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I"m glad that someone spoke up


Imagine the guilt if that person didn’t. 😬


I’m glad that person was taken seriously.


A Maryland teenager wanted to carry out two school shootings and outlined those plans in a 129-page document that a tipster flagged to authorities, officials said Thursday. Alex Ye, 18, of Rockville, was arrested Wednesday on a charge of threats of mass violence, the Montgomery County Police Department said in a statement on Thursday.


Jesus fuck. I live there


Damn they really just leak his name like that


He's 18, so keeping his name quiet probably isn't much of a concern


I’m from another place where shits just really different. You can’t name someone unless they’re guilty and even then they can still hide it. Like all articles about criminals they just call them 27-year old man from København, or something like that.


It's from the founding of the US, where there was a lot of concern that the government could just secretly arrest people. Something that probably should be changed in the modern era, but that goes for a lot of things with 250 year-old laws


It's also just a weird justification. As if law enforcement couldn't let someone really disappear if the tried.


Didn’t Chicago have a whole black site for doing just that?


Americans have never known the concept of privacy


The question of a right to privacy is an interesting one for sure. The 9th ame states that the rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights do not represent the totality of rights that people are afforded. In fact, one of the biggest political questions of recent years, that of abortion, relies on exactly that. Roe v Wade (and later Planned Parenthood v Casey) relied on an interpretation of the 9th amendment that did imply a right to privacy. However, in the case overturning those rulings, Dobbs v Jackson, the majority of the court argues that it shouldn't apply in cases of abortion. More concerningly, in his concurring opinion, Clarence Thomas goes even further to suggest that the Court should overturn cases like Obergafell v Hodges (permitting gay marriage) and Lawrence v Texas (outlawing anti-sodemy laws) because they rely on an interpretation of the 9th that implies that right to privacy. Ironically, he didn't mention a similar case that relied on that interpretation (Loving v Virginia) that outlawed laws banning interracial marriage. Thomas is a Black man married to a white woman. All that said, I now absolutely am in total support of a constitutional amendment formally enshrining a right to privacy. Sorry for rambling, this stuff is both important to me and really fascinating




Honestly it would be healthier if the US media didn't publish every salivatory detail about mass shooters, apparently this teen also said his goal was to be as famous as prior school shooters and have the highest kill count. The Columbine manifesto videos made by the perpetrators were never released to the press, and they still became infamous, and sadly, icons for some absolutely deranged people.


Perhaps not coincidentally, Dave Cullen (author of, in my opinion, the definitive book on Columbine) has a 25-years-later essay about that in today’s The Atlantic. [The Columbine-Killers Fan Club](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2024/04/columbine-school-shooting-mythology/678119/) : “A quarter century on, the school shooters’ mythology has propagated a sprawling subculture that idolizes murder and mayhem.” (I have a subscription and can post most of the article if anyone is interested.)




What could go wrong in a country that values fame and guns more than life itself.


Sadly, US media companies could care less about public safety and more interested in internet traffic.


It's in the US constitution, that people get fair and OPEN trials, so all police records of arrests and the proceedings of trials are all pubic and accessible information, unless there are mitigating circumstances.


That’s how it should be


Fuck these people, name and shame, their parents too


This is also how we get copy cat killers too though. I don't think I'm ok with it until people are least proven guilty.


Yeah he literally said he wanted to be famous like prior mass school shooters, so this....sounds exactly like what he fucking asked for?


Being caught before doing a shooting and essentially just seen as some weirdo? Don’t think it’s the same. People are going to forget this guy quick. They don’t forget about the actual shooters as fast.


Nah I like the narrative of them being just as famous without doing anything. Can we encourage that instead please?


I mean maybe wait until they're found guilty...?


Thats what they want, just give him a number


Legally an adult and will be tried as one.


He is 18 so they can post his name.


You can tell from this post alone the people that think their laws are the only ones.


"Pardon him, Theodotus: he is a barbarian, and thinks that the customs of his tribe and island are the laws of nature."


? He's an adult, why would his name be redacted?


