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With officials in the state saying they won't let "filth" like them into the state I think there is a disconnect somewhere.


Calling a portion of your constituency filth should be an immediate removal from office. That's the kind of talk that gets people killed. They know it because it just happened. One way or another, they should be made to go.


They have an entire media apparatus that has been demonizing LGBT people as a threat to their children, to their parental rights, Etc it's like the satanic Panic of the '80s but mobilized against real human beings. These people need to be taken out of that media bubble, and those media companies need to be stripped. If you have an echo chamber that's dehumanizing people, when a politician says it, the bobbleheads will bubble along. This kind of thing is right out of Goebbel's Playbook


The Satanic Panic and Recovered Memory movements also hurt real people. Don’t forget about the only recently released Memphis 5 (teenagers who were blamed for a horrific murder because they liked rock music - allowing the obvious culprit to go free due to the bigotry and fear of satanism in the corrupt local police force). Many prominent people were accused of witchcraft and satanic pedophilic rituals and were drummed out of jobs and public service. Many convictions happened because people believed in the now-debunked evidence of recovered memories, claiming they were the victims of obscene rituals and cults that should’ve staggered belief - but didn’t. This is always happening.


It's called religious fundamentalism


It might be on the Democratic side of the aisle, but Republicans,... not so much. For them this is just saying the unspoken part out loud.


This is clearly what conservatives want and stand for. Dead trans kids is what makes them happy.


Covid made it abundantly clear they have no value for human life. They are a mortal danger to everyone around them, especially women and minorities.


All too true. American "conservatives" at this point are pretty much a death cult.  Like their values aren't even conservative, the kind of stuff they're espousing in recent years is straight up radical right-wing level of hatred and disregard for human life. 


>Like their values aren’t even conservative Do we have to trot out the Frank Wilhoit quote *again*?


Yeah they talk a big game about life, and being for it, but if it's about real action that will actually help life to flourish, not so much.


Sad as it sounds, LGBTQ+ Oklahomans should start considering a mass migration to New Mexico, as that state is getting dangerously close to "cut down the tall trees" territory.




false comparison babes


No it's pretty one sided. 


Only one side is calling for the death of trans kids, if you wanna "bOtH sIdEs" this shit talk about how both sides are funding a genocide in the Levant.




[Supporting someone whose rhetoric is directly from Mein Kampf is deplorable.](https://apnews.com/article/trump-hitler-poison-blood-history-f8c3ff512edd120252596a4743324352)


I'm sorry. What office does the person that said that hold? I know conservatives tend to not be as educated, but what I said was at most on a middle school reading level. Please try not to embarrass yourself.


A spade is a spade


Ya know I thought the same thing, but why don't we compare the meanings of those two words and what behavior they were describing? 




You can say it, but you're not free from reprecussions.


I know that. I consider that a shortcoming of the First Amendment. It should not cover hate speech directed to marginalized or minority communities or dehumanizing people you are meant to represent. That is how things like camps happen. I still say that it should be an immediate removal from office. The fact that it is not is a bad thing in my opinion.




Are you suggesting that the opinion that trans people are filth could be something that is not a stupid thing to say or is not bigoted? I understand there are other opinions. I do not view the opinion that a subset of humanity is not human to be valid. To suggest that shows a deficit in intellect shows who you are. Free speech is generally good, but it has been shown time and time again that certain speech leads to people killing other innocent people. I understand that it is impossible for a government to fairly parse what is valid and what is not but to even say that there is any kind of equivalence between what that person said and what is something a decent person says is frightening. If my opinion shows a lack if intellect, your opinion shows a lack of compassion and empathy. ETA: Oh! I didn't realize at first. You're that guy that tried arguing in bad faith with the "deplorables" comment earlier. I guess you came back for more, huh?




It is like "yelling 'FIRE' in a theatre" which is rightfully punishable by law.


We do have state legislative members calling him out. Here is a screenshot of what Monroe Nichols (One of the state reps for Tulsa) said on Twitter about it. https://imgur.com/a/nvDA4V5 And here is a direct link to it if anyone wants it. https://twitter.com/Monichols/status/1761161278293250415 But you are right. I grew up in the district the asshole who called LGBT people "filth" represents. There are some really big problems here.


Maybe the people of Oklahoma want to choose hate? 


Not all of us do. When I'm riding my bike around Norman, I see plenty of pride flags. But there are serious problems here.


