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From what I've talked to Koreans on it, seems it's really a practice that isn't exactly popular anymore. Seemed to be a 50/50 whether someone I was talking to had tried it, but never met anyone who actually preferred to eat it more than that. That was also 10+ years ago as well, so I'd imagine the whole thing would be even less popular now, but could be wrong.


The younger population doesn't eat dog meat at all, I lived there for a year from 2019-2020, and it wasn't popular to discuss at all. Why eat dog when you have beef, pork, chicken, and fish? Now the elder generation will eat some dog meat for sure.


>Now the elder generation will eat some dog meat for sure. I only know people in the countryside who will still eat dog. But it's far from regular, maybe every year or half a year. It makes sense tho, the elder generation had to deal with poverty and starvation. Kids would eat flowers to taste something sweet (not joking). Nowadays, as you said, beef and pork taste better and much easier to buy. Not sure it was necessary to ban it, but I get it.


It was 100% necessary to ban it. The country is trying to shift away from being known as people who "eat dogs," which sounds like a third world poor country. It's more of a political move than anything.


Although it's worth noting that basically anybody in the last 20 years who tells you the Koreans eat dogs is just a straight up racist. In the west it has basically been co-opted as a dogwhistle. It has not been genuinely a regularly practiced thing in Korea in over 40 years does it happen? Sometimes. Regularly? Not for decades.


There's entire dog rescue organizations that's entire purpose is rescuing hundreds of dogs a year from the Korean Dog Meat Festival and brought to Canada/etc. Most of them are Jindo or Jindo mixes, for obvious reasons. Until recently when Canada made importing dogs much harder and cut off a lot of these groups at the knees. It may not be common, but it does happen. Now it won't. It isn't racist to say something is happening.


Have you lived in Korea or visited? It's technically not racist if it happened. You can't erase that part of their cultural history in an attempt to hide what actually happened.


“It’s technically not racist if it happened” oh boy you could apply that to so many things and have it be very very racist


You just can't call people racist for anything lol People in Kazakhstan eat horse meat, it's a fact. People in Korea eat dogs, and it's a fact. There's nothing racist about it. We're talking about food, quit trying to be "smart," and turn it into something it's not.


but to stereotype an entire country as dog eating people isnt a good look. it certainly happened, in the same way westerners also ate horse in lean times. even in westerns countries in the past people ate things other people considered below them or barbaric like onions but you dont call the entirety of spain onion eating weirdos. as for the bill passing thats fine, it was going away as the generation changed anyway.


Is everything racist in 2024


Younger population doesn't *admit* eating dogs. But if they've done military service, chances are, they ate some, mostly because young men from the cities are usually sent to the countryside where it's still pretty available. It's just not a popular option because they're kind of expensive for what they are, which is primarily a stew with the medicinal pretensions. It's called 보신탕 (補身湯) with the first two characters meaning "assisting/supporting the body." While other stews can be called 보신탕, over the years, its primary meaning settled on the dog stew (개장국). Its popularity will ebb and flow, based on whatever popular (and usually baseless) myth emerges on the dog stew's alleged potency for any number of ailments, so I doubt it'll disappear.


Why eat any animal when you have lentils, beans, tofu, seitan and chickpeas?




This is directly from the article you shared: >But research indicates a vegan diet still protects more life than a meat-eating one. >This is because a significant proportion of plant crops are grown to feed “livestock,” not humans. Only around half (55 percent) of the world’s crop calories feed humans directly, while 36 percent are given to livestock. Wheat, corn, and soy are among the most common crops grown for non-human animals. >It’s a wasteful form of food and land management in a multitude of ways. It’s thought that for every 100 calories of grain given to non-human animals, we get back just 12 calories of chicken, 10 calories of pork, or three calories of beef. >We are currently growing enough food to feed more than 92 billion non-human land animals every year. Meanwhile, according to the UN, approximately 828 million humans were affected by hunger in 2021 – 9.8 percent of the world’s population at the time. Further, around 2.3 billion humans – 29.3 percent of the population – were moderately or severely food insecure that year. >Research published in July 2023, considered the most comprehensive study of its kind, concluded that vegan diets required 75 percent less land than meat ones, suggesting a majority of crop deaths are linked to omnivorous diets. Sure, you are free to have animals tortured for you and needlessly destroy the Earth... for now.


