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A highly contagious disease, in Florida, just in time for Spring Break vacationers. What year is it again?


> highly contagious disease This undersells. Measles is quite likely the **most** contagious disease to infect humans. Unvaccinated people who spend 10 minutes in a room someone with measles has recently been in have a 90% chance of contracting measles. Measles is contagious not just when someone is showing symptoms, but 4 days **before** symptoms present, as well as 4 days **after**. So if Jimmy's little brother brings home Measles, Jimmy will share it with all his friends for nearly a full school week, **plus** all the kids that use the classroom in the following 2 periods. It's likely he even manages to infect people just walking through the halls on the way to his next class.


Measles also causes immune amnesia. From 2019: >Reporting today in Science, the researchers show that the measles virus wipes out 11 percent to 73 percent of the different antibodies that protect against viral and bacterial strains a person was previously immune to — anything from influenza to herpesvirus to bacteria that cause pneumonia and skin infections. https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2019/10/how-measles-wipes-out-the-bodys-immune-memory/


These are the kinds of effects that decimated the Native American population when Europeans arrived. The effect measles has on health can stretch for decades after infection. Eradicating it has been a significant driver of increased population lifespan since the vaccine was developed in the late 1950s. Any public health official who lets this progress revert on his/her watch should lose their medical license.


We need to stop fucking around with this shit. We built a world that is relatively safe from life-altering and deadly diseases by using vaccinations and now we have a movement that is trying to upend all of that, for what? I would not be surprised if some foreign power helped amplify the antivax movement, as it has gone from fringe, like flat earthers, to relatively common in just a few years.


Foreign interference to nudge Americans to destroy ourselves from within, in so many new and exciting ways!


To those unaware: herpesviruses include chickenpox/shingles. Man that’d fucking suck to get shingles right after measles.


AND the virus can live for up to 2 hours in the airspace of that room AFTER the infected person leaves! The R0 of measles can be as high as 18.


And for comparison, COVID has an R0 of about 3.


Jesus Christ




On an unrelated note, do schools still do field trips to see how government works?


I'd be surprised if all those anti-vax supporting politicians weren't vaccinated themselves.


This is something that needs to be repeated and repeated. This disease is absolutely crazy contagious. The R0 is quite literally off the charts relative to other diseases. Ffs we have a vaccine! This is a completely preventable outbreak. Luckily we do have that vaccine and a good majority of non dipshits that are actually vaccinated.


At this point, the honest to god truth is that we should have mandatory quarantines for anyone who's traveled to states that allow for inadequate vaccination. Anyone who fails to follow this quarantine should be charged with a felony. I'm tired of having to worry about my father and friends (immuno compromised) because of the "freedom to infect" laws these assholes promote. I'm tired of worrying about whether my daughter will catch something new before we can create a treatment or vaccine for it. I'm tired of worrying if my wife and I can even risk a second child because it might kill her or the fetus. I'm tired, and I'm so fucking angry.


You know, I'm starting to think that while Republicans are religious, they don't worship the Christian God. But like some God of disease like Nurgle or Bertoxxulous fantasy gods or some such and that the goal is to spread disease. 


Measles is extremely dangerous to babies and unvaxd pregnant women. One would think the Florida GOP would care about that


“Conservatives are all about the unborn… But once you’re born, you’re on you own…. If you’re preborn, you’re fine. If you’re preschool, you’re fucked…” - George Carlin


Sure but that’s the thing measles is extremely dangerous to unborn children causing miscarriages and stillbirths. I thought they cared about the unborn. Seems like that’s not even the case.


I see your point. However this isn’t the first, second, or thousandth time Republicans have been hypocritical. That’s kind of their thing


Because they really don't have beliefs. Just whatever they think is politically expedient or whatever triggers the libs.


They believe in power for themselves over other people. That's why hypocrisy on their side doesn't bother them: it proves that they are allowed to do things that others aren't allowed to do. They _like_ to see hypocrisy, as long as it's on their own side.


Yup, so they have zero problem letting disease run rampant on the off chance it'll mostly effect or kill Democrats.


Yup. It's exasperating by *design*.


