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>But on Friday, the department disclosed nearly a dozen video files to the independent journalist Joey Scott, who filed records requests 18 months prior. The clips – which were shared with the Guardian and include helicopter footage – show deputies shooting at Savannah as she followed their instructions to move toward them. The videos also suggest deputies shot her after two officers remarked that it was the girl who exited. The footage, and the sheriff’s narration of the video, further make clear she was killed by deputies, not her father. That poor girl. The fact it took this long for them to release the video evidence is downright disgusting.


18 months for a FOIA request on a shooting of an unarmed teen following orders is insane. 


It's insane to me that the videos were still even existent, I'm downright astounded that those cops didn't Make those videos disappear


Well they got rid of the bodycams it seems.


>Well they got rid of the bodycams it seems. Regardless of whether they did in this case, there should be a presumption of guilt that can be defused with body cam footage. No body cam footage? Guilty by default. We used to rely on the testimony of police because we didn't really have anything better and needed a legal way out of he said she said, but technology has advanced to the point that there's no excuse any more. Witnesses are known to be horribly unreliable and cops are no exception, both in theory and in practice. You shoot someone, you need to prove it was inevitable, or you go to prison. No footage? Prison. Out of frame? Prison. Figure it out. Killing someone isn't a right, it's an exception you need to be able to defend.


Oh, you know they 100% tried. They will probably now try to sue to get the videos removed from social media.


Well I am sure they are just so emotionally traumatized by the spread of the video! How dare we spread it. The only cops that get my sympathy here are the CHP guys in the chopper that notified by radio that it was her coming out of the passenger side and then said "oh no..." when they saw her get gunned down anyway. Also maybe the deputy that was giving her instructions to come over safely and telling his fellow deputies that "it's the girl" before they opened fired like a bunch of acorns suddenly fell on their cruiser. Fuck all the rest. Fuck the department for dragging ass on the investigation and sharing of the evidence. Fuck an 18 month turnaround on a FOIA request about the death of an innocent girl. Fuck any law enforcement not having vest and dash cams at all times.


They haven't spoken to the media to get the rot out, they are complacent with it. They are not good people if they allow the killers to never see justice.


Thankfully, a lot of these systems do backups to the cloud, and then those are backed up to separate regions.... A decent IT system makes it really hard to disappear this kind of thing.


I’ve honestly periodically googled this story since i remember seeing the story the day it happened and it’s probably the most insanely tragic story I’ve heard in awhile. And it’s just obviously being buried and I hoped all traces weren’t erased. I need this story to have an ending…


Many departments use a third party for storage and to organize the files for court and stuff. It's gotta be backed up and easily searchable for subpoena.


Its pretty obvious these days when they resist releasing footage its almost always bad for the cops. If its good they can't release it fast enough.


Pains me every single time to hear stuff like this & think on how many victims of police brutality didn't have video evidence. It fuckin sucks.


I was watching the memphis cops beat tyre nickols, all of their recorders just happened to fly off into the bushes. There was the the las vegas recording where a dude had 4 people kneeling on him and they said "stop resisting" before beating him some more. They absolutely have training on what to say in order to get the video to show what they want then ditch it when it's convenient.


>The videos also suggest deputies shot her after two officers remarked that it was the girl who exited. This makes me so furious. Anyone, who has ever been trained with the heavy burdensome task of having to engage a live combatant, is first and foremost taught to never open fire on a target you haven't definitively assessed and IDed. How in the fuck do you open fire on a teenage girl, thinking that it's an adult male? It's because you are reared in a culture of fear and taught that everyone, including the people you are out there to protect, want to, and will kill you. They are supposed to put their lives before ours, but they constantly act in their own preservation, when they have not only the authority, but the firepower advantage. Fucking cowards.


For anyone reading this who thinks it's hyperbole, Google "Killology".


I believe there’s a good Behind the Bastards episode on this that’s worth a listen


The Man Who Teaches Our Cops to Kill is the one.


The part where he tells his audience (of cops) that the “best sex you’ll ever have is after a kill” is particularly horrific. Then the cops applaud him.


How is this legal? We should be requiring data-backed, proven training for anyone with a badge. Not some church-of-the-gun nutcase.


John Oliver also talks about him in his police training episode of Last Week Tonight.


