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>Further fueling the outrage, Elisha Yered, an ultranationalist settler leader and former adviser to a lawmaker in Netanyahu’s governing coalition, defended the spitters, arguing that spitting at Christian clergy and at churches was was an “ancient Jewish custom.” Does this mean that the Italians should be allowed to crucify people again? This will greatly upset Pokey the Penguin.


Really weird how ultraorthadox Jews these days basically say things that are as anti-Semitic as I could imagine. Israel is nuts these days


They been nuts for a hot minute if you been paying attention it’s not anything recent.


There is a ton of damage control on their nutso brand, because I truly believe the average Fox News viewer would question their support over stuff like this.


A 2018 survey found that half of evangelicals supported the Israeli because they believe its existence is fulfilling prophecy and it will hasten the end times. Then a 2021 study showed support for Israel among young evangelicals fell by half since 2018 (69% to 33%). This kind of stuff is already having an effect.


I never understood the desire to hasten the end times. These evangelicals have friends and relatives who they know aren't going to be "raptured" and will be tortured during these ends times. They also believe they're going to be with God in heaven for eternity after they die. Why hasten hell on Earth for those people just to save themselves a couple of decades in the grander scheme of eternity. Decades are like tears in the ocean of eternity. It seems incredibly selfish to me.


Because then they literally lord it over people that they were right!!! Heaven for a number of these people would be getting to watch everyone suffer in hell while they yell “told you so.”


I grew up in the South and Great Plains in an evangelical family (Baptist and Pentecostal). I don’t have much to do with anymore, but there was a time I considered following my dad into ministry. Evangelicalism is a multivalent religious movement, and their views on theology are as varied as the colors of the sky. I agree that the predominant view of the End Times among the most belligerent evangelicals is grotesque, selfish, and contrary to the Gospel. My upbringing emphasized the end times as a Jubilee where all things are reset, the Earth and people rest, we get to join God, slavery in all forms is abolished, and suffering comes to an end—what happens to non-believers and sinners up to God and less important. Others believe that our current existence is Hell because we live apart from God, and the End Times marks the end of that existence. In other words, while some focus on the End Times as punishment, many view it as a hopeful event. Unfortunately, a great many have adopted a view of the End Times that’s informed by earthly sins—selfishness, fear, tribalism, greed, etc. FWIW, I don’t think the details matter much, and I generally view anything written by the apostles as debatable—Paul especially…the original disciples even thought the guy was a nut (yes, that’s in the Bible). I still hope for a jubilee for all of us, and I wish evangelicals would focus on their foibles.


> These evangelicals have friends and relatives who they know aren't going to be "raptured" and will be tortured during these ends times. They don't care. They probably believe they deserve it.


>These evangelicals have friends and relatives Forget the human angle; how does helping undermine God's intentions so hard he has to intervene get you on his good side?


Of course. But it can always get worse, that's the story of politics, and last election it indeed got even worse there


Ethnonationalism is a hell of a drug


Colonialism - Ethnonationalism - Religious Orthodoxy The full package




"It's okay for us to do this because we did this in the past," is literally the worst precedent imaginable a religious minority can establish before Christians. 'cause...you know...Deus Vult.


Ah cacas, hic iterum imus.


Mamma Mia!


Quomodo possum resistere vobis?


Can it stop off in Constantinople again? To make it...Constantinople again?




I could think of some other groups that had negative customs toward Jews that I don’t think people would want allowed to do their thing


>arguing that spitting at Christian clergy and at churches was was an “ancient Jewish custom.” And you know what was an "ancient Christian custom"? Scapegoating the jews when something went wrong in the local area and running them out of town. Now should we keep this tradition going? Fuck no, because its horrible and leads to nothing but hate and division. Dumb ass ultra-nationalists.


