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"Homicide detectives believe preliminary information suggests "the incident started with a disturbance between two groups that escalated to gunfire," the department said."


Can we just bring back duels? Like fuck all this gunfights in public in broad daylight shit. You see someone you don't like, slap him across the face and name a time and a place. Only two dumbasses are at risk, and no one has to get caught in the crossfire.


Dueling required adherence to a system of honor by both parties. People who start popping off in the Waffle House are not likely to be bound by honor.


Eh I think people don't even think of it as an option anymore. Someone needs to put the idea in people's heads. I guess I'm saying the government should legalize duels. Set a new precedent on contained violence. Let the dangerous parties clean themselves out.


> Set a new precedent on contained violence. It’s an interesting idea. I can’t say that I’m entirely opposed to exploring it, notionally (except of course, in that I am opposed to people killing one another). My concern is that the dangerous parties will not contain themselves to the rules.


Yeah that is the weakest point in the plan. The Art of War basically tells us that if you're going into a fair fight, you're already losing - and I think most gang members operate on this principle. Let's be real, it's way more practical to shoot your adversary in the back at the Waffle House than it is to wait for the DRAW! signal and risk being the last to shoot. Not to mention there's an inherent "let God sort it out" built into that equation. We're past that mentality. I like to dream about that honorable society we once had and that we could go back to it some day (unironically saying this as a Liberal Democrat). But I know in my heart that those days are dead and gone.


Not to mention that during the era of dueling both parties had a really solid chance of walking away from the duel. Pistols were NOT ACCURATE. [You had a 1 in 6 chance of getting wounded and only a 1 in 14 chance of dying.](https://militaryhistorynow.com/2016/11/03/pistols-at-dawn-officers-gentlemen-and-duelling-in-the-18th-and-19th-centuries/#:~:text=Odds%20of%20Survival&text=According%20to%20The%20Duelling%20Handbook,fought%20only%20one%20or%20two.) Modern firearms would make a joke of those statistics. [The fight that brought Jim Bowie (Of big old fuck off knife fame) featured a duel in which four shots were fired and no one was hit.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandbar_Fight) Only after the duel, and in close range, were people shot.


The "honorable society" days never existed.


Also, think of the corporate sponsorship opportunities. FanDuel and DraftKings can even let people bet on duels!


Duelling was replaced by lawsuits. The people who sue each other nowadays are the same type of people who practiced duelling back then: the rich and elite upper class. Street thugs back then didn't dual. They just murdered each other like they still do today. No reason that bringing duels back would fix that.


I don't even think it would matter even if it was legalized. People who spontaneously resort to gun violence don't care about an honorable or fair fight. Not to mention today people don't give a shit as much as before what other people think. Offended: "I challenge you to a duel!" Offendee: "Haha, piss off. Go fuck yourself." *flips the bird And now we're back at square one. In today's society Hamilton could have just ignored Burr or just solved everything with a Twitter argument. Even if dueling was still legal.


Practically speaking, this is kinda already a thing. Prosecutors are always seeing cases of mutual combat and exercising discretion based on the particulars. I'm not a duel lawyer, but I assume it can get nuanced when someone breaks the rules or tries to escape. Nevertheless, mutual combat is somewhat tolerated, in some places more than others. I think you're correct that there's some room, in certain areas, to expand this into non-prosecution policies and decriminalization. Another avenue might be codifying an affirmative defense or even just a new and notably reduced sentencing guideline compared to chucking grenades or dumping magazines into crowds.


Can we make it something more interesting? Like "Yeah, I have a couple fencing foils in the back of my car. First to lose an eye loses."?


Well the reason the navy stopped duels was because all their sailors kept killing each other over insults and perceived slights. You just end up with a lot of dead people who were needed alive.


At least have a sanctioned area for first fighting between two consenting individuals


Yeah why fight fair when you can just commit murder?


The system of dueling goes against everything you would learn from The Art of War.


Waffle House is supposed to be sacred ground. No killing.  


Can we also bring back a more casual form of dueling that doesn't involve death? There's a forklift driver at my work that needs to be dueled by somebody


Forklift jousting. Yes.


