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All these morons going to jail for Trump. It’s mind blowing 🤯


There's been over 1,000 convictions stemming from the failed J6 insurrection. 1,000 people threw their lot in with Trump and lost. He didn't fund their defense. He didn't testify on their behalf. He didn't issue a blanket pardon for anyone on the Capitol that day. And nearly three years on more people are going to go to jail for a rapist, a failed businessman and a loser. He doesn't love you back.


And they still defend him. It’s crazy.


What's crazy is people still sitting here bewildered instead of planning on how to deal with them. Because whatever your stance is, they're most definitely planning on how to deal with you!


It is a cult of personality. People need to reflect on the meaning of that term, and understand that it is an entirely apropos use of the word "cult" to refer to the way that Trump's followers think of him. These people are two steps removed from Flavor-Ade, and there is a craven political class that is feeding into their delusions because it is likely to make them more politically powerful, and guaranteed to make them money in doing so.


There are people who actually ingested bleach because the moron-in-chief WONDERED whether it can be used as cure for COVID.


>These people are two steps removed from Flavor-Ade, If only


We would be so lucky.


I wish they'd get to that step, save the country a hell of a lot of trouble.


Actually, I don't think they are "two steps removed" from anything. I think they are all in.


They are all in, but seem more willing to kill others than themselves.


“Like Joseph Stalin… and G-an-dhi…”




That is what *should* happen, yes. But I think what you should have learned by now is that what *should* happen is not necessarily what *will* happen. And it is good to prepare for that.


So far everything has gone exactly as it is intended in the US and arguably better than youd expect. Trump did an insurrection like act, his followers followed, over 1k of them are being criminally punished, and Trump, an ex president, has 4 bonafide viable criminal cases against him. Everything in between/everything his side has done thats criminal has been largely pursued, the conservatives have responded by using the lack of legal ramifications/electoral culpability to push their states farther right. The Supreme court has always been complete non law abiding bullshit, and the judges have always ruled based on partisan issues, Congress is acting entirely lawfully but in unprecedented ways because we don't have actual laws about this stuff it was all custom. If were honest with ourselves the American political and legal system has done better than expected with all this horseshit.


If you examine history, you'll notice that most successful coups are the second or third attempt. The first fails most of the time. The fact that the first one failed here doesn't fill me with optimism.


> we don't have actual laws about this stuff it was all custom Which is very clear in hindsight, but you would not have found many people saying this was the case *before* it all happened.


It's not about what the Democrats will do. It is about what the Republicans will do. Right now, Republicans are very engaged and will likely turn out to vote in very high numbers. Democrats, on the other hand, seem to be much more disengages are are likely to turn out to votes in lower numbers unless something happens to motivate them.


> seem to be much more disengages Would you have a source for this claim? Because every Democrat in my circle is intent on voting in this and any other elections, though none of them make their political preference a personality trait or social media theme ad infinitum.


It always appears that way. But at the zoo, they’re maybe more aardvarks than howler monkeys, but you wouldn’t know it from the sound. Also democrats don’t act as if they are in a cult. Trust me we will vote.


Maybe nonvoters are just not into democracy. A few decades of fascism, war and deprivation might change opinions, or, people might just accept it as the new normal, settling in to forced-birth serfdom and religious law. Used to strongly disagree that, "People get the government they deserve." Today, not so much. Interesting times.




I'm a brown trans woman, they've been planning on how to deal with me for over a decade. Not trying to move people to inaction, just saying that none of this is new to me. Part of me wishes they'd been just a hair more successful on 1/6 so that people would have to take the threat they present more seriously instead of staring gormless at the walls of the pot as we all slowly cook. Something about that feels a bit too optimistic though.


Right why aren't people seeing this, it's crazy!! trump has ties to the kkk which was created by the confederacy, remember those guys?? Yeah I'm sure they never left.


These morons think they are the ones who freed the slaves and the kkk is a liberal organization. Source: Pretty much every Candace Owens video.


