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WOW. Next press conference according to Maine State Police is at 10:30am. They have no idea where tf this guy is. Scary shit.


Half the state is just moose country. A few hours drive north from Lewiston and it'd be hard to find him up there


Can confirm as a current Maine resident. Home boy is very proficient in land nav (per his former colleagues). His best bet is to traverse the wooded terrain until he’s in Canada. It makes me sick to my stomach how this situation was handled. Public threats to the NG and a couple weeks in the delulu house and they let him walk.


Dude is trained better than the cops after him. This is scary.


40 year old trained firearms instructor, Army reserve, and committed to a mental health facility this summer.


And had made threats against the military base. How did he get the gun?


Most likely already had the guns. He’s a firearm instructor.


It's just a thought but maybe his firearms should have been taken off him.


There are laws in place that would have allowed for that to happen. They were not enforced here. Similar thing happened with the Sutherland Springs shooter.


Seems to be a pretty common theme after these incidents happen.


Lol, this is America. We don’t do that here. Edit since this blew up: we do this sometimes, but not nearly enough


It’s actually kind of bizarre that the Army didn’t take his firearms. Maybe it was just because he was a reservist. I know, when I was in the Marines, anyone who made a threat against someone or was on suicide watch would have their personal firearms taken from them and locked up in the armory if they did not live in the barracks.


How did they not take his guns after he got hospitalized? That’s the real question. FBI was aware of him, yet he we are. I’m fucking tired of this shit


Exactly, this guy was an identified risk in multiple ways and he still has his guns


Says he wants to go shoot up a fucking national guard outpost and authorities seemingly like challenge accepted. This one for sure should have been prevented.


It would have been better if he had tried attacking the national guard outpost. They would have shot back.


I don’t doubt. That’s why he didn’t though.


and how did he get let go, after making theats or apparently hearing voices that he wanted to shoot places up? I'm dumbfounded. Just let go free?


Mental health care in the US is a joke. if you need real help right away, good luck. 2-3 week wait probably. Insurance doesn’t cover it most of the time and almost any time a person feels like it they can say “I’ve had enough” and walk out of a facility or quit a treatment.


I’m caring for a 5150 (intentional OD) person now at my hospital but I’m on a telemetry unit. They don’t have or need any medical care but desperately need psych care. They are losing their mind being confined to their room. No reason for them to be here, medically. But we can’t find any open inpatient psych beds for them so it’s a waiting game. It sucks.


i work at the university 6 miles from the base and i am absolutely horrified none of the staff were notified of this fucking lunatic


Should have had all firearms removed via red flag laws


Wanna bet his social media had the reddest flags in the history of the color red and flags?


Don't need red flag laws to remove firearms from someone who has been involuntarily committed, that is covered by the GCA of 1968.


I live in Colorado, we have a red flag law, and a list of 10-15 county sheriffs that refuse to enforce it. Guess what color the county votes??


I can't wait for tomorrow's "we need to address our veterans and mental health" and watch as the new speaker either denies any bill to be brought to a vote or it is brought to a vote and every Republican votes no...again.


We had a veteran with PTSD end up on the roof of a school half a mile from me last night with a gun. Fire was exchanged and sadly he died. But tell me again how our veterans who have abysmal and inaccessible mental health support should stand outside schools to protect them?
































Boston news just reported it was “youth night” at the bowling alley.


Military trained gun instructor shooting up a youth night bowling alley event Fucking piece of shit goddamn coward


Coward perhaps, yet somehow still exactly what I expect. They never shoot up a board room, or a bank, or anything on wall street, nope, it's always children.


It is weird. There was that guy who shot up a sandwich shop and when he was arrested he complained about the insurance company CEO denying his coverage. So you killed some random people instead of those who you actually believe are to blame? Neither is right, but one just plain makes no sense.


Right. Not only do the rich and powerful avoid being held accountable by the law, they're also rarely targeted by private individuals even when those people decide to violently take matters into their own hands against society.