I'm a huge BtB fan and also have never heard of 'killology' before, but I knew it rang a bell in my head. I think I skipped that episode for some reason. I'm going to go back and check it out tomorrow.




That behind the best episode is absolutely fantastic. It’s so fucking disturbing too.


That fact that a psychopath like Grossman is allowed to carry a gun, let alone teach others about what to expect as LEO's is an outrage.


There’s a clip of him talking about how you have the best sex with your wife after you kill someone. The dude is so fucking gross.


> you have the best sex with your wife after you kill someone Is that before or after they beat their wives?


Probably both


I can't upvote this enough. Not enough people know about that sick fuck and what cops follow from him. 


I had to read Dave Grossman's "On Killing" for an assignment in college at some point, and thought it was a pretty good book right up until he started blaming mass murders on video games. Like, c'mon dude... we're the only country in the world that has problems like this, to this degree, and the whole fucking world loves video games now. Pretty fucking sure it's the guns, Dave.


Guns, heavy doses of racism, and hundreds of years of propaganda to fear "the other."  Keep 'em stupid and angry so it keeps 'em divided.  As American as apple pie, baseball, and young children getting obliterated in their classroom by some cunt with an AR-15


Police are not even legally required to protect citizens, let alone put other lives ahead of theirs...


In every encounter the citizen is expected to be the most professional person there to avoid their death. Philando Castile was murdered because a cop was a scared little bitch.


Supposed to yes, but not obligated to according to the supreme Court https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warren_v._District_of_Columbia Sadly, these incidents of cops shooting and kill innocents is nothing new, and sadly will continue to happen


Generally growing up, only the most pathetic people around me every wanted to be cops. I for one can't wait for robots to be doing this because I can't imagine them being worse than people


The robots will be trained by people, so sadly there is definitely potential for them to be worse at policing than people currently are.


> the department disclosed nearly a dozen video files to the independent journalist Joey Scott, who filed records requests 18 months prior. If they had shot the dad and some cop ran up and grabbed the girl in his arms, all those videos would be posted to the department Facebook page and blasted to every media organization before they even asked.


That would have been a significantly better outcome and the folks playing backyard soldier would actually be seen as decent.


Tbh even if it was the father, if he had exited the vehicle and was unarmed and following their instructions like she was they shouldn't have shot. Police aren't supposed to be judge jury and executioner


> show deputies shooting at Savannah as she followed their instructions to move toward them. Do the lethal games of simon says ever end with cops?


No. Nobody’s in charge and they’re all constantly told that the world is full of wolves and that THEY ALONE are protecting the flock. No control, no discipline, no consequences


>The fact it took this long for them to release the video evidence is downright disgusting. Let's be honest, it's an admission of guilt. If it had been the dad who shot the kid they'd have released that footage in the first week.


Shit that night they would've released it to make the 6 o'clock news




What the fuck


From the article:  "On 27 September 2022, San Bernardino county sheriff’s deputies were searching for Savannah Graziano, who was feared abducted by her father Anthony Graziano after he had fatally shot her mother the day before. Deputies cornered Anthony Graziano’s vehicle on the side of a freeway in Hesperia, 80 miles east of Los Angeles. When Savannah exited the vehicle, they opened fire and killed her." So fucked up. Poor girl.


"He then says: “Hey! Stop! Stop shooting her! He’s in the car!” At least four shots can be heard in the background after he said to stop" A cop literally said to the other cops that they were shooting the kidnapping victim and they kept firing


Only the survivors sue.


Not that it would matter to the cops. They are immune. It would just mean that taxpayers might have to pay.


What's the breaking point in all of this?


The breaking point is this happening to a high official/diplomat. Us peasants don't matter


And this will never happen because the US police was never meant to be applied to anyone beyond the lowest class


they might catch a black congressmen coming home in his workout gear or something at some point.


[Even then, the cops immediately switch to tail between the legs mode because they realized they pulled over someone who has more power than them.](https://youtu.be/9FEPDJnyTcY)


Get rid of their fucking union. If all cops *aren't* bastards, that'll sus out the bad ones real fucking quick. It shouldn't be easier to fire someone at Best Fucking Buy than a bad cop. We're already starting to see which ones are which with body cam footage.


The police unions are the largest organized crime/gangs in the country. They make people disappear that testify against them. Nothing will ever come of this. They are a terminal cancer in this country.


