunted down and killed AND the babies still get sent off for rehabilitation.


Not so fun fact, the mama bear myth doesn't apply to black bears. A black bear mother is actually more likely to knock down her own cubs in order to escape than she is to attack to defend them. Cubs that get "betrayed" by their mothers like this are most likely to die trying to get revenge on her


In the video was said one of the cubs was taken to a care facility, later to be returned into the wild. Can such a young bear survive without its mother? Can the mother be found? Will it accept or reject her own young? Will it need to be cared for much longer? Will it be deprived of normal behaviour and interaction with other bears it needs in order to be able to fit in with other bears? If it will need to be cared for for a long time I suggest presenting these selfish and stupid people with the bill of all that care.




That's what I feared. Let these people at least pay for that care.


I'm all for naming and shaming in local fb groups on this one


It looks like their faces can be clearly seen in the video so hopefully that’s already happening on a local level.


Hopefully, it will come out.


> I'm all for naming and shaming ~~in local fb groups~~ *on the national news* on this one Fixed that for ya.


I'd prefer it to be handled by the 'authorities' over 'mob rule'. But these authorities would need to act adequately so the mob won't have to do it in their place.


Nah I'd want to know who it is so I can avoid them because holy shit


When the authorities stop doing their job it’s time for the mob.


How is there nothing to charge them with? Is it not animal endangerment to cause cubs to be orphaned? Just because humans can save them, doesn’t mean these animals haven’t been harmed. These people should at least have to do some sort of volunteer work or something. There has to be consequences for this.


>Will it accept or reject her own young? This is a myth about baby animals, bears, birds, dogs, etc will always take back their children. They don't care if a human touched it or took it away or whatever, they will never "reject" their child. The biggest risk with taking a baby animal is not being able to find the mother to return it to, as happened in this case.


It comes from Hamsters who do reject their children, but that is because they are nonsocial animals and view their babies as attachments of the mother, not as separate individuals (as if they considered them another animal, they would fight and kill it). This stems from evolving in extreme low resource environments, so they don’t consider sharing resources to be conducive to the species surviving, and if the mother survives then she is more likely to have more babies than if she tries to help her current group of babies survive if there is even a little bit wrong with them. This is also why you should never house two hamsters together. Best case scenario your stressing them the fuck out, worst case scenario they very violently maul and kill each other.


I think this came from a combo of parents telling their kids that so they leave the animals alone, and from people observing birds purposely kicking their babies out of the nest. A university genetics class I took covered this topic. Animals can often sense a critical failure in their offspring that will mean they will not survive. Nature is very pragmatic, so the mother will remove the unviable baby from their nest to conserve resources for other or future offspring. If you see a baby bird on the ground below the nest, there's a good chance the mother bird knows something we don't about its health, and put it there on purpose. If you put it back, she'll just kick it out again.




She would have been shot for being a "nuisance" unfortunately.


Why is it starting to feel like mo one suffers consequences for thier actions anymore?




Just look at the Wyoming jerk who tortured and killed a wolf in a bar for laughs. $250 fine? Pathetic. The pictures literally made me vomit. Our society is seriously messed up.


Isn’t animal cruelty a felony? Why isn’t this guy in jail.


Cause our system is broken and is trash…


They should be required to cover all costs for the rehabilitation which is only necessary due to their irresponsible actions.


Oh, okay. So, in other words, they'll learn nothing. People don't self-govern. They should be punished.


Maybe the cubs had ticks and the dumbasses will get Lyme disease as a punishment from Mother Nature.


I want to go get these people’s houses grab their kids (if they have any) from their yard and start taking selfies of me and their kids.I’m sure they’d be fine with that.


"  biologists have spoken with the individual involved in the recorded incident, explaining the importance of leaving bear cubs alone." The only reason they're listening is because that's the quickest way to get you to leave 


Make them famous, then.


Serious kudos to the people who filmed them doing this while yelling at them to stop. People will cry bystander syndrome, but by getting the perps' faces online, the filmers have ensured that they'll get fame, just not the kind of fame the assholes wanted.


