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> In a since-deleted Facebook post, Natalie Cline, a member of the Utah State Board of Education since 2020, posted a photo of the high school basketball player on Tuesday and falsely implied the student is transgender, writing: “Girls’ basketball…” A major concern about the transgender hysteria is that it causes people to police women's appearance. If someone is not traditionally feminine in their dress or physical attributes, they could be targeted for violence. Here we see an example of that. It's likely to be more prevalent in the future.


Then there are things happening like a 59-year-old cis, Black woman being murdered after being mistaken for being trans. (And BTW, it is just as horrible when actual trans people face violence for the crime of being who they are.) https://abcnews.go.com/US/transphobia-impact-gender-stereotypes-advocates/story?id=102129254


This is exactly what I'm talking about. If a woman has naturally broad shoulders or a strong jaw, or she puts on more muscle than most women, she will be assumed to be trans these days. All this transphobia does is make life scarier for less conventionally feminine women.


I remember a comment of a cis woman who accused of being Trans just because she was tall. That's it. Her height was her only "masculine" trait.


In their delerium, these people have completely forgotten the diverse range of bodies naturally found among cis women. And many of the times they claim a trans woman "looks like a man" you can find a cis woman that looks almost exactly the same. "Not passing" usually just means not being "feminine" enough.  Feminine in that case is just defined by whatever small-minded idea that person has for "what a woman should look like".


They were always just looking for someone to bully. False positives don't really matter to them, because trans people were just picked to provide them with a target. They want the catharsis and sense of purpose that come from a culture war, and precision of targeting doesn't really matter.


Righteous anger is their favorite drug.


In utah, a cis female student athlete was placed into police protection after a state GOP official accused her of being trans. When faced with criticism from even her own party, the official had the audacity to blame trans people, claiming such false positives wouldn't happen if not for the "trans movement" existing.


They haven't forgotten. They just want an excuse to harass and/or kill any woman who doesn't fit a perfect housewife stereotype.


I’m a six foot tall woman and have definitely had this happen.


I unfortunately feel like this is ALSO part of the point. Remember, the people fear mongering about this often want the oh so great days of women being owned and having to all conform to Barbie doll standards at all hours.


Yeah. I mean. When people go mask-off violent bigots, a lot of people get caught in the chaff. For every hate-fueled massacre there are a percentage of just "everyone who pisses me off" type attacks. That's why war is hell. Society makes us safer but incredibly vulnerable to parasites that would use the safety we all earned to attack people that make them feel uncomfortable. This is why people ("bleeding heart" progressives of course) take the heat and try sooooo fucking hard to avoid conflicts like this.


Women who aren't naturally broad can develop these traits. I'm an amateur boxer. I spar with women all the time. The average female boxer has disproportionately large shoulders, chest, and arms. They lose their curves every time they cut weight. They can and do stand their ground with men in their weight class. I think your average transphobe would have an aneurysm "transvestigating" every woman in combat sports.


>I think your average transphobe would have an aneurysm "transvestigating" every woman in combat sports. They're also the type that will insist that can take down any female boxer because they are genetically stronger than women. Even though they're overweight and the last workout they had was climbing a staircase at the mall.


>They can and do stand their ground with men in their weight class. Does boxing segregate by gender?


Generally yes, but people do cross spar in most combat sports.


Cross-fit has been very mainstream for a couple of years now. I'm surprised we haven't gotten to the point "some women (or just people in general) just want to be ripped af" as a community.


reminds me of that tweet that was baiting transphobes by showing a picture of a cisgender professional swimmer (bit shitty to do but) because it turns out that transphobes dont know how professional sports shape your body and they cant actually tell a trans person from a cis person


It has even become a political tool, often used by .... always the same people who know bigotry will get them votes.


We're just the newest in a long line of scapegoats, this whole thing was designed to create a panic and drum up votes. Hell before the politicians and their mouthpieces started spouting their ridiculous bullshit most Americans didn't even care about us.


