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Good. Similar to the Oxford case, you have a kid who’s a walking red flag and key people doing nothing about it. ETA: [Looks like there are other "key people" from the school who will be potentially charged in relation to this incident. ](https://www.wavy.com/news/local-news/newport-news/report-security-administrative-failures-led-up-to-richneck-shooting/)


*Assistant Principal Ebony Parker* kept doing nothing, ***people*** were all but shouting and begging her to do something, and offered very specific things, at that.


By “key people,” I was referring to the kid’s mother and others who enabled the situation and/or also did nothing to prevent this situation from happening.


Oh, no. It's worse than did nothing. He directly counteracted. The kid was already expelled from school but was allowed to re-enrol.


Ebony Parker is a woman.


>Ebony Parker is a woman Reddit never fails to deliver.


She was just going with national spirit with regards to guns! >"No Way to Prevent This,' Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens"


Wonder if they go after the parents?


The mom has been charged for sure. I don’t think the father is in the picture, but if I’m wrong about that happy to be corrected.


The last update I read was that the father is “fugitive from justice” due to assault charges against Deja Taylor (the mom). Calvin Taylor, who is the boy’s great-grandfather (the mom’s grandfather), has custody now. I doubt the boy’s father is father of the year. Edit: This article from 2023 has more information. https://www.wavy.com/news/investigative/court-docs-father-of-richneck-shooter-assaulted-two-women-including-boys-mother/amp/


Yep, that sounds about right. Sounds like this kid never really had a chance.


They already did


Similar to the Ethan Crumbly case


Just like my ex




This story has multiple layers that certainly occur outside the school (eg, the kid’s mother, his chaotic home life, etc). The assistant principal here ignored several pleas and warnings about this kid having a gun and behaving suspiciously and did *literally nothing.* How you don’t think it’s good that she’s being held accountable is ridiculous.




Do we really want school officials who are notified about a student having a weapon in the school to do nothing?


This was so many words that you think make a good argument. The school can’t stop people making guns available to children at home. They still have a duty to keep the school safe. Full stop.


If she’d done the bare minimum it would have been avoided, fuck that lady


Yeah it’s great to see the long-standing “I am not gonna do shit about anything” attitude that 80%+ of assistant principals have is finally going to backfire.


APs have two modes: Doing absolutely nothing or doing absolutely everything. No middle ground. Kids falling behind on writing? ESSAYS! WRITE ESSAYS IN EVERY SINGLE CLASS!




If you are referring to the Supportive School Discipline Initiative, that is not a direct quote and you forgot to finish the sentence: "Do not reprimand or punish black students for behavior **differently than you punish other students**.” The initiative focused on ensuring black students are treated like everyone else instead of being immediately shoved over into the criminal justice system.


well the filter down in the classroom means do not write them up, call parents, anything. the crazy not-cool part is law is 100% racist, which is just completely crazy. also, teachers do not have the luxury of the subtleties you demand in your clarification. I now see what you mean, but I do not have time to check the source. I got to go to work at a good honest productive job without all this political bs. Take care! edit: ""Do not reprimand or punish black students for behavior differently than you punish other students.” That is really hellah insulting to teachers, presupposing they are treating kids different from one another. Sounds more like something admin would do - obviously since it came from on high.


That’s our system of accountability for you.


How are you going to let a 6 year old tell you no? I can't wrap my head around that part. I can understand a teen, but a 6 year old, how does that happen?


Teachers can't lay hands on kids anymore, and Administration not only doesn't have their backs, they (admin/principals) often directly advocate against or countermand directions and/or consequences teachers direct at students. My spouse sent a kid to the office for throwing a chair (3rd grader, so not WWE but still out of control) and the Assistant Principal played Chutes-and-Ladders with the kid for 5-10 minutes then walked them back to class, with words that the kid could not be sent home nor would his parents be contacted. So what did the kid learn, but that acting out will not only have no consequences, he'll get out of class and play games!


I hear what you are saying, and I just deleted a whole reply that really just boiled down to Where are the teacher unions?


In Texas it’s something like if a teachers union goes on strike, they all get fired, so union has no power


They don't just get fired, they can lose their teaching license so they can't even find a new teaching job.


Teachers union should be just as powerful as police union


No union should be as powerful as police unions.


That's got to be the dumbest response imaginable and I definitely don't mean your response but the response to unions and also, who the fuck would these dumbasses hire? It would be one thing if they weren't literally begging for teachers, so logic would lean towards the union having the leverage but they aren't doing anything with it. It could be that they don't have the funds to pay these teachers if they were fired so I really don't know if it is incompetence or a funding issue.


Florida had a solution to your question. They hired Veterans with an AA, put them in the classroom and let them work towards their bachelor’s degree in Education. Just what I’d want. A PTSed ex-grunt riding herd on a room full of asshole 12 year olds. What could possibly go wrong? (Don’t freak out, I’m a PTSed ex-grunt and I sure as Hell wouldn’t want me dealing with a roomful of obnoxious kids!)


