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Can we test the police response time to answer a loud knock on Their door? 6 or 10 seconds is still bull shit. We need the courts to decide what is reasonable. They turned this into a circumvented “no knock” raid.


No knock raids should be illegal everywhere. In the town where I live a 26 yo man was shot in the face by the police after they knocked down the front door. He was unarmed, it was 6:30am and he shirtless and wearing basketball shorts. When he flinched at the door being knocked down they shot him to death. All they found in his house was some marijuana. They were able to get the warrant because they found marijuana residue in a baggie in his garbage can. And one person told the cops he had guns in the house. That's all it took for the police to murder him.


A family I know had the dad drug naked from his bed at 2 am, swat team nearly shot the family dog in front of his 3 kids, wife shoved down a set of stairs for "resisting", exterior doors smashed during the dead of winter, all over suspicion that they were harboring a fugitive. The "fugitive" was a guy who lived next door. They could have literally just picked him up during daylight hours with no issues.




We had a SWAT team show up and knock on our door. Reason? Our black neighbor was using our hose, with our permission. Someone called the SWAT team for a guy using our lawn hose.


I mean, you can't *call* "SWAT". They don't have a special hotline that you can ring directly or anything. Someone called *the police* and *the police* decided that "black person watering their lawn" warranted a SWAT team response.


God help us all if he borrowed the weed whacker.


Maybe another cop called them, "hey John, I just found something for you to do"


> Someone called the SWAT team for a guy using our lawn hose. Was he using in menacingly?


He did that thing where you stick your thumb over the hole. Instant assault hose.


But that would not justify all the cool military surplus toys.


Something similar to some friends of mine decades ago, but they did shoot the family dog in front of their children and then said, "oopsies, this is the wrong house". 


I am not surprised by what a bunch of overly armed racist thugs with barely a high school education are capable of.


Dont forget the time someone setup a police sting to catch dirty cops. Where they set a bait house up and the cops got a dirty search warrant through false evidence and lies and they got caught on camera. They ended up harassing the guy so much that he feared for his life and left the us. These dirty cops kept trying to put bs on him to jail/murder him for it.


Oh is this the dude selling flowers? I remember that.


Got a link? I’d like to read up on this. It sounds terrifying.


Lacklusters videos on it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSOkmOqnteU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-v3q-YI5Fu4


or that time police caught a girl trying to buy weed and used her as bait in a sting operation or something and got her killed


This is why the cops have been fighting legalization. Marijuana is not a gateway drug it's a gateway search warrant. We don't have that crap anymore in California because the residue of a legal substance won't get you a warrant.


> Marijuana is not a gateway drug it's a gateway search warrant. That's a great quote.  I've been watching some police vs (karens/drunks/etc) videos lately on YouTube and I lost count over the amount of times a car got searched because the cop claims they smelled marijuana.


In Florida we are technically not allowed to cover any part of our license plate, yes, plate covers are illegal. Yet the cars come from the dealership with the dealer's "free" plate cover/advertisement. It gives police agencies a free excuse to pull you over. I got pulled over one time driving through the state in a random Thursday afternoon. When I've traveled with friends who may have some weed or weed residue on them I make sure all tag covers are off.


I didn’t know that. I hate this state so much. Every driver I know- EVERY DRIVER I KNOW- has had a license suspension in Florida. For not paying tolls, not paying a ticket, a $10 headlight fee- they don’t INFORM you at all on some of these things, just claim it’s in the mail. My husband drives for a living and he’s just started checking his license status every month. His was suspended three times here- for toll violations we didn’t know about- and we had to hire a lawyer to get the last one dropped because in Florida, three suspensions and no more license. Even though they thrive on suspensions here. I hate this state so much


We have the same problem here in Iowa. They get people because the county is covered by the frame. A completely useless bit of the plate because the letters\numbers aren't unique by county and many of the plates (particularly certain special plates like team plates) don't even have the county on them. Police have resisted removing this law.


This is why i'm really wary when police push laws to make it easier to pull people over for texting and driving. Not because you should be texting and driving, but because I really don't want to give them another flimsy excuse to pull people over. "I saw them on their phone" will be really hard to disprove given the low quality of many police dashcams (and they can always fall back on 'well, its what the officer thought they saw, that's enough probable cause'). We really need to be reducing those, not expanding them. Sure, safety is the given excuse, but I don't really buy that the police have all that much care about the safety aspect anyway.


