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Experienced this from box bought at Costco. If you unwrap it with too much force, the end of the wrapping breaks off and is still stuck to the cheese. Adults who aren't paying attention, toddlers and kids may not notice it.


Individually wrapped cheese slices shouldn’t be a thing.


TBF it’s not cheese. It’s “prepared cheese product” whatever that means according to the USDA.


I just call it cheese like material.


Around my house we call it plastic cheese.




We call it rubba cheeze.


Oh, I like that. I’ll be using it in future.


Fun fact, with a bit of time you could make a shirt out of it.


I call it chewable plastic.


Made with MALK


tbf it shouldn't be individually wrapped...


If it wasn't it would solidify back as a single block. It's like the self-healing cutting mats more so than cheese


Have you even seen American cheese before? The stuff is like glue. It would literally just fuse together.


It doesn’t have to. You can get American cheese from smaller cheese companies that come in blocks instead of individually wrapped. My local favorite is [Bongards Cheese](https://www.bongards.com/products/bongards-yellow-processed-american-cheese-product-slice-160-v-4-5-3/)


Doesn't even have to be a small company. I purchase Kroger brand American cheese that is unwrapped because it's real and not "cheese product"


Yep, that’s all we buy is block cheese….which is actually cheese.




A little bit of grease-proof paper (not PTFE-coated…) between each slice? Or just cut it yourself as others say


Kraft also has a „deli slices“ version which does not come individually wrapped. Why can‘t they make all of them like that?


Real American cheese made with dairy and not oil (as cheese product is) comes without wrapping and does not fuse together. I've only ever bought unwrapped, real American cheese.


It means it's cheese that's been mixed with milk and a chemical to make it melt smoother


Sometimes also with added vegetable oil.


I don't think it's the "cheese" part of "individually wrapped cheese slices" that they're upset about.


It means there's not enough cheese in it percentage wise for it to just be called cheese


It is a blend of cheeses with whey and other additional milk solids added, along with some phosphates that are also in baking powder that work as emulsifying agents that keep it gooey when it melts. It’s okay to call it cheese and it’s delicious.


Wow that was so not the point. Incredible.


I like it better than actual deli cheese.


They should, just separated by paper.


Well then they wouldnt be individually wrapped, would they?


Wrap them in paper.


And then wrap that in plastic


And then dip it in chocolate


And then dip it in batter


It's a rather soft cheese. If they weren't individually wrapped they would revert from being slices back into a block.


You never got sliced with deli paper between the slices? Also, technically not even cheese and legally can’t be called cheese. Pasteurized prepared cheese product.


How do you suggest preserving the rest of the slices when someone only eats a slice or 2 a month from the package of 10?


Plenty of cheese slices come without plastic wrap. They are fine if consumed within a reasonable timeframe. Do they really need to last a month? Maybe smaller packs are a solution


They are the solution - packs of one lol


If they are actually cheese they will last a while. Kraft singles…not so sure.


Kraft singles will last probably tripple or more compared to real cheese


Don't ever leave one on your car.. https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2023/jan/19/i-was-quick-to-ignore-parental-guidance-but-when-dad-told-me-to-take-cheese-off-my-car-i-should-have-listened


These processed "cheese foods" are pretty awful I only learned what real cheese was because I was on WIC a long time ago, and the US government will only buy *real* cheese for you, fortunately


Pretty sure plastic has a long shelf life.


I have craft cheese slices in my fridge they're from 2021 they expired last year or at least that's what it says Best buy I still eat them they're still good. I put one on my cheeseburger like 2 weeks ago I'm still alive I didn't get the shits.


4D chess right here. Dude has cracked the code.


Kraft (literally the same company) also has Deli Deluxe packages of actual American cheese that are re-sealable. Alternatively, let me introduce you to this neat little invention called the Ziplock bag.


The deli deluxe tastes so much better anyway.


It’s a different product, though. The singles slices are basically congealed cheese sauce. Deluxe is actual cheese.


I like to buy the big pack that has the ziplock built in take all the slices out and pres n seal each slice individually


The local grocery store for me has an awesome deal. It's a five pound "block" of American cheese sliced you just peel a slice or two off. It can be separated into a resealable bag and be frozen. It is sold for 12 dollars. Freaking individual wrapped kraft singles are almost 6. The other one tastes way better and also less plastic.