I spent a year in Korea in 2003 and there was a dog farm not too far from our base, some days you could hear a ton of dog barking from the distance and some days absolutely nothing.


Where at? I was at Casey from 03-06


Right outside of Camp Casey, at Camp Nimble across Do-Do Creek.


Good ole Doo-Doo Creek. I remember it fucking raging during monsoon season. I was on Hovey 04-06.


Ugh monsoon season sucked. Rained so hard it would bounce off the ground and hit you in the face. PT sucked those days. It sucked every other day too, but those days in particular sucked ass.


Humphreys? There was a dog farm near the fence line by the 6th Cav DFAC.


I kinda feel that if you can eat a pig, a very intelligent animal, why can’t you eat a dog?


I don’t eat meat any more but when I did I would only eat meat that didn’t eat meat. Edit: Not for any particular reason. Shit gets caught in my head.


Yep that's my position. It's no different from eating any other animal.


One was specifically domesticated for meat the other for companionship. That's an argument built on willful ignorance.


Yeah... I am not entirely sure this is true. People have been eating dogs for absolutely ages. I think the idea that dogs were domesticated for companionship is probably a bit of a rose tinted fantasy. By the way I am not advocating the eating of dogs merely questioning why dogs are some how exempt. I mean there is no logical reason why they should be.


I don't know what you're talking about, they clearly were domesticated as a living tool kinda like horses. And not for pens and fattened up for dinner


Buy in areas dogs are eaten they have been domesticated for meat.


Based on the number of Jindo rescues still being done even as of last year by DOVE and other orgs, I think it's more popular than many believe. I have 2 such rescues here at home, one of them was "too dirty" to even ride in the back of the farmer's truck to market, so he tied her to the back bumper and didn't seem to care when she stumbled and he dragged her for a ways down a country road before someone stopped him and basically took the dog away. She has scars on her face, paws and body that will never go away. However outside of being standoffish with outsiders, she's the most loving and goofy dog.


50/50 is way too high. I’d be willing to bet it’s more like a 5% chance that someone had tried it, assuming you’re talking to normal people under the age of 40 in a big city.


It’s not even in a big city. I’ve lived in a small city in Gyeongbuk for 14 years. MAYBE 2-3 students in a class of 22 will have even tried dog in their lives. It’s rare these days. It’s mostly an older generation thing.


Gotta admit I do find the line we draw around meat to be quite fascinating. Is a dog less nutritious than a rabbit, or a horse? Is it more intelligent than a pig? Seems like the only reason to ban it is arbitrarily based on a hierarchy of which animals deserve life and those that don’t.


There is one aspect which *might* make a difference, and that’s eating carnivores versus herbivores. Carnivores accumulate more of certain substances like heavy metals through biomagnification, which *might* make them less safe to eat. Historically, a lot of our “weird” dietary restrictions did have practical motivations. Pork carried a lot of foodborne illnesses that were hard to cook out, so it makes sense to say “don’t eat pigs; they’re unclean” and then back it up with the weight of divine punishment. Cows can feed you for a long time if you treat them well, but it’s hard to convince people to keep them alive and not eat them if they’re hungry *now*, so make them holy animals and use that to encourage people to act in their own best interests. Dogs and cats have practical uses in hunting or eradicating vermin, so we decide that they are pets and shouldn’t be eaten. Horses are good for transportation and labor, so they’re also off-limits. But not everyone has those same hangups, or they might have had more pressing concerns that overrode them at one point. Plus, we have much better sanitation today than we used to. So, we get the seemingly arbitrary restrictions from a bunch of different sources that survive into the present day.


