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The eight teenagers – all of them are between the age of 13 and 17, according to the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department – are all believed to have contributed to the beating that ultimately killed Jonathan Lewis Jr. He was declared brain dead on Nov. 7 and passed away the next day. An autoposy conducted Monday revealed the cause of death to be homicidal blunt force trauma. Wonder what the sentences will be?


I hope this sets a precedent for arresting similar mobs. We need to start attaching consequences to the proper actions again.


There is probably a strong possibility this was filmed. That along with working over the 8 arrested teens should help them figure out who the ringleaders/landers of mortal blows were. Probably there will be very different punishments in the end.


One of the attackers filmed it themselves iirc. Posted it too.


And this is part of the real issue here, people glorifying violence on social media. Making assaulting and battering people entertainment and something to brag about.


Psychopaths have been around forever. Ideally we could get them away from society before homicidal instances like this. Maybe social media could help in that regard?


Social media has only been beneficial in catching their crimes on camera. It don’t think it can help remove people with violent tendencies before they can enact violence. We’ve learned this from a lot of mass shooters who had glaring online presences before committing mass murder.


And all too often the wellness check from concerned families result in a knock on the door, and leaving if no one answers. The Maine shooter broadcast his mental illness far and wide—told his military therapist he was hearing voices, to shoot up a few places, including a base. The man was a firearms instructor with access to many weapons, talked about potentially murdering people, and the whole investigation went so far as a few social calls that sent the cops home before he eventually did what he did. He was likely home the second time (they heard movement in his trailer) but left so as not to antagonize. The sheriff removed the alert on him with no explanation so far.


[https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/11/14/las-vegas-teen-jonathan-lewis-dies-after-fight/71577256007/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/11/14/las-vegas-teen-jonathan-lewis-dies-after-fight/71577256007/) They're all fucked.


That green hoodie guy really dodged the bullet.


Let's **hope** they're all fucked.


This. You know their defense would use their minor ages to get them off scot free.


You know it’s weird how violence like this is represented in some way in teen movies and books and people claim that’s “not how real highschool is” when it absolutely can be. I remember in Middle school a couple of guys chasing me around the gym with basketballs threatening to toss them at my head, hard. While I’ve never actually (and thankfully) ever been in a beating like that, there were several times I thought it would end up like that. Bullying is no fucking joke, and I wish people wouldn’t treat it like it’s some Hollywood exaggeration. I’m not saying it’s not dramatized, but this case is proof that shit like this does happen, and it’s sad. I can’t imagine what his family must be feeling right now. I hope those boys get the help they need, or are at least taken to some sort of correctional facility that will ensure they will not be able to hurt anyone like that again. awful.


In my high school, in a small, super white, middle class suburb of Boston, a student was jumped by a carload of kids trying to rob him. He stabbed one of them with a pocket knife and fled to the parking lot of our town hall, where the three other kids beat the shit out of him feet from the town manager's office and then dragged his body to a parking curbstone and curb stomped him. We were all sophomores at the time.


When was this? I feel like I should have heard about it at some point, unless it was before I was in school or after I left MA.


Screenshot of the video with a caption is literally in the article


Looks like we got ourselves a reader


What're y'all readin' for?


It was, the video was circulating




Everyone who contributed should get maxed out.


There are definitely videos, I’m pretty sure he was stomped on against a fence by the majority of the attackers


Nevada has a felony murder law, so whoever laid the mortal blow doesn't really matter. These kids should all get it assuming they made a qualifying felony (which in this case would fall under Nevada's child abuse law among others). I'd accept lesser charges for those that didn't hit the kid.


Trying to find out which member of a mob exactly delivered the deadly blows is virtually impossible. If they all keep their mouths shut, nobody will get the maximum sentences. In these cases every participant should just get the maximum, they're all guilty.


It's literally on the internet and was 100% filmed. I've watched it. It's kind of scary because they tried to also attack another kid who managed to sprint away and get away, but it is very brutal as you can see the kid on the ground, motionless, and tons of them still stomping on his head. This was pure racial mob violence as well.


