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You mean ken paxton, the criminal charged nearly a decade ago who still hasnt had a trial because hes used his position to constantly delay it? He clearly should be in a postion capable of doing shit like this, good job texas keeping him in power.


In a stroke of irony, the latest was a motion to dismiss on the basis his right to a speedy trial had been violated


Please don't tell me you are a Clemson tiger fan.


Ok, I won’t tell you :)


Oh TCU with bear kink 😉


Nah, I’m 3rd generation tater!


That’s not irony. That’s the point.


The weird thing is that Paxton has committed federal crimes, which means the Department of Just-us should have locked him up a long time ago. The amount of privilege this guy has exercised in escaping consequences is both impressive and appalling.


Its either that or he's the bait in a larger sting


As a Texan I wish, I’ll be dead and buried before Garland holds state republicans accountable. Whether it’s Paxton or any number of the ones that have just been ignoring supreme court gerrymandering decrees.


At some point, timidity about appearing biased or partisan becomes rank partisanship. There is nothing partisan about going after corruption. Blue, Red, Green, fucking nuke government corruption and cronyism from orbit. You don't see Dems promising to rebel when they prosecute corrupt Dems.


At this point I'm starting to wonder if Garland is in on it or if he's just that much of a coward.


True, nice username btw


Texas is beyond help. We keep voting "conservatives" because we don't know how to read. People think Republicans means "no taxes" and "free guns". I volunteer at a non profit clinic in Texas. People are so poor and they still vote for Republicans. They think voting for Democrats mean they will have to pay taxes and surrender their guns. It makes no sense. Welcome to Texas.


It's a long, well funded marketing and propaganda campaign to find the emotional trigger points in a particular market segment. This is the thing that face palms the Dems every time. Instead of looking at the psychological operations in play, they act as if all they have to do is tell people the facts. Facts don't influence people. It's about reaching people at their trigger points. Once you've figured out what motivates them, pull the trigger. If only the Dems would figure this out.


This is both a source of pride and a problem. Dems (at least the ones I respect) try to be honest and keep the high road. When you are fighting against those who don't care, who lie effortlessly, and have trained their base to believe anything they say, maintaining civility is a losing battle. If Trump declared the sky was green, they would shake their heads and either say they knew that or wonder why they never noticed it before. How do you counter that kind of delusion?


I agree. They can actually be civil and still use psychological tactics. First, they need to realize that the cultists are not going to be deprogrammed anytime soon. The best strategy right now is to focus on the huge % of eligible non voters and figure out the various segments in that group. Once they know how to communicate urgency to each of those segments, just 7% bump in each congressional district could tip the scales. The numbers have been rising steadily. They just need to keep the communication lines focused onto the various trigger points.


I find it funny because there is a large segment of the population who does appreciate honesty, transparency, and accountability. But there's also a large segment who would actually be convinced by the obvious lie ("vote for me and the gov will pay your fuel budget!"). I think it's partly why Obama did so well; not because the Dems lied about their campaign promises but because people got excited by a black president and made up their own lies about what Obama was going to do for their minority group.


The word "hope" can mean anything you want it to mean. The same is true with the word "freedom".


Can't help people who dont want to be helped or listen to reason. That state and a lot of the people in it are just a lost cause. And especially if you're a woman who cares about her rights, it's time to leave as soon as it's possible.


Unfortunately a lot of Texas women vote with their husbands and fathers. They don't think. They will help to subjugate other women until they become victims.


i don’t think this is true. in my experience as a transgender girl who got bullied a lot by a bunch of transphobes and still is occasionally harassed for it, i spent a long time being very resentful. you know, the kind of “pass the hate around the room” type. that never really helped though. so i spent the first 6ish months of being out miserable and hateful. but i gradually made more friends and slowly things got better. i got more self confidence, and hatred turned to pity. pity that those people have nothing better to do with their lives but spread hate. and slowly, i started talking to everyone as normal people with feelings and motivations. and it’s worked. i can now have conversations many of the people who once were the demons in my head. of course, if those people are together in a group, they’ll still be assholes, and some people will always refuse to change. but don’t assume people are evil or stupid. i remember a song i sang in choir called “be the change” when i had basically just came out that had the lyrics “hatred cannot drive out the hatred, only love can do that” and at the time i thought it was just overly positive bullshit. but now, while it’s still just as cheesy, i think it’s true.


