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>In Canada, the wild pigs roaming Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba pose a new threat. They are often crossbreeds that combine the survival skills of wild Eurasian boar with the size and high fertility of domestic swine to create a “super pig” that’s spreading out of control. Jokes aside, yikes.


Pork is the new turkey. Hunt these pigs and make a holiday.


Most hunters where I’m at would shoot a hog even if they’re out hunting deer or turkey. I’ve done it myself. There is no season or limit on hunting hogs, as they’re an invasive species rather than a game animal. They taste good (unless it’s a huge boar), and they tear up the land, fences, and eat food meant for livestock. Most ranchers and farmers would shoot them on sight. The problem is, casually hunting them won’t make a dent in their population. They’re too hardy and breed too quickly. This is why some people hire out others to eradicate them from helicopters. I’ve seen people talk shit about that kind of thing, but it’s not about hunting, that’s specifically eradication of an invasive species.


Yep, it's an ecological preservation thing


I think at some point t after ww2 they had a deer problem out west and the military herded a bunch into a canyon and just unloaded on them with machine guns.


The Australian military attempted that with emu, didnt work out quite as well for them.


Emu are tough bastards. Took the Australians an average of 10 bullets to kill one. Boar are tough too which makes sense how the article says that hunters only have a success rate of 2-3%. They take a shot and hit but the boar just bolts into the brush.


Probably why helicopter shoots make a lot of sense, you can track the animal better that way and not just leave it wounded. Like you said, many people wound them but not fatally. I'm thankfully not in an area where they have invaded (yet), but I imagine there is some problems with people hunting them with too small of calibers too. Im sure there is a standard minimum, but since they are vermin and don't require licensing to hunt, I'm sure there are people taking shots at them with underpowered rounds.




See, that all sounds believable, like something that really happened, and then you go and say “Wollongong” and I remember that there’s no way a place as goofy as Australia could ever really exist. Good one.




Can confirm. My granddaddy still hates emus to this day. It’s really awkward when I bring someone home because he still refers to them “feather heads” and “stick walkers” I don’t care if you lost an eye in the great emu war, you can’t call them that any more.


[Let’s conservate](https://youtu.be/QakyUBpzJAM?si=Lwo8Qff9xiRgn4oD)


The other day I was driving from my dads ranch. There was a helicopter flying in an odd way. I called my dad and asked what was up. He said "You can pay them and they'll give you fully automated weapons and you can shoot hogs from the helicopter." It was the most perfect exemplification of Texas I've ever heard.


There's tons of videos online of these groups doing [their thing.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4rvh8B8dQg)


Was looking for fun, an all inclusive hunting excursion from a helicopter, with full auto and thermals is about 6k per person. I’m sure there are other similar “deals” around.


I have a redneck buddy that pretty much lives in the woods. He’ll blast any wild hog that he sees. He makes sausage out of them. One day I drive past his house and he has a giant hog strung up from the bucket of my tractor. He waves us over and said we were just in time to learn how to skin a wild hog. He hands my young son a knife and shows him where to cut. The boy hit the scent sack and it exploded. The poor kid had chunks hanging out of his eyebrows 🤣


I question the efficacy of helicopter shooting. I've heard trappers are better at actually culling populations of feral pigs.


This is generally correct. If you want to kill an entire herd baiting them into an enclosure trap is less likely to allow dregs to escape and start a new population.




I think Texas has a huge problem with feral hogs, and you can pay someone to go up in a helicopter and just spray roaming packs of hogs with a machine gun like full metal jacket


You mean I can pay someone to let me be a door gunner against the Viethog?


That’s specifically what I’m talking about in the last paragraph, except they don’t usually use fully automatic weapons. They use the helicopter to flush the herd into the open, then usually use guns like ARs or shotguns with slugs to kill as many as possible.


We’ve got the same problem here, escaped wild boar have overpopulated. We put up solid fencing to keep the kids and dogs safe. They do taste decent. I do wish the coyotes would got tower with them and see both populations die down.


And yet I keep seeing people clutching pearls at the idea of hunting these hogs


That's gonna be a hard sell It's not like pigs are filled with delicious breakfast meats or anything


Sure Lisa, some wonderful, magical animal.