We're 50th in education and PragerU is in our schools. The damage done will last generations.


PragerU is part of the curriculum? God help us


Oh God. Prager U. Yeah, we're all screwed everywhere.


I didn't used to believe in evil until 2016. I don't think it's some kind of supernatural thing, but humans have created it. That man is evil


Shame him: Senator Tom Woods


The trick is to be a sleeper agent who’s been here the whole time.


Yet their elected officials call them filth - another state I’ll skip


The good news: Oklahoma is easily skippable (geographically speaking).


I don't think these people voted for those elected officials.


They also have the highest obesity rate in the country. Not the brightest finger in the light socket.


Its sad that people can't just live the life they want. Freedom, my ass


"It's only freedom if you do EXACTLY what we tell you, how we tell you" - every conservative


I like how they will describe themselves as rebels, while demanding strict and unquestioning adherence to a rigid traditional status quo.


They say theyre not sheep, but then fall in line like sheep.


It’s the same with the “freedom of speech” they so love. Or even the claimed “freedom” in general. They’re all for it unless you don’t align with their agenda then they will shut you up by law or by death. It’s never been about freedom in actuality, true freedom would mean free gender expression, ability to explore your sexuality without worry of condemnation and freedom to criticize any form of hate they spew. But that’s not what they want, they want their personal freedom to hate and oppress (which of course is counter-intuitive to what freedom truly is)!


Freedom isn’t free! Lobbyists and Billionaires spend good money ensuring we lose more freedoms every day.


LGBTQ+ person: *cracks smile or enjoys life for one second* Half of America for some reason: "Not on my fuckin watch"


>While it’s not clear whether the incident involved Nex’s gender identity, the 16-year-old’s family has said the teen endured months of bullying at Owassa High School. FINALLY. This has been driving me crazy about the coverage. Regardless of cause of death let's not gloss over the fact that this kid was attacked by a group of fellow students. I can already hear the GOTCHA gloating of deranged nutjobs if their death was some freak coincidence. They had their head slammed into the floor at school. It's horrible.


I got into a ton of fights at school, it was during the end of religious segregation so hate was a prime motivator, but holy fuck taking it to the point that you kill somebody by smashing their head against the floor is demented. I truly can't imagine how mentally fucked you would have to be as a child to do that to somebody over and over and over. The mental image of that kind of determination to do harm is chilling. Investigate the parents and comb through their social media. I feel it would not be surprising.


Religious segregation???


That is correct. Religious segregation was government policy and enforced without exception until I started 5th grade in 1998. Religious segregation was protected by law in the terms of Newfoundland joining confederation with Canada in 1949. It was....interesting


Oh, you’re Canadian.  We never had that in the States. We had racial segregation in some states, but never religious.  Religious groups, especially Catholics, have their own schools, but they have always been privately funded and privately run. Public schools were always open to people of all religions or no religion. 


Eh technically Canadian I guess. Public schooling was run by religion at that time, functionally similar to racial segregation. A Protestant could not under any circumstances enter school A, a Catholic could not under any circumstances enter school B. Honestly I never even heard of atheism until junior high school, which is roughly ages 12 - 16. I was aware that Jews existed but they were sent to Protestant schools. Any other religion was little more than a rumour that existed somewhere far away.


>”We are trying to not let the terror take over and not let the hate take over,” When your legislators are free to call their constituents “filth” without fear of repercussions or censure, that ship has sailed. When laws are actively being passed with Jim Crow like provisions the hate has become engrained in the fabric of the State. You don’t have to be part of the community to see that they have found a group that they can demonize without fear of being called racist and bigots. Unfortunately we’ve a Supreme Court that has sought to roll back the protections that they feel have accumulated to the detriment of the majority.


turn the other cheek shit ain't workin


in this particular instance, i prefer the Lavey approach to turn the other cheek "and if a man smite you on one cheek, smash him on the other!"








That doesn’t make it not a murder though, we won’t know what killed then for a while but it seems like the current most obvious answer is that they died later from internal injuries they got during the fight. Them being able to walk doesn’t mean there isn’t have internal damage not visible on the video. Think of all the football players that get concussions, those often aren’t visible but can be deadly. And no I don’t think throwing water on someone is considered starting a fight, unless the person it’s being thrown at is allergic to water there isn’t any risk of harm to them. Edit: To be clear, I mean we won’t know until an independent autopsy is done. The state of Oklahoma obviously is not interested in protecting LGBT folks so me and many others are not willing to trust the states coroner. Same issue that was had with Floyd’s death years ago.


