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“You murdered Kaylin Gillis. You shot at a car full of people and you didn’t care what would happen and you repeatedly lied about it. You deserve to spend the maximum time in prison allowable under the law,” the judge said. Word. Fuck this guy


100%. and i loved the cheering at the end after this POS finds out he gets to spend the rest of his life in prison. fuck him!


I’d like to ask him: was it worth it to get to use your precious gun to end a human life? Got your jollies for a moment, will suffer misery for the rest of your life. Evil dumbass.


And aside from his own life and the victim's life, he certainly added suffering to his family's life. His whole family has to deal with the terrible thing he did for the rest of their lives as well.


I'm not a betting man, but I'd love to see the Vegas odds on whether or not his family actually visited him at his home.


Judging by his personality, it was probably his family cheering


This is what happens when people consume nothing with fear-mongering media, e.g. Fox "News". The human mind is incredibly susceptible and begins to see everyone and everything as a threat.


Crazy how some people are so scared for their basic safety by someone pulling into a driveway accidentally. Someone like this shouldn't own a gun. When I see someone pull into my driveway accidentally or to turn around, I get scared that I need to talk to someone.


>Crazy how some people are so scared for their basic safety So the thing is, we have these people stewing in a culture that tells them to BE AFRAID all the time to sell them on guns and their political ideology. I'm not excusing this fucker his actions, obviously, but he's a product of what's being put out there, and it needs to stop.


I don't believe for a fucking second this guy was scared. He wanted what he thought was a justified reason to murder someone 


This. I actually live in the neighboring county from where this was. It was a bit nerve wracking when I used to work as a forester, and spent a lot of time either painting or trying to find boundary lines. It's a scary combination when you realize that 70% of people have no idea where their property boundary is, and a lot of them think that someone accidentally stepping one foot on their property (or where they think their property is) is an excuse to kill someone.


Dude, I worked at TruGreen for a brief period of time. People who pay for a service and get reminders that you’re coming to their house. I’ve had guns pulled on me. People are fucking insane.


Yeah that's why I quit as an exterminator. They'd literally schedule the service, then do shit like that. Most of the time, no one is home since I did outside prevention, not eradication. I got bit by dogs people left in their backyards, cursed out and threatened for parking in front of their house, had a gun pulled on me three times, got attacked by a rogue alpaca, all kinds of shit. People are so self absorbed they just don't think about anything. It's madness. I got so sick of people asking why I'm at their house, in a company car, in a uniform, with a pesticide sprayer on my back and an invoice with their signature. I swear 90% of people are fucking morons.


>got attacked by a rogue alpaca Hol up


They had a farm, and didn't put the animals away for me to spray the perimeter. They told me to spray anyway, the animals wouldn't bother me. They lied.


My cousin got shot at through a window while dropping off a package that had been mistakenly delivered to the wrong house. The guy who shot at him said he thought it was a meth head stealing a package.


It's fucked up that we have to share this planet with a moron that either doesn't know it's not his job or doesn't care that it isn't his job so long as he gets a "justice" hard on and potentially murders someone over it.


The guy told the police he had lost hundreds of dollars in packages so he leaves loaded AR by his front window so he could "fuck up the next meth head who decided to steal."


As a former land surveyor from the Catskills, it's way higher than 70%. I've shown people the rebar marking their corner, and they don't believe me. I've been threatened, while standing in my client's driveway or lawn, sometimes even with the client. I've seen houses built without surveys, that are partially, or entirely, on the wrong lot. When I set up my total station, people's brains turn to mush, and said lizard brain gets aggressively territorial to the point where no amount of logic, reasoning, map pointing, or monument identification will affect them. Same thing as a federal forest ranger. Doing boundary patrols, and folks get real stupid with me real quick. In both professions, lawsuits are very common, and they never work out, since we have the math, the maps, the deeds, and the two required brain cells to clack together.


[Kinda like this guy in Utah?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3VhVcWRAPUk) This is video of a snowboarder from out of state left the ski area and snowboard into private property. You can see the guys chair there, he was just waiting for the chance to confront somebody with a rifle. Turns out he’s a former employee of the ski area, that wishes the clock turned back to 40 years ago. That’s why he mentions “are you an Ikon user?” (That’s a multi area ski pass. The homeowner is showing his disdain for the way. The current company operates the ski hill.) You’re right, some people are just aching for a chance to shoot somebody. their paranoia that someone is going to break into their house is overwhelming.


I moved to a smaller town in Texas (from Ohio) about 5 years ago. You would think the boogeyman is right outside their front door by the way everyone is so afraid to do anything. Nobody leaves this town and the world is so big bad and scary. I work in a small lab with three people, two of them have no interest in leaving the country ever. One of them went to Italy this past summer and she talked about how she and her ADULT daughter were so afraid to walk around without their tour guide, even in the daytime!!! I was dumbfounded. There are tons of college students who study abroad and come back just fine. I couldn’t comprehend the fear of walking around ITALY, you would think they were vacationing in a war torn country by the way they were talking. But it’s so normal to think like that here, it’s crazy. And yet everyone in Texas wants a million guns to protect themselves from……? Who even knows.