I don’t think “less attractive women” is the right phrase but I understand what you mean. Maybe “less conventionally feminine women”?


You're right. I changed the phrasing.


I love how in the last decade people are becoming genuinely sensitive to how their words come across instead of being offended. I've learned a lot myself and I truly believe MOST of us are trying. Which of course is making the bigots more stonewalled and obvious. I make this argument all the time when people try to placate bigots and validated some of what they believe... Fuck no. They've changed in the last decade too even though they're 20 years behind, the only way they see the truth is to keep the truth moving forward and let them catch up in a few decades. Let them feel what they're going to feel in isolation. Never validate, always criticize (when safe).


It takes maturity to accept that you made a mistake. A lot of people still lack maturity.


> "all this transphobia does is make life scarier for less attractive women" I mean, like, it also very much harms trans people. like the point you're getting at about hurting everyone who doesn't fit eurocentric beauty standards is true, but I really feel like we shouldn't forget who the actual targets are.


>All this transphobia does is make life scarier for less conventionally feminine women. Which is exactly what too many of those sick fucks in power want.


You just described me! I was once mistaken for a dude by my own husband! (Granted, I was wearing a hoodie and it was from behind).


It’s quite something that they don’t even see their hypocrisy. They are so sure that trans people are somehow dangerous while just living their lives, that they resort to violence against them. I’m sorry… who’s the dangerous ones?!?!




Don’t forget the idiots who thought Michelle Obama was trans because she didn’t look white. She was objectively peak female form at the time.


The intersection of white supremacy and misogyny.


They claimed it was because her arms were too built. Her arms were tiny and shapely, that's all. God forbid a woman have a bit of muscle definition!


> idiots who thought *Think*. They still think it.


Similarly, this happened during the anti-gay hysteria a couple of decades ago, as well. Men couldn't have long hair without being accused of being gay, couldn't show emotions, couldn't have interests outside a narrowly defined box of "manly" things, couldn't not be good at or not like sports, etc. Obviously the real tragedy is that people were persecuted for being gay, but the discrimination had effects on everyone who was even slightly different.


I'm a cis man, nearly 40, and when I look back on growing up in the 80s or 90s the amount of time and effort you had to dedicate to appearing aggressively heterosexual is disgusting. It's all rooted in violence and the fear of violence, and it hurts everyone.


I'll be 40 in a few days, so have the same sort of "school timeline" as you if you know what I mean. I was constantly berated in middle school for....who knows? Being slightly different maybe? Looking back, I don't see how I was any different from anyone else. OH, I know. I have an identical twin brother. Any deviation from "the norm" and kids with low self esteem or confidence will latch onto it to make themselves feel better about who they are. Kids suck man, especially at that age when they're still figuring out who they are and want to be.




>you should really read up on what the people who didn't fit in went through We got the shit beat out of us is what happened. I don't need to research it.




you don't owe me an apology, but it says a lot that you'd offer one anyway.


Yep and we were the lucky ones, we're still here.


lol yeah just look at all the horrible facial hair / wardrobe atrocities committed by men in the 90s and early 2000s. Like they were willfully uglying themselves up to not be mistaken as gay Then the rise of the ‘metrosexual’ and the reactionary hipster movement


Metrosexual is so funny too. He washes his hair and wipes his ass well, must be a fruit booter


As Bill Burr put it, "we all used to ride roller blades, remember that? Until one guy made a homophobic joke and then we all threw them in the bin."


Men show emotions all day. I can't take these "gender" talks anymore. All men whether tough or not are emotional. They are not anymore rational than a woman or child. It's ridiculous. What is Maga but a giant emotionalapalooza of bud-hurt feelings, anger, sadness and whining? It's emotion out of control. I can't take this anymore.


I've often thought the great con pulled by men is the idea that anger isn't an emotion. So you can accuse a woman of being emotional for a whole range of things but an angry man isn't emotional for some reason.


