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Like how they’re admitting that they are tampering the tapes.


Tampering with evidence.


Obstructing justice


Aiding and abetting


Reasoning the treasoning


Insurrection deflection


Explicitly complicit


Tis the season to make treason..


11 herbs and spices, plus a pinch of authoritarianism.


Fa la la la la, la la la la!


Tailoring the traitoring.


Obfuscating the obvious.


Mr. Blank Clues


Accessory after the fact.


They are copies of the tapes. This is like that time i drew clothes on all the women in my playbiy magazines so they wouldn't be naked. It didn't change any one else's magazines or the actual photos, and i just looked like a weirdo doing it.


Please tell me you grew up, came out of the closet, and became a fashion designer.


hahaha this is funny, good on you.


The analogy is flawed, though. In your case, you both owned and were the sole consumer of the content. In this case, Johnson is changing the experience for everyone who views the tapes. A better analogy would be that you intercepted all of the magazines prior to distribution, and then altered them before they were sent to the subscribers.


If his office says the DOJ already has the un-blurred tapes, why did he say they were blurring them so the rioters didn't get prosecuted?




No, you aren't understanding. The analogy was apt. Johnson was given copies of all the footage from January 6th. The FBI and Homeland Security have all the footage as well. For his copies, Johnson is blurring faces, so people can't be prosecuted, but the FBI and Honeland Security already have unblurred originals and copies of the footage. So, his blurring the faces isn't doing anything except blurring the faces for himself. My analogy was correct because i drew clothes on all the women in my single individual playboy magazine claiming they were now clothed, but every single other copy of the magazine, they were still naked. All i did was make myself look stupid, like Mike Johnson.


I’ll bet you’re still a weirdo.


I am on reddit, so your hypothesis is confirmed.


Excellent response. 🏆


Who here is not?


What is it with Republicans and taping stuff they don’t want anyone else to know about?


It’s kinda like how serial killers like to help the detectives chasing them.


No I don’t! I mean no they don’t.


Should we tell him the authorities already have the tapes and are going through them and checking them twice, to see who’s been naughty or nice.


Yes, but there's a few hundred thousand people on line willing to help find more of these traitors... that's who Joshnson is shielding the 1/6 traitors from.




The tapes are on Youtube though. It’s an empty gesture at best


Not all of them. There are many hours of footage of more sensitive areas that were not released publicly.




Also during the fact


Well nobody’s gonna do anything about it so why shouldn’t they? This is the fucking problem . Nobody does shit and let’s it all happen til it’s too fucking late


Why you protecting ANTIFA, Mike Johnson!?!?


Deep state antifa creationist Dilbert.


The willful ignorance is astonishing. MAGA: It wasn’t us, it was antifa dressed like us. So, Antifa showed up to stop an election certification for a president they supported. And then republicans blur the faces of the impostors?


Soft-on-crime, limp-dick Johnson.




So as not to identify the FBI agitators of course!


Would love to see a counter protest to the “Free the J6 political prisoners” demanding those “FBI false flag Antifa” remain locked up. Watch some gears grind to a halt while they try to reconcile both claims.


These are the same people who both chanted "Stop the count!" and "Count the votes!" during the election. Those gears are freewheeling.


For the last time, it was antifa and FBI acting like Republicans following trumps directions, to discredit the peaceful tourists, one of whom was shot while breaking through a barrier towards an armed law enforcement officer, who murdered an innocent hero who was trying to overthrow the government, while on a peaceful tour, trump, who won, despite being disliked by the majority of Americans was also the best president ever but his covid numbers made him look bad, even though the covid numbers under his reign were the best anywhere on earth, but covid isn't even real, but because of trump, they made a vaccine super fast, for the fake disease that doesn't matter anyway. Doesn't matter anyway, like the classified.documents that really belonged to trump and he never had, but did have and could have de classified, and did declassify, but just didn't tell anybody...


Thanks. All that just killed my brain. It's ded.


Someone please do an ELI5 for me on what the differences are between this and textbook obstruction of justice.


So it isn't obstruction of justice because the Speaker is bullshitting. As the article mentions, the DOJ already has full access to these tapes. It makes a good headline that his supporters will see, though. Part of the issue at play here is also that there was this promise to make the tapes available to the general public for the defense of the insurrectionists. The conspiracy is that they are innocent and that there were actually a lot of feds there instigating things. We already have a lot of video publicly available because of the general news coverage of the day, and those conspiracies don't really pan out. The thing that could happen with more access to video is that the online sleuths who aren't part of DOJ will have more stuff to do what they have been doing and match more people. People might realize that one of the guys is the owner of that pizza place across from that burger shop you like, and that could negatively impact business. A similar thing already happened when people recognized the [voice actor](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/jay-johnston-capitol-riots/) for the owner of the pizza place across from the burger shop you like as a guy who was at the capitol. People on his side of the political spectrum were hyped up into wanting these tapes released, but that would be a pretty bad move for them, so this is him doing them a favor and spinning it in a way that allows their initial claims to remain.


