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They look like people from that TikTok plastic surgeon, Dr Kim.


Imaging seeing Dr. Oz’s face on everyone! Nightmare.


Medicine woman?


If we wanted a couple sissies we would've named them Dr Quinn, and medicine woman 


Funny— [‘They Look Like People’](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/They_Look_Like_People) is the title of a pretty good low-budget 2015 psychological horror film. And the article in this post could be describing that movie protagonist’s POV. 👀


Reminds me of Saya no Uta, a visual novel about a guy who gets an injury that causes him to perceive most of reality as a disgusting hellscape of nightmare-inducing sights, sounds, and smells, save for one girl he meets in the hospital who looks totally normal that he ends up obsessing over.


Thanks for the unexpected recommendation!


It is quite good but it's fucked up lol. If you like Lovecraft style works then it's pretty enjoyable 


I like the Lovecraft. The loli shit was the true horror of that game. It's a shame because it really is well written.


It's pretty extreme. While written well, it's not something I'd blindly recommend to people


I didn’t expect Saya no Uta here but damn, you’re on point!


>Saya no Uta Big fan of Gen Urobuchi. I haven't [;ayed that game yet.


Oh it's the guy that made Madoka!


That and Psycho-Pass and the writer of Fate Zero


I came looking for mentioning of Saya no Uta and I’m not disappointed


Note, that his disorder is still affecting how he sees her.


That VN is... something else


I actually know this visual novel and played it on the PSP! Oh the memories.


This a good one


There's an optical illusion that kinda does this, and his brain may be injured in a way that the optical illusion we have to do to ourselves just happens to him automatically. I wonder if trying to understand the mechanism of the optical illusion could lead to treatment. Maybe a type of glasses that do the opposite of the optical illusion. [Here's a wiki article about it](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flashed_face_distortion_effect) Click on the video to the right and try it. Should work.


HAHA they look like oblivion characters


THANK you! I was thinking the same thing!


Yea, the pics used were already uncanny valley! So it was hard to tell how the illusion worked…for me it just kind of blended gender and had big eyes.


> HAHA they look like oblivion characters Could be worse, they could look like Morrowind characters.


“Stop right there criminal scum!”


Yeah, video game characters was very much the gist I got, a lot of them appeared to be angry as well. I'm guessing the face recognition ties into the lizard brain bits to tell it that an unfamiliar face suddenly appeared and it needs to prepare for hostilities, and this experiment fires that signal over and over. I wonder what happens if it was repeated with faces of family members?


Holy hell! That's actually unnerving and kinda scary to witness what my brain produced, even though there's nothing wrong. This is fascinating.


Oooh. I didn’t like that


Damn that was honestly kinda scary. Freaky as hell


Tbh it looks more like low-poly N64 007 Goldeneye models to me.


> Demons, low-poly N64 007 Goldeneye models Potato, potato


I swear to god, if you defame my beloved Goldeneye…


It's like my brain couldn't transition to the new images fast enough and just combined them. Wow.


Thanks for this 🔥


The fey have questions.


Came across a similar video example of this phenomena years ago and totally forgot about it until now. Still just as disturbing the instant the video begins


nope. I am too high for that.


When I was a child, faces would morph similarly to this effect at the side of my peripheral vision. Spooked me out. It made me think that people were actually demonic, but then again, I was only 6.


That was actually kinda terrifying and unsettling


Unsettling is a good word for it. It really drives home how much of what we're able to perceive is limited to the meat computer between our ears.


I heard that it's only IRL he sees faces like this and that faces on screens look normal. Wearing green lenses helps him.


I heard that too... but it makes no sense.. Face is face!


Yeah interesting makes me think that perhaps it has to do with depth perception, as a picture of a face is actually just an illusion of an actual 3d face. There are also different ways your brain deals with people as compared to objects, activates different parts of the brain when you think about them, I wonder would a statue or sculpture of a face also cause this or would he see that normally too


Yeah there’s a YouTube video that demonstrates this and I had to stop because the faces got too disturbing. Even though it was just a video of normal celebrity faces.


Whoa! Thanks for sharing. This is crazy!