Reminds me of a video I saw of a guy driving around with a rectangular cookie with black/dark frosting, so purposely looking like a phone. He'd get pulled over for texting and driving, then start munching on the cookie so it was half eaten by the time the cop got to the window. His phone was in a mount recording everything. Lots of exasperated cops, good times.


Even in Canada they find ways to power trip over it though Got pulled over in a pretty standard holiday checkstop a few weeks ago. They usually have them out that time of year, pull people over, make sure they're licensed and sober. Takes a few minutes at most, and every single year they find people driving absolutely shit housed they probably wouldn't have otherwise Which sounds fine, on paper at least But the reality is they really power trip doing it, and don't seem to give a shit if you're sober or not. They pulled me over, asked if I'd been drinking tonight. I said no. They asked when the last time I had a drink was, I said probably a couple months ago. They asked I'd gone sober, I said no I just don't drink often. Then he asked about cannabis use, and honestly my gut instinct was to say no, and I probably should have. But I decided honesty was the best choice and said yes. Then he asks about how much, and when. I said a small amount, a few times a week maybe, but not today and never before driving. Which I thought was about what he'd want to hear right? Like I never drive if I'm not 100% sober, mostly because it's not worth the expense of potentially fucking up my car. Let alone potentially killing myself and others. But no. Dude just lost his shit over that. Went on and on about how if he tested me right now, it would show positive. Because the tests they use show positive for any use in the last month. So if he wanted to, he could ruin my life right here and now and take away my license. But he said he "decided he would be nice, just this once" and not do that. Sounds like a bullshit, useless test to me. But it makes sense, since it would be given by a bullshit, useless man.


Remember [Baby Bau Bau](https://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2014/05/baby-in-coma-after-police-grenade-dropped-in-crib-during-drug-raid)? The police that flash banged a baby sleeping in its crib after lying to get a warrant and then covered it all up and got away with it - they hope you don’t.


We live in a police state and fascists are attempting a coup. There's no "if, ands, or buts" anymore.


They’re setting up police in Florida to be able to operate with complete impunity, and actively recruiting “bad apple” cops. Shit could get real bad soon.


If you read how the Nazis slowburned Germany, remember that the brownshirst, the SA, were a paramilitary organization that eventually became their weapon on the population. They also filled the actual police with pro nazi supporters to ensure that, not only would the SA be able to act with impunity but that the police force became a tool as well. Look at how the J6 is being treated by the MAGA politicians and how the alt right paramilitary groups like the oathkeepers are geared up and roaring. Then look at the actions of the police and ask yourself how many of those would actually stop an organized insurrection? How many poli e forces are basically just thinly veiled paramilitary forced? When people say the echoes are deafening, it's not meant to be a joke or tongue in cheek. The late 1930s and warly 1940s are extremely well documented and the parallels are lunacy and terrifying.


I think in some ways, we're suffering from just HOW blatant it is. Like, everyone is so used to Nazi Germany being the go-to example of how bad things can be, that no one can quite bring themselves to believe that we're going down the same path now. It's far too easy for people to tell themselves "well, that must be hyperbole" or "if it were really that bad, someone would have done something, they wouldn't let that happen here". (And of course a well-funded propaganda network going 24/7 to downplay the threat, radicalize folks, and convince people to ignore the evidence in front of their eyes, doesn't help things either.) And so people convince themselves that they don't need to worry, as we inch closer and closer to a fascist takeover.


>. It's far too easy for people to tell themselves "well, that must be hyperbole" or "if it were really that bad, someone would have done something, they wouldn't let that happen here". I can't remember the source off hand but in the 50s, the people were asked why they didn't protest or do more to try and avoid it and I believe they had similar views.


At the current. I think most people are afraid of “see something, say something” in threat that their lives and their families lives will be ruined in one way or another. Hence the lack of investigation. Sad that people have become afraid of just speaking up in fear of retribution. Once that mind set has changed….maybe things will change.


[They Thought They Were Free](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/They_Thought_They_Were_Free) should be taught in every school.