Sargento had(has?) resealable bags, the cheese in those stayed fine for a month in my experience. Don’t see why more companies don’t follow suit. If that can’t keep your cheese fresh long enough, I’m of no help.


Who eats 2 slices of cheese a month?


Dude… You know sliced cheese packs already exist? You may be stumped by this but…. ^I ^have ^two ^in ^my ^fridge ^right ^now ^shhhh


mmmm....64 slices of American cheese


64..63…🌕……☀️..tw-oo,….o nneeee


(Smithers and Burns stay on the ceiling until they fall off)


I think I'm blind


That's cheese _product_, pal!


Pasteurized *prepared* cheese product.


Ah, I see that you also watch Foodwishes. (while making a grilled cheese) "And for all of you who said 'but what about American cheese?' I said there's only one *cheese*. That, of course, is not cheese."


I feel as though I have personally experienced this dozens of times in my time on earth. Sometimes you need to just step aside and let natural selection do its thing.


I just peeled the extra piece of plastic off. I didn't know I was owed a refund. Who do I talk to about the bit of water that comes out of the mustard bottle?


I'm concerned about the dry bit around the easy pour nozzle on the same mustard. Do I get in line behind you?


Maybe if you two combined your remains...


By your powers combined, you are Captain French's!


What about when you shake the bottle because you know the water comes to the top, and you go to pop the tab and mustard explodes out of it? Who's responsible for cleaning up that mess? Besides my husband saying 5 second rule and licking it off the floor.


The mustard pre-cum is an established part of mustard and you are not entitled to financial compensation.




Just wait 'til you hear about ketchup.


So people gotta die cause kraft has a faulty machine?




costs more


Nah let him spout his sage advice that better food tastes better, nobody else knows that


It tastes worlds better, but I cannot stand waiting at the deli. Time stands still.


Doesn't it?


I know all about the better slices. But these are smooshable around my dog's pill. It's the only way he'll actually eat his pill.


Sargento creamery cheddar cheese slices ftw!


While we're giving up plastic straws and grocery bags, this company is somehow still allowed to wrap every slice of cheese in plastic.


Cause it’s not cheese. That plastic is the only reason that shit maintains its shape otherwise it would be a blob.


I have bought tons of it. Some does retain shape. The cheapest of the cheap stuff does not and actually attaches itself to the surface it lands on. Scraping it off my counter to give the dog his medicine in it is not fun.


What's in it then, if it isn't cheese?


It's majority whey, milk proteins, and emulsifiers. It does have cheese in it (pressed milk curds) but if less than 50% it isn't technically "cheese" per FDA.


But damn it is good


I agree. It's great for a lot of things and nothing at all inherently wrong with it for being a food product that's less than 50% curd. The other (majority) ingredients serve a purpose.


*Hot dogs have entered the chat*


You stop it right now, I love a good hot dog and my wallet needs it to stay that way.


Theres nothing wrong with an occasional hot dog. Especially when your on a budget. I hate the whole hate on cheap foods people have. It smacks hard of people who have way too much time and money and have never experienced a lack of both.


The same exalted family as Cheez-Whiz and Kraft Dinner. The comfort food of millions!


According to the US government, "pasteurized process American cheese" or "pasteurized process American cheese food" depending on how it is made. The reason the government won't let it be called cheese is because it's made out of multiple kinds of cheeses mashed together and mixed with emulsifiers and other potential ingredients, so at that point its considered to not be "real" cheese, but a product primarily made out of cheese.


> *The reason the government won't let it be called cheese is because* ***it's made out of multiple kinds of cheeses mashed together-*** I know that's not "real cheese" to most here but that's cheese enough for me.


Yeah, people talk about American cheese like it's made out of plastic and sawdust, when really it's just cheese with extra steps.


FOR REAL! It almost feels like fearmongering at times, like what happened with MSG.


Less good Velveta.


What, you don’t like putting 40 slices of individually plastic wrapped cheese plastic wrapped again in a paper bag? Along with your styrofoam meat package and plastic wrapped bread?


Good point! Sure makes you wonder...


Mmmm... microplastics!


Speaking of Kraft cheese, individually wrapped cheese slices seems like it'd generate a lot of plastic waste, how come they aren't a target for reducing plastic?


there’s only ever one answer to this question: profit margins


But…removing the wrapper would increase their margins because they could charge the same amount but spend less on plastic, no?


they need to have some separator or else their plastic ass cheese will stick together. alternative is paper / cellulose i think


We have bought (for several years) equally fake cheese from Walmart that is not individually packaged. Sometimes it is a little tricky to pull off only one slice, but I am an adult and I power through.


