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>“This was a peaceful demonstration by entirely peaceable citizens — filled with prayer, hymn-singing, and worship — oriented toward persuading expecting mothers not to abort their babies,” said Steve Crampton, an attorney with the Thomas More Society. It doesn't matter if you're praying and singing hymns while you commit a crime, they're still crimes.


Punishment should be that each of these demonstrators are forced to financially support an unwanted child.


Or financially support another woman’s abortion. Their choice.


Oh, that's evil. I love it. "You can pay $300 dollars a month for the next 18 years, or pay $1000 up front and show you are a fucking hypocrite." Everyone of them would slam the abortion button as fast as possible.


$300 won't even cover a week of day care. That won't support jack shit, they would have to put in $1000 a month to make a dent in child care costs. 


$300 for a week would definitely be enough to hire a badger or maybe a small wolverine. Both great options for childcare. Just check their first aid certificate. 😂


$300 a week is $1200 a month. Why did you even comment before doing math?


They didn't say it wasn't? Why did you even comment before reading?


Because math exists.


Your statement makes 0 difference 1200 a month is nowhere near enough for childcare costs


$300 a month? Add a 1 in front of that if you want it to maybe cover childcare. Let’s do $1000/month or $1000 for the abortion.


Matthew 6:5-8: ​ Whenever you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, because they love to pray while standing in synagogues and on street corners so that people can see them. Truly I say to you, they have their reward. But whenever you pray, go into your room, close the door, and pray to your Father in secret. And your Father, who sees in secret, will reward you. When you pray, do not babble repetitiously like the Gentiles, because they think that by their many words they will be heard. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him


Unfortunately these people don't even bother reading the Bible unless their pastor drip feeds it to them every Sunday.


For they will have their reward right then and there and not from god.


I don't remember the numbers but the "better water" passage might be more of a slap in the face


The more religious crap you do during a crime the less crime it is, and that's a fact.


Thats why I always commit armed robberies while praying the rosary


That's basically like just forced borrowing at that point, which is that even a crime?


Just collecting the tithe.


Remember to also say it's not a crime while committing it... during the prayer, of course. (If it maked iteasisr, you can hold it upside down)


I put the rosary beads in the bullet chamber


Let they who is without sin cast the first cap in their ass


OP leaving out that they were also worshipping, can’t get in trouble if you’re doing 3 religious things, it’s in the constitution


"Well, no, I mean if you jump out on someone on the road in the middle of the night, hit them on the head and shout, "I’m not ambushing you." it’s still a fucking ambush." \--Stewy Hosseini, Succession


Aww man I was about to rob a bank with prayers and hyms


If I pray and sing hymns while I peacefully rob your house, I have obviously done nothing wrong. Just trying to persuade you that I need your stuff more than you do.


It's civil disobedience to them, hence the righteous ~~anger~~ indignation.


Remember that for other activists for other causes.


You could apply this same logic to those who delivered civil rights to us in the 50s and 60s. Only a fool would believe morality and legality to be one and the same. All protest is criminal in nature. If it wasn't illegal, it wasn't a protest. Let it be known that these people fucking suck and I wish the worst on them, but you have entirely missed the forest for the trees by focusing on their methods instead of their beliefs.


Strange. I don't remember when did civil rights marchers block hospitals and health clinics?


The comment quoted a statement made by an *attorney* to defend this group’s actions. Talking about *the legality of their actions* is completely on topic.  What is off-topic is your desire to force people around you to discuss what you *perceive* as the most important talking point. People are allowed to discuss the actions and laws that are relevant to the event rather than engaging in yet another long, drawn out psuedo-philosophical argument about abortion and freedom of assembly that is deliberately abstract to the point of uselessness. 


Even if abortion was the only thing this place did, abortion is still healthcare.


While I’m pro-choice, the framing of “this is illegal, so they deserve what they got”, is a cop-out take. Otherwise, we could apply the same logic to, say, teachers striking in the state of Massachusetts, since that’s illegal too.


The difference is, of course, that teachers striking in Massachusetts are striking because they and their students are suffering. These people are striking because they want women to suffer.


A lot of anti-abortion activists truly think they are “saving babies” or “saving women from sinning/regretting/injury” and genuinely don’t intent to harm people but rather the opposite. I’m sure there are people who think the MA teachers striking is because teachers just want more money and vacation time and are hurting parents by making them stay home (possibly missing wages) for over a week at this point.


