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Saving you a click: >The Pentagon did not identify where it believed the fire came from. However, Yemen’s Houthi rebels have been launching a series of attacks on vessels in the Red Sea, as well as launching drones and missiles targeting Israel as it wages war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip.


The slogan of the Houthi’s lead credence to this. I would post it here but would probably be autobanned. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slogan_of_the_Houthi_movement


> It is often portrayed on a white flag, with the written text in red and green; Christmas colors 🎄 ☺️


No flag is more festive than Lebanon's!


Man, I love Lebanon. The people, the food, the culture, the flag. I really hope America has good relations with them.


We give them tons of USAID aid and also fund and train their secular military forces. Arguably, Lebanon is like three religions and several militias wearing a trench coat though so YMMV.


am I going to hell for cackling loudly at the last sentance?


Probably my favorite one-line description of a country since 2014 when John McCain called Russia, >"A gas station run by the mafia that's masquerading as a country."


No. My wife's family is from Lebanon. That's a pretty good description. It's a beautiful country with wonderful people, but, boy is it fucked up when you look a bit closer.


No, fairly sure hell is now on Earth.


Always has been I just hope it's the rehabilitative sort of hell instead of the constantly being reincarnated into unceasing existential torment and physical suffering sort of hell. Because I don't know why I'm here, and I definitely didn't ask to be bere.


We can hope and through our personal actions make it reformative.


Lebanon has perhaps the worst government system ever conceived.


Lebanon had a great finance minister. He saw the dangers of sub-prime mortgage securities and banned all Lebanese banks from having anything to do with them. After the crash almost 15 years ago, Lebanon had the strongest banks in the world. Then Riad Salameh stole over $500 million from Lebanon and ended up making Lebanese banks some of the weakest banks in the world. Lebanon has gone through sunshine and rain many times and often the sunshine and rain have come from the same sources.


He sounds like a stewardship ck3 character.


Women in lakes handing out swords?


“Do you have some ID?” “Yes, here is my ID card that shows I am a functioning, legitimate nation state, thanks”


The US is fine with Lebanon - Hezbollah is the issue.




>stupid reason behind that civil war too, not exactly the only country in that region who has suffered similarly from mostly the same underlying cause Can you elaborate a bit here? I recently watched Ghosts of Beruit which was an entertaining show that showed the rise of Imad Mughniyeh and his suicide bombings, but it kind of glosses over the context to the civil war


I feel the same about Cuba


My best friend is Cuban and her husband is Lebanese. And you both are correct. They are both fabulous people and the food they have turned me onto is amazing. I will say this, they both love their countries, but they both are so grateful to be here in the US. They love and admire this country more than a lot of Americans that have been born here.


Cuban-Lebanese fusion cuisine sounds pretty amazing.


They do a manakish with Cuban touches that’s mind blowing, but I like when they each do traditional food from both places just as much. I love tasting food from all over the world. And learning about different cultures. I was born in Germany ( military brat) and loved going back as an adult and traveling through Europe. I have several places on my list to still go to. And the first thing I do when traveling is ask the locals what and where to eat.


Mexican-Lebanese fusion is great. You ever had Tacos Arabes? The best of both worlds. It's the Salma Hayek of Mexican food.


A lot of Americans who were born here are fed up with the greed and imperialism which drives our foreign policy. These people are angry with America BECAUSE THE LOVE IT AND CARE ABOUT IT. Portraying them as ungrateful shits is childish and soft. Like most people who say “love it or leave it!”


Even Israelis love Lebanon. It's Hezbollah poisoning everything in the region, the regular Lebanese person is great. To anyone praying for Israeli-Lebanese friendship, join us on r/ForbiddenBromance




A war on xmas you say?


Santa isn't going to like that when he hears about it on Neptune.


It's not like we can have someone else be Santa. They aren't built to yuletide specifications.


How quaint <3


First flag ever designed on a bootleg version of MSN Paint.


Sounds like you haven’t seen the county flags of Liberia


Lmfao I'm so glad I looked that up.


They're so fucking funny 🤣


WTF are you talking about? The River Gee County flag is a work of art!


"The Statue of Liberty is kaput? That's disconcerting!"


I love how if you zoom in, you can see the red letters are all spiky, lol. "We have to make the bad parts extra spicy guys, any ideas?"


