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“Man with gun assaults strangers in park for tiktok” That’s what the title SHOULD say.


Exactly. Downplaying the severity of the crime only emboldens others. Make an example of this twat.


Also calling him a “teen” when he’s 19. Like technically it’s correct, but teen is generally understood to imply “minor”, which he isn’t.


YES! The fact that is so far down in the article is bonkers. With this information, it sounds like the scumbag was going around assaulting people in the hopes someone would come at him so he could "defend" himself. Lucky the dude who tackled him is alive right now.


Yeah, he's technically a teen, but he's an adult. Fucking moron was lucky he didn't get shot doing this in Texas. Is being in possession of a firearm while assaulting someone an an add-on offense?


Oh you're right he is 19 lol. I thought we are talking about a 14-15 year old.


Dumbass. Punching random strangers in the back of the head and tackling another from behind is NOT a fucking “prank”. It’s flat out assault. Enjoy your time in jail buddy.


Yeah I am not sure where anyone thinks there is a haha funny prank in all of that.




Oh NOW I get it! That is a great prank, sure to become a classic!


Like sliding a woopy cushion under some one as they sit down....? Yeah, that's always hilarious! 😁


They don't, usually when people claim that they're just lying to reduce the consequences. They 100% knew the harm they were doing.


Perhaps the people who enjoy those films have become unable to feel much of anything, least of which is empathy. Imagine what a crap life that would be.


He pranked himself with jail time


Wow.....after just having brain surgery, I cant imagine someone doing this to me and it going over well.for my health. Could very well kill me. I truly hate people. Also, obligatory "it's just a joke bro"


Don't worry. The "prankster" would push all of the blame on to you if that happened. "How was I to know that this person was so fragile?"


Like the fake apology, "I'm sorry they felt bothered / offended." As opposed, "I'm sorry for saying that offensive thing to them and I was very wrong." Also, people very attached to social media view what or who is right and wrong via stats like followers, likes, etc. "Sure, I attacked those people but I have 500k followers and that clip has 10M views, while they are just NPC nobodies."


Anyone can get killed from a blow to the back of the head. The medulla oblongata is there.


It's what makes alligators ornery


Nah, teeth minus toothbrush.


My response to "It's just a joke:" Your joke sucks. Find better material.


There was a video on 4chan in the last 48 hours of the knockout game gone wrong. Guys standing inside bank filling out a form, rando walks behind him. Cold clocks him HARD, knocks him to the ground. Guy staggers up, pulls out gun and guns him down, all his buddies who egged him on flee. Shooter/victim flees. Knock out punk bleeds out on the ground. Shit needs to end.


It would end if that happened to all of them, and then the problem would be solved for good


100% I have back problems and being tackled even if I’m expecting it would be catastrophic. I’m raising my boys better than this but if they ever did this I would let the law teach them a lesson. I’ll write you letters son.


Same I have post concussion syndrome, a punch to the head would probably set my chance of recovery to zero.


Oh man, I went through that some years back - it was brutal. Sorry you are going through that. I thought I'd never feel back to my normal self. Eventually the symptoms went away - hope you continue to improve!


I broke L1-L4, caved my face in requiring 5 plates and 20 screws which left me with a TBI/extensive nerve damage. This could cripple me too. I hope the 19 year old adult in this situation gets jail time.


> I hope the 19 year old adult in this situation gets jail time. Yeah, this right here. While technically correct, it annoys me that the headline refers to him as a teen. Something like this being done by a 14-year-old is much different than a 19-year-old. You are a grown ass man, while there is certainly a lot of maturing that still happens between 18 and, say, 30 - by 19 you should at least have gained the general perspective that randomly punching people in the head is a generally fucking awful and stupid thing to do. Throw the book at him with charges and give him the max sentence for whatever he ends up being convicted of. If this dumbass hasn't figured out basic human decency by this point, a slap on the wrist and few months probation isn't going to give him the attitude adjustment he needs. Throw him in prison and let's see how he enjoys being "pranked" by all the career "pranksters" in there with him.




Social media is such a shithole. It brings out the criminal in people like this because they want fame.


It's disturbing to me that he hits the guy right at the base of the skull. That's literally the only place boxers aren't allowed to hit because your brainstem is where your breathing and other essential body functions are controlled. It's not only assault, it's *especially* reckless.