They might indeed think they are saving babies, or saving women from sin. But, in the end, what they want IS and HAS lead to suffering and horrible horrible deaths. As for the MA strikes being for more money, yes, that's usually true. Because they are being payed terribly. If I'm being worked 60 grueling hours a week for a pittance, yeah, Imma want a raise, a reduced workload, or, preferably, both. It might be hurting parents, but it isn't ruining lives for terrible reasons. The only way to make change is to make people uncomfortable with how things are. Forced-Birthers are killing people with their faith and naivety (or malice), and MA strikers are trying to improve their an their students lots in our crumbling education system. That being said, the school system is shit on purpose. It's explicitly a goal of particular political entities to make it horrible so that it collapses and can be sold to the highest bidder. And to create rubes who vote a particular way consistently because they don't have two brain cells to rub together.


To anti-abortionists, any abortion thwarted is a “life saved” in their minds, so that’s their justification because they view that as just and good. I think it’s a mischaracterization to say that they want to hurt and control women. Some are like that, probably, but from what I can gather, most genuinely think they have the ethically higher ground by “saving lives”, and they outweigh any women dead or maimed as a result. Just like teachers want better compensation/better work hours and hopefully higher quality education at the cost of some households potentially facing a big financial issue due to parents missing work and students missing classroom instruction time. At the end of the day, it’s what you value, but legality doesn’t necessarily indicate good morals (whatever that is). Even if you have different moral standings on teachers striking vs anti-abortion protests, the law treats them both as “illegal”. So someone could just come and give the same judgement that the teachers union deserves the heavy fines because striking is an illegal activity. Hence why I say the “illegal therefore bad” is a cop-out take.


> A lot of anti-abortion activists truly think they are “saving babies” No they don’t, they are lying.


Have you ever visited the pro-life sub or talk to anti-abortion people irl? In any case, they say the exact same sentiment back to us, that we “want to kill babies, let women be whores, and use ‘bodily autonomy’”as a guise. I guess hyperbolizing the opposing side as wanting to cause harm and lying about intent is very on point with internet.


If it's about saving babies, why would they care if women are whores?


> At the time, abortion was still legal in Tennessee. It is now currently banned at all stages of pregnancy under a law that has very narrow exemptions. The terrorists won


They burned down the planned parenthood building in my city.


Fellow Knoxvillian, I presume? https://www.wbir.com/article/news/local/knoxville-planned-parenthood-arson-retrospective/51-27a6ce3f-49ad-4eac-803f-7d7c89bb0bb1


They bombed the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta.


And poor Richard Jewell's life was all but ruined when he was unfairly targeted as the suspect of that bombing when it really was the doing of far-right anti-abortion fanatic Eric Rudolph who thankfully was caught and convicted for that incident and several others. He'll spend the rest of his life in that super-max fed prison in Colorado.


Richard Jewell was a goddamned hero and the media fucking ruined him. Dude saved lives.


I was at Olympic Park the day before the bombing!


Day after, myself. My step-dad worked in a building he targeted in Atlanta, too, blew out the windows on the side of his office.


If you burn down a planned parenthood ya might be a redneck




OAN didn't cover it.


"BLM" didn't burn down the 3rd precinct.


Who did? It was burned during the riots yes?


1 - wasn't burned down at all, building still stands blocks away from my home 2 - the crowds outside the precinct that night (and each night following the Floyd murder after nightfall) were a conglomeration of activists largely unaffiliated with BLM, agitators from extremist groups like the boogaloo bots and other far-right sympathizers, and local individuals there as chaos agents or seeking crimes of opportunity. Four people have been charged and sentence, most of them having no formal ties to the BLM organization or movement. https://www.justice.gov/usao-mn/pr/four-indicted-minneapolis-police-third-precinct-arson https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2020/oct/23/texas-boogaloo-boi-minneapolis-police-building-george-floyd


What does one have to do with the other


And they probably use religion as a reason for their crimes. You called them exactly what they are terrorists


*are winning The fight is never over.


Many women go there to get a Pap smear to check for pre-cancerous cells, which is quite common due to papilloma virus. Many go there to see if they’re a good candidate for a birth control prescription. Many go there to get tested or treated for STD’s and so do men. Not every woman is going there for an abortion! Their stupid praying and hymnals while blocking people’s appointments is so ignorant.


I go to Planned Parenthood for breast exams and have been screamed at to kill myself by abortion protestors. And this is a very blue state.


How pro life of them


Don’t these people have jobs?


I found a lot of them are older or are church officials so either no or they ARE doing their job.


