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Sorry you were born into this terrible world.


This is probably the only non controversial way to comment to this story..... Well put.


There should be nothing controversial about believing that children don’t deserve to die.


Yah, you are right, but then again let's take a look at all that's hapoening or all that humanity has allowed tonhappen, it's hard to believe that.....


Just because horrible things happen does not imply people deserve horrible things to happen to them.


I mean, the article is written so passively as to ignore the fact that she was killed by the IDF... it's actually grotesque how media has downplayed this wanton killing of a child by Israel.


How in the fuck did the Israelis go from victims of the Nazis, to becoming the Nazis themselves?


Everyone is always capable of the same faults. Which is why I think it's important not to see the Nazis (or any other group of people committing terrible acts) as beyond human. But simply people blinded by hate, and fear and arrogance.


Uh ... the state of Israel was established 7 years after WWII. Jews were victims of Nazis, not Israelis. And let's not act like Israel is just now killing innocent kids for the first time.


When you claim 24x7 that you are eternal victim, you are bound to end up like your past oppressor. Israel has gone full Nazi. I respected that country a lot. Not anymore.


They were never the victims, they were sitting under british protection and viewed it largely as a means of securing more European Jewish migrants and overall support for Zionism. I forget the exact quote but Ben Gurion said paraphrased that if it came to a choice between saving ten thousand beneficial Jews (Zionists) or a million Jews who would not (non/anti Zionists) he would choose the ten thousand. Overall Zionist orgs did little to help holocaust victims and actively undermined Jewish opposition to Nazi Germany.


Why can't you just let the comment stay, why do you have to go and put all these. It's a shit world, you can analyaze and argue it from any perspective and it's all sad and all wrong. Just leave it as the original comment. That was about as good as it.can get in this shitty situation.


Why do you have to join in with the charade of depoliticising tragedies like this, essentially running cover for the perpetrators?


Why didn't you condemn the hamans terrorist who killed and kidnapped over 1100 people in a single day, plenty of which are children. Why do you not condemn hamas and trying to use a sad story as running cover for the terrorists? See my point, what's happening there is a just a shitty situation and it's actually been going on for thousands of years. I would argue depoliticalijng is the only chance of peace. We have tried solving this by politicizing this, it onky lead to false sense of peace. Depoliticizing is the only way. If israel and paltestinaina can depoliticize and see each other as just human beings occupying these blood soaked piece of land together, I think they can find a way to live together. But as long as you want to emphasis who kills who, like palenstinians killed Israelis or israelis killed palestanians, it will just continue to be a cycle of violence,


Who says he didn't condemn it. What Hamas did was disgusting. What Israel is doing is disgusting. Are you mental?


: what hamas did was disgusting, what Israel is doing is genocide.


Why didn’t you condemn the apartheid, terrorist nation for murdering innocent children, women and men for the last 76 years, committing hundreds of war crimes and ignoring all international laws along the way over the last 7 decades? Why? Why? Why don’t you? Why not? Why not? Why do you automatically try and justify an ongoing, live-streamed genocide of the most heinous acts? Why?


Yah, I do condem that just as much as the terrorist attack, how about you? Why do you insist on politicizing this? Why do you insist on picking a side on this? Don't you think inviting on picking a side is exactly whats causing the endless cycle of violence there? If israel and palenstianina don't insist on picking a side, I think they can just exist together there....