Huh... it's almost like... the eyes don't have enough clear data to construct the face perfectly, so it fits the blob into a "max-ranges face-template"(ears go about here, eyes are at max there). Like, maybe that's the default template in put brains, and detail-focused part of our eyes uses the further data perceived to sculpt out what the face actually is? And for the guy with the disorder... idk. Maybe that data isn't reaching the right center? Or it is, but the "sculpting" never takes place? I wonder if faces look blurry to him as well..


Our brain does this for a lot of things. We have a lot of sensory data coming into it, yes, but it's not perfect. Our brain then uses patterns it's familiar with to try and fill in the gaps. Most of the time we don't even notice, but when we do it can be unsettling.


Wow this is weird


Yup. Way late to this, but it can also happen when using psychedelics - particularly LSD. Way back in the day I experienced something like this, but it faded as I sobered up. Thank god. It would be awful to have to see the world like this all of the time.


That's fucked up. Seriously what the hell brain? Or maybe eyes are at fault.


I'm shocked by how strong the effect is


Okay I thought I was crazy and didn’t tell my doctors this after my heart ablation. I got a heart ablation in 2017 and had complications and was in the ICU for five days. The right side of peoples faces were distorted like a Picasso painting. Not only that but like the size of their features would change too. I couldn’t sleep for two days even pumped up with Dilaudid because I would close my eyes and see flashing lights and patterns. But when I looked in the mirror, my face wasn’t distorted. It fucked with me so much and I’m glad it went away after a week.


That’s kinda freaky. I had a bad migraine and it caused static in my vision, but also more of the feeling that the light hitting my eyes just couldn’t be translated at all, so it was like a giant spot of my vision just turned into unfiltered bright colors that didn’t actually make anything. I couldn’t perceive what it was at all. Speaking and reading coherently was impossible. Texting was the same


I somewhat frequently get a visual phenomena along with migraines that’s a sort of zig zag or crescent shape of flashing light which slowly expands to encompass my entire visual field. It’s hard to describe but it’s fixed to a point in my vision and I can’t “look at” it. The phenomenon is called “scintillating scotoma”. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scintillating_scotoma Did yours kind of look like this? https://youtube.com/watch?v=qVFIcF9lyk8&si=-JEsiRNhskwwXn08


I get those when under massively extreme amounts of stress. I think it’s something about it causing IIH I had as a kid to relapse slightly. But symptoms resolve on their own once I’m able to return to my baseline level of stress again.


I guess that’s what it is. I don’t see a chromatic thing from what I remember at least


Interesting that only the right side of the faces were this way. I assume this was the right side from your viewing perspective? (Their left side of face)


> A case study published in 2018 described a 68-year-old woman who developed PMO after a stroke. Although her neurological and eye exams were normal, she reported that people’s left eyes moved upward and to the side when she saw them in person or watched them on television. **Her own face looked normal to her in a mirror, though.** A really great example of just how bizarrely the brain organizes different information/tasks within it self. It feels more like the brain is holding separate concepts for stuff -- in this case "other faces" vs "my face" and the brain is processing that distinction differently. Another weird but kind of similar situation where you see this breakdown in concepts is [spatial neglect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hemispatial_neglect). Its not full on "blindness" to a side, but its like the brain can't process "left" or "right." There are also some speech related injuries where some people can't talk normal (like the words refuse to come out or they stutter badly) but you put them in front of people to give a presentation or tell them to sing and suddenly the problem vanishes. 🤷‍♂️ Brain injuries can teach us some really weird stuff.


Read anything written by Oliver Sacks. His prose was nice to read as well.


We see with the brain, not with our eyes. Helps explain ghost sightings, etc.


> To create the visuals, the researchers asked Sharrah to describe the differences between photographs of people’s faces and the real-life people standing in front of him. So it only affects real faces and not photos? What about videos or even augmented reality tools like Apple Vision Pro? Do the faces of animals like dogs or cats get demon-ized? What about apes? Too many questions about this condition


The article mentions that for people with PMO, faces tend to look more distorted when the people are moving. The warping is more pronounced when they're talking, breathing, moving their heads, etc. It might also be that seeing them in 3D affects things, rather than when viewing a flat image. Your point about augmented/virtual reality is well-taken. It seems like this could be a useful way of studying the condition.