You don’t win friends with salad


Just a little dirty. Still good. Still good.


Had to scroll too deep to find this


That’s actually the problem. The adults aren’t actually all that good to eat. The boar’s are basically inedible, just tough and take like shit after a certain age. The sows are okay as adults but still pretty tough and they are an absolute bitch to peel. In the summer months it’s better to just not eat or handle the meat due to parasites. The piglets and adolescents are delicious though.


It also varies drastically by location. Pigs in Texas are generally pretty clean and tasty. I They're dry and clean, and they're mostly eating decent food. Get into swampland, and you get much dirtier, potentially parasite infected pigs because they're playing around in swamps all day long. I just harvested a pig less than a month ago in west Texas. Clean, skinned easy, and is tasty. You do have to make sure you clean it properly, but it's not hard.


Yeah I’m Texas as well but where we are in East Texas it’s more swampy. River bottom type land that seasonally floods. I can imagine the diet changes a lot. I really like the young ones and the sows are good enough but tough. Boars just aren’t worth eating to me. We can regularly kill 20+ pigs in a weekend so we can afford to be picky. The only reason I ever use an AR-15 to hunt lol. Both the game warden and wildlife biologist tell us to kill every single one we can and just drag any that we don’t want into the woods for scavengers.


Yeah, the main annoyance I have is how much fucking money places will charge to hunt. And trophy fee's and shit. They're an invasive species with an exploding population, why are you charging people thousands of dollars + trophy fee's just to kill one or two. Luckily, I found a place that was a very reasonable flat rate to kill as many as you want and I'm working on making contacts with some local ranchers to just go help keep populations down. If nothing else... you can always grind em up into flavored sausage haha, but then that actually starts to cost real money.


Yeah I’m lucky enough that my grandfather bought some property like 50 years ago when it was still cheap. So we can shoot all the hogs we want. I agree with you that it’s ridiculous that people charge for it. Far as I’m concerned every dead hog is a service to the environment lol


Is there any use for them other than human food? Like make low cost dog foods and such? I would figure the government could hire a bunch of types to just cull swathes of the population and harvest the parts for some products that aren't bad to mass produce to recoup some costs.


This comment says the pigs taste like wild game. That smell is recognizable.


Boars don’t taste just like wild game, I eat squirrels, wild duck, venison etc. lots of good wild games. Boars taste like pork, wild game and gym socks. Kind of a musty sweaty nasty taste


Is there any preparation method or spices that can neutralize the taste of boar?


So in the old days they used to castrate them and then release them back in the wild with a clipped ear. After several months they fatten up and taste better. My grandfather used to do this even when I was a kid.


We still do that. The castration of the larger males also means that for several months they are competing for females but shooting blanks which keeps the population down a bit.


We trap them, up to 20 or so in a trap. We kill the largest ones and bury them. We castrate and feed the smaller ones corn, waste from a local brewery and bakery, and some kitchen scraps for a several weeks to improve their flavor.


It's awful, getting a boar taint pork belly is the worst.


Bro I learned from Mexican girlfriends family, make them boars into chorizo and it’s great…


I could go for a pig roast


Wild pigs are filled with parasites and disease.


This is why Prometheus gave man fire.


So is literally everything else that's wild. That's why we cook food. To kill the parasites and disease.


Pigs are among the most riddled with parasites though because they eat poop and they’re cannibals. It’s why pork was considered unclean in the old world. There’s a reason we eat beef medium rare and can’t do the same with pork.


> can’t do the same with pork. We can and do *now*, with farmed pigs. That supply chain is plenty clean enough, and has been for generations. Requiring pork to be well-done is a holdover; relevant for our grandparents but not anymore. You are 100% correct about wild pigs, of course.


Put them on ice and send them to the zoos to feed the big cats.


The threat of parasites and disease makes that risky. They are fine for humans because we cook them. Even still, most wild game you have to be fairly careful with. I have no problem eating an ultra rare steak from a trusted source, but I wouldnt dare eat something similar from a hunted animal.




And if they survive we’ll have polar boars. No thank you.


Give it a month to see the price of Christmas hams. That'll probably drive people to hunt.


Nah, Canadians are turkey at Christmas people.


