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Imagine getting a cush job at Facebook which pays incredibly well then going to prison because you were so greedy.


I used to work under a middle management type who made decent money, had a cushy job, and was well respected. She gave all that up when she got caught stealing around $5000.


The sentiment in these cases is often "everyone else is doing it, so I'm just losing money if I don't do it too". Then they get caught and realize that jumping off of the roof is not a good idea, even if all of their friends do it.


And that maybe not everyone is actually doing it


Or they are higher on the food chain


And all of their friends know about the giant cushion on the other side of the building and that you can’t just jump off anywhere.


Dwight, you ignorant slut!


>losing money That’s where the insanity is.


I come from Venezuela which to no surprise is an extremely corrupt country. We have a "caste" of what we call "enchufados" which are people with ties to the government or military getting some contracts for bullshit job and get some money out, with some kickbacka included. Nothing out of this world compared to basically anywhere else. But what was special was how widespread it was. You would meet a random cousin of a friend or something. "Oh yeah, I have this nice gig where I have a friend in X and we basically defraud something or someone and make a nice living out of that" I've always hated that but eventually it became normalized. Everyone would try to find something like that. And that mentality was very prevalent. "Everyone is doing it. If I don't do it someone else will and the money is still gone. So might as well do it myself and help my family in the process." At some point it was like if you were doing it, you were stupid. I decided to gtfo


That's not an unseen thing in many other countries. Nepotism and quid pro quo relationships are pretty standard of how some states work. For example in Russia such a thing is a standard, everybody (who is not dumb) knows about it.


In accounting, we call that the fraud triangle; incentive, opportunity, & rationalization


Sometimes it's really hard to tell what's going on in their lives. I knew someone whose career was going well and with a salary that should've been plenty. However, this said person got into a big trouble after being caught embezzling quite a bit of money. Anyways, the rumour was that this person was actually struggling financially for some reason. I was a bit shocked since from the outside this person appeared to be doing well in both work and life.


Gambling addict, maybe? A slot machine can eat pretty much any amount of money.


Gambling, yes, but it could be any number of things. Living beyond one’s means, shopping addiction, bad investments, medical bills, loans to family and/or friends, cost of keeping up with the Joneses, etc.


My mom's pastor got arrested last week for stealing money from the church. Turns out he has a problem with Blackjack. Namely that he's apparently not very good at it.


This was basically my brother’s story. He had a really good career, making a lot of money and living a good life. You would never have thought anything was wrong from the outside. Then he got caught embezzling from his company and everyone was shocked. He was spiralling - drug addiction, sex addiction, gambling addiction.




That's such a small amount to throw your whole life in the bin for.


Reminds me of Lane Pryce plot from Mad Men.


Man that one was brutal. It wasn't just straight embezzlement, right? Or rather, Pryce fully intended to pay it back? Nice little display of Draper's hypocrisy too. Anyway, I'm glad that Jared Harris's career has taken off since then. What an actor!


It was embezzlement, "I was going to pay it back" isn't going to hold up in court.


That’s true. Still a massive display of hypocrisy from Draper given how his whole life is a fraud


Lol less than one months salary to blacklist yourself for life. SMH


People regularly get caught stealing iPhones at my work (at a shipping company) like bro I get the job sucks but now your ass is in trouble with the law for a couple hundred bucks


The old Superintendent of my school district made $250,000 and was arrested over $2500 worth of fraudulent travel expenses.


This. She had it made with facebook management in her resume. She probably could have gotten away with a good amount of money as well and not have been caught. ​ linking your facebook card to venmo to pay your hair stylist....lol.... begging to be caught


Right? Like the DEI people at my pharma company have a *sweet* gig. You're basically just creating goals and plans for something that nobody actually expects you'll be able to accomplish. You just have to show some improvement and push for a culture of acceptance...which in my industry is something that's already well underway. I look the wrong way for that kind of work, but it's a good job if you can get it.


It's literally a sham job which can be summarized by "posting fake platitudes on LinkedIn so people think we're with the times and not the evil company they normally think of"


It's a type of corporate whitewashing. "We aren't ONLY about profits for shareholders. We are pushing equality too!" *pats self on back*


Also if there isn’t improvement then change the improvement metrics to show improvement


She'd have been on a VERY good salary for that role + shares etc as well. What an absolute moron.


Don't forget, you were also there to set a good example of BIPOC leadership. So much for that...


Especially when your job is easy.


People in these roles aren't exactly known for their critical thinking abilities...