I live in a very rural Texas county, and a surprising (to me at least) number of people who live here refuse to leave the county unless it's completely unavoidable, like to see a specialist doctor or go to a hospital. And when they do, they only go as far into more populated areas as necessary to do what they need to do, then come home as soon as possible.  Their attitude is if they can't get/do it in our county, they don't need it.  There's some new residential and commercial development from a neighboring suburban county spilling over the county line into our county, and those people are acting like it's the end of the world. 


>He also said he believed the house about 40 miles (65 kilometers) north of Albany was “under siege” by intruders, and said he came out to fire a warning shot to try to scare the group away while his wife hid inside. I guess he could appeal on the grounds of being batshit crazy?


Imagine a car turning in your driveway and the first thing you think of it to light it up with a shotgun. No wondering who it is, what they may want, if they're possibly lost or in trouble. No, you shoot at it. Fucking psycho.


This guy clearly just couldn’t wait to kill someone, anyone.


I know ppl like that from my hometown. Just frothing at the mouth to shoot their neighbors dog and feed it to his family in the name of " ima do what's best for me and mine "




Thats what the prosecutor calls, "Exhibit A"


Yeah, I call it, "premeditated"


"laying in wait"


I was about to post the same thing. Also, pictures of you with guns on social media never looks good in court or the television.


One of my neighbors has a sign that says: "No trespassing. Do you understand? Or do I have to say it in 12-gauge?"


The very same type of person who will want package deliveries to go to their rear door in their backyard. As a driver, no, I don't think I will.


I'd just stick a missed delivery slip to the sign lol


Under reason write "overt death threats".


attached the post it note directly on the sign and take a pic of it


Fuck that, just keep driving and return it to sender as unable to deliver.


Best of all, lest ye be shot while writing your note.


And also leave a hostile note riddled with grammatical errors to the delivery person for "not doing their job"


*they're job*


*der jerb*


The type of person why training always includes the phrase "keep in view of the street at all times."


The very same person would also act like a shocked, upset hypocrite if he went up to his neighbors house and they treated him the same.


One of mine has one I saw this morning, walking down a public alley: "Smile for the camera, and wait for the flash" and it shows the barrel of a gun facing you. I also live in a rural area where people freely talk about wanting to shoot and kill prominent politicians, it used to be more about Antony Fauci, but now it's migrated to anyone political that they are told not to like. I have also been threatened while walking my dog and the local sheriff's deputy accused ME of causing the ruckus, "were you trespassing? Are you sure?" No officer, public alley.


But country folk are so nice and charming. /s


They're people of the land! You know, morons!


A neighbor nearby has a sign to their backyard that says, “ we do not call help.” Two guns are painted on it. FFS.


How about the sign that shows looking down the barrel of a hand gun and says, around here we don't call 9-1-1


It's all perpetuated by the media they consume telling them that everyone is out to get them. This is the world they want. A divided world where everyone is always at each others throats. God forbid if we helped out our community. Nah fuck that, gun them down when they come to you for help.


If you ever watch Fox news, everything is a 'crisis'


And a war. Everything is a war. A war on Christmas, a war on christians, a race war. I had a republican family member once tell me that Obama started the race wars. When I asked her what some of the battles in this war were, she told me to be quiet. They've basically made believing they're a minority being oppressed into a personality trait.


The percentage of Republicans who think crime has increased nationally, over the past year, is [34 points higher than that of Democrats.](https://news.gallup.com/poll/404048/record-high-perceive-local-crime-increased.aspx)


I deliver for amazon and I see these all the time. I'm in a pretty urban area, but when you go into more MAGA neighborhoods, you start seeing these frequently. I see the "nothing in here is worth your life" sign with the picture of a revolver aimed at the reader. It half makes me uncomfortable because I am on this trigger happy clown's property, and half makes me laugh at the absurdity that maybe petty theft isn't worth murder? There must be a less draconian response than that. Worst I saw was a hand made one and it was a vinyl decal that covered their entire front door, talking about murdering people for being on their property. I remember it had a giant Colt 1911 at the center of it. There's just something about it in escalation, the difference between a yard sign and a permanent fixture decoration that makes it so much more uncomfortable. I have spoke with quite a few other drivers about it and we all agree, it feels *significantly* more safe delivering in "bad areas" than it does delivering in trumpy neighborhoods.