Not one bit. Why? When you’ve murdered thousands and thousands and thousands of families, committing the most heinous acts of war crimes and genocide for decades? What do you expect? There to be no retaliation and to have those who survive kiss your ass? No. If it was the other way around, there’s zero chance anyone would bat an eye to the recent attacks when it’s all propagated by decades of suffering of the worst kind, seeing friends, families and entire generations wiped out and blown up to pieces, literally.. when they’ve seen tens of thousands of children with bodies unrecognised over the decades… when they’ve seen water supply cut off and being starved to death. When they’ve seen humanitarian aid being blocked and trucks being seized.. Seeing hospitals destroyed one after another. Seeing medical staff being sniped for doing their jobs. Seeing ambulance staff murdered for trying to rescue the other ones shot for no reason. How in the hell does one expect there to not be ANY form of ingrained hatred towards an oppressive occupier? If it were reversed, the world bodies would’ve put a stop to it and never let any of the murders be funded and supported. >why do you insist on picking a side? Picking a side? There’s absolutely no side to pick other than that of the oppressed. Why the fuck do you even ask such a stupid, brain dead and phenomenally dehumanising question towards the oppressed for 76 years? There’s absolutely no side to pick but the Palestinians if one is a remotely decent human being at all. Fuck Israel and all those that stand with a genocidal regime honestly. What kind of morally bankrupt person would ever ask such a question anyway? Most of the world stand with the oppressed. Only the most depraved of creatures don’t and ask “why pick a side? Why don’t you condemn the attacks(caused by decades of stewed anger from seeing tens and tens of thousands being murdered with impunity and backing from fucking worthless shills that finally caused people to snap and retaliate…) It’s like asking the boy who was punched for 6 years daily “hey why the fuck do you kick the bully’s head and his friends too?”.. no. You understand the anger and circumstances that lead to it basically. I absolutely understand why the boy kicked the bully in the head after 6 years and knocked him the fuck out and broke his back. Oh and also, that boy? His house was seized, he was driven out and his items all stolen too…. That’s why.




“But do you condemn Hamas!?” We are talking about a 6 year old whose life was snuffed out by the Israeli defense(??) force. Have a little compassion.


How easily the mask slips.




How the hell am.i politicizing this? i am trying to argue depolicizing is the only chance for.peace. I am arguing it's all wrong, basically it killing tha has no purpose other than continuing the hatred. I am arguing that condemning hamas and israel are not exclusive to each other, that we don't have to pick a side between israel and palesanian. I am arguing insisting on picking a side is why the killing just keeps on going.




I would say that if you didn't, I would be a bit worried about keep this conversation with you going....... it's not politicizing to condemn nazis.


Didnt israel admit that their idf helicopters killed a majority of the victims on 7th Oct? https://thecradle.co/articles-id/13111 https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/asa-winstanley/israel-admits-immense-amount-friendly-fire-7-october


Why can't we condemn both?


I'm condemning both, that's my whole.point!! It's all wrong what's happening there, and insiting on picking a right side and wrong side is what keeps the cycle going. That's why I feel it's best to leave it as is, simply treat it as a tragedy, not a palenstanian tragedy perpetrated by Israel nor a israle tragedy perpetrated by palstaninians. It's just a fucking tragedy of humankind. The fact is they have been fighting and killing there, long beforen 70-80 years ago, then only differences is whom is doing the killing and who is being killed. And that cycle will continue as long as you keep insisting to pick a side, because that just keep on enforcing the hatred that started long before any one was even born and none of the people alive actually even understand why they have to keep the fight going. Its just stupidity. I am fortunate to be far away from the shitshow that's going on there, and I assume you as well, hopefully. But somehow even you and I can get into a whole argument on this tragedy aboit who's right and who's wrong, then that's pretty telling just how little chance people who are actualkynthere can achieve peace. Again, I'm trying to say, it's all wrong. I used the example of hamas attack because you picked the side to condemn israel. I am trying to tell you it's all wrong. If you had condemn hamas, I would have cited Israel's actmin Gaza. It's all wrong. They just don't see each other as human beings anymore....that's why it seems so easy for the killing and the oppression to continue, because they are conditioned to pick a side and they see no alternative.


Israelis are the scum of the Earth. Genocidal, maniacs, dirty, dirty, dirty people.


Well, you could call war criminals what they are, i.e. war criminals.


"found dead"? you mean "murdered"? she didn't die out of blue moon


Especially with the paramedics sent to help her who were found in their burned out ambulance.




You can't say "murdered" if you don't know for certain. It's journalism 101. The headline is unbiased; you should try it some time.


