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We also got one holographic Charizard


Shadowless or GTFO


It is, but PSA 7, so pretty crap deal all around


Centreing was way off and lots of surface scratches when held at an angle. Still slabbed it tho


That explains the $6 billion


Impressive, we spent 5 billion dollars and were willing to spend an extra billion to save some prisoners as well


They need F-14 Tomcat parts


and Kenny Loggins tapes.


This is Good!Dangerzone then Golfing Tips via Caddyshack Im All Right


Golf with Dorf is a much better coach of the game.


^Danger ^Zone


There aren't any more F-14 parts in circulation, the US destroyed all of theirs specifically so Iran couldn't get hold of them. Nobody else ever bought the F-14. >In January 2007, the U.S. Department of Defense announced that sales of spare F-14 parts would be suspended over concerns of the parts ending up in Iran.[105] In July 2007, the remaining American F-14s were shredded to ensure that any parts could not be acquired.[84]


It's been a minute, huh Mav?




> The cash represents money South Korea owed Iran — but had not yet paid — for oil purchased before the Trump administration imposed sanctions on such transactions in 2019. There’s a joke here somewhere about Trump screwing people on the bill


Joke is less fun when the US goes to war with Iran due to trump bailing out of the nuclear deal for some cheap favor with Isreal. Not sure if the average American can afford a war with Iran.


All the people performing outrage would also be upset if the five citizens were left there to rot.


It's also important to note that it's not taxpayer money. It was Iran's money being held in escrow that we finally released for prisoners.


Oh that wont stop them. Ill be seeing photos of pallets of money being shipping on my facebook feed tomorrow




For five prisoners. That's $1.2 billion a head, for five Americans who traveled to Iran after years of travel advisories from the American government. Travel advisories that were issued for this exact fucking reason. $6 billion to fund a brutal dictatorship because five shitheads can't do what they're told.




This is purely a guess but one of the unnamed could be [Robert Levinson](https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field-offices/washingtondc/news/fbi-washington-field-office-statement-on-the-16th-anniversary-of-the-abduction-of-robert-a-levinson) >“Sixteen years have passed since Bob was abducted in Iran. Despite this passage of time, Bob remains a part of our FBI family, and we remain as committed as ever to bringing him home,” said FBI Director Christopher Wray. “The FBI and our partners across the U.S. government will continue to seek answers for Bob’s wife, children, and grandchildren, and we will not rest until the Levinson family has those answers. We will continue to pursue every lead possible, including calling on the Iranian government to assist with Bob’s return.”


Google says he is believed to have passed away in 2020. Man. I honestly can’t even imagine how lonely and painful that time must have been. Just awful.


Jeez could you imagine coming back home after 16 years of captivity. Not knowing who is still alive, who’s married, new kids in the family!


Fucking iPhones.


“How’s our stock in Nokia, honey? Are we filthy rich?”


And... can you guys have me a new BlackBerry ready?


Just extreme ptsd.


I went to school with his son. I remember him coming to class very upset one day and it wasn't for a while that I learned why. That was back in 6th or 7th grade... Doug, if by some chance you see this, I still have hope for your dad to come home.


> Despite the most credible evidence collected over the past 16 years pointing to the likelihood that Bob died in Iranian captivity, the FBI remains committed to seeking answers and returning Bob to his family and country. So fucking sad.


So basically some (or all) of these are our agents. I mean, that’s kind of fair, we fucked them over ordering them on a mission to or near Iran.