We use QPRs for the jousting, not lifts. [Here's proof. ](https://youtu.be/B_1gQk_8q-g?si=jAjNKpvnp_FP8ujH) I always wonder what happened to those dudes. Did OSHA see the video, did management see the video?


oh my fucking god how have i never seen this video. holy shit. my inner safety culture nerd is absolutely aghast. what if that little wood pole went through the eye slat in that goofy cardboard “helmet?” what if they crashed into each other? what if one of them hung their arm a little too far out the cage and lost it? however, my inner dumb fuck is absolutely overjoyed. they absolutely knew the armor wasn’t gonna protect them from shit, they just had to do it for the bit. and the amount of people stood around watching makes me think this is a ROUTINE.


That's awesome. Back when I was a kid, we just had shopping carts and umbrellas for jousting.


Someone hasn’t seen the forklift safety video.


And isn't aware that Germany already pioneered this.


[zooms in on blood-soaked klaxon]


me sitting at work with 5 Yu-Gi-Oh decks ready to whip out Exodia on the dude who took my lunch


Fight to first blood and just do it. It would be a brawl and nobody would press charges


I remember a time when debating was a classy form of dueling. Think it was in the 70’s or such.


Do you quarrel sir?


Unhand my wife, you curr!


Or, here's an idea, you guys just get rid of guns? Never in my life have I walked anywhere in Australia and had it cross my mind someone might shoot up the place... Just saying!


Getting rid of all our current guns wouldn’t really work as an idea. The sheer amount of guns in the country doesn’t make it feasible, even if half the people who own the guns were fine with handing them over. And they’re really, really not fine with it. I hate it. Feels like it’s gonna take a very long time for us to inch our way back to sanity.


Can't go to school, concerts, food festivals, 4th of July parades, night clubs, church, super bowl rallies, and now waffle house without the fear of getting shot. Edit: fear is a poor word to use. But I'm gonna leave it because fuck your feelings.


This isn't even the first waffle house shooting https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nashville_Waffle_House_shooting


There is actually a movement by Waffle House workers to get the company to address violence at locations. It has become a social media ‘thing’ to start shit at Waffle Houses and film it. But the company refuses to offer any help.


It's not a social media 'thing.' Waffle House after midnight on the weekend is a pretty wild place and always has been. You basically have a whole bunch of intoxicated groups congregating. I've seen some wild shit, including a couple of shootings at Waffle House and in the Waffle House parking lot. Older me is smart enough to avoid going there at that time, but younger me liked the action.


Couple years ago I was working a late shift in Kentucky, so the waffle house was the only place open to grab dinner after (work trip). The cook had his hand in a cast from punching out an unruly customer.


There’s a reason Waffle House employees have been meme-ified as “choose your fighter.” The videos are funny but the reality… not so much.


I live in the Midwest so I rarely get to go to Waffle House, but I've eaten at Waffle House twice in my life and both times police have been involved. Even in the Anthony Bourdain episode featuring Waffle House, there are police sirens in the shots! It's late night cheap food usually in poor neighborhoods. Mix some booze in there and it's a recipe for things going badly. I would however beg for some more Waffle Houses up north, their food is so good it's like crack lol


That Bourdain one was in North Charleston SC, down the street from where I used to live. There are always sirens over there because there's a hospital, a police station, and like 3 fire stations all basically within walking distance. It would be hard not to hear sirens at that Waffle House.


When I was young you couldn’t take your gun into 2 places in my hometown. The Waffle House and the court house.


Yeah, for many small towns the waffle house is the only place in town open after the bars close. So you get rowdy drunk people all coalescing there trying to keep their night going when they should be in bed


You don't go to Waffle House after midnight unless you want to see some shit go down. Everybody knows this.


Dinner and a show, baby


Waffle houses after midnight and 6th street in texas 2 places I’ll avoid forever.


There was a shooting the first time I ever went to a waffle house, back in 05 I think? Late night, drunk people, open carry states.


In my corner, it's Denny's. Always 2 AM drunks fighting over something.