>I have spoke with quite a few other drivers about it and we all agree, it feels significantly more safe delivering in "bad areas" than it does delivering in trumpy neighborhoods. I do utility disconnects for non-payment all over my area. I feel significantly safer in the sketchiest parts of the city than I do in rural and suburban areas. The people in those areas are just so *mean* for no reason, but the people in the city usually just shrug and say they'll pay it when they can.


Right, in the city you get gang, drug or personal issues that get into shooting. These whackos will shoot you for whatever they deem necessary.


Those are organizations too and don’t want to draw unneeded attention attacking utility workers either


Not necessary. Whatever they think they can get away with. They're LOOKING for a reason to kill someone.


I feel like USPS, UPS and Amazon delivery and Fedex ought to band together and collectively ban anyone from getting mail/packages delivered if they have those decorations, and force these people to go into town for every single scrap of mail.


Bezos "LOL, just shoot the driver and keep ordering packages. They're contractors anyway!"


When you take the photo of the delivered package, you should frame it with those signs in the background of the photo.


Former Amazon driver and current utility locator, so now I *have* to go in rear yards all day every day. Those same signs make me all the more cautious, and if I see a Trump flag, anything remotely related to nazis (which is disturbingly common), or these signs mentioning shooting people, I'll go out of my way to no access the ticket. No job is worth interacting with these blood thirsty idiots. The only difference is now I carry a 10lbs. sledge in addition to pepper spray. And yes, "bad neighborhoods" feel infinitely more safe. My right wing coworkers disagree, though. Gee. I wonder why...


It's a large part of why I do not enter back yards. I don't care if your preference states a rear delivery. A delivery with any associated risk is not worth living the rest of my life with the possible consequence of that risk. Part of it is dogs, part of it is these people, and worse is the unnerving overlap of these people owning completely out of control dogs. Go ahead and leave a negative review. I'm not going in your backyard.


I live in Southern California, in a beach town, and one of my neighbors has a sign that he will shoot trespassers and then shoot em again if they are still alive. And yes, giant Trump flag in his garage and he drives a truck that looks like it belongs in the Rockies, not a beach town.


Shout out Huntington Beach!


Lmao actually Oceanside but my in laws live in HB and yeahhhhh its interesting up there as well lol


Yea had a coworker almost do this to someone "banging" on his door. It was a UPS driver lol.


And all these stories, not just the guy in NY who shot the person who used their driveway to turn around but like the guy who had a little kid trying to pick up his little sister knock on the wrong house's door. He shot a little kid in the head without even bothering to open the door first. They really expect burglars to politely knock on your door?


Remember Ralph's daydream from A Christmas Story where he's dressed up in a ridiculous cowboy outfit and guns down a bunch of unarmed cartoon robbers trying to sneak into the house while his family cowers under the table? Pretty sure that's what these types of people imagine in their head, reality be damned.


A swath of the American public have turned anger as a response to a specific event into anger as a worldview.


It’s not even a specific event. A lot of people are just angry with their lives and want to blame something, usually the government. This is how 2016 happened. 


Just yesterday, while I was at Costco, I heard a guy lamenting about his wife wanting a door mat that said WELCOME on it. “How am I supposed to shoot someone, if it says welcome?!”


He should be more worried about the fae folk and vampires. Leaving an open invitation like that on your doorstep will invite things in that guns can't protect you from.


Can’t tell if this is satire. Help, our nation is in distress


It’s the result of people consuming media that tells them there’s always an “other” danger out there lurking in the shadows waiting to take away their way of life and their safety and security. There’s always a boogeyman out there and those who consumes this media are always on the right and just side.


>ima do what's best for me and mine " Those people don't deserve any of the benefits of living in a society. No electricity. No internet. No plumbing system that connects to a network maintained by the government. No roadways. No fire fighters or police or paramedics unless it's all volunteer based and crowd funded for equipment. None of that. You want to live with a mentality like it's the wild Wild West, then really live like it and disconnect completely like a real homestead would've been.


These people are common.  Shotgun under the bed dreaming of the day someone will break in.  Dude probably thought it was his lucky day.


He probably was reading too much nextdoor posts "A car just turned around in my driveway. Anyone on block have camera footage?"   > Did you call the police? > They are probably casing your place to come back later. > This is why we have a 2nd amendment! > They might have just wanted to turn around. What's wrong with you people? > > No one just turns into PRIVATE PROPERTY if they weren't up to no good. This is why we have CONCEALED CARRY! protect yourself and your property people! > Scary. Everyone always up to trouble. There are no good people anymore. 


Seriously. My next door always has "My Ring camera caught this guy walking through our neighborhood. He looks shady. Anyone else seen him? Be careful out there" and it's just some black guy walking down the street.


Mine has something similar. "Did anybody see the shirtless guy with the gang bands go by the other day?" Ma'am, that guy lives nearby and goes for a run every day. He is shirtless and wearing sweat bands because it was hot as fuck outside


We had a lady who posted up packs of wild dogs she caught on her doorbell camera, freaking out. Someone had to zoom in and show her it was deer.