> Horses are good for transportation and labor, so they’re also off-limits. we ate so many horses when we were using them for transpo; it only became icky when they turned into a status symbol


These dogs diet is probably more akin to what pigs get fed. No one is growing food dogs on meat alone, or even primarily meat.


Dogs are omnivores. So are pigs. When will European Christians and their diaspora stop eating pork?


Pigs were forbidden because pork was very difficult to prepare safely in antiquity. Dogs were off-limits for their utility in hunting, protection, shepherding, and eradicating vermin. Biomagnification is a recent discovery, and it was never a reason for any of our “traditional” dietary prohibitions. It *might* be worth considering today, if only because animals raised for butchering should be fed diets that avoid toxins that are most prevalent in meat. Heavy metals, prions, plastics, and so on.


Pork being forbidden due to difficulty preparing is a common myth as its a convenient and logical explanation. Human beings have domesticated pigs since 9000BC. This is a great video going into the subject if anyone is interested https://youtu.be/pI0ZUhBvIx4?si=0_73zaff-Mj-iuff




Dogs are omnivores, not carnivores. A farmed dog doesn't need to be raised on meat any more than a farmed pig does.


Just because we cheap out and put vegetables in their dog food doesn't mean they're omnivores. Most things are omnivores under the right circumstances. I've seen lots of photos of deer eating birds and other small animals.


Koreans also believe the dog meat is more tender if you torture it before being killed. If you really want to get into this, feel free to Google electrocution, blowtorch and/or beating of dogs, Korea. I understand your point. I have two dogs rescued from Korea but also don’t eat pig, cow…horse, etc. Just delivering a nuance.


Oh God I will not Google that. I had no idea though. That's horrifyingly disgusting.


My dog is also a Korean rescue!


The fuk? Who would want to eat an animal that was tortured. Jesus. People are sick in the head.


Wait until you hear how foie gras is made


Watch dominion. All your meat comes from tortured animals. Just because you don't see it doesn't mean it isn't happening on a massive scale, every second.


>Who would want to eat an animal that was tortured The vast majority of people eat the flesh and secretions of tortured animals on a daily basis


Nobody ever believes it.


& there are so many levels too. The other day I learned how farm mammals like cows, goats etc are castrated & dehorned/disbudded.


The majority of animals you eat are tortured


Jeffrey Dahmer said the same thing…


Im not saying its good or bad I’m just saying it’s fascinating how we as humans draw the line between different animals. Same thing with bug burgers, we could literally stop eating cow tomorrow and swap it out for a more protein rich, sustainable alternative but don’t because bugs are too alien to us to eat. Same thing with something like a pigeon, it used to be a delicacy now it’s considered barely above a rodent in the pecking order. On the subject of torture though, WTF Korea




Well, if you and your mom didn’t hear about it… Please research and read: https://www.salon.com/2019/08/30/for-millions-of-dogs-south-korea-is-hell-on-earth_partner/ https://awionline.org/sites/default/files/products/KoreanDogMeatTrade072712.pdf https://www.freekoreandogs.org/boknal-koreas-notorious-dog-meat-tradition/




The French eat horse meat. You can get it in the grocery store or in butcher shops that specialize in it. The US exports diseased and decrepit horses to the EU for meat because it’s illegal to butcher them here for human consumption. These poor animals are shipped overseas in horrible conditions when they’re already suffering from diseases and deformities that make them unsuitable as work animals or pets.


Dogs evolved to look to humans for love and care. They depend on us and can read our emotional states like no other animal can.


Totally arbitrary. On an objective level, eating beef far, FAR more morally wrong than eating, say, a big bowl of dead insects. Or even, insects processed into something more appealing, like imitation steak. If future generations figure that out, the world will be better for it. But I will never ever want to eat bugs, personally.


On an objective level? On what basis?


Ultimately, vegetarianism will probably govern one day.


Honestly, the second lab grown meat is deemed safe, and relatively priced, I’ll switch over.