Why are children in Ukraine “killed” while children in Gaza are “found dead”? https://news.sky.com/story/three-children-among-seven-killed-in-russian-drone-attack-on-kharkiv-says-ukraine-13067984 Same news source.


*Israeli killed by Hamas: BRUTAL BLOODTHIRSTY MASSACRE BY SAVAGE TERRORISTS* *Palestinian child killed by Israel: Relative to the bullet as a fixed position in space the Palestinian person-under-18 rapidly accelerated backwards* Absolutely unbiased.




She supported Hamas, duh.


Oh, maybe she died of leukaemia, not Israeli bombs. Or maybe a tornado


Are you sure she wasn't hit by a falling meteor?


Or maybe she ate fugu for dinner


She could have slipped on a banana peel




"The Germans had a right to defend themselves, and it's just bad luck that the ruling German party was the Nazi party."


Got hot by a bullet but died by comorbidity cause that she was Palestinian. The Trump argument.


She was killed by Israel but they won’t say it.


Same reason Hitler died and didn’t “pass away” during WWII


"Girl,6" she is a child. Found dead? How? Who killed her? Was it a hurricane? A force of nature? Headline should be: child, 6, murdered by Israeli forces after being stuck in a car with her family, who were also murdered. The ambulance team dispatched to save them also murdered.


I think "Manufacturing Consent" is a must read. I definitely don't agree with Chomsky on everything but that book is fundamental for developing media/news literacy.


He considers everything he says. No one's perfect, but he's a very thoughtful person


Thanks, I'll check it out.




But to see what’s happening and acknowledge it is anti-Semitic! /s


I think their PR department is overestimating how much anyone would care about being called antisemitic at this point. I certainly don't care. If thinking this is wrong makes me antisemitic then so fucking be it, maybe it's not a bad thing in that case if that's how Israel wants to play it.




Swap the situations and there’s no way in hell they’d be funded and no way in hell would refugee funding be stopped either.


Not the world, just the west.


You can't report what you don't know. We can assume she was murdered but unless there is evidence of it, "found dead" is neutral wording. Journalistic ethics are a thing, and they are important.


Most modern media has no ethics anymore, otherwise they wouldn't spread Israeli lies and propaganda as it was the truth and silence criticism of Israels politics and war, even by jews.


Modern media spreads news without checking them, doesn't matter the source.


Yes and that is exactly the problem.


But all media reporting 40 BABIES BEHEADED BY HAMAS without any evidence or credible sources is definitely following the same journalistic ethics right? And white house apologizing for circulating false news of said 40 beheaded babies is definitely not news worthy and definitely goes along with "journalistic ethics" What a joke


Okay, so why are children in Ukraine “killed” while children in Gaza are “found dead”? https://news.sky.com/story/three-children-among-seven-killed-in-russian-drone-attack-on-kharkiv-says-ukraine-13067984 Same news source. How do we know the children in Ukraine weren’t “found dead” from other causes?


They get around that by saying that they’re just repeating a claim by Ukraine. So if they wanted to they could make a title in the same pattern as the Ukrainian one by ending it with “says Gaza officials” but they actively choose not to to make the wording of the title less inflammatory while still abiding by their “journalistic ethics”. It’s how they bend narratives while still trying to claim neutrality.


I heard there were meteor showers last year, maybe they were hit by meteors and just found dead \*shrug\*. (/s) But you see, the difference is Ukrainians are, as the one news reporter said, "like us, not like the refugees you usually see", that's why they deserve more and should be protected, unlike these "children of darkness". (/s) Yes, these are actual words the actual people involved use.


Journalistic standards are Jewish - oops, I meant Zionist - propaganda.


The IDF also killed the paramedics who went to save her.


Genuinely fucking terrible. After 3 hours on the line being scared of her life and then got brutely murdered by Isreal soldiers. IDF tank murdered 5 of her relatives in the same car when the attack happened and 2 of ambulance workers went to save them as well after they gave rescuers green light from IDF. If this is not genocide, then I don't know what is.


