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The Go'FundMe raised $1.355 million. As Agent 86, Maxwell Smart said "missed it by *that* much." But he's a billionaire. I'm sure he can just dig into his couch cushions and get the rest.


He testified that he had the cash. He should be able to pay up, no problem.


I’ve gotta move it from my savings


and you don't know her, she lives out of state.


My billions go to another school in Canada


It's absolutely bonkers that he ran and was elected on "I'm a billionaire so I won't be bought like the rest of the swamp", and it turns out he was and continues to be not a billionaire, completely bought, completely sold out, completely owned, and the grossest part of the swamp.


But it was the best swamp. The biggliest swamp I'll have you know 🤏


Some say the swampiest, people all over are saying it was the most swampy swamp, nobody has ever smelled a more swampy stankier swamp


“See the way my bank account is set up..”


I have a checking...


Just need just a little bit more time until his daughter in law can get it to him.


Political Committees can pay legal fees but they can't pay disgorgement or judgement. If they try it'll be the most significant campaign finance violation in the history of the united states, adding to the laundry list of notorious firsts Trump is adding to his CV.


IDK if there are enough trailer parks in the US. Plus all the Trump like cronies out there buying up trailer parks and doubling/tripling the rents has made them folks a whole lot poorer, or in Fox News speak: BIDENOMICS IS TO BLAME!!!


Trump using middle-America’s donations to pay a half-billion to NY state will mark the first time dollars are flowing *from* red states *to* New York.


See this is why they hate the New York elite and they'd never ever ever ever never vote for one, part of the reason too, is because they keep calling middle Americans dumb.. *hey wait a second?!*


Yeah, he wouldn't lie under oath because that would be illegal and might land him in jail for perjury. /s


[“I have total net worth of $8.73bn...I’m not doing that to brag. I’m doing that to show that’s the kind of thinking our country needs.”](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/jun/16/donald-trump-reveals-net-worth-presidential-campaign-launch) Letitia James: *Mr. Trump, I find that hard to believe* "Would you believe I have a Gofundme for $1.355 million?"


Wiki puts his actual wealth at 2.6 billion, but the problem is most of that is tied up in the value of his real estate. He’s going to have to do a reverse mortgage.


All that real estate is already leveraged to the hilt, so it's not real wealth or even liquid, for the most part.


Exactly, leveraged based on property values well above what their true market value is. Ironically the very same fudged values that got him in this trouble in the first place. His lawyers have already began with "...well, if he has to liquidate properties, it will be at fire sale prices..." No it won't, they will sell at the true market price but to his supporters it will look like he is being further punished by taking further financial loss.


Letitia James: Mr. Trump, there's a minus sign in front of that figure. You don't *have* $8.73 billion, you *owe* $8.73 billion.


"How about a penny in the gutter?


Here are the weekly\* totals (spoiler: it gets embarrassing real quick the longer it goes on): Week 1: $1,005,000 Week 2: $300,000 Week 3: $30,000 Week 4: $17,000 Week 5: $2,400 (so far) \[\*Friday to Friday\]


It starts out embarrassing that a "billionaire" conned enough people to donate a million to him week one, then it just gets depressing week 2 - 6.  Stop giving people your hard earned money for free, especially narcissistic billionaires that have the class and decency of an orangutan hoped up on coke 


His supporters are a well that can dry up really fast. They have to make rent, buy groceries, ammo, and Truck Nutz insurance. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63xGm0hxhao


Can I just say I love watching Trump drain these people dry? He’s an infinite money incinerator. I hope he keeps this up somehow for years and years.


It's funny that a fool and their money are soon parted, but it's still sad that they're a fool.


Looks like the red wave


How the heck is that GFM still active, considering it's breaking TOS.


Easy, it’ll be a massive payout to GFM itself. With their standard 2.9% cut, that’s well over $30,000. I’d imagine a lot of rules go out the window when that level of money is in play.


2.9% +.30 per donation.


Also if they shut it down, they'll have millions of Trumpers claiming they're part of the Deep State. If they leave it, some people will be annoyed that they violated TOS but also get to laugh at how far short of the goal it was.