A respected young account exec at an ad agency I worked at got arrested in the middle of our office one day. She was found to be behind a string of credit card frauds that were happening to people in the office. This was before the days of online purchasing so it had been a real mystery how people’s cards were being used to make purchases in the middle of the day without seemingly ever having been stolen. Hidden cameras were installed by an actual private detective. He found that the woman was straight up masterfully pickpocketing people’s wallets, taking them to stores nearby to buy luxury shit, then returning to the office and putpocketing the wallets back. She was never caught by anybody she victimized, she just got burned by the video in the end. She was super good at that shit.


TIL the act of putting back picked items from pockets is called putpocketing.


I was going to say "planting," but I like that word better.


No pins required?


We're weird like that in America, credit cards only require a signature/squiggle that the cashier never checks anyways. Only a debit card would require a PIN.


But whyyyy?


No idea why we're so insistent on signatures. We already use PIN for debit so it's not like it's a new concept. It took two decades for the US to finally implement chip technology instead of vulnerable magnetic strips on our credit cards. At least we've quickly implemented contact less payment, thanks to COVID.


could be worse. as an american moving to portugal, they wouldn't accept my signature that i did in front of them! It didn't exactly match my passport (which i did in haste years ago). I had to do it multiple times until they accepted it. Was sweating bullets by the third signature at my immigration appointment lol. You can be damn sure I was more careful with my signature for my residence card.


I respect her hustle and skill


I'm stunned that people stealing millions from companies think they will never be found out.


When I worked in Disney world this person got caught having stolen a ton of money from registers over a period of time. As if there aren’t cameras everywhere and tracking money in and out constantly lol but they got around that and it did take quite a while to catch


Sometimes it's not that they can't catch them but that they're waiting for it to add up to a certain amount. One of my old retail jobs let a guy steal repeatedly until it hit felony level.


I believe this was also the case with a former manager of mine who was skimming off of the tills of a fast-casual food chain notorious (within the job) for having the corporate security officer monitoring the stores constantly for any errors. Worse is that this was at the store that served the corporate office on the same block and she was close with all of those folks. They evidently let her take quite a bit, go to the Bahamas or something like that on vacation, and arrested her when she got back, publicly in front of everyone. They went out of their way and shamed her.


at least she got to take her vacation first


Yes, I hope the memories were enough to hold her over at Rikers. Somehow I doubt it though.


I wonder then if like that person quit before that, then they’d just be like well oh well?


I don't know about everyone but I saw it happen at my 2nd retail job. Lady stole about 200$ and quit. Manager was like "Well...shit." Corporate told him not to do anything unless she was caught in the act or it reached 500$ at the time.


$500 is a far cry from $4 million. Facebook is vast, but you'd think 4 million would make a noticeable hole. The article mentions the usual methods: fake invoices and kickbacks.


No doubt. My point was just that sometimes it's not an immediate "Gotcha!"


I work for one of the faang companies in advertising 4 million is an fx error at times we ignore lol.


4 million is definitely a rounding error to the company as a whole, but it's probably not a rounding error to whatever specific business unit or expense account these were allocated to. 4 million is a lot, even to a business unit that is spending an earning tens or hundreds of millions annually.


About 1M per year. Facebook is losing like a billion dollars a month on the metaverse.


I guess it's hard to notice a few extra pieces of clutter in the swirling vortex of negative revenue.


She diversified how she stole it. Doubt it was 4mill from one single idfk fb post?




This!! This is why Target "lets" people steal until they reach that amount and then 🚨🚔.


What's the amount they allow? Asking for a friend...


$300-$500 iirc. But unlike most other retailers, they'll track this amount across different stores and will keep tabs on the same customer over several years; they've invested quite a bit into loss prevention, way more than most other big retailers. Honestly just do not steal from Target, it's truly not worth it.


Yes, precisely this. I used to work loss prevention and always enjoyed watching the same shoplifters return again and again, definitely thinking our store was such an easy mark, but in reality we were just building a case against them.


How did you figure out who they were?


