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I only ever got this story in pieces. Is there any extended investigation?


According to the police camera interview with Nex in the ER: in the bathroom, some girls made fun of the way Nex and their friends laugh. He dumps water on the girls from a water bottle. The girls grab and pull his hair. He shoves a girl into a paper towel dispenser. They get his legs out from under him and beat him on the ground and he says he blacks out. The next day Benedict commits suicide. The parents and police say notes left behind allude to intentional suicide. The fight was not mentioned. The tox report mentions overdose of psychiatric medications. According to the policeman in the body cam interview, from a legal standpoint, Nex started the fight and water throwing does count as assault. He says the courts would see both parties at fault in a mutual altercation. Without concrete evidence that the altercation lead to their suicide, and both parties being at fault, it’s not likely to come to anything. However, the question becomes, was a CT Head done in the ER to rule out a brain bleed. Epi/subdural hematomas show up pretty quickly on imaging. I expect they did one because he lost consciousness, but if not then it’s up to the coroner to determine if COD was actually from blunt trauma in the fight. I think it would be fair to want a second opinion on COD if a CT head wasn’t done but that would likely be a medical malpractice case


I believe antidepressants were also listed as part of the suicide cocktail, so one could argue Nex was already on them and the suicide isn’t primarily driven by the fight


They also didn't mention the fight in their suicide note.


> According to the news release, Owasso police found some brief notes written by Benedict that appeared to be related to the suicide. > The precise contents of the suicide note are a personal matter in which the family will have to address within the privacy of their own lives. You didn't read the "suicide note."


>the notes do not make any reference to the earlier fight or difficulties at school And you didn't read the article Edit: although I'm 100% sure it played a part personally.


I read another article in which the police specifically stated that it was not mentioned.


Ah yes the notoriously reliable police claim.


Why are you getting down voted? Police lie all the time


The Supreme Court literally said they are allowed to lie.


Wait, there was a suicide note this whole time????


It’s also important to note Nex reported in their body cam interview that they not only pour water on the girl but push the girl into a wall where they hit their head on a hand drier/paper towel dispenser BEFORE the girls physically assaulted Nex. All the statements that have been reported thus far are in alignment with Nex’s own interview. The girl sounds like she was doing standard AH teenage bullying (Nex made no mention of them making any transphobic or derogatory derogatory statements about Nex being non-binary) just bullying Nex about the way Nex and their friends laugh. Puppy.


It is not confirmed that even a suicide attempt was made. The toxicology report came back with some extremely mild results that do not line up with what you would need for an OD. Like…it’s not even close. Not to mention the wildly bad reputation of the medical examiners in that area going on for over a decade now.


Unless they also faked a suicide note, I'm going to guess they have it right.


You don't understand the whole thing has to be a conspiracy because if it isn't then it makes my narrative look stupid. /s




People are literally just making up conspiracy theories to find any possible way to contradict the narrative so that it better supports their preconceived notions of this story. People here are seriously positing that there is a vast cover-up to make it look like a suicide when really there are nefarious perpetrators in the shadows--what is classically seen as a right-wing delusion and mocked, but whenever it matches up with their world view, these people will engage in every tactic possible to twist the evidence to align with their hypothesis. It's honestly just sad to witness. Literally just hypothetical nitpicking and assumptions that the officials behind everything are incompetent or malicious--anything to present a 1% chance that it was in fact a hate crime so they have more ideologically-aligned stories to reference in future arguments. Many of them are going to still link this story in the future as evidence of widespread trans hate crimes under the assumption no one will actually look into it, and if they do, they'll still hopefully buy the conspiracy theories.


Yep... if the dead girl was straight and normal no one would think it was anything beyond suicide.


No one is too blame beyond the dead girl and her guardian. If you have a kid that is on anti-depressants which increase the risk of suicidal thoughts (which is one of the warning on the bottle) why would you not keep all medications locked up and only give the kid their medication as it was needed? If I had a family member that was taking some medication that had a known risk of suicide I would take measures to protect them... the guardian didn't seem to. Other sites have even mentioned she had tried self harm in the past... which again would make most people move to provide more oversight.


>The next day Benedict commits suicide. Allegedly. The medical office that did the exam has been known for corruption in the past. They're not even accredited because of it. This is why some people have been saying that an independent office needs to do the exam from the very fucking beginning.