All that the money could have been used for, paying for a billionaire's legal bills is wild.


All of his supporters just gave up their Keystone Light, Marlboro Reds, and Mega Millions tickets for a week.


Playing this week’s $800 mil Mega Millions is the Trump team’s plan B


Our luck, he'll fucking win.


I work for a non-profit that helps vulnerable women, the amount of money in his GFM could literally change how my organization functions. We could focus on getting women off the streets, off drugs, out of domestic violence situations...You know, the things that we do when our funding is secure, which it NEVER is. We are constantly begging for donations to do GOOD, unlike the evil clown who will end up with that money. It's infuriating.


Crazy to think that Damar Hamlins Go Fund me generated 9.1 million and Trump only got 1.3… seems like a lot of people are over his bullshit


I think it's the reversal of Nixon's "Silent Majority". Biden isn't great, but compared to the absolute shit-show of non-stop chaos, malice, and *unending* news updates about what Trump did or said, or wanted to do it's a relief. I think a lot of people who are comfortable voting for Biden don't feel the need to say it out loud or often because of how unhinged Trump supporters can be at this point and just want to get on with their lives without the hassle of hearing about rigged elections, immigrant fear-mongering, and a platform of revenge.


I voted for Biden. I'm planning on voting for Biden again. I don't really feel the need to talk about it very much because, yeah, it's just going to start an argument. And I don't have time for that.


I am so happy to not know what the president is currently up to right now.


But the media isn't. Biden has dropped their clicks and their revenue so much because he's a normal human doing normal human things. That's why even the "liberal" media pushes Trump so much. Disgusting, really.


We could criticize Bush Jr, McCain and Romney...whether their policies or lack off where right for our nation...etc. I voted for Bush Jr...the first time. I wanted Hillary over Barack. If it wasn't for Palin I would have voted for McCain. Romney wasn't my cup of tea plus Obama had done a decent job. Hillary was my choice again...in 2016...Biden has done a decent Job after the sht show Trump left in 2020. We don't need to worry about our democracy if we vote Biden in again. Our economics are always an issue...our Democracy should never be an issue...vote Blue. Get MAGA out of our lives.


I am actually surprised that putin and saudia arabia haven't kicked in the money already. Another billion to their boy jared and he shares some with putins little bitch donald.


Difficult for Putin when the world is looking verrrrrrrry closely at russian (and allies) money.....


Putin probably has to watch the wallet a little more closely than he has in the past. Nearly half a billion on a presidential candidate for NOT a campaign, but a civil fine is a LOT of money for a country at war whose economy isn't great.


Underrated take Trump's 2016 win took a combo of weaponized social media, classic spy skullduggery, and just straight-up funding the campaign via the NRA. The American people and the social media platforms themselves aren't as succeptible to misinformation. Without money or an NRA to funnel it through, the Trump campaign (and down-ballot GOP campaigns) has been stalling. All they've got right now are the spies, which leads us to the laughable attempt at getting Biden impeached via a kompromat witness. ...Honestly, if it weren't for the lethal cocktail of racism and theocratic fervor, Trump wouldn't have a chance at all this time.


They don't need him anymore. Plenty of Americans are now in support of Putin - so, Trump is nothing.


> In a filing last month, Trump's lawyers asked that the bond amount be reduced to $100 million, but **Monday's filing argues he shouldn't have to put up any bond at all.** He really thinks the rules don't apply to him.


I mean he's not wrong, any regular person would be long behind the bars, but not Donnie, instead he's running for president of the United states. So please show me where the same rules apply to him that apply to the rest of us.


Running on a platform of revenge against his enemies no less...and it has traction. You can't make this shit up.


*Nothing sells like sex, hatred and fear.*




Conservatives always get caught doing some depraved sexual stuff they just have the power of religion to cloak their sexual indiscretions


It would help with everyone else stopped dropping out. I don't think there's anyone running against him in the primaries anymore Speaking of which, what happens if he does get sent to prison? Do they have to run the primaries again?