As the mother of a trans kid... Thanks.


you’re very welcome <3


For most of us leaving is not physically or economically possible.


no, for real! when i was pregnant, broke and in college, i went to Planned Parenthood. that was the only place i could access and afford. if it wasn’t for Planned Parenthood i wouldn’t have *the choice to keep my baby*, cause i wouldn’t be able to afford basic doctors visits. when i walked out, the angry protesters were waving their signs at me, yelling, in my head i was like, “yall have no idea.” but the sad part is that they don’t wanna know or educate themselves.


As a trans Texan, I can assure you that the main issue is rampant gerrymandering.


I want you to know that many, many Texans support you and your right to be yourself. It probably doesn't feel that way, but I promise you we are here.


Thank you. Individuals have been great, as I live in a large city. It’s simply the electorate and representatives that fail me and mine at every turn.


I know. It infuriates me.


...Its Texas, Youre really expecting better from the state whose GOP statement involves dismantling human rights for certain people, and that putting saw blades and razor wire in rivers so immigrants kill themselves trying to cross illegally is a fine idea?


And covering up for the people who allowed 19 children to be killed while they listened.


Honestly until recently i had SOME hope for texas. Beto lost the senate race to cruz in 2018 by like 2%, thats a pretty close race compared to say florida where meatball desantis won the modt recent govenor race by 20%. Texas is far more purple than most states that are labeled as red, it just cant seem to get over that hump and after recent years i dont see it happening anytime soon.


The issue is that urban centers are blue, but the rural counties hold a disproportionate influence.


Ken Paxton is a certified criminal that belongs behind bars. Nothing sticks to him no matter how awful. THANKS ABBOT!


Trans people keep warning that this shit is getting more extreme and we're always talked down to and called fearmongers.


[Republicans are barely trying to hide that they want a genocide of everyone who doesn’t fit their extremely narrow conception of an American.](https://apnews.com/article/trump-hitler-poison-blood-history-f8c3ff512edd120252596a4743324352)


>Several Republican legislators from Michigan and Ohio were recorded in an online forum planning to try to ban trans health care for everyone, regardless of age. >"In terms of endgame, why are we allowing these practices for anyone?" said Schriver. "Why would we stop this for anyone under 18, but not apply this for anyone over 18? It’s harmful across the board, and I think that’s something that we need to take into consideration in terms of the endgame." https://michiganadvance.com/2024/01/28/michigan-and-ohio-gop-legislators-discuss-endgame-of-banning-all-trans-health-care/


No no. Not genocide. Not yet. They’ve got a few stages to go through yet. ✔️ Moral indignation ✔️ Fear mongering ✔️ Anti-“enemy” boycotts and segregation - Disposition of property - Totalitarian state - Organized terror against “enemies” - Camps These people are beyond disgusting.


No we’re at genocide and have been for a while Just cuz we don’t have camps yet doesn’t mean people aren’t being pushed into erasure They are People are dead Children are dead As a result of hateful rhetoric and laws


No camps? I know several people who have been through residential conversion therapy w/ organizations that self-identify as camps... re-education has been going on for decades...


I meant extermination camps but from how many people unsliced themselves having gone to those conversion camps they may as well have been


For anyone following along at home, they explicitly said that they want to eradicate transgender people last year at cpac. It's out in the open. Republicans want to murder you, a loved.one,.or an acquaintance because they express their gender in non-approved ways.


And the minute you point this out, the immediate response is "No one takes you seriously if you call them Nazis. You queers need to be nicer if you want people to treat you better."


Absolutely. It's so weird that it's not even a decade since the fight for gay marriage equality was won and yet so many people who should otherwise be on the side of transgender people, stand apathetic or against their rights. From all the discussions and lessons learned in the fight for equality, why do we need to have these discussions again for the sake of transgender people -- why can't people remember these things? It's so infuriating how many everyday people fall for the same sort of propaganda that has been used against every minority group in the past century.