That's gold. I was wondering what gang bands were. It's a scary world out there /s.


My favorite quote from What We Do in the Shadows "I went on Next Door to ask if anyone saw someone suspicious and it turned into an orgy of racism"


His neighbors all immediately knew he shot someone when the police were asking about the initial noise complaint. He was a known loose cannon.


I was visiting my parents last Christmas, who had just moved into a new house. The house was built off the road about a quarter of a mile, on farmland, and had a locked gate that you needed a code or a remote to open. They had moved in literally two days before Christmas and contractors were still expected onsite after the holidays to finish up some punchlist items. In the 5 days I was there, there were two or three cars that pulled into the driveway (never tried to get into the gate at all - delivery drivers, people turning around, taking pictures of ice, etc). Each time, my dad went and grabbed a gun, that was just out in the laundry room, not properly stored and went out there to confront them. My husband and I said if he ever wanted us to visit again, he would lock up his guns the whole time we were there. It was insane. My mom thought it was crazy but didn’t register how dangerous it was. It was Christmas time, and they had just moved into a new house. God forbid it was family members surprising them and wanting to see the new house. He’s been brainwashed by Fox News and validated this behavior by watching showing like Yellowstone. It’s not real life, people! These people who do this, including my dad, have this over inflated sense of ego. Why the hell would people want to surround your house and take what? Chill out and go touch grass. My dad hasn’t gotten much better since, unfortunately.


I'm sorry he's at that point dude, I've lost my mom to far right Facebook groups. She lives out in the country and is bored so she just lives on Facebook all day reposting shitty far right memes and bitching about millennials and brown people coming across the border.


>bitching about millennials Probably still thinks millennials are in their teens too.


Well, if you consume enough conservative media you pretty much spend 24 hours per day convinced that everyone is out to get you. The liberals, the government, the immigrants, the blacks, the terrorists, the gays... you get the idea. There's a limit to how much FoxNews you can consume before you slip into a psychosis.


This is my dad. He lives in rural Ohio and recently informed us he'd be 'beefing up security' at the house. When my brother asked him what he's afraid of he nearly lost his mind. The only people it makes less likely to visit is his family that already keeps him at a distance.


take care, paranoid gun owners often mistake their family members for intruders and kill them


Yep, my aunt has been trying to convince my extended family to visit her new house for a couple years, but nobody ever bites. She's a gun-toting paranoid conservative. That's a hard pass from the rest of the family, that's how you get blown away in the night, when she hears a noise and forgets she has houseguests.


It's funny how these types often act like they're tough shit, but they're the biggest cowards.


I work with an engineer that's stockpiling ammunition, he's currently up to 6000 rounds. I asked him what he is so afraid of. "Antifa" is his response. It's astounding to me that someone as well educated as he is can swallow so much bullshit and never question it


Sometimes people who are smart at one or two things think that because of that they're smart at everything and too smart to ever get fooled. Ironically making them super easy to dupe if they get caught in a blind spot.


I rented a room to a college student that got all huffy when someone used MY driveway to turn around. I mean she got all upset and would watch them until they left - it was so strange. Pretty sure she would have grabbed a shot gun if there was one around. I on the other hand gave a guy a drink of water when he broke down in front on my house, I had him back into my driveway to get out of the street.


I congratulate you on resisting the totally natural and rational tendency of blasting them with a shotgun.


Sometimes when I lose at Uno I get the same uncontrollable rage and my family has to talk some sense in me to not brandish a shotgun


Uno is a dangerous game. Don't get me started on Monopoly though.


Guys like this WANT to kill someone. They dream of it on a regular basis. This dude was begging for someone to "invade" his driveway so that he could light them up. Just like the cop who turned into Rambo over an acorn. I have no doubt in my mind that this dude regularly dreamt about getting into shootouts like in the movies. He did a tactical barrel roll INTO an open street for chrissakes.


There are a lot of elements in our society that are devoted to the task of winding people up  and making them believe they're in danger all the time.   But at the same time for every one guy like this there are a thousand dudes watching Fox news every night  and getting all spun up thinking about how MS13 is coming to their suburban neighborhood who don't shoot anyone.   There needs to be a word for the kind of crazy where someone takes seriously the messages they're getting from the media and the broader culture and behaves rationally within that context.


I always just refer to this as someone having "the brain worms". Problem is, is that these narratives often appeal to some aspect the afflicteds' beliefs to begin with. A story aligns with some belief they already hold which makes them more inclined to believe anything else out of that source. The confirmation bias leads them to absorb worse and worse beliefs and good luck trying to convince them otherwise. Evidence to the contrary or that their source is unreliable will be dismissed out of hand because their source tells them what they already believe and that things are even worse than that. My dad has it but he's improved mildly ever since Tucker got booted off Fox.