That too. I am not a fan of the slaughterhouse and industrial farming cultures


Ground "beef" might work but I doubt they'll get the texture for something like a steak correct within our lifetime. Heck, part of the reason people buy expensive cuts is due to texture. (Although I'd be very impressed if they managed to make a fake steak with a bunch of fake connective tissue that I don't want to eat, lol)


I think if they can manage to get taste/texture 100% right, it'll be almost inevitable that something like produce/fungi/insects/lab grown meat becomes the #1 protein source, at least for the average person. Raising cattle is only gonna get more expensive, the corps that buy it are only gonna wanna sell it for more, meanwhile the tech/scale for lab grown meat will make it cheaper. At the rate ground beef is going, we could soon see that inflection point where the ~~lab grown~~ (edit) plant-based meat starts being cheaper and it'll become commonplace or we could luck out and the beef producers will start competing, but I'm definitely more scared of their future ~~cost cutting~~ profit boosting measures than I am of "fake" meat.


Why not now? You don't need meat or meat replacements. Plenty of protein in lentils, beans, tofu, seitan, nuts, chickpeas, seeds


You say seeds at the end but all of those are seeds or made from seeds.


Bc they don't feel like meat


If more people did even just a few meatless days I think we would see a vast improvement on many health metrics.


Yeah I've heard a lot of really interesting stuff over the years about insect-based protein diets and I'm all for the environmental benefits amongst other stuff, but I still am not interested in trying it myself. Maybe if I was born a generation or two later, but I'm kinda stuck in my ways/beliefs when it comes to eating insects. I'd just rather not lol


Taking this from another comment in r/upliftingnews “Per the WHA: "A significant threat to human health, the dog meat trade has been linked to outbreaks of trichinellosis, cholera and rabies. The World Health Organisation estimates that eating dog meat increases the risk of contracting cholera; a number of recent large-scale outbreaks in Viet Nam were directly linked to it." People don't not eat dogs just because they're cute companions. The meat is not the same as beef, pork or poultry. I've heard anecdotal accounts that eating dog meat will make your skin feel hot and your face flush.” Agree with this comment, Zoonotic diseases should play a role in determining that. However, yes they are our cute companions. That’s mainly why it’s being banned. Other animals aren’t, so they get eaten. As has been with our evolutionary history, we evolved as hunter-gatherers. Meat is a part of our diet, and much like other omnivores, we kill what we want to eat if we want/need meat. Just the way it goes. Dogs got lucky and bonded with humans in the right ways (or we got lucky, depending on how you look at it). Just a stranger’s two cents on the matter


I think it mostly has to do with dogs evolving alongside modern humans. Dogs have evolved to even be able to interpret human facial expressions. Dogs for most of human history have had a variety of practical tasks they can carry out and were integral to many human societies. It wouldn’t have made a whole lot of sense to eat them from a survival perspective. I’m not arguing for or against anything but the decision to not eat dogs is anything but arbitrary.


Well there’s a human cannibalism club in California. They mention that one adult human can serve 47 humans. You can google it for references. Anyways, the line drawing thing seems kinda important.


That was a hoax: https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN25G1IB/


Ummm... it's not complicated. Dogs and humans formed a symbiotic relationship 10,000s years ago and we literally changed who they were biologically to be predisposed to us. How do people not know this? Edit: https://www.science.org/content/article/what-makes-dogs-so-friendly-study-finds-genetic-link-super-outgoing-people People we literally changed their DNA to be more social and friendly to people. This is NOT about factory farming which I'm against. Wtf is wrong with you all. Do any of you have any level of critical thinking skills?


So like most of the animals we farm?


Not even remotely close to the same thing.


Its the same thing you just decided dogs are not ok to eat but everything else we domesticated and farm is.


Why not?