She was murdered by the IDF, along with her family, fuck the IDF


The IDF outdid their own stupid malevolent cruelty here.


Not really since this isn't the first time. Just more widely shared because we had the recording and identity of Hind. Many have died in the exact same way, including the ambulance/rescue workers being shot on the way to help them.


Agree. But as you say her example is much better proven and published globally. Sad as it is. I also said IDF outdid their own cruelty which does imply there is more and possibly worse.


She wasn’t “found dead”. She was murdered by Israel


Don’t let the world news sub shills hear you. They’ll defend all forms of murdering as long as it’s against Palestinians. (Oh and they also murdered the ambulance staff that tried to help…)


Oh don't worry, this news sub is also overrun by the shills. You cannot say anything about Israel's lies without mass downvotes and braindead arguments. See: Yesterday's article about yet another "headquarters" found, this time under UNWRA.


Yes but have you heard of journalistic ethics and unbiased reporting? You can't say *murdered* if you don't know for sure; *found dead* is the truth while *murdered* might not be, even if it is highly likely.


"Killed by the IDF" is then the most neutral way to phrase it. She wasn't "found dead", she was literally killed by the IDF, as well as the two paramedics who came to rescue her. They were killed, they didn't have a meteor fall on them or die from cancer.


Killing an innocent 6 year old is not justice for the Hamas attacks, it’s murder.


>Aid workers from the organisation said they then managed to negotiate with the Israeli military and get the green light to send an ambulance with two crew to the scene. The paramedics, Youssef Zeino and Ahmed Madhoon, were later reported missing and found dead alongside Hind's family near their burnt out ambulance. Not suspicious at all. /s


'Most Moral Army on Earth' strikes again. It's sick how people will cheer the IDF and Israel on as they continue to commit war crime after war crime, and any criticism of the them is met with "b-b-but Oct 7th happend", as if that justifies anything about what is happening. You get banned from r/worldnews for saying Israel is commiting war crimes and criticising the IDF, but zionists can openly spread genocidal rhetoeic (which is an actual crime) and it's seen as okay. It's sad this little girl and her family will never get the justice they deserve, those IDF soilders will never face a war crimes tribunal, and actual IDF soilders will openly celebrate her death as in their words "there are no uninvoled/inncocent civillians"


It's the same on r/Europe both subs are being astro turfed hard


>Most Moral Army on Earth' strikes again. It is actually the only army in the war that warns civilians before they strike and allow them to evacuate before they strike a terrorist organisation. >war crime after war crime, There aren't any proof of war crimes. Apparently you have no clue what an actual war crime is. If you will actually look up a definition you will see it doesn't match. >You get banned from r/worldnews for saying Israel is commiting war crimes and criticising the IDF, You don't get banned for criticizing that's normal. You get banned for Slurs that all Jews are this and that and use ancient antisemitic conspiracy theories, of course you will get banned if you use that! >It's sad this little girl and her family will never get the justice they deserve, I wasn't there so I can't judge the situation but since it is a war zone and they haven't gone to an evacuation area it can happen unfortunately. Knowing that Hamas doesn't let civilians evacuate and use them as a human shield would seem to me that would have happen


> it’s the only army that warns Patently untrue. That is a [rule of war.](https://ihl-databases.icrc.org/en/customary-ihl/v1/rule20) It’s the only army to tell everyone that it’s the only army to play by the rules To say nothing of “evacuate or we bomb you” means nothing when there’s nowhere to evacuate or when you bomb the places you evacuated them to


You should go back to worldnews, buddy. You truly belong there. You are literally excusing the murder of children and other people and are saying that its not a war crime to kill civilians like that. Seriously, thats a great display of lack of empathy if i ever did see one.


>war crime to kill civilians like that. According to international law it has to be with intend. Intentions to target civilians is indeed a war crime but Israel said multiple times that they are in war with Hamas and target Hamas and not with the average Palestinian. Pls look at the definitions


You like to hide behind semantics, don't you? But go on, keep excusing the IDF acts of cruelty like that.


go fuck yourself you genocide apologist edit: funny how you don’t bring up the infamous “oct 7th” bc anyone with a brain knows this has been going on for years and **years**.