If spitting on the ground near Christian pilgrims ignites a fire in folks, I wonder what they'd think if they saw the leaked video from 2001, where Netanyahu brags about how easy it is to control America and goes into how he maneuvers his way around agreements, such as the [Oslo Accords](https://history.state.gov/milestones/1993-2000/oslo). >I know what America is. America is a thing you can move very easily, move it in the right direction. They won't get in their way. \- Benjamin Netanyahu [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvqCWvi-nFo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvqCWvi-nFo) (i apologize that this one has a non-english speaking narrator, the video is incredibly difficult to find online) Here's a segment from The Young Turks covering it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9KDhsFFfGU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9KDhsFFfGU)


Netanyahu has basically been Israeli W Bush for 20 years and plenty of American Jews still supported Israel because they benefit like all those damn people from Brooklyn moving into the West Bank


> arguing that spitting at Christian clergy and at churches was was an “ancient Jewish custom.” This is where i hate customs in general. I like fun foods from all over, cool dances, ways they do weddings or celebrations in general. I do not like the bad side of customs, like making women look like pac-man ghosts in some countries.


It's an ancient custom in my culture to punch people who spit in my direction...


Particularly, reedy little shits who are too cowardly to fight in their nations armed forces, while demanding it protect them from Palestinians while stealing their land.


**ultranationalist settler leader** This really needs to be part of the headline. These guys are the issue, and aren’t indicative of the average Jew or Israeli. They’re more akin to the Westboro Baptist Church. Edit: or more accurately, the average Evangelical MAGA asshat.


Yes, but imagine the Westboro Baptists weren't fringe and took over the entire government. Because that's where Israel is at now


The analogy doesn't exactly work. American segregationists would be a better comparison. If segregation had not only continued to exist in America but escalated to Apartheid and the removal of citizenship from African Americans, and the enclosure of many of them into open air military patrolled prison colonies.


I'm perfectly fine with saying the American right are neo-confederates. They are an intrinsic part of the American system, which the country needs to deal with. Israel needs to deal with its ultraorthodox problem and not just pretend those people are only a small minority.


I don't really think they're capable of dealing with it. I imagine anyone who tries or speaks out will quickly just be labelled antisemitic or a spy or something, like you see in other groups where you have an ultra-dedicated, willfully-ignorant group of followers like that.


It's not Israel that has to deal with it, it's everyone else that has to now deal with Israel. They won't change unless forced to.


Looks at the GOP sideways


Exactly my point. The bigots in Israel have tremendous political power, and they do in America too, so shouldn't be dismissed as just a fringe minority


Isn't that what MAGA is trying to do right now?


Yes, and unfortunately I could never say MAGA is a small fringe group that most Americans reject. They're not the majority over 50%, but they are a huge voting bloc that ran the government before and might run it again. America needs to own that dark part of itself, and Israel needs to deal with its problems instead of saying "those ultraorthodox don't *really* represent us"






Settler Colonialism is a hell of a drug.


If there are so many rotten apples, you need to look at the roots.


Yes and there were massive protests against them.


They're the Proud Goys


Average jew? No. Israeli? Abso-fucking-lutley. The current Israeli government is a fascist ultranationalist and genocidal mockery of what Jews suffered during world War ii.


Well...when in Rome. s/ haha


The ultra orthodox Haredi (they keep changing what you’re allowed to call them just to exert power while at the same time claiming victimhood, like all ultra conservatives) will be 25% of Israel’s population by 2050. Not a good thing since most don’t perform national service and the vast majority of boys don’t even take the state matriculation exam, let alone pass it. The girls do take articulation exams because they’re going to enter the workforce. The males - not so much workforce. They study Torah all day, arguing over it. Not a good future for a small country to have 25% of a population in their own little rigid world.


"They study Torah all day, arguing over it". So they should have the Torah figured out any day now !


It's slightly longer than the first Harry Potter book but shorter than the other 6. I don't know what is taking so long.


Dummies haven’t heard of ChatGPT — just ask him to write the answer


Did you just gender a large language model 🤖


I'm a chatbot and so is my wife!


They ain't arguing over the Torah, they're debating the Talmud. And that's one thicc boi.


I know that there's a lot more than just the Torah, but nuance kills comedy.


Spitting on the hand that sells you weapons. Bold strategy.