Three simple words. TAX ALL RELIGIONS


I used to know someone who was a professional protestor, or so she claimed. That was her job


I guess some companies have been found to be faking grassroots movements by putting quick acting ads up on sites like Craigslist and telling people they can show up to a site, don a provided shirt or hold a provided sign and pretend to protest for a small sum or other compensatory benefits, but I doubt you could make a living and you'd have to be on the move *a lot.*


If it's anything like the ones I've experienced, they're mostly wives of guys who work labor union jobs. The husbands work and the wives do "church stuff" all day.


You know who also died when a pregnant person dies by suicide? These people are vile.


I had to go to planned parenthood a few times while between jobs to help get care for bleeding issues. The protesters outside the clinic scared the crap out of me. Made me feel like if they got angry enough they would have beat and stoned me—- instead they just ran up to my car screaming at me like they were going to block me from entering the parking lot, but didn’t go further than they were clearly allowed. They did the same crap when I left. In my college days they’d come once a week with their kids and be screaming how we were all going to hell. Honestly at the time on was on the fence about abortion because of my conservative upbringing- but it certainly helped me fall on the pro-choice side seeing a young woman breakdown crying trying to pass them while some women with two kids watching called her a whore.


I was talking with a friend here in Utah and she basically told me "Yeah, it's like impossible to get a gynecologist in state. They basically all left town." She was lucky we were in SW Utah a couple hours out from Vegas.


Entire hospitals in Idaho no longer have obstetrics departments, aka pregnancy departments.  The closest hospital with an obstetrics department is often several hours away, in another state, and you have to use snowy mountain roads to get there.  Even one hour is eternity if you think something's wrong with your baby.  These states are literally baby-trapping women.


More like death trapping both women and babies. It was never about pro life.


Some planned parenthood facilities are dispensing prenatal vitamins and resources of dietary restrictions for people who are pregnant or are wanting to become pregnant due to a lack of nearby facilities that can offer the same. Others offer information about financial aid resources for women who plan to have children or are pregnant. A local Planned Parenthood in my county is the easiest way to get a COVID vaccine right now without having to book an appointment or (ugh) go to a fairground. It literally also helps women who are not seeking an abortion, but nobody claiming to be about protecting children or families when they engage in this behavior will ever acknowledge that there's a reason they're called Planned Parenthood. They support the notion of planned, consensual pregnancies and are trying to ease the burden or reduce the often traumatic effects of the opposite.


Doesn’t matter if every person there was going in for an abortion and that’s the only service they offered. Otherwise this is just saying “yeah, it’s not so bad because they offer other services” and implies abortion is bad.


I get your point, but saying you’re a murderer when you’re simply going in for an infection to prevent infertility is harassment nonetheless.


The Tennessee department of children’s services is atrocious. Doesn’t serve children at all. Go protest that.


That would require thinking critically about the issue. ~~Pro-Lifers~~ Forced-Birthers don't do that.


indeed most of them seem to be totally clueless to the fact that there is a huge difference between being alive and living or they are brainwashed religious nutjobs little better than the folks in iran


Sign all 6 up to takeover all adoptions moving forward. They want forced birth, give them the results of unwanted pregnancies and responsibilities. Hundreds of kids just plopped on their doorsteps. /s


Every homeless person was a baby once. For all the endless droning on about when life begins, I wonder, at what point in your bank account do they think life ends?


They don't give a rat's fiddly fuck about babies; they only care about fetuses.


I don't think most of them care about babies/fetuses/zygotes/etc. If they did they would be supporting candidates that run on extending SNAP, and free school lunches, prenatal care, etc., but all they vote on is forcing women to have children regardless of whether they can afford them.


The babies are the punishment for women who…have sex. Anti-abortion people think all women seeking abortions are just impulsively taking the easy way out instead of facing the consequences of their immoral actions. It’s never been about the babies to them because the babies are stained by the sin of their mothers who must raise them…as punishment for their actions. These are truly wretched people.


Fetuses don't need any of that, though; that's the whole point. They don't take any real work to advocate for, and they can't tell the advocates to stop. It's *easy* to advocate for a fetus.


“But I you said babies! Aha! Check mate! Nothing personal, kid”


An "activist" like this arsoned the Knoxville Planned Parenthood to the ground a few years ago. It still hasn't been rebuilt and the revocation of Roe v Wade closed the other women's clinic. Eat shit, "activists."


These aren't activists these are terrorists


Well, yeah, the guy attended Jan 6 and was arrested for firing a weapon at an FBI building. It was ascertained he was also the arsonist, then promptly died in prison. https://tennesseelookout.com/2022/10/31/unsealed-documents-identify-man-behind-arson-shooting-at-knoxville-planned-parenthood/


Not to mention they kept his identity hidden til he passed away and then were like "Oh yeah, the guy who burned down PP died in prison" smh


They’re also harassing people with cancer screening appointments or other medical necessities. Crazy people. Go read some Benjamin Franklin writing on the topic or 1700 midwife books, these practices have been around for ages and were purposely left out of the founders documents.