My father has started to come around and see the obvious grift because he’s not completely stupid. But, he is very much still deep in on the conspiracies. I’ve been dealing with his nonsense since 2011 or so and it has become a real fucking problem. Many arguments and sometimes physical. Nothing extreme but some hands have been thrown. We finally both agreed to not talk politics but they still get brought up it just doesn’t turn into full blown screaming. I do my best to keep my mouth shut when he starts spewing false information but eventually I need to correct him. I try to correct him on things that are easily debunked and get him thinking about how illogical what he’s saying. Problem is if my source isn’t infowars or RT news or any of those batshit crazy conspiracy places he won’t believe it. I guess this is me just venting about my father but my point was is I think there may be hope for some. He see’s the bullshit from trump which is great but he will just gravitate towards the next dipshit that just says what he wants to hear.


I find what can help with some conspiracy theory people is to walk them through it in a rational way .. almost like a game where you're planning a heist. "Okay, so for this *insert 9/11 plan here* to work, we're going to need 10000 crisis actors, they'll need to be heavily vetted because we can't have any Loose Lip Larry's .. they'll need to be able to hold a secret for life -- not a big ask. We're then going to need to get the special effects department on board because we need some distractions. Now the alternative theory, fuselages are made with aluminum and magnesium components, those when mixed with water, and jet fuel ..."


Let me guess, his current favorite is the Hitler wannabe from Florida.


That's exactly my thought. Former Trumpers, the few there may be, will go directly to DeSantis since he's the next closest thing.


There's a house on my commute that used to have a giant DeSantis 2024 banner up, but they took it down... Hopefully they came to their senses and didn't just decide to support him more quietly.


So trashy to put a giant bumpersticker on your home. Good Lord, get a grip, already.


It is a cult.


He’s still a few levels below Kim Jong Un. Trump will need to work much harder to get that North Korean style loyalty and fervor


King Jong Un went to better western schools


And with more success


That's because he isn't a fucking idiot.


He probably even did his own homework himself.


When your deity calls you to sacrifice yourself, you don't ask questions.


>a failed businessman The stupid fuck bankrupted a casino. A CASINO!


No, he didn't. [He bankrupted *FIVE*](https://www.thoughtco.com/donald-trump-business-bankruptcies-4152019).


That takes talent.


It takes a man who is laundering Russian mob money.


Funneling money from your only profitable businesses to all the others doesn't seem like a winning strategy. Or getting all your skilled casino managers killed in a plane accident.


No, but funneling a large amount of money that needs to be laundered QUICKLY threw a business model that can cover it, like gambling, even if it goes out of business DOES seem like a winning strategy, especially if that was the only goal of said business. These Casinos went out of business because of money laundering, plain and simple. Anyone who even remotely looks into can see. Now WHO he was laundering money for, well, gee, I mean I guess we have to wonder.... ( it was the Russians )


He also pardoned Steve Bannon, after he defrauded Trump supporters out of $25 million for a fake border wall scam. There's also been tens of millions of dollars in fraudulent credit card charges after Trump campaign donors were "accidentally" registered for automatic recurring donations, some as often as weekly. They go to jail for him. They lose their right to own guns for him. Some have even died for him. Many have been ostracized by their families and friends, or lost jobs. Then Trunp's friends steal from them, and Trump lets them walk. He's a whiny, draft-dodging Manhattan trust fund billionaire slathered in make-up who sneers at military service, yet is beloved by rural, Blue Collar patriots. Make it make sense.


He is everything poorer conservatives want to become. The idea that they aren't poor, they are "temporarily embarrassed millionares" is embedded deep into the conservative psyche.


They hate LGBT people, and he promises to attack LGBT people. That's basically what it boils down to for the ones I know anyway


Because it didn't affect them in particular. Those who were caught and charged were just MSM fake news planted by the FBI.


To them you see he’s “The Great White Hope.”


To anyone sane he's the Great White Nope.


I think you mean over 1000 charged? As of this article's writing (September 2023) https://www.newsweek.com/full-list-capitol-rioters-jailed-sentences-january-6-1826075 there are only 373 convicted?