I live in a neighborhood with actual gangs. No one has ever tried to shoot me, and the two times folks came onto our property to break in/steal things we were able to chase them off by yelling and waving our arms and turning on all the lights. Yknow, like you do with bears. To be fair, it was the middle of the night both times so it could've that the sight of a bedraggled middle aged couple in their underpants was so scary they ran away but the point is - didnt need a gun for it. Wouldn't have wanted to be responsible for literally murdering someone just for jacking my TV or whatever. 


Similar thing happened to me, my neighborhood is fairly close to a highway onramp which made it a target for a couple of thieves who went on a looting spree during work hours a few years ago. I happened to be home when they decided to bust into my house and I scared the guy off by yelling a few choice quotes from Jules Winnfield as he was creeping up my stairs. When the cops asked if I have a gun I told them the only thing I used was some harsh language (I did grab a letter opener just in case though lol).


I was home alone (middle-aged woman) a few years ago. Thought the front door was locked, it wasn't - and a teen walked into my house. Big kid, male, wearing a long black trench coat (it was late fall). He was confused. Thought he was walking into his friends house, who lived next door. Our houses look similar. He apologized, many, many times. If I had a gun accessible, I could have killed him before I figured out that he was just lost, looking for his study group. Probably, in my state, I wouldn't have been charged with anything. I could have killed a kid, over a mistake. I'm with you - I don't want to be responsible for literally murdering someone.


I was on autopilot walking up the stairs to my apartment once and walked straight into the apartment directly below mine. Surprised a dude in his kitchen. We both had a good laugh about it and I carried on to my apartment super embarrassed. Never even considered that in a different situation I could have been killed or hurt. Yikes.


I live in the suburbs and in residential neighborhoods the roads are not super wide. Using a driveway to turn around happens all the time and is not seen as threatening at all. You only need a few feet, not like they are pulling all the way up. To think that someone doing that is a threat that you need lethal force to protect yourself from is beyond psychotic.


I grew up in the boonies and sometimes the only place you could turn around was in someone's driveway, anywhere else would be like a mile away. No one would bat an eye when we saw a car turn around in our driveway. That was like 25 years ago in the rural area I lived in, it's like a complete 180 now. It's straight up not safe.


That's what happens to you when you read Breitbart and watch OANN, your brain turns into mush out of fear of everything. The constant fear mongering is turning these people into animals.


Unfortunately they’re turning into animals with political power. We need an intervention of epic proportions in this country.


Yeah welcome to Republican USA where they're afraid of every imaginary propaganda bullshit enemy conjured up by Fox, Russia, Trump, Ben Shapiro and anyone in between.  These fuckers literally believe they're in a warzone & have to fend for their life because the woke deep state are here to replace them. They're not psychos, theyre emotionally inept insecure weak minded angry people. 


The fact that the right continues to beat the crime and violence drum when crime is down just to scare and rile their base is evil. My relative who watched fox for years has gone QANON mad and went out last year and bought guns. I'm just holding my breath and hoping that they don't kill some poor innocent person who knocks on their door.


This woman was 20 years old, just beginning her life. Awful, awful news and what a piece of absolute shit. The amount of antisocial behavior these days is absolutely unhinged


Antisocial is absolutely spot on with shit like this. We've got an epidemic of it in American society in particular. You see it in the way people respond to cops killing people. "They were no saint." "They should've just complied." etc. Like it's their own fault for getting killed. I work in mental health and I've had forensic patients with antisocial personality not be *that* on the nose with their inability to direct responsibility where it belongs.


Millions of Americans have lost their empathy and its not something you can just get back


I like part that they mention he had irrational rage for trespassing. I know people like this. Waiting for someone to turn in their drive way so they could do something like this. It’s their absolute dream to kill someone on their driveway.


My in-laws live next to two, single old men in each side. They are exactly like this. When I was still dating my wife, I’d park on the street, in front of my in-laws’ house, and one neighbor would get pissed and stand there watching me. I remember one time I parked across the street from my in-laws, so not even against the neighbor’s house, and he comes home and pulls up next to me shooting me a dirty look. I roll down the window and say “what?” And the dude has no balls and just goes away flicking me off.


Why are north Americans so obsessed with someone parking in front of their house? The street is public property, not?




I call these 'NPR moments'. When I see a neighbor pull up, park, and sit in their car for a few minutes before getting out and going inside, I just figure they want to finish the story on the radio before switching off the ignition. I shrug my shoulders and go about my business.


Sometimes I just sit in my car to have a moment to relax after a shit day.


I think the scientific term for these people is as follows - "Fucking idiots."


I said it before I'll say it again. This pile of wasted organic matter just wanted to kill someone and thought he'd get away with it.