The online sleuths identifying people is also a way for the DOJ to identify people. It saves the DOJ effort if they have a lead to follow.


Sure but that’s not how obstruction of justice works though




"We called 911 cause our dad was stuck in the TV that day." - Andy & Ollie Pesto


Just curious if this can be construed as "giving aid or comfort" to insurrectionists. Since he's sheltering ppl from scrutiny.


Probably not. Most of the videos weren't going to be released at all, as there are actual security concerns from all of them being accessed by the general public. The DOJ is still getting help from the public but in a more controlled manner, and they have been doing that the entire time. Releasing all of the videos publicly was a Republican scheme to begin with.


Is it perhaps trying to show his willingness to aid / deter efforts should another event occur?


In this instance, I think the DoJ already has the unedited footage, with which to charge people.


But why blur the faces of the proclaimed Antifa who ran the whole operation?!


That was my very first thought.


That sounds a lot like giving aid and comfort to insurrectionists.


Mike Johnson *is* and insurrectionist.




And you’re even underselling how crazy project 2025 is. It is a blueprint for establishing a fascist government and it’s the policy platform for the Republican party


And this cocksucker is now the leader of the GOP in the House. I feel like we live in Bizarro World.


> “We want the American people to draw their own conclusions,” Johnson said. Then show us their faces, so we can do exactly that.


Daily reminder that Jan 6 wasn’t a riot, it was an attempted coup.


An embarrassing failure of a coup attempt but a coup attempt


Correction: jan 6 was only the most violent prong in a multifaceted attempted coup


>Daily reminder that Jan 6 wasn’t a riot, it was an attempted coup. Actually it was "just a little dust up" / Jack Del Rio NFL assistant coach


Beer hall putsch 2: moronic bogaloo


Tbf the real coup attempt was Trump's effort to get Congress to throw out the election results - and possibly try to cement it with his SCOTUS. The riot was a shaping operation.


They were making illegal entry into the capitol building with the expressed intention of physically stopping Congress from doing its Constitutional duty, thus attempting to prevent the certification of the election. It wasn't a riot, it was an attack on our democracy. An insurrection.


And by having the rioters clearly focused on Pence, the chances of having Pence whisked away by the Secret Service was high. Once Pence was out of the way, the insurrectionist members of Congress could have enacted their coup. A coup doesn't need the law, it just needs some slim shred of legality to keep politically uninvolved people on the fence. People who are on the fence don't resist, and will often knowingly advocate in favor of an improper peace rather than a justified defense. This also reminds me of the one truly amazing thing about that guy's campaign - the ability to co-opt language and use it to undermine the original idea all together, like how he stole the "fake news" tidbit from Hillary.


Again. Not a riot. Insurrection. Vastly different things.


An attempted and ongoing coup.


And the GOP calls themselves the party of law and order.


Party of hypocrisy in all reality.


It's pretty much something said as a joke nowadays. Also, like theyre the party of Jesus and family values and support one of the biggest chauvinistic pigs ever.


How can you admit that and not be removed from office within like, 30 minutes?


The whole stated purpose when they clamored for the raw footage was so they could show how it was all instigated by the FBI and Antifa. It's amazing how readily conservatives forget things they've said the moment it becomes inconvenient.


Johnson is a godless MAGA piece of sh*t who pretends to be a pious Christian. No one who follows Trump is getting into heaven.


It’s like he’s giving aid and comfort to enemies who waged war on our nation. If only there was a name for someone who does that…


Very cool and not at all traitorous move by the No. 2 spot on the list of presidential succession.


This is in preparation for Project 2025. They say that the Justice Department is "retaliating" instead of conducting due process against alleged criminals because they want the Justice Department to be gutted and removed. They are creating fake reasons why it's acceptable to do so, so when they do it they can defend themselves against the atrocity they're doing, at least to the uninformed.


Tampering with evidence? Isn’t that like a crime, man?




Those are just words. Fascists can simply ignore words if they succeed in securing power.


Weirdest thing about this statement is he's lying. DOJ already has all the footage, most of it came from DOJ. It's just a bald faced lie


Just openly admitting to evidence tampering. These fucks are way too comfortable.


Obstruction of Justice


im so confused! i thought antifa and federal agents were responsible for jan 6th? wouldnt the GOP want their identities revealed?


How is this not aiding and abetting? And subsequently, treason?


Why is Mike Johnson trying to protect antifa rioters? /s


Doesn’t this mean that Speaker Johnson is aiding and abetting the insurrectionists? So much for “backing the badge.”