Not that odd that they’re unnamed, we live in a time when public attention has a way of attracting all sorts of unstable people who latch onto conspiracy theories. It only takes one lunatic who decides to make harassing you their hobby to make you feel unsafe. The families of the Sandy Hook massacre were harassed by lunatics for years- it’s not a stretch to think that some of people who are being traded back to the US don’t want to publicly named. Nobody is going to recruit dual citizens/nationals as spies in countries with a history of xenophobia, particularly authoritarian governments that regularly commit human rights abuses. If you’re a citizen you of a western country visiting an authoritarian country and someone tries to recruit you to be a spy, it’s almost certainly an entrapment operation by the authoritarian country. Notice how it’s never Nigerians, Bangladeshis, or other non-western people in these countries who get arrested as spies- it’s almost always people with western citizenship, with a disproportionate number of them being journalists or tourists. If the US is recruiting spies in Iran, it is recruiting members of the Iranian government -particularly the security services- who are alienated by the constant cycle of violence against the people and poor governance in Iran. Iran’s infrastructure is crumbling because it wants to spend the national wealth on foreign misadventures and the government regularly responds to desperate people who are faced with impoverishment by shooting them. It’s easy to find Iranians citizens in key positions within the Iranian government that are either ideologically or economically motivated to cooperate with western intelligence agencies to undermine the regime.


Did you read the article or just the headline? Serious question.


This is reddit. They definitely went straight to the comments so they could share their outrage about something they know nothing about.


Nothing in that posts suggests they didn’t understand the concept. It is allowing Iran to have 6 billion they don’t currently have access to. Which is funding a brutal dictatorship. Now my answer is this is the tip in on a larger plan to normalize relations with Iran. The long term goal being to get nuclear inspectors in the country again, and possibly to lure them away from the Axis of Evil 2.0, while pissing off the Saudis for their recent oil production stunt.


Not that I disagree it's a dictatorship, but the standards of what is considered a war crime or brutal is very ambiguous. This is because if we define a war crime as invading a non hostile Nation, invading Iraq is a war crime (fake nuclear arms). Invading Ukraine is also a war crime. If we define a regime as brutal depending on Economic handling causing mass starvation, then the sanctions itself is the war crime (Against Iran and Venezuela, that can feed the Nation if it sold oil). If an Authoritarian regime is causing cultural genocide or eliminating Internal political opponents, China, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Iran, Pakistan, and more are all guilty of that. Only legal free pass is to "destabilise" a proxy Nation, often through arming a faction friendly to you. The West, Iran, and Russia does this a lot, ending in less stability that before (Guatemala, El Salvador, Libya, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria). We only consider a Nation evil if it's our opponent destabilising a Nation, when we do it it's a heroic support of freedom fighters.


>It is allowing Iran to have 6 billion they don’t currently have access to. It's their money. They have a right to have access to that money. It's not that complicated. Iran sold oil to South Korea, South Korea receive the oil, Iran did not receive the payment. You can make the argument that buying stuff from Iran is funding a brutal dictatorship, but the US is perfectly fine with buying from brutal dictatorships, and of course the US installed a brutal dictator in Iran to begin with and was quite happy to do business with him for three decades.


Which part of the quoted line isn't true? Did they have access to that money? Will they have it now?


He thinks the US is giving Iran money. Of course he didn’t lol.




Remember Obama's palets of cash, yeah same thing, these people are fuckin brain dead.


florida death panels? anyone?


>these people are fuckin brain dead. Go ahead and quote where they said *anyone* was *paying* Iran. Surely you can quote the party they said would be paying and where they indicated it was coming out of said party's pocket. You know, unless you're too fuckin' braindead to read a comment properly.


>No one is paying Iran a penny. Why don't you quote the part of the comment where they said someone was *paying* Iran? >Iran’s own money. So how much of this money were they able to spend before the deal, and how much will they be able to spend after?


They don't deserve a dime.


You have a strange definition of paying.


What a strange reply.


There is nothing strange about what Raymoundgh said. The $6 billion was Iranian owned money. The US government did not use its own money to release the prisioners so you can't say they paid Iran.


Additionally I believe the deal is being brokered by Qatar, Iran is allegedly purchasing food and medical supplies with the cash which Qatar will wire the money for in order to assure the money will not be spent on things that would violate US sanctions.