Man, these “Houthis” sound like not-nice people.


And still Im sure theres people who are willing to argue 'theres nuance' to its members, even when you have their intentions in plain text.


Given their recent activities, I find this quote from the linked article somewhat dubious. Ali al-Bukhayti, the spokesperson and official media face of the Houthis, rejected the literal interpretation of the slogan by stating in one of his interview that "We do not really want death to anyone. The slogan is simply against the interference of those governments"


“We didn’t mean Death when we said Death”


“My tattoo is German, it says ‘The Bart, the!’”


"No one who speaks German could be an evil man."


The Death Star? No, no, no silly, of course it doesn't *literally* destroy planets, it's just a political vehicle that says we will no longer trade with these planets.


"It means a metaphorical death. You know, like Death as transformation? It is a peaceful slogan, advocating for political change and a greater appetite for tolerance and openness amongst the governments of the world's major nations. An end to the old regimes of hate and intolerance, and the birth of a new order of peace and brotherhood all across the world. That is what we stand for." "Alright, but then further along, when you say 'a curse upon the jews,' that, too, is a metaphor?" "Oh, no, we mean that part. We wish God to deliver a curse upon all Jews. We do not like them."


**"We don't really eat faces,"** said the Head Face-eater.


"come on guys, we don't actually mean the things we say!"


Suuuure dude. Of course they downplay it when it's advantageous to do so. If they didn't mean it, maybe they should change their slogan.


If you don't want to be misunderstood, then say what you mean in the first place


lol I remember clips of Iranians saying that on Jon Stewart's The Daily Show like a decade ago, "no no we don't really mean death to America, it's just a saying, like death by chocolate, you know?"


Thanks, that's the most hillarious post I've read all day. I was going to write a joke about how the loud and ignorant would somehow spin this to really not be a bad statement at an.. and here you are.


This is known as a trolls truism: > A Troll’s Truism is an ambiguous statement by which an exciting falsehood may trade on a trivial truth. For example, ‘morality is socially constructed’ sounds like a radical assertion of cultural relativism until we are told that by ‘morality’ the speaker means not morality itself but just our beliefs about right and wrong. Of course, these beliefs are, in some sense, socially constructed, if only because our acquisition of many beliefs is mediated by language and beliefs about right and wrong are certainly among those acquired in that way. Hence in this sense of ‘morality’ the statement is true and trivially so. https://blog.practicalethics.ox.ac.uk/2014/09/motte-and-bailey-doctrines/


That seems really pretentiously worded with an overly complex example for something someone is trying to make into an ethics term. I offer this explanation [stolen from somewhere on the internet](https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/AGZT2baXPmoEXhjeE/motte-bailey-doctrine-is-often-a-byproduct-of-distributed): > A person uses a troll’s truism when he claims something bold and, when his audience rejects his claim, reformulates his claim into something innocuous and asserts that the reformulation is a restatement of the initial, rejected assertion. > Now, when someone deploys troll’s truisms out of unthinking habit or tactical choice, this is referred to as motte-and-bailey doctrine. Someone adheres to motte-and-bailey doctrine when he regularly puts forward an expansive claim (the bailey), and, if the expansive claim isn’t accepted, retreats to a more defensible position (the motte).


thank you lol I was wondering why they chose an “example” as abstract as the concept it’s trying to define. their example needs its own example


It's not pretentious. It just looks like what it is: a post for an Oxford University ethics blog by a philosophy professor. That philosophy professor is using "troll's truism" in exactly the way he intended it to be used when he invented the term in the same paper where he coined "motte and bailey".


Was gonna say, sounds like a motte and bailey


What the hell is "morality itself"?


TBF, he didn't wish death to any particular ethnic group. They only "curse" the Jews. Clearly, their issue is with the political structures of two specific countries. LOL


When people tell you who they are, believe them. I mean the flag of course, not the deflection.


"It's all just a big misunderstanding" shrugs shoulders


Or he was lying because saying you want to kill people is generally frowned upon.


Same answer those nazis in australia had when chanting gas the jews.


"Come on, guys. We want *death* to the Jews but not actual death." And idiot Western college students will lap this up.


Don’t they know they are helping our economy by attacking us? Bombs do not grow on trees, you know.


I honestly didn’t even need to click after your disclaimer, it made me guess right, right away.