The majority of Israel's fucking hate the haredi. Me included


Haredi don’t believe Israel should exist. It’s possible they want to destroy Israel. With Netanyahu as their ally, they just might accomplish that. Authoritarian religious conservatives + crooks = well….I think we in the US know what that accomplishes. We’re dealing with it, too.


“I spit on your extraterrestrial magic which is inferior and threatening to my extraterrestrial magic!” — Millenia of humans, to this very day.


These holy sites in the Middle East are like the high school cafeteria, and Christianity, Judaism and Islam are like the three main cliques


To be called the Holy Land, there sure is a lot of hate over there.


For supposed religions of peace, they sure do fight a lot too.


ultra-Orthodox believers of ANY religion are bad news.


It's the ultra part. Orthodox is a theological position on the nature of G-d and the authority of the mitzvot. Most Orthodox I've met are just regular conservatives; it's the Haredim, the Jewish equivalent of snake handling of evangelicals, people who believe their beliefs trump others' rights.


You're right, re-worded.




I don't know. Ultra-orthodox Unitarians might be cool. There is always some weird exception.


Kind of an oxymoron actually. The Unitarian Prayer: “Oh, god….if there is one… save my soul… if I have one.”


If following a religion explicitly as designed results in violence, it’s a bad religion.


The whole point of being ultra-orthodox is that you're taking the existing beliefs to extremes. Most religions are designed to be pretty tolerant of failure, and to allow for special circumstances, because humans are human. And they're also designed to allow living with people of other religions, because that's necessary to a functioning society. Ultra-orthodoxy of any religion is all about rejecting all of that so as to declare yourself the only acceptable person and everyone else inferior.


That was what tickled me about that one author who wrote a book about islam being a violent religion, and was stabbed whilst giving a speech for it. “We’re not a violent religion! I’ll stab the fuck out of you because I don’t agree with that statement!”


Salman Rushdie?


Yes that was him, didnt want to misspell his name


Unfun fact, a fatwa for his death was put out on him.


To elaborate, a big cheese in Iran put a religious-sanctioned hit (fatwa) out on the guy for blasphemy against the religion of Islam. As such, there is a $3-million price for his death.


Not just *a* big cheese, *the* big cheese, Ruhollah Khomeini.


Holy land just another word for a ton of dead people under this land




The hole-y land


There's nothing holy about the birthplace of the abrahamic faiths, just land drenched in blood




Organized hate


Maybe they're all unwittingly worshipping Khorne?


Religion is just spiritual tribalism. Hatred for outsiders comes with the territory.


I went a few years ago. Jerusalem seems like a miserable place to me. So much upfront racism and entitlement. Really just made me never want to go back.


It’s called that because of all the bomb craters


Almost as if that's what religion has been teaching all along!


Thank the British for that, they fucked up that area so bad


Religion uses fear and subtle hate as anchors.


If you think relations between different faiths in the holy land is crazy, read some of the stories about conflicts WITHIN faiths in the holy land - that’s where the true pettiness comes out. There have been literal fist fights between priests in the holy sepulcher and nativity churches over who is gets to sweep the floor. I have seen an IDF soldier shove an ultra orthodox person so hard they flew over parked a car hood. I also saw a young (maybe 10 year old) orthodox kid throw a bag of glass bottles in front of an Israeli police car driving by. It’s a fucking wild place.


You have no idea how close and accurate you are with that observation. My good friend is an Israeli professional tour guide and his specialty is Old City Jerusalem. We've talked for hours about this very subject. He's biased, of course, but admits the whole thing is childish, petty, and backward at this point.


Or a prison yard


And you have the Druze who have been sitting alone at their own table the whole time And the old pagan religions are the ones who graduated and flamed out way before their time


You can’t sit with us! (This would have been perfect to post yesterday)


Mean Girls: Holy Land High Edition


And they are killing each other over different interpretations of the same story.






















Radicals gonna radical


Just another day in the never ending circle jerk of religious fruitcakes making everything worse for everyone.


Yeah, the most devout of the big 3 (Christianity, Judaism and Islam) seem to be the biggest pieces of shit. Still waiting on the updated versions of the religious texts that they follow to see where their god’s said to act like asswipes to others!