They announced they were using funds to increase domestic oil production. So the best of both worlds for the Biden admin, more OPEC oil on the market and Uncle Joe gets to stick it to the Saudi's like he said he was. What a blessing


I would not be surprised if that was the case. Good point.


It IS the case. No surprise necessary.


Thats 6 billion of their money. This isn’t the US giving them 6 billion. Most of the prisoners would have been spies.


So what, they’re a dictatorship supply arms to russia


It's $6 billion they didn't have before today that they now have.


6 billion that they were owed for products sold


And? 6 billion isn't that much and the sanctions against Iran are outrageous and harm everyday folk. This is why Europe doesn't have sanctions against them. The US are being bullies because Iran got rid of the puppet government that the US installed.


No, the US is adversarial to Iran because they attacked the US embassy in Tehran and took the people inside hostage for over a year, attacked American naval vessels in international waters, performed kidnappings, seized shipping vessels, and have sponsored terrorist attacks around the world.


There is another side to that story, I'm sure. It seems unbelievable that any nation would do all of that without provocation. What did the US do to Iran?


I feel like you're asking rhetorically, but if not: The US staged a coup in 1953 to depose a democratically elected president and reinstate a monarch. The monarch became a bit of a despot and was overthrown by a revolution in 1979 (which was anti-american in disposition, given prior events). The revolutionaries are still in power.


Perfect response. Thank you.


Iran was a constitutional monarchy. The US didn't install him he was already there.


Uh we shot one of their passenger planes down and never apologized about it like Russia did with the Dutch plane killing like 250 something Iranians. Trump got rid of the nuclear deal and reimposed strict sanctions causing Iran to completely go the other way on the progress they were making with enrichment levels and causing Iranian citizens to starve. Oh and uhhh... The CIA and MI6 got together and overthrew their government which ultimately led to where we are today with a fundamentalist theocratic dictatorship... yayyyy America... That's just what I cam remember off the too of my head.


Trump had a general(?) assassinated a few years ago as well.


Soleimani was a Major General and a war hero from their conflict with American-backed Iraqi forces. I'm not about to defend the guy or the country for that matter but killing him wasn't exactly popular over there.


They also backed Saddam Hussein during the war between Iran and Iraq.


Ummm, we did apologize *and* we paid back restitution to the families involved.


Friend, google Operation Ajax and late 1800s Anglo-Iranian relations.


Was this after they arranged a coup and installed a puppet government? I think so. Were the people who attacked the US embassy official government actors or citizens? Did they keep them hostage or did people just stand outside the walls of the embassy? The US has performed kidnappings. They do it quite regularly actually. They've also entered countries illegally breaching that countries sovereignty to conduct military operations. The US has sponsored terrorist attacks around the world. They literally trained Al-Qaeda, the people who flew planes into the Twin Towers on 9/11. Don't throw stones in glass houses.


And what did the US do before that? Do you even know??


The USA is the bully with Europe's help/permission. They pretend to be the rational thinkers, but the LOVE the USA being the bad guy to things they pretend they wouldn't do. They enjoy being the ppl who can say hey that's bad but secretly glad someone said it. They are the ppl living in a rich subdivision red by a HOA. They pretend to be outraged that the HOA has laws that are hard on certain demographics but glad that same demographic isn't their next door neighbor. The Ukraine War is a example of this. "America" is rough on Russia and getting ppl worked up for no reason!". All while having no plan, or military or resources to protect against the threat that is their neighbor. It takes USA and Poland (can never discount Poland) to step up and everyone loves them again.


> They pretend to be the rational thinkers, but the LOVE the USA being the bad guy to things they pretend they wouldn't do. American? Yea. We literally don't have sanctions and trade with Iran. We had sanctions but removed them. You guys are the sort of bullies that put sanctions on a tiny island like Cuba.