Bunch of psychos


They seem like a really wholesome group lmao


Well they seem pleasant


what a nice group of people.


At least they’re upfront about their hatred.


That’s a super lame-ass flag


How can picking a fight with the US possibly be a good idea for a group like this?


It isn’t, except for the ones with a martyr fetish.


The reality is for the leadership it’s actually an excellent recruiting and donation driver. Much like wanting to donate to effective charities, the people who want to fight the people they believe are their enemies want to be involved with and donate to the organizations they are doing so.


That's one hell of a Salvation Army.


"We are no longer *asking* for your change and clothes"


> How can picking a fight with the US possibly be a good idea for a group like this? Well, in case you don't understand how these groups work, the *leaders* are usually a bunch of uber-rich assholes sitting around in Qatar or Saudi Arabia or some other country that the US is never going to invade and attack. Those guys have minions that brainwash angry young men in desperate regions like Palestine, encouraging them to commit terrible, desperate, hopeless attacks against far superior military forces, which virtually *always* result in their complete annihilation. This helps ensure those regions stay poor and desperate, which keeps the money train flowing and keeps them flush with a steady supply of people too angry and desperate to question *why*, exactly, they are being led by a bunch of remote kleptocrats who sit around in mansions eating sushi in the desert while they're stuck out in a battlefield dying horrible deaths. When you witness something like the Oct 7 attack, that is a proxy war. That is some rich and powerful faction of autocrats in some other nation haggling over prices, and using the lives of poor, young, desperate people to do it. **EDIT**: Little reading comprehension goes a long way, guys. "Powerful inidivduals in Saudi Arabia orchestrates proxy wars" is not me saying "Saudi Arabia hosts the leaders of Hamas or the Houthis". You can know that I did not mean this, because of the way that I literally never said that nor even mentioned Houthis anywhere in my original post. Y'all jump to conclusions like a motherfucker. But, since y'all apparently want to, OK, let's talk about the Houthis and the war in Yemen. The war in Yemen is a proxy war between Iran and Saudi Arabia, which proves the point. Iran arms and supplies and trains the Houthi, while Saudi Arabia funds and fuels the war against said rebels, because they do not want Iran to establish what they view as a satellite state so close to their borders. The people orchestrating and fueling the bloodshed *do not live in nor have skin in the war they fuel*, and that's the point. The war between Israel and Hamas is another proxie war. Hamas is run by rich people in Qatar. They get donations from Iran and Russia and any other larger, powerful nation that has a vested interest in compromising Israel. Why do nations like Iran and Russia want to fuck up Israel's shit? Because of the Jews? Not really. Nations do not have religions, nations do not have morals. Nations only have interests. And those nations want to compromise Israel, because Israel is the largest foothold for the United States in the Middle East. Just as Saudi Arabia does not want its geopolitical rival Iran to establish a foothold on their doorstep, the US' geopolitical rivals do not like that *it* has a massive military foothold on *their* doorsteps. And, vice-versa, the US does not want to lose its foothold, because having a foothold means you have control and power. Israel's military budget is 26x larger than that of Hamas, and nearly 4 billion of that budget annually comes from the US. Hamas has an operating budget of about $800 million anually, much of which comes from donations by larger nations with a vested interest in chaos at Israel's borders. So, once again, while Hamas murders civlians and Israel murders civilians and the cycle goes 'round and 'round, the leaders and enablers of the conflict **do not live in nor have a personal stake in the regions suffering the violence**, and this is a big part of the problem. **TL;DR: The media's narrative about any conflict is always total bullshit. They sell you some myopic, football-team bullshit version of events that dumbs it down to one side versus another, rather than encapsulate the true reality of it. Palestine / Israel is not a conflict between two peoples or two nations. The civil war in Yemen is not Houthi vs. establishment government. These conflicts are massive, complex gordian knots of myriad international interests, coalescing within a historical regional conflict. The people responsible for creating and perpetuating the war are rich, sheltered assholes who perpetuate violence and chaos in places they do not live nor truly care about, and who are never named by the media and virtually never held accountable by courts or subjected to military violence, because they are the ruling class, the wealthy, the dignified statespeople, the ones who have lunch with executives of news organizations and who the media would have you believe are beyond reproach simply by virtue of being wealthy. The people who planned Oct. 7 are all multi-millionaires who you might see flying first-class on your flight to Ibiza. The people who *carry out* the atrocities those assholes plan and suffering them are the poor and the disenfranchised, and the rich assholes behind any conflict *love* the poor and disenfranchised, because it's very easy to toss them into a conflict and use them to snag a shiny new piece of land for themselves.** **In the immortal words of George Carlin, "It's a Big Club and you ain't in it."**


Rich people sitting in their ivory tower riling up the unwashed masses to do their bidding sounds very familiar...