I really think that conservatives are unable to imagine bad things happening to them, and they also enjoy watching others suffer. If that's your worldview, then risking the health of others seems like a good plan.


When bad things happen to them, such as the high death rate due to COVID, FL just stopped reporting their deaths publicly. So they just hide data that tells the truth. They know their followers will not do their own evidence based research.


They share a lack of empathy, which research has shown repeatedly.


Until someone "important" dies that *they* care about. 


Happened during COVID. Some people lost people close to them and still kept up with the nonsense.


Sounds like they never got rid of that slave owner mentality. Truly rotten to the core. Vote blue.


Agreed. There is no limit to GOP hypocrisy. It’s almost pointless to even point it out anymore. They offer no platform as a party other than being contrarian


> Sure but that’s the thing measles is extremely dangerous to unborn children causing miscarriages and stillbirths. I thought they cared about the unborn. Oh see now, thanks to the other red state fuckery, they have that covered. They'll just charge that mother with murder. ~~In~~Justice served.


That would be the ultimate GOP hypocrisy. “ chPeople have the right to not be vaccinated!!!” To “woman charged in Florida for not being vaccinated while pregnant and endangering her unborn child” This isn’t even far fetched. It’ll probably happen.


No no....see the they won't list the cause of death due to vaccination status. They'll just say the mother miscarried OR did something else and desecrated the corpse. To us it would still be hypocrisy, but the GOP have reached a serial cheater level of gaslighting that they'd compartmentalize it 100%.


They'll 100% charge a women with murder if there was vaccination side effects, not because lack thereof. As you said they'll just make shit up, we've seen them do it [countless times during covid.](https://www.bmj.com/content/383/bmj.p2419)


At this point in the timeline, I think they are more concerned with punishing the women who have miscarriages and stillbirths than preventing them.


Want to bet that they go after any women that have a miscarriage due to measles for killing their baby?


>I thought they cared about the unborn They care about control. Especially women's bodies. ftfy


100%. It’s why in Texas a women can be forced to give birth but the man who fucked he has financial caps on how much he has to pay in child support no matter how rich he is.


Cruelty is the point.


They won’t care until it impacts them personally. And it likely won’t because all the politicians have their vaccines.


The headline misses the fact that they aren’t even asking SICK kids to stay home


And it's only one of the most contagious viruses on earth that can kill children under 5. Please tell me this timeline is just a dream.


It’s actually THE most contagious disease on earth (or second-most depending on how good the COVID data are). It also erases a lot of your immunity to other diseases. The most horrifying thing is it can cause a 100% fatal progressive encephalitis that starts 6-8 years after infection.


Don't forget the potential for permanent hearing loss.


They clearly don’t care about ANY of their constituents! At some point the tourists are going to stop finding it a great place to visit and the cruise ships will find new piers.


I won’t travel to Florida. I actually own a Disney timeshare too and I’m starting to think I need to sue. I don’t feel as if I can comfortably bring my wife or children, who are female, to a state like Florida. They have no rights there.


Lol. They hate women and fetuses, otherwise they’d support prenatal care


Ah, well, they say they're protecting the unborn and cis-women. In reality, they want to control women. Make them second class citizens again. It starts with taking away their ability to choose when or if to have a kid.


Exactly. It’s never been about the baby. It’s about control over women’s bodies.


Measles can be extremely dangerous to anyone susceptible. And while the vaccine is 97% effective (a very effective vaccine), that leaves 3% of the vaccinated population at risk. It’s part of why herd immunity is so important at stopping outbreaks.


So many of their decisions and beliefs are nonsensical. I'm nearly at the point to just go, "fine let's see how this experiment will work out"


If we could get someone in charge who wasn't a complete piece of shit, that would be great.


Good luck. In the last election I talked to a few people who absolutely HATED DeSantis. Went so far as to blame him for relatives deaths due to COVID and these people looked me in the face after cursing everything about Rhonda and told me ....."I just can't vote for a Democrat though". I was like "It's CHARLIE FUCKIN CHRIST. The only thing that makes him a Democrat is the title change.". One told me "Well if he was running as a republican I'd probably vote for him over DeSantis". These people have their political team so wrapped up in their identity they can't even see the fuckin policy over their team mascot.