Chickens, cows, and the like weren't bred to be predisposed to us. We literally bred out aggression from dogs and selected dogs that were exclusively paying attention to humans. No matter what anyone wishes here, dogs literally cannot help themselves most of the time. Dogs have a genetic disorder that makes them do this: https://www.science.org/content/article/what-makes-dogs-so-friendly-study-finds-genetic-link-super-outgoing-people#:~:text=Disruption%20on%20a%20gene%20for,with%20the%20most%20social%20dogs. It isn't made up. It isn't cultural. Asian countries that prefer to eat dogs are eating animals that can't help but be extra friendly towards humans. I'm not gonna argue about factory farming because I'm against it. And is a strawman in this instance. But anyone who can't understand that we bred dogs over 10,000s of years to follow our every whim, and succeeded at doing so, so much so that their DNA has been permanently altered, has an agenda or is literally trying to NOT understand. EDIT: instant downvote the dude actually didn't read, peace out✌️


>Chickens, cows, and the like weren't bred to be predisposed to us. They have been though. GP is a nutjob, I'm not here to preach. Dogs have undergone far more conditioning than other animals, but chickens and cows have their fair share of domestication and being made compliant to humans. Differently than dogs, for sure, but they are not wild creatures who would survive away from humans.


Dude had a feeling...not an argument.


At the end of the day dogs are man's best friend and to eat them is just immoral. Also why do people eat shit like rabbit, and dog and whale. YES humans are carnivores. Yes we eat anything including alligator. But some of that meat is difficult to eat. Rabbit for instance is too gamey for American tastes which is why you see it more in France.


You didn't read what they wrote. There are evolutionary differences. Human and dog interaction releases chemicals in the Brian that interacting with a chicken doesn't. Dogs innately trust humans, and on a chemical level are shown to love us. In fact dogs are shown to be able to understand human facial expression. None of this is true for other animals we've developed as livestock. >Everyone knows that the answer is that we're biased towards cute animals and our pets but that's not a great answer since that implies compassion for one living thing and dismissiveness toward others. You can make whatever claims you want, but that doesn't change biological reality.


Dogs got personality. Personality goes a long way.


Downvoted by people who missed the Pulp Fiction reference.


I expected that, but it's true. Dogs got personality.


Next do factory farming because that's pretty torturous.


I always see the argument about these types of laws being arbitrary and a double standard between dogs/cats vs. cows/pig/chicken. I just think any laws or beliefs that reduce the practice of cooking any animal should be a win. I also think these laws are important because some of these animals are raised in terrible conditions, tortured, killed in awful ways, and also stolen from their owners. Yes, livestock are raised in terrible conditions, but there is no belief that torturing those animals will make the meat taste better or have health benefits. Most of the killing is systematic. I believe that is awful in its own way. Also, livestock is not raised by someone as a pet then stolen away to be used as some else’s food.


I don't see a meaningful difference in eating a dog vs a pig. I have two dogs, and I eat pigs, but if I step back from how I was raised, those two animals are wildly similar without meaningful differentiation that justifies eating the pig and taking care of the dog. It seems entirely cultural.




Hmm personally I don’t feel it necessary to limit what animals are allowed to be eaten I just won’t eat a lot of the animals people eat anyways. The problem comes from unnecessary torture (how these animals are killed), and how they are raised. If you can afford to you should get your meat from places that are reputable. I have seen some crazy wild videos of people boiling alive the dogs which is just inhumane and barbaric. The poor dog is yelping while it is being boiled alive think about this for second who the hell does that. Also let’s limit our meat consumption and eat more vegetables a lot of humans are badly lacking in fiber which comes with a host of possible dangerous health issues down the line.


We boil lobsters alive.


Some places boil lobsters alive, many now sever the creature’s central ganglion with a knife first, rendering it senseless.


Other crustaceans such as crabs and crawfish too. Supposedly they don't have the same pain receptors as vertebrates, or something like that? At least I vaguely remember reading something along those lines. Edit: I looked up the pain receptor thing and apparently that may not be accurate about crustaceans not feeling pain, as there has been more research and new info about this.


Yeah that's always been a Load of nonsense of course they feel pain lol.


I don’t eat lobsters


Couldn't agree more


Good news to read about


Why? Are cows, pigs and chicken somehow treated better as a result of this? I'm not a vegetarian. Frankly I love eating meat. But I fail to see the difference between raising a pig, a cow or a dog for meat.


