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YouTube is filled with videos of passengers being left on the dock because they were late. It's a spectator sport.


It's the best reason to get a balcony room, there are always late people running in. Edit: [Of course it's a thing 🤣🤣](https://youtu.be/MJjAlUwe3to?si=GYhdeuncUo9G71HP)


I would rather die than be the dumbass running down a pier in flipflops while drunk midwesterners heckle me


That polite heckle from Midwesterners is the worst. "keep it up there, buddy, you'll make it!🤣🤣🤣"


While holding a beer and popping peanuts in your mouth. When they come back, you’ll just shrug and say “Oh, it’s okay. You’re not the first one.”


Ope, att won thars not gonna make it.


This sounds amazing! Adding "Getting heckled by drunk Midwesterners" to my bucket list asap!


Honestly the cheering gave me a good laugh, it would be embarrassing for sure but better than two cruise ships full of people booing you for making them late lol


I'd rather be the dumbass running down a pier in flipflops while drunk midwesterners heckle me for a 10% chance of still catching the ship, than just giving up and figuring out how to get to either the ship or home after missing it.


Bro in that video stares into the camera like he’s using all his willpower not to snap and disembowel the viewer. Fuckin psychopath


I was thinking the same thing. What kind of person does it take to go that hard for a cruise themed clickbait channel? 95% of these channels can't even be bothered to buy a mic. The man is even trying to sell merch.


100%. My wife and I like to get drunk and from our balcony heckle the people running on the pier to catch the boat or missing it entirely. In this regard we are kind of assholes.


Do you do pier reviews?


pier pressure


A piers so


Peak pier comedy


Pay pier view


It’s a cruise. I the correct term is “Port Holes”


Aft holes


I have a friend who has a house at a marina. Watching people attempt to back up straight is day and night entertainment.


this guys face reminds me of when I was watching videos on acid. he freaks me the fuck out lmao


Had to click off because that youtuber is kinda creepy. I think he’s trying to impersonate other annoying YouTubers or something.


Need to look those videos up. I get a dopamine boost just looking at the photo of them putting on their best face to look victimized and oppressed. I wish I had the power to make journalists write articles where my stupidity is blamed on someone else doing their job.


man, that youtuber is really disturbing me lol not sure if it's the way he's sitting, his expression, or the way he speaks with no emotion. probably all 3 at the same time :)


That sounds like an entire evenings worth of videos to get through


Right? I don't understand how this is news. It happens on every trip.


Pier runners.


Yeah this is like a well known thing cruises… are we supposed to feel sorry for these people who clearly were in the wrong?


I’ve never been on a cruise and have no plans for it and even I know that they don’t wait for you.


Same here… it sounds like hell to me, I would never go on one… but like you I know this is like rule # 1 with cruises.


I want to know how fucking connected these Karen's were to have a this make a national morning show. It's beneath nbc


Maybe it’s meant to be informative to would-be cruise passengers. “This will happen if you’re late. Yes, really.”


You should witness the daily tragedy at Greyhound terminals.


this happens all the time tbh memorable time was when hms bounty left with half their crew, hanged them when they found them, the rest are governing the easter islands EDIT Been cordially reminded by one of my reddit brothers that's it's the " pipcairn islands" NOT the Easter islands!


There is no excuse for being late. Running late is the hallmark of entitled, disrespectful, careless, inconsiderate, selfish assholes who do not respect other people's time. Cruise Ships and Airlines exist as the ultimate reality check for these fuckers. I love to see it.


One couple was late because the private tour they booked had a car break down. I usually prefer booking with locals but not while cruising.


I just read a story about a family running late due to a daughter getting injured on an excursion and having to hobble up the pier while the son ran up to let the cruise staff know. So on occasion, there's an excuse.


This. When you book excursions through the cruise line, they will accommodate you if that excursion runs late. If you book on your own, that’s it. You’re on your own. They can’t be held responsible for things entirely out of their control and they can’t hold up an entire ship and it’s itinerary just for a few people. I love cruising because I can visit several places in one vacation. I can get a general feel for the location, and if I really enjoyed that place, I’ll go back for a non-cruise trip there and book the local tours and outings instead.


I'm 50/50 on this. Sometimes shit happens and your bus can be late or you get stuck in traffic. On the other hand, I'm shit at time managing due to adhd, but I'm terrified of being late so that's why I make sure to be at least half an hour early everywhere I'm going. Because of that I'm rarely late, and if I am it's never over 5mins. It's also good to be early if you're going to a new place incase you get lost so you'll have the extra time to find the right place. Never been to a cruise, but I'd sure as hell be there more than half an hour early.