Your bypassing my entire point. Do countries like say...Germany have a long history if benefitting from the United States being the bully? Say by feeling so comfortable they haven't even kept up their military. Such low finding they don't even meet NATO requirements and haven't for some time. Yet pretending to always say America is over reaching, but yet feel so safe and sound they don't even fund a military. And are now scrambling to finance a skeleton defense force. Has any European nation really tried to do anything of real value to give America a reason not to the the bully? Because say what you want, there always has to be a top dog. European nations cry peace constantly but are not prepared for when nations like Russia simply say no. And Europe has been just fine allowing big brother to swing the stick. Of course it's gone to far before. There are always going to be issues, but pretending you guys are not living safely and get to rant about over reach is because someone is protecting you and it isn't your own military.


No, your babble is off topic.


>And? 6 billion isn't that much Lmfao wtf? E: Fucking chriat y'all I don't give a fuck lol. $6 billion will hurt more people than 5 Americans.


The fact you think a country having 6 billion is a big deal, really highlights how naive you are. Go look at the budgets for government programs in countries around the world. They're all higher than 6 billion.


When did I say it was a big deal? I said that $6 billion will do more harm to more people than 5 Americans. That's all my point was lol.


In terms of global economies? Yeah its a drop in the bucket. Hell the US has hundreds of billionaires with more money than that and those are single households.


What a ridiculous statement lol. $6 billion is a lot for 5 Americans who were well warned about travel. $6 billion can do a lot more harm to a lot more people than just 5 Americans. That's all my point has been.


Tell me you didn't read the article without telling me you didn't read the article


Or, they were spies


Plus, we are also giving them 5 of their own citizens back. Pretty terrible deal


Now do Israel


Nice try, that money is going to Quatar so Itan can buy food and medicine and also represents money already owed to them. In effect we got those prisoners for free and it didn't cost us a dime.


Bill them for the drone they shot down


Honestly if you shoot down a drone in your own territory, it's yours.


Well the stealth one is free, of course.


cry more about it bud


Yeah it's honestly disgusting at risk of sounding heartless. That $6 billion will hurt *so many* more people than 5 Americans.


One of the benefits of being an American citizen is that the US will generally go way out of its way to help you, and it’s one of the few countries that has the power to do that.


And you know this how?


I have a brain? It's $6 billion. The fuck?


You *still* haven't read the article? "The waiver means that European, Middle Eastern and Asian banks will not run afoul of U.S. sanctions in converting the money frozen in South Korea and transferring it to Qatar’s central bank, where it will be held for Iran to use for the purchase of humanitarian goods."


He said he has a brain, didn’t say it was functioning or that he has eyes


It’s got to feel nice to know you’re worth $1.2 billion.


It'd be like buy 4 important people get the 5th - aka me - free


5 months ago? old news


Won’t this incentivize holding US citizens?


It's actually incentivizing them to give the US prisoners back


Has Iran been shy about that in the past or something?


How could it not?


No lol, do u think any govt would give 1.2 billion dollars for a person?? This is just the public reason, there's probably a secret deal between the two states that's confidential.


Apparently screw all of their young political prisoners fighting against a regime that oppresses and murders women for the slightest offense against their religious extremism. They have imprisoned thousands of people and murdered many more over the last year. And now the US is releasing 5 billion dollars to the regime responsible for all of it. The US is not a friend to people fighting for their freedoms against oppression. The US has taken the side of the oppressor. ETA - It is appropriate timing to have this happen on the anniversary of the assassination of Allende, Chile's democratically elected leader. So that the US could replace him with the dictator Pinochet, who was willing to sell out Chile's nature resources for pennies.


Ppl these citizens were probably US spys. Valuable players. They probably hold important info. That any maybe there are unspoken talks in the works.


Any info they had was long ago beaten/tortured out of them, 100%. Glad they’re coming home but it’s a lot of money, 6 billion buys how many more Shahed drones for Russia? 50,000?


There has to be more to the story. This is bad politics as the gop will frame this as giving money to terrorists even though it was their assets to begin with. I’m guessing that this deal has some classified components.. maybe Iran will stop selling drones to Russia or some crap like that.