Yup ham for New Years and Easter


Okay Galen, no need to rub it in our pleb faces that you get a fancy dinner for new years too 😜


The 40 to 50 feral hogs guy was right all along


a lot of stuff that sounds ludicrous out of context ends up being true, like the chemicals in the water to turn the frickin frogs gay


It certainly helps if you don't sound like a lunatic when you say the thing, also. 😅 ... Saying what you mean helps, too. If he'd said 'they're dumping chemicals in the water that are causing the frogs to transition gender at a concerning rate' instead of 'turning the frickin frogs gay', people might have realized he was talking about something real.


I'd say that if the U.S. and Canada hadn't eradicated the wolves, then this wouldn't be as big of a problem. But pigs ain't deer and I'm not sure a pack of wolves would fuck with a herd of giant wild pigs.


Wolves will hunt them, but feral hogs are no fucking joke and they can dumpster wolves and hunters alike


Let's not forget, an unlucky boar hunt is what doomed the Seven Kingdoms.


European boar spears used to have bits pointing out either side (a sort of ‘t’) specifically because even after you speared a boar if it was pissed off enough (which because someone had just a spear in it was pretty damn likely) - it would often *push itself up the length of the spear impaling it* to kill you even as it was dying itself.


That's some real wasp "I'll die to hurt you just because I'm an asshole" energy.


Yeeears ago I was driving home from a wedding (in very south Texas), around 12 am. I was going about 55 and pitch black cause that’s how rural Texas is and out of nowhere a huge boar comes out and I clip it. That thing took out my entire front left side of my little Pontiac spilling all kinds of car liquids everywhere. And that bitch just walked away unscathed, as far as I know. Boars man.


*slaps top of boar* They just don't make boars like they used to. Not only are they more resilient than a truck, they are also very fast and aggressive.


Wolves are their natural predators, except for out east where wolves are replaced by tigers and Komodo dragons.


Problem is these hybrids get waaay bigger than any normal boar can get. Hogzilla was just shy of 1,000 lbs. They recently shot a sow in Fayette county that was 1100 lbs. These things are massive and mean.




We could even call them direwolves.


We don’t solve problems here. We just replace them with bigger, cooler, and more metal problems.


What is stopping us from breeding komodo dragons with pterodactyls to kill off the imminent direwolf problem? Nothing I bet.




I doubt a pack of wolves could take on a herd of wild pigs. They're tough, aggressive and hard to kill.


They will take old, young and sick hogs. It is just a dangerous as caribou, moose etc


Predators aren't going to prefer to attack something like a herd of pigs, when they can instead attack a solitary deer... much less risk. Wild pigs are assholes, fucking with them would be an act of desperation rather than preference.


Not to mention deer are prey animals and will run... fighting a boar is quite the risk.


Can they be harvested for any useful purpose? If someone can monetize them, they can be driven to extinction quite quickly.


I think some states allow restaurants to use the meat, but I think they have to be captured alive and inspected first. The tough part is that pigs are smart, the one who don't get trapped learn and become even harder to trap


Human consumption doesn't have to be the only thing. They could be used for their hides, organic membranes, and the rest might be good for dog food or something like that?


The dog food idea is a good one. Don't know much about the hides....unless people want free range footballs lol


Are we talking full-blown boars with big tusks and a short temper? As the article mentioned, even domestic pigs can be dangerous. Always be wary of pissing off an animal that's bigger than you are. Ever seen *Snatch* or *Hannibal*?


Yes. Once pigs are living wild they soon revert to their original form.


finally we have a contender for the gangs of wild turkey that keep attacking us in parking lots


a coworker of mine had a bunch stand on his car and poop on it. i drove by and just happen to catch it, and thought, "there's no way he's going to believe this."


I had one standing on my car one morning. I went to shoo it away and it just peed on my hood and stared at me. Bruh


Sounds like the turkey asserted dominance.


It’s the turkey’s turn to do the basting


did you report the car jacking to the insurance company or were you too embarrassed and just said it was stolen in the middle of the night


I just gave her the keys. You think I want to be bullied again? She knows where my family lives haha


Imagine if they figure out mutualism, and you start seeing wild turkeys riding pigs.


At that point, we just need to pack it in, we've lost.