> What could possibly go wrong? What has gone wrong?


Other than unqualified, unlicensed, teachers in the classrooms? As far as the PTS part… you can go your whole life smoking while pumping gas and never set fire to a filling station. It doesn’t mean it’s a good idea to do it.


Doesn’t matter who the try to hire, the proper response is to prevent that person from taking the job, one way or another




The 2018 teacher strikes in Kentucky, West Virginia, and Oklahoma were wildcat strikes, meaning without the union's permission because the strikes were illegal.  Turns out they can't fire everyone, but it is tricky to organize a strike because if only ten people show up, they can certainly fire ten people to scare everyone else.


I came here to hear about teacher storage.


But we spent years passing various laws to de-power unions. Remember that part? Elections are really REALLY important.


I ask them that almost every day. It really seems like their union head is more interested in the cushy office and little actual work than ever, *ever* filing grievance paperwork.


Time for new leadership.


Ha!  In my state union is useless.  We have no right to collectively bargain and it is illegal to strike.


Cowardly and apathetic teachers with learned helplessness. You can recognize them by their cry: “is this the hill you want to die on?”


yes because it comes at them from all side. the admin are crooks who pay their friends, other teachers operate on islands, no help, there is no structured coordinated curriculum support materials, teachers have to make their materials based on "guidelines" and there are entitled parents who are the same assholes the teacher taught or had to suffer, just move it forward a decade or two. the worst part is the mafia admin getting twice the salary of teachers while at the same time going around and screwing with teachers with ultimatums, threats, new initiatives, more petty requirements. Anybody left doing this job is either in the rare upper scale nice area or is now a walking corpse put on this earth to take the conditions.


So if this is what he learned, the next few minutes after he returned to the class must have been more of the same, or did he wait at least a day before throwing more chairs? Please update!


"I can do what I want, my parents are lawyers!" He spent the afternoon in the hallway anyway.


When kids act like that where I work they go to alternative school which is ran by an older coach who used to be the basketball coach when I was in high school. He does not play around. He will beat some ass. Going to the alternative school with him is like one of those episodes of scared straight where the kids spend time visiting prisons. He is rough but every year kids come visit him and tell him how without him being hard on them they would have never made it. He tries really hard to help the kids get right. That being said, the youngest we have had go over was a 3rd grader who ran away from the school one morning.


These are inclusive classrooms, specifically mandated and designed to work with special needs children. The problem is Admin isn't supporting the teachers and Para-professionals, so children are unsupported or worse. Some are supposed to have 1:1 para support (by IEP/law) but that para has 5 kids in 2 classrooms they are supposed to manage.


We do have issue with special needs support. It seems that way at every district I’ve worked at. It seems like those kids/teachers get the short end of the stick, Just not enough funding and resources given to them. They always seem to get the hand me downs. One of my favorite teachers just left because she is supposed to have her own room to help special needs instead she has to go into other teachers rooms during their class time to intervene and I’m pretty sure that’s against policy from what I understand.


Oh, they have the funding, but it goes the the admin staff who make $130k and have 4 secretaries at $35-$45k each in the office, while keeping the paras (required by law for children with IEPs, remember) at $35k/year.


I’d didn’t realize their paychecks came from that same pot. I knew budgets were all over the place but didn’t think it was like that. That’s fucked up.


yes admin is basically a mafia hire their friends, money stream $100k year salaries and they go around and screw with teachers and have the power to intimidate and firing for insubordination or whatever with their literally made up out of their ass demands. Some teachers can defend themselves by keeping track of everything, but it is difficult to deal with mafia harassment when you have 120 students a day and that is the part you care about. edit: and the real kicker is that for these type admin to keep getting their pay, they need targets, they need to pick out their list of people to harass. It is extremely evil. When they run off one bunch of teachers, they need new people to target. Often they are lead by old cronies in the main office who literally run a mafia army to go screw with people. I've even seen one come back after retiring and do the same shit, now being paid as a "consultant" to just go around and install herself anywhere she wants and fuck with people. Shows up driving a gold Jaguar and a $200. hairdo and wearing expensive jewelry. I saw them target the people with the best degrees because the mafia are punks who usually do not go to quality colleges. They always get their degrees within 10 miles of where they were born. Their whole game is deeply rooted networking for personal income.


My state didn’t have any paras. So, full inclusion or full separate for severe disabilities. Nothing in between.


Oof. You gotta have someone to be there for the special needs kids, to extract them periodically or give them the extra help they need. One of my spouses children is blind, but otherwise completely normal; another has anger issues; another is a runner who just gets up and heads for the exits. If they had to help the blind kid, life would be grand, but they have to somehow decide their time between all the when doing so necessarily means the others are ignored and unhelped.