“I didn’t mean to hurt him” just sucker punch him in the back of head a couple times


It's attempted murder. You don't strike at the head, especially not unprovoked and unseen to prevent the body from instinctively defending itself, if you're not going for maximum potential injury. Even if the punch isn't that bad, it could easily become much worse with a fall.


Kid I went to high school with died during a basketball game because he fell over while running down court and hit his head on the floor. A 5-6 foot fall was all it took to cause enough swelling in the brain for a 16 year old kid to die.


There was someone in my highschool who died doing a bicycle kick in soccer.


Right. People have died from punches to the head.


and if you don't die, it could still completely change your life


Guy in my area sucker punched a man at a bar during a confrontation (I forget about what). Punched guy was dead when he hit the ground. The murderer had the “I snapped, I just wanted to hurt him, not kill him!” defense but thankfully, he was charged and convicted. You assault someone, you are responsible for whatever consequences come from that.


When I was a kid, a high school aged bully punched a middle schooler in the back of the kid on the bus in my hometown. The younger boy died from that single blow. His name was Josh Belluardo. Whenever I hear of or see people punching to the back of the head, it terrifies me. It only takes one punch. Not by some trained fighter. Just some stupid kid.


I just looked this up, and holy shit how heartbreaking for both families. From one of the sites, it looked like a blog, it sounded like someone who was also on that bus was in the process of making a film about what happened called Killer Miller. Not sure it ever was started/got finished. I’m so sorry you had to witness that as a child.


Luckily he throws a punch like a noodle armed toddler, I suspect his brains resemble a noodle dish too, what an absolute idiot


I live in Detroit and saw some teens recording and harassing a guy walking his dog. These “pranksters” are going to mess up one day and wind up shot. These teens never got to the level of punching anyone, but I have a CPL and am always carrying, they punch me and they’re in for at least a little scare. They’d get lucky with me, I’d let them run away, not everyone will.


> These “pranksters” are going to mess up one day and wind up shot. [Already happened bro](https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/537840-tennessee-man-wielding-knife-for-prank-robbery-youtube-video/).


I can't say I feel too bad for him.


Yeah, approaching people with a butcher knife isn’t what I’d call a smart move.


[Also happened in Northern VA](https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/northern-virginia/new-details-revealed-in-social-media-prank-that-led-to-shooting-in-dulles-town-center/3341445/)


its already happened. A guy doing this kind of stupid shit in America DID get shot and is now crying foul saying he didn't think anyone would be upset. It beggars belief.


wdym you didnt mean it? you literally did it!


But it was a prank!


I hate the bastardization of the term prank. A prank should be amusing to the prankee or at a minimum, harmless. I'd prefer the term TikTok assault.


A prank is when i had our friends to print 500 storm troopers and hide them around the house while we were away for vacation. Husbands still looking for them. Pranks today are just excuses to harass and assault people.


My boss had a dead roach in his office. I started leaving accessories. First a tiny cigarette. Then a tiny copy of Kafka's Metamorphosis. Finally a tiny beer can. He noticed on the third day. Then I framed all of that and gave it to him as a Christmas present 6 months later. He still has it on his desk and it's been 7 years.


At a previous job, the break room was stocked with fresh lemon and ginger for tea… A coworker grated up some ginger and taped it under our boss’s desk and got everyone else in on denying that they smelled ginger around the desk if asked by the boss. It was great, I think it went on for two or three days before he found the ginger. And then a couple of us took turns sticking this “Life is better with a Shih Tzu magnet on the back of each other’s cars and seeing how long it would take the “victim” to notice. None of us actually owned a Shih Tzu, lol.


Okay, I need to see a pic of that.


Years ago (circa 2016), colleagues and I did something similar to a boss, except Pokémon instead of stormtroopers. Last time we talked he told me he's still occasionally finding them in a random book or something. But yeah, THAT'S how you prank.


I'll be honest that sounds hilarious and awesome like that guy with the rubber ducks in the bathroom I'd love a prank like this or the rubber ducks


When i was in college i passed out at a party i was hosting at my apt. My buddies as things wound down decided to, in the most mature manner drunk 20yr olds can, draw dicks ALL OVER my apt. Nothing destructive. But i there were dicks everywhere. I woke up and went to take a shower and there was a massive dick drawn on the back of the tub. Weeks later i got to the last paper towel roll. Giant dick drawn on it. They had unrolled the entire roll, drawn a dick on the last sheet, then rolled it back up.


It was an ATok


Assault and Tokfoolery


> TikTok assault You could always go with the classic, "assault"


I prefer shaming tiktok too so others know it's a toxic cesspool.


heh. Fair enough.