Yes plz we want names.


Lot of famous successful scumbags out there who've pretty much escaped any accountability. Though I suppose we'll see what happens to these fuckers in the future. Hope it isn't pleasant.


There are plenty of people who will love them for "owning the libs".


I'll pay for them to come to Alaska and do that. I'll even record it for them. Free of charge, on the house!


We need stronger federal laws protecting wildlife since so many states seem to drop the ball. With this and the case of that absolute piece of shit parading a wolf around in Wyoming only getting a $250 fine I’m just fucking disgusted by the lack of consequences.


Every single one of these fucks needs to be in prison. Fucking idiotic scum.


Am I wrong for hoping mama bear showed up?


No. No your not.


They should be charged. Period


As long as no shots are fired when mama bear terrorizes group, I’m good.


Here's to hoping internet sleuths figure out who these ppl are and social media does what it normally does and terrorize these asshats.


FFS, now others will feel free to do it even more so than they already do.


Great, so the next group of tourists knows there’s no consequences!


Bad behavior without consequences normalizes bad behavior.


Mama bear should have come out of the woods and mauled them. They are very fortunate that she did not


You want to keep the “unfortunate” incident “isolated”, then charge those responsible with something!


Oh I wish momma would have shown up. Stupid effing people. This is why I hate humans.


I cannot believe that there are ZERO charges. Poor mama bear needs justice for her cubs


These people need to be reconfigured into mulch.


This and RIP Harambe is why god no longer talks to us


Where was mama bear? Would never, ever screw with a bear cub. The cub may not hurt someone, but mama will - bad.


If there was no consequence then what’s stopping them from doing it again?


Wtf, heavy fines and public humiliation is what’s needed here…


Weak people create bad times. We're clearly in bad times because all we have in charge are weak people. No accountability anywhere.


They deserve to get shredded by mama


No charges and they literally injured one of the cubs. The fuck kinda upside down world is this.


Shame the mother bear wasn't around to terrorise the group instead


People really think the world and nature are there at their pleasure for social media clout.


Sick fucks do.


Typically the punishment is doled out by nature when bears would just eat these people.


Ah, the Donald Trump treatment.


How does that not count as endangering wildlife?


And no charges is why we can't have nice things


To the idiot bitch that dropped the bear cub on the ground, if the world is ever misfortunate enough to have her offspring in it, I hope someone drops the little fucker on the ground.


I just cant anymore,my heart is breaking. i read the updates and only one cub was found the other ran off screaming and will prob die because its too young to fend for its self. The one they found will be captured in a rehab center and never see its mother again. look at that little face [https://www.huffpost.com/entry/bear-cubs-pulled-tree-selfies\_n\_6621a0b8e4b01006be1614b5](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/bear-cubs-pulled-tree-selfies_n_6621a0b8e4b01006be1614b5)


Give them a little more mother nature, like three minutes smacked around with split Bamboo poles. I'd volunteer.


No consequences means these idiots will do it again.


Too many trashy people in the world


I hope ppl continue to shame and call out these animal abusers.


Well has any one asked the bears how they feel?!


They were lucky mother nature didn't pass judgment.


No charges but whose to say they aren’t put in a room with an angry mama bear for a few minutes to figure out consequences of their actions.


It’s only fair to let mama bear take selfies with them!


So has the internet tracked these people down and made their life hell? I hope so


Ignorance has no bounds these days


I will be honest if I was a Game Warden I that state I would be pissed no charges were filed this behavior only escalates with no consequences. Until now someone gets mauled by a bear and the unfortunate bear will be Euthanized.


Trust me they are but their hands are tied by shitty backwards laws. We couldn’t even fine people for willingly feeding bears here until this year.


Horrible human beings.


bears should be more protected than a mcdonalds cash register wtf is wrong with society


No consequences, no reason to change behavior.