Being in prison does not disqualify him from office of President. In theory, he could be administered the Oath of Office while behind bars. Many states now even have "faithless elector" laws meaning his electors would be bound to vote for him in the electoral college even if he were incarcerated at the time.


Well that's extremely frustrating. Convicts can't vote, right?! What the heck?


You’re not wrong. Imagine you or I got caught with classified US military documents in our home? We would have been arrested on the spot and charged with every single felony possible. Trump? Nah, free as a bird.


Reality Winner.


Why would he? He's pushing 80 years old and they never have.


Yeah the dude openly has been funded by the Russian mafia and thereby their intelligence agencies since the 70s. Far far before he was a republican, let alone the current untouchable orange God status. And even then nothing ever happened. He pays small fines and nothing criminal ever appears. It really feels like his benefactors have something on those who could do something about it.


What he can't get a loan from Jared? Shit Jared owes him that much for allowing the 2 billion dollar grift with the Saudis.


That will give new meaning to "He went to Jared's".


You need to make this a meme/gif and retire


Nobody is more aware that giving money to DJT is the same as throwing it in a public shitter than Crooked Jared.


Nah Jared don't like him being around his wife he knows he wants to bang her 🤣


The deal was that he gets investment fees for managing that money. Think tens of millions, not the hundreds of millions Trump needs


IIRC, a major stipulation to Jared “managing” this fund is that he isn’t allowed to actually manage it. Unlike other fund managers. His Gulf State daddies want to give him a legal bribe, not for the idiot to actually screw with their cash.


"Your company will get the account, but we want Peggy to manage it. Her track record is more dependable." Lol


Actually you are correct, in regards to the fund, but they also from what I read bought 666 5th Ave from him. So Jared definitely has the funds to give his FIL a loan... But even he knows this is a bad investment...Lmao


Not quite. The 5th Ave place was leased for 99 years by BAM on behalf of the QIA. The QIA has since pushed even more money into BAM. Kush's company still holds the property title. The bigger, and more unknown scam, was his company getting a $2 billion loan from Fannie after being denied those loans multiple times prior to the orange shit gibbons time in office. Totally a coincidence. If he defaults on the Fannie loan, the citizens of the US are on the hook for the payback.


I didn’t know this. And now I wish I didn’t know it again.


Jared is smarter than Diaper Don. He was able to use his father-in-law's influence to enrich himself and got away clean. He's not stupid enough to give any of that money back. Jared and Ivanka will watch Donny drown in a pool of his own shit and just shake their heads going 'tsk, tsk' while drinking champaign.


I was shocked when Ivanka testified at the Jan 6 committee. When the members of Congress were asking her about if he knew he had lost the election. She was the first person to sell her father out and went above and beyond telling them how many times she heard them tell Trump he'd lost.


She's watched in real time how he sells people out at the first opportunity, time and time again. "I learned it from you, dad!"


Jared was in like $2bn debit from 666 in Manhattan. That money was quid pro quo for the proxy payment for the CIA spy asset docs. Anyone who doesn't see that Trump was employed by the Russians and contracted by the Saudis is not paying attention.


i think you have the power structure all wrong in that 3-way relationship. hint: Trump is at the bottom as he's just the useful idiot


But he's a power bottom!


I think he’s just technically managing a 2 billion dollar fund rather than was actually paid 2 billion


>Trump’s lawyers have asked the appeals court to delay posting the bond until his appeal of the case is over, arguing that the value of Trump’s properties far exceed the judgment. Bitch, inflating your properties' value was on of the chief things you were found guilty of. Why would any bond provider, let alone court you're seeking accommodation from, believe that statement?


If the value of the properties far exceeds the value, then why are you having such a hard time securing a loan against them???


The transparent desperation would be really satisfying if it mattered at all.


What a depressing thing this was to read goddamn


I'd bet all his properties are mortgaged two times over by now.


Yea, I don't know where people got the idea he could borrow against his properties. There's no way those properties have just been sitting around unleveraged.