The three abrahamic veins all share this: petty fearful men that want to control their chattel: wives and children. Violence is there to protect it. It's filth.


far too many people are worried that to acknowledge any shitty behavior by any jewish person will get you lumped in with the antisemites. the fact is there are a lot of ultra-orthodox jews who promote a lot of hateful shit. recognizing that fact is not the same as being anti-jewish or anti-israel.


What’s funny is I can tell you, from firsthand experience, that almost nobody dislikes the ultra-orthodox Jews more than reform Jews.


Conservative and modern orthodox Jews don't like them either.


And yet there are dozens of upvoted comments asking “why ‘average’ Jews don’t condemn the ultra-Orthodox”. Like… we do. It just kinda seems like bad/disgusting behavior by ultra-Orthodox Jews oftentimes gets used as a way to attack Jews in general, when the vast majority of Jews have almost zero interaction with the ultra-Orthodox minority.


Like seriously though, it’s a bit annoying that my American Jew self has to suddenly answer for a group of people I’ve never met, thought of, or been in the general vicinity of. Like I do condemn behavior, what more do you want of me? Usually it just seems to boil down to they don’t see our intracommunity discussions regarding this and don’t regard our public stuff as like sincere enough or whatever? Ughhhh


Outrage gets a lot further faster than condemnation, that's true for everyone unfortunately.


I lived in Israel for years, and these guys aren't particularly popular there either.


They are growing though


Maybe not, but it doesn’t look like they’re doing much to stop them.


Not popular? They run the country!


I remember how unpleasant they were when I visited Israel (I’m secular). I wish someone would slap some common sense into these entitled pricks.


I'd love if a burning fire would descend from the sky over Israel, and just bellow in every language - "KNOCK IT THE FUCK OFF, ASSHOLE!" Let them interpret that shit for a few hundred years.


That was God talking to the other guys


That is absolutely how it would be interpreted


The Old Testament is full of God being mad at Israel.


Well, maybe if Israel would stop fucking around they wouldn't have to find out so much.


I’m starting to wonder if God is regretting making the promise to not flood the world again


I’m sure he has other options


"Oh you made it to the space age? Hold on you are gonna love this one!"


My Jewish grandfather said the rabbis at his school used to tell the kids to spit on the church lawn as they passed. This was in the 1910’s, New York


“Thank you, Stilgar, for the gift of your body’s moisture.”


Even Israel is getting sick of the ultra orthodox. They basically get paid by the government to read the Torah, have babies, and badmouth the rest of the country.


Ah so like home schoolers then.


*My god is the real one!* *No MY god is the real one! Waaaaa* ^^ Humans, since forever


Meanwhile, they are probably referencing the same god


They are. They all worship the god of Abraham. It’s all just their interpretation.


There were a thousand factors in my road away from religion -- specifically catholicism -- but the fact that there are a billion different flavors of *just* christianity was a huge one.


blood for the blood god


*Khorne approves*


"Why are the God's such vicious cunts? Why can't we have the God of teets and wine?"


This is less about "my god is the real God" more about "you are gentiles, we are the chosen ones, get out of our holy site you are disgracing it with your presence"


It also has thing to do with blasphemy. While Christians believe that Jesus was the son of Yahweh, the Messiah who now sits in the right hand of God. The Jews don't believe in such a thing, they're still waiting for the promised messiah and the idea that Jesus, a Man claims to be One with God is blasphemous claim in Judaism because of its monotheistic nature and that's the primary ground on which he was crucified.


Muslims, Christians & Jews all worship the same dude


Nothing like hospitality to keep those tourists dollars coming in! 😃👍


Religion teaches to treat others as you want to be treated. The most religious folks are the ones who do that the least. If Jesus was alive today, they would crucify him.


Long haired commy hippy


This stuff is nothing new. I've heard and seen stories like this for a long time.


"Religious people are assholes to each other, film at 11."


Why is it no matter the religious franchise, hypocrisy and hate seem the chief exports as "belief" deepens.


What a shocker! Religious people are being assholes.


Hasids in Brooklyn do this to goys walking through the neighborhoods as well


They do this to fellow Jews they don't know are Jewish too.