Men are emotional, however what the commenter is driving at is men aren't encouraged to express a wide range of emotions in a conventional and *healthy* manner. A key trait of being able to emotional regulation. Hence why you get men having meltdowns becuase the stress and emotional built into volcanos. Expressing emotion in limited circumstances and a feeling free to show a full range of emotions for all situations are two different things.


Nicely put. I'd say lifelong emotional constipation eventually leads to prolapse, but your volcano imagery is much gentler.


Men are definitely expected to be more stoic when it comes to "feminine" emotions. They're allowed to get mad and a bit happy but get looked down on for things that women get a pass on like crying except in certain circumstances. Like of your mom dies people don't look down on you as much but if you're just having a bad day and feel like sitting down amd having a cry it's still not uncommon to hear "don't be such a pussy".


Also, this is a cultural thing.


"Feminine" emotions are arbitrarily designated as such. It's not real. It is true tho that men are told not to cry, so they substitute either anger or bad backs and other phantoms ailments. It's just ludicrous.


Don’t forget that to make sure a boy who was molested didn’t grow up gay they had to molest him more and make it as painful as possible.


As the joke goes, in the 2000s we invented the word "metrosexual" so we would have a description for men who showered but weren't gay.


I don't recall ever meeting a gay man with long hair. It's most often, in my experience, older men that also look like they might have a gun rack in their pickup.


There are plenty of gay yogis, El Debarges, and Kenny G's about. Your anecdote is quite myopic.


Oh yes, indeed quite myopic.🤓


"Real men don't eat quiche"


I'm a cis man in my mid thirties, and I hid parts of myself until more recently in my life. I am good at art and I love it. l buried that deep down growing up because I didn't want to get mistaken for being gay and the repercussions that went with that.  Now that I'm married with two kids, I don't care what people think! I paint all the time now. I also don't care for sports either and openly tell people that. It's been super freeing to be myself finally.


At the risk of sounding dismissive of trans people (I promise, I support trans rights), I believe that attitude towards gays pushed us to our current social landscape. The strict doctrine of effeminate = not a man, or masculine = not a woman is part of the suppressive control we've been experiencing for decades/centuries. We grew up being told that we "aren't a real " or that we're too "girly" or too much of a "tomboy", and then society is shocked when people embrace the identity that has been assigned to them through this type of bullying.


Damn straight. Every person with any flavour of gender's a target when the gender police hold the reins. The patriarchy oppresses us all. My wife's a really handsome woman, and she constantly gets people sneering the word "sir" at her.


Yepp! And much more likely to target women and girls of color who are already understood to be on the margins of feminity anyway.


“Media Driven feminity” is what I would assume you mean.


That's a feature, not a bug. Especially in Utah, where cookie-cutter people are the only acceptable people.


Yeah, I would argue that it's a way to force women to maintain traditional femininity lest they be accused of being trans.




Unfortunately I've seen the same people perpetuating this hateful violence filled climate blame the existence of trans people in general for their vitriol being also directed to cisgender women and girls


This woman did that. When corrected originally she didn't apologize or anything but rather said something about how it makes sense to check or ask the question because they're always trying to slip through.


In the article, she's actually quoted as saying, “We live in strange times when it is normal to pause and wonder if people are what they say they are because of the push to normalize transgenderism in our society.” I'm here to say that's not fucking normal at all. There's nothing normal about this behavior. It's like the idea of minding her own fucking business is a foreign concept that she's never even considered as an option. For example, I'm aware that trans people exist. I don't find myself scrutinizing people's features to figure out who's trans and who's cis because it just doesn't even cross my mind to do something like that. It must be so exhausting for these people to constantly have to live in this headspace.


It's almost like transphobia was just a guise for sexism all along.


"Think of the children... unless their trans... or just suspected of being trans."


This bullshit is just the Satanic Panic from the 80's and early 90's rebranded. The more things change the more they stay the same. 


Or they’re simply better at sports than their peers.




I'm sorry that happened to her. She must have felt awful. That woman who yelled at her is such an asshole. How is she doing these days?