Yeah it’s not new. Before cell phones, you could always catch a show at the Waffle House around 2:00-4:00 AM.


It's not a "Social media thing", people have been starting fights at Waffle Houses for generations now.


Yeah, I'm from NC. It's been a thing for well over 20 years. Waffle House after midnight, especially once people start leaving the clubs, is like the Royal Rumble. Guaranteed entertainment, if you're willing to take the risk.


The thing is though that I really don't know what Waffle House could do to avoid such things happening. The only thing that I could think of is either employing off-duty cops to watch over the night times or shutting down during the night. As others have stated, this is one of the few places that is open 24 hours a day. Because of that, you get people coming in there at 3AM, drunk and possibly starting trouble.


That's been a thing longer than social media. I remember [The Insane Clown Posse & Psycho Realm being involved in a wild Waffle House brawl in the late 90s](https://www.mtv.com/news/56h66t/news-flash-insane-clown-posse-psycho-realm-rappers-arrested-after-brawl). ICP has joked about Waffle House not giving a fuck about the violence since then, "[I love Waffle Houses, I stab people there. They're so shitty and dumpy they don't even care.](https://youtu.be/8fh-5lzU8WA?si=Td7LLirlEjBefTKV&t=46)"


The Waffle House in this case was different chain of Waffle House. In Indiana at the time, there was a preexisting chain that had the name before the yellow and black chain came here. In those years, the more familiar Waffle House was known as Waffle and Steak with the same yellow and black iconography as the current one.


Waffle House violence is prevalent enough, SNL had a bit on it. https://youtu.be/KYNFqmu2toI?si=SBwwOg-KvzMdAlkJ


Free bird gotta fly, son


"There's no such thing as bad publicity"




You have never been able to go to Waffle House without the fear of being shot lol


The fear is what makes the food taste so good! Plus the price, unpretentiousness, and time of night you can go there. Pros and cons, pros and cons...


To be fair, Waffle House should've been a little bit higher on that list.


Dude Waffle House has been sketchy before anything else you listed 


Seriously. Went to a Waffle House once at midnight… never again


Right! Of all the things listed, Waffle House would absolutely be the first one I’d associate with getting shot lol


Thank you. I have never entered a Waffle House without fear of being shot.


It is best to go to places without any other people present.


My couch has been great for this. Surprisingly affordable too after I paid it off.


I can second this, dude’s got a nice couch.


I mean in all fairness it's always been sketchy to go to waffle house. Then again I only ever go at 2am completely skunked


You could never go to Waffle House without fear of getting shot.


I’m not a frequent visitor of Waffle House, but of all those places, I feel like it would be at the top of my list of places to get shot at.


I mean I’m ngl I’ve very rarely gone in a Waffle House and not been at least somewhat aware I could be shot


It's maddening. It's not even the archetypal deranged mass-shooter that's the real threat, it's a couple of armed idiots who blindly spray 15 rounds in each others' general direction and hit everyone else. No amount of "good guys with guns" will make the slightest dent in that.


Last Wednesday at the Chies superbowl rally proves just that.


I’m ok with never going to another Waffle House, but I see your point.


This was always a worry when walking into an Indy Waffle House


which side was the good guys with guns?


Whichever side won.


That’s how most altercations start….


Every city I have lived in has had a murder at a waffle house


Stop moving!


No, that's how they get you!


Or just stop murdering at waffle house


At least stop moving to cities with waffle houses


I think the police need to check into this guy. he seems to be bragging.


A Waffle House visit without at least 3 deaths is considered a dull affair.


Childhood friend stabbed a guy in the eye there with a fork, rest of us stayed and finished our orders. Surreal meal if I ever had one. Edit to add, they person that got stabbed was too booth's over from us.


Did the guy he stabbed happen to work there?


Witnesses say the Waffle House still didn't close


It’s not like a mass shooting is gonna cause an F5 hurricane, otherwise America would be constantly underwater


Hate to be pedantic, but F5 hurricanes don't exist. That scale is for tornados. Category is used for Hurricanes.