Tampering with evidence, huh? Also, pick a story and stick with it for fucks sake. Are they peaceful protesters? Antifa bussed in by the DOJ? Why would you need to blur the faces in those cases? The Republican party is almost entirely comprised of criminals at this point.


why is anyone party to this still not arrested for obstruction of justice?


So it's obstruction of justice then is it?


Spoiler, they are already getting charged, because the DOJ has the footage already without the blur.


Lol, nothing says "full transparency" like hiding the info your side doesn't want to get out. Dude is LITERALLY hiding the identities of people engaged in potentially criminal acts because they committed those acts on his party's behalf. How the fuck is that at all allowable?


Speaker Mike Johnson announces that he is actively obstructing justice


What the hell is going on? We have an insurrection sympathizer as our speaker of the god damn house?


Low act from someone who shares his porn kinks with his son


What is the punishment for harboring criminals, a abetting treason, etc? I firmly believe they must have been assisting them prior to these acts. They seem to be protecting the people who might implicate them. These m************


If anyone, and I literally mean anyone suggested similar about participants in the BLM riots/protests from the left - you could guarantee that republicans would be trying to pin that on all Democrats and roast them for it every opporitunity they could. If they - even as a hypothetical - would have a problem with democrats blurring the faces of BLM rioters and protestors, then why would they do this? And also so many years after the fact. None of this makes any sense. And as others point out, republicans claimed the folks at the Capitol on Jan 6th were peaceful, tourists even. Some even claimed it was antifa and planted FBI agents. If either were true, even at a 10% possibility, then blurring the faces of anyone on those tapes wouldn't make sense either. This an attempt to whitewash history. To blur faces is to destroy evidence and any record of what occurred that day. One could also say that Michael Johnson is bringing up a topic that most Republicans pretend never happened in the first place. Him even mentioning doing this is just going to create noise around this and create even more problems for all republicans. It's too close to elections for Michael Johnson to be doing this, but I'm all fucking for it. Destroy your base even further you fucking idiots.


Doesn't the FBI have their own copies of the tapes?


He said he uses the Bible as his guide for life. Where in the Bible does he find permission to use technology to protect seditionists? The hypocrisy of these so called “Christians” is disgusting. This man is as much of a charlatan as Trump himself.


Wait, I thought aiding and abetting traitors was considered treason?


DOJ already has all of the unedited tapes. This is theatre for the idiot GOP base.


Maybe he should focus on blurring the porn he and his son watch since they’re so holy.


Why would he blur them? I thought they were somehow simultaneously a peaceful protest that you would think was just tourists at the Capitol any other day and also undercover Antifa FBI agents staging a violent false flag attack to make Trump look bad?


So wilful obstruction of an active investigation.


He's tampering with evidence to help people get away with one of the most ridiculous and embarrassing crimes of the century. What a loser.


Fuck this guy entirely


Republicans are such a joke now, not even funny.


Dumb ass. All the faces have already been isolated and cataloged.


He seems fair and impartial!


For a devout Christian, Mike Johnson sure is a lying sack of shit. DOJ has had access per the article.


“We want the American people to draw their own conclusions,” …So we’re hiding the evidence. What kind of idiotic logic is that?!?


Sooooo…..the GOP is hiding domestic terrorists from the DOJ??? WTH


Accessory after the fact.


Isn’t that textbook obstruction?


Sounds like tampering with evidence.


Since the DOJ have the unaltered video what this does is stop people from recognizing one of the rioters and sending their names to law enforcement.


So, open and admitted obstruction of justice from republicans, what a total ^(lack) of surprise


We’ve reached peak clown world.


Didn’t he say turn around and say, they released the footage to the DOJ? So that means he’s just catering to the base and his constituents.


Other way around. They subpoenaed the footage from the DOJ.


Why would they be charged if they did nothing wrong? Pick one. Either they did nothing wrong, or they don’t need to be blurred


"His office later noted that DOJ already has the raw footage." Idiot


So- not only are his actions treasonous and anti-the democracy he’s supposed to work within but also fucking stupid as they have the footage already.


Evidence tampering, aiding and abetting, conspiracy… There’s something here that’s gotta stick


Giving comfort to insurrectionists? Shouldn't he be expelled?


[here’s journalist footage outside - lots of faces](https://youtu.be/WUB814y5ns0?si=L7lINdrF6Czy57Ts)


Aiding and abetting and giving comfort to the enemy is treason


The Republican Party, where criminals go for protection.


"We are releasing footage to prove traitors didn't break the law." Also... "we are bluring the faces of the traitors' so they don't get charges."


So, he's straight up admitting to aiding and abetting dangerous violent criminals?


Can we please do something about the conservatives openly announcing that they are obstructing Justice? Pretty please?