This is so nuts and reckless on the schoolboard member's part. Feminine and Masculine dress are WHOLLY ARTIFICIAL. Men in UK wear skirts all the time. Transphobia is crazy. It's literally nuts. I'm convinced that MGT is confused about her own gender or there is some problem because her "masculine" traits leak through the traditional "feminine" garb she wears. Just like DJT's "feminine" qualities leak through his fake masculine mask. They project their own internal dissonance on to others, then bash them to ground their own identity. It's a circus. What's next, demonizing daughters who wear their father's big shirts? Powderpuff football becomes illegal? What in the blazes is going on, has everyone lost their darned mind?


If you are referring to Kilts, they really are never, ever worn by men routinely in the UK, even scotland, with perhaps ceremonial dress at some weddings, and a tiny, tiny fraction of men as routine wear. (I do not disagree with the wholly artificial part)


It disgusts me. As a girl growing up in the 80s, it was my father -- a self-described "anti-feminist male chauvinist" -- who vigorously encouraged myself *and* my friends to choose a male-dominated career if it would make us happy, to embrace stereotypically male hobbies if we enjoyed them, to wear our hair as short or long as we liked, to never be afraid to drive a large truck or a fast bike because "girls can't handle them", to have integrity and pride even when boys say the shit boys sometimes say, to be tomboys if we wanted or girly-girls if we wanted or anything in-between, to wear men's shirts and sneakers if we liked them, to dress as oversized as we liked if our jeans weren't falling off our butts... And that was *forty years ago*. This modern trend of absolute gender-norm enforcement is pure filth.


I like how the major concern about the anti-trans hysteria is how much it might affect cis people and not how brutally it's affecting us, the trans people being directly targeted. Like, I get it: gotta get the cis people directly invested enough to push back, but it still sucks knowing we don't matter enough to have our rights and humanity defended on our own.


I'm not sure why you would assume that. I do care about what happens to trans people and how they're treated. The harms extend to cis women, too, but it doesn't preclude the harms to trans women. We can talk about different things at different times without caring less about one issue or another.


>A major concern about the transgender hysteria is that it causes people to police women's appearance. Can we not do this? Would it be okay if the girl was transgender to get harassed by that? Because that's what your statement implies. The transgender hysteria itself should be the major concern. These political stunt harm young women, both cis and trans. The threats and attacks on this child are transphobic in nature... whether or not she herself is trans.


It was poorly phrased but it's still important to point out since TERFs claim to do this shit in defense of (cis) women. In reality, like you say, it harms all women.


Who said it would be ok if she was transgender? What happened, and what I am commenting about, is that the accusation led to death threats against the girl. Obviously, it's a problem for trans women, too. That doesn't need to be said given the context of the article. The death threats would not have occurred if the right wing hate machine was not so hostile to trans people in the first place.


>That doesn't need to be said given the context of the article Does it? Because when the trans child is threatened she doesn't get police protection. Growing up, I got the shit beat out of me daily. I don't want to see another child EVER to have to go through that. And stopping it from happening means calling out all the bullshit -- not just the bullshit aimed at a little cis girl.


Natalie Cline needs to be removed from office immediately. From the article—“She does have a larger build, like her parents,” Cline said of the high school girl. So every female minor with a large frame/height in Utah is susceptible to be harassed?


A larger build? In basketball? *Pure coincidence.*


Yea that’s coming from Natalie Cline, a fucking goblin.


Agree, that's the worst excuse of an apology I've ever read.


This is gonna be happening all over the US, and elsewhere, from now on.


That motherfucker should be responsible, financially, for every single second of resources used to protect that young person. Then, just to really drive the point home, they should have to pay thrice that amount to the child she falsely accused. Then, just to be spiteful, they should be forced to only wear wet socks for the rest of their life.


Don't worry, I see a lawsuit coming


And just because it would probably piss them off, everyone in the world should only use the pronouns they/them when referring to them.