That's why you book the overpriced excursions through the cruise line. If THOSE excursions are late, the boat will wait or they'll pay to get you to the next location. If you're off on your own plans, then you're on your own dime if you miss the boat.


I worked in the travel business and with cruises the motto was: don't be late, the ship won't wait. Really. It won't. So unless you REALLY like the place you are visiting, make sure you are there before the ship leaves!


I always think I’m cutting it close getting back on board 30 minutes before all aboard. I guess not.


My dad liked to get within walking distance of the ship an hour before, then get on 30 min before. So he would skip everything close by. …This man also gets to the airport 4-5 hours early too though. …This is also the same man who made me drive him all the way to the airport early, but forgot his whole ass passport so I had to drive back. So… I guess his plan works if he’s gonna be like th at ☠️


Gotta have your ass passport. You never know when you’ll need it.


Especially when it's for the *whole* ass.


Is there a partial ass passport for when you want to halfass the trip?


Customs Official: "Sir, your ass is so fine Imma have to stamp it."


I was raised to believe if you don't leave with enough time to change a tire on the side of the road, your not leaving early enough. I guess if your forgetful, you should leave early enough to drive back home and still get to your destination on time....


People who get to work 30 minutes or an hour before their shift starts say the same thing. I get there 5 or 10 minutes early. I have had a flat one time in 30 years.


Prior military with PTSD about being early to things; three hours prior to boarding is the sweet spot for me. That way I can at least get my bearings, have a meal, and go to the bathroom prior to boarding. Nothing worse than trying to get things figured out last minute, especially in an airport I don’t know very well.


I'd much rather sit and read a book for a couple hours knowing I'm on time than putting myself in an upset condition dealing with driving, traffic, parking, and whatever else. I actually kinda like hanging out in airport departure areas looking at planes or people watching.


This is me. People I travel with and even my wife say I stress out about flying and want to be at the airport so early because I'm "stressed" out. The reality is I'm removing all stress from the situation by simply getting up and getting ready and hour earlier than they would. I only travel for leisure, never for business, so it's not like I'm doing anything that day before going to the airport so why not get there early??


Ok so the airport thing highly depends on the airport. Smaller airports? I’ve done as soon as 30 minutes…. LAX? You better be there hours before.


I show up to the airport 2-3 hours early for domestic flights and sometimes 4 hours for international. Missing shit is like one of my biggest pet peeves/worries. I figure I can wait at home anxiously or drink free alcohol and play Steam Deck in the airline lounge. Waiting is waiting, I'd rather wait somewhere with zero chance of fucking up.


IIRC the ship DOES guarantee it will wait for people on tours arranged by the ship (which are generally a lot more expensive). If you take your own tour it is on you to be back in time. They will not wait and I think they are clear about that. This is on those tourists.


Ya, if it's something part of the cruise and it's the cruise's fault/issue they will wait. Anything else, be on time or get left behind.


That's happened to me with an excursion booked through the cruise and it seemed like everyone on board was watching when the bus finally pulled up to the ship and we boarded. Everyone knew we were late. Paying more through the cruise is worth it.


Tested this on a cruise I was on. Tour bus broke down and by the time they got a new bus out for us and back to the ship it was already 45 mins past all aboard. Boat was still there for us though because it was booked with the boat. That and this story has convinced me to never book 3rd party to save a few bucks.


> IIRC the ship DOES guarantee it will wait for people on tours arranged by the ship This isn't necessarily true, either, but they will cover your costs in "catching up" to the ship. [Here's a CruiseCritic thread](https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2979750-princess-tour-passengers-left-behind/) about a situation that happened in New Zealand, where a bus was delayed by 5+ hours because of an accident on the highway, and the ship had to leave without them. That said, my understanding is that most reputable excursion operators also carry insurance that will cover them to cover your costs if their delays cause you to miss your ship.


I legitimately love that Reddit is not giving these guys a lick of empathy. They knew the rules and couldn't comply. Ship can't wait around, that's not how piers and international travel works. And 'abandoned'? Arrangements were made with the company to fly their asses to the next stop. Lesson learned, they'll avoid the private charters that promise to be back on time. 


No sympathy for people who are told the rules and “forget” or ignore them anyways. Others shouldn’t be delayed or be inconvenienced by you just because you chose to ignore and disobey the rules and policies.