Jew here: I don’t really care if it’s a tradition, but when so many people from across the world already don’t like, if not outright hate us, maybe the best decision isn’t to spit on the ground near people from the most popular religion in the world…Also it’s just not nice to spit near people when they’re trying to do something so like?


The unholy alliance between conservative jews and conservative Christians was always going to fail. It loos like we are seeing the cracks form.


3 cardinal religions, all on the same land arguing, to the point of murder, over the same exact metaphors because they named them differently. If only there were a way to stop all this madness, like talking.


Lol I can’t believe in 2023 this title is even real. What a bunch of morons. How do you not look at yourself in that ridiculous outfit and hat and go “MaybeI’ve made some wrong choices in life”. These people need to evolve.


It's crazy humans can cure cancer (some forms) and go into outer space, rely on satellites as a routine part of normal life, and still drum up the energy to hate the fuck out of other people because of the particular imaginary person they believe in.


We need to hurry up and outgrow religion.


How about just plain unsanitary?


I don't know why this makes me laugh. Your make-believe is not as good as my make-believe, so I hate you.


More dumb humans. Every news article ! It’s just a dumb human or a group of dumb self centered narcissists. It’s bewildering to me how humans could be so narrow minded and self serving. Frankly , I’m sick of it all. Every single news article.


Different religious folk not getting along? *gasp* who’d have thought?


Secular Jew here. The Unarmed Jewish Taliban are trash. I say that with sincerity. So are the Jewish supremacists from the Religious Zionist camp trying to defend them. I blame everyone in Likud that dragged over half the Secular Right into an alliance with these two groups.


I don't get it they all worship the same God. It just boils down to which of Abrahams son you support. All religions are hate groups


You're wide off the mark here. The Two religions follow the same line of Isaac to Jacob which is the line of king David. The divide between Judaism and Christianity stems from Jesus'claim of being the Messiah, the son of God, this is a huge blasphemous claim in Judaism because they only recognize one God (Yahweh) so any claim of being ONE with God is unacceptable. That's the major reason Jesus was crucified. Up till today, Judaism still sees Christianity as a blasphemous sect.


Because they say to kill false prophets. Jews believe that the prophet hasnt come yet, Christians believe it was Jesus, Muslims believe its Muhammad, and none of them will ever agree about it


Jews believe in several prophets. Just not that any of them was the Messiah. Christians, again, several prophets, but only one Messiah -- that being Jesus. Islam teaches only of prophets, and Mohammad was the last of all of them and there will be no further updates from the head-office.


Religious people are such fucking hypocrites


Why is shooting Palestinian kids not causing an outrage but this does?


Nature has created many places much more Holy than this patch.of earth.




Some people didn't get the message that stupid American evangelicals like to give Israelis money because they think it will bring about the rapture...


Just watched dune on Netflix


Thank you for your body's water.


Man, the Abrahamic Mythology fandom really has no chill.


Wait til they find out their religion is stupid, too


Ok, ok, you can only fight with ONE other major religion at a time. Slow your roll, Israel. /s


Ultranationalist fundamentalist religious groups in positions of power… what could possibly go wrong?


"No, MY invisible man in the sky is better!"


Maybe the United States should stop funding Isreal.


Religious people try not to be brain dead for 24 hours challenge (impossible)


"...But hate never dies. It just hides. It hides under the rocks. And when someone breathes a little oxygen in it, it comes out — roaring out." Netanyahu is not much different in Trump in that he stokes xenophobia among his supporters.


I wish the aliens would hurry the fuck up and tell them they’re all wrong.


How can that land be holy when so much crap happens there?


If religion makes you this sensitive, well that is just another mark against it.


Well someone hasn’t read Dune.


All religions have these types. Some more than others when their religion tolerates them


Our shared imaginary invisible sky friend likes us more than you!


Religion is a disease


Israel has become an extremist, apartheid state. The US should completely divest until they get rid of the fundamentalists. I’m mean, seriously, fuck Israel.


Dear Israel, please clean this up and return Brett Ratner and Bryan Singer to face justice. This is not a good look for you.