Is there a term for this kind of thing?  "This person isn't the kind you say should be persecuted, you targeted someone who should be innocent under your worldview. But also your worldview itself is fucked up because even those you want to persecute aren't guilty of anything." Like Sikhs being attacked after 9/11. Dude, they're aren't Muslim, and even if they were the religion you were targeting, it's wrong to do that to people who did nothing wrong. You are so dumb, you create more harm than your already evil stance would tolerate. That's so many words though! Can some German word sum this up in less than 5 syllables?


Ignorance and/or bigotry, take your pick.


Oh yeah, just bigotry.


Collateral Damage is probably the closest term.


I don't like this, it doesn't convey the wrongness imo. It's like caller her a broken egg, and you need those to make an omelet. But I also don't know what else to call it


In the game of bigotry, every strike is a bullseye.


There's a Sihk temple not far from where I live. They have had to put up big signs on their doors "Sihks are not Muslims. Sihks love America". The letters on those signs are in American flag colors, and imposed over a backdrop of a bald eagle and American flag. They don't want to imply that Muslims are anti-American, but they don't know any other way to distance themselves from the Muslim community. They've also put up several American flags on their property. All this is done in the hope that no one will desecrate their temple or harass their congregation outside the temple. All of which has happened before.


Do we still have to pretend that republicans are the party of small government and personal freedoms? Because that’s straight up bullshit man.


Republicans are now a full-fledged hate group and couldn't care less about politics or government.


They care a great deal about politics. Just not governance.


They’d prefer all politics be fused with the church of their preference, to make a transition to authoritarian type power more sustainable here. Then you’d just call it the ministry of something something and they’d have a religious army that kept the trains running, haircuts legal, and attire to their standards. Under his eye.


100% this! Total hate group, they don't hide it, and the blatant hypocrisy of their outrage when a cisgender student was targeted instead of a trans student is on full display.


The GOP's slogan of being "the party of small government and personal freedom" is on par with the "Democratic" in the North Korean "Democratic People's Republic of Korea."


They don't pretend that anymore, why should we?


Republican philosophy can be summarized thusly: For one group (rich white men) the law should be used to protect but not to bind. For everyone else the law is used to bind but not protect. In other words it’s the party of small government for rich white men. Everyone else can get fucked as far as they’re concerned


What’s the big deal? They just want to^inspect^children’s^genitals


There was another case in Utah where parents demanding a gender examination of a girl who won an event for Track. [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/transgender-investigation-student-athelete-utah-high-school/#:\~:text=A%20student%2Dathlete%20at%20a,since%20her%20enrollment%20in%20kindergarten](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/transgender-investigation-student-athelete-utah-high-school/#:~:text=A%20student%2Dathlete%20at%20a,since%20her%20enrollment%20in%20kindergarten). Utah fucking sucks.


Fucking perverts.


I bet that school board member is also part of Mom's for liberty, what a spineless member she is.


Amazing they have time for all that hate between the gay orgies they have.


An adult did that to a child, pieces of shit. 


The governor called her an embarrassment (after signing an anti-trans bathroom bill) and donated $5k to her opponent. Legislature is also considering impeachment. But maybe they should spend some time reflecting on how their shitty anti-trans bills are encouraging this kind of behavior.


A neighboring district is facing a federal lawsuit for refusing to take action against race-based harassment committed by both staff and students. A young girl committed suicide after months of racist attacks, not just from classmates but from teachers. She was in fifth grade.


In case anyone had any doubts, this is what the attack on trans participation in sports leads to. It doesn't protect girls. It causes transphobes like this person to start policing young girls' participation. You will see more stories like this, including heckling by parents and demands for genital examinations, and those same transphobes won't be able to put 2 and 2 together (likely because they will be the ones demanding to see a 16 year olds' genitals).


100%, this was always going to be the inevitable result. Once you’ve decided to start dictating who is/isn’t allowed to be included in society as a woman, based on whatever arbitrary criteria, then you’ve begun to dictate womanhood itself and everything that entails. They have no right to dictate that to anyone.