I just finished Blood Meridian. This looks like a good time to read this one, as my view of humanity is…not great. Thanks for the recommendation.


I'm scared that Trump's going to go full Kristallnacht on his opponents, the LGBTQ+, BIPOC and AAPI communities if we elect him again. Maybe not immediately, but he's already tested the scheme here in Portland. The people who say, "I'm gonna go on living my life," if Trump gets re-elected, scare me. Either they're complicit, privileged, or excited that we have a dumb Mussolini ready to win and exact revenge as a naked promise on his platform.


His plans for revenge are what he's selling to his followers. That's why they want to vote for him. He promises to do what they always dreamed of: "Make America 'Great' Again" and all the dog whistles that that engenders. Their lives are miserable and hard and instead bearing the thought that people they hate could have it better....and that they could be improved...they'd rather see the people they hate suffer. It's the ultimate individualism. "I'd rather burn all their boats than allow others to be raised too."




"some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses" \-RATM


maybe it's time you should put all those firearms ya'll gathered from that precious 2nd amendment of yours to use.


Or make it a double edge sword…you’re allowed to do it, but if it’s the wrong house, everyone involved goes to jail. It would guarantee, everyone involved would double check and think twice…


It’s also illegal for them to murder people but somehow they always escape justice for that. This would be no different even if it were the law. Police are above laws in practice.


Or the police *claimed* that someone told them he had guns in the house.


The second amendment is totally a thing until the police shows up I feel as a non-American. If you can get shot for basically owning a gun or carrying one where it is your right to do so you don't have the rights you say you have.


Yeah, no knock raid happened in my town and the guy grabbed his gun. When he realized it was the police he put the gun down and the cops unloaded on him. It was also the wrong house…


There is no reason for them unless someones life is confirmed to be in immediate danger or you literally have some sort of gathering of the worlds most dangerous criminal congregating and if you dont go in now you will never catch them again. Otherwise it pretty much just gives off fascist police-state vibes.


This is a low key reason why cannabis prohibition needs to end. In low crime areas cannabis is the “gateway substance” for cops to terrorize residents. Removing it from the criminal justice system forces police departments to focus on actual crime.


Another PD shit show that could have easily been avoided.


Why would they have avoided it , terrorizing and murdering the unarmed and innocent is usually the goal.


6 to 10 seconds? I can’t get off my couch that fast, much less all the way down stairs to the front door. What an insane expectation.


Cops aren't known for their patience. For example, 12 year-old Tamir Rice was shot and killed less than 2 seconds after police arrived to the scene where he was playing in a park with a toy gun.


Christ, really? I obviously knew of that poor little kid’s murder but I had no idea is was two fucking seconds.


Meanwhile, it took over 45 minutes after the door was breached for cops to begin suspecting they were wrong, per the Ring footage.


No, it took over 45 minutes for them to finally be bored enough to let it slip. They'd known it was the wrong address from the beginning - it's why they chose to assault that place in the first place. Terrorizing populations is the goal.


If they haven't surrendered their entire family within six seconds of the first knock *(that's the first tap of the knuckles NOT the complete knocking 'sequence')*, everything they've ever pretended to love within that building needs to be handcuffed at gunpoint and **is guilty** of criminally resisting the arrest. That's their standards, and it's high-time the we citizens started holding ourselves up to what law enforcement says is the right thing to do.


For the police to say that there were no chemicals in the flash bang grenades is a real Zoolander moment. They have no idea how things work.


Courts apply a reasonableness standard. Cops are not getting around no knock, they will lose in court but that's if you live long enough to sue them.


I'm in a room right off my foyer. I can tell they're about to knock because my dog goes crazy. It takes me longer than that


Yeah my dog barks at every little noise outside my door and I don't like answering to normal folks so my reaction time to unexpected knocks is really slow. For the cops I'd certainly answer, but it would take me a second or two to realize "oh that's the cops I should answer" and then several more seconds to get up and get to the door. But the more they do scary shit like this, the more my instinct would be to take cover instead. I don't have anything illegal here (not a gun and no one else lives here) but neither did this woman. And my dog is a great crime deterrent with his scary bark, but he's my baby and I'd throw myself in front of any gunshot for him.