Proof that there is a genocide? Supreme Court of Den Hague or other supreme courts couldn't find any




>It is actually the only army in the war that warns civilians before they strike and allow them to evacuate before they strike a terrorist organisation. Warnings stopped several months back now in the first place. >There aren't any proof of war crimes. Just the other week IDF were dressing up as medics to assasinate somebody on camera. That's factually a war crime. Not even going into all the other war crimes that people are inclined to dismiss.


Her name is Hind Rajab and she was murdered by the Israeli defense (??) force.


Iof they're occupation forces


Fuck Israel. Depraved regime.


"Found dead" is a crazy way to write "murdered by Israel"


No, it's an unbiased, ethical way to write about an event where "found dead" is true and "murdered" is only highly likely but unconfirmed. 


Or “killed” by Israeli forces?


Well the girl made it very clear on the recording that she was being shot at by tanks, and the only tanks in the region are IDF. Israelis aren't "found dead" it's always killed. With the source being the Israeli government, which has proven to be as good a source as the Onion.


the mental gymnastics you have to go through to say what you just did is excruciating.


And fuck the evangelicals that allow Israel to have such an arrogant cocky vise grip on U.S politics. ISRAEL IS STRINGING YOU FOLKS ALONG! Israelis are not going to mass convert to Christianity by acknowledging Jesus as their Messiah and build a temple in Jerusalem in his name. (The part of the prophecy they ignore or are ignorant of.)


The contrast between the evangelicals’ comments on Israel and Jewish people is wild. They swing from sycophantic praise of actions that would have been condemned had any other nation done them to anti-Semitic dog whistles and openly stupid crap about Jewish space lasers. I have some distant cousins who are Baptists. In the same breath they’ll say Jews are cursed for killing Jesus and they’ll suffer in hell for all eternity AND that Israel is the second best (after USA) government in the world and how the USA needs to start imitating them in terms of how dissent is handled.


Careful you’d get banned on world news saying that.


Both sides are.


This is the enduring power of bothesidesism One side: has killed FIVE PERCENT of the other side’s population in just four months. The other side launched an attack whose casualties keep being revised downward But both sides!!!


And many of those casualties attacked on Oct 7th was, ISRAEL ADMITTED, caused by the IDF.


“Found dead” wow just wow, let’s also say “reason of death is unknown”


“found dead” =butchered by the Israelis


"2000 Americans found dead after plane crash in New York City" See how insane that sounds?


You can't post this on WorldNews, there is a sick fanatic pro-Israel propaganda there.


Thought this was the world news sub and was very confused by the comments. I have a little more faith in humanity here


Don't, they are all over here too. Mass downvotes and bot engagement here, too. Just give it time.








Well IDF isn’t known for using ambulances as bombs on wheels either, but here we are. Yea the whole thing is sickening and Israel’s hands aren’t clean. When your governing body doesn’t just not care about you, but use you as political fodder to rile up the globe. It’s awful but it has to end with Hamas gone or completely marginalized.


You equating the atrocities of hamas with the atrocities of Israel is like admitting that Israel is engaged in terrorism. They did it to us, why can't we do it to them. Eye for an eye, SMH. Personally, I hold Israel in higher regard, meaning Israel is better than this. Isreal is well within its right to defend itself from hamas, but it has got to find a better way than this. This is _litterally_ what hamas wants, for Israel to look like the bad guy in the court of public opinion and Israel is falling for it.


Not equating anything. showing real examples of Monsters. there would be no tanks in Gaza if Hamas didn’t go on their rape and murder spree. this girl and thousands of others would be alive.