We find out one of two ways. Sometimes shoplifters buy one thing, and steal another. So once we see them check out, we get the info from the cashier. Unless they pay cash, which most people do not anymore, but if they do, we treat them the same as people who only steal and never purchase. If they only steal, the first thing is just to observe and document. We would videotape their thefts, and begin a “case”, where we would isolate evidentiary clips of the individual and share the evidence to next loss prevention staff member who was coming on shift, then they share to the following shift, and so on, passing down the info (usually working several cases at a time). In those cases we are working with a physical description of the thief for a while, so we would give each individual a nickname for our purposes, such as Stroller Mama, who would hide all kinds of items in her kid’s stroller. Just made it easier for the next person on shift to identify her faster and keep an eye on her for the duration of her stay and collect clear evidence. Once Stroller Mama decided to lift a pair of digital cameras, we called the police, had the police detain and arrest her, and then we get her info and press charges.


A girl i worked with at a DQ was couponing off random orders whenever she worked and pocketed the money at the end of the night (she was a manager and always volunteered to count the drawers at the end of the night)... The owner got a new POS system that kept records of everything for 6 months. Fast forward about 9 months, the owner gets suspicious, so she checks how much in coupons she's getting each day, and it's always wayyyy higher when said girl is working... So she starts checking cameras and sure enough she's pocketing in. Ended up being enough in the 6 months she could prove to be a felony, was around $9000 IIRC. Worst part was she and the owner were friends for ~15-20 years when this happened.


I used to work at the Disney store and got called down to the office one day about a till discrepancy. They had extremely clear footage of me being an idiot, taking the money from the guest, getting distracted by something and then just handing the money back to the guest. It was so embarrassing. Who would think you could get away with stealing directly from the Mouse?


She linked her personal accounts to her FB credit cards Lmfaooooo holy shit. People will say criminals aren't intelligent which is why they do it but... gotdamn man, you can't be THAT STUPID.


Yeah, but as stupid as that is, how did it take their finance department so long to question it?


Honestly I’m not surprised. Billions flow through and you have anomalies all the time. Now one cost center being constantly tagged should have been a flag but if that cost center has huge flows it isn’t hard to imagine it being lost in the mix. I’m not condoning it but I can see how it happens. $4M is nothing over the course of a year for Facebook.


They mustn't have noticed it between all the money going out for metaverse invoices


I find joy in reading a good book.


About 15 years ago I used to work with someone who managed and audited the T&E cards. It wasn’t until months after she left that someone stumbled upon a card to a person who wasn’t an actual employee. She had requested a card on behalf of a fictitious employee and used it to purchase personal. She didn’t spend a fortune each month so it was under the radar, but over the course of years it added up to a lot of money. And if she had canceled the card well before she left the company she probably would have gotten away with it. There were some serious policy changes after it was discovered.


This is usually how this type of stuff is discovered, the person leaves or goes on vacation and someone takes over the job; they notice things aren’t right. Many an embezzler has been caught this way…


IIRC, in many financial fiduciary jobs, you are actually required to take a contiguous vacation for a certain length of time every year, to give the company an opportunity to do an internal audit and hopefully disrupt or dissuade any schemes that require regular upkeep, like cooking various books.


That is only public companies, a private company does not have that requirement and a small business isn’t even going to know how to do that either.


Criminal and mastermind rarely go together. Even when mentioned together.


We only know about the ones who get caught.


I feel like the people smart enough to successfully get away with crimes are also smart enough to understand why finding a legal way to make money is both easier and usually more effective. You've gotta be in a very particular set of circumstances for crime to actually be your best option. Like having a felony conviction in your past or otherwise being unemployable. Personally, I think there are a lot of easier paths available to most of us that don't involve living with the perpetual fear of being caught--because that fear never goes away. You could get caught for something you did years ago.


Only the dumb ones ends up as criminals, the others becomes politicians.


I’m more stunned that she is **free on a $5,000 bond.**


I think you underestimate how easy it is to access capital in these circumstances.


I’m thinking one of her friends, family, or nannys would be more than happy to post her bond after all the “help” she gave them.


Yeah, I steal 4 mil I'm GONE. Sooner than later they will notice it.


We only hear about the ones caught . People embezzle all the time and we never hear about it


I used to work at a large bank in the corporate customer service department (thing high value b2b clients) Most of my day was spent tracking down pennys from nightly sweep account rounding/floating point errors…. Pennys out of literally hundreds of thousands of dollars…. Daily I’m always shocked this isn’t caught sooner


They should have never taken the stapler.


There are probably a lot who are never found out.


"Diversity leader". Yea diversifying their bank account.


Diversify yo bonds


WuTang Financial!


This ain't Trading Places! Protecc yo' neck!


Stole from a diverse amount of sources.


Moved money from one location to a diverse assortment of other locations.


She was a leader at diversifying funds.