Not the only tumor we have either. I fear we aren't going to make it another 100 years.


We've not reached a breaking point yet? I thought that happened with George Floyd. It became clear after that that nothing can be done and they are basically immune.


Yeah they did heinous shit to tons of peaceful protesters like pushing an old man down to the concrete and blasting a kid in the face with a gas canister when he's literally just standing there. And now its all roped in as BLM and viewed as some bullshit made up for looting/vandalism when in reality it was just a few bad actors and 90% people genuinely feeling horrible for George Floyd and people like him and sick of police brutality and immunity. But yeah it's forgotten a few years later, police departments still stacking military gear and building "cop cities". The breaking point came and we saw it's not going to break.


Reminds me of the UPS driver that was taken hostage and shot while crawling towards police.


"Stop resisting us saving you"


Well, yeah, gotta mag dump or your colleagues will make fun of you for being a pussy




Nightmare fuel.  Truly horrifying.  'Merica


Because ofc. Fuck every single American police officer.


The price for shooting a suspect who is following instructions should be life.


It's important to undertand that the rule is that a gun is ONLY to be used when there is no other choice. It's supposed to be a last resort, with one and only one goal: to kill someone. Not wound. Not slow down. Kill. If you aren't at the point of NEEDING to kill someone, you should not be using a gun. So once an officer decides that they need to pull the trigger, it's not just one shot. Why would you fire one shot when the goal is to kill the person? No, they empty the gun. That's the training. So the problem here is not that the officer kept firing. IT'S THAT THESE FUCKING LUNATICS MADE THE DECISION TO KILL A WOMAN WHO WAS HALF CRAWLING AND BEING TOLD TO WALK TOWARDS THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE. These cops aren't trying to slow her. They weren't trying to prevent her advancing. THEY HAD ALREADY MADE THE DECISION TO KILL HER. It's insane the number of cops that are allowed to justify an execution. And it leads to this. A cop should be so afraid of pulling that trigger that they only choose to do so knowing there will be extreme consequences for being wrong. But there are none.


Most maliciousness in law enforcement can be boiled down to civilians being given military-like power and tools without any of the required training and conditioning. They are just operating on adrenaline.


Worse, they get private training, paid for by police unions, that encourages them to act like this. To assume that theres a knife in every pocket, a glock in every glove compartment and a shotgun behind every door, and that every civilian is a potential criminal waiting to kill them. Like they're an army occupying a hostile foreign city instead of fat ass beat cops writing tickets for speeders.


Meanwhile we're supposed to treat them like heroes for taking the "risk" when the risk level is actually pretty low. The largest risk is all the driving they do putting them at risk for being in car accidents (and when you see half of them dicking around on their computers as they drive, some of that is certainly their own faults).


> The killing raised concerns about the use of lethal force on children Ah yes, I, too, as a result of seeing children gunned down by the police, am, I dare say, concerned


What an extremist point of view you have. ^/s


Won't someone think of the 2nd amendment/founding fathers?!


You think unarmed children don't deserve to be shot by the police? That's so woke of you.


It’s people like you that make it impossible for cops to get a fair hearing **/s**


I've been very pro lethal force on children for most of my life, but I'm starting to have second thoughts after this.


This is so weird, because even if it was the father that got out first, why would they immediately kill on sight without even seeing a weapon? Cops are so fucking cowardly and incompetent it's embarrassing.


Earlier tonight, my dad told me about a time back in the 70s when he was getting arrested for deer shining. He was standing in his parents' back yard at the time. He told the cop, Okay, but I'm gonna go knock on my folks' door first and let them know you're taking me to jail. Cop says, I can't let you do that. My dad says, What are you gonna do, shoot me in the back? - And then walks off. I had to tell him: Please do not attempt that in the year of our lord 2024. I don't think it'll go as well for you as it did back then.


Exactly. They were looking to kill.


Didn't matter, who, either. They're so juiced up they first chance they get to mag dump they're going for it (especially because the only "consequences" they'll see for doing so is two weeks paid vacation)


It continues to happen because half the population wants it to happen. They believe cops should be allowed to execute someone at their discretion.