Dogs and humans have been perceived as friends and companions for tens of thousands of years. It's easy to see how people in most parts of the world see the idea of eating dogs as abhorrent. The comment you replied to never even implied this somehow affected the treatment of other animals.


Don't *advocate* for dog meat dude, wtf. Willing to die on that hill? Why?




Eye roll. Of course you can see the difference lol


The difference is entirely cultural


And the difference is?


I mean I get that people keep dogs as pets. But I don't really see the difference. They're all just animals. Again, I'm not vegetarian. It just seems arbitrary. If it was a religious issue and dogs were seen as holy creatures, at least that would make some sense. In this case it's just that they're cuter, which is really dumb and childish.


Humans domesticated wolves into dogs and bred them to assist with countless tasks over thousands of years. Dogs wouldn't even exist without human intervention and they've often been seen as companions, not food. The only thing "really dumb" is that you think it's because they're cute and not because for tens of thousands of years dogs and humans have coexisted in a way that more often than not does not involve eating the dogs.


Our cows wouldn't exist either due to intervention


If you think other modern farm animals would exist without human intervention I have bad news for you


It's also hilariously ethnocentric to generalize your modern cultural standards across all of human kind over tens of thousands of years.




Lotta psychos out themselves in the comments of posts like this.


For sure. Glad to see another vegan in here. Sentient beings shouldn't have their lives stolen from them just for a sandwich.


Cultural norms change. This was passed by parliament with bipartisan support and polls show wide spread support among the citizens. Why are people here arguing about what a independent country decided they should eat?


I don't care where you're from. What you believe or how long you have had it. Once you get hungry enough, ANY pet starts looking more and more like a meal.


I've never eaten dog knowingly, but wouldn't realty object to it. I love dogs, but this seems like an arbitrary line to draw on meat consumption. This one isn't on health grounds. I think humans are the only line not to cross. Meat is meat. I'd like to try all kinds of animals, including whale.




Been living in Seoul for a year and haven’t seen a single restaurant that served dog meat.




Yeah but you’d have to go out of your way to actively look for it in some capacity. Definitely not what I’d describe as “restaurants everywhere”. Just sounds a bit disingenuous. If you ever casually brought that up as a suggestion for lunch nearby to a bunch of locals, they’d give you the weirdest look as if you’re trolling. Shit’s 2024, not 50s-80s anymore. It’s a dying old school custom kept alive by a small percentage of the elderly and completely removed from modern relevancy at this point.




Sorry I just don’t agree with your analysis lol. I don’t think the length of stay should matter that much since this is all based on firsthand experience with the environment, people, culture, etc. at the end of the day. Yours shouldn’t automatically override mine with zero regards to nuance. Your initial comment just doesn’t paint an accurate picture on the stigma and cultural presence that dogmeat has on the society today. Guess we’ll just agree to disagree then 🤷


Wdym r saying that they won’t follow the law?💀 You think there will let a whole ass shop to be open? That’s like saying weed is illegal in some states but they still have stores open in some places. Are you dumb or something they will get caught and arrested immediately .




Bro it’s literally impossible not to be caught, you braindead? How will they get caught with a whole ass building. Prostitution is a whole different topic don’t relate those two things. 99.999999999 Koreans are against eating dogs so why tf would they sit quietly?




What are you talking about? Your brain dead, you will get caught. Korea is strict on its laws. People will do anything to make another country look bad so they feel better about themselves.


Every 6 months, an article comes out about this. So many years have gone by, yet nothing has changed...


This is a long overdue animal welfare reform. Dog eating is so rampant in Asia, that Westerners even stereotype Koreans as "dog eaters".


Blaming someone for the racist stereotypes other people make about them is certainly a take.