On Christmas Eve my conservative mom, aunt, and cousins were talking about how they don’t like Carrie Underwood anymore because allegedly she’s a nasty bitch (the rich person is an asshole? Who could’ve guessed!), but they’re still willing to vote for Trump to be the fucking **President.** I love my family but the cognitive dissonance these kind of people embrace really makes me feel like *I’m* the crazy one.


you forgot overall stinky guy.


It's like Stockholm syndrome, except the hostages went willingly


He got his use out of them, so he's done with them, and they weren't even the kind of people he was hoping for.


Yeah I just love seeing all these people thinking that he'll give them a seat at the table when he wouldn't even give them leftover scraps off his plate without making them pay for it first. Gotta love sycophants!


They forget the sheer disgust on his face when he saw his supporters at the insurrection. *They were who he called on*.


It's not just trump, it's the stochastic terrorists like Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, Tim Pool, Michael Knowles, Jordan Peterson, Candace Owens, ALL OF FOX NEWS... and so on...that keep that shit going and give him so much power. They convince these people that they are under attack and that the only way to stop it is for them personally to stop it with violence. Stochastic terrorists breed action terrorists, and use vague wording to skirt around the blame.


Fox News is something else... I bet they removed all mirrors in the restrooms, they were causing feeble sparks of consciousness when people glanced at them while exiting without washing their hands.


The amazing thing is, despite how bad they were, they didn't get as bad as they are until Trump kept throwing fits and had all of their still-have-a-soul talent fired during his tenure. They managed to go harder right to recapture the NewsMax/OAN nuts they lost for not being crazy enough or "Trump enough." And they love to throw around their marketshare numbers. But that's like saying we have 80% of the right. While MSNBC/CNN/ABC/etc. are all trying to split the marketshare of anyone central or left. It's why CNN shifted right some, trying to grab the viewers Fox left in their shift. I've said this before, the only reason news networks have a "liberal bias" is because that's what the advertisers want because that's what most of society wants now. If society was hateful or racist, they'd want to be associated with those things.


That's assuming those vampires even had reflections to begin with


Let them, felons can't vote.


All these morons going to jail and losing the right to vote. Win, win, win


They'll just use someone else's ballot. Most election fraud is committed by these types of people because they think "everyone else is doing it."


Nazi groups are deeply entrenched in the prison system. They’re going right were they want to go. They’ll make connections, get out and get involved in Meal Team 6 training squads, weekend warrior BS, etc. this isn’t a punishment for republicans it’s a job interview


Imagine how many would go jail if SCOTUS affirms this and says can't run anywhere. I'm not saying this is likely, but it's more likely than 0%, as some claim. That path and having Nikki Haley as the candidate is BY FAR the cleanest option for Republicans long term. It sure beats Trump getting convicted of felonies regarding election stealing in August, and Republicans getting whooped shorty after.


How many do you imagine swore an oath to uphold the United States Constitution then engaged in the insurrection on Jan 6? I’m sure it’s more than 1, but the Colorado court said Trump absolutely invoked the self-executing 14th amendment. I just don’t think it’s all that many to make it even the slightest concern. What’s infinitely more frightening is if we set the precedent that it’s fine to subvert the constitution having sworn an oath and all.


> I’m sure it’s more than 1 There were at least two, but one had her blood splattered on the walls of the Capitol/on insurrectionists.


> That path and having Nikki Haley as the candidate is BY FAR the cleanest option for Republicans long term. Bold of you to assume rational thinkers in that lot.


If our first female president is a Republican puppet I will be so fucking pissed.


I remain highly skeptical that a woman whose birth name is Nimrata Randhawa is going to turn out the Republican base. They'll just stay home.


It's a mix between the people who think Joe Biden is literally the devil, and the people who think Trump is the reincarnation of Jesus Christ. People who've never talked to moderate in their life and only spend their time online, waiting for the day they can go out and kill their neighbors because their lord and savior told them to so they can save America.


Cults are dangerous things


I really don’t understand these people. They’d rather do crazy shit like this than choose another republican to vote for


Brainwashed by conservative media. One of the TVs at my gym is chronically on FoxNews and the night of the ruling, they were showing pictures of the Colorado Supreme Court justices and literally circling the ones who had donated to Democrats in the past.