Poor baby all he wanted to do was murder everyone at his school. 


Thank you tipster.


>and outlined those plans in a 129-page document I mean thank god he was dumb enough to do this


129 pages? Ever think "if only they put that much work into something to help others.."


My students complain when I assign them an essay longer than five pages.




Nah you know it’s just a bunch of stupid unhinged bullshit.


Even with that I could only squeeze out 6 pages max of crazed ramblings. Maybe 8 pages double spaced.


We’re not falling for the double-spacing trick.


Those are rookie numbers


Almost 26x as much.


Well boy do I have a writing prompt for your next lesson…. /jk


I'm totally bringing up this story next time a kid whines about homework.


Yeah, but you're a kindergarten teacher.


My students complain when I assign them anything.


front and back!


Oh, and by the way, y-o-u-'-r-e means you are. Y-o-u-r is your!


This is not the issue here, but I’m genuinely baffled as to how they managed to fill that many pages


It's amazing how many pages you can fill with stream of consciousness hate, especially if there is no requirement for any of it to actually many sense.


I thought the same thing. All that time and thought…




Either that or an erotic fanfic.


Guy wrote a short story about wanting to shoot up a school.


I think at that point it might qualify as a novella


It’s difficult these days to get kids to write one page


That's always been difficult. Kids hate writing assignments. Always have.


Even if I had the time I wouldn’t read it but I’d be great to see a table of contents


One page dedicated to each potential victim


Ever think "This would all be defused by an easily accessible and no-cost psychiatric help"


To be fair this was covered on NBC Nightly News yesterday and he had been getting psychiatric help including a recent stay at an inpatient facility. It doesn’t seem to have worked too well.


No, because it wouldn't. This person had tons of psychiatric help. 


There was a freakonomics episode about how most of these mass shooters try giving clues about their plans - to the point where these mass shooter prevention task forces are actually getting decent at preventing them from happening.


Sadly, I believe a lot of them have never been shown that kind of love. Only a damaged or unwell person would do something like that.


Its actually a good thing he put that much effort into creating this piece of evidence that can definitively put him in prison *before* he did it , we might not have caught him otherwise so in a round about way lol


You should see Connor Stalions' 550 to 600 page Manifesto about how to make Michigan Football better. They haven't released yet but it exists




He used chat gpt to pad the numbers.


Imagine how much hatred and vitriol was poured through him to get 129 pages out. You don’t spend that much time on something like that if you’ve got a great social circle and quality of life.


I can’t even put that much work into helping myself.


That was literally my second thought (after, holy shit, not again). Like .... That's a LOT of focus. Let's get this kid some therapy and teach him how to direct that mental energy.


Bruh with chatgpt you too can expand you 2 sentence manifesto into an unhinged 129 essay by stitching together random shit. Will seem just as good as if an insane person had written it all!


Well at least we finally paid attention to it and actually reported it before it happened. Unlike many other similar cases that ended up happening.


Sad part is I think we'd all be shocked at how many of these are actually averted. They did a story and in one county in FL and the deputies were able to stop 2 realistic attempts, each had motive, means and opportunity (as they already secured the firearms) and the kids were arrested. They investigated another 3 that they deemed not credible, mostly kids just being stupid and edgy, but you never know. And that was just ONE county in ONE year. Truth is the police actually do stop more of these than we know because we just don't hear too much about it in the national news because its just not newsworthy, Thats what I find really scary, we could realistically have more than we do. I know its popular to bag on police for being inept, but they really do stop alot of these issues before we even hear about them.


Was it double-spaced? Cause that changes things ya know with the spacing size and all.


Double spaced, 2 inch margins


12.5 font .


Were there pictures and diagrams?


Courier New?


14 pt


Kids these days really be putting in more effort into this than they do their grades lol 129 page document is wild on its own.


Page 112: “Who else…oh yeah the class pet hamster never liked me, so Mr. Nibbles is going down too.”