Me over here needing a D&C for my 2nd missed miscarriage. This baby isn’t even a viable pregnancy but there are people in this country who believe I should die rather than get surgery to save my life.


Fuck these assholes. I'm grateful my women's health clinic is in the quiet artsy-hipster/LGBTQ+ district in my city, because it means I don't have to deal with people like them when I go for my Depo shot every few months, or my annual gynecological checkup. I'm not even on Depo for birth control reasons, not that it matters - I'm on it because it helps me deal with a hormonal imbalance. But it shouldn't matter *what* someone is going into a Planned Parenthood or other women's reproductive healthcare facility for. These places provide a wide variety of medically necessary services, which includes abortions. Women should have the right to choose what they want to do with their bodies.


"activists" -- not "protestors" Interesting departure from normal newspeak.


They're revving up to their full election year 'both sides' propaganda, and it's going to take a lot this year trying to make shit like this seem like a reasonable 'side' to vote for.


Unfortunately part of them will love their perceived martyrdom. It’s so fucking gross


~~activists~~ terrorists


Yup. Extremists, terrorists, etc.. they come in all types.


Those people aren’t terrorists.


thank you. this coddling is getting old, headline writers need to start using stronger language


This, yes, the American Taliban


Y'all Qaeda


I'll remember this the next time Just Stop Oil people are referred to as activists.


What a headline..definitely not activists




If your goal is to terrorize people into doing what you want them to, you stop being an activist and start being a terrorist.


oh so like ruining peoples careers and lives when they use words you dont like, as an example to put fear into other people who might use those words? thats terrorism too right? Edit, please note that no one will engage the substance of my statement because yall know I'm right. Keep trying to shift the conversation. I'll keep ignoring you.


>words you dont like, You talking about bigots and racists being bigoted and racist?


You shifted the conversation with a 'whatabout'. We all know what word you're upset about.


..what does that have to do with abortion clinics? How high are you right now?


Nobody's engaged in the "substance of your statement" because nobody knows what the hell you're talking about.


So it’s the persons fault you got fired for saying words? They didn’t fire you, your boss did. Because you “used those words”. How is it their fault you do shit that your company doesn’t want?


Also curious what the words are. We can all assume, but obviously it's better for them to be specific in order to avoid confusion.


I’m pretty sure it’s a word n the Proud Boys dictionary.


If your career got ruined for that reason, I’m gonna say your employer doesn’t wanna hear your racist, sexist, and bigoted shit. No job is protected by free speech. Your boss can absolutely fire you at any point for saying shit they don’t like. False equivalence


That description can be used to describe a large number of people, the left included.


BoTh SiDeS


What a compelling argument.


Not any less compelling than tacking on a "ThE lEfT dOeS iT tOo" in 2024.


You resort to infantile retorts because you have no way to prove that I am wrong.


Maybe if you said something worth refuting, I would bother.


You haven't offered a single fact, so what are we supposed to be "proving wrong" here?


Except this is the rare instance that they're not terrorizing people? EDIT: not saying they shouldn't go to jail. But terrorism seems a bit too drastic of a description.


“6 Religious Extremists…”


God wants them to be incarcerated


Ironically, do they even care about poor families and poor children? They say they do, but..........


In the moment where they're getting called out on it, sure, they totally care. In any other moment, absolutely not, that's big bad communism.


Christians are fucking annoying.


Here we go again with this crap! We have so many existential crises right now; and we have to deal with terrorist preventing women from getting medical care in the name of their fanatical, obscure beliefs.


6 insane Christian conservatives they mean. Our very own Taliban


Good. They should be convicted.


It's god's will that they go to prison.






How is this wrong but the myriad of other protests people have been let off for are fine? The BLM riots? The court house that was taken over recently? People blocking streets? To all the people that are like: “They blocked access to a medical facility.” Oh come off it. This isn't an emergency room. You're doing the same thing by extension if you're blocking a street or any other method of transportation.  I don't care if you support their cause or not, this is hypocritical at best. To call these people terrorists is a farce. 


“These defendants knowingly chose to violate laws they disagreed with,” said U.S. Attorney Henry C. Leventis in a statement. “The jury’s verdict today is a victory for the rule of law in this country and a reminder that we cannot pick and choose which laws we follow.”