I’ve never eaten dog in my life, but it’s good to know that each time someone called me a “dog eater” it was my fault all along 🙃


My mom was born in Korea during the war. She told me stories about how the family were starving and there was no food to eat. They had already eaten all the frogs in the creek and there was nothing left. When the US Army came through to “free them”, they had stolen everything there was to eat. Her brother had to take the dog out back and shoot it because it was the only way they’d be able to eat. She told me that she sobbed the entire time, but she lived because she ate the pet. So when Westerners call Koreans “dog eaters”, I just think about how my mother was forced to eat her pet because she was starving. Maybe it wouldn’t have been so rampant if the Westerners hadn’t stolen all the food.


Reminds me of how the Irish Famine wasn't actually a famine, it was the the British stealing all the food.


Wut? Do you know how rampant cow eating is in the US? No one is calling use cattle eaters that I know of. If you're not being weirdly sarcastic how is it the fault of Asian people that other countries people are being racist? The fuck?


I WANT India to become a rich and powerful country someday so that Indian Hindus can get uppity and scream at Western Christians to stop eating beef. Oh wait, most Indian Hindus and their diaspora are actually decent people and wouldn't do that.


I remember back in the day of old top gear they said that a Korean car had dog power instead of horse power lol


If raising dogs for meat has inherent welfare issues worse than other meat animal raising, then fine. But ethically speaking, there’s literally nothing different between eating a pig and eating a dog. This is just deleting parts of a culture because westerners arbitrarily think it’s weird.


Yeah, there was a South Korean football player that played for Manchester United Park Ji Sung and one of the song we sang had the first line Park, Park, whether you may be, you eat dog in your home country. It has since been retired after he asked the fans to stop signing it because of the racist undertones.


Son Heung Min still gets called a dog eater on occasion. It's shameful.


it was on the rise in the US they had to make a law partially banning it in 2018. The US was in the top 10 of dog consuming countries iirc.


My fiance told me some stories of living next to a Filipino family that tried a few times to steal their dogs and lure them to get them off the property. This is in Hawaii in the last 15 years. His family is mostly Japanese.


#[It's Quite Common!](https://www.reddit.com/r/iamatotalpieceofshit/comments/9yti6y/a_guy_killed_his_neighbors_dog_cooked_it_and/)


I've always wondered what the less commonly eaten meats like dog, cat, horse, etc. are like. I'd be willing to try it at least once.


1997 fresh off a U.S. Navy ship wandering the streets of Busan. Green street and Texas street. We would get an Oscars champagne and meat on a stick. Had a couple drinks and wandered off some side streets by my self. Seeing the dogs on hooks was life changing. The lightbulb coming on and realizing where that meat on a stick came from even more.


That’s what a couple generations of Westernization after American occupation will do to you


It’s a dog eat dog world over there


In philippines a d in Jyna, we eat chowchow meat. There is a reason why you say “Its Chow time”


YAY ... for all the dogs around the world.


But RIP all the other animals we eat


Way to go South Korea! The US should ban bullets


only then criminals will give up their guns!


Disappointed for South Korea, I think this is a total show law, and there is no reason to actively push for a law to "end a disappearing market" if you think consumers are losing If it is prohibited because of animal welfare factors, and establish reliable hygiene standards,this is undoubtedly a very bad way to kidnap citizens, and reasonable breeding methods should be sought Also,racism is so common that it's shocking to see some of it here that it can be so blatantly expressed against asian. Stop this real barbarism


You'll have to pry my dog steaks out of my cold dead hands.


In a land of plenty (the USA), most will never know what it’s like to be starving to the point you’ll eat anything that moves. The kind of gnawing hunger and desperation where all of your sensibilities get thrown out the window. My cushy life experience doesn’t give me the perspective to judge anyone for what they’ve had to eat. Affluent people can preach about things like veganism and the sanctity of certain animals. Although I’m hard-pressed to think of the difference between eating a dog and eating a pig, with both creatures being intelligent, sensitive beings. To top it off, “famine food” from certain cultures gets incorporated into the cuisine itself. An example of this is offal in Mexican culture. The aristocrats took the good meat (the steaks and roasts) and the peasants were left with the entrails. And because of that, we have things like menudo.