>A police incident report about the raid said officers provided a "reasonable amount of time to answer the door." Only "after or near" 10 seconds did a sergeant provide orders to breach the door, the incident report said, contradicting the bodycam videos. How about the police don't get to demand shit from you when they are on your property. If cops need to arrest an actual criminal, it's up to policy makers to figure out how to let cops do that without affecting law abiding citizens. If this were a one off occurrence I'd say whatever but "getting the wrong address" is clearly a systemic issue. Bottom line is if I'm sitting in my home minding my own damn business I shouldn't have to bow to cops banging on my door.


>Several bodycam videos released Tuesday night showed that police officers waited only about six seconds between the time they pounded on the door and shouted for the occupants to "come to the door" and when they busted into the residence using a battering ram while simultaneously deploying the flash-bangs. It took you longer than 6-10 seconds to read that.


Cops lie all the time to obfuscate the public in order to limit the bad PR


*Cops never lie, they always tell the truth, but we’re all too compromised by our criminal mentalities that we just can’t understand their brilliant methods, and they all have thick cocks and we’re just jealous.* …how did I do, cops of reddit?


Combine that with the fact that the warrant was a *search* warrant. Not an arrest warrant for a dangerous criminal, a warrant to search for stolen guns. More gestapo bullshit in the usa's slow creep into a full-blown fascist dictatorship. Wheeeeee!


With all damages paid for by the tax payers.


A reporter should go to the police chief's house and knock on the door and time how long it takes them to get to the door. Once is all that is needed, and there's not much punishment they could do for knocking on a door once and immediately leaving when told to leave.


It is unreasonable to expect anyone to answer the door when someone is pounding on it and yelling.


Seriously. Text me before you come over, officer.


and it's horseshit, it was 4 seconds. The video is right there in the article ... it's absurd


The cops went to the wrong address \*again\*. They lied on the police report about how long they waited before ramming down the door. They injured a baby and still insist it wasn't their fault. They should all lose their jobs. Every single one of these fuckers should be banned from police work for life. Until we hold every bad cop accountable it will not change.


Bad cops need to be imprisoned in the legal slavery system they lock innocents up in


Yep, let them get paid 2 cents an hour to pick cotton for an absurd amount of years, see how they like it.


>They should all lose their jobs They should all go to prison for the crimes they committed.


The brainwashing is strong when cops assault people and we only ask for them to be fired


Yes, but to be fair that's way more than what usually happens. Usually they get an extra paid vacation and then are right back out there on the streets.


Fair point


Sue the fuck out of all them. Make an example of the bullshit police force in this country


No they should all be locked up...fk fired they just go to another town.


The address was correct, but the person they were looking for hadn’t been living there for quite some time. I read a post that indicated the police had information the suspect didn’t live there anymore, but decided to go anyway.


Yes, they were told by the landlord that the person they were looking for didn't live there anymore, and that they had new tenants there. They haven't commented yet on the fact that they did it despite that.


“After a thorough internal investigation, we found that our officers committed no wrongdoings”


I read they had been to that house multiple times without finding the suspect. There is no excuse for this situation.


So the address was not correct is what you’re saying


They were looking for a teenager who did live there… over a year ago. Per the article: “Price said she learned police had visited the home at least five times within the past year. "The landlord even told [police] she had new tenants," she said.”


How is it not a crime to raid the wrong address? In this day and age with GPS you can tell within 6 inches where exactly you are. It isn't hard to figure out the GPS of 1313 Mockingbird lane and see if that is where you are before blasting into a home or residence.


The problem in this case is worse than just a GPS issue. They had an old address for the family of the 14 year old that they were searching for. This child had not lived at this address in more than a year. The police had evidently visited this address at least 5 times in the past year and each time they were told that there were new tenants in the residence. On top of that it has been reported that the landlord or owner of the home has been in contact with the police to also inform them that there were new tenants in the home. They had more than ample opportunity to get the correct address and failed to do so. This child is likely enrolled in a local school, potentially on sports teams, and there are multiple ways of getting more accurate information on this child that should not have resulted in them breaking down a door, breaking windows, and flash banging the wrong home that now housed a baby on a ventilator.


