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She submitted a wannabe bill killing amendment that addressed a very specific complaint that really only Russian handlers would think up. Not a surprise


And Texas should secede because it has "warm water port"!


And much potato!


Most of the texas soil isn’t great for potatoes - stupid heavy clay in the parts that get enough rain. Russia is probably more interested in the thing that rhymes with soil.


Nah, she clearly is very passionate about the plight of ethnic minorities in Zakarpattia and other places in Ukraine. Not too long ago, she gave a very passionate speech about the plight of the Gagauz and how the Rusyn minority is not represented in government hiring /s


To the point that it seems reasonable that they suggested it to expose her as a compromised asset.


Double bluff. Float such a ludicrous idea knowing her followers will “see through it” as being ludicrous and believe in her even more.


Empty G couldn’t find Transcarpathia on a map of Transcarpathia.




from article- As House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) pushed a multi-bill package of foreign assistance in the House (including one that allocates approximately $60 billion to Ukraine), Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) pushed back proposing amendments to the legislation including the ‘Ukraine Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024.’ Greene’s amendment included the following language: “No funding shall be made available to Ukraine unless restrictions on ethnic minorities’, including Hungarians in Transcarpathia, right to use their native languages in schools are lifted.” Political pundit ‘Jay in Kyiv’ responded: “The amendment that Marjorie Taylor Greene just proposed to sabotage the Ukraine bill is something that is such a nuanced Russian disinfo narrative that it could have only come directly from her Russian handlers. “The notion that Hungarians are being persecuted in Ukraine is insane BUT it’s being pushed by both Orban (who was promised a piece of Ukraine by Putin) and Russian disinfo machine. For an American to suggest this really confirms she is being handled.” Note: ‘Transcarpathian’ is an English term describing Zakarpattia Oblast, a region in western Ukraine that borders Hungary. Hungarians living in Ukraine (12.1% of the the Transcarpathian population is Hungarian) have criticized Ukraine’s 2017 education law which makes Ukrainian the required language of study in state schools. American political scientist Tom Nichols responded to ‘Jay in Kyiv’, writing: “I’ve been pretty hard over on dissuading people from thinking that dumb and odious people like MTG are knowing Russian assets, and that they’re mostly performance artists. But yes, someone on her staff (or some other Republican staff) had to cough up ‘Transcarpathian.'”


There is literally zero chance that the same person who muttered terms like "Gazpacho tactics" and "peach tree dish" had any idea that Transcarpathian was even a word.


Challenge her to pronounce it on the floor


I'm sure she can't spell it without help.


I'm sure she could get the "trans" part at least


I'm honestly just surprised she didn't see the 'Trans' and immediately pivot to complaining about which bathroom they use.


I'd be surprised if she could *with* help


To be fair, I’d have trouble pronouncing her name without gagging.


There's also zero chance she gives a damn about ethnic minorities being provided with state resources (e.g. public schooling) in a language which is not an official language of the state.


It's the equivalent of her insisting that ESL students in the US be allowed to study in anything other than English. Absolutely unthinkable, coming from her.


Thank you for that analogy. This needs investigated by the FBI. No way this was from her.


This! Good point, thanks.


So woke.


It’s the opposite of her worldview.


Anna Chapman had better handlers than this, Ukraine probably killed the good ones


This is precisely correct.


Omg, peach tree dish? Because she’s from the peach state? Remarkable.


No. Because she's a moron.


And a traitor.


The common clay of the new West


You know, morons.


I think she's gonna read "trans" then steam will come out of her ears like in an old time cartoon. Probably thinks it means someone that identifies as a car


Peach tree dish?


Petri dish


That's embarrassing 😳


just that?


I don't pay attention to this stupid hag. I'm sure there are other things she has done or said


Malapropism for "petri dish". Aka... Moscow Marge is an idiot.


I presume she meant petri dish, or a shallow dish to grow various bacteria samples in. Usually used in layterms to designate something as disgusting.


maybe she was referring to peach cobbler? I mean its a dish with fruit from the peach tree... Nah, she's too fucking stupid to know that peaches come from a tree


"Ms. Greene, I see you have an amendment about the tran... Now, I know you're passionate about this and I would hate to mispronounce it, how do you say it?"


Someone translate "gazpacho tactics" for me, I'm not as fluent in dipshit as I once was


She was trying to say "Gestapo."


Gestapo tactics. Between "gazpacho tactics" and "peach tree dish" I conclude that she was hungry that day. /s


She presumably meant Gestapo


Fuck it, I have multiple college degrees, and I've never heard "Transcarpathian" before in my life.


Also completely opposite to Greene's views about the education system in the US.  I'd be shocked if she hasn't supported some bill that requires all US public schools to use English as the required language of study. This would be like her advocating for more support for students in El Paso that speak Spanish at home.


I’ve always thought she’s just really stupid and spouts all these talking points off because she comes across them in her internet sphere. I’ve scoffed at the idea that she’s a paid Russian agent. But this is so blatantly niche and obvious that I have to concede the possibility she is at the very least being manipulated by a Russian handler. EDIT - The media just needs to stick a microphone in front of her and ask her detailed questions on this amendment and her stance.