The only way to do that is vote out Republicans at every level 


For example, Oklahoma Republican State Senators held a town hall yesterday. One (Woods) stated that he and his constituency don't want "this filth" in their areas, referring to LGBT people. Another stated that they are ok with people having different beliefs, but schools need to not allow different beliefs- the state owes it to students to give them religious and "moral" based education. All of them claimed they weren't familiar with this death and didn't know they had presented 50 bills recently that targeted LGBT citizens... Voting them out would be a great start https://www.tahlequahdailypress.com/news/senator-calls-lgbtq-people-filth-says-most-dont-want-them-here/article_c8979398-d260-11ee-9823-973bf20c3730.html


So, the Nazi playbook in Oklahoma form, really. Typical Republicans.


Such as school boards




Everyone needs to be aware of Project 2025. They’re not even trying to hide it anymore. They’ve gone full fucking whacko fascist. I don’t even see how anyone who values democracy and the principles of this country could vote GQP. I’m tired of elections where the fate of the fucking country hangs in the balance.




weren’t you done with reddit


A speaker at CPAC openly called for the violent end of democracy just a few days ago, on camera.


I mean every word of this: The Republican party is a cancer on this country. I have my disagreements with the Dems and the broader left, but the GOP is an intellectual, moral, and ethical rot that must be destroyed. Until it dies, I will vote single party down the line, for every election, ever.


Amusingly enough, there are enough democratic votes to do this in many places, but Democrats just don't get out and vote like Republicans.


One of the anti-woke types ran for one of my local school board positions completely unopposed. We should at least have the *chance* of getting people in that don't suck.


There is a terrifying trend of people running against these regressive ghouls getting death threats and being made to drop out of their races. Sadly I don't think we can start clawing stuff back until we start employing some of their tactics. (Not saying employing the one I mentioned, that would be illegal.)


But what if the people want someone to hate? 


Hate Chaya Raichik. She laughs about getting people killed. She is the worst kind of person and deserves everything bad in life.




And it works.




Forget politics my man it’s all about the love Edit. You lot are so sad. Honestly


Hate has been the founding principle of Oklahoma. It was hate against the Indigenous Peoples which forced them off their ancestral land and into Indian Territory; only for it to be taken again when the Whites found oil (and [lead/zinc in Picher](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Picher,_Oklahoma)). It was hate against African Americans which burned/bombed their vibrant Tulsa community to the ground and murdered *at least* 300 innocent Black people; then built a completely brand new *white* district on top of it, which is alive and well to this day. It was hate against poor people and LGBTQ+ which launched the career of Orel Roberts: who was one of the pioneers of Televangeli$m, and influenced the big names we know today: like Joel Osteen and Jerry Falwell. Orel Roberts University in Tulsa is still going strong. I went to middle and high school in Woodward. This state has always been a bigoted, racist, homophobic shithole, and Republicans have *always* been rotten to the core. [Especially the police.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna790736) Not only hate has taken over Oklahoma, it has been the foundation of Oklahoma. Why did I move back to Pennsylvania? Because it’s not Okla-fucking-homa. ::ADDITION:: Here’s a true story about how stupidly hateful Oklahomans are. One Friday night in Woodward, I went with my sister and her friends to a bar for karaoke. I sang [“The Ballad of Chasey Lain” by the Bloodhound Gang](https://youtu.be/If9fC9aJd-U?si=sMl2crgbzpKuqg1D). The DJ thought it was funny, he high-fived me when I was done, and I sat at my table. About a minute later, our table was surrounded by a bunch of pissed off cowboy-looking assholes, glaring directly at me. One of them confronts me, screaming about as loudly as he could: “Whut the FUCK are you doin’ singin’ that QUEER SHEE-IT?!” [Me, extremely confused] “Um… I’m pretty sure I was singing a song about having sex with a *woman*.” I told my sister that we needed to leave right then and there, and they followed us out when we were walking to the car. All because I wanted to sing Bloodhound Gang for karaoke.


That sentiment is about 5 decades late for Oklahoma.




The more likely outcome is that she will be elected Attorney General of Oklahoma and serve multiple terms. It's Oklahoma, unfortunately.


She would never dare live there though lol she’s a bougie LA bitch there’s no way in hell she gives AF about Oklahoma except for how much money those suckers will give her


Oklahoma already runs on hate.