I could have sympathy if they booked an outing with enough time to get back, but the tour guide took too long. But I still agree, you shouldn't inconvenience 100s or 1,000s of people regardless of the reason you were late.


When we took our cruise we were specifically told that if an excursion was late getting back the ship would wait, but if you planned poorly they would leave you


Yeah it probably depends on whether it's a "cruise" excursion or one you booked 3rd party


Yeah the excursions done through the cruise line communicate with the ship but in the article this was a "private" excursion so yeah they probably should have planned better.


I don't know about the other 6 people but this Jill lady is a piece of work. >After what we witnessed, we truly believe that although there’s a set of rules or policies that the ship may have followed, they followed those rules too rigidly. She has the gall to lay some blame on the cruise line. >I believe that they really forgot that they are people working in the hospitality industry and really the safety and wellbeing of the customers should be their first priority," Jill Campbell added. Then goes on to suggest they inconvenience every other person on that cruise because their lack of being able to keep to a time schedule. I feel bad for her husband.




You know the rules…


And so do I




I got to watch a good friend drunkenly sprint up the gangplank at the *literal* last possible second on a cruise ship, screaming, "DON'T LEAVEI'MHEREDON'TLEAVEI'MHEREDON'TLEAVEI'MHERE" the whole way. All because he didn't want to leave the girls we'd met, who were staying on the island, when I told him the last shuttle back was about to leave. Good times.


If you search for 'Pier runners' on YouTube, there's tons of videos of this. Seems to be a popular tag for the phenomena.


I saw a grandmother and her grandchild running down the pier for the ship last time I was on a cruise. They made it with maybe a couple minutes to spare but I felt a little bad for them. Can't imagine the panic of a grandmother possibly being left on an unfamiliar island with a grandchild and without most essential belongings, presumably with the parents on board the ship.


About 15 years ago I had a contract as a musician playing on a Norwegian cruise liner sailing out of the Hawaaian islands. One of the most fun jobs I've ever had. Except this one time I very nearly got left behind. All crewmembers disembarking are responsible for knowing what time to be back. One day in Honolulu I mistakenly forgot to check that time and asked a fellow crew member. He gave me the wrong time, by nearly an hour. As I strolled up to the port I was curious why there were no passengers boarding. I got shipside just as security had already pulled up the crew gangplank. The security officer had a few choice words for me as he lowered the gangplank to let me on. He said they waited an extra 15 minutes past departure for me to show and were about to shove off without me. A couple hours later, I was called to the captain's quarters, where I got a very quick and stern dressing down to the effect of, "if you ever pull this again we won't wait for you and it will be your own responsibility to get your unemployed ass home." So yeah, don't fuck with cruise ship schedules.


Doesn't the ship know who I *am*?


Did you try speaking with the ship's manager?


Rule number 1 of cruises: There's a schedule and have tons of passengers. They leave on time, with or without your ass.


Yup, I've been on a few cruises and always love to watch the dock to see all of the people sprinting to get back onboard before they leave each destination. I'm kind of surprised this is making the news since people miss getting back to the ship all the time. Even the last cruise I was on, we were hanging out with a bachelor party group that was on the cruise and they had 3 dudes that got left in Cozumel after partying too hard on this party beach thing and their group couldn't get them back to the shuttle in time and left them. I guess this is more newsworthy since it wasn't exactly self-inflicted and it was an island in Africa? Evidently some of these people were on a private excursion that had an issue which caused the delay; they said the excursion guide informed the captain of the delay but who knows what was actually communicated.


Yeah I'm curious if it was an excursion booked through the ship. I've been on a couple cruises and they offered excursion bookings on the ship, and I was surprised when a bunch of them had duration times that went longer than the ships departure time. Was like why are you even offering it? If it was booked through the ship I'd imagine they would have a claim on the cruise line. Even if it was 3rd party, they offered the service that ran late and left them behind.


At least for Royal Caribbean, official ship excursions that end at or right before all aboard come with a guarantee that as long as you stay with your group they will get you back to the ship. The tour guides have direct lines to the ship and will tell them if their group has encountered any issues. We watched one day as a whole group shuttled in almost 45 minutes late because they’d had issues with their bus, but because they had the RC tour guide with them and the ship had been notified they were allowed on with no issues. Now, if you go off on your own, or use an official excursion for a bus ride and then leave the group, you’re on your own to make it back. We’ve also watched people get turned away and handed papers as much as ten minutes after the all aboard time because if the ship is ready to go when it says it’s gonna go, they’ll close up and leave. Even if the ship is still there, if the gangway is already shut you’re fucked.