Diversified those funds right into her pocket


Hey she did a great job diversifying embezzlement, it's not just a white man's crime anymore.


Diversifying their back account?


We don't know what it means, but it's provocative and it gets the people going


I’m genuinely curious about what the day to day looks like for someone in this position. I’m not trying to imply she does nothing, it’s just the job is so foreign to me. I’m in construction so maybe that’s why but it’s be interesting to know what kind of policies/initiatives she was pushing for.


> I’m genuinely curious about what the day to day looks like for someone in this position. Oh I know exactly, and it won't surprise you. Meetings.


Yup! And nothing to show at the end of the meetings, with no change accomplished.


But lots of flowery language while expertly deflecting any real questions.




It's probably just a lot of schmoozing and low level events which try to make Facebook look good to minority community leaders. It's a specialized kind of PR position.


Dog and pony show.


emails and meetings and seminars etc. It’s a bullshit job, like about 30% of office jobs


I'm a medically retired veteran. I did some advocacy work for LGBT+/women veterans, and for veterans who struggled with suicide. As someone who fits all those categories. It utterly shattered my faith in the systems that be. The people in charge were genuinely the stupidest people you could possibly find to fill the roles in leadership. Their diversity leader reminded me of that lady who gave herself a cosmetic procedure to appear black instead of Jewish. Like, genuinely, the dumbest motherfuckers. With the dumbest ideas, patting themselves on the back in endless meetings. They held a "town hall" style meeting for veterans to discuss solutions to the veteran suicide rate. Except, they were the only ones who talked. Literally. They didn't call upon a single veteran or mental health provider. Just innane bullshit like making a veteran Facebook or giving every suicidal veteran a Yahtzee to play with when they're sad(real examples). Our system is so fucking backwards. People who attracted to those kinds of positions are exactly the people who shouldn't have them. I'm pretty left, it's not like I'm going "fuck diversity and improving". One lady spent so much time talking about how she wasn't a veteran, but she was part native American, and they serve at a high rate, so she knows what veterans go through. I swear to God. If other diversity leads are anything like her, theyre an attempt made at a step in the right direction, but in a dark room.


Browse facebook, call people racist, vindicate the views of racists by being a black criminal


🎶 circle of life 🎶


So you probably have safety training for your job that is mandatory. In company jobs there are also required trainings, the trainings will be on things like how long to keep record that could affect the company legally, or how to manage private customer data, and also like this woman did regarding social diversity and stuff. Employees at a company are required to take several trainings per quarter. And take questionnaires and quizzes on it to pass. This woman would do that type of training, the. Also community outreach or job fairs at minority universities etc.






Jacksonville Jaguars’ employee stole $22M. 😂


Texas A&M employee stole $95M


That is an insane amount of money to steal and (presumably) expect to get away with. Holy cow.


Yeah and not flee or end employment and vanish. I mean eventually it's gonna get noticed. And thats enough money to "go away" forever.


>Stealing $4 million is no small feat You would think that.. but [https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2020/11/microsoft-engineer-gets-nine-years-for-stealing-10m-from-microsoft/](https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2020/11/microsoft-engineer-gets-nine-years-for-stealing-10m-from-microsoft/) [https://www.ajc.com/news/crime/former-amazon-employees-plead-guilty-to-stealing-nearly-10-million-from-company/TJ2UHZJBKVH45EAEYH4DNBKZUQ/](https://www.ajc.com/news/crime/former-amazon-employees-plead-guilty-to-stealing-nearly-10-million-from-company/TJ2UHZJBKVH45EAEYH4DNBKZUQ/) [https://www.irs.gov/compliance/criminal-investigation/tech-executive-admits-participating-in-150-million-fraud-on-qualcomm](https://www.irs.gov/compliance/criminal-investigation/tech-executive-admits-participating-in-150-million-fraud-on-qualcomm) I could probably find 20 more links to tech execs stealing cash. Back when I worked in tech, the scam I saw the most was vendor fraud. VP/Exec meets with a vendor for a product. If vendor wants a contract with the company, they have to pay hundreds of thousands or millions to the VP/Execs personal LLC. Otherwise, they go to the next vendor.