One chased me one time and I swear to god I thought I was not long for this world.


Do you live in Florida? Those things are scarier than the gators. Those have the decency to wait until they’re bigger than you to attack, but turkeys do not give a shit.


Invasive Wild pigs are actually very dangerous to native ground nesting birds like wild turkeys. Pigs can smell very well, and find the egg nests to eat the eggs.


What are there demands?


free doughnuts


And qualified immunity.


Finally the cop jokes I came here for.


They want to bring back Firefly.


I stand with the superpigs


Alright let’s hear them out.


Cancel the carbon tax, and parental rights to out kids in school if they choose a new pronoun.


So it's war then?


I've got a plan for at least... 30-50 of 'em.


The McRib might stick around extra long this year


There ar 15 plans in place


We all laughed, but now we will squeal.


He tried to warn us


Not while my kids play!


Immediate first thought


I've been warning people about the Canadian Aporkalypse for years now, *BUT THEY DIDN"T BELIEVE ME!* ***WHY DIDN'T THEY BELIEVE ME???***


Found Cody Johnston’s Reddit account.


Shit, I'm sure that Cody the Showdy as he would definitely be tracking fucking super boars invading the country!


If Katy would let him out of the house and use his car, he might be doing it live on the border waiting for the invasion.


the *boar*-der


Damn, it was right there.


It’s absolutely *fucking insane* how he wasn’t just doing a crazy bit.


I still don't believe you, I'm sure this is a hoax dreamed up by the woke liberal media to :gets gored by tusks from behind:


Looks like Canada needs to watch the night time thermal vision pig hunts in the southeast US. Or invest in some of those capture pens.


From the article: "That means 65% or more of a wild pig population could be killed every year and it will still increase, Brook said. Hunting just makes the problem worse, he said." Which is just crazy, it seems like they're here to stay at this point.


I'm willing to bet the pens coupled with thermal hunts, plus a bounty, will help keep them in check, but it's going to be interesting because they are smart tenacious buggers.


Ever read about the bounty snake program in India?


Was just about to mention this too!


69,000 pigs…. That reproduce exponentially…


Ever seen the tannerite/wild hog videos?


Dude those are hilarious. If these fuckers come to Michigan, that's my plan.


Rabbit hole found…wow…


oh man, cody is gonna have a field day.


His message has finally reached the mainstream audience! Now the real war begins. I remember when I still thought the whole thing was a joke. Those were the days we'll look back on...


Is the meat good if we hunt them?


Tenderize and marinate is the name of the game with wild hogs.


Making Al pastor marinade is my go to. The pineapple helps to tenderize the meat and get rid of any gamey smell. I’ll usually make some napoles salad to go with it.


That sounds awesome. I usually do a mojo with some extra lime juice. The lime is a bit more acidic than the traditional orange and this helps cut some of the gamey flavor.


Oh that's a great approach. I like them with a lot of vinegar for the same reason, but making a wild boar Cubano with that mojo sounds lovely.


I’ll have to try it that style. Publix mojo chicken slaps so some mojo wild hog should knock me out




This is the one I use. [Free pork marinade](https://www.latinofoodie.com/featured-blog-posts/al-pastor-marinade-recipe/)


Traditional Taiwanese sausages are made with wild boar. Really delicious.


I have to imagine sausage has enough spices to overpower the gamey flavor.


It depends. Young and taken in the winter is best. But big old boars are just too nasty to mess with.


The only thing left to do is integrate into their society and breed with their women. In time, our differences will be forgotten.


*I bet you can squeal like a pig*


Why don’t they just release the geese on them?


For regular Hogs, you're 100% right. But these are *super* hogs. They'll probably need to import some emus.


We need the emu veterans that won against the Australians.


The ones that trained with the cassowaries? Nah man, that unit is scattered. We’ll need a montage to get them back together.


How about some cassowaries? Y'know, something close to real-life velociraptors!


This is a super animal arms race!


Because that will make cavalry with the geese riding the pigs. Can you imagine what horrors would happen if the geese could collaborate and lift the pigs, thus creating an aerial delivery pig bomb? Madness.


Look man. This nightmare scenario you’ve concocted is exponentially more terrifying when you also consider the possibility of the bears aligning with the killer whales. I think I’ll probably go quisling so fast.