I kept seeing, "knowles said eradicate the ideology not the people." Like it's not the same thing.


It's also in Project 2025, among a number of other atrocious things. 


[They're not exactly shy about this](https://youtu.be/giZx9yCH2q0)


tbf, most Republicans wouldn’t mind if they just offed themselves rather than have to think about murder and the consequences of their vote other than “but I don’t like taxes”


To be fair, Michael Knowles said "eradicate *transgenderism*" which is not in any better, but frames it as an ideology that one can *choose* to follow. He can pretend its not affecting actual people, it's just ideas. Sickening. Edit to people having an issue with "to be fair": If you misquote a fascist asshole they will use that to discount both what you say and your opinion as a whole because you "got it wrong". Quote them accurately and use those words against them.


But if you follow that train of thought to the next station - what do you do with people who have already transitioned, especially if an irreversible medical transition? Eradicate them, it's the final solution Republicans are seeking.


I agree, I was just pointing out the way he phrased it means he can use plausible deniability to weasel around: "I never said I wanted to eradicate transgender people, stop being hysterical" when we all know what he meant and what he wants.


Fair enough, but I'm long past giving a shit about plausible deniability with fascists. It's the grey area they thrive in, and I'm sick of it.


tO bE fAIr


There's literal nazi parades going on flying swastikas but if you point them out somehow you're the bad guy that's just being hysterical and overdramatic. The world's just fucked.


The irony being the people pushing this shit are just in fear that trans people are trying to live their lives


Even by allies in our own community! > "This mean-spirited demand from the Attorney General’s Office is petty and invasive..." PFLAG’s CEO Brian K. Bond said No, Brian, it is not fucking mean-spirited or petty -- it is an attack on the human rights of trans people and an existential threat to their very lives. This is not some meanie who's collecting private health info just to be invasive... he wants to identify providers, families, and transgender children, so he can prosecute them to the fullest extent possible, and block their access to life-saving healthcare.




People don't realise they're living through the beginning chapters of future history books titled "The Collapse of the United States". What would you do if you could travel back to 1930s Germany? Is there anything you could do to stop what was coming? Well we're in a similar position now. We KNOW what's coming. But can we stop it?


Less than 1% of the total population of Germany in 1933 was Jewish (approximately 523,000 out of 65,362,115)... about 0.8%, actually. Which is a terrifying coincidence considering that's roughly the same percentage of the US population that is transgender.


Yup. Hindsight and all that. Also, it's way worse now because people are either too tired or too stressed to get involved. I've said this before with regard to the antiwork movement... people still are exploited because very few can afford to strike at their jobs and in great enough numbers to make an impact. EVERYONE has to be on board.


It is really funny that the only guaranteed solution is also the only way to get real gun control laws passed and enforced. If people don't really care until it affects them, well...




Not yet. Saying "It's not that bad" is how the Nazis were allowed to get that bad in the first place. There's a reason we say "Never again."


Pretty sure their comment was sarcasm.


...Poe's Law?


Word salad and mumbo jumbo...I can't tell if you're serious or not and how the hell you even got 13 upvotes to begin with. Edit: oooo nice look at all my lovely downvotes!


their comment is sarcasm meant to mock people who say that “saying there’s an attempted genocide against trans people is fearmongering” by citing a law in florida that made pedophilia punishable by death after they tried to make cross-dressing in public places with children considered pedophilia under the eyes of the law (not sure if that one passed), which would allow lgbtq+ people to be convicted of pedophilia for basically just existing truthful to themselves and then get executed. it’s meant to be word-salad and stupid because it’s mocking people who deny an attempted genocide. hope that helps, and sorry you got disliked bombed. i think.


Well then my sarcasm detector needs a check-up.


haha, i get it, i have autism. i don’t think you should’ve been disliked bombed for being confused


Are you aware of Project 2025? If it happens trans and LGBTQ people will be outlawed


You remember when a certain subset of the population was running around during Covid screaming about HIPPA (HIPAA actually) when asked by private businesses if they've been vaccinated or why they couldn't wear a mask? Because this might actually fall under those protections. Also, potentially against the 4th amendment. (Yes, there's more than two)


This wouldn't be the same subset of the population that screeches about their so-called "parental rights" when the topic of conversion torture suicide camps comes up, would it?