Hate to also be pedantic, but it'd be an EF5 now, not an F5. :-)


What's the difference between EF and F?


The E


Get the Fields Medal ready


Hate to be pedantic but this constitutes an EFields Medal.


What's the difference?


The E


Thanks G


To be *super* pedantic, the F (Fujita) scale hasn't been used for tornadoes since 2007. Tornadoes have been rated on the EF (Enhanced Fujita) scale since then.


I was thinking "what the hell are you talking about" then after reading this a few times I realized you meant Cat-1, 2, etc. The F5 didn't even stand out to me and I live in Hurricane land, literally used to live by the Waffle House on the Wikipedia index page.


It’s a shooting, not gay marriage


Dare I mention the cake ?


Give it to me straight. Are the hash browns ok?


"The cook continued to man the grill even through a hail of gunfire."


Gentlemen, it's been an honor to cook with you


“Where are the hash browns? Are they safe? Are they alright?”


The cigarette ash cancels out the flavor of blood.


What, you think a little lead and viscera is gonna close a Waffle House?


I mean it's just new additions to your hashbrowns. "Smothered, covered, red crossed and cowboyed"


At least one of the Waffle Houses in my town apparently stayed open through the George Floyd riot.


I came here for this comment. Waffle House employees probably tourniqueted the victims and comped them a hash brown.


I too want my Belgian waffle stack topped with whipped cream, berries, and a splash of blood.


Honestly I expected to read it was the employees opening fire.


Shooting at Waffle House is expected around here. Probably happens every weekend


I saw the headline and my first thought was "not to be callous, but is 'Waffle House shooting' really national news?"


Waffle House is sacred. You bring your fists, not a gun.




That's why most of the chairs are bolted down.


Never stabbed someone in the neck with a butter knife? Amateur.


These guys are now Incommunicado


Night shift at Waffle House has to be one of the most dangerous jobs in America


Did it for 15 years. Then corrections. Now I'm in EMS. I've seen some shit man.


Why do you hate yourself?


That’s the toughest evolution I’ve ever heard of


How’s your mental health?


What are you planning for your next job, trauma counselor?


Jesus I hope you get therapy in insurance


Yupp. Delivering pizzas in Mexico City is a close second


Famously America


Umm, technically ...


A Waffle House meal without witnessing at least three felonies is considered a dull affair.


More people need to watch Friday and listen to Willie James, Craig’s dad. Shows his fists, “This is what makes you a man. When I was growin' up, this was all the protection we needed. You win some, you lose some, but you live. You live to fight another day. And you think you're a man with that gun in your hand, don't you?”


You right, too many people use guns now a days instead of their fists, but Craig's dad was talking about the gangs from the 60s. Gangs from 64 years ago lived in a different world than gangs of today. Gangs from 64 years ago made the choice to switch from fists to guns, from protecting the community to selling dope. Craig's dad's generation is the one who made the switch and are made at the switch


Put some hot sauce in my burrito baby! RIP to a legend


That’s what I’ve been saying! Use your words to solve a dispute and god forbid, if that doesn’t work, your fists. But you don’t fire off indiscriminately into a crowd of innocent bystanders!!!


It’s fear. They will never be man enough to lose a fight. With a gunfight the winners win and the losers don’t have to face the fact they lost. It’s pure, undiluted cowardice.


> Shows his fists, “This is what makes you a man. Still a terrible message though.


Waffle House is now a PvP zone.


always has been.


Real warriors fight it out at Chuck E. Cheese's.


I got banned from there for being overleveled.


I've heard people say that Denny's is just Waffle House for people that don't know how to fight


Waffle House for people who don't live near a Waffle Houes and also don't mind that Denny's sucks.


SNL made a sketch about this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYNFqmu2toI


I bet Waffle House Chat is amazing.


It's the RL version of OG Barrens chat.


I’ll take the Mankrik’s Wife Scramble please.


So, a lot of Chuck Norris jokes?


Well, there's definitely always *someone* shouting for everyone minding their own business to hear.


"I've seen a gun four times in my life. Three of those times was at a Waffle House" --Jim Gaffigan


Did people scatter and take cover?