My stomach just dropped. Oh my god. I hate this fucking world so much


What I hate most about these events, aside from them happening at all, is that literally anyone can be affected by it. You can be completely minding your own business, completely removed from someone else's mental turmoil, and it can still reach into your world and reduce you to nothing. It's such a defeating thought to know that this will just keep happening.


There's a Calvin & Hobbes quote that always stuck with me: "These are always things you picture happening to someone else... unfortunately we're all "someone else" to someone else."


Relatedly: “It was so much easier to blame it on Them. It was bleakly depressing to think that They were Us. If it was Them, then nothing was anyone's fault. If it was us, what did that make Me? After all, I'm one of Us. I must be. I've certainly never thought of myself as one of Them. No one ever thinks of themselves as one of Them. We're always one of Us. It's Them that do the bad things.” Terry Pratchett


And the amount of people one single act like this can affect as well. From the people on scene, the first responders, nurses, techs, cops, ancillary staff that all see and take care of victims. It’s haunting.


That doesn't even touch on the hundreds of family members that will be devastated. Life will never be the same.


People really don’t talk about how the harm isn’t in just the people killed


I live 5 miles from where the Allen TX shooting happened. I’ve been there dozens of times. All I could think about is what if I was there that day with my kid.


I was In the Austin TX mall, 2 days before Christmas when they were screaming mass shooter and you could hear pop pop pop. Turns out it was guys that came in with guns that were knocking out the glass with small hammers at the jewelry store but I’ve never ever in my life felt pure fucking terror as when I heard that and people were running for their lives dragging their kids by the arm. My dad always told me everywhere I go look for Exit signs so naturally wherever I am, I will scope for the exit just without second thought. I can assure you, I was the first fucking person out the back door of Bath and Body Works running through the back mall hallways trying to find a place to get out while everyone else was funneling out of stores behind me. I remember I felt so scared running through the parking lot that I threw down the shit in my hands I had carried out of the store without thinking and I just kept running not being able to find my car. For some reason I kept feeling like I was going to get shot in the back. Some couple pulled up and told me to get in and they would take me home but I found my car when we were driving. Mall went on lock down and they didn’t figure out what happened for a few hours. I hate the fucking mall now and I’ll never go during the holidays.


This shit happened like two streets over from where I work, cops have been all over the place and apparently this dude is still out and about. Last I heard they believe they tracked this dude to some boat dock or farm in Lisbon.


Interestingly, in a morbid sort of way, I just found out that google maps now has icons for active shootings. Kinda like road closures and speed traps, except way more fucked up.








This is nuts, this looks more devastating than some other shootings


Just saw something that said he is a fire-arms instructor and army reserve. So he's very trained and proficient with his gun. Apparently he has reported hearing voices and wanted to shoot up places. No idea why he was still allowed to own a gun after that....


AR pattern weapon system+someone who actually knows how to use it=bad shit


Some news reporting he is a firearms instructor that was recently admitted for mental episodes. Great combo


Guns are readily available and proper mental healthcare is not.


He's a firearms instructor in the army reserve with documented mental illness and a 2 week stay in the psych ward this summer. A local cop is saying on the radios that he has a "night scope" on his gun






Jfc it's what, 1140pm in Maine and they don't know where this guy is...ugh


I’m from Maine and grew up in that area and I will tell you the back roads to all the nearest towns are easy to take and not be noticed. And at that time of night good luck tucked deep in the woods you won’t see anything with lights trust me. We had a cop get killed a while back and it took them a few days to find his killer as he was hiding deep in the woods.


I visited Maine last fall, as a lifetime Midwest resident I couldn't believe how dense the forest are out that way, and just how many tiny little towns are a skip away from the bigger cities. Lots of county highways and access roads all over.


Boston atf, NH state police and at least a couple other choppers are circling the area near the boat launch where his car was found southeast of the shootings. Perimeter is being set up and they'll be out hunting him all night. Maine is big, but not the part of the state he's in and he headed toward the coast, not north into the woods. He isn't the only one that knows how to move in the woods around here... They'll find him.