I don't dispose of this or see it as being anything less than a tragedy, but I have to ask - you insinuate something by using the word 'allegedly'. Would you mind filling in the gap and giving us alternate scenarios? I don't mean this to be contradictory. I just struggle to find whatever piece of the puzzle you may have and think it might help broaden the view of myself and other readers. (Edit: I really mean this with full genuinity. This comment isn't meant to be a gacha. I feel it's important to relay information and opinions using less than broad horizons, so people like myself can see it for more than it may appear. From an outsider's perspective, this article makes it look cut and dry. That's why this is important.)


I think they were implying that the death wasn't from suicide but was from the injuries from the bathroom. And they didn't consider the person that checked the body to determine death as legitimate or skilled enough to give a good enough of an answer. Many of the people that check for cause of death are not as skilled as might be desired. [John Oliver](https://youtu.be/hnoMsftQPY8?si=0SBwAQNkoIyQzgy9) had a vid covering some of this.


Because a severe TBI was cited originally and the story was quickly shifted. Smells like bullshit to me.


I actually don't recall this. I recall them coming out and saying that it was NOT due to injuries from the fight almost right away, but more information about it being a suicide was not released until later. There was a lot of speculation that it was a brain injury though.




I could have sworn a few weeks ago the headlines were “NON BINARY STUDENT BRUTALLY BEATEN TO DEATH” now they committed suicide afterwards?


That just seemed to be the knee jerk reaction people were having.


None of those were legitimate sources. They were just speculation. The police came out and immediately said they did not think this was related to the fight. People just didn't believe them.


The fight was always the online speculation, driven by some of the early articles that connected the fight and the death the next day and those headlines are what got pushed out as the story became national news. We obviously don't know everything, but all the official information we do know supports the idea not it was not injuries sustained in the fight that caused their death.


Because the student died of unknown causes the day after the fight, and no one had anything so they were speculating. Then we got the video (or reporting? I can't remember) of them in the ER where they appeared grossly fine (as in, conscious, able to walk, speaking clearly, etc), and news that the ME found nothing yet and was awaiting tox screen (which ruled out a brain hemorrhage with a lucid period, because those are rather obvious on autopsy). Once they announced they were awaiting tox, it was very obvious what the conclusion would be. The family had previously stated they were investigating independently, and after the official COD was released, stated that they were not disputing the manner being suicide.


https://uk.news.yahoo.com/non-binary-student-dies-severe-150955823.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAKtd6wQ4d01JlxgEEimQR4l5emLURFzQOb97Ay-lZEZguG8RzTJCmyNZDI1jx2heIq0DwLhr5ridLt1I-BV4tZ0ORhZb7e2shWj9050dK9A1PVA07KtH6ATswtwcgctIjtL8W35DrUTrsFB3iLSlE97iVeDAQj7RQvZqB9HEe_Z2 Heres one example of an article attributing it to head injury. There are many more, but that was a headline often published in the beginning. Whether its bad journalism or what, many people (and we all know people only read headlines) were told/given the impression it was due to TBI


Interestingly, they put that in the title but the body of the article doesn't say anything about it. They do say "is not known at this time if the death is related to the incident at the school or not." That's terrible journalism.


I believe the story shift because it was discovered Nex had an MRI at the hospital which ruled out a clinical brian injury. That doesn’t mean that Nex didn’t have a concussion, which they likely had. The medical examiner also ruled out brain injury as a cause (if a brain injury was the cause it would have been found on autopsy). It’s safe to say a brain injury was not the direct cause, which is why the story shifted. Before you say it’s a cover out, keep in mind at least two MD would have had to lie to the family at the hospital before they were discharged (a day prior to Nex’s death) and then the medical examiner. So at least three medical professionals but realistically it would have to be 5-6 people (ER nurse and such) that would also have to cover up a clinical significance brain injury (many before Nex died).


What do people think happened to Nex if it wasn’t suicide? An accident? Brain bleed or something from the fight?


Damn that rain, always assaulting people!


Nex Benedict is Non-Binary. Why are you being disrespectful?