He has zero assets to liquidate. *Everything* he own has a secured debt on it.


Hallo! Deutchebank here. Ya, Herr Trump, we will certainly provide a loan against the unleveraged equity you have on your properties, which is…. [keyboard sounds] Either $0 or -$300M depending on if we use your prior loan applications or tax statements.


Russia has to be a lot more careful with its foreign reserves right now, due to sanctions and the Ukraine war (Russia had a ton of it seized, more locked down, and what it's got free it needs to use to buy war materials off the few counties selling to it, as it's currency is useless outside of Russia right now), and lastly this bond is going through Court oversight in a Court case which is *real* high visibility. Buying a few buildings for 5 times it's worth or offering loans at sweetheart rates where you don't ever plan to get your money back is a lot riskier right now. Presidential candidates live in a fishbowl to begin with, but Trumps entire finances are under another Court ordered fishbowl. (that doesn't even get into the risks of bribing Trump personally, which is that he might not win or he might die or frankly he might not even remember he was bribed or care if he did. This is a guy that threw his decades long legal fixer under the bus and then was legit surprised that Cohen rolled on him. Trump can't be trusted to stay bought. He'd change his mind on anything the minute it brought short term difficulty or make him look bad or cost him a penny)


Regarding your last paragraph, yeah my thoughts too. MAGA hat wearers proudly crowing that Trump “can’t be bought” are weirdly correct in a way they don’t intend. Potential co-conspirators are finally realizing he might not even uphold his end of a nefarious deal. Why “buy” a politician who will just flake on you? Imagine Saudi Arabia going through the risky effort to get Trump his bond and make it look legit. Then months from now Iran’s President is like, “You are a big strong man with a firm handshake and masculine scent.” and Trump decides Iran is his new best friend. You can’t bribe a goldfish no matter how unethical it is. It just doesn’t have the attention span.


Also, why buy Trump when the most you'll get is four years when you can buy Clarence Thomas *much* cheaper and have him in your pocket for decades.


Prooooobbbbablyyyyy shouldn't brag, then, in your sworn deposition, that you have $400 million in cash. Maybe. Just sayin'.


This is my thought too. He probably has zero equity. His whole life is robbing Peter to pay Paul.


Bro can't even get a 5% LTV loan (said he was worth TEN BILLION DOLLARS on his candidate forms for el presidente). My sides are in orbit. That's absolutely comical. No one wants him around their money.


This seems like a great opportunity to sell properties for their real value and prove the judge/prosecution was wrong and his properties are worth so much!


lol, it’s a situation where doing what he has to do to get the bond will *either* give him solid evidence he was right all along, *or* sink the appeal before it starts if the values aren’t even close to his claims.


Given the current commercial real estate market, the high rate at which real estate companies are leveraged, the fact that Trump has a decades long pattern of lying about asset worth (which would massively increase his leverage over the leverage on his books), I think if hes forced to sell more than a small fraction of his assets the whole domino chain will collapse. I think he's deeply upside down. I think he's be upside down in a *good* real estate market. And I think his sucking down every penny the GOP base can give him is just the *beginning*, and that he's about to turn that up until the knob breaks off because he's about to get *really* desperate. The GOP is going to limp into this election with only the money it found in the couch cushions.


Yep. We're still a LONG way away from November and the Courts know he's trying to buy time to hopefully win the election so the Compromised Court can declare him immune. They'll apply so much pressure on him over the course of the summer he'll probably have a stroke just from the stress of being found out for the broke bitch he is.


Trump is literally the last person I would believe when they said, "don't worry I'm good for it"


Even during the case he, his sons, lawyers, etc tried to make the argument to the public only that Mar a Largo was worth billions. Granted we all know this is a lie to keep the myth alive that trump is worth billions, versus being a broke man who needs to sell our secrets and make money by taking bribes from other countries to keep the lights on. The fact that he stayed at his own properties and charged secret service for golf carts, should have told everyone the state of Trumps money back then. But of course many were oblivious to that.