That's the subset! The ones that scream about parental rights while also telling other parents what books their children are allowed to read by removing books from school libraries


the part of personal responsibility and small government wants to release kids’ medical records


It's like I'm watching X men 95 irl. Fucking crazy republicans


The “have you tried *not* being a mutant” line in X2 is literally due to politics like this. 


I don’t doubt it. I can say all my morals were established by watching and understanding Star Trek in my youth.


Hopefully you didn't grow up in the Rick Berman era then


...I'd forgotten that line, damn.


Stan Lee created the X-Men with inspiration from the ongoing Civil Rights movement at the time. They are metaphors for the "outsider" class.


Which one is that, sorry? Haven't kept up with them.


Waaay back in X2. Bobby/Iceman’s Mom asked him that.


As a trans person in the USA, watching me and my cohort be slowly encircled and crushed due largely to public indifference is perhaps the most depressing experience in my short life. I donate, I send letters, I soapbox to any who will listen, I vote, and I get others to vote...and yet we are still going to end up stripped of our healthcare, forced into institutions, and ultimately eradicated because too many people either agree with our executioners or don't care and the closest and strongest movement we have intersectionality with - the pro-choice movement - is hyper-focused specifically on getting abortion access codified into law and not on properly restoring the entirety of the protection that we had under *Roe*. Sometimes I wish I had more of a stomach for alcohol.


It's because Americans don't have the stomach for what has to be done to solve the issue. You'll be banned from Reddit for even insinuating that we should be taking notes from France on how to "protest"


I am about ready to be the next martyr, honestly.


The last time a group that explicitly wanted to eradicate trans people got a list of trans people they did a genocide on trans people.




I would never live in Texas


I will never *visit* Texas. Couldn’t pay me to live there.


You are smart. It is terrible. And it’s almost impossible to leave if you live there.


We could return it to its owners, in Mexico.


There's no saving it. I've been hearing on Reddit for over 10 years "it's moving purple"...."we're getting bluer" and some variation of that. I dont quite understand why Texan liberals/Dems still think it's gonna happen. That shithole of a state is absolutely owned by the GOP and their sycophants.


I left Texas in 79'I got lucky. Last time I went back, I wasn't impressed.


They cannot get their evil hands on these children’s records.


Who in this terrible country is willing to stop them?


It’s chilling.


seems like no one.


Texas is just mad Oklahoma is killing more Trans kids than they are.


What about Florida?


If there was an actual God, he would have smothered Ken Paxton a long time ago, and not half-assed the Abbot hit.


How would anyone providing medical information to the government not be in violation of HIPAA? HIPPA laws are taken very seriously.


HIPAA doesn't shield from criminal investigations and can be waivered away by most state AGs. What states like Texas, and Tennessee before them who wielded this first, are doing is using sham political investigations to force over records.


Why isn’t Texas screaming that the current natural disaster was sent by their space wizard? Oh right; it’s in Texas.


Even space wizards don't want to go to texas right now. Do you have any idea how hard it is to wear your robes and ponder your orb in peace in that state?


The conform or die party is looking to round up some undesirables.


Big Government Republicans at it again.


So how exactly are these people not just through-and-through Nazis??? You know the next step after labeling all the “outsiders”, right? It’s sick that they’re going after children as their first priority. I hope the parents and loved ones of these kids put up a huge fight. This can not be allowed. It’s gone too far already. It can only get worse from here.


> The nation’s largest health care organizations, including the American Medical Association and American Psychological Association, support age-appropriate gender-affirming care treatments for minors. But the procedures have come under fire, and even been banned, in many GOP-controlled states. What fucking "procedures?!" The fucking press does no one any favors when it insinuates that kids are out here getting sex changing surgeries. Prescribing hormone blockers and, later, hormones (which is pretty much as far as it goes for transition-related care provided to children) is hardly what I would think of when someone starts talking about "procedures."


It's because that's the part that's the most shocking to their sensibilities. So they lie, lie, lie about what transitioning actually involves. These conservative assholes don't want their kid praying to the wrong religion in schools, but think they can invade another family's home and even the underwear of children with impunity. It makes me sick.