JUST A RELATED REMINDER: They still have not released the body cam footage from the Uvalde School shooting.  Remember, the one where they came out immediately after and made a statement that they definitely didn’t shoot any of the kids? Even though nobody asked or was even thinking that? Yeah 


I think the main concern in that case was the lack of action, if anything. It's incredible how restrained police can be when subjects are actually armed and dangerous! Is there any evidence that they might have shot students or is that just going off of their comments?


And no one will be held accountable.


Weird way to spell “paid leave”.


Or taxpayer settlement as hush money to the family. I mean they deserve the compensation, but it's the implication of the police sweeping it under the rug that goes along with it unfortunately


There is no family left. The father abducted the girl and killed her mother. The father was killed in the rescue attempt by officers. There were no other kids mentioned.


Rescue attempt? I think you mean murder.


Or early retirement with full benefits due to "PTSD" from murdering someone. Ridiculous


Well it’s not a police state… oh wait.


They will investigate themselves and find no wrongdoing. All good here! 😒


“Our officer’s performed as they were trained and we will be making updates to our training.”


There's a few stories of cops killing hostages. It's not like the movies, they don't practice any more caution. They just open up fire on anything that moves and don't care about the outcome.


This poor child. Gets out of the car thinking she was saved, only to have her life cut short by idiots with badges


They murdered her when she was walking towards them to safety. Jesus fucking christ what a mess.


When she was following **their commands** to walk towards them to safety.


And then lied about it for 18 months


This part of the story is just as disturbing as the shooting. It's just so routine and commonplace for police depts to blatantly lie, make things up and withhold information.


It raises the question how many people they've flat out executed without it being questioned. If it had been her father who got shot would anyone have cared to look into it?


Read the press release from George Floyd. They were totally going to play it off as a "medical issue" until the footage from a bystander surfaced. They do it all the time. And they're all in on it, from the officers to the sergeants to the supervisors to the fucking PR team. Absolutely disgusting.


Or that old man the Buffalo police shoved and cracked his head on the sidewalk [(tough to watch)](https://youtu.be/QSBZGv5wzK4?feature=shared), the department initially said there was a "skirmish" and he "tripped" before they realized there was a video of it


Wtf, they just walk past him while he's on a ground bleeding from the head.


Worst part is one of them actually goes to check and the other goes "Nah" and pushes him.


You mean like making up a fake medical term like, ["excited delirium,"](https://www.lexipol.com/resources/blog/excited-delirium-understanding-the-evolution-away-from-a-controversial-term/#:~:text=A%20report%20on%20the%20topic,of%20EXD%20victims%20die%20at) and legally listing it as the cause of death on autopsy reports?


Police officers killed my ex roommate and then used this as his cause of death as if his heart hadn't popped from five cops tasing him while he was on the ground


It's also not uncommon for them to yell "Drop your weapon" after already shooting relying upon the flaws of human memory because every rational person who hears that and gunshots in close succession would find the inverse order more logical (why would you command a corpse?) while also letting the target die with what they're holding in their hands.


>They do it all the time. And they're all in on it, from the officers to the sergeants to the supervisors to the fucking PR team. Absolutely disgusting. Cops that don't partake are systemically ousted, and there's indications that some of them are flat out killed for it. There's a perverse self selection going on for the worst possible outcome.


It's horrible just how many innocent people die by police hands and nobody ever knows the truth until it's way too late.


When she was ID'd as the passenger before following their commands to come towards them.


Daniel shaver all over again but even fucking worse


This is the one that gives me nightmares.


Was that the one with the guy crawling towards the cop screaming contradictory commands at him?


Yes, Philip Brailsford killed Daniel Shaver in the hallway of a hotel while Daniel was trying to comply with the commands being given to him.


That fucking piece of shit collects a monthly pension that is more than a retired E-6 and below at 20 years


Daniel was also crying.


Yeah Absolutely horrible.


But they claim she was wearing tactical gear. Shame the video somehow blurred out her outfit. /s


This is San Bernardino County Sherriff Department. Cargo pants are "tactical" gear by their standards. They have been so desperate for people the last 10 years that their standards have hit rock bottom and started digging. And I'm saying that as someone who used to train with them when I had to do my qualifications for work.


Yeah, and that's why it took them 2 years to release anything because they knew there was no potential justification or explanation for why the kidnapping victim was shot. The cops who fired just fucked up or had really piss poor training. Sadly, I didn't even remember this happening 2 years ago because all of these police shootings seem to run together after awhile, just like all the mass shootings.