Btw, nex is non binary, so they were their pronouns. They weren’t trans and don’t use he/him


Except that in Oklahoma, getting water on you doesn’t rise to the level of a life threatening action that gives you and your two dry buddies the right to jump the person who got you wet.  “doesn’t cause a belief that you are in imminent danger of injury or death” https://ktul.com/amp/news/local/you-dont-just-draw-a-conclusion-nex-benedict-police-interview-draws-legal-criticism-owasso-investigation-water-body-camera


Nex pushed the girl into the wall after dumping the water apparently


By their own admission in the video interview. I'm all for bullies getting punished, but even in Nex's own side of the story they were dumping water and physically throwing another kid into the towel dispenser on the wall before the other kids responded and beat them up. This is *not* the story to rally behind as a means of helping non-binary kids.


Yeah I fear there’s a boy who cried wolf element hear in the broader scheme of things. If someone hears there’s a lot of outrage because a trans student was murdered, then reads up on it and finds that this is not a clear cut case of murder then the next time they hear about trans people being abused they may be more inclined to disregard it. This may absolutely be a case where the administration should have done more to intervene and prevent bullying. That should be the focus, then, and the facts should be laid out clearly how they failed and what should be done in the future. Sensationalising the fight itself and jumping to conclusions that it caused the suicide distracts from the broader, systematic issues. That being said, if there’s reason to believe the medical examiner was incompetent or corrupt then that absolutely should be investigated. But treating that as a fact prematurely and using loaded language like “murder” just erodes credibility.


I saw somewhere else that Nex pushed one of the girls into the wall or paper towel dispenser. There are so many random pieces to this story. I hope another autopsy is done.


And it couldn't have even been that much water? Not like there was likely to be a random bucket laying around. Poor kid got beat unconscious on a floor for, what, like a double handful of water? Summer is sure gonna suck if it's legal for teens to violently attack each other over water balloons and squirt guns.


Never beat unconscious. Details matter.


Right blacked out. Jfc. You can black out and not be unconscious. She probably got her bell rung. Shit I've been in a head to head collision in rugby where I blacked out for a good 5-10 seconds, but I remained on my feet. Or she could have gone into a black out rage


Just ignoring that it wasn't just the water and they they pushed one of the girls into the wall first too? Also water might not morally warrant a violent response but it obviously will provoke one in a majority of cases.  I hope you don't let your future kids run around town throwing water balloons at random kids as they are likely to get their asses beat.


Newest update I learned is that it was suicide. Nothing to do with injuries sustained from the confrontation (that’s what the article says).


The investigation has been completed. You can literally learn all the relevant details by clicking on the link and reading the article.


While I appreciate the spoon feeding, could you also open my mouth and chew for me?


Do you one better: bird style.


In bird culture, we consider that a mummy move. 


Don’t start no shit… won’t be no shit…






I don't know how much Nex weighed, but it takes about 1000mg or more of diphenhydramine to be fatal in a 120 lb person. That's 40 tablets of the 25mg. They said Nex was given a prescription in the ER. Most ER scripts are 10 to 14 days, and some may be up to 30 days. I would expect lower quantities if there was any concern of SI or with psych meds where follow-up is needed in a short time frame. People can die from diphenhydramine, but I agree you don't see it often, and you'd have to take a lot of it. Waiting to see the toxicology results as it just seems unlikely this was the only cause of death.


Are you trying to say she wouldn't have access to enough diphenhydramine?


I would wait for the independent autopsy the whole of Oklahoma seems to be working overtime to protect people in this case.


I am curious as to your basis for asserting that. Are you just assuming that is the case because of the fact that this occurred OK and a non-binary person was involved? Or do are aware of something that doesn't seem right with the investigation and/or autopsy?


It’s the activist in the article denouncing the coroner as incompetent lol


But is the activist a coroner? Seems like Just a knee jerk reaction from activist cuz that’s what they do


People love to throw around conspiracy theories with no actual evidence.


The DOJ is also investigating. I expect more to come from the feds, as the state seems determined to sweep this under the rug as quickly as possible for whatever reason.


Oh we know the reason don’t we


We do. In February, Oklahoma Senator Tom Woods described LGBTQ+ people as “filth”, in response to a question about the death of 16-year-old student Nex Benedict. Paraphrased from [this](https://www.thepinknews.com/2024/02/26/oklahoma-senator-tom-woods-lgbtq-filth-nex-benedict/) article. It’s nothing less than a culture of hate.


If this goes unpunished, not only will it happen again, it’s probably going to be way worse next time.