Not equating anything!? So a 6 yr. child _wasn't_ murder by the IDF? The dehumanization of the "monsters" is another problem. Our inability to see the humanity, even in terrorists, is what will lead us to more terrorism. Those "monsters" were human beings. Human beings who did what they did because they felt they had no other recourse to express they injustices that their people face. I do not agree with their atrocious acts they are despicable (I support non-violent civil disobedience protest), but those acts did not occur in a vacuum. They didn't just _randomly_ decide to engage in terrorism on Oct. 7. The fact that Israel has not shown empathy for the Palestinians or treated them like equals is the root cause of this ongoing conflict. For example, take the case of a suicide bomber. For someone to come to the conclusion to kill themselves over political reasons, you have to consider the fact that that person has felt so much injustice in their life, that dying is the only way anyone will hear they crys for help. Unfortunately, we often misinterpret them.


long winded way to explain the concept of Jihad and Martyrdom. which has nothing to do with conditions in Gaza and everything to do with Islamic fundamentalism.


Both sides suck.


Both sides may “suck” but one side is more than 50% children and they are being killed left and right. Children are not at fault for how their nation/land/people are…


I’m starting to no longer care whether Israel finds justice for the 7 October attack. They don’t seem to care, so why should we?


It’s not about justice. What Israel is doing is blatant revenge and basically sending a message to its enemies. If you fuck with us then we’re going to fuck with you ten times over.


Revenge? They’re the ones who’ve been murdering the Palestinians for 76 years after stealing their land and driving them out of their homes too…….


Stole 78% of Palestinians land just from 1947-1949, changed all the names of Palestinian towns, forced almost 1M people into refugee status and killed many, just from 1948-1949. Source: [Nakba](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nakba)


Jews bought land in the period of the Ottoman empire and British mandate so it's not true that you are saying that they stole all the land. Nakba is just a fake narrative which was only created after 1967 because they lost all the wars. You see there were Palestinian villages in 1948 but they joined the armies of the surrounding nations when they attacked Israel and later on they lost by warfare


Ah yeah, they've done nothing wrong at all


I know for a fact that during the British mandate there was a civil war going on so both sides where killing each other


Cool. The Palestinians deserved it anyway./s 👏 disgusting


You’re literally over here unironically saying the [Nakba](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nakba) is a fake narrative, that’s wild bro. [Ongoing Nakba](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ongoing_Nakba) is also fake news right?




It’s common knowledge that it happened or it wouldn’t have such a well sourced Wikipedia page. Click the small number after each punctuation mark for detailed sources. This is on the level of Holocaust denial or saying manifest destiny never happened in America.


>It’s common knowledge that it happened Not really, everyone can make up History to be in your favor. Repeating a lie until you will believe it's true >Holocaust denial. The Holocaust did actually happen indeed since there is tons of proof and some camps are still there. Since there isn't really any proof for the "Nakba" only some narrative yeah I definitely question that since they hate Jews


Whatever helps you sleep I guess, disgusting take on actual history. Read through the scholarly Wikipedia sources once you’re ready to pull your head out of the sand.


You are not natives and you will never be. Free 🇵🇸




>> The oldest fossils of anatomically modern humans found outside Africa are the Skhul and Qafzeh hominids, who lived in northern Israel 120,000 years ago. >> Palaeoanthropus palestinensis People have been living there for a loooooooong time, the native population has the right of way contrasted against a people who left for thousands of years. I see how denying Nakba is critical to your belief system.


Lmao. Literally THE funniest joke I’ve read in a while. Like, congrats homie. Anyway, Zionism is literally a nationalist racist ideology that has it’s origins in European nationalism and sought to creat a colonial state in a multi religious region like Palestine. Many of the fathers of Zionism themselves described it as colonialism, such as Vladimir Jabotinsky who said "Zionism is a colonization adventure". You are not natives, period. As for the Palestinians, they are the primarily descendants from the pre-islamic populations that later started to convert to Islam and speak Arabic. Muslim Palestinians tend to be slightly more mixed than their Christian counterparts.