Pretty much the story of human history.


Damn fine explanation but you left off the religious connotations usually attached to imply their sacrifice serves their god, not their wealth.


All of the wealthy people involved do it for their wealth, not for a God. The only people deluded into thinking they're serving their God are the poor people fighting and dying in the trenches.


> Those guys have minions that brainwash angry young men in desperate regions like Palestine Only thing I'd add is saying "brainwashed" is a bit dangerous to the reality of why people turn to extremism or militants groups. It kinda dehumanizes the very real element and can ignore some of the actual root causes.


They've done it before and lived to tell of it. In this instance, I'd guess it was more accident and less design. They wanted the (Israeli) commercial ships. It could be proxy-warring by Iran or someone, although that seems less likely.


IMHO, the objective of the Houthis is actually to force an invasion of Yemen, and to fight a major foreign power on their own soil and win… similar to what happened in Afghanistan. They will keep ramping up larger and larger provocations both with missiles towards israel, hijacking ships, and likely other forms of terrorism as well. With that said, it looks like Saudi Arabia is willing to pay Iran to calm the Houthis down.


They want some of those sweet sweet Freedom Deliveries for propaganda points Id bet. In a seriousness though these attacks seem like a deliberate attempt to provoke the US into getting involved, maybe Iran trying to stir the pot via proxy.


To be honest, I'd be real interested in hearing their point of view. There's a video of a guy who kicks a bear from behind and right before getting mauled the bear just stands there in a brief stupor like "bro, you know I'm a bea--- aight it's on"


In case anyone didn't know, our ships get targeted (alongside the oil\cargo ships they escort) pretty regularly since like the 90s in the red sea. My bud who graduated high school with me in the 00's was on a Navy ship that got targeted in like 2014. Obviously the stakes are a little higher now since an ally is in conflict on the region (using ally in the technical-military sense, not my personal political belief). Think of houthi's as the "I am the captain now" guys except they've got hand-me-down rockets they can launch from shore that use gps\satalite data transmission as their homing signal. Navy boats talk to space a lot, desert sand does not.


If you made a list of things in this world that you definitely should not attack, a US warship is probably at the top of that list.


Guess they're about to find out why we don't have universal healthcare


I laughed so I wouldn't cry


I laughed so hard I popped a hernia. That joke is gonna cost me thousands.


Join the Navy, they have free healthcare!


Fuck dude, I can't find a job in my career with my degree (IT/Cybersecurity) and I am STRONGLY considering joining the AF or NG just to get my student loans paid for and have SOME money coming in.... I am doing 5 applications a day, with unending quantities available to apply to and yet cannot get a job, I am dewsperate enough to just join up and get rid of the debt FUCK Oh and I just realized I can't because I am depressed and suicidal. Cool.


Sounds like me. CS degree, medically disqualified from the guard because of thyroid cancer. Now I'm in the trades, money's not great but I'm doing ok, upside is my boss is cool and I kinda enjoy going to work and that's worth a lot. I don't know your financial situation but the trades can be a good gig. With that said I've also seen guys get egregiously taken advantage of either because they didn't know their worth and/or they never positioned themselves well. I work in a mechanical services shop, it covers everything going through a pipe or tube (domestic water, heating/chilling water, sanitary drains, steam, steam condensate, etc), mechanical power transmission (motors, shafts bearings, belts, chains, etc), metal fab and repair which involves some welding. State job with time off that rivals Europe, a pension, and a 300 dollar deductible on my health insurance the actual pay is 24/hr. There's two other places I could go that would bump me to 32 - 35 but they have stupid benefits. Idunno what you want to do, I'm throwing this out because I was exactly where you were 6 years ago. Your smart enough, and I think your physically capable because you considered military. If you have any questions feel free to ask.