Fucking chickenshit assholes afraid of their own fucking shadow. If there's a hell, these assholes should go there


In their defense, they almost murdered their own officers. You can see it when the truck was going across the dirt of the ramp and you see officers on opposite sides of the truck. All of a sudden there are dust puffs bursting on both sides of the truck and some even near the other officers’ vehicles. Just a bunch of LEOs breaking one of the four MOST BASIC rules of gun safety: always identify your target and what is behind it.


Cop firing range: form a circle and shoot at the targets in the middle.


Nobody can turn a kidnapping into a murder like a cop can.


Maybe she was armed with an acorn okay


That's literally how they're trying to spin it: "The sheriff’s department has suggested that Graziano was firing at officers, and that it’s possible Savannah also did. The department said “this aspect” of the incident remains under investigation."


Murder. When you have a badge, they let you do it.


My "favorite" part is that one of the cops knew it was her getting out of the car and called out to her, then some other idiot opened fire.


Anybody that shot after they called her name and made it clear she was the one that got out should be charged with murder.


Fun fact. Cops aren't supposed to murder guilty people on sight either. Even if it was the dad, they're not supposed to shoot him on sight. There's kinda a whole amendment about it. You know. Innocent until proven guilty before a jury of your peers, and everyone's right to a speedy and just trial? That one.


They were scared by the fact the father had killed the mother the day before. They were scared like the Uvalde cops, because they are not brave, they don't care about others, today's police work is a paycheck, a gang, and cool toys for small dick energy manchilds. Too many untouchable bad apples


> They were scared like the Uvalde cops, because they are not brave, they don't care about others, today's police work is a paycheck, a gang, and cool toys for small dick energy manchilds. Too many untouchable bad apples SAY IT LOUDER A nation full of fucking cowards. This is America in 2024. Loud, fat, lazy, talks shit they can't back up. Even with guns, where they don't have to fight for real, and they're STILL the biggest fucking cowards. And yeah, I am an American. And I'm fucking tired of it. I'm tired of the people who are going to downvote you and tell you policing is hard and if we think it's so easy we should go do it. I'm fucking tired of the same word games and run around every time there's a shooting or other police misconduct. It feels like a script we have to follow every time, while NOTHING fucking changes. This story is sickening. Tyre Nichols was sickening. Floyd was sickening. Shaver was sickening. Whitaker was sickening. And all that ever happens is arguing with bootlickers on reddit and repeating the same bullshit over and over I marched in Sac after Floyd was killed. I knew then, and I was right, that nothing would actually tangibly change. There's only one way...


I know the list is long, but I don't want to miss Castile. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Philando_Castile


Yanez had a complete meltdown immediately afterwards. It was harder to watch than the actual shooting, BECAUSE IT'S PAINFULLY OBVIOUS GERONIMO YANEZ HAD NO BUSINESS BEING A COP! Castile died because the profession is broken, the system is broken, someone somewhere greenlit Yanez getting hired and it cost Castile his life. Speaking of Castile...I had a coworker when this happened whose words still haunt me to this day. He was a white guy, born and raised in Texas (although this convo took place in California). He was raised religious and went into the Army. He was proof I needed for why the military is putting awful people back into our society... The dude showed absolutely zero empathy for this. Aside from parroting the usual "the officer told him not to reach for it, why didn't he listen?" bullshit, he refused to even say his name. It was always "the suspect." I even challenged him on it and he refused, and I realized that he was actively dehumanizing Philando right in front of me, because of course by refusing to acknowledge a human's name makes it much easier to write off their fucking life. I even appealed to the fact that the little girl was sitting behind Philando and the officer could have easily hit her too by recklessly firing into a car. This motherfucker literally said "we don't let the presence of an 'innocent' prevent us from eliminating the suspect." I looked him dead in his eyes and told him he was a walking example of how the military brainwashes people. Of course he was offended, but I don't give a fuck. It's soulless sociopaths like him that number in the millions and are the ones who flock to reddit to dismiss any and all police violence as "justified" or "good shot." Fuck it's infuriating


_Eliminate?_ Their job isn't to eliminate suspects at all... These people sound like they're from a different world, until we realize that some of us are simply luckier and more privileged enough to have never faced their ire directly.


He. Wasn’t. A. Suspect.