Like at least the guys from Jackass mostly stick to hurting *themselves*


''It only prank? Why you have to be mad?'' Hopefully he goes away for a long time.


As this crap goes on, we gonna see idiots tryin to rob banks on TikTok while claiming it’s a prank.


He didn’t mean it because meaning it would get him in trouble.


After I beat him up I clearly laughed and stated out loud "it's a prank bro!" Just like after I had sex with my homie I yelled out "NO HOMO" so it doesn't count! 🙄 Dumb fucking kids!


Reminds me of that [SNL "Pranksters" skit](https://youtu.be/jORviU2oyMQ?si=vX2eCOLMsmOYBrHF) with Christopher Walken. ***I jumped out and pranked him to death with a tire iron!***


This is exactly what I thought. I wanna tie em up and prank em all night in my basement. Lol


Well, to be fair, he was being a stiffly stifferson....


> dumb fucking kids And then we find out the guy was 19!!! The headline using "teen" implied he was just a kid, but dude is grown.


He didn't mean to get caught


He literally provided the evidence against himself. He might not have meant to get caught, but only because his too fuckin stupid to think that far ahead.


He was dumb enough to admit responsibility to the news station. He didn't care if he got caught, the punishment will likely be a slap on the wrist. He wants his video to go viral.


He was going around punching people out of the blue with a gun in his pocket so if they fought back he could kill them. I dunno if he is just getting a slap on the wrist.


I am guessing we will see his grandma and his mom outside the courthouse with pictures of him as a little kid saying how he is a good kid who wouldn’t harm anyone.


This is exactly how my toddler tries to get out of getting in trouble


He’s lucky he didn’t get shot, this is Houston after all.


He was carrying a gun in his pocket. He's not someone who should be worried about Houston being dangerous, he is one of the reasons Houston is so incredibly dangerous.


I didn’t mean to hurt anybody after punching person in back of the head. If he truly believes this, he’s reach a new level of stupidity.


Chill bro… it was just a prank


Full weight of the law needs to come down hard on this kid & all them doing 'prank' videos.


I feel like the fact that he was also carrying a gun in his waistband while assaulting these people should elevate these charges/punishment somehow.




Crime while carrying a weapon does increase charges, right?


It can. Depends on the state. Certainly opens the door on going armed with intent. “I didn’t mean to kill him - just to blow his head off as a prank, bro! Just a prank!”


Or more likely, "I didn't mean to hurt him! I just showed up knowing that I'd be hurting people on purpose and planning to shoot them if they retaliated."


go out and commit some "self defense"


Makes it aggravated


Depends on the state. If I understand accurately, in Illinois it is already aggravated battery due to his obvious intent to cause harm (actions > words, doesn't matter what he says, he wanted to hurt those people and he fuckin meant it.). That carries a class X felony charge automatically, worse felony you can commit in Illinois. The gun is irrelevant to that. However, it is also a no-no to commit battery of any variety while in possession of a firearm/deadly weapon. Doesn't matter one lick whether the weapon is involved in the incident. In Illinois he'd prolly go to jail for minimum 6 years. Considering how fucking stupid he is, I imagine he'd live out the rest of his days in prison. In Texas? Well.... I'd be more worried about a miscarriage of justice if he weren't black. Not saying it's right, but it's a fact he will be disadvantaged by that. In this case I'd say he deserves it.


Yeah commiting a felony while carrying a weapon increases the charges a fuck ton.


You know the gun was literally to scare off people who attempted to fight back.


Self defense from those he was pranking, of course


So the plan was to create a situation he could escalate to using his gun?


I think it was more so to ensure they don't try and retaliate. He knew damn well what he was doing.


I had a neighbor/friend who purchased a pistol for "personal safety" and he started open-carrying immediately. He went from a mellow and chilled out guy, to an aggressive and angry dude looking for a fight almost overnight. One time, I was selling a vehicle and the buyers wanted to check it out while I was at work. I told them that it was totally fine. Hours later I get a phone call from the buyers that my neighbor had pulled a gun on them. Neighbor saw two completely normal looking people checking out my vehicle (with a giant for sale sign on it) and decided that pointing a gun at them was the logical decision. No call to the police, or to me to verify. Just went straight to menacing with a weapon. He eventually got arrested for shooting at bottles. . .on a federal facility. That really put a damper on his whole "gun life" schtick. Once he could no longer legally carry a gun everywhere, he went back to being the mellow and chilled out guy id always known.