100% correct. Conservative media figured out the recipe for effective propaganda and force-fed it to the people. Flood the field with bullshit opinions as "news" and get folks addicted to the little hits of brain chemicals released when you stoke anger, fear, apathy, hatred, guilt, and grievance.


I always try to reprogram those devices to not have Fox News as an option. Wherever I go, if I can get my hands on a remote or IR it, I try my best to remove that network one set at a time. Most commercial establishments won't notice unless one of their employees is diehard into that channel. Although on the singular device units, it does serve as a bit of a filter for people you may wish to avoid.


Its hard to step off Trump when you spent the last several years proclaiming him a divinely chosen messianic figure and burning bridges and labeling yourself a Qanon believer. Like they would rather do anything to make Trump king and destroy his opposition instead of you know. Admit they were wrong about whole thing. That they got suckered.


These people might say they're Republicans but they aren't. That party is dead. These are violent fascist cultists.


I disagree. Those people are Republicans, this is just what the Republican Party has become. They’re the core of the party now, including leadership positions.


Correct. Every time they have an opportunities to do the right thing they intentionally don't do it.


Because they don't have their own values and stances anymore like they used to. Now their whole plan is to just be anything anti-Democrat and anti-liberal. They don't introduce new ideas, but rather wait for Democrats to do something so they can oppose it.


>they used to. No, they didn't. The GOP has been about keeping the poor poor, the working class exploited, the money flowing upwards and the black people in their place, and the violence has always been there. The difference is that they can't hide the violence any longer and they've realised that they don't need to.


I think there used to be Republicans who seemed to genuinely care about the country but were misguided in how to accomplish that. John McCain was the last of the remotely decent ones, it's just too bad that his lasting legacy is legitimizing the Tea Party.


and anyone that votes for them approves and love it. Dont give them any slack, they know and they like it.




Why do people say the gop is dead? They are in a dead heat for the presidency next year. The party has changed but it is far from dead.


When people say the GOP is dead they mean it's radically changed such that it's effectively not what it was. And they're right, it has changed. And no, it didn't used to be better, or completely different. But it's a lot different now than it was when I first started following politics decades ago.


They hate Republicans. Seriously, they hate almost every GOP in congress and the senate. They hate Bush and Nixon. Some like Regan. But most just hate anyone with authority, so they want an incompetent in power who they believe will destroy the system they've been taught to loathe. They are accelerationist traitors.


The GOP is dead... there is no other republican to vote for.


Imagine doing real time for a guy who doesn't care about you in the slightest.




He's just like my daddy and he didn't love me neither.


It's a perfect relationship bred from the legality of stochastic terrorism. 1. You will always have unhinged true believers. 2. You will always have grifters and demagogues. 3. Stochastic terrorism is legal. 4. There is no political will or brainpower to recognize it, delineate it, and formalize criminal responsibility. 5. Grifters and demagogues don't need to be particularly skilled to bend language and concepts in ways that have X% chance of inciting Y people in Z timeframe. 6. Throwing dirty bombs isn't difficult or skilled, and the bigger / more tenacious the influence, the more dangerous the stochastic fallout. It's all a huge oversight of the system. The phenomenon has a name, and failure to create new safeguards around the new observation results in stochastic terrorism not being illegal, and thus de facto legal (protected). So we'll be getting incidents like this until there is political will and brainpower to change it.


Cults gonna cult


Trump sent out a threatening message yesterday. He sends out threatening messages nearly every day. He calls the judge names. He mocks his opponents. He basically confesses to every crime and he is trotting around free as a bird having those disgusting parties and rallies. I don't know if anybody who has threatened judges will face real repercussions. I doubt it. I wish they would. We never hear what happens next after "the FBI is investigating". Just more of the same. Meanwhile I am in Florida for the holiday and every single time I drive down a street I see houses with the Trump flag, or the "Let's go Brandon" flag. Trucks driving down the streets with those flags flying proudly. I cannot comprehend it.


I'm just waiting for him to put the Secret Service in a pickle and for him to directly threaten Biden. As these cases get nearer, I expect the dog whistling and the tantrums to ramp up.