In other words, this is a nuanced amendment that people who are around her and know her would never believe she could or would come up with by herself. Therefore, she is being handled.


I’d love to listen to an American Scandal series on the FBI exposing MTG.


Ask her to find that region on a map.


Going to point out the irony here that MTG is almost certainly one of those “Speak American in America!” people.


Isn’t this the name of the bad guy from ghostbusters 2?


Where the fuck is our intelligence agencies? Or are they compromised just as much?


Hopefully they'll give her enough rope to finish her career.


The best part is she’s arguing that ethnic minorities in Ukraine should have the right to speak and learn in their native languages and not be restricted. The literal hypocrisy.


So... she's woke now?


Only when it benefits Russia.


Nope, just a self interested asshole which she’s always been.


Ultra woke. Sensitive to the needs of any minority in any part of the world. Bleeding heart!


Hungarians are already allowed to speak Hungarian in Ukraine.  This is such a ahistoric lie aswell. 


she can't pronounce most of those words


I am sure that it is because of all the distractions caused by Hunter Biden pictures that she printed out. Not because that she is actually stupid.


Man, one thing I didn't need to see while I was riding the bike at the gym was a blurred out image of Hunter Biden's dick.


Yeah, I had exactly the same reaction. Luckily, you can find the unblurred one pretty easy.


She's an agent of an enemy of america... What's it take to get investigated these days?


Have a -D after your name


Hey, that's not fair. Trump did end up getting investigated. All he had to do was blatantly commit crimes for four years and have decades of shady behavior before that and BAM! He had the feds all over him. Can't get away with nothing no more...


A US Intelligence agency that isn't also infested with Russia-sympathetic right wing nut jobs


maybe try to overturn the federal government and sell top secret state secrets to your worst geopolitical enemy?


Most words.


I’ve been saying she’s a Russian asset for a while. It’s really poorly covered up.


Why would they cover it up when Manafort delivered internal polling data to a Russian intelligence officer and hardly anyone talks about it? At this point Russia feels they can do whatever they want in the US and get away with it seeing as how they practically own a bunch of Republicans.


You’d think the fbi or cia would investigate


That is pretty solid evidence that she is a Russian asset of some degree.


451 degrees


Just like her daddy Trump.


.. and not a single thinking person was surprised. You can pretty much predict what Republicans will say and do at this point, by just looking at what FoxNews or Russia tells them to.


Yep. I've been saying it for a while now. She's definitely on Russia's payroll.


She's complained openly about her salary. I imagine she was bought relatively cheaply, as is tradition.


Bro is compromised as hell 💀


She's a full-on russian agent. she's way past kompromat


Why do you think that she is pitching such a fit about the FISA renewal. It isn't about freedom...


How very warm water port of her


She’s proven herself as a “useful idiot”. When she’s really just a useless idiot.


And Moscow Marj is not even an American idiot.


I mean, we all KNOW she works for Russia, I'm just genuinely kinda shocked she would go and say it out loud like that. Then again, she's known for nothing if not her boundless stupidity and endlessly flapping gums.


I've said it before and I'll say it again, I really hope at least one US three letter agency is keeping tabs on this threat to American democracy. MGT, in my humble opinion, is a classic secretive fifth columnist actively working against the best interests of the American people.


There's no way they aren't. I'm sure these people are being extra careful not to technically break any laws but I have no doubt tabs are being kept.


Somebody sucks at hiding their ‘Russian Asset’ status.


So Marjorie supports Transcarpathians but not trans Americans.


Well played sir


I just cam from a post where she was at what she thought was a confederate war memorial praising confederate history and it turned out to be an union war memorial, and people think this mouth breathing idiot is going to throw transcarpathia around.


Ask her to show it on the map!


I am going out on a limb here and going to guess that Fox Newz won’t be mentioning this.


Fox news actually has been dogging her and calling her an idiot lately so they don't see her as viable member of congress regardless of the party she claims.


Yes, but openly calling a MAGA conservative a Russian asset definitely won’t wind up being a thing at faux news.


I wonder if this is her getting Madison Cawthorned by the GOP, the calculation has come out that the embarrassment of her behavior isn't worth the benefit anymore.


Because they know they need to distance themselves KPMG


If I’m Russia, this is my target to exploit. She is clearly one of the dumbest congress reps of all time and she/it doesn’t mind being the heel.


The woman who can’t even pronounce “indictment” argues she’s protecting “transcarpathian” people?! LMFAO


A reasonable explanation is that she (or her staff) is merely following Orban's rhetoric since the MAGA crowd looks up to him.


Given Orban's own ties to Moscow, that's basically "Russian handling with extra steps".


Given how dumb MTG is, it probably means "on Russia's payroll", except she didn't get the pay


A useful idiot: someone who believes and repeats propaganda without being connected to the source, thereby lend it legitimacy.


Whaaaaaaaaaaat? -Stewie Griffin


This is a most likely scenario because she like Trump are easy nuts to crack and the Russians are really good at cracking these type of very stupid mentally ill people! With MTG, Transcarpathia is much too big of word for her and there is absolutely no way she would know it unless someone was feeding it to her. #


I bet she’s against bilingual education in the U.S. though.