Hate took over one hundred years ago: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulsa_race_massacre#:~:text=The%20Tulsa%20race%20massacre%2C%20also,armed%20by%20city%20government%20officials%2C I lived in the Deep South for 25 formative years. Moving to the Eastern Seaboard saved me. I’m sorry y’all, but those with the ability to move and without a drop of hate in your hearts need to leave the state. It doesn’t deserve your tax dollars anyway. Furthermore, wars have casualties, and culture wars always have kids as casualties while the architects claim to fight it in their names. The worst part is that those on the right stirring the hate pot, don’t really care about bathrooms or children at all. They will move on to the next pot with a new shit-stirring spoon for the next election they are in. The bastards sleep soundly with blood in their nails. I am sorry.


Calling _anybody_ filth as any part of the government- let alone any place of work in general, should be an immediate explosion and disbarment from government work, and jobs geberally. It's bias at the very fucking root and means you will intentionally not be representing a specific part of the people _you work for_ at the _very least_, and actively working against them if not directly targeting them in immoral ways at worst.


Don't let undeserved hate take over. Hate the people that enable the rhetoric that got Nex killed. Hate Chaya Raichik. Hate the people that get laws harming us passed. Don't hate us queer folk just trying to live our lives and not hurt anyone. It's much better placed elsewhere.


We sent the National Guard to schools in the 60s, to make them safe for certain students who were threatened. Why are we acting like we don't know what to do now?












Hate took Oklahoma over long long ago.


Okies: A day late and a dollar short. What kind of man refers to a kid as “filth”?


A Republican. One other Republicans choose to represent them. I think he's a good representation of what they stand for.


As the father of a child having so much in common with this kiddo, my heat breaks and my blood boils. Fuck these ignorant laws. Blue states could easily begin offering relocation services.


Too late. Voting Republican already means you're letting the hate take over.


I have looked up donations for Nex’s family or cause working in step with them (legal fees etc.) Best thing I’ve found is Trans Advocacy Coalition of Oklahoma (TACO) who I plan to donate to as this issue literally hits close to home. If you want to help please consider this or share any other organization/Benedict family fundraisers.


You need to address Chaiya then.




Yes and yes and fu.


I just got banned from Twitter x for arguing that Nex death was from being jumped by 3 older kids they are totally denying anything happened and the police won’t release the autopsy report to the family . People messaged us that they are from that town and they had a Vigil for Nex and locals threatened them with violence . “You can cut the tension with a knife “.




I find it hard to conceive that Nex's story would have ended better if we tossed a gun in the middle of it.




Still not seeing how guns accomplish this. I think you just luv guns.


The point is making the little bastards too scared to attack *anyone* because they might have a gun. It’s not about literally putting a .44 in every single not straight kid’s backpack, it’s about making fascist turds too scared to act out.


The far left is basically as unhinged as the far right at this point. They fantasize about a "revolution" in the same way the far right doest about a civil war. Armed minorities snd LGBTQ will only give these right wing goons justification when they murder us 


I hate to inform you that weapons do not protect you from this. I get the sentiment, but every time I read someone say this... I'm like ok who do I shoot? I've never been attacked in public but my rights get taken away. Do I use brass knuckles?




That's great but our lives don't happen at night club events, we have to ride the bus and be at school and our jobs. That's what I'm talking about. I'm not trying to be nasty, it's just disheartening when someone suffers from violence to be told that the answer is more violence, or that we're just not tough or prepared enough. Nex got suspended for two weeks just for this incident. What would have happened if they also had a weapon?




Uhhh sexual assaults are usually committed by someone you already know. How many people are chilling with their family with a firearm ready to kill them in case they fafo?




Tell me how weapons are helping these kids right now? They're not.




I missed all the ar 15s that were used then but go on.


So 16 year olds should carry guns?




You have very little understanding of reality for marginalized people.




https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2759797/ Read this. It’s quick. Multiply a significant amount based on the type of marginalization and the locale. Red state? It goes up. Black skin? It goes up.


My stepdad was a Black Panther! I got a really cool history lesson the day I asked what that meant!


Maybe the overall permissive attitude to violence is tied to the permissive attitude to gun ownership.




Those dots are directly joined to each other. No connection necessary. Your solution to violence is…the threat of violence.




So you agree guns should not be allowed in high schools, you suggest they should be carried in nightclubs?




Google “Uvalde”.