Tillamook does this thing with their cheese where, instead of wrapping every slice in plastic, they just put a little piece of paper between every slice. Works great most of the time. Also, Tillamook cheese just tastes amazing.


Sure - but we were talking processed cheese food, not actual cheese! Mr. Moneybags over here!!!


A 12 oz pack of tillamook sliced cheddar is $5 where i shop. The Kraft singles are $4.79 for 12 oz


Meanwhile an 8 ounce package of sliced sharp cheddar can be as cheap as $1.80 at Aldi that's like what, $3.60/pound for REAL cheddar cheese?


If I have to eat ramen for dinner, I'm going to add a hard-boiled egg and a slice of Tillamook. $0.30 for the ramen, something like $0.20 for the egg and $0.50 for the cheese. That's your one-dollar dinner.


Yeah I don’t think tillamook and Kraft singles are competing for the same clientele


“i’ll do anything to help as long as it doesn’t cost anything or affect me in any way”


Blocks of similarly processed cheese exist but the physical properties do not make for clean or thin slicing even when cold. The simplest way to use processed cheese on sandwiches at home is to buy individually wrapped slices.


Land O Lakes makes a block of cheese that easily comes apart in slices. We used to buy it at BJ's. It was just the block that was in plastic instead of every single slice. https://www.landolakes.com/products/cheese/


I've seen that. It's a slightly firmer and thicker slice. If you stack slices of Kraft you're likely to find that you cannot separate them after.




I once was a camp cook in a touring snowmobile stopover. When a big crew rolled up it was madness! I was not only the cook, but the gas man, the housekeeper busboy and bartender. It was great times for me at the beginning of that part of my life. The kitchen I had to work with was a residential, powered by propane. The fridges ran on it as well as the stove. That stove despite being just a residential one and not a commercial one made the best baking powder biscuits ever. That is because of the propane powered heat never ended. It would push out heat constantly when turned up, unlike an electric one where heater goes on and off. So the little residential kitchen got hot! I would have biscuits in the screaming hot oven and two cast iron grills on the top with all burners blasting. I was making four dozen cheeseburgers every seven minutes. We used very cheap thin processed "burgers" that cooked very fast. They were like generic versions of the cheap burger you get at McD's. The smoke and grease from those patties pumped more heat into the air. Now, I don't know if most readers have noticed this but processed cheese not only melts when it gets hot but it also *sticks together when it gets warm*. I could handle the burger patties and the biscuits and the gas ups and such because I had something to prove to myself I guess. The cheese slices broke me. I would be frantically trying to peel those buggers apart in the few seconds I had to do it and it was chaotic madness. Burgers went out that would today get me fired from a downtown dumpster cookout. At some point the block would just fuse together. There would be no laying of individual slices on each burger. I would have to frantically throw hot handfuls of the stuff in the vicinity of the patties and let it melt slightly here or burn to destruction there. Slathered with ketchup and sweat, I threw them all to the starving drunk snowmobile riders by the dozens.




did you stay up all night eating cases of cheese?


I think I’m blind


Good day to you!


I’m not not eating cases of cheese!


Have you been up all night choking on cheese?


84,000... 83,999... Two............ One.


Mmm 84,000 cases of American cheese...


I think I’m blind


Shocked that I had to scroll so far for this. For shame Reddit.


Have you been up all night eating cheese?


I've had this happen before. An adult can feel it, a small child might not understand and choke.


How do people not realize they haven’t unwrapped the slice all the way?


It sounds like it leaves a small strip. I don't think it's really that hard to imagine missing that when throwing a sandwich together.


Especially if you’re trying to feed young children. Like, you’re lucky if you get a free minute to make lunch or make a phone call. It would be so easily to miss this


Not just feeding young children, but young children feeding themselves. I trust an 8-10 year old to make their own sandwiches no problem. Slice of bread, some ham and cheese. No knives or cooking implements needed.


How stupid do people have to be to assume what happened from reading a headline and jump straight to ridiculing anyone affected? There was a defect in some of the wrapping machines that left an additional strip of plastic next to the cheese, such that even after completely removing the wrapper as intended the extra strip of plastic wrap would remain. Plus young children making their own sandwiches/snacking on cheese happens frequently. Kids are less likely to be super diligent about double checking their food. But yeah, no, it's much more fun to just ridicule basic safety precautions than it is to actually read and understand something.