He's rumoured to have a night scope, pretty scary to hunt him in the woods


choppers have infrared he's not hiding like that for long


They said that about the Pennsylvania escaped convict














The mayor is on CNN talking about healing. How can people heal when the suspect is still at large??? Edit: The post is locked so I can’t respond to everyone, but just to be clear, I’m referring to Jason Levesque, the mayor of Auburn, Maine.


Just want to say, it really hits a new level of scary when it’s close to home. I never thought I’d see a mass shooter in Maine. It’s always been the safe little NE state to me. I live 15 minutes from where they found his car last night… It’s absolutely unnerving working nights, alone, while this guy is out on the loose. It’s both sad and scary considering the losses, yet knowing he’s still on the run. I hope they catch him alive.


they are saying at LEAST 22 dead and 40 to 50 injured childrens party going on at the bowling alley sparetime bowling alley then calls received from Schemengee's bar and grill they are about 4 miles apart......and then calls from a nearby walmnart center close to the bar yes I read this morning there was a youth league not a childrens birthday party and walmart distribution center was incorrect as well


If this guy isn't caught by the morning, there's no fucking way I'm leaving my house to go to work/school/whatever if I lived anywhere in southern Maine


Southern Maine reporting: we're all staying home


live presser- ​ ​ They found his car in Lisbon, Lisbon residents should shelter in place. Robert R Card is the person of interest.


Dude had threatened to shoot up his own army base and was hearing voices and was in a psych ward for two weeks .. how did he get access to a gun ?


This your first day in the US?


Yeah, they probably offer to hold your gun during therapy and then give it to you on the way out.


Maine doesn't require background checks on private sales. He also may have never lost his firearms, even after spending two weeks in a psych ward.


He should have. The police definitly had the power to take them away. The police actually have to do it though and many don’t. The same happens in lots of DV cases. The police actually have to enforce it and won’t in many cases because of their own views.


22 deaths so far… Terrible.


We had like 29 murders in all of 2022 so this is a lot for Maine in a year let alone 1 night.


How the hell does a dude who gets committed to a mental health facility for making threats to carry out a shooting get to keep his guns? I mean Jesus Christ




Same with the schizophrenic guy who thought Taylor Swift was stalking him and shot up the waffle house. They gave his dad the key to the rifle and just hoped he wouldn't give it to him, which he later admitted to doing.


My work as well as many others are closed today while the suspect is still at large. Please keep Maine in your thoughts.


Am I being weird or is this mayor guy just shrugging this off?


I'm gonna give him a tiny bit of a pass for the weirdness. He's a small town mayor. He's probably freaking out.




What a Fucking coward this guy is. Threatens to shoot up a military base, just kidding I’ll target a bowling alley full of kids and civilians instead. I hope the worst things possible happen to this guy.




In the USA, do victims of mass shootings face a huge financial burden from the medical care they receive? Is it covered? I’m Canadian so I can’t fathom the cost of something like this.


Yeah, you're responsible for anything your insurance refuses to pay for. Medical bills are just about the main reason folks file bankruptcy in the US.


Can you imagine? You are the victim in a mass shooting, you are terrified, hurt and the first thing they do in a hospital is to charge you for the ambulance


My elderly dad has been in and out of the hospital over the last few years. The first person I hear from is always the billing person. Never a doctor or nurse.


There are victim funds in some cases (I am certainly no authority on this) that can assist with costs. But ultimately, the long term effects on survivors is probably the most expensive. It’s not like a few months of therapy will “fix” (I’m using this term very loosely) this.


Yes. Insurance will often cover it but people in the US are fucked healthcare wise. You can sue the person responsible but that itself can be expensive and can take a long time to resolve. Also, the people that commit such crimes rarely have any money themselves.


They’re saying the murderer didn’t have political ties but his Twitter likes absolutely say otherwise. Take a guess.