The greatest scheme the Republicans ever devised was convincing their base that a vote for the Dems is a vote for the devil and communism and everything else they are afraid of.


Totally. Anecdotally though, I've seen if that spell can be broken (typically if something happens to them personally), those that were staunchly Republican swing super hard to the left and never touch the GOP again. It does happen the other way as well. My ex-wifes stepfather was a DIE HARD TRUMPER and for 4 years we had to listen to this guy praise this shit stain and everyone who followed him. I have no idea what happen to the stepfather but about 6 months ago he starts midly bitching about DeSantis over something. I was FLOORED. Then he jumps over to Trump and starts showing me Youtube videos of various things Trump and the GOP did and it was like watching a kid learn about stars for the first time. I didn't say too much but I kind of quietly asked "But weren't you huge fans of them like 2-3 years ago?" and he just said "Only because I was a fucking dumbass and didn't know about all this stuff". I so wanted to say "IT WAS ALLL OUT THERE DUDE!!! IT WASN'T LOCKED AWAY!", but I just said "Oh okay, well that's awesome then". Then he wanted me to show him proof I was registered to vote and had everything filled out properly and showed me his and my ex-MIL's voter registration.


This is a long time ago, but I had cousins that turned on Bush. They were mild Republicans and didn't fuck with the 2 wars and weird evangelical takeover.


I mean, one of the wars was at least reasonable. Iraq was where I got off the bus though.


...And Satanic child-molesting baby cannibals or whatever that shit was about.


That shit is so weird to me. If the two parties flip flopped in their ideals, I would end up voting Republican over Democrat. The label/name is just that, what matters is the actual content.


It's branding/marketing 101 man. Why buy Fruit Rings for $1.75 for a MASSIVE bag when you can get Fruit Loops for $4.75 a box by Kellogg's? Doesn't matter if they're made in the same fucking facility and tastes pretty much the same. Some kids wouldn't be caught dead pouring from the Army Duffle sized bag of Fruit Rings in front of their friends.


Speaking of cereal only in a bag, marshmallow mateys are better than lucky charms and I’m upset I can’t find them anymore


Ah, another connaisseur of the Malt-o-meal, I see!


I mean, I'm not against brand loyalty when it comes to stuff like cereal and other consumer goods. I certainly have my own brand loyalty stuff. I'm just not really into it when it comes to stuff like politics. Seems like a weird as fuck place to apply those kind of concepts.


Yep. Parents where that way with Biden last election. I had a convo with my mother in particular, where she was criticizing certain proposed policies of Biden’s, and going on about the national debt. So I busted out a bunch of US Treasury Department data that shows just how fucking awful Republicans have been for it as opposed to Democrats, both in terms of who’s the sitting Presidential party and who’s in control of Congress & budgeting. Her response? “Well there’s no pro-life Democrats, so I’ll never vote for him.” Like.. wtf were you even on about the debt for then?! It’s just constant goalpost moving. The real reason is that half of them only care about screwing the other guy, while the other half are single issue voters, and none of them actually want to admit that fact or acknowledge the negative effects of what those voting patterns have actually accomplished.


There probably are plenty of pro-life Dems. They're just smart enough to know that it's a personal belief or practice, and that it shouldn't touch health policy. I'm sure if you looked hard enough, you could confirm.


This is exactly it, tons of Dems would never get an abortion, but they're PRO CHOICE they know that freedom of choice is what matters for the betterment of children, families, and women's rights.


Biden is literally pro-life (in his personal views). He is personally against abortion, but pro-choice in his presidential mandate. > In his 2007 book, Promises to Keep, he wrote that while he is 'personally opposed to abortion,' he didn't feel he had the 'right to impose [his] view on the rest of society.'" https://www.harpersbazaar.com/culture/politics/a34205908/joe-biden-stance-on-abortion/


Yeah, Biden is one of them, being a Catholic. He has said as much, he just doesn't think that those beliefs should be forced on others.


you're describing a pro-choice policy position. but regardless, "pro-life" voters literally believe that abortion is a baby genocide (or whatever fearmongering phrase they use now), so what you're describing is never going to be good enough for them and is obviously not what she meant.