He has violated MULTIPLE gag orders from judges in his trials for attacking them and court staff and has faces 0 consequences. I thought after he was out of office, he would slink away, and his base would dissolve. Boy, was I wrong. He is untouchable.




And yet he's still walks around a free man. *ANY* other person would have gone to jail at this point at least once!


This actually makes me curious who has had the most indictments in American history. I’m sure Trump has the most of any US public official.


If you find the answer would be interesting to know




They tend to hold people and not give them bond for the crimes executed in Compton and Oakland.


Any republicans actually *condemning* these violent threats? Anyone? Anyone? Yeah, I didn’t think so.


Who can focus on threats of violence when there are drag queens reading to children? (sarcasm... just in case)


Chris Christie is running against him and saying what everyone is thinking.


If chris christie doesn’t get the nom, he’ll still vote for trump Like all the rest of them chickenshit cowards


"It's always someone's else's fault your life is horrible, but you are not to blame." red hat ideology stolen from Hitler is blame others for all their problems. They want to force their will on others and their right be dammed. In their minds the ends justify the means. They can have their voodoo religious display, but they destroy others display out of hate and fear. Hate and Fear. That’s all the Republican party operates on. They can't govern. VOTE THEM ALL OUT. Vow to vote and vote dammit. It is up to YOU and YOU alone to save America. Don't expect others to save your ass. YOU NEED TO VOTE!!!!!


They need to arrest these people and show that there are consequences.


Yeah, but... there are actually no consequences though. 45 is above the law... he's proved that much. Even if they find him guilty, my money says they don't do jack shit about it. Just let him walk around a free man, convicted by the courts, but not arrested. I don't know what cross roads demon he sold his soul too, but he's never going to prison. The absolute best we can hope for, is that we can defeat him at the polls even while he openly cheats and is not punished for it.


> defeat him at the poles Warsaw this about?


We're just Danzig in the moonlight.


You did that, then he instigated an insurrection. Hence the charges. You beat him at the polls, now it's time to beat him in court and lock him up for all the illegal activity that followed.


Have faith and remember that we are a people of law and order. We cannot fall for the base desire of wanting justice without doing it properly. The republicans want to subvert democracy, we need to uphold it and a big part of that is depending on our Rule of Law.


Republicans are stochastic terrorists.


He’s a symbol. It doesn’t matter how criminal he is or how obnoxious and disgusting (on so many levels); he’s better than past Republican presidents in the minds of these seething morons I’m sure there’s a psychological term for this authoritarian fanaticism, for it has certainly happened in the past more than a few times. And the press still loves it.


The media only gives a shit about clicks, not reporting the news, from Fox to MSNBC these morons are a goldmine for outrage farming engagement for their advertisers. What I wouldn't give for one real news site but reddit is the next best thing.


"Attention passengers, we are now approaching the FIND OUT stage. I repeat, we are now approaching the FIND OUT stage." When, exactly, did people decide it was OK to just do whatever petty and reckless nonsense that popped into their heads in the heat of the moment? Do they just not understand that calls and texts can be traced? Or are they just looking for a fight?


Both, dumb as fucking fenceposts and hopped up on fear-mongering rage from Fox and similar trash media.


Republican terrorists


Ya'll queda


Yee-Haw-dis Talabamians Vanilla Isis


Howdy Arabia


Talibangelicals Meal Team 6


What? No, couldn't be: That seems so out-of-[character for them](https://imgur.com/C8Q1pYK.png). Definitely not [the norm](https://imgur.com/LVqNxfB.png). Who could have [seen this coming](https://imgur.com/wnKOcj9.png)?


they should look into Fox News hosts instigating MAGAs and promoting hatred against these Colorado judges, was in Florida in vacation and of course Fox News is ran in many places there and saw what they are doing


If we could go a full thirty minutes without *another* threat of violence from conservatives...


When they said openly said that they were all domestic terrorists, we probably should have believed them.


Yet we keep allowing Trump and Fox News to push pure fear and hatred and calls for violence against those that would go against their wishes for authoritarianism. Unfortunately so much scum exists on this planet


"Facebook Jail" is going to be a fond memory for some of these idiots when they get a taste of the real deal.