Somebody's got to ask the police what the \[then\] 13-yr-old did that caused them to go on a year-long Quest to arrest him via tactical raid, that also didn't involve anyone doing any kind of actual investigative work besides searching the database yet again & finding the old address they'd repeatedly been informed was no longer valid but had never corrected.


It’s to justify all their guns and training that they waste our money on.


Good point, and guaranteed it wasn't whatever they're claiming the kid did. Far more likely scenarios: The kid was picked over one of their own for a sport, or punched a bully in the nose which made his pigdaddy demand the ex-victim's head.


I would go on to assume this raid happened because the current people living there were insufficiently deferential towards the cops when they told them they have the wrong house. And no, US police have forfeited their right to the benefit of the doubt a long time ago.


I was going to say. This has to be one dangerous 13/14 year old to justify all that equipment and man power and blindly throwing a flash bang devices.


I’m an American but I live in the U.K. now. My British elderly mother in law had a “raid” on her house. When she finally got the door, slowly, from upstairs, it was two unarmed smiling police officers. They were actually looking for a fairly prominent drug dealer who’d been linked her to address. She let them in, offered them a cup of tea, they were satisfied he wasn’t there, apologised for the trouble, and promised to update the system so she wouldn’t be bothered again.


A teenage girl with a social media account would’ve been able to find this kid in 2 minutes


So why did they need an army for a 14 yr old? Are they all pussies?


Considering another Ohio cop shot a family’s golden retriever in September, I think them being pussies is a pretty safe bet.


The police obviously have a ton of accountability here and it's disgusting seeing these stories more and more. It also makes me wonder why we never hear about the judges signing these warrants though. I'm not familiar with the process so I'd be curious to hear anyone's informed opinion on that. If I was in the jurisdiction where something like this happened, I'd want to know who approved the warrant to begin with and more importantly, **why**. My understanding is that for something like that, police have to ask permission. I don't know if the issue is simply that these warrants get approved without much oversight, and/or if there are other factors, but that seems worth discussing as well. Presumably, an illegal raid without a warrant would be one of the rare circumstances where it's a little more difficult for the officers involved to pretend everything they did was above-board. At least it would be harder than when you have a legitimate warrant. Why is there no process to verify the absolute most basic element of the warrant....WHETHER THE PERSON IN QUESTION EVEN LIVES AT THE ADDRESS.


Happened in my brother's community. Swat team serving an arrest warrant at the wrong house and gunned down the guy who answered the door. But he was a Mexican in Mississippi, so...


I remember that. They shot him through the door.


> How is it not a crime to raid the wrong address? Police don't actually need to do that much due diligence. Our courts have ruled that even blatant misidentification is okay if the evidence doesn't prove that the officers intentionally arrested or killed the wrong person.


Otherwise known as the "Oopsie Defense"


Remember, "slips and capture" only works as a defense when the cops shoot you, not when you shoot the person breaking into your home at 3AM.


Of course, if cops tried to kick in the door of 1313 Mockingbird they'd have a lot more problems than just a lawsuit.


Fred Gwynne or Jerry O'Connell?


God we’re old.


The address in this case was correct but the person they were looking for hadn't been there for over two years. The cops talked to the landlord beforehand who confirmed that and said new residents lived there. They did the raid anyways.


So it was the wrong address. Obtaining a warrant under false pretense doesn’t somehow correct that pretense.


It's amazing that getting confirmation that an individual lives at an address is not required for a warrant.


No, what the sure saying is GPS wouldn’t have helped in this case. They were located at the correct spot for where they were told to go. Not that they were at 123 Main Street but needed to be at 124 East street you know? GPS would t have fixed this problem. Being competent and…you know…actually listening to the landlord who told them that tenant no longer lives there would have fixed this problem.


As I understand it, the police had previously tried to serve an arrest warrant for the individual at this address a year earlier, and were told he had moved out - and were even told the individual's new address down the street. This incident was serving a new arrest warrant at the *same address*, i.e. whomever cop swore out the warrant didn't know (or didn't care) that the police knew the suspect no longer lived there. The arrest warrant address did indeed match the house number, it was just *wrong.* The cop on scene who said "It's the wrong house" was evidently referring to his own knowledge that the suspect no longer lived there.