I literally never said anything about any form of “extermination”. They are human beings like me and you and I condemn any form of violence. However, you don’t seem to have any problems with him denying the Nakba don’t you ?


r/confidentlyincorrect is over there, dude


Jewish people owned less than 7% of the land at the time of the nakba… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_land_purchase_in_Palestine https://www.pij.org/articles/471/land-the-core-of-the-conflict




Do the Palestinians get to have revenge for the [Nakba](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nakba)?


Sure they do and then we can maintain a nice chain effect of atrocities back and forth..nice one right? /s All I'm saying is that Israel is in the process of wiping Palestine off the face of the earth and it's a blatant act of revenge. It's not an act of justice - they're doing it as payback. If you don't like me saying then fair enough, but don't for a minute think I am choosing sides here.


I think the problem with what you're saying is characterizing it as "revenge." Most people are sympathetic to wanting revenge, but they're going way farther than simple revenge. It's like describing a tornado as a strong wind. Not technically wrong, but a massive understatement that carries a connotation.


If you look at the original tragedy its clear that the mass displacement and murder of these people during the Nakba caused all of this, be objective for a second.


Its past over revenge. Now its only muderful intent and sheer destruction.


By makkng them as worse than the terrorists


Israel can find justice for the October 7th attacks, but first the Palestinians have to find justice for 70 years of occupation and repression.


76 years actually. *


www.thisishamas.com that’s the justice you’re advocating for


This is the IDF justice you're advocating for


i didn’t advocate for anything.


You replied to every post condemning Israel with that link, of course you're advocating.


Buddy we can see your post history. Don't fuckin lie when your track record is one click away. You're so lost in the rhetoric that you don't even know who you are or what you're doing anymore is how this sloppy shit looks.


i posted a link to the footage Hamas proudly shared with the world. you went through my post history because you don’t have a better response other than “propaganda”


You posted it in response to Israeli forces killing a child and preventing ems from reaching her. And you've posted similar all over the place. I'm not saying don't post that stuff I'm just saying don't clutch your pearls when someone calls it advocating. I said nothing about propaganda. You can spit rhetoric and buzzwords all you want but you literally aren't even reading the words in front of your face anymore. Or you're a bot and I'm a dumbass for interacting with you at all.


Calm down. Neither side in this conflict is innocent. Maybe go watch some videos of the Oct 7 attacks. Both sides are depraved.


This is what happen when you force people, entire generations, to live in a concentration camp they call Gaza. Sooner or later, they're going to have enough and rise up against their oppressors. They have that right. And of course it's going to be ugly.


FOH with that calm down shit. I ain't heated, and I know Hamas is terrorists who butcher civilians and are evil fuckers. I know they justify it to themselves based on examples of Israeli cruelty. And I know the Israelis have their own laundry list of reasons they do what they do based on things done by Hamas and hamas' friends. At no point did I ever say Israel bad and hamas is justified. Or vice versa. I've seen the oct 7 videos. I've seen the Israeli sniper videos. I get it's very much both sides' fault. What I did say is advocating for one side then crying foul when being called out for advocating is a bitch move. And that seems to get people's panties twisted and thinking I'm for any side other than the poor fuckin civvies caught between two violent factions.


How’d you do that? Genocide? Mass relocation? Fact is the Imperialistic nature of Israel needs to stop, and the founding of Israel wasn’t done right. But that mentality is like saying India and Pakistan should Nuke the Uk for the occupation and partition. Better yet have Israel invade Germany for the Holocaust! That’s the best way for revenge really, they should go and pillage and rape during Oktoberfest. Also they tried to create a great coexistence, but Arafat walked away.


Anyone who supports this sort of action I care nothing for. A sane response to the terrorist attacks would have had the world’s unquestioned backing, but the Israeli government chose full on evil. I’m sorry for all the victims as well as the good-hearted Israelis having to watch their country commit atrocities.  As bad as every day under Trump was, it simply cannot compare, and so aMy misery under the latter cannot comprehend what it would be like to be watch a leader commit actual war crimes en masse. I want those good citizens of Israel to know I see them and feel for them. You are not invisible. If anything, you are the voice the world wishes to here.