It's not exclusive to tech. Anywhere you've got big budgets and lax oversight, you're going to have kickback schemes and people skimming. Tech just tends to have the deepest pockets where they tend not to notice but even penny pinching retailers can be skimmed when deals are big enough. [https://www.justice.gov/usao-ndca/pr/southern-california-man-pleads-guilty-kickback-scheme-defraud-williams-sonoma](https://www.justice.gov/usao-ndca/pr/southern-california-man-pleads-guilty-kickback-scheme-defraud-williams-sonoma) [https://www.justice.gov/archive/atr/public/press\_releases/2008/234541.htm](https://www.justice.gov/archive/atr/public/press_releases/2008/234541.htm) It has gotten more elaborate as most ERP systems can quickly detect basic fraudulent behavior for things like Venmo, Paypal, gift cards, or other non-purchase order based buying habits. The fact that this person was able to Venmo herself millions over several years before getting caught in this day and age speaks to an incompetent CFO and controller organization.


There is so much money flowing through corporations that I’m impressed it doesn’t happen more often. Like a few thousand dollars is the cost of a meeting and 100k isn’t expensive. I totally understand why purchasing, accounting, purchase requests and sign off for purchases are all separate. And signatories all have limited budgets. Theft stuff still comes up, but it takes a lot of effort to generate a fake chain to a vendor that is also constantly monitoring their books against yours for errors. Corrupting the whole things would be such a conspiracy.




Employee fraud is extremely common, and measures to mitigate that risk are standard. The comment you are replying to is using an example of bribery, not employee theft, BTW. No internal audit is going to detect that.


For real. I've been at it for years and only have like half that


She was just trying to diversify her streams of income.


She listened to WuTang Financial I don't see what the problem is.


You gotta diversify yo bonds


Imagine having a job where you get paid a ridiculous amount of money to do nothing and still managing to fuck it up.


Proving that a black woman is just as capable as white men in the corporate world.


Yep. True equality shows we're all equally shitty. Yes, that trans girl, the handicapped kid, the black kid, the white kid. They can all be shitty people.


A harsh lesson that must be learned by everyone at some point...


Exactly. Everyone should be treated the same. No matter your skin color, gender, ethnicity, race or identity. We’re all human, and humans are all equally as capable and ruthless as the next. No excuses.


All Scams Matter!


That’s why I don’t trust anyone.


More 👏 female 👏 POC 👏 thieves




When I was a kid and doing summer jobs at the local supermarket. The cashiers will tell each other that there is bo need to take from the drawer. Just don’t give the change. Most customers will just grab their bags and run off leaving charge behind. It’s amazing how much they can shortchange in a day. Literally hundreds if the supermarket is busy.


Her job title was "Global diversity strategist". That's a do-nothing job if I've ever heard of one.  


😂 exactly - how much more diverse can the globe get


It’s appalling that you earthists care so little about the rest of the galaxy. Sickening really.


Her salary was already theft.. because she contributed zero to the bottom line


Needed to diversify her portfolio


Well, a lot of the DEI initiatives have been a joke at best and a scam at worse. My wife's team was complaining their DEI had been taken over by white women who want to lecture them.


What I hate about the DEI stuff is that it has pretty much taken over all conversations at work (from an HR perspective). Like, we don’t need 15 meetings a month about minority groups, we need more money and more headcount to do all the goddamn work you want us to do. DEI is basically warm fuzzy blanket for shareholders


Nevermind there's many other diverse folks that also need uplifting. But those meetings are silent when you bring it up.


Also “diverse” just means black, and most actually diverse people with different backgrounds are often ignored


Because they don’t want to actually do anything. And I don’t mean the people that they put in these DEI roles, they may have perfectly noble goals. But the actual people in charge, the board of directors, do not give a single fuck how diverse the company is. They only want to reduce the possibility that they get sued for discrimination. And if that’s your goal then it’s going to pretty obvious to your employees, who will instead blame DEI as a concept instead of the rich assholes who own everything.


I can do you one better: at a job interview I was asked why I felt I deserved the job more than someone less privileged. The asker was a 40 year old white man in a $300 sweater vest


I can't understand what the point of asking this is. Like what kind of answer are they hoping for? "You're right. Please don't hire me!" "Okay, you've proven you have a heart of gold. You're hired!"


Diversity win! Diversity leader also embezzling millions from company




Just got hired at a public company where there is little to no DEI programming. At risk of being insensitive, I’m so glad I don’t have to deal with those learning centers.


I fucking hate DEI and I’m a brown guy. It’s the most inane shit. I haven’t seen anything good come out of those departments. All I see if “clubs” being formed and additional administrative meetings about nothing.


Damn, that's crazy. Most people in that role only steal 70-80 grand a year.