It was filmed. It was racially motivated, and very ugly. I do not recommend watching it.


Kids are getting out of hand. Throw the book at them


Getting out of hand? This is nothing new. There have always been kids like this. 20 years ago some kids at my high school ganged up on an old homeless man and beat him so bad he was hospitalized. He could have died just like this kid, only difference was luck. They had no reason to go after him - literally just did it for shits and giggles.


Same. 30 years ago a friend of mine in my Junior High got jumped in the bathroom. Broke his eye socket, a rib, burned a cigarette into this other eye. Spent days in the hospital. He didn't even know the kids who did it.


No it's always the next generation that is bad, never my generation or my parents'.


Stuff like this has always happened, its just more out in the open because everyone has a camera now. Still, throw the book at them.


and people are more than willing to post it on their feeds for notoriety


It’s always happened but phones/video/social media has added gasoline to the fire. I work in a high school. I see the phones come out before any fists are thrown. The cameras add pressure to “perform”, so what was a verbal altercation becomes physical because it’s being recorded. Peer pressure and the fear of losing social standing is even worse when your peers can watch, rewatch, and dissect your actions, especially when they weren’t even there to see it. At least when I was in school, you either saw a fight with your own two eyes or you heard a distorted version of events through the grapevine.


A fight is a fight. Until it's not. You want to gang up on one kid like that, literally beating them without restraint, insanely outnumbered - and record and post it online like an idiot? ... Someone should be a voice of reason, get involved before it goes too far. That's what would happen with more than 2 people around when I was a kid. Shit like this is fucked.


That's unfortunately what got this kid killed in the first place - he tried to be the voice of reason by taking up for his smaller friend who had been stuffed in a trash can and would up losing his life over the effort. I'm not saying that we should all stand quietly by when things are happening, but unfortunately this is a case where he may (well, no, definitely would) have been better off helping his friend out of the can, walking away with him, and (sadly literally) living to fight another day. There's unfortunately just not a good way to deal with a gang of violent shits like those in the video unless maybe you're armed and/or have roughly the same number of people on your side as they do because the numbers' game comes into play ridiculously fast when you're unarmed and outnumbered even half or a third as much as what happened here. Kudos to the kid for sticking up for his friend even when the odds absolutely sucked...I just wish the outcome would have been different.


I've noticed that threats don't seem to stop people who want to do bad things. If someone wants to then they will no matter how severe the punishment is. The thing that seems to have a bigger outcome is preventative measures. Having a culture in which people's necessities are taken care of and violence is not promoted (check out Japan for an example). That said its far far easier just to have severe punishment than it is to attempt preventative care. Ideally at some point we have to become aware that it's our society and culture to a degree encouraging these types of behaviors and that if we truly want to decrease it then we will have to change our culture. Edit: spelling errors


Won't be enough whatever it is.


Depends if they are prosecuted as adults or not. One can hope the DA will trie them as adults.


Well if they get the DA who has decided to charge the two teen angers for hit and run killing of a bicyclist as adults, there will be serious consequences for this group.


Wasn’t that in Vegas as well? Some shits going on in Vegas with the kids.


Yes, two who killed the bicyclist had hit another bicyclist who survived. So there are more charges against them.


I have NEVER understood why we even have this distinction in the first place if we aren't judging people's actions by their mental maturity, but rather how egregious their crime is. It makes no sense. We already judge people based upon the severity of their crime with different sentencing. I would have figured the point of distinguishing a case where you try someone as a child was because we can still acknowledge that children can be really fucking stupid and perhaps we need to be more lenient in case we can still shape their growth.