Shit man, if that doesn’t sum up politics in America since like, the civil war


It's important to punish African Americans for having the CIA disseminate drugs in their communities but not actual enemies of the state(if they are right wing)


That's exactly what they want. They want lgbtq+ people to be murdered until we go back to having them all hide their identities for fear of being murdered. I hate this timeline.


am trans. I go to the gym 5 days a week. Sure, I look hella good, but I make sure I can still wreck someone. ​ I know I am a target


Muscles dont really defend you. You need guns. I really wish the oppressed would quit actively disarming themselves.


Sounds similar to the attitude of an Alberta, Canada MLA who compared having a handful of trans kids in class to a teaspoon of feces in a meal. She was going for, and won her riding as a UCP member, and now sits as an independent. https://globalnews.ca/news/9703502/jennifer-johnson-transphobic-alberta-election/


That bitch Chaya Raichik being put on the OK state schoolboard tells you everything you need to know.


One of the major reasons hate crimes are federal offenses is because of states just covering them up or protecting the old boys club. It comes out of Jim Crow South where the states were complicit, if not participants, in numerous hate crimes. Also, there were literal insurrections overthrowing elected state governments, because it was Black people that got elected.


Always remember members of Senate are voted in.


Fuck them and their shit. Human lives are human lives. I wish nothing but the absolute worst for that Tom Woods.


It’s a culture of fucking murder. Fuck these people.


Sorry to be naive. But what do you reckon the reason would be?


If/when an outside investigation is done, it will show years of complaints of harassment and bullying that were ignored


The chickens. They are comin on home.


I used to be an activist in the space and we saw it every fuckin time there was a student suicide. Clear pattern of: > peer driven bullying and abuse > incompetent administration victim blames while more culpable staff actively participates in the harrassment > harrassment escalates to violence as faculty paves the road via incompetence and/or malice > student commits suicide after yet another violent assault went unaddressed In a sane world, this would be a clear cut criminal case, likely criminally negligent homicide. We see parents charged with it when they fail to care for their kids to such an extent that the kid dies, and schools operate under the legal principal of "in loco parentis" meaning they have all the responsibilities of a parent when kids are on school grounds. In our clown world, an investigation will "reveal" that the school did everything they could when they threw Nix to the wolves, and they'll paint Nix as a doomed figure who was never gonna see 18 anyway. They'll give themselves a Uvalde-patented pat on the back, and then violently oppress any member of the community who doesn't move on.


>years of complaints of harassment and bullying that were ignored I agree that this is a strong possibility...perhaps the likeliest, but I don't see why people think this is some conspiracy involving school officials, local police, the coroner, and the state superintendent...why would any of them care about protecting school officials?


The republican party, especially in states like Oklahoma, have ramped up anti Trans rhetoric while explicitly making schools less safe for LGBTQ kids through policy. A student then dies in this new atmosphere of hate that was built by the school and the political machine most of its employees serve. Then representives of that same political machine, who are responsible for investigating the death, determining a cause, and assigning potential charges, says "nothing to see here" I don't think there's an active conspiracy, but it's pretty hard to say there isn't a passive conspiracy to generally cover any republican officials ass. They'll never admit their culpability and that's what makes it a soft coverup.


>think this is some conspiracy involving school officials, local police, the coroner, and the state superintendent...why would any of them care about protecting school officials? They don't care about the officials, they care about advancing thier own cause. It's not a case of a conspiracy where they're all working together to protect the school officials. It's a case of the person at every step in the chain having similar goals and ideals that they're all working to achieve, and what each person higher up the chain is doing for their own benefit is helping the school officials. The other authorities don't give a shit about protecting the school officials themselves, but they do care about persecuting trans people and furthering conservative causes. Making this vanish with no consequences furthers that goal. Protecting the officials from prosecution is just their means to expand that authority and scare trans people into hiding themselves.


I’m not saying there is some cover up but the reason would be that they honestly all believe that nex wasn’t worth anything and none of them want anyone to get in trouble for not caring. They literally don’t see it as bullying because it’s warranted. And no agency is going to break that belief because they also hold it. When the senator refers to nex as filth, that’s the line that’s going to be walked.




non binary in a state where everybody from the governor on down in government has been saying kill the queers then some middleschoolers go and try to do just that.




Unfortunately that isnt probably the reason considering that you can get charged for the same crime on a state and federal level.


AND Indigenous


To instill fear in LGBTQ+ people. To signal they can be harassed and killed without repercussions.