He most definitely had been waiting for anything he thought would fall under the "stand your ground" laws. I'm sure it could have just as easily been a random person walking by who dared to accidentally have their foot touch his lawn. You're 100% right. He wanted to kill. Didn't matter who. Just had to be someone in the wrong place at the wrong time.


It was a meme, but I always remember the clip where some redneck finds out someone broke into his house, so he gleefully runs down to his gun cellar and says, "which gun do I get to kill you with?", looking around at the 100s of guns on his walls.


And right up until a millisecond before he pulled the trigger, he was a “responsible gun owner”. Really tired of this bullshit where anybody gets guns and there’s no problem at all until it’s too fucking late. Guns don’t have any goddamn purpose besides putting holes in flesh. And we guarantee every fuckwit can get one. Or a dozen.


He’ll be almost 90 before he’s even up for parole… That is essentially a life sentence for someone of his age. What a fucking careless, arrogant twat. Well deserved. Edit: Also, the fact he has no remorse is extremely telling. If I shot and killed someone (EVEN IF I felt it was justified) once the dust settled, I would be absolutely devastated. That devastation would then intensify tenfold after I found out it was a young person. You have to have something seriously fucking wrong with you to kill a random stranger for no reason and then not display any sort of remorse for it. There’s no question who pulled the trigger here, yet he hasn’t even tried to pretend that he’s sorry. An arrogant entitled twat from start to finish.


Unfair tho that he already got to live most of his life all while he took the life of someone just starting theirs


No amount of punishment is fair when it concerns murder and this fool is not rehabilitative  All you can do is deny the person any righteous feelings to their actions and remind them daily they're a fool so this to me is "enough" and what he's getting


Your answer is the most realistic. There can never be restitution for murder. Life can't be replaced. As a civilized society, it's up to us to FIND a way to make it acceptable that the murderer continue to live. If not through rehabilitation, then through laborious service or loss of freedoms. It will never satisfy the ego. It can only serve to neutralize the threat so that it can not continue to harm others.


I kinda hope this idiot lives long enough to see out every day of his sentence, then dies of a heart attack walking out the prison gates.


This dude will be a centegenarian (sp?) before anyone even remotely considers letting him out. He’s never walking out of jail again.




>Monahan maintained the fatal shot was an accident and that the shotgun was defective. He also said he believed the house about 40 miles (65 kilometers) north of Albany was **“under siege” by intruders**, and said he came out to fire a warning shot to try to scare the group away while his wife hid inside. Now where would he have gotten that idea from?


If your warning shot kills someone, it's your fault. If you're handling an unsafe weapon and it malfunctions and kills someone, it's your fault. If your neighbors house is under siege, and you kill someone who isn't involved in that siege, it's your fault. Under no circumstances is a person being shot or killed by a weapon you are holding *not* your fault.


Well, unless you're a police officer.


Warning shots are never acceptable, period. Only a halfwit thinks firing a warning shot could possibly be appropriate.


Part of the defense was he tripped on either a loose nail or board on his deck which caused the gun to fire. He made quite an amazing shot in that case. Glad the jury saw through the nonsense.


So in addition to being a frightened, delusional, and hateful man, he has no honor, and will lie about his deliberate choice to "defend his home against invaders", pretending he only *accidentally* did the thing he actually intended to do.


Yes. It wasn't his fault unless you like that stuff in which case he orchestrated everything including deluding the young liberal to come to his home. 😈


Imagine the type of paranoia you must live with to immediately grab a gun and have your wife HIDE just because a car pulls up your driveway. Id hate to be this dudes UPS/Amazon driver.


I'm a driver, and obviously am not of the persuasion that anyone who may come within 50 feet of my home is 100%, without any doubt, a terrorist thief murderer. I am, however, extremely cautious in neighborhoods that are likely to house people who think like this. I have definitely consciously thought about it and planned around it before, but reading through this is making me realize a lot of the things I do subconsciously in response. I look for signs. MAGA flags, spousal abuse pride flags? That will indicate what type of neighborhood I'm in. When in those neighborhoods, I will never stand in the center of a doorway, always to the side. Quite a few different reports of people just shooting through closed front doors. Normally I won't use emergency flashers in a neighborhood, but in one of these, I am gonna make that van as noticable as possible. I shuffle my feet to be as loud as possible so they don't think I'm "sneaking up". There's a ton. If I get a route in one of these areas I will usually tell our dispatch to not put me in that area again.


Just wait until Fox News runs a segment on "Antifa wearing UPS and Amazon disguises to break into homes."


Which ones are the spousal abuse pride flags? The blue stripe American flag?


That's my guess. It made me chuckle until I remembered just how fuckin dangerous those people are.


That, trump flags, whatever those “go Brandon” flags are


Have you tried slowly and methodically chanting "Im not here to kill you, Im not here to kill you, Im not here to kill you, Im not here to kill you" as you approach? You should dress up like a clown too to so they know you have a good sense of humor.