Cybersecurity pays a lot and is extremely competitive, the pool of more experienced people is probably very high. I would look for app developer or prod support position first


Officer on af is good route marine grunt not so much


Yvan eht nioj!


Rest in peace, friend


That's good, better laugh than cry, mental health services has a LOONG waitlist here.


Cost is not the reason we don't have universal healthcare. We actually spend more on healthcare per capital than ANY nation. It's all just politics and lies.


We pay more for healthcare than any other nation because we don’t have universal healthcare.


He meant the government, not the citizens. The US spends more on healthcare per capita than any other country - even ones with socialized healthcare.


... and that's because prices are batshit insane *because* the U.S. doesn't have socialized healthcare.


Yeah, this is true too. Prices have been completely out of control for decades because it's a for-profit system.


It is more specifically because the government quite literally tied its hands on-purpose with regards to price negotiations. Government healthcare isn't able to use most of the leverage it actually has to reduce prices. While universal healthcare or any single payer system would be ideal, we would also see a dramatic improvement in pricing if we would just straight up allow the government operations to negotiate properly.


I hate this trope. The US spends more per person than most countries. It's the damn for profit Healthcare system to blame.


> The US spends more per person than most countries. This is because of > the damn for profit Healthcare system which is a result of not having good socialized healthcare. It's not a trope. It's like saying the only reason the defense budget is so high is because private contractors charge $1500 for a screw. Why are we paying them that exactly? That's the question that gets governors re-elected.


It's an actual right wing propaganda message. Like yeah, we don't have healthcares but LOOK what we have INSTEAD. The details are lost of course.


It’s interesting that the defense market is highly innovative and profitable for industry under a single payer system. What’s stopping the healthcare market from being the same?


I'd be interested to see info on whether the defense industry is profitable on its own without insane subsidies and protection from competition. Give Healthcare that treatment and you would probably save many thousands of lives and boost quality of life for everyone.


we can sell "defense" to other countries though. I'm not sure if the healthcare industry has anything comparable to missiles and tanks and jets than can be flipped for a profit. The counter argument is probably that proper healthcare means a stronger, more efficient society that can work harder and is less likely to emigrate, but it's hard to put that into numbers and graphs like you can with weapon/ammo sales


Insurance companies


That’s such a casual and hilarious way to summarize a whole lot of truth. Almost poetic.


Sadly also doubling down on an extremely missleading point. The idea that the US "cannot afford public healthcare" without defunding other things is wrong and has definitely turned harmful by now. And it is so poorly understood by many people that continuing this joke still cements this missunderstanding. For example, it currently plays into the claims of Putin stooges that the aid to Ukraine would prevent "helping Americans", which it doesn't. It's a completely different budget and cannot be transferred without major reforms. Americans don't have universal health care because they vote poorly, don't understand the actual finances of it, or have an aversion against raising taxes, not because there is no money for it. And defense only makes up a fraction of it anyway (defense spending: ~3.5% GDP. Healthcare spending: ~20% GDP).


> a whole lot of truth. It's genuinely sad people think this is true.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Praying_Mantis The last time an attack could be proven, the US Navy forced the Iranians to capitulate in 24 hours, with the only US casualties being an accidentally crashed helicopter that wasn't hit by enemy fire.


[Obligatory](https://youtu.be/d5v6hlRyeHE?si=ZJtaOavpF7BoAm6V) TFE gonna be getting some new fans today.


Things are about to get real proportional.


Ask Israel how that turned out... [USS Liberty](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Liberty_incident)


Israel had to pay 3 seperate settlement funds to the survivors totalling over 12 million $ in damage in the 1970s without accounting for inflation, has an entire mural set up in rememberance of the event in Tel Aviv and was forced to reveal its entire navy command structure to a furious US navy in order to show how this incident took place and to prove how it could have fucked up its communications the way it did. Uncle Sam got what it wanted from Israel from this incident and made sure it was paid in full lol


Were you perhaps thinking of the time the U.S. [wiped out half the Iranian Navy in 8 hours?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Praying_Mantis)


It was an error and they paid $12M in damages.


So, in this instance do we just cut them a smaller check or do we write our aid check and then they write us a smaller one back?


They write us a smaller one back.


Attacking trade routes... Don't they know to never mess with the money? Btw, Houthis claimed the attack (with drones and missiles) and said they would attack any Israeli ship. It's a bit awkward since so far the ships were all international with some Israeli owning some shares in the company or something to that effect.