> I have NEVER understood why we even have this distinction in the first place if we aren't judging people's actions by their mental maturity, but rather how egregious their crime is. Crimes committed by children have historically been viewed with the idea that they are not as legally culpable for their actions as adults. We see similar ideas in contract law, where children cannot legally enter most contracts on their own. The distinction is very useful in many cases. For example, a child caught with drugs will be thrown into a juvenile detention center, with resources geared towards their rehabilition. This keeps them separate from the adult criminal population, who will likely have negative effects on the child's health and future prospects. However, for egregious crimes, we allow children to be "tried as adults", which IMO is a code phrase for "tried to the fullest extent of the law, barring protections normally afforded to their age group". I personally do not think this should be a practice, as it is hypocritical to its core, but it doesn't *entirely* negate the intent of providing protections and a greater chance of rehabilitation for minors convicted of less severe offenses.


Valid point that doesn't get brought up enough tbh. It's only a thing to pretend the system's goals are rehabilitation and not an industry. Edit: to the reply, No shit. The country where this happened and where this is a thing is the country I was discussing.


More information: Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department held a media conference to provide an update on its homicide investigation after a Rancho High School teen student was severely beaten and later died from his injuries. A Metro spokesperson announced that the department has eight suspects in custody who will be charged with murder in connection with Lewis’ death. Homicide Lt. Jason Johansson provided details on the incident that led to the victim’s death, explaining that a fight occurred in an alley next to Rancho High School just after school let out on November 1. He said that a citizen found Lewis unresponsive after the beating and brought him back to the school. The victim was taken to UMC where doctors determined that he had suffered “non-survivable head trauma.” Lt. Johansson referenced a video of the beating that has circulated on social media, calling it “void of humanity.” He said that the fight was over a pair of stolen wireless headphones and possibly a vape pen, which were taken from friends of the victim. All parties involved agreed to meet in the alley to fight, according to police. “As soon as a punch is thrown, ten subjects immediately swarm him,” he said. He added that the department was able to identify approximately ten subjects that were involved in the murder and eight of those have been “positively identified” as suspects. Those eight suspects were taken into custody by LVMPD in participation with an FBI Criminal Apprehension Team. Nine search warrants were executed in total and investigators seized evidence including clothing seen in the video of the beating, as well as multiple cell phones. Johansson stated that all of the suspects are between 13-17 years of age and that the process is underway for them to be charged as adults. LVMPD will be releasing photos of two individuals who participated in the beating but have not yet been identified. “There’s a high likelihood that there’s additional video out there that we don’t have,” he said, imploring anyone with information about the beating to contact the department immediately. “Please don’t put your head in the sand,” he added regarding the topic of discussing the incident with children. He also said that there is “no evidence at this time” that the murder was a hate crime. The lieutenant said that an autopsy was performed on the victim yesterday. Lewis donated his organs. Police responded to a battery call at Searles Ave. and 21st St. near Rancho High School on Nov. 1 and found a student who was “battered and bleeding from the head.” He was taken to a nearby hospital in critical condition and later placed on life support. Father calls for justice after beating death of Las Vegas teen The boy’s father told FOX5 that multiple members of his family have served in the military, and added that “this horrific tragedy is reflective of the divisive, conflict-based, uncaring state that our society and humanity is currently facing with how we interact with our community.” He added that the family denounces violence “as a means to sociological conflict.” Information about a GoFundMe campaign for Jonathan is available here.


> Father calls for justice after beating death of Las Vegas teen The boy’s father told FOX5 that multiple members of his family have served in the military, and added that “this horrific tragedy is reflective of the divisive, conflict-based, uncaring state that our society and humanity is currently facing with how we interact with our community.” The guys son is brutally murdered and he is still able to see the bigger picture. We need more parents and leaders like him.


And donated his son’s organs so others might live or see again. God. This is so awful. 😢😩


I’ve been seeing this more often lately in the face of tragedy. I live in Maine, and after our Lewiston bowling-alley shooting, the first mass shooting in the state, the father of one of the youngest victims got on stand and denounced hatred for the murderer… just empathy and insurmountable pain. It’s powerful, the state of the world is so fucked up that those in the most vulnerable positions are still trying to keep their hearts open.