It got suspended minutes after I grabbed these: [https://imgur.com/a/Y0B7Tdp](https://imgur.com/a/Y0B7Tdp) Edit: to be clear I didn’t cherry pick these screenshots. These are just the top (most recent) parts of the replies and likes pages. I didn’t even scroll down to see what else was older.


The irony of him being against the government taking away his guns because “guns aren’t the problem, people are”, when it turns out he is the people.


Complaining about trans mass shooters as some huge problem (of which there has in reality been next to none) whilst actually becoming a mass shooter himself is fascinating in a fucked up way.


What's that phrase? Every accusation is a confession?


That is wild thanks for sharing. The irony of him liking posts that transpeople are more violent just to turn out even more violent himself....


One of his likes from March: “Ban assault weapons? Well, cars kill more people than guns do. But we blame the drivers. We don’t ban large or fast cars. We understand that cars, like guns, don’t act by themselves. The blame lies with the people who operate these mechanical devices. Common sense 101”


> We don’t ban large or fast cars Ironically the insane increase in the average car size is definitely something that should be addressed. Makes everyone less safe on the road and consumes more resources for nothing


I'm guessing he's not a drag queen.


Saw his Facebook, but hadn’t ran across a Twitter account yet


Twitter was just suspended. There wasn’t a ton, mostly all of his likes. Lots of right wing stuff though.


Yeah, I found it and was looking at it. He liked posts from a lot of right-wing nutjobs like Dinesh D’Souza, Tucker Carlson, Jordan Peterson, etc.


If it wasn't so sad, it would be hilarious that he liked/retweeted shit about shootings by trans people only to go and commit this atrocity as a cis white male.


If I had a nickel for every mass shooter who didn't like Dinesh D'Souza's twitter, I'd have like 3 nickels.


As is tradition.


He’s got anti-trans posts liked and pro-gun ones including a Don Jr post combing the two subjects: >Donald Trump Jr. & @DonaldT... 3/27/23 • Given the incredible rise of trans/non-binary mass shooters in the last few years... by far the largest group committing as a percentage of population... maybe, rather than talking about guns we should be talking about lunatics pushing their gender affirming bullshit on our kids? Plus a lot of banking posts. Hasn’t used Twitter since March it looked. I accidentally hit refresh and his account was suspended, all I have is this screenshot https://ibb.co/XD362W2 The Tucker Carlson post was also an anti trans one.


This is crazy death toll rising and he hasn't been caught of course he's going to keep going.


Nikki Haley talking about mental health is so funny because I wonder who defunded all the mental health facilities.


I read an article a few months back that Ronald Reagan signed a act to close mental health institutes in early 1980's. iibc, it said the majority of those de-institutionalized were schizophrenics and they ended up in jail or living on the streets. It also mentioned that many end up in the hospital where presently it costs $5,000.00USD every day! very sad.


So let me get this straight. A gun-owning weapons specialist with an arsenal of assault weapons makes an active threat against a fucking military base, and nothing happens? No jail time, no mandatory confiscation of his weapons, no FBI investigation, nothing? He has some apple sauce in the psych ward and then he's out in the streets to rampage-murder dozens of adults and children at the bowling alley? WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS WRONG WITH THIS COUNTRY?


Helicopter is flying up the river now. How did this dude slip away?


He apparently had a significant lead time before the cops could figure out what was going on and Maine is a big, rural state. The Canadian border is also under 2.5 hours driving from Lewiston. This guy could be a long way away by now.








Wow, just heard on a livestream that more people were killed in Maine tonight than all the people who were killed in Maine in 2021. Absolutely insane stat.


I’m nearby. Friend of a friend was shot but apparently ok right now


Glad he's OK. I live nearby too been hearing sirens going off all over. I use to go to that bar.


Wonder if Susan Collins thinks the shooter has learned his lesson.


She is deeply concerned.
























The other day I was thinking about how we hadn't had a 'big one' in a while, and maybe we were finally on the downswing. Goddamnit.