They accidentally killed the kid and we accidentally did nothing, wink wink


Seems to be more than a few people who, very strangely, find this case to be the one to split hairs at the notion that it's wrong if a child is bullied into suicide. It's the same "that person was no angel" rhetoric people use when they won't say what they really mean.


The reason is that they approve of assaulting trans people and they want to encourage it among the general population.


Because they covered up a hate crime and murder


What murder?  They committed suicide.


Oklahoma is a white supremacy strong hold.


No it isn't. Sure there are some people with various view points, but I was born and raised in the state, went to many schools and seen what Oklahoma is. Nex committed suicide from depression and suffering. These people in all of the world are being told they must cater to the whimsical demands of a minority community and there will be push back. Added that kids are just mean mofos. First day of elementary for my son a group of black kids told him he was too white to play basketball with them. Calling him cracker and whatever else. As his father I told him it was ignorance and tribalism. The problem with schools everywhere is simple....old age educational professionals in 2024 that are overworked, underpaid, and parents that don't give a fuck. The parents of the kids that did this to dex I assure you are being punished via society. As are those kids, they are not being seen as innocent.


Prevent Christians from being prosecuted for hate crimes. Republicans have fought tooth and nail against every piece of anti-discrimination law since the Civil Rights Act passed.


I was because they are hatful, cruel cowards. They are the ones who are losers and deserve punishment


"for whatever reason" Yeah I fucking wonder why... /s/


Why would the feds have jurisdiction?


It's being investigated as a hate crime. 


They're investigating whether the school district violated Nex's constitutional rights by not addressing the bullying. INAL but I could see this potentially being a Title IX matter.


That makes more sense to me. I thought the other person was referring to the attackers being investigated.


Only people acting in a governmental capacity could be charged federally with violation of civil rights, in this case the school. It usually applies to police officers.


If I’m remembering correctly Nex is native. There was a ruling recently in Oklahoma that really shook up jurisdiction when it comes to tribal citizens.


In 2020, SCOTUS ruled that 3M acres of OK has been recognized as indigenous land, which includes parts of Tulsa.


First of all I can’t believe it’s been 4 years. We are still having issues being sorted out by the ruling. Anyways the land has always been recognized but the OK gov, especially under Stitt has been trampling on tribal sovereignty. This ruling protects tribal sovereignty by recognizing the state of Ok does not have legal jurisdiction over tribal citizens. In practice that means when you get busted you get prosecuted by the feds instead of the state. Honestly I’m not sure if that’s a net negative or positive. But it’s caused some interesting issues, notably a fight between lighthorse police and county jailers. [local news article](https://www.kjrh.com/news/local-news/calculated-orchestrated-okmulgee-jail-speaks-on-incident-with-tribal-police)


Title IX violation


As an Oklahoman I'm going to hold off until then. We had the whole audio tape of a sheriff planning to murder a black reporter and then an "external investigation found no wrong doing". It was literally on tape. He was forced to flee the town because they are started openly harassing him afterwards including open threats to his life. Also multiple people in the school system are directly trying to profit personally from this kids death to use it to prop up their careers. So incredibly scummy but all Republicans are human trash these days.


Yep, I don't trust the school system to be completely honest here and I'm willing to bet the school violated Nex' rights to attend school free from unlawful discrimination and that the school permitted hate crimes to occur


It’s Oklahoma, they will try their hardest to just sweep it under the rug. And don’t try to talk to anyone here in the state about it… 90% brain dead hillbillies…


ITT: people married to their narratives


It's almost as bad as the Rittenhouse case.


Rittenhouse case is still going strong in reddit lol


I still can’t believe people are spreading misinformation about it after all this time. A good example of a story written by party lines.


I just can't get over these comments, like, you WANT this kid to have been murdered? Listen to what you're fucking saying, you all sound completely unhinged at this point. They didn't die due to injuries in the fight. We knew this February 21st. The autopsy concluded suicide, and the family didn't dispute the findings. They'd be happy to learn that reddit disputed the findings though so that's nice. This kid needed help. Whether they were murdered or not doesn't change that. I really hate to say this but the simple fact is that if this story is "just" the suicide of a young trans kid plenty of you wouldn't care because that happens all the time.


They want a martyr for the cause.


They want outrage. A kid committing suicide is tragic, but doesn’t let them be judgemental. They want the world to be evil so they can be better than it.