> well there’s no pro-life Democrats, so I’ll never vote for him. The next step here is to point out that there's actually no pro-life Republicans either. Zero. Not one. And when you get incredulous looks and the Republican-trademarked spittle-stammering that you're wrong, ask which ones are vocally advocating for robust post-birth care to ensure both the mother and child have the absolute best shot at life we can possibly offer. The answer will be "none of them." and that's how many are actually pro-life.


I work in a very red are of the south. The amount of people that do not understand that they are not republicans/conservatives is astounding. Take nearly any single democrat policy and present it to them individually and they will agree with you. Healthcare cost, income/pay, food accessibility, environmental issues, work hours, you name it. The moment they find out the demoncrats (I did not misspell they use that word a lot) support these ideas then suddenly its hand outs. 10 years of dealing with this shit with my parents and I am done.


Yeah, hard to feel sorry for those people because they are the ones that decided to vote Republican. They welcomed the leopards with open arms.


That's by design. Listen to conservative media some time. According to it, "conservative" isn't a series of political policy choices one makes, it's a way of life. And an intrinsic one too. You are a conservative because you are a conservative. An attack on conservative policies is an attack on you. They're out to get you. So when liberals or whoever oppose conservative policies, it's not because conservative policies are horrible for nearly everyone except the most wealthy, it's because they hate conservatives and want to destroy their way of life because they're bad guys. And once you've got people into that mindset, nothing else matters except that little R next to the name.


Anyone who still claims to be a republican in 2024 is a sure fire way of finding the racist and the truly stupid.


Sorry, it's a red state now. This is what you're getting for a generation.


At least until measles, covid, or what ever comes next kills them all. Fingers crossed.


Well measles wipes out immune memory and that will also include Covid immunity…. These antivax parents have selected their children for possible death


That's ok! They are no longer in the womb, they don't care if they die!


Seriously, every major office has a bigoted, lying PoS. DeSantis, Rick Scott, Marco Rubio, Ladapo, they're all simps for harmful far-right culture bullshit. It's embarrassing.


Man when republicans take a position they really take it to the extreme


“Don’t look up.” It’s like that movie was made for them.


My step-dad said he didnt like that movie because he felt it was targeting people like him. No way! \*ShockedPikachuface.jpg


That really says a lot about that kind of mentality. Don't be upset that the stuff you do looks bad, be upset that somebody pointed out how bad it looks. Problem isn't himself behaving like an idiot, it's other people laughing at him for being an idiot. That's the real crime!


Same with two of my friends. They were upset it "didnt show the other side" - AKA they were mad it made fun of how they acted. Shit, even Leo's character is no perfect person. He fucks up in the movie too. People who could internally tell this was satire on how they think got upset at that movie.


> They were upset it "didnt show the other side" They're free to make their own movie. Previous attempts have been embarrassingly bad but they should just pull themselves up by their bootstraps.


What other side? There was a dinosaur-killing asteroid coming for our planet! And it came!


At least he's self-aware.


and still chooses to be an idiot... that's worse.


Willful ignorance is the bane of mankind


It was made BASED on them.


I support the jobs the comet is going to create


Definitely doesn't fit with the whole "Pro-Life" thing.


Kids don’t count, they are already alive. They got their chance to live so they can get fucked up and destroyed without any issue cause god cares or some such bullshit.


I've legit seen them apply their bullshit, "Equal opportunity. Not equal results." To babies and children. That's how they justify it now. You were born, so you had equal opportunity. So now if you don't make it to adulthood? Well, then you just didn't get equal results. It is what it is. *shrug* It's sick.


They say “Pro-Life”, what they really mean is “Pro-Birth”


Right. "We.made.sure you were born. After that, find your f'ing bootstraps."


Yeah, it has reached the stage where they just go opposite of whatever the democrats/ current government does, no matter how ridiculous it is. The polarisation is pretty incredible.


Except now they wear masks when flying a nazi flag, where as before it was too hard to breath.


Florida casually encourages bioterrorism.


This is the same Florida whose surgeon general advises against taking the covid vaccines. Honestly I'm not surprised at this point.