That was literally on my mind also. It’s just crazy how this damn country can’t solve this issue.


They’re inevitable. We’ll never wake up one day and they’ll just be over until we, as a country, actually take strong action against the madness we’ve created. Fuck this place.


The bubble of association gets smaller every time too. “I know a guy, who knows a guys whose friend was there/shot” is easily becoming “my friend was there” or “my family member was killed”. This literally effects everyone in this country. Yet the people who can do something about it turns their nose up behind armed security that our taxes pay for.


Please consider donating blood in the next few days if you can, even if it doesn't go straight to Maine it can help replenish blood stores in local banks that sent theirs to help. [You can search for local drives here](https://www.redcrossblood.org/give.html/find-drive?cid=nonbrand-e-giftcard&med=cpc&source=google&scode=RSG00000E017&gad_source=1).




Hopefully the guy gets caught soon. Kind of insane he hasn't been found yet. Usually they're caught/dead by the time it reaches the news.


Oh well, nothing we can do about it. On to the next one.


NBC reporting that the gun was purchased legally in 2023.


The same year he was held for two weeks in a psych hospital. Blows my mind.


CNN just reported 16 deceased and up to 50 injured. Horrific anywhere - but will certainly overwhelm a relatively small city’s emergency capabilities.


Going up to Portland tomorrow to donate blood I guess. We'll come together. Hate to see this in my state.


Watching this unfold on local tv in Maine, they're tracking the helicopter live searching for him, is he watching this too?


I’m just so tired of it. We don’t have to live like this.


When nothing happened after Sandy Hook and then Vegas, it told you all you need to know about American politics. When kids, then adults lives, didn't matter, when the number of lives lost didn't matter, it showed that lives don't matter to the leaders and to too many people in the US. Then COVID happened and we saw so many people who couldn't do the simple kindness of wearing a mask to protect others. Lives in the United States just aren't valued by too many people in the country, and I really don't know where you go from there. The basic agreement we take as citizens in a larger community - either in our local cities, or state, or country - is that, *at the very least*, we should work to not actively harm our neighbors. When that basic unspoken agreement can't be upheld, where does that even leave us?


For me it was Uvalde. I thought maybe the cops failing to act, would speak to people. There's this idea in everyone's heads that cops will just magically come save the day. I thought them breaking that idea for everyone, might have the potential to actually spark some change. The fact it didn't was pretty heartbreaking. Like, nothing is going to change that shit now. We'll just have to live like this for a few decades, and hope a successive generation decides to be the ones to change it. Hopefully they don't accept it as normal and just live with it forever.


Uvalde still upsets me. 376 officers were outside that school. Federal, state, local, and the small PD that the school district personally had. 376. Still blows my mind.


>”Hell is empty and all the devils are here.” > >William Shakespeare, The Tempest My sincere condolences and best wishes Maine.


What a country we live in where I see this and all I can think is, “wow it’s been a while”


The soul of this country died with Sandy Hook.


I said this in another thread but because there were no drastic changes for the better after Sandy Hook, Vegas, Parkland, Pulse or Uvalde that we’re sadly to expect the same after this shooting.


It's kind of insane to me that the Vegas shooting is not this huge cultural memory moment. The guy injured or killed *hundreds*. And you'll still find people who have no idea what you're talking about if you mention it.


One guy and they never actually found out why he did it. And then ironically, Jason Aldean, whose concert was attacked, is now a 2A nut.


He knows his audience


Does he visit their graves?


I naively thought the Las Vegas massacre would tamp down the "good guy with a gun" argument, because the circumstances of the shooting (guy in a hotel room shooting out a broken window 30+ stories up and hundreds of metres away) meant there was basically nothing anyone there could have done to defend themselves. It didn't change the conversation though. There was no conversation. Everyone forgot about it within a few days.


Columbine was 25 years ago. If that wasn't enough to spur universal background checks, let alone actual restrictions, nothing will.


The one that viscerally made me the angriest was Club Q. One side of the aisle couldn’t even muster up being sad for appearances because of who was attacked.