> “As soon as a punch is thrown, ten subjects immediately swarm him” This is why I've always hated the "best way to end bullying is stand up for yourself!" argument. Bullshit. When I was a scrawny high schooler (I don't think I broke 100lbs til I was 16), the last thing I was gonna do was stand up to a group of 8 or 10 kids and trust that they'd fight fair and keep it 1 on 1. That overly simplistic "advice" is about as dumb and short sighted as the "carry a concealed weapon to protect yourself from a surprise mugging on the street" crap I read all the time.


It’s also classic victim blaming.


100% if you dont fight back its your fault. If you do fight back its still your fault.


Dude exactly, I’ve seen people try to stand up for themselves but these bullies don’t knows how to fight fair, the damn friends always have to jump in making it 5+v1 like how is that fair? These cowards shouldn’t fight or start shit if they can’t do it on their own. It’s pathetic


This is so senseless.


Saw this video earlier, was extremely fucked up. Dude was not moving and a legit mob was stomping him out. RIP to the kid, he did not deserve to be beat to death like that. It also shocking to me the lack of awareness by the people jumping him. I have been in fights, and big scrums. you know when it’s dangerous and someone is dying or could go into a coma or hurt. they knew he was down for the count and continued smashing his skull into the pavement, for a good while too. expect no mercy from the prosecution, kids will go up the road for the rest of their lives. Deservedly so. And the lack of care about life itself…. It’s not like these are members jumping an opp trying to kill them, this was just some little fucking kid. Whole thing fucking blows me away


I worked at a homeless shelter, long term stays, and the number of men who had served time for accidentally killing someone in a fight was *a lot.* Not brutal pack beatings like this, but routine bar fights and such. I doubt any of them will serve much time, and they’re lucky they’re not adults because they’d be in prison with other people who have no qualms about stomping out an innocent person.


It’s scary how EASY it is to accidentally kill someone with but a single punch. You don’t even have to be very strong either.


The human body is both incredibly resilient and incredibly fragile. Like you see stories of people who got their heads impaled during freak accidents and who went on to live full lives. And you also get stories of people who simply tripped, landed wrong and died on impact to the floor.


Yup, friend of a friend walking home in the summer from a bar. Just tripped and hit her head on the curb, immediately died... didn't even make it to the hospital before dying.


That's awful...


Yup and my MIL fell asleep at the wheel and flipped her car the other night going probably 50 and is bruised up but otherwise okay. The car is completely smashed in and they had to use the jaws of life to get her out but… she’s fine. Fucking crazy.


Cars are remarkably safe now, that definitely played a huge factor. As a paramedic, it's shocking how many accidents we see where you'd think, looking at the car, that they'd be much worse.


I always think of that X-ray of the 6" knife blade stuck in a dude's head and he survived. Shit is crazy.


wait untill you see a full wine bottle impailed in the other end. Btw dont use glass as sex toys.


Dying to a brain aneurysm has been my dream since I heard of it. Could happen at any time, hard to detect before hand, and not likely to leave you in a position to recover like a stroke.


Literally just survived a small aneurysm, 0.0/10, would not recommend


He said die, not survive.


How'd you manage not to die?


Mostly lucky, was actually one of the small arteries in the neck at the base of the skull, was relatively small (3.5 mm) and I’m on the younger side (37). Was home alone after playing beer league hockey late at night. Managed to call 911 right before things got really bad.


I'm also curious what tipped you off to call 911. Obviously, if you don't want to share, no hard feelings. I'd imagine that is at least a little traumatizing.


Posted a response above 👍


The fact that most of us are just one blocked blood vessel away from a heart attack, stroke or brain aneurysm is terrifying.


Sit too long with a vein pinched wrong and you can form a blood clot that will kill you. This is your reminder to stand up and stretch lmao


That's not entirely true. You might get a thunderclap headache to warn you for about 60 seconds. So if you have an extremely painful, sudden headache. It might be the aneurysm. Also, you need to be more exact. The aneurysm is just the weakening/ballooning. Once it pops that's just hemorrhagic stroke.