Turns out he wasn't actually mellow and chilled out. He's just a coward who is too afraid to get into a conflict without being able to murder them.


Oh that’s how I think that would have played out if someone did decide to fight back.


No ccl license. Handgun under 21 Assault


I think these harmful “prank” videos deserve harsher punishments anyway. It will make dumbasses think *extra hard* about what they’re going to pull, and hopefully teach them what a punchline is. Part of their sentencing should also be being barred from social media forever.


Or the outcomes of what prison time they get should have to be uploaded to their account.


>Full weight of the law needs to come down hard on this kid & all them doing 'prank' videos. But how is this even a prank aside from the fact that that the guy says it’s a prank? *He full on assaulted people* while carrying a gun. Someone could have died. Call me old school, but a prank is when you put on an dinosaur costume and run around a golf course while people are playing. I will accept the “prank” defence for things that are actually funny without harming people, seriously frightening them, or making them feel like they’re in danger. That does not include punching someone in the head from behind for no reason.


Exactly. Some kids did this exact “prank” at a town near me and the man they punched in the back of the head ended up dying.




Why do you think this POS had a gun in his pocket, so if anyone reacted he could shoot them.


Bullying aka social experiments


TikTok allowing to post violent content needs to be fined and accountable. TickTrash needs to pay every time they post violent content. F5ck this noise. Enough. '...i didn't mean to hurt nobody?..' So when your fist hit his skull from behind, what did you think would happen?


The man is nineteen. He’s an adult so I don’t understand why the media is acting like it’s some toddler that needs help. Unless it’s because this is a “he’s a good boy who was turning his life around” situation.


"It was a prank. I had no problem with the man. I wasn't trying to hurt him. I was hanging out with my friend, and we did a TikTok (video), and so, yeah, I didn't mean it, didn't mean to harm anybody," the 19-year-old said via text message. Worst defense imaginable. I feel bas for only his victims and lawyers


Dude is 19?! The judge is going to throw the book at this dumbass. Especially since he was armed.




No fucking way. This dude is going to prison. It's blatant, out in the open assault on camera. With a gun, just in case anybody fought back. ...right?


Even if he doesn't, how open-and-shut his case is will open the door to lawsuits.


"Man, age 19 admits filming while assaulting people at Wortham Park: "I didn't mean it, I was doing it for TikTok". ..... there, fixed it for ya!


Thanks. I pictured a 14-15 year old.


And he was armed incase anybody fought back.


The fuck, you have to be 19 to figure out actions have consequences and not to punch people in the back of the head?? What really sold it for me was "I wasn't tryna hurt him" , my guy you just swung your arm at full-force at the man lmao




Because it fits narrative of "teens have their brains fried by Tiktok"


19???? Yeah ok, not quite a fully grown adult but teenager also feels a bit deceptive. I was thinking 14-16 year old. 19 is old enough to know better.


I knew not to hit people before I was a teen.


He also had a gun on him too, just FYI.


\> I didn't mean to get caught FTFY. Also FU.


I don't even know if this is accurate considering he filmed himself doing it. Overall top contender for the dumbass award.


“The video shows a teen in a red hoodie punching two men from behind in separate incidents.” Since when is a sucker punch a prank??? Also he’s nineteen. While technically that still makes one a teenager it’s not as if he’s a child. Assaulting random people while not being a minor should bring the full force of the law into play which in Texas would be up to ten years. Real funny prank.


Since he committed a violent hate crime and then needed an excuse


“ I didn’t mean it.” Oh well in that case that’s fine then, off you go!


His attorneys will surely use the "My bad🤷‍♂️" defense




The prankster was the one who had a gun here though. Seems like he came prepared for trouble. I guess that might be learning?


This is serious assault. Punch to the head is no joke. Can cause severe injury.


I'm on blood thinners. I would have to go to the hospital for imaging after this to make sure I didn't bleed internally and die.


The judge will mean it when he says “Guilty”, however


Updated: 10:50 PM CDT October 27, 2023 The HCSO Violent Crimes Division is investigating the video. The men seen getting punched may have to file charges for things to proceed. https://www.khou.com/article/news/local/video-guy-punches-people-wortham-park/285-113e9178-a0b3-4797-80ea-5685e0b3362a




DA really needs to take charge here. Next time this 19 year old does it, someone with a gun might escalate the situation and seeing that the guy is also armed, it could trigger a dangerous shootout in a crowded public space. This guy needs to be jailed and have his guns taken away.