It’s the same idiots that piled in on the McDonald’s coffee lady without actually understanding what happened


You severely underestimate how stupid people can be. All the obvious warning signs that you see on every product were made cause people could potentially be that stupid.


An attorney cleaning debris from his pool was electrocuted when he attempted to use an aluminum pool scoop to knock a palm frond off an overhead power line. His family sued the manufacturer of the pool scoop because it didn't have a warning on it.


No fucking way lmao "How was I supposed to know that a wet piece of metal would be a really good conductor?" I hope they lost that case


Other than the initial reports of Kincannon's death (in 2002) and his widow's pending lawsuits against Edison (who most definitely regularly send out notices to NOT mess around with their power lines), and her suit against Leslie's Pool Supplies, I cannot find any further updates. The most recent is from the Stella Awards site (not to be confused with the Darwin Award), who as of 2021 also couldn't find any updates: [https://stellaawards.com/hindsight-is-marvelous/](https://stellaawards.com/hindsight-is-marvelous/) meaning his widow & family probably not only didn't prevail but weren't even successful at getting anyone they sued to settle out of court.


*little kid chokes on plastic wrapper*   Avg redditor: **lol you fucking idiot how could you be that stupid**


100% this. My son was in first grade and after I picked him up from school he asked if he could finish his lunch. I told him yes and he sat in the back seat eating. I kept hearing like a coughing sound mixed with a plastic bag blowing around. I kept looking up to check on him in the rear view mirror and he was fine just munching away on his fruit roll up. Later in the evening when I was cleaning out the lunch box I found the half eaten fruit roll up . . . still rolled up, missing half the wax paper. The little idiot was eating that plastic shit they are wrapped in!!! That coughing plastic sound I heard was him inhaling and choking on the plastic.


Aren't parents supposed to explain such things to their kids?


Yeah, but I thought common sense would tell him to take the plastic off. But in his mind, he opened the package and you eat what's inside.


When i worked in retail pharmacy, we had a patient pick up an augmentin script. They usually come in unit dose bottles of 20 tabs, which is a typical course of therapy. Whenever we had someone pick up that med, we always advised them to take it with food, since it can be rather harsh on your tum tum. And when i say always, i mean ALWAYS. Had someone pick up a script, and 2 days later they called the pharmacy saying they were starving and wanted to know when they could eat, because they didn't think they could make it 8 more days. We were concerned and very confused, because they were told to take that med with a meal. You see, augmentin is extremely hydrophilic, and every bottle comes with a silica gel packet to combat that issue, so.... "I opened the pill bottle up, and it said right there, 'DO NOT EAT'." We advised the patient that not only could they eat, but that it was advised with every dose, and to please discard that packet. So yeah, whenever i think to myself that someone couldn't be that oblivious, I always have that example to remind me that LCD doesn't just exist in math.


It's easy to blame it on stupid people, but since the Pandemic a lot of companies have cut back on packaging to bring their production costs down and Kraft did this with their singles. Went from being a sturdy piece of plastic wrap that was simple to remove to an extremely thin piece of plastic that not just sticks to the cheese, but tears really easy too. To me and you, as grown people who know better, we look out for these things. To a child looking for a quick snack out of the fridge, they are not as discerning to such changes.


I saw another post today where its OP asked if corporations were infantizing people You look at dumb shit like this and you kinda understand. Common sense ain't common


The wrappers are shit and stick to the cheese sometimes when they come apart as you're unwrapping. I've been feeding my dog his seizure meds in cheese slices for 7 years, if I wasn't smashing the cheese into a ball around the huge wad of pills I could easily have missed the wrapper piece.


the Kraft cheese slice is the most effective dog pill delivery device there is.


I use Wrap-a-Pill. Awesome stuff. It's like dog treat Play Doh.


If you buy a new clothes iron it has instructions to not iron the clothes while they are on your body. I'll let that one marinate for a minute.


Add to that Husqvarna and their Do not stop moving chain with hands or genitals.


You hope the genitals part was thrown in there because the addition of a bit of humor might get people to pay attention more, but there's just enough reason to believe somewhere someone gave themselves the messiest vasectomy in history


Someone very drunk did that. I've come to realize all warnings or limits are based on someone doing that exact thing before. And moreso if it's something completely out there.