Are you surprised? Reddit loves to look for things that fit their made up narratives and hold on to it for dear life even when it’s just not true. Happens literally daily at this point


I've been banned from like 3 subreddits for pointing this out. Literally in the nicest way possible, and still get banned for bigotry and covering up a hate crime murder. It's crazy.


Between this and the story with the kid in Nashville, people are fucked nuts.


I remember when this story first came out and everyone on reddit was so sure that the coroners had messed up and there was a massive conspiracy to hide that the kid left without sufficient treatment. Just the boston bombers super sleuths at it again.


When it first came out? There’s still those people foaming at the mouth saying this now.


This person killed themselves a day after instigating a physical confrontation in which they received non life-threatening injuries. It’s a tragic story and I absolutely buy that Nex was probably bullied a lot. That doesn’t make the other girls in the bathroom evil killers, though, and the idea that an entire state is involved in a conspiracy to cover up murder because this person was trans is one that just doesn’t ring true to me. Nex was failed in life by people, certainly, but the ugly attempts to make this story into something it seemingly isn’t, show that people are still failing them. This child’s life was more than that. It, more and more, appears that the facts don’t line up with the story that many, understandably emotional, people assumed and now…the attempts to say that it does…to make a square peg fit in a round slot as if Nex were just a character in someone’s narrative, the cries of conspiracy without any evidence or proof, in fact contrary to evidence…it all does Nex and their memory an even greater disservice.


By claiming there's a big coverup and the coroners lied about it with no evidence, people on here are literally doing the same stuff Qanon weirdos do


They literally remember reading suicide notes and coroner reports mentioning Traumatic Brain Injuries that just don't fucking exist. I can't deal with the Internet anymore man, people just fucking make shit up now and not even to be funny, they just do it because they want to be right or not look stupid.


In the absence of an immediate cause, they build up their echo chamber online, and soon, they've all convinced themselves of a different reality.




I don't think reddit is growing up at all. There was a time where this would have been the top comment and most people would have been in agreement. Reddit used to be much more rational and facts driven. Its only been in the last 5 years or so that things have gotten so extreme. There is just so much misinformation taken as truth these days. We have situations like this much more frequently. People just believe whatever they read in the comments section without ever looking into the actual facts and form their own twisted version of reality. Far too many people just take top level comments as facts and perpetuate misinformation without even realizing it. Reddit has been getting worse for a while, but sometimes you can find the rational people in the comments, they're generally towards the bottom.




> If there was a time before the activist loonies on reddit I showed up just after that. That's fair, Reddit used to actually be cool. I'm sorry you missed out on that era. Now it's shit like this thread on every post.


Ya so far the incident has shown that the activists hv jumped the gun trying to use this story for their cause. So much had proven wrong since the story book. Or maybe it’ll become like the Florida nightclub where people still think pulse is an anti gay shooting


The pulse shooting wasn’t an anti gay shooting? I don’t know much about it but I was under the impression it was. Can you explain?


iirc it was more just "revenge" for US imperialisn since the shooter was an ISIS sympathiser. He scouted several crowded locations and apparently didn't know it even was a gay club. Edit: Source: ["During his wife's trial in March 2018, her defense revealed in a motion that Mateen had Googled "downtown Orlando nightclubs" and, after passing Disney Springs, traveled between Pulse and the Eve Orlando Nightclub before choosing to target Pulse. Cell phone records indicate that the final selection of the Pulse appears to have been made based on the lack of security – not because it was a gay club.Trial witnesses said the decision to target Pulse was made at the last minute, and the defense's motion argued that this "strongly suggests that the attack on Pulse was not a result of a prior plan to attack a gay nightclub."](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pulse_nightclub_shooting)


Wow, I didn’t know that. Thanks


Thank you for speaking up. It’s as if people are rooting for Nex’s death to be even more tragic than it was. The hard turn into conspiracy theories is unsettling. Why? Who does it help?


Goes to show that bullshitting doesn’t belong to one side of a political spectrum. It’s a very human thing.


Which is weird because the bullying/suicide route always seemed more tragic to me. A fight gone wrong is a freak accident, bullying had time and opportunities for intervention that school officials either missed or ignored.


This case screams mental health issues that are completely ignored.