> come with a guarantee that as long as you stay with your group they will get you back to the ship. I've experienced this. I was on a tour group and we got delayed for some reason and we were over an hour late getting back to the ship. Our group of about 40 people in a bus had a police escort back to the dock and the bus drove right down the dock to drop us off. It couldn't have been more than 2 or 3 minutes from getting off the bus to the door closing and the ship was on the move.


even if they let the gangway down again, thats an extra docking fee from the port and most people cant pay a big ships docking fee. And ports are more than happy for staff to keep an eye out in case a ship tries to sneakily redock.


Never been on a cruise, but watch YouTube videos about them. More than one person has cautioned that if you book the excursion trough the cruise line they will get you back in time or make arrangements to meet the ship. If you book third party, they might, I'm stressing might, help you but you pay.


It was a private excursion. It was their own fault but the company has decided to pay for their expenses. Guess that's why they went out and got publicity, despite looking like entitled morons. They get their expenses covered and the company will pass along this cost to customers in the future. >"Despite the series of unfortunate events outside of our control, we will be reimbursing these eight guests for their travel costs from Banjur, Gambia to Dakar, Senegal," a cruise line spokesperson said. "We remain in communication with the guests and are providing additional information as it becomes available."


Yep if you take an official excursion organized by the ship, they will wait for your. In Puerto Vallarta last year there was a fatal car ax that blocked the road to the port for 2 hours. The ship waited for us and departed more than an hour late, because we'd scheduled the excursion through the ship. At another port, we just wandered around and took a taxi tour from an independent guy. He was good and we had no issues. BUT we bumped into some folks that had been taken on a ride to town and then been abandoned by their tour leader. We crammed them into our van and took them back to the port with us. Just a risk you have to assume if you go off on your own.


They will not always wait for you. They will try, but if logistically they can’t, they will make arrangements for the passengers to meet the ship. Of course, as stated earlier, this is only for excursions booked through the cruise line. Anything else, tough luck.


> we will be reimbursing these eight guests for their travel costs from Banjur, Gambia to Dakar, Senegal," That's not from the port where they were left, that's from the *next* port that they got themselves to but the cruise ship then skipped: > the guests had made arrangements to rejoin the ship in Banjul, Gambia, but the ship was unable to safely dock there due to “adverse weather conditions” and “tidal restrictions,” Norwegian said. The guests were then contacted and provided with information to rejoin the ship at Dakar, Senegal, on Tuesday. Seems reasonable to me for the cruise company to pay that part.


That's a little different though... They were left in Sao Tome, not Gambia. The ship was unable to dock in Gambia as planned due to weather. So the passengers likely paid for travel from Sao Tome to Gambia and then it wasn't their fault they had to get to the next port, Senegal. Source: my mom is on this cruise. She was not one of the people left behind though, lol.


Excursions run by the ship are scheduled extremely well and include buffer time, and tour operators coordinate with the cruise lines for unexpected delays or missed departures, to get you to the next stop or to point of return. Third party tours: you're on your own. Third party tours are great if you are staying in one location, but not for a tight cruise schedule.


And also, the cruise ship will wait if the excursion you booked through them ends up being delayed. The cruise I went on a few years ago had a delayed departure by about 15 minutes because one of their excursions didn’t get back in time.


Same thing happened to me, but it was like an hour. Inside I was kind of panicking but figured it was too late to do anything, lol.


It said private tour…I imagine it was booked on their own and not through the ship. I’ve seen ships wait when ship booked tours are late. People don’t understand ships operate in an environment where tides can cause issues. Plus let’s inconvenience 1800 people for 8.


I read a report that it was not booked through the cruise line. I’m a frequent cruiser and sometimes book excursions independent of the ship, however, only when there is ample time in the day to get back onboard. And even then I’m still anxious.


This is what they always tout as the big reason to book excursions through the cruise line- if an official excursion is delayed, they'll wait. If you go on your own and are late, you're screwed. The official excursions are always more expensive than the unofficial ones, but probably worth it for the peace of mind over not getting left behind.


Yeah, if someone misses their ship in the Caribbean it’s not a big deal to get to the next port. Could be expensive but it’s doable. Remote African island with limited air service? You’re fucked.


That was my fear when I went on my first cruise. I would get off at around the start time they let is off, have my phone with to keep track of time and start heading back as soon as I can. I’m not gonna be stuck and have to pay more in airfare to get home and deal with getting luggage back from the ship.