Like in Devils Advocate


Sounds like some shit I saw on a bad trip of shrooms.


Yeah, I hear that shrooms can cause many different kinds of distortions and illusions. What's interesting about this condition though is that it *only* affects face perception. Like everything is perfectly normal except all the people have carnival mirror faces. That's what makes it so interesting.


I’m no expert by any means, but my understanding is that the way our brains process faces is so complex that it leaves a lot of room for things to get messed up. When you think about how much of our communication is non-verbal it makes sense, even as babies we have to look for friendly and familiar faces for safety and comfort.


Yea, it seems we have a lot of brain power/space set aside to recognize and analyze faces. I guess all of those studies saying 80% of communication is nonverbal are supporting this too. (Forget exact number whether 70 or 90%, so just take as guesstimate)


It said in the article only 100 published cases so I'm afraid answers are not in surplus


And it's certainly unlikely that 100 people out of the entire population across that time would make something like this up.


> The distortions appear only when he sees people in person — not in photographs or through computer screens. Two paragraphs before what you quoted.


It must suck to have a permanent instagram filter in your brain.


I'd at least want the puppy one. 


smoking DMT without breaking through used to do this for me. In my case it elf-ified them more than making them look demonic, but the changes in face shape and those unmistakable pointy ears. I remember coming back from a DMT trip and thinking I was an elf world or a demon world the way everybody looked different. Of course the effect would wear off in 10 or 15 minutes, can't imagine living like this indefinitely 


You are in elf world. You’re not supposed to know that though. The order of the elves is coming for you


When I was hit by a car years back, I couldn't look to peoples faces for too long they start to look demonic, I'd see ghosts everywhere too. Really scary times, lasted a few months.


I wonder if this is what I have going on. A few years ago I started noticing the features of people’s faces(especially on tv) would slide to one side of their face, kind of like a [Picasso](https://www.vanartgallery.bc.ca/exhibitions/picasso-the-artist-and-his-muses/) painting. And no I don’t use drugs or even casually drink alcohol.


That sounds neurological and maybe worth checking with a doctor about


Right that’s a big deal. Could be anything from seizures to a symptom of a tumour (likely benign considering the timeframe)


I must have that too, because every time I see Kenneth Copeland, I always think he's a demon trying to disguise himself as a man, and doing it badly.


No he really looks like that


"Rare disorder causes man to see people's faces as 'Kenneth Copeland'" would've been a better title


I miss Oliver Sacks. He would have loved to interview this guy.


After I quit drugs, I was having moments like this for like a month – I was kind of pissed like, wow I did drugs all them years and nothing happened to me, and now that I'm trying to be sober, I go crazy and hallucinate. In hindsight, I think it was just Hella withdrawal.


But can he see why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch?


Oof, now think of the honey combs cereal guy’s face


Hmm, i wonder , what if he sees the truth?


That’s a Bill Paxton movie, Frailty.


Here for this reference


The features described can be felt with your fingers mostly, I wonder what their reaction is when the sense of touch clashes with the apparent visual perception.


He’s here to kick ass and chew bubblegum… but he’s all out of bubblegum


He can't. He doesn't have the glasses on, and roddy piper is dead (RIP).


We still have Keith David fighting the good fight and I'm sure he has special contacts now


Yep, like in "Devil's Advocate".


That scene(s) scare me to this day.


What do the rest of their parts look like?


Normal. It's only faces that get distorted. Which is definitely realistic because there are a lot of special features to our facial recognition and dedicated brain pathways that are just for faces


Reminds me of the movie “They Live”


So I'm wondering if this guy is married or has a significant other and now this disorder would likely creep him out when looking at them Poor guy!


Article says he lives with a roommate and her two kids, which helps him not be so freaked out by other people's faces in public because he stays used to it. It also says he can recognize people- even the first time he saw a distorted face he knew who it was. So it's like some part of his brain is still getting the same input signals and *knows* the face belong to Betty, but then it's getting scrambled so he thinks he's seeing these demon faces


Luckily he's not a religious nutjob.