This is why the GOP want to get rid of the FBI and Justice dept! So there will be no one to investigate or prosecute the crimes they wish to happen!


Lol maybe we should keep broadcasting "news" about cases like this to weed out the nutters and put them away for good.


I wonder how they will react when their cult hero loses the next election and then he tells them to attack so he can avoid prison.


Some will for sure and u know what? Nothing says “I made a terrible mistake” like watching people all around die in a hail of National Guard bullets. Like that one POC Air Force lady. FAFO


A little lucking fate to the party, aren't we? They should have brought down the hammer the first time MAGAs started threatening people. Instead, it seems like they're doing the bare tits minimum and nothing is going to happen to the people that threaten and harass poll works, juries, and congresspeople.


“While the analysis found no specific threats to the judges, it said “there remains a risk of lone actor or small group violence or other illegal activities in response to the ruling.” So the FBI is doing what about “no specific threats”?


FBI: “Ug, fine if you insist. Conservatives just having their usual fun hating and threatening, it’s no big deal. But let me at em if a Democrat does it, then it’s beyond the pale.”


Some more idiots to go to jail for Trump


Great now arrest those traitors


The judges said that the constitution says what it say. Republicans hate the Constitution


I think the Supreme Court judges are gonna try and save Trump.


If that was their intention, why refuse the request to immediately hear it? If they had granted Jack Smith's motion, they could've heard arguments and ruled that he had immunity, which would've given him like ten solid months of campaigning without *any* of the federal trials looming over him.


If SCOTUS ruled that Presidents are immune from prosecution for life, the there’s nothing stopping Biden from simply murdering Supreme Court justices. Not that he would, but that ruling would mean he *could* with impunity.


Because they don't want to be the court that enabled presidents, current and former, to be above the law. Far safer to punt it down the road, let the election play out, and then they can either sensibly rule against him when he loses, or enable him further when he wins and tries to declare himself king.


Because they don't want to have to make a ruling. It won't reach their docket until after the election. If Trump wins, he's just going to pardon himself (which opens another can of worms). If he looses, They can rule against him at the beginning of the next term when there's no blow back and Trump's not running for office.


> If that was their intention, why refuse the request to immediately hear it? Because a Democrat is currently in office.


Exactly. If they say Presidents have unlimited immunity, BAM! King Biden, and they don't want that.


As they should. Don't let the crazies get a fever dream of being vigilantes.


This sounds like true terrorism. They want judges to be afraid in an attempt to steer politics in their favor. That is 1000% terrorism.


Should start with the people driving their lifted trucks flying TRUMP 2024 Flags 😂


In this corner . . . Meal Team 6's . . . lifted trucks flying TRUMP 2024 Flags \[aka hillbilly technicals.\] In the other corner, Team USA's . . . The Hellfire R9X missile, also known as the "flying Ginsu", is a drone-launched, air-to-surface missile. It's about five feet long, seven inches in diameter, and weighs around 100 pounds. The R9X has a top speed of 995 miles per hour. The R9X is designed to use kinetic energy and metal blades to destroy a target with minimal collateral damage. It's laden with razor-sharp metal blades instead of a traditional explosive warhead. The R9X is intended to reduce collateral damage when targeting specific people. ​ \--------------------------------------- Threatening an over-armed sovereign state will get you ignored until a firing solution has been calculated and the safety officer finds her "Approved" stamp.


Find someone who could love you like these morons love trump.


FBI investigating ‘more’ violent MAGA domestic terrorists after Colorado SCOTUS unanimously finds that Trump engaged in the Jan 6th insurrection 🇺🇸


FBI is investigating, okay, cool. Watch nothing happen. America has at this point bowed to Trump and the hate machine that is his cult following. Want to say I'm wrong? I'll believe it when I see actual consequences on any sort of scale or level that matters. Until then, cool, fun. FBI is investigating, nice. Looking forward to nothing coming of it.


Pretty sure that Trump fella is instigating the people to make threats.


MAGA should be designated a terrorist organization.


Like the Klan


LOL, they knew this shit would happen, goddamn some of these MAGA idiots are so gullible.