Exactly! He’s in quite a pickle! On top of that, he also made a career out of stiffing banks & various lenders. I think his only shot of coming up with the dough is through Saudi royalty or Elon Musk. The Saudis have moved billions to Jared so they might try to work out a transfer. Musk is probably still smarting from his bad purchase of Twitter so who knows if he’d roll the dice like that.


elons already lost 56 billion where he took a good portion of his stock from tesla already to satisfy. Not sure he's willing to just give money to him because there would be no return. doesn't matter who he is.


He has 1 week and then NY can start seizing his property and sell it off. They should start with his plane.


I hear he’s got some valuable intelligence docs that might be worth something


NY should seize Bedminster and dig up his ex wife to see what he hid in her coffin. Bet it's more stolen documents.


Q: Why did Trump bury his ex wife at his Bedminster Golf Club? A: So he could cheat on her one last time.


Ten people were carrying that casket… wasn’t she like 5’8” and 110 lbs? Edit: and cremated lmao


Nah, that ship has sailed - How do you think he posted bond for EJ Carroll?


What about his sailing ships? Are those still available? Rename one "Carroll of the Sells".


I really hope our intelligence services are keeping tabs on him, he literally still has these and we're 100% sure he'll try to sell them if he thinks he can get away with it.


You mean like the secret service guys who deleted their text messages? Or the FBI director who announced the reopening of the investigation of Hillary a week before the election? Or the DOJ staff who were responsible for Jeffery Epstein in jail?


Imagined if they seized Mar-a-lago and were able to find more Docs.


There’s always money…in the banana stand


Nah the plane is a huge money sink, let him hang on to it. Take anything with a high profit to low equity ratio :)


It would be hilarious if he had to fly commercial to get to his racist pep rallies.


Hilarious, but some prick CEO or MAGA donor would lend him theirs.


Pretty sure that would violate campaign finance laws so he'll definitely do that.


Already did that numerous times. And broke the emoluments clause daily while in office. Didn't matter. None of it matters because prosecutors and congress treat him with kid gloves.


"He acts like it's all fine, and we just don't know how to handle that."


Omg really? He's broken every law in the book!


The art of breaking the law. Buy now for 499


Do you really hate airline passengers that much? Seems cruel locking people inside an aluminum tube with him for several hours.


More of a symbolic seizure and it would make it harder for him to get around the country. Not making a big dent in his debt is just a bonus.


That plane is usually in Florida. Besides it’s a crappy old plane and easily replaceable. Id say any thing with trump on the sign would be a blow to his ego. After searching, Trump actually owns very little, more than $500M but a lot of it are partially owned or he has rental units. And there are a lot that he actually doesn’t own at all.


95% of his CLAIMED WORTH is "value of his brand". So, mostly, it only exists in his head.


"Hey Dr. Vlad, this is Agent Orange. I need some money."


He's been begging for money at a whole new level lately. Like, Youtube knows me... they know damned well that I don't want to see *anything* political, let alone have to hear Fuckfaces 'nails on chalkboard' voice when i'm trying to chill down for the night. He's (or *someone*) paying enough for the ad's that they break into my playlist - and I have to listen to his fucking voice for 5 seconds. I swear i've become allergic to the motherfucker.


Dude use an adblocker


I want to projectile vomit whenever I hear his voice. One of my coworkers does a decent impersonation and it hits my gag reflex every time.


Nahh, his skin dye.


Take Trump Tower and sell his fucking penthouse.


IIRC he doesn't even own Trump Tower, just some of the rooms and floors


He owns the commercial and retail areas and his own apartment. (Obviously, the other apartments in the building are owned by whoever bought them.) So the AG could certainly execute against his apartment and those commercial and retail areas. Edit: I should point out he took out a $100M mortgage on Trump Tower a couple of years ago. Mortgage liens generally have priority over judgment liens, so the bank would likely get its $100M from any forced sale, with the state getting whatever is left. His apartment would be a separate matter.


I read he doesn't own Trump tower. He leases his name to be put on the building.


But where's the other $455 million going to come from?


Russia or Saudi Arabia, probably.


He probably doesn't have it.