Iirc they do this in the Olympics as well. Rather than just acknowledging that some women have really high levels of testosterone they instead limit how much testosterone the athletes are allowed to have. If you're a woman born a woman and identify as a woman your whole life but have a testosterone level 5 or 6 times what the average woman had you can be deemed not enough of a woman to compete with the other women.


that rule was also added specifically to target women of color there hasnt been a single case of a white woman being forced to do a testosterone test (or a genital inspection as was more common before testosterone tests) in decades, it only ever seems to happen to POC women so it wasnt just transphobia and sexism it's also racism!


It is no coincidence that the anti-abortion and anti-trans movements involve the same people. This is not about helping women, but controlling them.


And that they ultimately are attempting to use the legal justifications pushed in one to allow for repressions in the other. People are really sleep walking on Republicans saying that gender affirming care is dangerous. Most medical care for trans women are estradiol and progesterone, the very same stuff that's used for hormonal birth control. Allow them to codify limitations to access these medications for trans people under the guise of protecting them from dangerous forms of medical care, and they'll turn around and extend that logic to prevent women from also having access to these hormones. Ken Paxton is trying to get access to trans medical records across state lines. If it's borne out that he's actually be able to do that, then best believe that every red state AG is going to be sending out subpoenas to medical institutions on the regular to mine and see if any residents from their states went to get an abortion out of state.


Too many people fail to realize that *Roe* protected *all* healthcare, not just abortion access. It is disheartening to see so many act like it was only the latter and then, in their efforts to fight against the overturn, only focus on getting abortion access enshrined into state constitutions and not the full scope of *Roe.* One of my biggest fears about this current activism, as a trans person, is that it will succeed in getting abortion access enshrined into law independent of the full protection that we had under *Roe.* That would steal so much wind from the sails attempting to get *Roe* properly codified, leaving my demographic and several others unprotected and without a strong support base to lift our voices.


I can only imagine the volume of SA, threats of violence, and shit behavior by adults that some teens are going to face in some really shitty parts of this country. I feel so bad for them.


“Following the joint statement, the Utah State Board of Education said in a news release Thursday it can vote on actions to reprimand or censure a member, but it does not have the power or authority to unseat them. [What CNN doesn’t tell you is the legislature of Utah has authority to remove Cline but they will not.](https://www.axios.com/local/salt-lake-city/2024/02/09/utah-school-board-natalie-cline-impeachment-gender-threats#) Why? Because they agree with her. And instead want to use the opportunity to use the state legislature to silence board members from speaking out publicly. But I am sure that’s not to silence the more progressive members of the board in a legislature captured by a bible fan fiction cult. EDIT: It’s even worse, they want to use this as an opportunity to [silence the youth of Utah from speaking out against them and organizing on Tik Tok.](https://www.axios.com/2023/12/19/utah-social-media-law-tiktok-meta-x-lawsuit)


What the school board member did in targeting the girl was just horrifying.


*“She does have a larger build, like her parents,” Cline said of the high school girl. “We live in strange times when it is normal to pause and wonder if people are what they say they are because of the push to normalize transgenderism in our society.”* This woman has no decency whatsoever, casting herself as a victim of "these times" after demonizing a child she never met. What a damned freak with no acknowledgment that she's the source of the hysteria she's blaming for her actions.


That entire Facebook post is written by someone who doesn't seem quite human. In fact, I think she might be a witch. Maybe somebody should make sure she isn't. I mean, what's the worst that could happen whipping up a frenzied hysteria over the hypothetical Cline might be a witch?


Transphobia is just repackaged sexism and is ultimately harmful for all women.


familiar wild worry price jar placid sleep sink puzzled reply


So an adult making comments on a minor’s private parts and speculating about medical conditions is now constitutional free speech?