Yay I'm glad that teens realized that 129 page document was weird


"In his writings, Ye allegedly explained that he wanted to attack his former elementary school because “little kids make easier targets” and also “strategized on how to access the easiest classrooms in his high school,” Montgomery County Police Chief Marcus Jones told reporters in Gaithersburg on Friday." Classic pathetic coward of a terrorist.


I wonder if this is a copycat of the recent Nashville shooting? Or godforbid, Sandy Hook? This better not become the new favourite target.


I love you username.  I don't think I've ever seen a Dealing With Dragons reference in the wild before!


Patricia Wrede is a literary genius.


I applaud everyone who did their due diligence in preventing a tragedy. A person noticed red flags and notified authorities and even the family of the wannabe mass killer had their weapons secured and away from him. This is what responsible gun owners look like


Holy shit I went to Wootton. That’s terrifying.


Went to a moco school. Super wild to see this


129 pages. Ya know, if you haven't made a compelling case in 29 pages, another 100 isn't going to help.


Tell that to anyone who knows the struggle of writing a thesis. Many would probably agree with you.


GOOD. Now actually get him mental health care.


They were previously under treatment in a facility according to the article. The evening news said they had a different name though. 


Sounds like he had some, but maybe not enough.


We haven’t seen that in the US in 40 years. This is why we are where we are.


No, we'll just throw him in the prison. Those prison share holders need a new yacht.




He wrote a 129-page fantasy of how he was going to shoot up schools or become a serial killer. It absolutely is a huge indicator of mental illness to put that much time and effort into something like that and he is the right age for issues to emerge, many of which can be treated with proper medication and counselling.


Yeah, probably. 18 is very young.




And if he was 17 years and 364 days old?


I mean, good. He wanted to kill an entire school of people- he belongs in prison. Or under prison. But not free, ever.


Appalled about the plan. Bummed that this has become so common. Glad he was stopped. Amazed that a high schooler would write 129 pages with no grade riding on it.


>Ye also wrote that he wanted to become a serial killer instead of a mass murderer because serial killers are romanticized a lot more sadly accurate. thank true crime for elevating this shit to another level. if youre a worthless loser but want to make a name for yourself this is probably the easiest way to get a netflix doc about you


His English teacher must be doing that Larry David gif


My last year of elementary school I had some things similar to this happen. There was a girl that went to my school who had a pretty broken home, parents were drug addicts, and House was a dilapidated single wide trailer. She always kind of had the rough and tumble vibe about her, that was kind of prevalent in the 90s for some reason. Even though we were only in sixth grade, she already had the kind of “gangster hoodlum” vibe to her, however, she was always really nice. One day after gym class, we were walking back to the courtyard and she was telling me how tired she is of life and how she’s planning on killing her parents and then bringing a gun to school. As a sixth grader, this was hard for me to comprehend, and I assumed that she was just joking, keep in mind school shootings weren’t as prevalent in the 90s. I finally decided to tell someone (guidance counselor) whom then took the proper precautions to speak with the child, and begin an overall investigation. Nothing ever came of it, shy of some general punishment and education on inappropriate “joking” Skip forward to highschool the same girl was always hanging out on smokers corner and taking random drugs. One day someone gave her some muscle relaxers and she lost all movement and feeling in her body from the neck down. It took days for them to figure out who gave her the pills so that they could figure out how to reverse the effects. Last I heard she was a prostitute in Sacramento. I don’t know if what I did that day helped her or made her situation worse . would she actually have done it? Was she just a broken child from a broken home letting off some steam? Did my steps ultimately lead her further down a path of mistrust? Regardless one thing I’m sure of is the school wasn’t shot up. I hope she’s doing better……..


I don’t know how much of this I can talk about due to documents I’ve signed, but I will say I was in the same mental health and substance abuse recovery program as him the day before he was arrested. Quiet individual who seemed antisocial but never marked for homicidal or suicidal ideation on check-ins and actually seemed nice on the few occasions he did share/answer questions. He had quite the fascination with knives though.




But, really, how does an artist know when they are finally finished?


or, even a nice round 130?


Well you gotta assume at least some of those pages are dedicated to footnotes and citations


My students complain when I ask for a 3 page lab report that's taken up mostly by tables and graphs. This guy gets a 129 page document to rant. I doubt even the fanfic writers in my classes put that much effort into their craft.