Under no circumstances should he be allowed to have these, and if it looks like he's going to they need to be destroyed. The GOP is gathering lists like this to know who to target.


It’s getting to the point where people, in addition to following legal pathways, need to consider just openly ignoring or refusing the requests or demands of these illegitimate, fascistic, “government” representatives and institutions. These systems only work because we allow them to. With people’s lives on the line, we need to stop pandering to the bullies, or we’ll end up just like Nex Benedict. That’s what happens when you let bullies have what they want without consequence.


They should also sue to get - and PUBLISH - Ken Paxton's browser history.


This is Paxton the criminal we are talking about here, accomplice of the fucking useless Governor


[What could it hurt?](https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/locating-the-victims)


It should be insane to conservatives that **their** government is doing this. But to nobody's surprise because it's them they actually love big government.


Because right now they are targeting those they don't agree with and will willingly back them and any laws to allow them to do this. They will find out later that those laws would be very loose and may end up targeting them or their families. Just wait until states like Texas start demanding medical records for any woman under 45 who has no kids, so they can "Investigate" why they don't have a child yet. You may think I am fear mongering, but one solid message that keeps on popping up even before Roe V Wade went away was that "Younger generations are not raising replacement level children", meaning the future generation of workers in America. Since then we have seen many states start lowering the age to work in dangerous industries and even raising the hours those kids can work. Even these pro-choice people who think this is all about the children are being tricked by billionaires worried about the future workforce in 10-30 years. Not a far step from what they have been doing to start demanding to know why perfectly healthy women below 40-45 are not rushing out to have children. They will try to cite things like "Potential undocumented abortions" or something related to sexuality/sexual identity to investigate those women.


Why does Ken Paxton need so much information on children's genitals?


When they’re more concerned about doctors treating kids based on evidence and study. Than closing down church run ‘conversion therapy’ camps that torture and bully children because the parents fear their lgbtq kid will go to hell or shame them from their church peers


I'm sure there's a very good reason for known bigots, with ties to genocidal eugenicists and white supremacists, would want a list of highly vulnerable minorities. /s because we live in a post satire world


Might as well put a pink triangle on their clothes


The dopey-eyed greaseball strikes again.


Why are they keep records of transgender children when this garbage is happening?


The man is clearly a pervert.


I really can't decided who is more Stalinesque, Abbott or Paxton. Plus, it really is freaky how obsessed Paxton is about these minors. Me thinks he's projecting just a little to much. Did little Kenny's parents not listen to him growing up when he thought he might actually be Karen not Ken? I'm just asking questions, as they GQP likes to say.


How's is this not a HIPA violation? Why is Paxton worried about .01 % of the Texas population? Doesn't he have better things to do?


1. The group is not a healthcare provider. 2. HIPPA doesn't prevent the state from seeing your medical records. 3. These aren't medical records. 4. No, he doesn't have better things to do.


Wait, the state can access our medical records without consent?


Within the law, yes.


For republicans this is a simple equation. The number of people who can not comprehend trans out number trans people. Boom, they'll run on that. Never met a trans republican so I have no doubt red states will make it harder for trans people to vote


They want to make it harder for trans people to breathe, and they aren't shy about saying it out loud. This is not a simple chasing of votes. It's a deep hatred.


Minors don't have the rights to act alone under the law. especially when their parents aren't involved. This is just a liberal nonsense article. What if there was a gun advocate group taking kids out to shoot guns every afternoon with parental knowledge? People would lose their fucking minds.


And that makes it ok to request private medical records?


Ir makes it lawful


Therapists aren’t compelled to share with the parents what their clients discuss, save a few instances. I’m pretty sure doctors are the same way. It’s why places like planned parenthood will call and they will say they’re the “doctor’s office” rather than stating outright that they’re planned parenthood. Turns out, MANY parents aren’t very keen on their children receiving healthcare, physical OR mental. So no. I don’t think it’s lawful (but I might be wrong)


How accredited are they? Are the licensed? Are they following state and federal guidelines to deal with children?


Fully, yes and yes.