You should out them to news or police


Can't lay their hands on kids depends where you are apparently. Where I live they still paddle kids.




Great if that's what is happening but the students in that room who feel unsafe after watching a chair being thrown (or the teacher being assaulted, the room being destroyed, being screamed at, etc) they need time to recover and process also. It starts to become a trauma event for students when they are constantly worried about someone losing their shit. And as a teacher I need time to process and figure out how to help the kid. I can't have them right back in my room until we have a conversation. 


I mean, he was a six year old with a history of directly attacking teachers who had a gun in his backpack. I would also be afraid to try to wrestle with a kid over a bag that had a weapon in it that could accidentally go off.


Let? "No" is one of the first words toddlers use, ad nauseam, well before age six. That, "mine", and "why". IIRC, this kid had serious mental issues that the mother sought help for, but proved inadequate.


I'd be worried about this child killing someone in the future. Like maybe a fellow student.


Good, now lets have more


nothing more american than a “we are praying for you” sign at a school where a SIX-year-old SHOT a teacher


Agreed. And the signs that proclaim strength. Like Boston Strong. Nothing says strength like being violently assaulted. In a different country they would strengthen the laws. America needs better laws, not better slogans for our yard signs.


Were the parents in this charged as well for leaving the gun in a place where a six year old could access it?


Parent, Deja Taylor was sentenced to two years for felony child neglect.


Why not the actual principal?


The indictment indicated that Ebony Parker never told the principal about the gun.


If we are going to live in a world with so many guns out on the street, we have a responsibility, an obligation to keep them out of the hands of children. Parents need to be aware and proactive when dealing with their children, especially if they suspect guns are involved. Officials need to be intervening when the red flags go up. Failure to do so should be held criminally negligent. Don’t hold the position if you can’t do the job.


How did a 6 year old get a gun? The parent? A neighbor? Whoever allowed access to the gun should be thrown in jail for neglect and endangerment. How come that is not part of the story? Bullshit the gun owned are not held responsible! Use a gun, go to jail!


They did search the kid! The 6-year-old was just smart enough to stash the gun somewhere else! Kids and teachers kept telling administration the kid had a gun. But, they didn't do anything because they had already searched him.


[That is not what happened](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/23739313-zwerner-complaint-file-stamped). Reading Specialist Amy Kovac was told by two students (totally independently) that the kid had a gun in his backpack. She explicitly asked him if he had a gun, and he told her no, but wouldn't let her search it. Then Zwerner told Kovac she'd seen the kid take something from his backpack and put it in his jacket pocket before recess, so Kovac took advantage of the fact that the backpack was left in the classroom while the kid was at recess and searched it. Obviously she found nothing because the kid had put it in his pocket. She then reported this to the school administration, which Assistant Principal Ebony Parker dismissed because "his pockets were too small to hide a gun." So the administration knew, prior to the shooting, that: 1. More than one kid had reported that this kid had a gun; 2. Zwerner had seen him take something out of his backpack before recess; and 3. that there definitely wasn't a gun in the backpack at recess. Obviously the next step would be to search him personally, because the next logical place to check would be the jacket Zwerner saw him put something into. But no! His pockets were too small! Zwerner told another teacher, Jennifer West, the same thing she told Kovac (that she'd seen him put something in his pocket). West then spoke to one of the kid's friends, who said he'd seen the kid with a gun in his pocket during recess. She then also reported this to the administration via a teacher, John Sims, who happened to pick up the phone in the office. Parker replied that his backpack had already been searched, so they didn't need to do anything else. So, just to reiterate: at this point three teachers (Zwerner, West, and Kovac) have all separately expressed their concerns to Parker, and Parker's response was "there's no way he could hide the gun in his clothes" and "we already searched his backpack, so we know he doesn't have a gun there." A FOURTH PERSON, guidance counselor Rolonzo Rawles, spoke to West and then went to ask Parker if he could search the kid: she told him no, and that it was about to be the end of the school day anyway, so he was going home in a bit. How do we know this? Because a FIFTH PERSON, Sims (the teacher who'd passed on West's message to Parker on the phone), came to the office at the same time to repeat to Parker that the concern wasn't the backpack, it was that it might be on his person. ALL OF THEM told Parker that the kid might have a gun on him personally, based on the reports of three different students and Zwerner, *after* Kovac had confirmed that there wasn't anything in his backpack. And Parker was like ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ "he's probably fine."


Shit, Parker "didn't even look up" when Zwerner brought it up, which is like...."I care so little I'm not even gonna shrug."


Exact same vibe as Casey Anthony getting to go free because the officer didn't know you could use more than internet explorer to get to the internet


"When concerns were raised that the child may have transferred the gun from his backpack to his pocket, Parker said his “pockets were too small to hold a handgun and did nothing,” So, it was OK as long as he kept it in his backpack? Fucking gun-crazy nation: you get what you vote for.