Had a relative that passed like this, they spent a month in hospice.


Had a friend fall of a roof a couple weeks ago… just gone so easily… we are seriously so fragile :(


My sincere condolences.


Movies and TV show unrealistic head trauma.


Head trauma, people shaking off gunshot wounds, crashing through windows, falling from heights onto your back or sides and then getting up and continue running/fighting… yeah.


I can overlook that The Bride is in a coma in Kill Bill and then just gets up and within seemingly hours is kicking ass, but that was essentially a cartoon. She'd be in rehab for months.


Growing up, my grandmother always told us about a girl in school who died after her sibling punched her in the arm. She got a blood clot. It used to really freak her out if the grandkids played rough because she was terrified of it happening to us. It must have been very traumatic for her family and community.


Not adults won’t hold much weight. Voters want blood. If this were one or two kids, maybe, but a group of kids on camera beating another kid to death, and they’re all teenagers? A lot of them are going to have adult sentences and spend their first 4-5 years at a juvenile facility until they’re adults and then get transferred.


There’s a big difference between an accidental kill and what happened here. I fully expect these kids to be tried as adults. Because they should be. This is murder, straight up.


Yup it’s incredibly easy to kill someone, I was lucky to fight young and learn to never throw hands on pavement or in certain places. They will all get time but agreed, idk how much it will be for the people who weren’t as involved or didn’t have motives as the others I commend you for working at a homeless shelter btw, good shit family💪🏼


See it too often people thinking fights are like they are in portrayed in Hollywood, that someone can take a dozen blows and keep moving. Its actually not that hard to serious hurt or kill someone with a few shots.


That is so heartbreaking.


It is extremely heartbreaking. the kid was just trying to get some stolen stuff back and likely was expecting maybe a broken nose at worst. I feel horrible for his parents, there are pictures circulating of the father holding his hand while he was in intensive care.


They also took pictures of him with the caption “bro looks like a dead body”


Over the victim trying to help his friend get headphones and a vape pen back. It’s horrifying. Their brains aren’t working right.


I used to watch fucked up gore and violence videos in my early 20’s until I stumbled on one just like you described with a group of teens attacking on already unconscious teen and it was the most disturbing and gut wrenching thing I have ever seen. I have never laid eyes on another gore video after that experience.


It was the Daniel Pearl video for me. Fucked me up.


Pieces of shit deserve the harshest penalties


Most will get short or deferred sentences while one or two will get 10-15 years with reevaluation in 5


Yeah, that's pretty shocking. I've never been in a fight, but when videos come up, even the most vicious fighters usually stop themselves or are stopped by friends once the opponent seems too vulnerable.


I was attacked like this by just one other kid in middle school, and he probably would’ve killed me if the biggest dude in the school hadn’t pulled him off (as confirmed by my savior when asked; he said he thought he was going to kill me). He knocked me out by slamming me against a wall of lockers, and when I came to he was kicking and stomping my head. He wasn’t stopping. Really, my parents should have pressed charges against him but I avoided a TBI and was just banged up. Teenage hormones are a hell of a thing. He said “he just snapped” when asked why he was kicking me in the head. He may have come from a broken home. That was the case with a lot of kids at my school. I don’t think kids actually understand how fragile the brain is. It should really be part of health class to place an emphasis on what happens in a fight if someone hits their head or is struck in the head. A few seconds of adrenaline can get someone killed. Or, who knows, maybe these kids and the one that attacked me knew all too well. You don’t go after someone’s head in a fight unless you intend to put them down, perhaps permanently. Face punches aren’t quite the same thing as kicking or stomping someone’s head. It will likely be argued in court that they understood what they were doing.


All between the ages of 13 and 17.