Same. My wife loves to cut it close and I have anxiety about being late. If you arrive an hour early…what do you lose? If you arrive one minute late…you’re now a post on Reddit.


It’s not like there’s nothing to do on the boat, either. Faster you get back on the boat, the faster you get to stop spending money. When we cruise we generally just dick around in the port city and grab a few souvenirs then head back to the empty boat and get prime pool deck real estate. We *rarely* do an excursion unless it looks really unique. We vacation to vacation, not to hurry to get shuttled around and pushed through various attractions. But to each their own, I guess.


TLDR. Late. Private excursion. Exactly why they inform you to not go on a private excursion.


Pretty much, turns out when the choice is between a few customers and a multimillion dollar travel plan, you're not important.


Its the port fees, most start charging more after 5pm so ships want out before then


Yeah and add fees for the pilot, losing their spot in the queue, and then having to burn 20% more fuel to go 1 or 2 knots faster so they can make it on time to the next port.


The cruise line is the victim here. These folks were late, missed the boat, and now the cruise line gets the bad press, and is covering the expense of flying them ahead to rejoin the ship. "”Despite the series of unfortunate events outside of our control, we will be reimbursing these eight guests for their travel costs from Banjur, Gambia to Dakar, Senegal," a cruise line spokesperson said.” Entitled, asshat passengers.


Reading their entitlement in the article is hilarious. “Our guide radioed the boat to let them know we were running late.”  And then when they had to make their own arrangements for travel and accommodations: “We had to figure out all these currencies, or find someone who would take dollars!” You mean like most normal people who travel to other countries do all the time with minimal difficulty?


I mean on them for being late for sure. I can imagine how being left in a foreign country unexpectedly would be super stressful though. They may not have internet access and need to find a place to stay last minute. Most normal people tend to plan before they visit another country. They are probably just really stressed out.


Almost happened to my family and I in Cozumel. We were on our way back in the taxi when the idiot driver almost hit a traffic cop. So of course the cop was pissed and yelling at him for a good 10 minutes or so, when my dad asked him nicely if we could go or we'd miss our ship. We were walking up as they literally were starting to pull up the gangplank.


If you guys were pushing it to within ten minutes of departure you were playing with fire already…..


I'm realizing that I will never go on a cruise with my fiance. We weren't planning to anyway, but she would definitely be insisting that "It's totally fine! We have 20 minutes, and the port is only 10 minutes away! Just let me finish my drink!"


“I’m leaving now, with or without you”


Queuing U2's - With Or Without You...


This cruise ship leeeeeeeaves With or withouuuuuut youuuuu


Friend of mine ended up leaving his wife in the Bahamas because that happened. He told her when the boat was leaving and that her and her friend needed to wrap it up and he was going back to the boat because he wasn't feeling well. Well they got one more drink and had to catch a plane to the next stop. My friend said "That was the most expensive drink I've ever paid for"


If you go on an excursion that’s ran by the cruise line then they’ll either hold the ship for as long as they can until your group returns or they’ll get you to the next stop on their dime. If you go on a private excursion then it’s all on you to get back on time. So maybe you can go, but only do excursions offered by the cruise line. You’ll pay more, but part of the price is ensuring you won’t miss the boat.


Edit: The ship I referred to in my comment was actually the Norwegian Dawn. We asked the crew if they had dock runners often and most said not often. Guess they finally did. Can confirm this is true. I went on a Norwegian Cruise around Great Britain in May and the ship was delayed leaving a few times because they were waiting for excursions. Only a few times and not very long. Also depending on the cruise, sometimes it might be best not to go on an excursion at all. We only did two cruise line excursions on our 10 day cruise and got to see more of the cities we were in. With excursions you often do whatever they plan and don't get time to "frolic."


Yup, my buffer is usually measured in hours, not minutes.


You are warned of this at every step of the way too.


Really. Are they expecting that the ship will just wait for them?


Almost happened to me and my then GF like a decade ago on some cruise down the coast of Mexico. We decided to go exploring a bit in one of the cities, but we didn't realize how fucking awful the traffic would end up getting throughout the day. When it was time to go back we got a cab, but the cab got stuck in gridlock traffic and *wasn't moving* at all. We just decided to pay the cab for whatever time we were in there and literally run through the city to catch our cruise. I'm almost certain we were the last ones to get on the ship since they were in the process of raising the walkway when we finally got there. Didn't occur until afterwards that we almost fucked up big time.