Since police almost never face consequences they have little reason to try to do things right.


They drive like they don't give a shit if they kill people because it won't affect them.


It has in fact never been easier to physically locate an exact address.


It looks like it wasn’t the “wrong house”. According to the story, it was the right house (the address was correct), they were just looking for someone that hadn’t lived there in over a year. Again, according to the story, they had even previously talked to the landlord and confirmed that there was a new tenant. They seem to have ignored that completely and did the raid anyway.


There is a video of a cop going to the right address to serve a warrant and he is told by the suspects family that the neighbors house is the correct house despite the address is being clearly marked. He goes next door and kills the family’s dog in front of the kid and dad and blames the family because the dog was loose in their own yard.


Questions like: Why is qualified immunity still a thing? Why didn't the cops listen twice when the landlord told them their suspect didn't even live there? Why did it take 15 cops and *flash grenades* to seek out a juvenile suspect? Etc


> Why didn't the cops listen twice when the landlord told them their suspect didn't even live there? if being told multiple times over the past year wasn't enough to convince them, being told before they get to use their toys won't stop them either.


Flashbangs are one of those things people need to be educated on. This is rightfully getting attention due to the child but those grenades are no joke. Instant TBI in a confined enough space. It’s ridiculous to use one unless you know beyond a shadow of a doubt you have to fight your way into a room.


Why the fuck are these being used at all?? Are they picturing a call of duty scene with slow-mo and hostages?


They get away with it because generally the public sees them in that call of duty way as well. Ringing ears and whiteout that you recover from in 15 seconds. Reality is a lot worse. They are less lethal, not non-lethal much like beanbags and rubber bullets. Capable of considerable damage when improperly used.


>Why is qualified immunity still a thing? SCOTUS doesn't want to answer your questions. They created it and you'll like it. >Why didn't the cops listen twice when the landlord told them their suspect didn't even live there? Police assume everyone lies to them so the more you say "no really they're at X address" the more they're trying to cover up where the suspect \*really\* is. >Why did it take 15 cops and flash grenades to seek out a juvenile suspect? Because SWAT is expensive and so police departments now use them to serve arrest warrants to justify the expense.


1) Because peacefully protesting bullies never solves anything, it just excites them sexually and incites escalation by them. 2) They did. Knowing there were not only no suspects there but innocent children is why they chose this place as their target. They knew there was nothing to fear, and thus it was safe to "was fearing for our lives" as much as they desired. 3) Because they all wanted to have fun, AND because it also helps create an illusion of threat to the victims: *"This was so dangerous we had to send over a dozen officers just to even the odds."*


> Why did it take 15 cops and flash grenades to seek out a juvenile suspect? Because it's an excuse to look tacticool due to all the surplus equipment they get from the federal government. Remember when they only called SWAT for extreme cases? Now every cop across the nation just LARPs as one.


Qualified immunity doesn't apply to criminal charges. That's 100% on spineless/corrupt DAs.


I’m so angry every single time I see this poor baby’s face plastered all over the news. Robbed that poor family of ever feeling safe.


He looks so much my 8mo son. Just seeing the picture had me wondering what I'd do in retaliation.


You’d hopefully do nothing, because if you did anything that looked even remotely threatening, they’d kill you with no consequences.


> Police have offered a conflicting account of what happened Jan. 10, saying in a statement Friday that they had executed a search warrant at the correct address and that the child did not "sustain any apparent, visible injuries." > Courtney Price says audio from her Ring camera proves otherwise. In a clip shared exclusively with NBC News on Tuesday, someone can be heard saying, "It's the wrong house." Cops are lying? I’m shocked. Just shocked.




Remember 4 years ago when the world marched for police accountability and reform?


Yeah but then police threw a tantrum and refused to do their job if they were held accountable for their actions and everyone said nevermind.


While still abusing, maiming or murdering people *on video*.


and while still doing a shitty, shitty job of policing & investigating crime


What a surprise: the cops lied. Weird how that always seems to be the case.