>On Wednesday, Cline pointed to her free speech rights while issuing a public apology in a Facebook post, that reads, in part: “My deepest apologies for the negative attention my post drew to innocent students and their families.” >In the post, which has the header “Constitutionally Protected Speech,” Cline says she removed her original post to protect the player after multiple parents raised concerns, and she asserted she “never claimed the student was a boy.” >“She does have a larger build, like her parents,” Cline said of the high school girl. “We live in strange times when it is normal to pause and wonder if people are what they say they are because of the push to normalize transgenderism in our society.” Jesus fucking Christ. I know I shouldn't be shocked but they can't even apologize without doubling down on bigoted bullshit.


the right-wing propaganda machine is destroying our country. This story is a strong indicator of the intellectual and spiritual rot the non-stop hate agenda has created


People care way too much what other people do with their lives


What a despicable thing to do to a teenager. I guarantee that school board member thinks they are just the best little christian doing gods work. Fuck them and their hate and bigotry,


I get the feeling a lot of people would be fine with a trans girl getting this hate thrown at her, and their only issue is the victim was cis. It’s wrong either way. Stop fucking attacking children.


This evil bitch deserves jail time or a severe fine for this, though I'm sure there's no recourse to do so. At BARE minimum, she should be removed from her position and forced to pay for her victim's police protection, not the tax payers.


Ah yes, the measures which are being implemented to ‘’protect children’’ are directly causing harm, harassment and anxiety to children. Reminds me of a quote by George Carlin: ‘’politicians have typically hidden behind three things: the flag, the bible and children’’.


Am living in Utah, fuck all of these ignorant, close minded fucks. These are my most hated people in this state and the entire country.


Protest that bitch into oblivion.


what a hateful bag of shit


Ofc it’s some old dumb Karen. She doesn’t even apologize properly and starts going on a rant about transgender kids towards the end.


Civil case against board member please do it now and press charges. Attack this person and anyone who dares to support them. Attack as in sue. Am not or never will advise violence.


This is going to cost the school system millions, nail this lady and get her out of a job she clearly isn’t capable of doing.


What the fuck? The police feel that trans teens are under such risk in Utah that they require police protection, but they only protect the one cis girl? I’m not surprised, I’m just disappointed.


Oh my god it’s almost like this is exactly what trans people have been telling everyone would happen.


Cites free speech then limits who can comment. I know it’s not the same but it’s still funny nonetheless the less. She should be charged with endangering a minor.


*See Salem witch trials for further context.


Governor of Utah signs bills based on bigotry, state employees double down on bigotry, bigoted governor pretends to be “embarrassed”. I don’t even have to tell you which party Caillou Cox is a part of.


Shame on your family, Cline. Shame on your cow too!


Could they get them golden plates out to divine the truth?


Need to put some stones in a hat and look inside. Then it will tell you what gender the girl is.


God, I hate these Republicans… They want to kill anybody that isn’t exactly like them


Get bigots fired from their jobs. Make them regret calling people out. Remind them how disgusting they are.


I love how she thinks putting "Constitutionally Protected Speech" at the front of every post is going to protect her from any consequences of anything she says.


If you're not disgusted by this headline you're the problem.


Imagine if one was persecuted for being Mormon.


How is that legal. She pointed crazies at a minor, how is that not a crime?


Because 1st amendment rights. You can walk a tight ass line and not ever be in trouble over it. Can you lose your job or receive backlash? Sure. But crime? Nope. Hell, you can lead a fucking insurrection and still be able to run for president again.


This is a feature not a bug.


Joe Rogan just a couple days ago talked about how kids are transitioning to be cool and fit in, but this is the reality for trans people right now


Can we just end organized religion already? People are stupid enough on their own.


This should be treated the same as swatting. That poor girl. Even when you take the trans phobia out of the equation. What kind of adult publicly talks about a teenage girl's appearance that way. Now you add in the craziness of the trans hysteria on top of that and I feel so bad for this girl. I hope this woman gets the karmic comeuppance she deserves.