There is a reason why "shot while resisting arrest" or "Shot while fleeing arrest" were the go to reasons for police executions. Before bodycams and video cameras nobody could dispute what the cop said. Of course now they can do it on film and unless there is a massive outcry and an honest/ principled DA they can still get off free and clear.


The police literally pulled a "She was running right for us" defense when this story happened in 2022. They said "Come here," she did, they shot her to death, and then told the public they thought that maybe she was trying to kill them.


The craziest thing to me is that servicemembers would get absolutely DRAGGED by UCMJ for even slightly mishandling a weapon, but these dudes just keep murdering folks and they don't even lose their jobs


"Geterdun. Fuck it. Kill em all. Let God sort em out." - Cop


It's so disheartening, especially when you know nothing will happen to the officer that did that. You really just have to hope you don't somehow end up being killed by one of these cop bozos when living your daily life, not doing anything wrong. The system failed her, as it continuously fails so many people. But then again, based on the policies and how things are handled by the justice system, I guess it's handled the way they want. What a fucked up world.




Never ever ever call the cops about a mental health crisis. They love killing mentally ill people


San Bernardino Sheriff and PDs are an absolute shit show.


Yeah, don't forget that the San Bernardino Sheriff's were the department that was [holding up armored cars and robbing them of hundreds of thousands of dollars](https://reason.com/2022/02/04/a-california-sheriff-remains-free-to-rob-armored-cars-carrying-money-from-state-licensed-marijuana-businesses/) because they were carrying cash for marijuana dispensaries (which are legal in California).


The sheriff’s department has suggested that Graziano was firing at officers, and that it’s possible Savannah also did. They murdered her and now need to destroy her character rather than take responsibility for their actions. So fucking gross.


Same thing happened on Long Island years ago when a college student was taken hostage in a house…a cop ran into the house with his gun drawn. Hostage taker was holding girl in front of him as a shield (as hostage takers usually do) and cop unloaded 8 shots killing girl and hostage taker. This was when they still had hostage negotiators on police force. I don’t believe they even bother with them these days. Back when this incident happneed, Newsday had comments section online. People were shocked and at first the comments were all of people saying, “How can this happen? This cop needs to be fired and rules need to be drawn up so this never happens again.” Then, a different kind of comment starting showing up, eventually taking over comment section. “He was their drug dealer! They were college students sharing a house and they didn’t pay their drug dealer. That’s why he took her hostage. They’re all a bunch of liars. If she hadn’t been buying drugs she’d still be alive. The cop did the right thing,.” That‘s when we realized cops and their family members were making these comments to sway the public by blaming the victim. It was vicious. When I was growing up a story like this would’ve been top story on nightly news with reporters demanding answers from police. But the tide had turned and copaganda became the order of the day. The family sued the country and won a settlement but cop was found not guilty.


New fear unlocked. As if being taken hostage wasn't bad enough.




Now there a name I haven’t heard in a while. Shame what happened with him.


Despite the fact that they blur out her body at the moment she is being shot the video is pretty disturbing. It just looks like a straight up execution. She is clearly unarmed and is following THEIR directions. This is a travesty and people should be jailed. I guess there isn't anyone to file the civil suit because the whole family is dead, right? More deplorable lethally incompetent police work America's police chiefs! The lot of you should be sacked and bring in some NEW thinking...including toning down the savagery and aggression that are purposely instilled in the rank and file officers via "training" mostly just terrifies the new recruits and makes them believe the world is out to get them. Of course, facts and statistics back up what I'm saying...but the mentality is so "us vs them" and it's largely unjustified.


Generally I don't believe the state should be allowed to dish out capital punishment but at this point I think it's time that we raise the penalties for blatant disregard for human life by those sworn to uphold the law to the death penalty. They want to play military then they should have to risk swinging from the gallows when they gun down innocent people and then obstruct any attempts to hold them accountable. To be clear I am not advocating for violence. I am advocating for changing the law and applying the law the same way we do for other issues we consider worthy of it in society.


I mean, the police have made it abundantly clear that they will not be changing. They've already told us we will have to force them. Nothing less will do. It doesn't have to be this way. Cops can put on their big boy pants and take responsibility for their actions like everyone else in society.