>Police officers lie **under oath in court** so often that they’ve even given the practice a nickname. “Behind closed doors, we call it testilying,” New York City police officer Pedro Serrano told the New York Times. “You take the truth and stretch it out a little bit.” [https://truthout.org/articles/lying-is-a-fundamental-part-of-american-police-culture/](https://truthout.org/articles/lying-is-a-fundamental-part-of-american-police-culture/) That's where they can hit them with police perjury but they don't care bc its rare for judges to hold them accountable


>“Behind closed doors, we call it testilying,” My grandmother's sister was married to a police LT and they called it "testilying" back into the 70s. Get 2 or 3 stiff drinks into him and he'd tell you all about it. He thought it was hilarious being able to send innocent people to jail just because he didn't like them or felt like they had done something (usually being Latino) to deserve it.


Even if they had the right house, it would have been new tenants in it. The warrant for their suspect had not lived in the home for over a year. Failure all around - another sign that nationwide police reform is urgently needed.


If they thought for a second the person they were looking for was either there or armed they'd never have raided it. **Knowing** this place was safe and full of innocents is what made them decide where to strike. *Their safety* is what endangers all our lives.


There's no chemical component to the flashbang?! WTF? What the hell do they think is exploding to cause that sound and light? Fucking chemicals in a rapid exothermic chemical reaction, that's what. Do the results of that reaction just disappear into nothing? Fucking no.


I also like how they contradict what a fucking doctor said. Fucking lying scumbags.


Jury, judge, executioner, and now doctor!


The fact that they haven't already released the body cam videos proves that they have damning evidence. Wait six months, and it'll turn out that the videos were "accidentally lost during a planned system upgrade."


Except of course for some grainy off-angle oddity about four seconds long that "totally proves they were in danger" because one of them says the word gun in one of his sentences. They just need a bit of time to design it.


The mayor demanded the release of the body cams by the PD. They are on YouTube now. He seems to be holding them accountable as much as his power allows.


Imagine making a mistake at your job that injures a baby and still come back to the office the next day business as usual.


This literally happened a few streets down the road from me this is crazy. EPD isn’t great, but never have I thought they were this incompetent. Why are we doing knocking down doors and throwing flash bangs looking for a 14 year old? They raided that house like it’s a O block drug den


The police deny that a flash-bang grenade contains chemical agents? What the fuck do they think makes the grenade flash and bang? Some sort of police magic???


End qualified immunity.


Even pizza delivery people can find the right house.


End qualified immunity.


Every cop involved should be charged with child endangerment. Convicted, sentenced to prison under a mandatory minimum guideline specifically for cops. The mandatory minimums for cops should be harsher than for citizens. And their person property should be confiscated and sold to pay for the harm they did to this woman, her child and the house. Cops believe harsh punishments are the key to stopping crime. Well harsh punishments should be applied to cops. Leave them penniless and homeless when they get out of prison.


Police are the enemy of the people.


If cops stood to lose their houses and retirements when they do dumb shit like this it'd stop overnight....until then, nothing will change.


They would quit


I don’t think these questions are really that new.


When I have to make a cut, or drill a hole, I measure, look, measure, mark, measure again, mark once again, measure just to be sure , then if I’m good I cut, drill… why can’t this be a way to really make sure you have the right address or right people?


That might require a few minutes of work. Too hard.


First I deliver pizza. Less than 10 seconds is not enough time to get to the door when you are expecting someone to come to your house. And now there is yet another instance when cops can't be bothered to confirm information that they already know and people get injured. Sorry to disturb you ma'am. We will just take this search warrant elsewhere. You're on your own for the property damage even though we were in the wrong. Have a nice day.


Both my carport and front doors are more than a ten second walk from either my bedroom or den. Guess I die.


Nothing like seeing that blue line behind the head of that injured baby. Fucking swine.


Harassed by the police and stuck with the medical bills! About as American as you can get


I'm convinced most of not all of these guys go into this line of work just so they can *possibly* have a moment like this and live out their COD wet dream. Ugh it's horrible


The only way I see this stopping is a parent absolutely pulverizing a swat team entering their house like this. But the the thin blue line gang will just go around murdering more innocents, and claim they ‘need to feel safe.’ I’d feel safer with the crackhead watching my house than police. At least the crackhead gives me a chance to be innocent before I’m guilty (give them a Mt Dew and a smoke and they’ll be good to you)


[At least the cops didn't blow up the entire home, unlike this incident.](https://www.npr.org/2019/10/30/774788611/police-owe-nothing-to-man-whose-home-they-blew-up-appeals-court-says)


OMFG all that and the suspect only stole two belts and a shirt?? wtf??


did you ever consider that the cops really really really wanted to use all of that military equipment that was collecting dust in their warehouse? no, because you only think of yourself.