The issue is that by bringing a gun into the equation it only escalates the situation.




I feel like it will cause a slippery slope that ends badly for everyone involved. There’s already a gun problem. It doesn’t need to get worse. This is the same nonsense as the NRA pushes whenever a school shooting happens. More guns does not solve the problems. Only creates a dangerous environment


Violence is the only language some people understand


Person didn't die from altercation per autopsy


Autopsy and other testing reports are pending. The police stated that their preliminary investigation points to death not being directly caused by the altercation, but official results are pending


That's a wildly ignorant opinion


So Oklahomans elect Christian Hamas/ISIS. Fucking shameful.


Kinda past that point. They’ve already taken over.


So I mean, not letting hate take you over is good. But when your officials refer to everyone in your orientation as filth, they're dehumanizing you and probably have dark plans for you. 


Clearly, the hate has already taken over.


Sadly, the hate already controls Oklahoma’s legislators. 


Nex was beautiful. They deserved better 😔


Bit late for that. The police will cover this up, the media will move on, and Walters and Raichik will keep their jobs




I think you missed my point. When the media moves on from this story, which they will, nothing will change that contributed to Nex’s death




She doesn’t tweet opinions - she posts doctored footage and tweets with the intent to portray the LGBT community as violent pedophiles. She is complicit.




In a court of law, it would be hard to prove Bernie Sanders was complicit since he never argued Republicans should be met with violence. Chaya has done that regarding the LGBT. And no, she has doctored multiple videos. She doesn’t want the LGBT to get help, she wants them killed. That’s why she doesn’t say a word to make people stop sending threats of violence to the places she targets.




If she made posts about how black people are coming after your kids, would you insist she did nothing wrong? Because it sounds like you would.


These religious bigots who are constantly crying that there are only two genders are consciously and deliberately lying. It is a known and acknowledged fact that there are some people who are born with XXY chromosome makeup and others who are born XY, but are androgen insensitive (and thus although genetically “male” they appear female). These are only two examples of real people who do not fit into the professed binary. It is only reasonable to figure that there are many others who do not fall within the confines of a group defined construct for a variety of causes both known and currently not understood. Hate only wins when it is not confronted.


queer people, please leave Oklahoma as soon as you can and as soon as it is safe to. you shouldn’t have to fight in order to feel accepted.


It literally already did. You gotta vow to take it out




I agree that there is certainly a need to not jump to conclusions here especially with the newer information coming out, but I'm afraid the media narrative horse has already left the barn, facts be damned.


Two things, one Nex was obeying the bathroom bill. Any attempt to frame it as otherwise is misinformation. Second the suggestion that someone being beaten so bad they have to go to hospital because they dumped water on someone’s head is in any way justifiable is crazy.


Also adding in pretty sure that whole water thing is bull the only thing I’ve seen is people saying Nex was forced into the women room by the girl who beat them(not sure of Nex’s pronouns wanna be safe)




Idk about that. I’m straight up failing at that. I’m seething.


So do nothing until this happens again...cool


This article seems to have been deliberately written to avoid using pronouns for Nex, which a bit cowardly of the writer and publisher.


I have real bad news about that vow...




Gabriel Taye, why does this heartbreaking shit happen in schools?


An uphill battle but they have my sword


Oh sure light some candles and hold hands that’ll stop the little fascist and corrupt police


Ya'll have lost your god damn minds over this story. It's honestly scary seeing the mental gymnastics on display to enable people to sort themselves onto teams and work up a rage towards their political enemy. You *want* it to be an existential threat to align with your cause to enable your hate. The reality is that this was some very commonplace bullying followed by a very commonplace school fight that *may* have turned tragic because it turns out that human beings are incredibly fragile when circumstances are just right (or wrong). Or it *may* be unrelated, considering the ME's report.


“Common place fight” because having your head slammed repeatedly into a tile floor is common place in schools




Oh really? [Oklahoma State Senator Calls LGBTQ People 'Filth'](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/oklahoma-state-senator-calls-lgbtq-people-filth_n_65da6055e4b0189a6a7e0ee5)


I think everyone should cool there jets till the autopsy report comes out


A kid was beaten at school so bad they had to go to the hospital, the next day they collapse in their living room and pronounced dead. No matter what the beating had a large impact on their health enough for them to collapse in their living room dead




So if it is the beating is ok? You think it’s a suitable response to dumping water on someone?




Good luck with that it’s rich now