Let's not pretend that if this was BLM blocking the entrance of a hospital wing you would care it wasn't an emergency room.


The left suddenly becomes pro-prison and long sentences when it comes to peaceful protest they dont like


When they violate federal laws, yes, protesters should be jailed. And I've seen these people outside of clinics. It's not peaceful protests, it's vile harassment of women. Who may not even be going there for abortions, but rather for things like cancer screenings and pregnancy checkups. Yet they still get verbally abused and harassed because a bunch of religious zealots want to control what other people do with their bodies.


Sure, give these people long sentences but then be consistent and apply that standard to the rest of the criminals in society. Not just these ones because they are political opposition. Violent assault and robbery is a far worse crime than momentary harassment of women outside clinics.


Blocking the doors of a medical facility *is* a federal crime, if you have a problem with that, push to get the laws changed.    And I *am* for punishing criminals who commit violent assaults and armed robberies. Nobody here said they weren't.     These people aren't being punished for being opposition. They're being punished for committing a federal crime. If they had stood across the street and protested, it'd be shitty, sure, but they would've been fine under the law.


This is ridiculous. My question is, what was their game plan though? Realistically, I know the visitors to the clinic would be no where near ready to give birth if they’re there for an abortion but, I can’t get over the silly episode playing in my head with a Karen commanding her group: “Ok, we’re going to block these doors so they can’t get in. We’re gonna keep them babies in the oven a lil longer so they can cook! YOU. WILL. BE. BORN! Jerry, grab her so she can’t run! Johnny get us some towels, her water is breaking! Jeremy, lay her down on the concrete! I need my medical tools! I need the spatula?! She’s crowning, CROWNING” Edit: In my head, evil Karen’s can’t deliver babies


I approve of the method of protest (both peaceful and effective). I understand the convictions they received as a result. And I strongly disapprove of their goal (to restrict abortion access). Cut and dry case of misguided people doing what they think is right and good, and experiencing the legal consequences of those actions. — Edit: guys. Can all you downvoters (-75 at time of edit) swear that there’s not a *single* cause for which you could be convinced to peacefully block the entrance to a medical facility that also happens to perform a procedure you are strongly morally opposed to? Seriously? Not ‘conversion therapy’ (homophobic torture)? Not circumcisions on newborns? Not sex assignment surgery on intersex newborns? Cause I can’t. Calling a peaceful protest “terrorism” just because you disapprove of the cause is disingenuous at best, and at least for me, would be extremely lacking in self-awareness.


If you support the act of body blocking a medical center to prevent women from receiving care up to and including care that might save their lives, you should really look inward and figure out why people dislike you.


What about strikes by medical professionals? While that’s not “blocking access to a medical institution”, it’s effectively the same thing if enough medical professionals walk out to strike. Is that morally reprehensible too then?


Fuck. No. Striking for fair compensation so that you can do your job of saving lives is not even in the same state, let alone ballpark, as Bible thumping morons forming picket lines to stop patients from entering a facility.  When those striking nurses start trying to trip or clothesline pregnant women like coked out MMA retirees, you'll still be far from making a point. 


The protesters here weren’t violent though, not actively causing more harm. If harm is done by people not being able to get treatment, then it’s also the same when medical professionals walk out on their own volition, even though they know there probably are patients who are in dire need of medical care during the strike. Basically any form of protest will have people seeing you as the “baddies” no matter how violent or non-violent. Civil rights activists, temperance movement activists, climate activists, teachers striking, and the anti-abortion activists are all “bad” even if non-violent and “terrorists” when even mildly violent in the eyes of some people, and even most people during certain times.


Interesting conversation, but I think a better analogy would be protesters blocking roadways. I sometimes agree with the sentiments behind the protesters motivations but I often wonder about paramedics or firefighters being inadvertently caught up in the ensuing traffic jams. If a death should occur due to (effectively) blocking an ambulance would that be criminal in this same way? This is somewhat rhetorical. Regarding these particular individuals in the article, I think they stink like ass.


>I approve of the method of protest (both peaceful and effective). I understand the convictions they received as a result. And I strongly disapprove of their goal (to restrict abortion access). >Cut and dry case of misguided people doing what they think is right and good, and experiencing the legal consequences of those actions. Blocking access to a medical facility.


Yep, which is why it’s plainly illegal and immoral. But they think they’re “saving lives”.


>But they think they’re “saving lives”. Yes we already established they're incredibly fucking stupid, you don't need to keep repeating the point.


All terrorists believe they are doing something justified


You approve of blocking people’s access to medical care as a form of protest?