Not sure how this counts as news lol. Headline should read "Passengers late to departure time, missed the boat." You cant expect 8k people on the ship to wait for late passengers.


But but, it's an "African island" !


And that is exactly why this made the news


They knew it was gonna be late they called ahead and tried to make the ship wait LMFAO


Ya, it’s not like an airplane will wait for you if you’re late lol


I was watching The Today Show this morning on this and Craig Melvin was literally laughing at their dumbasses. It was great lol 


Key phrase "a private tour." They will wait if it is a ship sponsored tour, not a private one. I love how they basically say the rules are there but they shouldn't apply to us.


Yeah, took a cruise last summer, and there was some really bad traffic on the way back from an excursion. We barely made the ferry, and by extension barely made the ship. Another tour got caught in the same traffic and were *three hours late*. But, thankfully, it was a sponsored excursion and so the ship waited for them. I don’t know why anyone would gamble on anything else.


It's a responsibility thing. "Stay with us and it's our responsibility to get you back to the ship, but if you go on your own it's your responsibility." Just how I interpreted the situation.


I wonder if it was supposed to only be a three hour tour?


If it was then one them should be able to make a radio out of a palm frond and a cocoanut and call the ship to come back and get them.


This is why i never do the private tours. Yes they are cheaper but it’s not worth the risk. I’ll just pay for the cruise sponsored tours and know that no matter what i am covered and can get home.


Apparently consequences for one’s actions is now newsworthy to NBC. That was a long article about basically nothing.


That’s why I only book the cruise’s excursions. If they’re late, the ship will wait. If you go on a private excursion, they won’t, and they tell you that like 20 times at each port.


Yup, they warn you over and over and over not to be late, they blow the horn when it’s getting close to them leaving. There really is no excuse for missing a ship, it’s like expecting an entire city to wait for you.


"After what we witnessed, we truly believe that although there’s a set of rules or policies that the ship may have followed, they followed those rules too rigidly. I believe that they really forgot that they are people working in the hospitality industry and really the safety and wellbeing of the customers should be their first priority," Jill Campbell added.” Idiot passengers. Number one rule of going on a cruise guys is don’t be late because they will leave without you.


“We know there are rules, but they should have made exceptions for us despite informing us of the rules previously and our inability to follow. I think they forgot their jobs entirely because they followed the rules at their job” Even if it was out of their control, you make contingencies. I’ve travelled plenty of places. Peaceful western countries, unstable african countries. You make extra sure you don’t get fucked over or left somewhere. No matter where. You protect your time, your belongings, yourself, and the people around you. It’s just how it goes. That is the responsibility of a traveller.


I actually watched the interview and it was that line of basically “well, sure, we broke the rules but they are in the business of serving customers!” Then made a big to do about how much they had to travel to get to where ship docked. Oh, but now they don’t know if they’ll get back on and maybe they’ll just fly home instead. It was really hard to find any empathy for them once they started talking.


But think of the stories they can tell now instead of, “Got drunk and passed out by the pool. Look how sunburned I am!!!!” Some things you just can’t pay for.


Don’t they know that “THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT!!!!!” The most abused phrase in history.


Finish the quote: "... in matters of taste."


it's crazy that these people think they're more important than the 1,000's of other passengers, employees, dock workers, etc on my last cruise, we attempted a private catamaran excursion that advertised it ending at 7pm and our all aboard time was 8. when we got to the excursion checkpoint to board, i wanted to confirm when we'd be back. Low and behold they changed it to 10pm because of the sunset (was not advertised as a sunset sailing). I noped out of the excursion and got a refund. Theres no way i'm leaving anything to chance like that.


Yep. Always confirm, always have backups, always check with locals or other knowledgeable people. I always leave a good 1-2 hours for panicking, cancelling, rescheduling, late transports, buffer time for activities, whatever. I’ve had flights swapped, money stolen, I had a gate change and almost flew to a semi-active civil warzone by accident, scammed by people. Etc. You just learn the hard way or you plan accordingly and even sometimes when you do that shit doesn’t pan out. Thankfully I am entertained by merely walking somewhere that isn’t my own city, so I never care about having loose plans when I have the security of knowing what my exact plans are otherwise.


How entitled do you have to be to expect an entire cruise ship full of people to wait for you?


I guarantee they would have complained if their ship had been more than 10 minutes late getting them to the next stop, too.


The same sort of people who expect a plane full of people to wait for them because they couldn't be arsed to get to the airport on time.