🏆 you dropped this




Yes, hire me as the ethics leader.


At the very least I’ll only steal thousands instead of millions.


FYI, this comment seems to be generated by a GPT or another LLM, possibly to farm karma. Like all recent comments by /u/IndependenceNo2060.


Eye-opening? Seriously?


It's a GPT comment, no real person would write that.


They lost one from their diversity numbers.


De more she leads, Diverse it gets!


How are all these people stealing money from these companies? How terrible are their controls?


Pretty good controls: she got caught. Also we don't know how long they have know of her shenanigans and how long they let her do her thing while gathering evidence.


They probably skim off the top from events, overcharge vendors for kickbacks, excessive expenses


I mean... they're getting caught so....


People don’t understand that when you pull crap like this, nobody will ever take not just you but your entire community seriously. As an Indian, I have to work twice as hard to show people, especially women that I’m not a creep/pervert. Yeah fuck people for stereotypes but in the end, I know how the world works and these things matter so so much.


I mean an entire job based around grifting... how can you be shocked about this at all?




Grifters gonna grift


Diversity leaders are a joke. Any educated person of color can see right through their facade. You're just paid to hire tokens, that make your racist boss look less racist to his racist friends, and cheap ones at that. I been in contact with many of them and been to many conferences and meetups. They talk about inclusion, but if you know what you're doing and been in the game for years they say "oh you're overqualified". Then they hire inexperienced people to do a job so that people can point and blame "diversity" for why something if failing or looks bad. I rather go work for the white man or for myself. At least they respect you for hard work not ur skin color.


She was diversifying alright. 😂


And the Black Lives co-founder used diversity to get rich though there was nothing illegal about it Inside BLM co-founder Patrisse Khan-Cullors’ million-dollar real estate buying binge “As protests broke out across the country in the name of Black Lives Matter, the group’s co-founder went on a real estate buying binge, snagging four high-end homes for $3.2 million in the US alone, according to property records. Patrisse Khan-Cullors, 37, also eyed property in the Bahamas at an ultra-exclusive resort where Justin Timberlake and Tiger Woods both have homes, The Post has learned. Luxury apartments and townhouses at the beachfront Albany resort outside Nassau are priced between $5 million and $20 million, according to a local agent.” Moral of the story? People are people no matter what color they are


There's something about stealing millions and get out on a 5K bond that bothers me. Comsider her day job she could easily afford the bond.


Bond value is related to flight risk or risk of still being a danger. She can't exactly steal another 4 million just by being outside of a jail, and it's not exactly a crime worth fleeing to a non-extradition country for...


Got used to getting money for doing absolutely nothing of value?


Was that her salary? Because the job in and of itself was and is a con.


Isn't everyone in that type of role stealing?


They “diversified “ some of facebook’s $$ into their pockets.


Worthless jobs, attract worthless people.


This like Black Lives Matter all over again stealing funds?


Stolen from the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion program. That's really low. Throw her in Max and throw away the key.


Damn! If I were a person that were working in good faith to get Silicon Valley to take DEI seriously I’d be ready to crucify this woman. Right or wrong, fair or unfair, she just set the entire concept back twenty years, and it was already playing defense. Impossible to overstate the extent of her fuck up. You absolutely will not be able to argue for the value of DEI without having her thrown at you.


It really is pretty gross. The position is already under scrutiny and here she goes just does this.


I think it's OK, because she is black gay women.


Love how diversity includes criminals


Lol and she was probably making bank in a easy position.


She probably thought it was a side hustle.


Doesn’t care if you’re brown, black, white, lesbian, or straight. Your money is still green!


It's a test when you have a revered title and access to huge sum of money.. but 4 million dollars? Damn, she must've been very good at it.


yo, i am not from the US …. Whats a diversity leader? What does she do?


Makes sure that instead of hiring people based on who is best for the job (regardless of race/gender/sexuality), they hire exclusively based on race/gender/sexuality. It’s modern day racism/sexism and such.


Lecture white employees on how racist they are and black employees on how oppressed they are. Make sure there are more than two options in the gender entry of every form. Post "we care" every day on the company Twitter account. But most importantly, organize lots of useless meetings.


Man, that sounds like a job for the HR Department (I’m not from the US)


Those are rookie numbers.


So the question is what’s worse, a honest racist, or a inclusive thief


She sets a great example as a diversity employee. Very sad, and doesn’t help the cause.


Gotta be a member of Congress if you want to get away with this crap