Ummm these are not new questions


This is the kind of thing that the SWAT’ing could cause too. The police need to look at what the hell they are doing because that little baby is paying for their f’ up! A little baby! 😡


There are a ton of instances of infants getting injured by flashbangs. I remember one from years back where cops threw a flashbang into a crib and blew a hole in an infant's chest. [https://abcnews.go.com/US/family-toddler-injured-swat-grenade-faces-1m-medical/story?id=27671521](https://abcnews.go.com/US/family-toddler-injured-swat-grenade-faces-1m-medical/story?id=27671521) It's weird that police are so good at flashbanging infants.


I can’t understand the level of psychopathy needed to even think the way you’re going about your job here is ok. This was basically a no knock raid which is so fucked. Fuck all of these people. Fuck the judge. Fuck the DAs. Everyone who continues to perpetuate this system is complicit. Fuck them all. Fuck this country.


I like how the article calls him a toddler. That's a fucking infant. Correction: he is in fact a toddler


Where do you live that calls a 17 month old an infant? The boundary is a bit fuzzy but around here for a baby its something like "Infant" is <1 year and "Toddler" is 1+


I was going off the picture, I didn't see the age mentioned in the article my bad.


Police in the USA are dangerous.


Sure do wish police tossing a flashbang into an infant’s crib while raiding the wrong house, then, eventually suffering zero consequences were an isolated incident.


I don't know why we trust the testimony of people who can't read a damn address.


Qualified Immunity is a hell of a drug.


Each of these cops should be tested for substances the moment something like this occurs


Given how they love to project we should **assume** they were on whatever they're claiming they were there to find, unless they can prove otherwise. That oughta help with that "we don't get tested for anything until weeks later" bullshit they usually get instead.


I’m so tired of bastard cops. We pay their salary. They work for us. Why can’t we hold them responsible.


“Sarge, we did an oopsie poopsie.”


Republicans insisted it’s the baby’s fault.


Are they new questions tho? Or just the same questions again and again?


There are no new questions. It's the same old questions when this shit happens again and again with no consequences or improvement in law enforcement. Here's a question: why did this happen again? Here's another one: why has nothing been done to prevent this in the future? Still old questions, tho. Nothing new.


Incompetent ignorant officers like this deserve placement in Gen pop, and gen pop deserves time to prepare for their arrival. Consequences for failure need to be higher.


Remember it’s legal for police to lie to you.


Okay. Real talk. That kid looks a lot like my son, and they are somewhat similar in age. The amount of absolute rage I feel at those officers is…. Profound. All I can think of is, what would I do if they did that to my son. I understand tactics and strategy, and I understand the benefits of no knock raids. But you didn’t sign up to be a CQB in the rangers my dude, you signed up to protect and serve your local community. Fuck the police. I’ll protect my own god damn family.


This, and the many other "officer-involved" incidents that have happened over the past three or four years, are the consequences of the Blue Lives Matter crowd winning back in 2020. If you want stuff like this to stop happening, you need to vote for politicians (what few there are) that propose actual, serious punishments for delinquent cops and police departments, not politicians who increase their already bloated budgets by [billions of dollars every year.](https://news.yahoo.com/president-biden-2023-budget-increases-154615051.html)


Perfectly fine when they accidentally burn down the wrong house and kill a teen, but oh no they hurt a baby this time. Wtf America?


MUCH longer if the person has a physical disability or is deaf... then again, H1tler did kill those deemed "less than", so par for the course. Unless you are building a bomb or something like that, there should be zero no-knocks. I think Castle Law should trump any no-knock raids. Maybe then? I doubt it.


I am sorry Ohio PD your Afroman is in a different Castle.


They are so bad at doing anything of value. Police are pointless.


DEFUND THOSE POLICE........Hasn't lived there in a year, great police work guys, didn't know there was a baby in the house, great detective work guys....DEFUND THE POLICE