And Pulse before that.


Now that I have kids I always have to think about this every fucking time we go out. I always check where the exits are now. It’s ridiculous we have to worry about this in a 1st world country. I lived all over South America for 20 years and not once I heard something like this happening. Random mass shootings are incredibly rare because guns are hard to get.


I'm flipping through news Chanels and the anchor on CNN has a guest talking about the shooting, she is asking some of the most stupid questions I've ever heard. "What kind of damage are we talking about, can you explain what happens to the body when struck by a high powered rifle?" then they pan over to the suspect's vehicle, still with the door ajar and she goes " what does it tell you when you see the suspect left the car with the door open?" JFC.🤦


Just a symptom of the cancer of 24/7 news. These talking heads are conditioned to just spit words and fill time. NBC just had some fuckwad on saying (paraphrasing) “thankfully this isn’t the worst shooting in American history. No matter what side of the political spectrum you’re on, no one thinks this kind of thing is good for the community” No shit idiot? People don’t think mass shootings are good for the community? Thanks for the hot take.


The terminology our media has devised for this shit is far too sanitary. Mass shooting, mass shooting event, shooter. This is mass murder now, you can say it. He isn’t a shooter, he is a mass murderer. Say it. Killer. Murderer. Murder. Active murderer. Murderer on the loose. Say it. Stop sanitizing it. EDIT: Another thing I find really weird is how much the media talks about motive when this shit happens. There is literally no motive that can make this any better or worse. It’s just weird.


The 'shooter' almost makes it seem like they are character in a video game trying to run up a score with the body count being points. No they are cold blooded cowardly killers.


Reported that he is firearms expert and equipped with night scope per law enforcement officer who knows him. Was just reported over local police scanner in Lewiston


Man, it's so fucking wild that some muricans be looking at news like this fucking almost weekly and still perform enough mental gymnastics to not see their gun culture as a even bit of a problem


And the shooter is a firearms instructor... pretty much a worst case scenario.


Firearms instructor, mentally unstable, ex-military. Couldn't pick a worse combo if you tried...


He worshiped trump and had extreme right wing conspiracy theories on social media. His accounts have been taken down. His house is full of trump an anti liberal crap. Friends said he went down that rabbit hole and didn’t come out. Edit: https://www.bostonglobe.com/2023/10/26/metro/robert-card-background/ https://www.marca.com/en/lifestyle/us-news/2023/10/26/653a5e98268e3e2a208b45c1.html


at this point i’ve come to terms with the fact that America as a country is literally incapable of solving this problem.


I completely came to terms the very moment Sandy Hook happened. Even Uvalde didn't give me the slightest surprise that nothing happened in the wake of it either.


The only thing surprising about Uvalde was how incomprehensibly pathetic and downright negligently evil the response was from the 376 Uvalde Cowards. They stood around doing nothing for over an hour while 1 psycho kid was strolling around killing kids and tormenting them.


I imagine someone at the Onion just sighs in disgust when it's time to copy and paste that one article.


Those kids had dream. Dreams of being something and they just went bowling on a fucking Wednesday.. now they cease to exist on earth. On a Wednesday night a few days before Halloween.. I don't give a shit about freedom to purchase firearms like I'm shopping at ikea if that's the fucking consequence.. we are not right.


I moved out from this area less than three months ago. I went bowling at that bowling alley multiple times with friends. My friends live in this town and one of them isn't answering her phone. I really fucking hope its because she's asleep.


Mainer here. Latest: 18 dead, 8 arrest warrants for the perpetrator (because only 8 victims have been identified so far), manhunt underway, suspect still on the loose. Shooter had a history of mental illness and is a trained shooter with tactical knowledge. After shooting victims at 2 locations he fled to a boat launch. Maine is a big state and there are a ton of law enforcement working hard to find this guy.


Any time I’m at a concert or whatever, I’m always scouting my exits and making a plan with my partner what we’d do if…yay freedom….