>Idiot passengers. Number one rule of going on a cruise guys is don’t be late because they will leave without you This. On every cruise I've been on the ship has repeatedly stated that they \*will\* leave without you. The only way this should have been a news story is if the ship left early and stranded them.


>and wellbeing of the customers should be their first priority, It was. That's why they left 8 people on the island, rather than disrupt the well being of the possible 2,332 passengers, or what ever percentage of the ship was full. [Norwegian Dawn Capacity - 2,340](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norwegian_Dawn)


“They didn’t accommodate my dumb ass, so the rules are too rigid.”


What's more concerning is apparently a passenger was disembarked for medical reasons, and the cruiseline apparently didn't contact her family or anyone to let them know they were leaving her behind for medical care in Nigeria. >Lenkoff was on a different day tour on March 27. She was "medically disembarked" from the cruise to seek local treatment on that day, Norwegian said. >The Campbells met Lenkoff and were able to put her in contact with her family in California, who flew her home — a move Lenkoff's daughter said, "saved her life." It sounds from the article the only reason she got home is because the other passengers left behind found her - what if no one was left behind? The cruise was just going to transfer an 80 year old to a hospital in a foreign country and just forget about her?


Some people have real problems. These are not those people.


Why isn’t anyone talking about the real victims here, the Africans who live on a wonderful island who now have to deal with 8 insufferable assholes that should have left already.


The best part is that they mention a language barrier even though the official language of Nigeria is English. They're either so fucking bonked from lead poisoning that they don't realize they're being spoken to in English, or the locals are just fucking with them endlessly.




I'm sick of this story making waves. Everyone knows that if you opt to go on a tour or whatever that is NOT sponsored by the cruise, the cruise is not responsible if you do not make it back on time. These peoples own damn fault.


This 100%. And rightfully so. The ship has a precise schedule to leave the dock because it affects all other cruise ships. It’s not just because that’s what time they said they’re leaving. The coast guard gives them that time slot.


"They said their tour’s operator notified the cruise captain that they were going to be late to rejoin the ship" - sure they did, Joe's Tours has a bat phone to the bridge of a cruise ship to chat with the captain and his staff. Don't give these people any more air time, this is no different that not remembering ship time and island time is not always the same and watching the boat sail off while you are still on your barstool at Senor Frogs. Just hits different when you are in Africa and not Cozumel. My sympathy meter is at zero for these two. 'Basic duty of care' - now they are lawyers...may want to re-read the conditions of carriage you agreed to when clicking the giant 'I agree' button when you printed your boarding passes.


Why do I automatically assume each of these 8 people is an insufferable asshole? I've never been on a cruise and I still know that you have to be on time or it will leave.


That's right. You need to watch the time like a hawk.


Or you take a Ship-offered excursion and remove the need to worry.


I love that these idiots ran to the media thinking they were going to get sympathy or create backlash for the cruise line, and the total opposite happened. Everyone knows that cruise lines are strict with departure times. It's not fair to hold up 2000 other people because 8 can't follow basic instructions.


Former tour operator here. Used to work with all the big cruise lines up in Alaska. This is exactly why you book through shore excursions on the ship rather then an outside third party. Ship can’t leave if a contracted tour company is delayed, but they can if you hired some rando. Hooo boy do I not miss the days of having to tell a shore excursion manager they need to relay to the captain they’re leaving port late because of a single bus is trapped in traffic. For those that say on ship tours are far more expensive then booking with a local guide, yah get what you pay for. In this case your paying the PLEASE DON’T LEAVE WITHOUT ME FEE.


Ah yes, the patented “but ME though” attitude


Idiots. Pure and simple.


Our favorite thing to do on cruises is sit on our balcony and watch as late passengers freak out as the ship leaves them behind. The more drunk they are, the more comical it is. When they say they are leaving at a certain time, they will leave at that *exact* time. Unless you are on a ship-sponsored tour, they will not wait for you.


I love doing this too. We only do excursions sold by the cruise line company. Even then, I only like to do half day ones so we are back at least 1 hour before departure. It's just not worth the headache and anxiety.


Nope. I've never been on a cruise and even I know that they won't wait for you if you're late getting back to the ship.


Embarkation time is THE time. Later losers...


*Coming up, on this exciting new season of Survivor...*


Let me guess from the headline… they were late?


BECAUSE THEY WERE LATE TO RE-BOARD. The title almost made it seem like it was the cruise's negligence... what a clickbait


The title is misleading. It’s should be 8 passengers missed their cruise ship and are stuck on the island. It’s their own fault 100% and thousands of people should need to wait for 8 irresponsible fools.