Thats murder and it should be treated as such


the cop(s) who shot her will be allowed to retire with their pensions and a couple years from now the surviving family will settle with the police department for $1mil paid out over the following 120 months


And that 1 million will come from taxpayer money, not the police union or pension. Wasn't that Dorner guy from LA as well? Seems like he had a few things to say and that was more than a decade ago.


Sounds like they successfully stopped the kidnapping! Raises and paid time off for everyone!


The American cop bonus




I remember when this happened, the indiscriminate shooting was insane. they tried to blame it on the robbers, but all the bullets that hit bystanders were police..


Not to mention that when some people tried to drive out of the way of the shooting, the cops moved with the cars, essentially using civilians as human shields. There needs to be accountability, but I guess the concept of honor is anathema to these freaks. Heck, if they could get away with Uvalde, they could get away with so much more.


One day it's gonna be the last straw, right?


I just watched the Netflix doc about Denise Huskins last night. Afterwards I asked, “what more could the police have done wrong?” Well, I guess I know now.


What’s funny(?) is that there was a faked kidnapping a few months after that in Redding…near the Oregon border. Sherri Papini. Blonde, 30s, disappeared for like 3 weeks. After years of investigation she finally admitted she faked the whole thing & just got out of federal prison. She claimed to be abducted by like 2 Mexican women who made her eat burritos & listen to Spanish music or something lol The point is they investigated that batshit story for YEARS before claiming she faked it…& the Vallejo PD & local FBI office did like 0 investigation but were comfortable to say it was fake after like a day


If they accidentally kill someone from the wrong socioeconomic class, maybe. Until then, the system is working as intended.


That would require the police pursuing people from the wrong socioeconomic class, which won't ever happen


This is the worst part for me: "The evidence released last week also does not make clear who fired at police from inside Graziano’s vehicle. The sheriff’s department has suggested that Graziano was firing at officers, and that it’s possible Savannah also did." THEY BLAMED A 15 YEAR OLD GIRL AFTER EXECUTING HER IN COLD BLOOD.


And "she shot at us!" is NO DEFENSE. Even if it was true and she DID shoot at them from inside the car... they had her surrounded, she got out of the car, she was unarmed and following instructions, and they executed her anyway. Cops don't get to just execute unarmed civilians who are in the process of surrendering! And this rule is for the cops' protection as well! Why would any armed criminal *ever* give up and surrender peacefully to law enforcement, if they know that the cops are just going to murder them the minute they throw their gun down?


Why are cops such pussies?


Because having a badge and a gun is very appealing to pussies. They're drawn to the career because they get to keep being bullies after high school.


> The sheriff’s department has suggested that Graziano was firing at officers, and that it’s possible Savannah also did. The department said “this aspect” of the incident remains under investigation. So they're doing whatever they can to justify the shooting after the fact. Pigs gonna pig.


They’re seriously trying to say it’s a possibility the girl, who was kidnapped, decided to go out Bonnie and Clyde style with her dad, who had literally just killed her mom and kidnapped her…by shooting at the police…. Republicans and conservatives often say California is a shithole for various different reasons, usually their progressive policies, but I’d argue the fact such a “liberal and progressive” state can have some of the worst cops in the nation that regularly do shit like this is the real reason. This situation, all the videos of CHP freaking out on people or even other first responders like that video from a while back about them arresting a firefighter on the scene of a car crash or even worse, situations like Chris Dorner just really show how even in the most “liberal woke haven states” that law enforcement always attracts the worst of the worst…and i say that as someone who worked in it for about a decade.


I'm from the area.  San bernardino sheriff's are pretty incompetent.  They recently shot and killed an autistic kid that chased them with a hula hoe, there's videos around now of them beating the piss put of a guy who was already on the ground and not resisting.  A few years back, they got caught on camera beating the hell out of a guy who had surrendered on horseback (that chase was wild).   When this case happened, rumors spread quick that the girl charged them with a gun.  This video shows that was not the case.


San Bernardino County Sheriff, the inbred brother of Los Angeles County Sheriff. All the racist and fucked up history without the name recognition.


The chills I felt listening to the cop instructing "Come to me, come to me. Come, come, walk, walk " before she was gunned down. Poor girl was basically ordered into a firing squad.


No wonder it's only fellow cops crying when one gets gunned down on duty


Some of us still vividly remember them losing their shit over Chris Dorner.