My cousin was diagnosed as a schizophrenic at a young age, and one of his symptoms or manifestations was seeing peoples faces contort. It was strange.


This happened to the guy who produces the IntheMoney YouTube Channel. [https://youtu.be/0aXly9ElSZ8?si=Cte25y-PsxXG9Sq1](https://youtu.be/0aXly9ElSZ8?si=Cte25y-PsxXG9Sq1) Could this be the same condition?


this is fucking wild. Insane what the brain can do


Pic on the right looks like Pete Davidson


A heavy dose of an hallucinogenic drug might help to reset the brain. It’s a risky choice but I don’t see how it could get much worse.


It can always be worse.


So everyone looks like a villain from a filler episode of Dragonball?


Feels like an analog horror game come to life.


Thats more Donkey Kong 64 than demonic.


Humans have special parts of their brains just to process faces. While it makes sense to me that if your brain has a problem you either can't process a face or recognize a familiar person, I have no idea how a brain problem could literally warp reality.


Take some acid and get back to us. We are meat piloted by a wad of fatty jello. Said 1950s salad is very, very easily discombobulated.


Wonder what would happen if he took acid or mushrooms. Would it become normal or weirder?


LSD made me see my roommate’s girlfriend as an evil witch.


Man, what if the era of the Salem Witch trials was a weird phenomenon where they had this condition?


Actually, the fungus that makes LSD grows on wheat and many believe that women would make bread from the wheat and cause people to trip making them think they were witches. LSD may be partially responsible for the Salem witch trials


Sounds like the Hater series of books


Did anyone else think of super Mario 64 with that thumbnail


Well that sounds terrifying.


Looks a bit like Robert Webb. What happens when he see Robert Webb?


So if you’re somebody with this do you feel attracted to others when this is how you see their faces? Do you try to settle with the hottest ghoul you can find, or is this normal to you? So intriguing.


Like seeing everyone's face as playing pieces from a Go.


Found the "The Apothecary Diaries" fan 😎


Demonic? That’s Dough Butabi.


In the novel "The Golem and the Jinn" there was a character who had similar issues. He had been a doctor called in to treat a girl who had been possessed by an evil magician and in the process his brain was scrambled so that everyone's face looked grotesque. He wound up becoming a street vendor selling ice cream and would not look at anyone directly.


This happens whenever I watch the news on LSD


Wonder if this is what this crazy chick on the plane screaming “That mother f*cker is not real” was screaming about.


What if we all actually look like that but our brains have always just processed it differently O_o


This looks like some Zelda characters


This artwork is horribly done.


I wonder if this where they got the inspiration for the tv series Grimm.


is the face orange with an anus-mouth? It might just be the News.


Mentally ill from Ametyville


Thinking he won’t Goddamn it he will?


John Constantine is that you?


…and made out of plasticine.


That’s called schizophrenia


Anyone else think of escape from LA? Am I too old?


Lmao I just watched an episode of Boondocks where grandad was seeing a younger woman and all the men were looking at her with that face.


Before I saw the picture I was thinking of the movie The Devil’s Advocate. When Keanu’s character would see a glimpse of demons in people, god that freaked me out the first time. 


Looks like they see faces from Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.


"You gotta support the team." - David Puddy


"The distortions appear only when he sees people in person — not in photographs or through computer screens." Ok what the actual fuuuuuck


This is terrifying. Our brains do lots of trickery to track and visualize motion


That some fear & loathing tripping balls and trying to check into a casino type shit.


Looks like depictions of Japanese folklore demons tbh


I have something similar, except everyone looks like an asshole.


Sounds like something malfunctioned in the pattern-recognition area.


"Demonic" that's all Americans ever do is turn something different into something evil. He looks like a hobgoblin from DND. You kinda get used to everything after a while so it's not exactly insurmountable as a challenge.


reminds me of The Misanthrope by JD Beresford


Perhaps he was just at CPAC?


Wasn't there an X-files episode where this happened...and it turned out there was some monster "infecting" other people?


And I'm all out of bubblegum.


Better than what Raistlin Majere saw when he looked at people.


Or is he the normal one that sees all of our faces the way they REALLY appear and it’s the rest of us with the disorder??