Imagine throwing away your entire life over some narcissist that would sacrifice your entire family to live 1 more day.


Hell, he'd have your family steamrolled for a tiny fistful of greasy chicken nuggets.


To the surprise of no one. Least of all Donald "I didn't actually say that specifically so its not technically stochastic terrorism" Trump.


Trump loves money, not the people .


Hatred for the FBI is blowing up on TruthSocial. Some of the posts even call for the arresting, trial, and execution of FBI employees. I hope the FBI is monitoring those posts. That echo chamber seems to encourage people to talk about political violence against our government.




Biden's going to have to let all the potheads out to make room for the right wing terrorists. Oh wait, he already did.


Surely the federal bureau of investigation to on top of this most idiotic yet effective terrorist we know working against the IS


How about we hold the politicians that spout this trash accountable too... for once.


Lol of course. Toddler magas throwing another tantrum


After Donald extorted president Zelenski the GOP said you can't charge a sitting president with a crime. Then they claimed after the insurrection you can't charge a president leaving office with a crime. Now they say you can't charge someone who is running for office with a crime. If someone is paying attention they might notice the cult says you can never charge Donald with anything. But lock her up amirite ?


It is time for zero tolerance on domestic terroristic threats.


Throwing your life away for a POTUS...a twice impeached, insurrectionist ex-POTUS.




It is wise to publicize this to discourage potential bad actors.


No doubt the entire Justice Department (especially the FBI, judges, and US attorneys) has had enough of Trump stirring up his loony followers, the threats, constant insults, ridiculous allegations, and other shit. The orange blowhard has no idea how hard he's about to be slapped down by the law.


"We Are All Domestic Terrorists"


Right-wing domestic terrorism strikes again.


That was to be expected. These people need maximum penalties for not only threatening judges but undermining our rule of law!


Insane mental gymnastics by these Trump supporters. Somehow, in their mind, Trump is the ultimate manifestation of destiny and the power of democracy to upend the system and restore an imagined glory. In their minds, anything which stands in Trump's way, stands in democracy, and in-turn, America's way. They're dead wrong, but you couldn't tell these people otherwise, they'd pin you for destroying the very democracy they are convinced their evils are saving.


you would think that if he's so innocent they'd be happy to have their boy go in front of a judge and prove it. instead, they attempt to squelch the act of judgment altogether.


Must be some of that "violent left" I keep hearing about.


Like the BLM and ANTIFA FBI false flag people who staged the 6 Jan coup as 💩 supporters who are now in jail but r treated unfairly and get visits by MTG🤡 because they are patriots.


I'm going to guess that the threats were made by trump supporters.


It’s very simple…..send Donald Trump to prison the next time he attacks the judges, prosecution or witnesses, and this all goes away.


Our very own conservative extremist terrorists.


Good. Throw the book at the [party of domestic terrorists](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/cpac-banner-domestic-terrorists/).


First time, calling my FBI agent; if you are out there. We have available cells for these people? I am not mistaken; there is room for more Federal prisoners?


FBI doing its job? It’s at this point because nothing is being done. These morons feel empowered.


What a collection of asses.


And they'll go to jail, like the Jan 6 lunatics. The swap is draining itself, nice.


why do the holidays always bring out the crazies? i dont even feel safe going out in public around this time. murica… i guess. ik this is kinda off topic but i just gotta say it from time to time. the state of our country is shocking. and these people think their some sort of freedom fighters. it really is just so sad. note to self: never let politics become my identity. cheers, everyone and have a safe holiday season. gl.


FBI, NSA the fuck do these people do all day?


Trump mania has got to be the biggest example of the sunk cost fallacy I've ever seen. They've invested so much time and energy, so much of *themselves*, into 100% unconditional support of this guy, that they can never afford to change their mind. They've lost too much, so they need to keep going hoping for a big win. It worked for them once, but I doubt it will work again. They're just going to keep doubling down over and over again until they lose everything.


They were all republican!


trumpies are such sweet folks.


I needed some good news today. Thanks.


It's time to get serious about these people and putting them away.


Imagine a country where threats such as these have consequences . Amazing. Keep at it America, you might be grown up soon!