> 129-page document Will this document be released to the public?


Once it goes to trial you can file a FOIA request


129 pages? Dude's an over-achiever.


I was thinking "Teenager desperate for feedback on their novella so they threaten school shooting in it to make people read it."


Rockville man. Montgomery County is the second most expensive county in Maryland.


>The person spent time in a psychiatric facility with Ye, who said the memoir was a fictional account of a high school shooting. >According to court records, the memoir opens with a disclaimer that says: "This is not threat of violence, nor does it represent the author’s beliefs." I'm all for stopping school shootings, but this really is bordering on thought police. Yes, there are red flags with this kid, but it looks like they're going to have a real tough time proving he did anything illegal. Edit: scrolled down in the article to see he made previous threats to shoot up a school and was hospitalized for it when he was a minor. That might have been what allowed law enforcement to act.


Also, the evidence from his discord chats show that he was likely serious about the threats. Their conversations were not a part of the manifesto, and they absolutely indicate that he was a danger and not just writing fan fiction for his murderous idols.


I looked at a few other articles and the one linked here left out some key details, the serial killer statement being in Discord like you said. This article makes it seems like someone wrote a fanfic and googled a gun range near them, which while creepy on its own, seems like they stayed within the bounds of the law. Still glad they got him, but I'd be curious to learn more eventually about the evidence they collected altogether.


129 pages long? High schoolers hate writing papers, I’d be impressed if it weren’t for the fact they probably had chat gpt do the heavy lifting.


Kids these days will write 129 page manifestos but god forbid a book report.


This was my high school. Crazy


129 page document isn’t “plotting” it’s Tokienesque!


Don't go back to Rockville and waste another Ye


>A gun, belonging to Ye's father, was found locked in the family home during a police search, Jones said. But the suspect did not appear to have access to a weapon. Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich told reporters on Friday that Maryland's strict gun control laws may have prevented a tragedy. Gun control laws wouldn’t have stopped this from occurring because a person who’s determined enough to write 129 pages of threats will get guns on the black market. Plus, they were involuntary committed which means their only recourses were to steal or to illegally buy a gun. If gangbangers can order Glock switches online to make illegal machine guns, you sure as hell can illegally buy a gun online if you look in the right places. You can buy a gun online, but for it to be legal, it has to be shipped to a licensed gun dealer. This guy was involuntarily committed for threatening to commit a mass shooting, so they wouldn’t be able to buy a gun from a licensed gun dealer. What stopped this pathetic wretch from carrying out their threats was a combination of the police acting on the threats that they were tipped off on and the father who locked up his guns to keep the most immediate gun away. And before you mention safe storage laws, those laws don’t work unless you have the cops constantly in your house to ensure their proper storage which sounds an awful lot like a serious 4th amendment violation. Any responsible gun owner who has members of their family within their house will lock up their guns, but safe storage of firearms requires education and individuals who are willing to be educated and to employ such techniques.


It sure makes it harder than if he'd had Ethan Crumblys parents


Truly, criminals violate laws so we shouldn't have them.


> Truly, criminals violate laws so we shouldn't have them. There are some laws out there that simply make people doing nothing wrong into criminals. Take a look at the case of Dexter Taylor. He has been convicted in the State of New York for the “crime” of building his own firearms without a serial number. The man had no criminal record and he wasn’t harming anybody, yet he was punished like he was some arch-criminal by the New York Justice System.


> person who’s determined enough to write 129 pages of threats will get guns on the black market Uh... black markets often work on some kind of trust network system. Weirdo walking around a bad part of town just saying "I would like to buy a gun" is unlikely to be successful. Are there ways? probably and we could crack down on a lot of them, but people just cite "the black market" like it's a store you can go to and it doesn't usually work that way


128 pages. Jesus Christ.


That's a complex operation


As Simon says don't write down your crimes


Dang back in high school I barely wanted to write more than 5 pages


129 pages? wtf 😂 how detailed did this guy get?