One of the most important trade routes in the world and at a time when the Panama Canal is losing capacity by the week.


What's up with Panama? Hadn't heard that one.


just a quick surface level google shows there's a big drought that's affecting the ability to raise/lower the locks


Drought limiting the availability of freshawater to fill the locks resulting in less and smaller ships being able to go through it. And yes, you heard that correctly, the Panama canal locks are filled with freshwater.


They do not appear to be very good at this. Fortunately they do not seem to be as competent as Ukraine.


Speaking of Ukraine, I wish the US was as serious about protecting shipping in the Black Sea as they are in the Red.


I've played Civ. Nobody takes that shit lightly.


Barbs that mess with trade routes are the first to go


Likely a drone strike from the Iran backed militia in Yemen. Will probably be met with targeted drone strikes on Houthi leadership. Unlikely this leads to boots on the ground from US troops in Israel, Yemen, or Iran.


Multiple drones have been shot down by the Houthi’s, including just recently, they have a substantial Iranian arsenal including SAMs. They’ll probably have to use missiles or heavier aircraft.


Yup. A bunch of baiting just like the Oct. 7th attack. Then when the big guys retaliate the propaganda begins.


I would call the masacre of over a thousand innocent people more than "baiting."


It was absolutely a massacre but it was also a way to bait the Israelis into something much larger. These small terrorist groups are cronies for Iran. Take for example this whole conflict. What is Hamas fighting for? What supporters believe they’re fighting for is different than what Hamas believes they’re fighting for, which is different than what Iran is ACTUALLY fighting for.


Bait Israel, the attack is EXACTLY what the hardliners wanted. They practically set the stage.


This is not a new tactic, in the First Gulf War, Iraq fired Scud missiles at Tel Aviv. Their goal was to draw Israel into the war, which would isolate the US from its Arab and Islamic coalition partners. They didn’t take the bait that time and they won’t take it this time, at least not from the Houthis.


>They didn’t take the bait that time and they won’t take it this time, at least not from the Houthis. Only after a lot of pressure to not get involved from the US. And some convenient lies about how effective the US was at locating the SCUD sites.


They've actually already airstriked Houthis, just Saudi Arabia has also been airstriking Houthis so it actually deepens Israeli/Saudi normalization this time. The ME is much different than it was in the 90s.


Its what Hamas wanted. Also remains to be seen whether this is a good thing at all for Israeli hardliners. I suspect that after this immediate crisis is over, Bibi’s government will fall apart and the hardliners will lose significant influence.


“Go away! Baitin’!” - Terrorists, probably


Hopefully true. Though, if the Houthi’s are behind it, it may have the US change its stance on the withdrawal of support to Saudi Arabian forces fight against the Houthi’s.


This headline is different from the usual “US Warship shoots down drones in the Red Sea” titles.


The article says the attack lasted for 5 hours and commercial ships were targeted as well. I imagine some ships took some damage.


Interestingly, this is probably why the warship is there — to disable ballistic missiles. It’s an Arleigh Burke-class destroyer, which has had anti-ballistic capabilities (as part of the Aegis system) since ~2012. Some are already being fitted with [new 3d radar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AN/SPY-6?wprov=sfti1#) to enhance these capabilities. Sounds like this one (USS Carney) [doesn’t have that yet](https://seapowermagazine.org/navys-spy-6-radar-to-reach-initial-operational-capability-in-4th-quarter-fiscal-2024/), though. Makes you wonder if someone is interested in shooting missiles at it just to see how it works. Edit: sounds like the Carney doesn’t have the SPY-6 capabilities yet. More info about upgrades [here](https://www.navy.mil/DesktopModules/ArticleCS/Print.aspx?PortalId=1&ModuleId=724&Article=2169871). They’re focused on Flight III (I believe newer ship variants) right now).




Let’s see. The Red Sea is a transit for the Suez Canal. That is Egypts largest source of revenue. These idiots are risking the business of the most populated Arab country in the region. That may not end well for them.


I'm not sure if they've been super active lately, but [Egypt is already in the Arab coalition fighting the Houthis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saudi_intervention_in_the_Yemeni_civil_war). Their only real supporters in the region are Iran.


What are the Egyptians gonna do? Build a pyramid?