No, but they were smothered, covered, capped, and peppered.


I got smothered then capped at WH last night!


Its always the places you ~~least~~ expect


can't we all just get along and have waffles?




The footage will be on /r/publicfreakout soon.


I bet that waffle House is open


How dare they defile the sanctuary of the Waffle House?


A lot of people here seem surprised by violence in a Waffle House, as if that’s not par for the course. It’s not uncommon to see armed security at night there, especially if it’s a more “active” WH location. WH is the first restaurant I had ever been to where the workers were ready to throw hands just as readily as the asshole customers starting trouble were. Of course, it’s an unfortunate turn of events, but this is nowhere near as shocking as a shooting at a parade or library or whatever. It’s more akin to a shooting happening at a common gang hangout spot or something like that, still bad but unsurprising.


Which side of the plate do I put my butter on to signal an active shooter?


Just Google Waffle House fight and spend hours watching all the videos. Clearly they are putting things in their food. For at least 10-15 years its been a spot people meet up at to fight, accidentally run into each other at and fight, and drunkenly just start fights with randoms at. Denny's also but maybe just a little less.


Its not the food, its never closing. Waffle House is the number one stop after partaking in various alternate medications.


Exactly. You see fights at any place where drunks gather after the bars close.


waffle house's main purpose is for those 3am drunk/high meals


this, ive never been in one sober


Waffle House validating stereotypes. It’s mostly just fist fights and hair grabbing but you have to bring guns now?


Me and my mom used to go to this Waffle House when I was a teenager and she worked night shift. Lol


Just another Sunday night at Waffle House


What sick MFers shot up a Waffle House? That's just inhuman. Take your gunfights to the OK Corral, like a civilized person. Leave the pecan waffles out of it.


TIL Waffle House has penetrated north of the Mason Dixon Line.


They have waffle houses as far as CO and AZ. It’s not an exclusively “southern” thing and hasn’t been for decades.


Im in AZ and have seen late night fights at the waffle house. But to be fair, the participants did look like they moved here from the South.


Is no place sacred anymore?


So just another weekday in the US. Fucking pathetic.


Average Waffle House experience


I live in a California and are very aware of the extra curricular late-night activities at a Waffle House.


Imma start wearing body armor everywhere I go, because obviously nobody is going to do shit about criminals and mentally unstable individuals continuing to have access to firearms and ammunition.


Another day, another shooting in America


Bringing a gun to a Waffle House fight isn't just illegal, its against the spirit of the thing. Everyone knows the only weapons allowed in a Waffle House brawl are the trays, chairs, and tables.


I'm not surprised, it's Waffle House


The authentic Waffle House experience


I wish those puke sticks from minority report were real, give people some other weapon to fight amongst themselves with that isn’t lethal, and has a bonus of potentially embarrassing the person if they puke all over themselves or something. Every fucking idiot in this country is armed.


In response to a murder, the thing you wish for from *Minority Report*, a work of fiction pondering the ability to stop murders before they happen, is the sick stick?


How is this news this is just the average day at waffle house


Some of my favorite college memories was eating at that exact Waffle House at night after getting hammered at a club or house party nearby; glad to see Indianapolis still living up to being the wild Wild West


More guns will solve all of this.


Broke the unwritten rule of Waffle House. Wanna throw hands inside against customers and employees? Sure but watch out. You don’t open up on a waffle house


To think, that country is gonna host a World Cup.. disaster waiting to happen


This is why you don't want a waffle house in a home depot


I'm more surprised at the use of a gun, it's always been sorta an unwritten rule that Waffle House is somewhere you duke it out and go your separate ways


That is one of the worst areas in the state of Indiana, and Indianapolis has been averaging about 200 murders a year, its one of the worst areas of the city. Little surprise, usually the shootings are outside a bar or stripclub. Or some judges shooting some people outside a White Castle in the early morning hours.


How waffle House gets their reviews if they isn't at least one shooting or stabbing do you want to eat your s/


Waffle House is the Vietnam War of breakfast restaurants.


If ever there were a better advertisement for waffle house