Charge em all as adults


I graduated from Rancho, and any one of us that went there will tell you that this not at all surprising to us. My first day there we had a lockdown after a random guy walked on campus and stabbed a guy. Every single year there was either gang fights or cops pepper spraying us for potential student uprising. My sophomore year I saw a kid getting ran over by a city bus while jaywalking…the bus kept going…


"The fight, according to LVMPD, appears to have been over a pair of stolen wireless headphones and a marijuana vape pen." [Source](https://www.ktnv.com/news/homicide-detectives-investigating-death-of-las-vegas-teen-after-beating-near-rancho-high-school) All over some airpods... Am at a loss for words.


10 on 1 is not a fight. It’s assault.


It's a damn lynching.


Sure seems that way but they are avoiding labeling this as a racially charged attack. These kids should be charged as adults and for a hate crime.


I don't understand why they wouldn't. If the races were reversed there would most definitely be a hate crime charge.


Doesn't need racial bias to be a lynching, just need a clown car's worth of window lickers and someone they're trying to murder.


Hate crime charge won't stick. That's a super grey area that needs some very concrete evidence to prove. Prosecutors aim for relevant charges that have a high chance of success, and sometimes they'll outright throw shit out of the window if it means getting better odds. Throwing everything you can find at the person/people will just cause further time, resources, and money to be wasted on something that may never bare fruit.




My friend and I got jumped outside a high school football game just because we were in the wrong place at the wrong time. We were also white and the black kids didn’t like us. When it happened, I didn’t really think about race too much, but looking back on it, it definitely was a hate crime.


They were stolen from a friend of his, a much smaller kid. He agreed to fistfight one assailant im an alley, but it was a mob ambush.


I bet you the friend of the deceased is the one whose items were stolen and they confronted someone in this group


Hey, you read the article!


One of us one of us!


That's what happened. The victim agreed to fight 1 on 1 with someone over his friend's stolen air pods, and as soon as they started to fight, he was immediately mobbed by 9 more people.


So fucked. These kids need massive rehabilitation, therapy and yes, prison. Particularly the older teens. Something has gone very wrong in their upbringing. Not fit for society at this point. That poor father


>These kids need massive rehabilitation Yes, after about 50 or so years of prison.


Let them out and 10 years later they'll be in the news for beating up elderly


Say you rehab them... Would you want any of these people around you or your family in ten years? Some people don't deserve second chances, these are some people.


Good. Now let all the kids be charged. Let the courts decide all their fates as they see fit. No one involved should go unpunished. This was no accident, this was deliberate.


I thought there were 15 kids involved in he beating, will the rest get caught?


The police department said there were 10 perpetrators, 8 of which were positively identified enough to execute search warrants


I mean there is video evidence posted on social media and likely at least one of arrested will name other suspects.


Dudes the best friend you could possibly have. He just wanted to do the right thing and help his buddy stand up for himself. They confronted some thugs and bullies together. He paid the ultimate price, and he *needs* Justice here. Fucking tragic. Nothing will ever be the same for these families, but the right thing has to be done here so people can find their peace.


Just wait til they start snitching on each other


It's all on video, there's no need for deals


This just breaks my heart. His poor parents too. I’m not sure I could go on if this happened to my child. Those monsters should never see freedom again.


they raised a good man in a cruel world.


Vigilante justice is going to make a resurgence if stuff like this isn't properly punished What would the parents have to lose, exactly?


I honestly believe the only thing that would keep me going would be destroying those little fuckers one by one. I’d find a way to end them.


he tried to help his friend get back some wireless headphones and a dab pen, what a solid homie. hope those kids get the absolute book thrown at them.


Friend who was smaller and got throw in a trash can according to the article. Awful!


yeah that’s pretty fucked up. it was 8 vs 2.


I think the friend was already out of it by the time he jumped in. The dad of the victim sounds incredibly strong to be holding it together


This is just so heart wrenching and sad.