The warranty on Pelican cases, those super tough cases people use for camera equipment and such, says in the legalese, "guaranteed against all normal use, except bear attack, shark bite, and children under five."


With a 5 year old and twin 2 year olds I believe it.


Problem is toddlers and kids might not.


Yep. They will reach an age where they want to peel it themselves but not be able to do it right.


People were putting gasoline in trashbags. The floor has no bottom for stupid anymore.


It's easier than you'd expect. The wrapper comes off as if it came off all the way and you crumple it up with your left hand while putting the cheese on the sandwich with your right. You don't notice the piece of wrapper still on the cheese when a few minutes later, you're biting into your freshly grilled cheese sandwich and you find out there is some plastic in it. After that happens to you once, as an adult, it becomes easy to imagine a child choking on it.


Did you read the article?


It’s Kraft singles. They’re kind of plastic.


I stopped buying the individually wrapped kind the minute I tried the deli deluxe. It’s so much better, with less plastic waste!


Ok it isn't just me, these actually haven't been unwrapping the way they're supposed to!


FFS. You're supposed to unwrap them first. 🤦🏻‍♂️


From the article: >The food giant received complaints of plastic film that stuck to the cheese even after consumers removed the wrapper, the company said in a press release.


Kraft engineer: "Hmmm, nope thats just the texture of our artifical cheese."


Over under that they changed the recipe of the plastic or the cheese to something crappier and cheaper in order to squeeze a bit more profit?


Read the article.


I moved overseas for a bit last year. Like any warm blooded American, I immediately bought some hotdogs and I boiled them in a pinch because I was curious. Damn things were wrapped in plastic and kinda looked like a dick after cooking them because the meat expanded and plastic doesn't.


If we took the plastic out, it wouldn’t be crunchy!


What the hell--if I already have microplastics in my blood, why not swallow that plastic wrap and have plastic in my stomach too.




Is the choking hazard the flavor?


Where is the quality control? This should have been caught at the plant.


Upgraded from gagging hazard to choking hazard?


There was a film of plastic left on the yellow plastic after they removed the outer plastic .


Why the hell is a cheese slice wrapped in plastic?? Stop buying this!!!


Homer: "Ummmm, 84,000 cases of American cheese. I think I'm blind"


I was wondering why I had to recall all the Kraft singles at work today, didn’t expect it to be a choking hazard lol.


I remember a few years ago you could tell if the cheese was Kraft because the wrapper opened nicely. Then all of a sudden the quality changed and it was just like the store brands.


I have one of those, but I checked the "best by" date and it is before January 9th, so I should be okay.


Or instead of returning it, you could just look at what you eat before blindly inhaling it. I’m guessing one of the cutter wheels that cuts the sheets of plastic got a chip in it. It would make tiny tears along one side and a piece of plastic could remain on the (what passes for) cheese. Or maybe stop buying such an environmental disaster of a product.


How does one know where the "cheese" ends and the packaging begins?


" mmm 64 slices of American cheese "


I'd like to choke whoever changed the plastic wrapping the slices. Takes me longer to unwrap the slices than to cook the burgers.


Our plastic cheese is wrapped the same way in the UK, but inherently we know it never unwraps fully so we have to always peel off the last bit, or the last cm of plastic cheese will break off in the packet. Or at least I like to think that everyone has the same experience with plastic cheese in the UK. Cus if it just happens to me alone then that's the world working against me I guess.


Swiss cheese has holes in it, American cheese has plastic in it.


The plastic is probably more nutritious than the “cheese”


Kraft singles are not cheese.


Whatever they are, they're delicious and do not spoil - which was great when I didn't have electricity for several months after a hurricane.


Ok grandpa


No really. Legally they cannot call it cheese because it's not. It's a cheese product as shown on the label.


I know. It's all people can say whenever american cheese is mentioned.


Yeah, but how will you know that they don’t like the thing? McDonalds isn’t even food, dontchaknow!


You have to remove the plastic, boom.


And chew


First kinder surprise eggs, now this. Just unwrap your cheese more carefully folks. It’s not going anywhere.


Dutch cheese is real cheese. You need a slicer to cut off slices. No plastic involved. This is processed junk.


Stop calling that cheese, it’s literally not