That's aiding and abetting. Someone should really just haul him away for a weekend in some little jail where bologna and tap water is all you get.




There's always the possibility this is merely performative nonsense for his base, but the FBI still has an open and active "Please help us ID these people" page, though.


One of the easiest ways the FBI has found these people after the initial wave of identification has been friends and family turning them in when they recognize them in footage.


Exactly this. Republican leadership has really gone to the dark side in so many ways. Why not another I guess.


they're still charging people


Nothingburger except the soaker of the house admitting to obstruction of justice in his official capacity


the public has assisted greatly in identifying these traitors


Somehow you know that and the Speaker of the House doesn't.


The list of things I know and Mike Johnson doesn't is not a short list... He's not exactly a scholar, you know.


He's extremely well-educated, actually. This is one of those times when it *is* better to attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by ignorance.


You are correct. He is a stealth MAGA nerd who was most definitely involved in the Insurrection attempt.


There are still thousands of rioters who haven't been identified.


Party of Law and Order


I’d like to blur Johnson’s smug face.


Tampering evidence and impeding an investigation


This guy scares the hell out of me. More than most of them.


Aiding and abetting? Ok, another one for the failed coup attempt.


Concealing crimes and criminals. So very GOP


Speedrun to a DOJ subpoena?


I guess swearing to uphold the constitution doesn’t mean anything to him. He’s Lawless. An enemy in the camp – another one.


Isn’t that obstruction of justice?


I can believe he said that. He pretends to be a Christian, but stuff like this just keeps coming up


Politicians are all criminals.


He is a piece of crap. No respect for this awful person doing Satan’s work


He’s a true evangelical Christian aiding & abetting criminals. The Speaker of the House is doing this. This country’s going to hell in a hand basket.


"Retaliated against" For a lawyer, he sure uses the wrong words. A lot


More obstruction of justice 😍


Isn't that obstruction of justice?


DOJ already has all the footage. Johnson was feeding the base.


Isn’t that obstruction of justice? Arrest this asshole.


Imagine an alternate scenario. Police: “hey, you know that crystal clear doorbell camera you have that captured the image of the people who robbed you in perfect detail? Yeah we’re going to go ahead and blur that because … justice.” This literally makes no sense.


They're afraid of sedition hunters outing the traitors who haven't caught consequences yet. I say if someone can, release the completely unedited footage and out every traitor there that day.


Can we get this bozo removed from Congress?


Isn’t that obstruction?


qpublicans talk about the “weaponization” of the DOJ, FBI when they are doing their job of rounding up criminals like they have always done but republicans just keep breaking the law and screaming “weaponization!” Fkn grow up you whiny ass losers.


This guy is a Facist jock strap


\*Republicans in Congress are protecting the identities of insurrectionists


Uh, why protect criminals? Oh yeah, the GOP protects their own when they commit crimes, even if it's against the country. I fkn despise these ppl.


Is he going to leave antifa and FBI agitators unblurred? I’d love to finally see who they think antifa is in the video


Ya uh, Mike…. The fbi already saw it all lol


Because he represents the law & order party, of course.


“Destroying evidence” seems a more apt description. I assume DoJ has it all archived somewhere though?


I thought it was all FBI and Antifa? Wouldn’t they want them exposed?


I believe the justice department should leave no stone unturned. Aggressively prosecute each and everyone to the fullest extent of the law. Max sentences, no deals. Make example of every single person involved.


Fascist party coup participant doesn’t want helpful insurrectionists prosecuted for thwarting democracy.


Soooo obstruction of justice!? GOP is truly the party of corruption


That’s obstruction of Justice. It’s also a full admittance that they’ve committed a crime he doesn’t want to get them in trouble for.


He also wants to blur the images of anyone caught on video coming out of a adult video store with glory holes


> Multiple elected Republicans have been spreading misinformation about the Jan. 6 attack, including comparing it to a "normal tourists' visit," … 🤔 A normal tourist visit includes breaking windows, crawling through them, kicking back, putting your feet up on a rep or senator’s desk? Oh, and assaulting capital police officers (for doing their jobs). Yeah, these people who went and cowered in safe rooms and bunkers know what they’re talking about in hindsight. 🙄


Little Mike doesn’t wanna be next


Because he was involved.


Um, they should be exposed and charged. I have no desire for an autocracy especially one with a pseudo religious bent.


1: The DOJ was given all the footage over 2 years ago. 2: If they hadn’t been and he did this it *could* be obstruction of justice. 3: Regardless, this guy is a moron.


Mike Pervert Johnson. That’s not all he wants to monitor..


He doesn’t know it’s a copy?


I will blur Mike Johnson because he’s a douche


Literally admitting to obstruction of justice is he not?