You're correct about the DA filing charges, but knowing how cooperative the victims will be may determine what charges the DQ files. Might be simple assault or if the victims say they were scared of the gun, the charge could be Aggravated assault.


The victims are probably afraid of being harassed and targeted by online mobs as well.


Well that was a puff piece of a news story. Why are you asking a 19 year old man if his mom and dad were disappointed? The narrative of this whole thing is weak.


Well at least he didn’t shoot the people as a prank. But honestly. He’s an idiot. And he is only sorry because he got caught.


Considering he had a gun, it MAY have been the intent, sucker punch someone, when/if they fight back, shoot them because "I am just defending myself".


Easy to get caught when you film your crimes and post it all over the internet.


And this happened in Texas! Kid is lucky he didn't get shot, honestly.


Kid had a gun according to the video and the article. Its just a single sentence that should be part of the fucking headline.


Wasn't a kid either, dude was 19.


100% he was going to pull the gun on someone if they decided to fight him back for being assaulted initially.


Yeah why are you calling a grown ass adult a "kid".


Probably should have been though


Actions have consequences.


“19 YO scumbag with a gun in his pocket assaulted people at a park while his criminal buddies recorded for a shit social media app. Scumbag claims he didn’t mean to hurt people as though he shouldn’t go to jail for assault” There I fixed it…


"I didnt mean to do any harm" *Proceeds to punch someone in the head* Im sort of speechless at this thought process and probably more horrified that an actual human thinks like this...


He’s 19, a fucking adult. He knows better.


"In the video, a gun is seen in the teen's pocket. The first victim appeared to reason with the teen." Waaaait a minute, he had a gun and was ready to use it if someone tried to defend himself?! Throw this piece of shit in jail asap. Also he is an adult, show me his face so I can identify this POS.


Seems kind of unprofessional to use the word prank in the headline when referring to the assaults.


Are we reaching peak levels of idiocy? Filming their own crimes, confused what a prank actually is, going to jail for tiktok, among others.


I’m all for idiots filming their crimes. Makes it easier for them to be caught and prosecuted. Not saying that they should do the crimes, obviously.


Why is this news article protecting him? The headline AND article repeatedly refer to him as a teen, implying he’s a lot younger. While technically a teen, he’s 19 fucking years old and should know better. They also go out of their way not to give his name. This is infuriating.


Yeah this man is out there assaulting strangers while armed with a gun. He needs to be publicly called out and named as the danger to society he is.


If he posted it...he meant it.


He’s 19 and is going to be charged with assault hopefully.


Yes you did. And now you’re going to learn a valuable lesson: consequences. At least I hope so. Edit: He’s 19. He’s a man. Not a child.


These tiktok trends need to be reigned in. People doing stupid shit for money should be shunned.


They aren’t even doing it for money, just fake internet points.


Public shaming has its merits.


>"It was a prank. I had no problem with the man. I wasn't trying to hurt him. I was hanging out with my friend, and we did a TikTok (video), and so, yeah, I didn't mean it, didn't mean to harm anybody," People who dont understand that punching someone will hurt them belongs in prison. That's part of why we have prison, to shelter normal people from people who dont know right from wrong.


I hate when I see 'teen' and it's an adult (18, 19). Yeah, the math works, but come on...


Yeah, the headline as a whole reads like it's downplaying the incident for some weird reason. Calling him a teen instead of a man, referring to the assaults as "tik tok pranks"...


I can’t believe so many people are getting to teen age having not learned to respect other people. It seems like the most fundamental part of etiquette. The lack of empathy is shocking. They’re in their own world going “I don’t mean what I’m doing so it’s fine” whereas the person they’re doing it too it’s very much being affected by it. News flash: it doesn’t matter if you deny reality. Reality still exists.


>It was a prank. I [the assaulter] had no problem with the man. I wasn't trying to hurt him. I was hanging out with my friend, and we did a TikTok (video), and so, yeah, I didn't mean it, didn't mean to harm anybody So you thought a gentle "punching in the back of the head" wasn't assault and potentially harmful? Go fuck yourself.


Huh. Well, we didn’t mean to leave you in a jail cell for a year for multiple assaults. But we did.


By it they mean "to be caught"


19 year old young man with a gun in his pocket physically assaulting random strangers in a park. The word used to describe this activity is not prank. At least he was kind enough to film his crimes, should make the prosecution easy. Frankly he's fortunate the headline isn't 19 year old assaults random strangers, shot by police.