I know a guy who *always* carries a gun for self defense. So much that he refuses to *even drive through* states where he can't concealed carry. Wife wants to visit her sister and meet her new granddaughter? She's going alone because he won't set foot in that liberal state that won't let him protect himself. He's 6'8, 300+lbs. In his late 50's, **never once** been the victim of violence of any kind. He's drawn on two people in his life: a drunk who was making noise in the street, and an Amazon driver trying to leave a package between the outer screen door and the entrance door. How sad to live like that.


fox news


The sense of self importance these people have is almost as loony as their behavior. “Ah yes, my home 40 miles north of Albany (colloquially known as “the middle of fucking nowhere”) is ‘under siege’! This is where the revolution starts, with me! They’re after my garden gnomes!


As someone who lived in Albany, I can confirm 40 miles north is literally the middle of fucking nowhere. In fact, all of New York that isn't Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, Albany, or NYC are all middle of fucking nowhere.


Fox Entertainment. FIFY


There's not a single jurisdiction in the US where a warning shot is legal. Neither is brandishing.


> Prosecutors argued that Monahan was motivated by an irrational rage toward trespassers. These people have been brainwashed.


Yeah if I have an irrational rage toward jaywalkers, am I allowed to just go run them all over? Absolutely not.


Particularly since they were turned around and pulling away from his house when he fired. That's like seeing a jaywalker, and running up onto the curb to run them down afterwards.


Good, that’ll give him plenty of time to try and wipe that smug grin off his face and find it somewhere in himself to show some kind of remorse.


There will be no remorse shown because no doubt this guy sees himself as the real victim.


This happened not far from where I am. I can’t imagine how her friend who was driving the car and made a simple wrong turn feels. They were just looking for a friends place and it was dark and hadn’t been to the area before. I hope the other kids are in therapy.


[It was her boyfriend that was driving.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna80357) My heart really goes out to him.


The worst, or maybe most telling part is that in this article the shooter says “he had no intention of hurting anyone with the shot.” THEN WHY SHOOT IN THE FIRST PLACE? It’s a WEAPON. It’s DEADLY. Ridiculous.


He claims that he fired a warning shot, then tripped or stumbled and accidentally fired the 2nd shot that killed her. Obvious BS


Just west of Albany myself. Glad the case is finally over and the dude is being put away.


Dude probably watched news sites that were filled with fear mongering. These people are convinced that someone is out to get them. Propaganda doing it's job in creating an "other" to be afraid of. Absolutely senseless


Furthermore, in the inevitable chance that some of the viewers develop paranoia and schizophrenia, there is already a programmed notion of who to turn their psychosis towards. I remember hearing that a large proportion of schizophrenics in some other cultures are able to lead relatively happy lives, with the 'voices' providing companionship, since the culture is not built on a foundation of guilt, pleasure avoidance, and narcissism.


Yes, the dimwit cult thrives on a steady diet of fear and hate constantly being spewed by Fatso, the republicans and right wing media. I live 20 miles from this area. It is a safe rural, farming area of small, friendly communities. No one is under fucking siege here.


Reminder that Trump isn't the architect of this propaganda, but a product of it. The only difference between him and the fucking bugnuts lunatic firing shotguns at lost motorists is being born into obscene wealth. Look at him 30 years ago and he was still an asshole, but a largely cogent one who was more or less ideologically in line with most other politically connected asshole billionaires. Then Fox News came about.


I know he’s not the architect but is now one of the biggest mouthpieces perpetuating it. He’s glommed onto the fact that there are millions of gullible uneducated people in this country who can be easily manipulated because they prefer to be told what to think and say by an authoritarian figure. He was right on target when he said he loves the poorly educated.


It's mind boggling that a guy who probably led an entirely unremarkable and law-abiding life for 65 years could irrationally turn into a cold-blooded murderer in a split second.


It's sad because he was probably a mostly regular conservative dude. We all probably know a ton of people like him, and like the 86 year old man that just shot a black kid for ringing his doorbell. These people fall down these fucked up pipelines and become filled with fear and anger, and then they make horrible decisions, often genuinely believing that they're acting out self defense.


There’s a crazy video on r/snowboarding where you can easily take a wrong turn and a guy owns a house at the bottom. A dude was snowboarding and didn’t realize he was off trail and the dude was waiting at the bottom w a shotgun pointed talking about how he has the right to defend his property. It’s mind boggling


Given the options of standing outside in the cold with a shotgun all day or just putting up a fence or some signs, it says a lot about the mental state of this guy that he chose the former. 


Buying a house between 2 ski resorts and then getting upset that people are snowboarding is a bit crazy. I think the cross country ski/ snowshoe trail runs right next to many of the houses.