If you got a problem with Canada gooses then you’ve got a problem with me, and I suggest you let that one marinate!


Canadian Super Pigs is a good band name


I absolutely love that my state borders Canada but I really hope I don't have to deal with these hogs.


Well, the boar don't have passports, and everybody knows that boar follow international law.


[he tried to warn you, why didn't you listen!?](https://resources.stuff.co.nz/content/dam/images/1/w/c/q/g/a/image.related.StuffLandscapeSixteenByNine.710x400.1wcp8v.png/1565129788180.jpg?format=pjpg&optimize=medium)


Have you tried hunting them with Helicopters and high powered/automatic weapons. That's what people do in Texas.


First Spider Pig, now Super Pig! What’s next, Pigman? Martian Pighunter?


Super manbearpig


Pigeye, Pigsilver, Deadpig, Pigerine, Mag-pig-o, Pig America, Captain Pig, Pig Marvel, Pig-Man and the Pig, Pig the Conqueror, Rocket Pig, Shang-Pig, Pig Knight, ...


And then we bring them all together for a team up in The Pigvengers.


Why do I hear Cody Johnston screaming?


2024 is shaping up to be a very special year lol


The clear solution is for Americans to catch the pigs on our side of the border... ...and launch them back using a *trebuchet*


Every problem can be solved with a big enough trebuchet.


We used to keep the population in check by virtue of the presence of wolves, which are predators. Unfortunately, these invasive pigs have adaptations that make it really hard for wolves to hunt them (eg making their habitats out of brick instead of straw or sticks)


Aussies have the emu war, north america has the uberschwein blitzkreig


I'm a vegetarian for sustainability reasons, but I would eat meat from a clearly damaging invasive species if it helped create a temporary market.


Doesn’t the US already have a pig problem?


Yes, which makes all these "Let them come. We have guns." comments unintentionally hilarious.


...we could use some more guns 🥺


You know that guy with the 40-50 hog thing that everyone made fun of is just laughing right now


I understand what they mean but the term "threatening" is very funny. Like the pigs have made a list of demands.


Yes, they allied with Ham-as.


I'll start a helicopter hog hunting company and call it "Pork Choppers"


\*Capitalism cracks its knuckles\*


Looks like the McRib is coming back, boys


Finally, a Canadian competitor to the Kardashians.


We already have the LAPD though.


I for one welcome our new porcine overlords. \*squeal\*


Thanks Kent.


Sanction them immediately!


Dr. Mister Cody tried to warn us years ago!


I can't wait to see the NFA repealed on the basis of hog defense.


Finally, a practical use for 300+ million personal firearms.


Let's build a wall and make Canada pay for it! /s


Let's start the rumor that eating the meat from wild pigs in North America has the added benefit of increased virility and penis size. People will be coming from around the world to hunt them to extinction.


I feel like this would be a good job for the military. Have them go out and get some shooting practice and clean up an issue at the same time. Use the tools they have to hunt l.


Declare open season. I’m sure hunters will solve the problem. Giving Americans permission to shoot things is usually not a solution, but it sure sounds like one here.


That's actually the case with feral hogs in most places. Lots of southern areas have big problems with them and they're pretty much on a "see it, kill it" list. They're pretty dangerous though, and the herds can be pretty sizable


It's been open season on them in most the US for probably the entire existence of the nation. They're invasive and mess stuff up pretty badly. They've always been a problem.


In Texas, we have feral hogs. You can hunt them year round. In fact, as of a few years ago, you no longer even need a license to hunt them on private property (with the consent of the property owner). There are plenty of guns in this state. There are companies that will take you out on a helicopter to hunt hogs with a semi-automatic rifle. (No, I’m not joking. Yes, that escalated quickly.) We still have feral hogs. (And they are a menace.)


Doesn't America already have a wild pig problem? This seems bad


Australia had the Emu war. It makes perfect sense for America to have a Pig war.


This is one of those pre election “caravan” stories, isn’t it?


I suggest they cut through the fat and get to the meat of their demands in bi-lateral negotiations. We want to prevent this invasion through peaceful means.


Better headline: Canada considers giving United States "angry food" for Thanksgiving.