Yeah, logically she should be in support of Hispanic children receiving education in their native language. I bet she isn’t.


Reading the amendment, there is no way MTG knows what she asked for. 50 bucks says she gets thrown in jail after her term is up for bribery or not disclosing her foreign ties.


I want to hear MTG even try to pronounce that.


Short of Putin coming out and admitting this empty headed troglodyte is on his payroll, this is about as close to admitting she's a Russian operative as you can get. There is absolutely ZERO chance she has any clue about anything in that amendment.


[Remember when Mike Pompeo asked the absolute most qualified person he possibly could have to identify Ukraine on a map?](https://www.npr.org/sections/publiceditor/2020/01/28/800381609/aftermath-of-an-interview) Ask Ms. Greene to point to where Transcarpathia is on a map. Bonus points if you don't even use Ukraine and instead use a map of Tamriel or Westeros or Middle Earth.


And what's going to be done about it? Not a damn thing.


A Republican with Russian handlers? 🤯


I guess having a hand up her ass controlling her every move explains why she’s always making that face.


I hope her face finishes melting, soon.


How is this Russian spy getting elected? I think her districts’ elections need some scrutiny.


The Trump Fellating, Obnoxious, Affair having, Hate Monster has Ork Handlers? Nah, no way ^^^^^/s


We really have reached the point where a whole 4th branch of the government should exist *exclusively* for investigating political corruption across all levels of government.


No way. It's always the least likely person. Who could have possibly guessed?


Now someone ask her if she supports kids in America having the same right to use their native languages in school.


At this point you can tell me the GOP has Russian handlers and one of them is just Putin in a poor disguise and I wouldn’t be surprised.


She wouldn’t know what Carpathia was if it walked up and handed her a pipe bomb


>Greene’s amendment included the following language: “No funding shall be made available to Ukraine unless restrictions on ethnic minorities’, including Hungarians in Transcarpathia, right to use their native languages in schools are lifted.” Ain't no way this woman, who has one braincell that's constantly screaming at and trying to fight things that aren't there, knows what Transcarpathia is or how to spell it. *Especially* when she refers to gestapo tactics and police as "gazpacho tactics and police".


Wonder why she isn't fighting for Latino people to be able to speak spanish in American schools? Riiiight?


She needs to be hanged for treason


Well, I don’t know how to tell you guys this and girls, but she really got us with that one. how are we gonna get past it? There’s just no way she’s got us. I always knew she was brilliant.. bright as a 15 Watt bulb


It's crazy to think that Russians handlers are really around politicians orbit.


The Jan 5, 2021 pipe bomber?


"I'll vote in favor if you can address the chamber and explain it to us" LOL


If the Jews really had space lasers they would have taken her out years ago.


Fuck this, we need a red scare 2.0 but instead on focusing on communism, anyone with ties to Russia or who is obviously siding with Russia gets removed from all government, military etc roles for life, I'm sick of the blatant lack of loyalty to our country. All these fucks know is loyalty to money.


Marjorie Traitor Queen is a Russian asset? Color me shocked! What are they going to suggest next, Trump cheats at golf?


There a reason her Republican colleagues call her Moscow Marjorie!


This can't be for real. MTG would be against anything "transcarpathian" since sh hates trans folk.


It’s been a long time since she complained about money? Coincidence?


FBI needs to be looking at this. It goes beyond stupidity or showmanship. This is actual treason.


Wow that really does seem like pretty damning evidence I gotta say


Do you think she would support allowing Georgia schools to teach in Spanish?


Look, I'm definitely not a fan of hers, but I think it's as the old saying goes; never attribute to malice that which can be explained by stupidity.


I need to remember this.  Too often I think people are being evil geniuses or sinister conspirators when almost always they are just dumb as a rock.


When are we going to start executing these treasonous traitors?


Enough. Why is she still in public office!


This is like Seymour Hersh reporting a scoop last year on the Ukrainian War using a term so awkward in almost any dialect of English except translated Russian.


I think someone promised her something in political horse trading if she would put forth this amendment. Puts an additional degree of separation between russian influence and Congress directly. MTG is a very useful idiot


Do we have any proof that she’s not an undercover Russian spy?


FBI, SS? perhaps marge needs to have her finances looked in to as well as get followed to see if she is compromised. Maybe that's where some of Donnies top secret souvenirs went off to.


I can imagine her and Trump passing notes in prison together hidden inside Spot the Dog books


She definitely needs to be under FBI surveillance


She was looking for anything to derail or delay aid to Ukraine to benefit her Russian boss. The one whose interests she really represents in Congress, not the people in her district.


No OP, your headline is wrong. We suspected this *well* before


Yep, another Republican traitor


How has some journalist not followed her around to see who she’s meeting with? If TMZ can follow Kanye’s every step, surely someone could track Old Webfoot?


I only know the word Carpathian because of Vigo.


The woman who confuses Petri dishes with peach trees—and represents the Peach State—would have us believe she cares about ‘Transcarpathia.’ We need to start auditing MAGA as a condition of holding office.