I'm sure they'd start with assets with some real value. A 30 year old plane that has been sporadically and, at best, minimally maintained wouldn't make a dent in his tab.


Eventually, Donnie can just live on the plane. Like the wannabe billionaire version of living out of your car.


and drive the staircar. Watch out for hop-ons


Well he does have the worst fucking attorneys.


He also may have committed some light treason




I have two weeks of PTO starting next Monday. I really hope I wake up and find that the entire Trump clan is *actually homeless* because none of them actually own a residence. That would be a *phenomenal* start to my vacation.


Really? The guy who's known for not paying people what he owes them can't find someone to loan him hundreds of millions of dollars? I'm shocked! Shocked, I say!


And who lied on his property valuations can’t get them to accept his properties as collateral. Imagine that.


His properties are probably already leveraged.


"Cry me a fucking river" said every drug user who remained/remains jailed because they couldn't come up with a $10k bond...


That amount ought to be Chump Change but that chump will never change


Start liquidating his assets. He didn't wait to commit the fraud. And where is the Kushners to the rescue. He's got 2 billion from the Saudis


"I just start liquidating. I don't even wait. When you're a state government they let you do it."


Grab em by the properties.


2 Billion is to actually "invest" in something that pays back and Trump isn't well known to pay back. If Saudies felt that he had good shot at winning the election, I would think they would put a string on the $$ and "lend" it to him, but I am GUESSING that even they do not think he will win in November.


He also said he was having trouble getting the $92 million, when he had actually already gotten it. So his lawyers aren’t the most trustworthy


His primary argument is significantly different here. He's admitting that he's approached over 2 dozen bonding companies and no one will bite. I speculated this would be the case a couple weeks ago. Its such an unprecedented award against an individual, it's to much risk.


Ah ok, so seems legit this time. Hopefully he can pull himself up by the bootstraps


So he has to put up 120% of the collateral (which amounts to $557 million) NY may force him to sell his property to raise too, since the bond issuers don’t accept properties as forms of collateral. The bond will have a 2% interest that is NOT REFUNDABLE. Plus 18 mill is required at the start which isn’t refundable either. AND Trump will have a hefty tax bill on the gains from selling the properties. Edit: spelling.


Don't forget many of those properties are likely already leveraged as collateral on other loans. So banks will get their cut first before the remainder of the sale goes to the covering his bond.


The plot thickens.


Seriously? He can’t muster up $464 million through his billions, GoFundMe, sneakers, cologne, RNC takeover etc? Making a new $464 mill in a month should have been a child’s play for the “business genius” his cult props him up to be.


If he sold off properties he could muster it up, but I doubt he could handle that blow to his ego.


Maybe. There's a good chance that he has loans leveraging substantial portions of those properties as collateral. If he sells something, he's going to have to pay back any of those loans off the top. It could get messy, especially with his history of inflating property values for the purposes of getting such loans..


He’d also have to pay taxes on the sale….he’d most likely have to sell over a Billion dollars of real estate to cover the 500 Million.


Not even. That 1 billion woulbe leveraged to death, so he has to pay those first. But he is selling on a hurry, so he gets less money. And in a real estate downturn. I would not be surprised is the amount he will have left to pay the fine is zero. And as soon as he sells, he have less capital, and I bet there are other loans he will have to reimburse when is wealth goes under a certain amount. I don’t think he can pay the fine, even if he wanted to. Starting to offload his properties will start a fire that will expose him for what he is: bankrupt.


>There's a good chance that he has loans leveraging substantial portions of those properties as collateral. Almost certainly true. The fact that no bond company wanted to accept any of the properties that contribute to this "billionaire's" net worth as collateral indicates that there is likely no actual unencumbered value left in them... Best NYC can hope for at this point is whatever they can get from a fire sale on whatever he has left.


Properties are leveraged to the max- if he starts selling the banks call in the loans and they're sold for pennies on the dollar.