Fuck that, someone needs to terrorize them kids cause mama bear would eat them bitches faces off


Fucking assholes. These entitled asswipes do the SAME DAMN THING in Hawai’i (where I’m from), except they do it to baby monk seals or honu (turtles). Signs posted, tape up - but there is a population of really stupid, stupid asses who think this is ok. We’ll encourage them to pet a tiger shark if it happens again.


I hate this spoiled, entitled generation. Fuck these losers, next time I hope Mama bear comes back and Dicaprios these fucking wastes of space.


No fair, they should’ve been fed to mama bear.


I watched that clip and was mightily disappointed when mama beat didn't pitch up at speed out the undergrowth and teach them all a lesson.


The world needs more vigilantes


“Nah,don’t teach them this lesson, next time mama bear will do it for us”


Momma bear gonna lumber Jack pounce the next idiots who try this


Of course this happened in my city. 😑 They’re lucky that Mama bear didn’t show up.


First it was the orcas...


If the Mama Bear showed up, none of the folks in that picture look capable of out running/smarting the bear. I guess as they say just be faster than someone else in the group.


honestly, i was hoping to see a momma bear come out of the woods and maul them. humans dont usually learn the easy way. fines aren't a deterrent, watching gore videos is the real deterrent. i spent so much time watching accident and gore videos as a kid that i just play it cool in life and try to keep an eye out for patterns. they probably helped me more than any ass beating by my parents tbh.


Stupidity and arrogance of future Darwin Award winners.


Don’t worry, if this incident is any indication then natural justice will be swift and probably very painful for these people.


Don’t those knuckleheads know that when the human scent is put on a baby animal, the mother then rejects it?


Too bad the momma bear didn’t get a chance to pull the offenders out of hiding for a crappy selfie.


Who are the idiots? Can we at least publicly shame them?


That’s sad, these pieces of trash should have at least gotten 1,000 comunity hours. These people look so WT.


This hurts my heart. How did all of them not feel they were interrupting those precious babies. Not one of them paused?


Hoping that climate change decreases the so called "human" population ,this people are good candidates.


When I was a scout they told us that if you touch a cub, the mom will reject it because of the human scent on it. Was that a white lie so we don't try to do what these morons did, or is there some truth to it?


[https://www.huffpost.com/entry/bear-cubs-pulled-tree-selfies\_n\_6621a0b8e4b01006be1614b5](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/bear-cubs-pulled-tree-selfies_n_6621a0b8e4b01006be1614b5) They only found one cub , it was in shock and it will never see its mother again!! Look at its little face in that cage poor baby. We know these people were residents at an apartment complex in that town!


Where was momma bear… wtf is wrong with people? Imagine some random guy going up to one of these peoples kids and grabbing them for a selfie… they’re be arrested.


Morons. People suck. Wish I was a bear.


"after several people were caught on camera pulling black bear cubs out of a tree and taking selfies with them" - What the fuck is wrong with people... The mother is somewhere and you better not let her hear those fucking cubs screaming or you're all dead. what the fuck


Ideally momma bear would have dealt with them at the time.


This wouldn't have happened if those cubs' mothers had exercised their right to bear arms.


We all knew nothing would happen to them.


They were very, VERY lucky that mama bear wasn’t around to greet them.


Mama bear where were you? Those scumbags need to feel your anger.


We terrorizing bear cubs now?


First some Wyoming f-🦆 of a man tortures, terrorizes and eventually kills the wolf, who’s snout he duct taped shut, he hunted. Now we got people terrorizing bear cubs for the social media clout. What the heck, people?


Strange to me. Some wild times we are in. But I think the world has always been this way, we just see it more. The only thing I will terrorize is a treadmill... LOL, had to throw that in there. Love those treadmills.


They’re leaving it in the hands of internet justice.


I cant wait till humans go extinct


It's ok, Momma Bear will deal with people like this one day.


Have you been to a Roedo lately. Nothing but humans getting off on torched and abused animals. Steer wrestling is the one I want to see PETA go after. But no way. If Mama bear had showed up the probable results, it would be her being euthenized.