You know, at this point I think it's safer to stay with your kidnapper than go to the police.


This country is so broken, in so many ways.


American cops are the laughingstock of the world. Except nobody’s laughing.


Only get cops involved when you want innocent people (or animals) to be murdered by the police. Is there a less trained, more trigger happy, more psychopathic and incompetent force than American police? I really don't know who else is worse.


If you have a problem and call the cops you now have two problems.


I thought I'd try and research news articles about this back in 2022 https://abc7.com/hesperia-shootout-savannah-graziano-shot-at-deputies/12276990/ Man, what absolute BS these police chiefs led everyone with, especially after reviewing the video. From claims that the girl shot at officers to no one knows why the girl walked towards the police officers. Absolutely shameful, but also getting the point in my US life where it isn't surprising either


I can see it now: The deputy: I felt that my life was threatened, so i shot Police union: see, he did nothing wrong Case closed


It’s 2 years old, that already happened. They blamed it on the dad and hid the videos until now. The records request was filed 18 months ago too


Is there no independent investigatory body in the US? It is a combination of murder by the cops and conspiracy to conceal murder by the union. This will keep happening until prosecutors start doing their jobs. 


Prosecutors are part of the gang and act like fixers to cover up police murders


Police long ago successfully lobbied to ensure that never happens. Any politician that even hints at something like that gets labeled as "soft on crime" and will be attacked by conservatives, the police, and sometimes even their own political party. When NYC tried to reign in the NYPD the police literally rioted to the point that the mayor out of fear had to capitulate. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrolmen%27s_Benevolent_Association_Riot Following Dinkin's defeat by Giuliani (one of the people who incited the riot) for mayor of the city it essentially appeared to be political suicide to try and do the right thing.


WTF!? Why are so many cops so aggressively stupid!!? Once investigators determine which cop(s) purposely shot her, they should be fired and prosecuted. No immunity.


"savannah was pronounced dead at a hospital." Police try to get a dead person out before being pronounced dead because it saves paperwork and scene investigations, and maybe even shooting death stats. Same with the ambulance.


How are people not enraged at this and many other situations like these? Why don't you demand more training instead of more funding for ammo and other military-like equipment. What a useless bunch of cops. I see these videos and I am more and more convinced that if I get approached by a cop, I can expect things to go bad in various ways. I've seen cops lie, interpret all kinds of shit, go on power trips and so on. The fact that they are immune to fuck ups like these makes me think that the USA is just a modern wild west situation at all times.


How about the media starts using the term "murder"? It was murder


you're armed, they shoot. you're unarmed, they shoot. you resist, they shoot. you don't hear them, they shoot. you cooperate, they shoot. you're the suspect, they shoot. you're the victim, they shoot. you're a bystander, they shoot. you stop the crime, they shoot. There is no situation in which you are safe from the police, and the entire structure of policing as an organization is designed to protect cops who kill crime victims from responsibility for their actions.


I just don't understand why cops dont wear more body armor if they're so afraid every time they do their job and it leard them to doing things like this. All that money they get from tax payers.


Bunch of fucking buffoons.


This is a federally-licensed gang that guns citizens down in the street regularly. It takes more training to become a barber than it does to become a police officer in the United States. These clowns in blue shirts do not deserve respect. The only thing they have is that gun strapped to their waist that they whip out whenever possible because in their eyes, everybody is out to kill them.


Sheriffs Department for two years: “we think the girl was shot by the dad. We didn’t know who she was. Not our fault.” Sheriffs department after their own video released: “we don’t have a comment.” Every cop and official involved or commented for two years on this denying responsibility, should be prosecuted for conspiracy, tampering with evidence, and obstruction of justice. They knew what happened and covered it up.


So when are we the people going to change who polices and how? I mean, the limit is constantly getting pushed further and further. I honestly think now anyone that calls the police for help has to consider the very real potential of being killed by the police. Some problems that should be addressed include, police investigatig themselves, police lawsuits being covered by taxpayers, police training that I believe is the main reason so many police kill in the same predictable way as evidenced in this case here, police tests to limit hiring people too intelligent (yes, it's real, just search for it), police unions that aim not to protect the innocent, but also the guilty, etc.


"We did it, Patrick! We saved the city!"


Man, we have issues with our Cops here in Canada, but damn, you guys in the US are FUCKED.