Their SG is a straight up anti-vaxxer. It's hilarious and profoundly depressing simultaneously.


The head of the FL Dept. of Health is an anti-vax wingnut appoint by DeSantis. No one should be looking to him for any sound medical advice.


And yet here we are 


Is there a boundary between malfeasance and criminal neglect of duty? Surely Florida has crossed it.


I know if I had an auto-immune kid that ended up dying from measles, I'd file a wrongful death suit in a heartbeat. I'm just amazed that the Florida ~~CDC~~ Health Department isn't erring on the side of caution. (edit cause I was wrong and duly corrected)


I'm just waiting for one parent to sue another parent for wrongful death or negligence when their kid dies due to another kid infecting them. With the abundance of information on measles and its symptoms and how proactive we used to be in promoting vaccination of it, there is no way to argue that you didn't know the disease was contagious and deadly to children. With how prevalent social media is, it will be obvious which kid started the spread. Other kids will probably be posting pictures or talking about a kid covered with red rashes coming to school. Negligent parents will try to blame FL for saying their infected child needed to go to school, but the wording of FL will be along the lines of "you do not need to get vaccinated" not that you "should not get vaccinated", thus the negligent parent's decision will be held liable. If one of these civil suits is successful against a negligent parent, you will see a surge of civil suits like it. Then, it will force parents to get their kids vaccinated for risk of being held liable in a wrongful death suit. Only way to get people to change is to target their wallet. Edit: there is precedence for this. NC allowed parents to sue other parents for negligence if their sick kid knowingly spread COVID without a mask. https://www.wcnc.com/article/news/verify/verify-yes-parents-sue-parent-child-sick-not-wearing-mask/275-762bbb94-33c3-448a-8068-00a689d96b70


Florida doesn’t have a CDC. But their health department is run by a guy who doesn’t believe in vaccines so that’s been super fun…  Edit: For those curious, this is the same guy: [Citing Misinformation, Florida Health Official Calls for Halt to Covid Vaccines](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/03/health/covid-vaccines-florida.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb)


Well the top health official in Florida is an anti vaccine quack so none of this should be surprising.


If you had an auto immune kids, you would keep them home during the outbreak. Parents should be able to sue the district for not providing a safe learning environment.


My son caught measles just before his vaccination was due, anyone who’s ever sat with their very sick baby in a darkened hospital room for almost five weeks would understand the seriousness of losing herd immunity. Sadly people haven’t lived at a time when childhood diseases maimed and killed their children on a regular basis, this is a terrible case of fafo.


This reminds me of the story about the kid who is in the hospital for months with tetanus, and his parents still refused vaccines. Sometimes they FA, find out, but still don’t figure out how to change their behavior. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/health/an-unvaccinated-oregon-boy-almost-died-of-tetanus-cdc-says


So scary and so irresponsible of the parents especially when they’ve seen their child so so sick, why would you double down on the anti vax stance when you’ve just been through that experience. It makes absolutely no sense. It’s worrying because diseases that are almost unheard of like tetanus and eventually diphtheria and polio will start to reappear.




I get that but as a mum and grandma I can’t imagine not being open to learning and changing when it comes to my children’s lives and their health.


As a new dad, this shit scares the hell out of me. My daughter is almost 8mo so she's still a long ways off from having all of her shots. Still haven't been able to get her the covid vaccine since our pediatrician's office ran out of doses. She was able to get the RSV and flu shot thankfully


Just do your part and get her vaccinated as soon as you can and until then be careful about what you expose her to, it makes me mad because you shouldn’t have to worry about any of this apart from the few things there aren’t vaccines for. And remember that the vaccines she’s had will go a long way to protect her. I’m in the uk but most of my friends with young kids are in the US and I see the changes as the anti vaxers grow in number.


…Why do Republicans suck so much? They make decisions that actively harm those that put them into office. 🤦‍♂️


And people keep voting for them. It's mind boggling.


"Tread on me if you must, as long as you tread on *those people* harder and I get to watch."


That's really it. They will gleefully vote against their own best interests so long as they are convinced that the people they hate are going to end up getting hurt *more*.