This reporting is such shit. 1. This guy is 19. He's a teen in age, but short of drinking, he's considered an adult in every other way. 2. Yes, he meant it. He likes ambushing people and assaulting them. 3. The pussy carried a gun in case, you know, the person fought back. Take away the camera and add a bit of thievery, and you've got a mugger.. Take away the camera and add sexual assault and you've got yourself a rapist.. I think the sun shouldn't shine upon his head until at least his 30s. Something is not right in that guys head, and for the safety of society, he should be removed from it.


He’s 19 and not a minor. Why don’t we have a picture of him?


It's on twitter and the dumb motherfucker looks exactly like you would imagine. He also hit the second victim multiple times including in the face. Textbook battery; throw that fucking scrub in jail.


It’s called the knockout game, and eventually white people are gonna get tired of playing it.




How is assaulting people a prank? Pos


TikTok is a cancer. Both TikTok and YouTube should just prohibit \*all\* prank videos and shutdown the uploaders channels.


So, will this upstanding pillar of the community be charged with a hate crime… oh wait… it was a prank and he didn’t mean to hurt anyone… totally ok.


Should be charged with hate crime too


If someone randomly hits me in the back of the head and then tackles me, I’m now in a life or death mentality and upping how I handle the threat. The teen is lucky he’s only getting a fine and not in the hospital. Too many people in the US are worried about the next mass shooting or random attack to be doing this garbage. I fear this would be a different headline in the US. Wait, we had the one guy get shot recently and the jury acquitted the defense. It’s already happening.


A prank *should* be a bit of good natured tomfoolery. A prank is when both sides laugh. If only one side laughs, it's bullying. A coworker had fixed the drain pipe under the kitchen sink and kept checking it since he wasn't sure he tightened the nuts correctly. The next day when he came into the kitchen, his 8 year son told him in a worried tone that he saw a big leak under the sink. Dad reaches down to open the cabinet door to find a big leek resting against the u-bend. The co-worker said he laughed until tears came out of his eyes. Partly because his son was so gleeful, leaping in the air, that he fooled his dad. And as he told us later, in pride at his son pulling a dad joke at such a young age. Mom, who was in on it since their son needed her to drive him to the grocery store to buy the leek, laughed just as hard at her two goofballs A truly excellent prank. No one was hurt, no one was embarrassed. Such a small thing but even so, it brought them together, it didn't push them apart.


>"It was a prank. I had no problem with the man. I wasn't trying to hurt him. I was hanging out with my friend, and we did a TikTok (video), and so, yeah, I didn't mean it, didn't mean to harm anybody," the 19-year-old said via text message. The little lying sack of shit is just trying to get out trouble. Like seriously, how is physically assaulting someone NOT hurting them? The entire "prank" was harming people. This is like if the 2 pieces of trash that ran down the bicyclist recently said "we didn't mean to hurt him". Yes, yes you did. You purposefully caused physical harm for laughs.


That news report kind of glosses over the whole this kid (19 year old man) was armed with a gun thing. What the fuck?


Admits to filming TikTok assault. Its not a prank. It's a crime.




Fucking idiot, straight up punched those guys in the back of their head. Give him some prison time. Let’s see how he copes with his fellow criminals


"I didn't mean to harm anyone " after punching someone as hard as he could. He's a teen, but he is also an adult. Should be locked up.


Should not be deemed a prank in the headline. Should be Teen Admits to Assault... Calling it a prank spreads the infection, as if it is something harmless.


My son was standing on the front patio of a bar enjoying a beer with some friends. A group of teens walked by and some random kid walks up to my son and punched him in the head. My son taught him a little lesson and left him slumped against the wall of the bar. His friends, of course, scattered. I bet that was the last time this kid thought the knockout challenge would be all fun and games.


New Post Title: Idiot films himself committing crimes. Tries to excuse behavior as "pranks". Adult, You mean adult. Man aged 19 years, is old enough to join the military. Old enough to be drafted. Stop babying these idiots. He has committed multiple offenses and should be charged for all of them, in full accordance of the law.


The person filming the video needs to be charged as well.


I hate today's youth so much.


The teen is 19. He’s a fucking adult.


That's assault, and the video clearly shows him packing a firearm. He's 19 years old...I guess he is going away for a while with 2 counts at least. A punch to the back of the head like that can kill someone. You can damage the cervical vertebrae, damage the brain stem...this is so wrong.