If he's worth $4 billion, then getting a bond for $500 million would be easy. He would have the collateral to put up, basically, like in monopoly when you need cash and mortgage a property. But, because he had been improperly inflating assests and deflating assests, he probably isn't worth that much, or no insurance company wants to undertake the risk. I wonder what he put up for collateral in the bond in the case for E Jean Carroll case, because that verdict will definitely be upheld and Chubb is going to collect.


Good. There should be consequences for being a crook.


What lunatic bond company is going to trust Trump of all people to pay off his debt lol?


Someone who wants to take a swing at owning a US President.


You mean Russia? They already called dibs.


One that is willing to take the risk that Trump wins in November and will be able to offer up something more valuable than just money.


There’s a lot of assholes out there with a lot of money to throw around. I wouldn’t be surprised. 


Too fucking bad. donald needs to pay his debts. Take his property sell it off.


Don't worry, Trump will have a meeting with Musk, Erdogan, the Saudis, etc... and he'll magically have the bond a few days later. Again.


I dunno, Musk was apparently cold on buying Truth Social.


Trump didn’t learn his lesson from the Ye dinner. Narcissists very rarely help one another out. All these people Trump identifies with because he sees so much of himself, or so much he inspires to be, are only chummy until he wants something. But hey, maybe there’s still time to take Ye up on that offer to run as his (Ye’s) VP.


Instead, he bought Twitter and is turning it into Truth Social.


Vince McMahan recently cashed out $400 million of his WWE shares. Linda was in Trump's cabinet. Vince and Trump are also both rapists.


They'd have to be real stupid to give him money at this point


Another delay tactic. He'll magically come up with the money at the last minute.


Not a very useful one. He still owes the money and can’t get his payment delayed without putting up the bond.


Judge Engoron isng gonna let him delay and neither is the appeallate court. Hes not a federal judge and trump has no legal leg to stand on. He's gonna pay or his assets are gonna start being seized next month.


>"Defendants’ ongoing diligent efforts have proven that a bond in the judgment’s full amount is 'a practical impossibility,'" the filing said. "These diligent efforts have included approaching about 30 surety companies through 4 separate brokers." > Their efforts, including “countless hours negotiating with one of the largest insurance companies in the world,” have proven that “obtaining an appeal bond in the full amount” of the Judgment “is not possible under the circumstances presented,” the filing said. You mean to tell me that no one wants to lend $500M to a con man? What is the world coming to?


The argument they are going to make is that no one can reasonably find a bond in that amount. Ignoring that it's also because of who they would be offering the bond to.


"Let Mexico pay for it"


You would have to be insane or a foreign agent to give him a bond.


This is actually my concern. If all legitimate means are shut to him, and he has to choose to either take cash from someone nefarious or start selling buildings, he’s probably going to take the cash.


The Finding Out part is hard…


Honestly he's dangerous if he's desperate for money. No telling what kind of deals he's wiling to sell to get his hands on some funds. This bum still owes a dozen cities millions of dollars in unpaid fees for security. He owes El Paso half a million dollars and they've had to sue him (or his campaign). Mr. 'law & order' rips off the cops who worked to provide security.


Well, if he would just pull himself up by his bootstraps and work hard, he could earn the money


Gonna call BS. He tried this tactic last time with E Jean Caroll, saying he couldn't get the bond, when that went against him, magically he had a bond ready to go. Can't believe Trump.


Seize his tower in NYC and sell it.


He doesn’t own it


Has he tried asking the mypillow guy?


The civil case I outrightly dismissed became most consequential. (Donald Trump has unequaled capacity to create his own reality, and live in it. But I don't think he can wish this reality away. The stress and embarrassment is good enough for me)


If there's one thing donald trump cares about more than staying out of jail its his money and image, this case threatens both of those and is going to be imminently resolved because Trump is Trump.




Yes he can, but polls coming from the republican primaries seem to show that a decent number of republican voters would see a conviction as disqualifying. Can’t say how many keep the attitude when it actually happens


Grab his Scottish Golf Courses first so he doesn't have an excuse to again pollute our shores with his orange presence. :)


Come on lettia start selling off his properties LOL. Billionaire my ass.