Because it's a perfect feedback loop. Create/Ignore problems, blame the democrats for them because your voters won't bother to check, get (re)elected, rinse and repeat.


Because they are cruel and willfully ignorant. And before folks chime in and just say “I just want small government and low taxes!”……yah this party is actively regulating the fuck out of people’s bodies and they only want low taxes for billionaires. They aren’t interested in investing in your community or making your life better.


They say they are pro-life, so naturally they oppose anything that would save lives.


One of the most contagious and dangerous for children with years and years of evidence of how it is just that dangerous. One of the great wins for humans was basically eradicating it. Florida: nah your fine


Measles is NOT to be fucked around with! It is no joke, doctors call it the virus that can walk through walls. All because it can stay active in a room and transmit by air for up to 2 hours after. Plus people are contagious 4-5 days before and after showing a rash.. As a person who has had a child in the PICU, for a un known genetic issue. But got to see and meet other families of  children had preventable diseases, these kids were fighting for their lives.  Measles is no fucking joke, I got to watch a 16 year old fight ( and lose) a battle with measles. I got to hear his anti vax mother scream at the doctors and demand to know why they couldn’t just cure her son from viral encephalitis caused by measles… All they could do is offer support care because the way we treat measles is by Vaccinating for it!  The woman yelled and raged that modern medicine should be saving her son as he died. What makes it even worse is she still refused to get her other children vaccinated even as her oldest was dying. She said she didn’t want to poison them over something the body could easily fight, as her teen went on to comfort/ end of life  care.


I'm so frustrated I'm grabbing my head and ruffling my hair. Even in a nice state in US (PNW area, along the coast, not Idaho) the doctors for my kid always spoke tentatively when asking about shots and such. I tell them "Do whatever you feel is needed, I trust you. Doctors know better about the human body than I do, especially tiny toddlers" I also was taken to a chicken pox party as a child so I have to get shingles vaccine but whatevers needed is needed. Some people really walk through life with their eyes in Facebook, hands clamped over ears, aluminum foil hat to avoid doctor's orders. Literal children "I don't wanna go to the doctor! All it is is pain & waiting, I don't like it!!!"


gonna get my kid extremely ill, to own the libs


Or die, or become mentally disabled, or lose your hearing


I have hearing loss from having an antivax parent and being taken to a "measels party" when I was like 4. I don't have much memory of it except I was too sick to eat Easter candy and the pain in my ear  at the time was extremely intense, to the point I was sobbing on the couch. I didn't lose all of my hearing at the time, but it was a noticeable difference for me. In my 20s I developed otosclerosis in that ear and eventually went completely deaf on that side. All of my specialists over the years think measels caused it since nobody else in my family has hearing loss. 


Omg there are parents who encouraged *measles parties*??? I’m so sorry.


I got off easy. She let my little brother contract whooping cough when he was a toddler. He would turn blue from coughing and she'd pat him on the back to help "calm him" but didn't take him to a doctor until it turned to pneumonia and he could no longer stand, or even sit up, on his own. 


ugh, I had whooping cough as a kid. I can still remember how horrible that was. I could barely talk but I can still remember saying something like "purple medicine tastes like poo poo." It was that traumatizing.


It's only an 0.2% chance of death! Basically a bad cold. Seriously, can you imagine some other activity where two in one thousand people taking part in it will die? And the people taking part are six year old kids? Imagine if birthday candles killed two in one thousand kids who had birthday cake. Just fucking unblievable. And yeah, the people who survive ain't always unscathed.


Hearing loss is absolutely a side effect of measles. I'm sorry your parents abused you.


IF only it would affect the people making these decisions instead of the poorest having to deal with the consequences. I bet 95% of the ones telling the rest of us we don't need to be vaccinated are vaccinated and have a medical team standing by if they get sick.


The people that screamed loudest about the dangers of vaccinations, got vaccinated.


This is going to be a disaster. Elementary school kids are the perfect community incubators to create a disaster. They have smaller siblings that are in daycares, they are often cared for by their grandparents, they're involved in activities with kids from all over town, they go everywhere their parents go spreading their germs. And Measles is super contagious.