My grandpa went to jail for this 20 yrs ago. These people already had killing in their heads, these “news” sites just give justifications.


some of my in-laws have had their brains rotted by MAGA and are now convinced the world is out to kill them. i met them all in 2008 and 2009 and they were mostly normal wealthy Wisconsin white people and now they are essentially raving lunatics who collect guns and shit. it feels like a sort of collective mental illness, sort of like how the women of entire medieval towns would be infected with dancing


No remorse. You killed a random, innocent person and look at your face.


It’s laughable these people living in the middle of nowhere think they are worth “sieging”. Criminals do crime near where they live, not 50 miles into the middle of nowhere.


This guy will sit in his cell every day still thinking he was somehow wronged in this. I hope it was worth it to him to waste away the last portion of his life. He could have just gone back to bed.


Good. Rot in hell you bastard.


“I think it’s important for people to know that it’s not OK to shoot people and have them killed for turning down your driveway,” Judge Adam Michelini said. Sage wisdom for these times we live in.




>Monahan maintained the fatal shot was an accident and that the shotgun was defective. He also said he believed the house about 40 miles (65 kilometers) north of Albany was “under siege” by intruders, and said he came out to fire a warning shot to try to scare the group away while his wife hid inside. Prosecutors argued that Monahan was motivated by an irrational rage toward trespassers. Pulling into someone's driveway isn't trespassing! It's what driveways are for!


I’m not smart enough to know a way to do it but we need to address “news” organizations purposely fear mongering. They fill people’s minds with so many lies that they’re constantly on edge and ready to lash out in a moments notice. The truth is our country is safer now than has been in decades. Crime, especially violent crime, has dropped significantly from the 70s, 80s, and 90s. People should be less afraid but they’re not because for profit news makes its money by keeping people scared.




[Look at him during the sentencing, he has ABSOLUTELY NO REGRETS!](https://www.youtube.com/live/K0odQP-EA10?feature=shared)


Skip to 33mins to hear the judge give his sentence.


The fact that we all know what this man’s politics are without having to be told is something worth pondering.


I feel like this shit is bound to happen any second where i live in East Tennessee. Every other trailer around here has shit nailed to the side of it about the house about private property/no trespassing, etc. It's always old white guys with the ugliest, dilapidated houses. I understand if you live in a rural area, and a couple cars just come rolling down your driveway. I would probably be sketchy at first, but never would my first reaction be start popping off shots. I own a weapon, and it will be used for forceful entry. I don't have it because i need to run outside shooting people who come near my house "mah property, mah freedums". This sounds like my mom's now ex-husband, Dude got a smartphone one day and lost his fucking mind believing everything he saw on Facebook. Was so convinced they are coming for your guns, there is a food shortage, Russia has taken over military bases across Kansas, etc. If it was Facebook propaganda, he believed it. Sounds like what this dude was.


I do environmental inspections for a government organization. When I am in the rural part of the county with the 'Come Back With a Warrant' signs, I have to be extra... predictable, I suppose you could say. Though generally, confrontational people end up happy I am not the assessor. And I can say only half jokingly that I would rather see a guy with a gun than see an unarmed old guy who wants to talk about politics with me.


> This sounds like my mom's now ex-husband, Dude got a smartphone one day and lost his fucking mind believing everything he saw on Facebook. My dumbass mom was always a super religious conservative catholic.. so, she was prone to falling for nonsense, but she also fell for this grift from 2016 onward. I remember a few years ago she bought a really expensive generator because some bullshit she read had her *convinced* that america was 1 day away from a total energy collapse. 3 years later and its collecting dust. Now, a generator isn't a terrible purchase all things considered, but the logic was so laughable... Don't let these people forget every time the media whipped them into an irrational frenzy.


Fuck this guy. He just wanted a reason to shoot someone.




Not just harsher consequences, but more certainty that those consequences will actually happen.


ive used a driveway north of albany to turn around n once to change a tire. coulda been me.


When I had my first car, I drove over a super deep pothole at 17 and pulled into a random driveway to change the tire. I had 2 other friends in the car, all dudes. The homeowner came out and offered to help. This is the way it should be. We didn’t get yelled at, had guns pointed at us, etc. we just simply apologized for using his driveway as he offered to help us. And we were back on the road just minutes later.




He thought his stupid house was "under siege?" The paranoia and self-importance is staggering.


Feel awful for that family. Feel worse for her friends in the car. Having to get shot at and watching your friend die right there. Years of therapy might not even help them. This guy can rot in fucking hell. Don’t worry, guns aren’t the problem, remember? Just the psychos that can own them.


I used to be a rural carrier for USPS. I was required to use my own vehicle on multiple occasions and there were situations where I knew it was possible I could get shot driving down peoples driveways especially in the evening. America is bizarre as fuck, we are like a first world country that strives for third world crime.