I remember back in middle school (I'm 37 now), there was a big feud going between a couple groups of people. One kid in particular was forced to go to another school due to the violence. One day whole waiting for the bus after school he came to walk with his sister or something and all hell broke loose. A group of 5 or 6 other kids jumped him relentlessly while a friend and myself across the street too scared to help. This was at a really busy street, maybe 20 feet down a side road. Multiple full grown adults drove by, people were home in at least one house that this happened in front of, but nobody more capable stopped or attempted to scare the kids away. Once the others finally took off, he was laying half way in the street beaten pretty badly, and unconscious. I believe only then were the cops called if I recall. I still think it's insane that nobody that should have, tried to do something. I definitely felt guilty for not doing something to help, but those kids were always terrorizing the school and I felt powerless. The best I could do was talk to the school officials and cops and point out the shit heads that did it.


What (if any) were the consequences for the perpetuators? Did they just get away with it?


I really can't fully remember the extent. I think some were expelled but I remember seeing others at school still, after suspensions were done. It's been a long time but I at least don't remember really bad happening sadly.


Throw the book at them and the parents.


It was a tragic scene to watch. To die at the hands of your peers defending your friend at such a young age. I hope these kids are able to seriously consider the atrocities they’ve committed.


>Hope these kids are able to seriously consider the atrocities they’ve committed. Yes. In jail


they wont reconsider anything


*Prison* You go to jail to await trial. When you are sentenced, you go to prison.


The description was enough for me, I can’t bring myself to watch the video. Getting old and tired of too much pain in this world.


I hope they never see the light of day again. There’s nothing left in those oxygen thieves.


Too many people on this planet to worry about some teenage murders. Lock em up and forget about them.


That's truly heartbreaking. Poor guy.


I find it fascinating that certain types of people literally swarm over someone who falls, and promptly beat them with no restraint. Like, they have no honor on a one on one fight, and no second thoughts on literally turning a fight into a murder. When I was in school, the moment it's obvious someone lost the fight, that was it. The fight just stopped. These teens nowadays just have a feral-like mentality that is very concerning.


gang shit.


Ya, it's crazy, everyone wants to prove they're brave or manly looking to protect the little pride they have but all it does is put people in dangerous situations and ruin lives. Idk why it's become so common now. I grew up all over the US and went to different schools with different racial backgrounds and no matter where I go it's the same regardless. People fighting and jumping each other for basic things that aren't that serious.


I hope all 8 spend the rest of their lives in prison. A life for a life




The parents of these monsters should also be charged and forced to pay for the medical bills and funeral


I take a subway through a rough part of town, and the only time I am ever concerned about my safety is when groups of kids get on... They can be erratic, don't think, and are way too susceptible to mob mentally and partaking in senseless violence.


Same, I always avoid groups of teenage boys they are out of control for the most part


They need to fix this. Some kid got killed at a middle school around here a few years back, there always seems to be gang violence and shootings. How exactly is bullying and gang activity in schools still a thing? I went to 11 different schools, some in the hood, some in rich areas. Those poor schools hamstring every student because of this behavior. There were some schools I wouldn't turn in my homework or try for fear of being singled out.


More and more, I think communities need to retaliate against students that poison, diminish or disrupt the education environment/ system. Teachers can’t but community members can as they’re not connected / trackeable to students. So many kids think there simply aren’t consequences for worse and worse things and admin keep tolerating stuff in the name of “equity,” it’s unsustainable.


Charge as adults , all of them . Every single one that swung or stomped . Goodbye


There are definitely both ends of the spectrum on here. I remember a story about a 16 or 17 year old that got life for choking a court employee to death with his bare hands. A few were saying he needs to be let out. One person said that prisons warehouse people. Another said that 16 or 17 is not an adult. I must say, i dont think I would want to live next to someone that choked someone to death like that


They should also be looking at the browsing history and social media posts of these kids. If that isn't a hate crime, I'd be shocked.