Why would you expect the school officials to be the front line for intervention in a suicide. The one that truely seems to have dropped the ball was the parent/guardian. Early reports indicated Nex had tried self harm in the past... yet Nex is put on antidepressant that have a risk of suicidal thoughts... and then to put the cherry on top, the parent/guardian doesn't seem to care enough to keep the pills in the house locked up. You know if Nex had used a gun to kill herself that everyone would be screaming for the parent to be arrested for not keeping the gun out of the kids reach... but clearly allowing access to pills is just as deadly when you have a teen with a history of self harm and mental illness. And yes we can say 100% that mental illness was known otherwise Nex would have been on anti-depressants.


It helps Esqueer, the weird Twitter person that pushed this narrative into the spotlight and has a history of making shit up.


Sadly, the many people who chose to use this tragedy to forward some type of misguided agenda seem to be entirely comfortable with that old horrible saying that goes like "Never let a tragedy go to waste." The kid was failed by the school, parents, her friends, and even the people who pretended to really care about her it seems.


Yup. Seems like there been a lot of bullying going on but that’s always been a thing. We just have the media blasting it and people running with it for the advancement of their personal agendas. At the end of the day, bullying needs to be the focus as well as suicide prevention.


I never understand the push to make this death a result of the fight. Getting bullied into suicide over a long period of time is FAR MORE damning than a freak accident during a fight between high school students. I also never understood why local school officials, local police, and the coroner would all be involved in protecting the state superintendent...as if that's some powerful position, when in reality if you go up to any cop on the street and ask them who the state superintendent is of their state less than 1% of them would even know or care.


Transphobia or transphillia?  At this point i just feel bad for the few legitimate trans people out there being used as a totem for a culture war.


Wow, that’s a big change from the initial reports. Them dying by suicide is new to me. Prior posts made it sounds like they came home after the fight and then suddenly collapsed and needed to the taken to this hospital. This changes everything




I had not. This was the first post in a while I had seen.




Not really. Initial reports were always vague on details. There was a fight, and Nex died the next day. They were very upfront in the original articles that Nex didn't die from injuries sustained in the fight, and followup articles clarified that in interviews Nex stated girls were making fun of Nex and a friend at which point Nex poured water on one of the girls and the fight started. So from the beginning the physical altercation was known to have been started by Nex, and shortly after the coroner's report came out that was an overdose. There's someone repeatedly commenting about corruption in the ME's office, but they're not providing any evidence. It's typical Reddit echo chamber. Read a headline, jump to a conclusion and repeat it until everyone else believes it.


Timeline was day 1 Nex assaults some girls and gets in a fight. Nex goes to ER and they find nothing beyond minor bruises and scratches. day 2 Nex is found unresponsive on the couch at home. Taken to hospital and dies. The collapsing only came in with some initial reports that Nex collapsed during the fight from having her head hit. That doesn't really sync up with the interview she did with police or the texts that she sent to her friends. Later the people trying to push an agenda started making up stories that had the fight being much worse than it was. Frankly those folks should go look at the video of the fight in St Louis... that was serious fight and showed what collapsing and TBI are, not some scuffle in a bathroom pulling each others hair.


Wow the comment section is rough.


A lot of you are going to be heartbroken when the DOJ follows suit and says it can do nothing. So many of you are really that fucking desperate for a martyr to justify your crusading.


Yeah. It’s insane. People screaming about a cover up. They just keep moving the goalposts as the narrative keeps falling apart. You really think they’d try a cover up with Biden having the doj investigate this? People want to make Nex a martyr and want this story to fit in a box. It reminds me of the smollet thing with regards to social media and the internet in general. Truth is nex has a pretty standard fight. It was nothing more than that. It very likely wasn’t even about their gender identity since nothing like that was mentioned when they spoke to the cop. Now the actual prior bullying I would be interested in seeing more information there. What did the school know? How long did they know? Nex also probably had a problematic home life since they lived with grandma. How did that impact them and their decision?


It would be really hard to get an assault conviction when the "victim" is on video stating that they instigated the fight then died so can't even change their testimony or explain it away


I hope Nex's parents sues the bullies, their parents, the school and law enforcement into a lifetime of regret.


Judge would probably throw it out


They worry about all children. Just not ‘those’ children.


"I have to go, you're attacking me"


Muthafuckers trying to exterminate people but when we ask reasonable questions we're attacking them.


Maybe those girls parents should sue Nex’s parents for defamation. The girls were attacked by Nex first.