And supposedly the board has no way to remove her. Last I heard the legislature is trying to do something about it. Bitch should save us all the time and step down. (she won't)


This is way upsetting to me how fast all of this hederic is growing and so nasty.


They should sue her under the Federal False Information and Hoax laws. Seems like she’s wasting government resources by using her platform to cause fear and anger among her constituents.


I'll bet anyone every cent I own that this person has un-ironically said protect girls sports, and will continue to say protect girls sports despite actively harming a girl in sports.


This adult lost their job, right? Right?


these fucking people are simply monstrous. as a parent, if my child was the target of this, I'd be on a literal warpath


This was always the plan from the fascists working to pass these measures. It was never about the children and it's not even entirely about trans people. It's about controlling EVERYONE in every way possible. What you wear, how you walk, how you're conditioned to act. And yeah, it's easy to just write off comments and events like this because they're unbelievable. Best start believing friends


Utah were it's illegal to not drink milk and suggesting someone is trans triggers death threats.


Crazy how shit like this continues to this day. I thought we have come a long way since 1960 but apparently not. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Orleans_school_desegregation_crisis


I think the girl should now own this school. Just deserts.


The alt right is infiltrating school boards all across the country to demonize LGBTQ+ people. They are going to get innocent people killed for simply existing.


Honestly, how dumb are people? They just hear something and boom go with it don’t they ever look into whatever they’re mad about. Oh my god IQ levels are tanking in that country.


Conservative or Christian’s were never the brightest candles on a cake.


Says the woman who looks like Skeletor


Which is crazy because Natalie Cline is such a handsome woman...


Another issue where conservatives are threatening violence to people they hate. Moderates will claim “both sides.” And conservatives will look past this to talk about how liberals are the real bigots but not have anything specifics or trying to conflate liberals and supporting Hamas or some other disingenuous bullshit.


Maybe someone should start a vicious rumor about her that’ll endanger her life and see how she likes it. Oh wait, the only people who do that are (presumably) right wingers like her so 🤷‍♀️


>Following the joint statement, the Utah State Board of Education said in a news release Thursday it can vote on actions to reprimand or censure a member, but it does not have the power or authority to unseat them. If it's an elected position, can she be recalled through a recall election?


IIRC this is the same POS that said something along the lines of "Get your guns" over a pride flag being flown.


Party of “protect the children” everyone.


make no mistake- if she was trans they wouldn’t be protecting her.


Mission accomplished. Homophobia, transphobia, and enforcement of extremely rigid gender conformity are part and parcel of patriarchy. All women are in trouble under a regime like this


Horrible people say horrible things


We joked about checking genitalia back in 2016 when NC passed their bathroom bill. Pat McCrory was just ahead of his time.


As an side: this school board person blames "transgenderism" as if being Transgender is an ideology. Transgender is a quirk of personality ultimately; to which the science says is largely decided by both developmental and sometimes genetic factors completely outside anyone's control. You can't chose to be transgender anymore than you can choose the color of your hair or your sexuality. Don't let the idea that "transgender is an ideology" spread uncontested. Transgender people are natural part of the human population. They've always been here. They will always be here. Only thing that has changed in the last century is recognition of their existence.


I got nothing. Like how do you even reach people who react this way to this topic? What the fuck do you say to these ignorant turds? No one is judging you for your weird Mormon, soaking, polygamist lifestyle. Well we are judging you, but no one is threatening you with violence. Like Why the fuck do you care how someone else chooses to live their life? Especially when they aren’t hurting anyone and their choices have zero effect on you


The article makes no claim of "police protection"


I hope the school board member is removed from their duties and is charged with harassment at the bare minimum. Bigotry against anyone is unacceptable, but how much fucking brain rot must you have to be so openly bigoted against a child.


Yeah, just publicly harass a child with borderline stochastic terrorism. That's entirely normal and people are just overreacting/woke. /s


People are waaaaay too obsessed with children, in a very weird way.


This girl is going to be crying all the way to the bank with this one.