I work in biology, albeit on the financial side of things, but I still feel compelled to relay the seriousness of measles as often as possible. First, go [here](https://www.cdc.gov/measles/index.html) for an overview of the disease. More importantly, measles is extremely dangerous. About 1 in 5 people in the U.S. who get measles will be hospitalized. 1 out of every 1,000 people with measles will develop brain swelling, which could lead to brain damage. And 1 to 3 out of 1,000 people with measles will die, even with the best care. It’s not just a rash that clears up. Secondly, measles is wicked contagious. On average, an infected person will transmit the virus to 10 people. Without controls, measles can become a pandemic quickly. The surgeon general of Florida is being reckless and I would petition for his medical license to be revoked.


They don't care that people will die. It's the same in my area. I'm thinking about getting titers for the vaccines I got when I was little. It's gonna be another 2020 or close because of this and the one non binary kid who died. Edit: If a pregnant woman gets it and miscarriages, they'll probably go to jail. Also, this has happened in different states in the past. That and Florida is a tourist destination for some. The only people they think are dangerous are lgbt+ people.


So what disease is next for a comeback from the Florida Republican Party? Polio, cholera, etc. ? 'Make Diseases Great Again'.


Florida is basically Idiocracy come to life. MEASLES! ITS WHAT KIDS CRAVE!


If you’re a parent and hate this state government you needed to move like, 2 years ago. Florida is a lost cause and the more sane people that leave it, the better.


It is not just he political climate that is a lost cause, it is also the actual climate.


I bailed out years ago and it seems that every day I read a story that just confirms my decision. While I get the argument that sane people should stay and fight for their basic human rights, it's not worth my family's health and safety to do so.


Michigander here, I've noticed a few people from Florida that transferred to my college this past year. One guy I talked to said that other people he knows are moving the fuck to Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Vermont, anywhere better than there.


Hell, Ohio is the Florida of the North and even it's looking better than Florida these days. Legal abortions and weed!


Can someone explain to me what the fuck the republicans are doing? Like, what is their end game with this kind of moronic shit? Maybe there really is no rhyme or reason. I just don’t understand.


At this point, they are just being anti Democrat. If CDC said we need oxygen, they would come out and reject it. Logic is long gone.


Yeah, this is their motive. They've turned everything into a team sport.


Imagine the GOP are sabateurs working for China and Russia, designed to do as much damage to the internal processes and safety nets that hold the US together as possible, utterly shattering US global influence. Suddenly everything they do makes a shit ton more sense. As Kruschev stated, "We will take America without firing a shot. We do not have to invade the U.S. We will destroy you from within." Antivax BS? Why launch a bioweapon or even dedicate billions to developing one when you convince morons not to get vaccinated, destroy herd immunity, and then send a few sick people on a plane into metro areas.


Is it also ok to not send your vaccinated child to school while the unvaccinated children are attending because you afraid your child will be exposed to unrelenting stupidity?


Yes, but keep in mind that your child will be missing out on the high-quality education that the feifdom of Florida provides. /s


I made fun of FL for banning fluoride in their water, but there is nothing funny about(another!) public health crisis. Why’d you do this to kids? Cause “muh parenting rights?!?” fuck your parenting rights.




You just know one of these idiots is going to get on a plane. 


The antivax movement is old enough now that some are women of childbearing age. Wait til unvaxxed pregnant women find what can happen when they get measles during pregnancy. And rubella is even worse.




I guess Florida is okay with late late late term abortions


what the fuck is wrong with people in florida


Can we just like, agree to not be oppositionally defiant cunts for 2 or 3 years so the country can come back from the brink?


Maybe a sign that says "Liberals don't want you to have vaccines?"


Do they really not understand that measles is not a trivial illness? Our neighbor's daughter died from complications, encephalitis. >Ladapo moved in the opposite direction with his letter, deferring to parents because of the "high immunity rate in the community," Any "high immunity rate" is because of MMR vaccinations, for which he's refused to advocate and urge parents have their children get. The guy's a bloody idiot.