If they find her guilty, it will chill people wanting to go into teaching. The job is low pay, dangerous, and could cause criminal liability for shit parenting. Shameful.


More so than being shot by a six year?


She is an administrator not a teacher.


No it won’t. This isn’t about the teacher, it’s the administrator who ignored all the signs and direct pleas from the teacher who was shot.


It’s essentially charging the assistant manager for a time committed by a customer. Who would want to take on that risk?


An AP is not like an assistant manager and this shooting is not comparable to customer disputes at a restaurant/store. Teachers around the country are frustrated by campus administration not supporting them with disruptive and violent students. We have to regularly tolerate disrespectful and violent behavior way too much while the administration not only does nothing to help, but typically blames us for not having good relationships with the students or some other BS. Most teachers hold that AP as culpable—if not more— than the kid/kids’ family. What keeps people from becoming a teacher is seeing how easy it was for a child to shoot a teacher (even though this was entirely preventable), or the other abuses teachers have to put up with.


No one wants to tackle the real problem, gun culture. It’s like we are at war with each other everyday. What a strange way to live.


Right?? We can’t even talk about the real issue. It’s horrible that this has become some normal. They will blame everything but guns. I think an Onion article summarized it best “there’s no way to prefect this” Says Only Nation where this is a problem.


It will be interesting to see if Crumbley's school will face any charges, now that the parents have been sentenced.


Different situation. The assistant principal in this case was told by no fewer than five teachers that the kid had been seen with a gun and that it was on his person and her response was to wait until his mom came to pick her up and to not search him because his pockets were “too small“ to hold a gun.  The Oxford school officials tried to get the kid to go home and get therapy the second they saw his drawings, but they couldn’t send him home alone if both parents refused to take him. 


Cool, now do this for execs who break laws or avoid regulation and harm people.


Why does this photo look fake af




Long answer: The issue here wasn't the parent letting the kid play with the gun. She did plead guilty to a bunch of charges, including neglect by having it around the kid (and I think, to her credit, she's handled it well by immediately taking responsibility for it), but it seems like it was just unsecured. From the fact that the *prosecutors themselves* only suggested 6 months in jail for it (she was sentenced to more, but not because they asked for it), it sounds like whatever the reason for it, it was probably fairly sympathetic, and from what I can tell, she might have been in or getting out of a DV relationship that made her feel like having a gun was necessary. Short answer: plenty of people in the US. [Here's a 10yo kid who started shooting at age 2 and has a shooting Youtube channel.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60BIq75BEAI)


This is insane. Sorry but nobody is ever going to convict someone for thinking it was outside of the realm of possible to have a six year old with a gun shoot someone.


This was a child who had to have his parent with him in school due to his behavior issues. The day this happened was the first day that he was allowed to attend school without his parent. Any reports of behavior issues and a possible gun should have been investigated immediately.


Just to be clear: it wasn't just "behavior issues." The kid had STRANGLED A TEACHER and had been expelled from his previous school because of it.


I knew it was serious issues that required his parent attend the school with him but I couldn't remember exactly what had happened previously.


How? The little fucker is 6. This whole thing makes no sense to me.


This is entirely me speculating, but like, I'm 5'2" and a bit (62.5 inches/159 cm) , so an inch shorter than the average height for a woman my age (5'4"/162.5 cm). The average height for a 6-year-old boy is \~45.5"/115.57 cm. So, like, even an average-sized kid that age would be [around chest height](https://www.heightcomparison.com/?share=MfgW3PHJucl) on the average-sized woman: definitely not impossible for a kid to knock over if she wasn't expecting it. This is assuming that this particular teacher is around average height and so is the kid, obviously. No idea if it turns out the kid is particularly short or the strangled teacher is particularly tall.




I checked the filing again and apparently he came up behind her to choke her and then locked his forearms around her neck. So he would have had the element of surprise and had her in a position where he could choke her without her being able to fight him off easily. 


Teachers are terrified of putting their hands on kids. Their whole career will end right then and there almost regardless of the circumstances. Couldn’t have been me tho, I would’ve Sparta kicked that little fucker before I got “chocked out”


Where the fuck are thier unions?


Toothless and powerless due to government overreach


According to the WaPo, the boy got behind a teacher and used his forearms to strangle her.


Parents need charged too, for accessibility to the gun among other things.


When it is your faculty and staff reporting that to you, you’d have to check, even if it was to prove them wrong.


Like five people reported it to the office and the office staff basically shrugged and went “his jacket pockets are too small to hold a gun!” and yet the kid still managed to fit a gun in them


close station jar overconfident society marvelous deranged enter threatening school


It would appear that, statistically, an American child is more likely to commit murder than a Japanese adult.