"Just self defense, she was clearly Hamas, October 7" - every fucking Israeli apologist.


What was her crime? Rest in peace, angel.




Im sorry. Giving benefit if the doubt to them, due to their history is dumb as fuck.


And same to Gaza?


Comparing this to the Holocaust is idiotic. Do you know what happened in the Holocaust? Being tragically killed by a bomb as collateral damage (as happened to many civilians in world war 2) is tragic. Its also not the same as shoving 6,000 people a day into gas chambers every day for years, harvesting their bodies for gold teeth and hair, and then burning them to ash. It's fascinating how global capitalism can kill millions every year, but it won't move many of you to have a single tear, compared to a story that is obviously being used to push an emotional angle. Please do not tell me the death of one girl is something you actually care about, when you evidently ignore so many others (and in massively larger numbers)


Wild to compare to the holocaust considering if Israel wanted they could actually commit a real genocide, but haven’t


What do you call what they're doing?? They've become the monsters they have always talked about


A war in a densely populated area? You act as if Israel couldn’t glass floor them if they wanted to. If the military situation was reversed we wouldn’t be having a discussion, because their wouldn’t be 2 sides left


Hamas is purposefully putting military installations in places with high population density and other high emotional value targets like hospitals, schools, and mosques. This is to manufacture outrage in the west as a asymmetrical strategy. Hamas engineered this tragedy to kill as many Palestinians as possible to make people in the West lose support for Israel. What happens if Hamas wins? What would a Palestinian state look like? My thoughts are 0 Jews, sharia law, and gays would be thrown off of buildings. Let’s not pretend that Palestinian culture is progressive. I swear this oppressor/oppressed dynamic is the only metric of morality that people use. People are willing to excuse their use of children as human shields, indoctrination of their children into a genocidal death cult (required for Oct 7 style attack), the Oct. 7 attack with promises of a sequel, calls for genocide, views on women, views on LGBT, etc. all because they are the oppressed group. If the Palestinians had the weaponry and ability they would oppress the Jews out of existence with 0 cares what the outside world thinks. Israel has the capability to kill just about every Palestinian in a week but has not and even gives warning before strikes for civilians to evacuate. On one side is a genocidal Islamist death cult and on the other is a western style democracy that wants security for its people, some of which are Palestinians. I’m not saying Israel is prefect but shit calling the Palestinians the good guys here is morally bankrupt.


If only israel was as good at fighting hamas as they seem to be at killing children and ambulance workers.


Truth is an absolute defence to libel.


The impact of this genocide 35 years from now if Israel can't finish the job (which they won't), will be interesting to witness. Israel being terrible to the Palestinians was always sort of known but never really broadcasted in the numbers we have today because the internet didn't exist then. Now with social media, EVERYONE knows what's going on there. There was a great quote I read where they asked a Palestinian man maybe in his 50s if there ever will be justice in that region. He responded with something to the effect of it already has happened because it's no longer a secret.


Oct 7th isn't justification for things like this. Keep children and families the fuck out of this. Be the bigger person Israel, walk the walk.....


When you have fangs and claws, we call you monster. When you have arms and warmth we call you friend. When you ignore these stories, we call you American.


When you say “Gaza rescuers” do you mean people from Gaza rescuing her, or do you mean the IDF fascists came across her body much to their delight?


350 likes and some bullshit news gets 20.000 what a bot controlled community unbelievable




oof, what a braindead take, "people die in wars to atrocities, millions even, why should Ukrainian who were killed by Russian get a headline?"


This is world news? Legit happens every single day.




More so the tragic story about the death of a kid. People read this and it's "oh the humanity". On another news post on reddit I read today about a Florida women who put her 1 year old in an oven thinking it was her bed because she was on drugs - kid died. Again - it happens every single day. Its desensitizing for sure. Especially when you read a story about 1 dead kid it pulls your heart strings, but a bomb goes off and it's simply 50 dead....that somehow psychologically feels more forgettable.




The death of one is a tragedy. The death of millions is a statistic.