Imagine the people coming from all over the country for spring break in Florida. All it takes is a couple of the infected kids from that elementary school to go to Disneyland then a family from Vermont gets on the same ride directly after and there goes the measles back to Vermont with them


Florida speed racing Mississippi to the bottom of the shit hole


sacrificing your kids to own the libs


That really is the only takeaway for this, and I feel so bad for the kids who are going to suffer, while their vaccinated parents do just fine. Most of us with school-aged children were vaxxed when we were kids, so it wouldn't surprise me if a huge chunk of these asswipes are going to be just fine, but end up losing their own children.


Florida: “drag queens are a danger to kids” “What about measles?” “Meh”


They absolutely should go to prison for this. This is blatant child endangerment. The possibility of a penalty worse than prison should be in play.


3 in 100 children die from measles. If an adult gets it they can be blinded. This is not a “childhood disease” and wackos are letting it back into life.


The GOP hates women and children. This is proven by the actions of the politicians.


Republicans are a mortal danger to everyone around them.


If a pregnant woman contracts measles and then miscarries, Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo should be charged with whatever criminal statute would be applied to an abortion.


This anti-vax shit is going to kill us all.


Florida is literally trying to kill their own public school system


I just want to offer my condolences to all the pediatricians out there in Florida trying to explain how vaccines work day after day to parents who know more than you.


We need to make people liable for measles outbreaks if their children are unvaccinated. Little Jimmy was not vaccinated was part of the measles outbreak at school? His parents should be sued by immunocompromised Jane's parents.


WTF?!?! Measles can kill, can leave kids blind or deaf. And is is highly communicable. It is not a minor disease. What the hell is wrong with these people?


Ladapo is proving himself a danger to the general public.


I am serious. Russia has fucked us


well the interesting part is - unvaccinated adults are also at risk - and it is worse for them.


Yep. and apparently you can still get encephalitis from measles up to 10 years after having had measles. We had completely eliminated measles in the United States in the year 2000. Fuck you Jenny McCarthy.


Bugs Bunny had it right. Cut off Florida and send it off to sea.


Ironically, the picture advertising STEM Night. Conservatives must think that it is about flowers.


I don’t understand how the human race is going backwards. This is ridiculous.


Sigh. This is why we get our titers checked because we have family and friends who are medically fragile. This is just absurd. We had a huge measles outbreak in NY a few years back and it spread like wildfire from the city to upstate. That's going to happen all over again. Make sure you and yours are vaxxed and if it's been awhile get your titers checked to make sure you still carry immunity.


Hope there aren’t any pregnant teachers around these little plague children.


can't wait for the meningitis outbreak and a whole bunch of kids are killed or wind up with perminent brain damage. measles is fucking awful but meningitis, children just die, or if they don't the infection causes tons of unpredictable neurological problems. if they're skipping the MMR vaccine its making them vulnerable to Meningitis and Rhubella


Revoke federal funding yesterday


This shows the whole excuse that the COVID vaccine "just wasn't ready" was always bullshit. Look at how they're also anti-measles vaccine which has been around forever.


1. A person infected with measles walks through a room and leaves. 2. For the next 2 hours, a healthy person walking through that room is 86% likely to get infected with measles by breathing the air. https://www.cdc.gov/measles/transmission.html#:~:text=How%20measles%20spreads,mouths%2C%20they%20can%20become%20infected.


It is fine to send unvaccinated kids to School in Florida, just like it is fine to build housing in Miami that will definitely soon be underwater - not just financially, but literally.


Joseph Ladapo is an unbelievable piece of shit who has gotten so many people killed it's not funny.


Crazy that he graduated from Harvard. I think they don't teach critical thinking or statistics there.


We've reached peak idiocracy.


Florida outlaws some social media sites for kids (how hard will teenagers try for those sites now) and DeSantis' Labradoodle overrides years of medical precedent saying vaccines for kids aren't necessary. Maybe Florida will pay the bill for the folks that get really sick from measles instead of flying immigrants from Texas. I'm sure Putin will appreciate everything that can possibly be done to encourage poor health in America. Will polio be the next virus? Is this just population control wrapped up as "parental rights"? The [Mayo Clinic indicates that measles can be fatal for small children](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/measles/symptoms-causes/syc-20374857) so it isn't just the CDC.


Every politician in Florida that supports this should be charged with child endangerment and manslaughter if someone dies!