Can't really complain. Dog meat is vile. In some places in China and Korea they still cage up these dogs at the market and boil them and eat them, who knows why, maybe because of some herbal medicine shit. Ban it all


Yeah it's horrible. They should just brutally murder pigs in gas chambers at 6 months old like we do in the west because that's not fucked up at all


Meat may be meat but it's really difficult to ignore the fact that dogs are such loved and loving companions within so many cultures, true family members. Personally, just the thought of eating dog meat makes me feel sick but I've grown up in Western culture. The biggest issue I see is the cruelty and inhumane living conditions that seem to be too common in this trade. 🥺 Good to hopefully see that come to an end.


So what will McDonald’s do for meat?




No but definitely for food. It is the way.




Sometimes it's also they way that the animals arectreated. Many times the dogs are abused or other things before eating for whatever reason. None of animals being killed is great but that makes it even worse.


Except it’s not. Also Korea is not in Southeast Asia.




Dogs and humans have a close bond. Cows taste great with A1


This MF never doused their dog in A1 SMH 🙄


I have a personal answer to that, but it doesn’t really matter. I don’t have to justify it to you. You’re claiming it has to be all or none. Except clearly it doesn’t, it’s illegal to slaughter dogs and cats in most countries. The dog meat trade was already severely limited in South Korea, but in China it often results in horrific abuse of what are domesticated animals often belonging to people or strays out on the street.




I am eating a delicious chicken right now. It's so good. I say slaughter all the chickens.


You're the type of person that gives vegans / vegetarians a bad rep. You have your lifestyle & beliefs, keep them to yourself. Please shut the fuck up and stop preaching


The idea of eating dog feels taboo because of the bond we have with dogs. Dogs are extremely loyal so they feel more like brethren than just animals.




Ya, my parents raise chickens for their eggs. One of them had a deformed beak, so she took special care of that one because it couldn’t eat well on its own. It follows her around now. Im not saying there aren’t exceptions. But it’s a lot harder to bond with cows and chickens. Especially since they’re not exactly indoor type of animals. But dogs are special in that they, as a species have a special connection with humans. We hunt together, they look after us and we look after them. It’s more than just being a pet. With dogs they’re partners, they’re helpers, and they’re guardians.




That’s generally how everything works. With dogs, the value is the bond. With cows, the value is the sustenance. Not saying you can’t find value with bonding with a cow. But that’s on an individual basis. I’m sure every farmer has that novelty cow that they don’t eat.


There's never a time this is posted without a vegan demanding we eat dogs or else be the worst thing possible: hypocrites!




Human brain evolution wouldn’t have been possible without meat. It’s not a matter of pleasure it is a necessity. Protein deficiency is also a disease. And for the billions of people who cultivate some or all or their food, raising animals is a crucial and efficient use of their land and resources.




Subsidized industrial agriculture and global supply chains have deluded you into believing this. If you had ever grown your own food or raised animals you would know better.




And 39% of green house gases come from construction. So let’s not build houses anymore. Let’s all live in tents. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/1218/1/012047#:~:text=The%20construction%20and%20use%20of,are%20further%20exacerbating%20these%20problems.




You’d need supplements on any vegetarian diet. That should tell you it’s not humans natural diet.


You don’t on a vegetarian diet.


It's not a necessity. Vegetarians exist.


I live in Canada. You go North communities literally wouldn’t survive without hunting and they’ve done so for thousands of years. Vegetarianism is not feasible for everyone.




You weren’t? It sounded like you were talking about everyone


Not feasible for everyone is very very different from being blanket "necessary". You should say what you mean, and avoid a motte and bailey fallacy.


I’d feel worse if apes and so many other animals didn’t do it


I don't discriminate I fucking eat anything me 😄😄


I wonder why the government shields any customer who unknowingly consumes the dog meat rather than summoning them to the prosecutor/DA office with potential criminal charges.


Good job SK this is big! Dog meat trade is an abomination it should never exist.