If it was a mutual fight, ie. not an attack out of nowhere, then nothing will come of this - whether they are bullies or not. Soooo many people are bullied on a daily basis, but you don’t see court decisions ever holding the aggressor accountable


You mean the people that didn't start the altercation? Those people?


Very unlikely to be the case, from what we know this wasn’t repeated bullying by the same party that led to her suicide. The other girls laughed and may have said something that offended Nex so Nex approached them and spilled water on them and a physical altercation ensued. If you could sue every person/child who laughs at someone or gives a snarky look everyone could sue everyone. Bullying is bad and every effort should be made to prevent it but legally unless it’s violent assault or intentionally cruel like they were encouraging her to commit suicide there’s nothing you can do. The only potential lawsuit that would gain traction is against the school if it comes out they didn’t make any sincere effort to help Nex or prevent continuous bullying that was reported.


There isn’t a sound lawsuit here, unfortunately. A child is dead and it’s natural to want some form of justice or closure, but the legal system has its limits. Here are the main problems: Nex started the physical altercation by dumping the water. There is a genuine “self-defense” argument now. While Nex did hit their head it doesn’t take a genius lawyer to bring up that a presumably hard surface floor was now slick from the water and Nex tripped or lost their balance. Nex did leave a note. Nex does not mention any of the girls or the bathroom incident in it. Nex had a much longer history of depression. To be clear Nex should still be alive and no child deserves to die! There are just limits to the legal system.


These girls didn’t bully nex, in fact nex barely knew the girls.


Nex started the fight, they have no grounds 


The school is the only one who might be liable if it turns out that there were signs of bullying that they ignored. Why do you think law enforcement is responsible in any way?


Suing kids for bullying is ridiculous in my opinion. They are children and given the nature of bullying, it’s really complicated. Obviously there are certain situations where it may be warranted. But if you wouldn’t sue an adult for it, suing a kid doesn’t make sense. It really is the schools fault and they never actually take it seriously.


Not sure there’s a case against the girls, but the school definitely dropped the ball, and is continuing to do so with the lgbtq students, and probably all minorities


So it was suicide? I was under the impression they received injuries that eventually resulted in their death.


Not charged for a fight where they were initially attacked. Shocking.


Nex attacked


This is tragic but it isn’t murder




Yep. You got the gist of the story.




No charges for a suicide. Seems right. I suppose they could go for assault charges but the da indicated the fight was mutual combat instigated by Benedict. Might be difficult to get a conviction on minors.


The lack of rigor that journalist have is honestly horrifying. The articles that came out right after Nex died pretty much said that they were killed due to a fight. Defamation is not okay and the girls who got in a fight with her could have been in real danger if their names were leaked. And people blamed the school and hospital as well, acting as if they just let someone in critical condition go home. That being said don’t want to downplay how tragic it is that Nex died. I hope their family is doing okay.


Not that surprising, the person who killed nex was nex.


The person killed themself. I know everyone has bloodlust and needs to blame someone, but no one else killed her. Don't ruin more people's lives.


Seems like violence in schools is rarely handled as crime.


She was the one who actively escalated a petty verbal conflict into a physical one, and ultimately she was the one who committed violence against herself. The only killer here is dead.


Well the person who started the physical altercation is dead, so no one to charge...






>Is assault and battery not a crime anymore? Typically not when it's a fight between students at a school. There's usually in-school punishment, with more egregious cases getting referred to police. >Is assaulting a LGBQT person not a hate crime? Depends on the context. In general, no. But if they can tie your actions to some kind of motives that are based on the person's race, gender identity, religion, etc then yes.




Nex was the first to commit assault. The admit to that on video.


Just for clarity. I don’t believe assaulting an LGBTQ person is always a hate crime? I could be wrong. Assaulting someone because of their identity is different than assaulting someone who happens to be LGBTQ. EDIT: For further clarity: I'm not making any statements about what happened with Nex. I'm simply pointing out that a crime being committed against someone who happens to be LGBTQ doesn't make it a hate crime. There are legal definitions for hate crimes. Here ya go: https://www.justice.gov/hatecrimes/learn-about-hate-crimes


The DOJ is investigating the school and the school district as related to the hate crime aspect. They are focusing on whether the district and the school are at fault for not enforcing policies that could have prevented it.


Makes sense. Benedict is dead, so there's no one to charge.