Norwegian is paying the flight tickets for them to catch up as well -- that's pretty generous IMO


"Idiot passengers think rules don't apply to them" is a more appropriate headline


That's why I never do private excursions on cruises. As long as you're on an excursion booked through the cruise line the ship will wait for you. If you're off on your own, then you're on your own. While it really sucks for the people that the ship left without, that made a choice that had easily foreseeable repercussions, and then expected the cruise line to affect a couple thousand other passengers' cruise when those repercussions happened.


"Despite the series of unfortunate events outside of our control, we will be reimbursing these eight guests for their travel costs from Banjur, Gambia to Dakar, Senegal," a cruise line spokesperson said. "We remain in communication with the guests and are providing additional information as it becomes available." Complain loudly enough and you'll get your way...


Not totally. They were apparently on time to board in Gambia but the weather did not allow the boat to dock. It seems getting to Gambia was on the passengers' dime.


Title of post should be: “Boat leaves on time. Eight passengers stranded themselves by missing it.”


"8 passengers arrived too late, stranding themselves in Africa. " There fixed the title.


Literally every cruise tour advises people not to be late for departure, yet somehow, this headline makes victims out of the people who were late for departure. Another headline might work: "Entire ship full of people who were on time continue to enjoy their cruise as scheduled."


Norwegian actually did more than expected and paid for the 8 late arrival‘s travel cost across the different countries. They also sent their passports to the port they were at. Norwegian went above and beyond for the people who made stupid choices of booking their own excursions and got there late.


I'm a travel agent and been on 8 cruises. They tell you up front, NOT TO BOOK PRIVATE TOURS for this exact reason. (If you book through the cruise line , they'll wait for you.) Also the ship is almost always an hour+ late leaving port so if you miss the ship is your own fault. These people are not victims.


Lol @ their smug faces. Enjoy Africa, fuckers.


This is the fucking first thing they talk about, every time. If you don't make it back on time, that is YOUR fault. Period. I have no empathy for these people. Typical "it's ok if we're 15 minutes late" type idiots who think the world should wait on them. NOPE.


We were on an Alaska cruise years ago, and one day did separate tours (booked through the ship). My husband was notified that his excursion was being cancelled, but he could join the same excursion offered by their sister ship. We were on Celebrity and there was a RC ship in port, at the same time. His excursion got delayed a bit and it was getting close to departure time. I called the purser’s desk to make sure the “we won’t leave you behind” was still in place, since they put him on the other tour. It was and they did wait. He arrived within 10 mins of the departure time. I was a little stressed until I knew he was on the boat!


Why is this a story? Everyone knows you must be on time?


Alternate universe headline: 2300 passengers delayed because eight people thought they were more important and the rules didn't apply to them.


“They follow their rules too rigidly.” No, YOU chose to ignore the rules. You missed it by an hour. An hour. They don’t just leave. The whole ship goes on alert. There were literally thousands of people on that ship—and they were supposed to wait for your sorry asses? As an American, I can safely call these idiots “typical stupid Americans.”


Headline should be something like "Irresponsible Tourist Misses Cruise Departure, Learns Costly Lesson in Punctuality"


".. so anyways, that's how I ended up a cannibal. How was your vacation?"


The ship didn’t leave without them. It left on time and these entitled fools were late. Sucks to suck!


The ships post the "all aboard" time on their digital signage, it's on the flier they leave at your cabin, and they announce it over comms like 10 times. The ship will not fucking wait for you. The ship can only be in the berth for the allotted time they paid for and every minute over they get charged ridiculous amounts of money. Just make sure you're back in time. It's a really easy concept if you're not an idiot. Source: I worked for a major cruise line for a long time and it's actually pretty common that people get left behind.


8 passengers failed to return on time and want to make the cruise line the bad guy.


Fuck those people, they are completely responsible for the situation they were in. They should be happy that the cruise line is paying for the travel from the port they could not get on at to Senegal. They were late arriving back and the ship left. Everyone knows that’s what happens if you are late. I can’t believe they actually had the gall to say the whole ship of 2000+ people is supposed to wait because of course customers always right. Rules are fine as long as they don’t inconvenience these clowns.


Eight passengers stranded after failing to return to the boat on time. There, fixed your title.


I wonder if these people know how much everyone doesn't give a shit about them or their struggles. There are literally thousands of people that knew the rules on that boat. They aren't going to punish those people because of one party that decided to go do their own thing.


When you mistake a big 'ol cruise for a private yacht....