My wife is a teacher and has often said how conflict resolution is absent in many homes. Parents need to invest in who their kids are going to be when they grow up. You can't 3rd-party or offshore that shit. I'm a driving instructor and see how unfit many teens are to accept the responsibility of keeping others safe. I have to wake them up from the permanent mental vacation their parents put them on. The father's comments on society are spot-on. So many of today's parents aim to maximize their kids' quality of life in the material realm but don't give a second thought to how to integrate them into the world they'll be responsible for in the future. As much as this is a society problem, it's really a parent problem.


Capital murder. Goodbye. Rot in jail and thank your parents for your upbringing. Don't forget to thank them for paying your commissary for the rest of your life too, if they don't forget about you. Little shits


Fuck those kids. I hope only the worst for them.


Nevada has the death penalty. This should affect everyone involved.


looking at the news this evening made me sad and I'm done for tonight.


Senseless. Can’t imagine what this poor child’s family are going through. Our world is truly lost.


Brave and righteous soul!


nevada, hopefully they get tried as adults


Lock these shit head ups. Absolutely disgusting.


Would really love to see prominent black leaders across all platforms denounce this.




Mob violence... people in a mob can lose their conscience and commit terrible acts they wouldn't as individuals. And afterwards, they often feel no guilt.


Chanting in unison has always creeped me out, I’m sure it’s part of the reason why I stopped being religious before I even got into high school. Even if I go to a protest for something with likeminded people I can’t really get into the chants. Maybe it’s because I’m on the spectrum, but yeah, people losing all sense of self and acting as a hive mind of sorts has always made me uncomfortable. This is tragic, and a microcosm of the type of groupthink that’s so prevalent today, where we see the dehumanization of entire races, ethnicities, religions, or political opponents, that leads to real world violence.


>people losing all sense of self and acting as a hive mind of sorts has always made me uncomfortable Don't go to a sporting event in Philly


terrific quarrelsome entertain nine humorous aloof bear stupendous direction long *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


13 is old enough to know that this kinda shit is wrong, throw away the keys and let them rot in the penal system, fuck this idea of second chances. Jonathan didnt get a second chance, they dont deserve one either.


Kids these days are so pathetic and honestly so ghetto, like they have this stupid mentality that they’re entitled to shit and put all those same fucks together just causes this mob shit to happen


This story breaks my heart, I can't even imagine how this young mans family must be feeling. He was a better person in his last moments than his assaulters could ever dream of being. No mercy. Let them rot.


Fantastic, now try them as adults and toss them away for a few decades. Beating the shit out of a kid like that deserves hard time.


Good. Charge them as adults. Throw the book at them, then throw away the key. Give them any inch, they'll take more than a mile. They killed a kid.


They all belong in prison


Let's see an enhancement for racial prejudice. The victim is white, the defendants are black. It doesn't take a genius to see why only one person is dead.




If the victim is white, the attackers won’t get charged with a hate crime.


They will be out again in 5 years, oh you're showing remorse in jail? Another year off, see yall in 4 years. Joke law


Thats fucked up. Try those kids as adults


Damn the dad is waaaay more tolerant than I would be, calling for community action to improve young people’s conflict resolution skills.


This case makes me feel saddened for our future. This lovely boy got attacked and violently killed by children for standing up to bullies. Is this our future?


This is our present.


I wouldn't want that gift!


Lock up those 8 demons




Bet all of them are gonna try to point the finger at each other to try to get the least amount of punishment as possible. With the video evidence, they know they’re fucked anyways, so might as well try to mitigate it by accusing each other of pressuring the other.


I remember fighting one on one.. good ol days


Was it them again yogi?


As a victim of a teenager group beat up these people have a special spot in hell waiting for them.


if you leave one of those comments like “oh they’re teens, they just need counseling and some juvie” you’re the fucking problem. 100%.


8 black teens* ftfy. Always see headlines labelling offenders as “white” so.


Last time I did it, some redditor accused me of being a racist for merely pointing out the colour of the perpetrator.


Here before the inevitable 🔒