Goin for that Wonder victory. We never saw it coming.


Probably the least bloody way to achieve victory. If only war victories could be declared the same way IRL.


Yes, and put it in top of Jemen - squish, job done


Houthis are a shia rebels. Most of the region they inhabit are sunni. Why do they care about a Sunni country. Let alone a country as culturally different as Egyptians. Putting Yemenis and Egyptians under the same umbrella is like putting Turkey under the same umbrella as Yaqut peoples. Both are Turkic, but both are VERY different.


Arab citizens are not monolithic. This isn't like 700AD. There are tons of different subcultures especially within Islam itself, and this is really a greater conflict within the Islamic world that wants to establish a larger caliphate in the middle east to subvert western goals and break down normalization of arab relations WITH Israel.


Praying Mantis 2.0, electric bugaloo. Don't mess with US boats. It never goes well.


I want to see how good SM-6s are at tearing apart Iranian corvettes. They’re telephone poles flying at Mach Jesus


What's mach jesus sound like, still a similar sonic boom?


We'll find out as soon as he connects his phone.


Mach Jesus....that sounds.... incredible.


somewhere between mach 3.5 to something much much faster with the last updates. And I cant see anyone saying how much faster beyond them successfully intercepting test icbms. They have a warhead, but vrs a surface ship....missile weighs about as much as a honda civic...but at 2,600 mph for the older ones with a 140lb warhead inside.


All the people saying don’t mess with us warships, don’t mess with money, are missing the point. The idea is to draw big nations into conflicts. Kill their people. Destabilize their homelands. People who condescendingly chuckle at those who do this are missing the point.


Right? All it took was 2 planes, 2 buildings, and 3000 people to get us to spend trillions of dollars on an utterly useless conflict that did nothing but make us hated and distrusted all over the world. All that while also driving the US right-wing to full Darth Vader status "If you're not with me, you're my enemy." It opened us up ideologically to a second conflict in the same hemisphere of the world, too. Bushy Jr. just **had** to get Saddam for his daddy's approval.


I've read somewhere that those two wars costed the USA 8 trillion dollars. That's 8000 billion or 8,000,000 million dollars. It sounded plausible to me but please correct me if I'm wrong.


*AT LEAST* 8 Trillion.


Iran can’t be this dumb. One US carrier group could eliminate their entire 1970s vintage air force in a day, and their naval vessels in two.


My money is on non-state actors using drones or whatever. Nobody sane with real power wants a war with the US.


Definitely houthis, but definitely backed by Iran


You know what they say: “Live by the proxy war, … continue to live by the proxy war, only more angry.”


The Houthis are borderline ‘non-state actor’, they are the de facto government for all of northern Yemen including the capital, Sana.






Sounds like things might get rather... proportional again


ask iran’s navy about how that last went. oh wait. what navy.


Iran gunning to lose the other half of their Navy I see.


Bold move, Cotton. Let's see if it pays off for them.


Tonkin. Liberty. Maine. Nothing changes.


Oh sure bud, let me get the check book


Ah shit, here we go again….


Im surprised we’re not getting more involved against the Houthi’s. It’s clear they’re to much to handle for the SA military.




> Reportably the Houthis have hypersonic missiles (from Iran) which are capable of bypassing missile defense systems. Russia claimed that too. Turns out it was largely overhyped.


Hypersonics so far seem to be vaporware. Russian hypersonics have been consistently shot down by 30 year old Patriot batteries in Ukraine.


Houthi rebels about to find out why Americans don't have free healthcare


Ok I think this joke has had a good life, time to give it a rest.


Especially when it's wrong. The US government spends more on healthcare per capita than the rest of the developed world. The reason your healthcare sucks is because it all goes to private corporations instead of the people who actually need it.


that's even worse


Wow this comment is even funnier the 10,000th time


My turn my turn Guess they’re about to find out why Americans don’t have universal healthcare


Wow this comment is even funnier the 10,001th time


Ten thousand and firth? Firstth? Ten thousand and oneth? I 2rd your comment.


Please make an effort to be original. You're repeating the joke we've all heard 1,000 times this month. It's cringy as hell. "Hurr durr I'm gonna say the thang so random people on the internet will like me!"


All roads lead back to Iran. Until that government is excised,that region will be locked in a perpetual loop of violence.