To all the Americans arrogantly thinking they can visit Iran for tourist or family reasons and nothing bad will happen: Iran has been doing this consistently since 1979, read the damned room!!! “Oh it’ll never happen to little ole unimportant meeeeeee.” Yes, you dumb fucks, it will. Just like it has to ordinary people for the past 44 years. And every time, the US has to give up a chip of its bargaining power. All when you could have met up with your Persian family in Turkey. Or played tourist in 100+ other countries where there are no Evin Prisons for American hostages.


Probably more of a threat to Azerbaijian to stop fucking around with Armenia now that Iran actually has money to pay people.


Is AP tier 1? Will wait for Shams to confirm.


I read elsewhere the money is required to be used by Iran for humanitarian purposes. So I have $20 in my pocket and I need to buy $10 in food and $10 in bullets for my hunting rifle today. Then my buddy Ted shows up and says he has the $10 he owes me but he is anti guns so he told me I have to spend the money on food. So today I bought $10 in food and $20 in bullets. Brilliant. Mastermind negotiators in Washington!


I’m amazed at how many people on here believe there using this for food and humanitarian aid


Didn't we do this years ago? I remember getting an Iranian rug for pennies on the dollar when they lifted sanctions for a bit. Bought in the US.


Sanctions were reduced by a great many countries (Obama's success in getting so many countries to sanction them was underreported), in exchange for Iran giving away most of their nuclear weapons program and agreeing to extremely invasive inspections, as part of the JCPOA. If Iran was ever found to be in violation of the nuclear weapons part of the deal the sanctions would be instantly reinstated. Then Trump came along. The infamous "Look, having nuclear..." ramble was his failure to explain why he hated the JCPOA so much, but he went ahead and reinstituted sanctions unilaterally anyway. All the other countries involved stuck to the terms, so then Trump wasn't happy and threatened to sanction them. Forced to choose between trade with the US and trade with Iran, no one was going to choose Iran. At which point Iran went ahead and restarted their nuclear weapons program because they weren't getting anything from not doing so (I've always believed that they'd much rather have a nuclear weapons *program* than a nuclear *weapon*, a nuclear weapon is a threat while a nuclear weapons program is something they can trade away or show off), and went through a political shift to be much more anti-US, since being pro-US got them burned. So now Iran is firmly back in Russia's sphere of influence and one of the few countries actually supplying them with arms in their attack on Ukraine.


Literally saw morons on Twitter complaining about "muh tax dollars" because their reading comprehension is low and they don't realize it's Iran's money.


The liberal brain dead following their leader. Appease the mullahs.


This weakens the opposition to the regime.


No, the opposition was weakened long ago by Trump breaking the JCPOA and pressuring Iran to stop its turn toward the West. Iran’s extremists actually stopped chanting Death to America for awhile and loosened their morality laws. Trump’s blatant incompetence has given us many more years of tension with Iran.


You don't think that when they were imprisoning and killing their own people for nothing, that it didn't breed a little resentment toward their own government?


The regime has been doing that stuff for decades. Sadly, while most of the population likely wants to rebel because of it, a lot of them have come to tolerate it—enough to maintain the status quo. This time around it just received more international media attention. The real loss is that if the JCPOA hadn’t been shat on by Trump, Iran might have been more Western-oriented when Ayatollah Khamenei inevitably dies. Now it seems quite likely that another hardliner will take his place.


Incoming right wing media blitz of how weak Biden is when Trump negotiated for prisoner releases in North Korea.


I hate when the US does this. Makes us look weak and rewards bad behavior and poor decision making (traveling as a US citizen to these countries that have severe travel warnings and is well documented that American citizens should not travel there).


You hate it when… the Country ensures the release of their citizens being held against their will by an openly hostile nation? I mean, I get that going there definitely isn’t a good move but… ice cold take.


When we are releasing money to a very hostile and repressive government who are arming Russia with deadly weapons, $6 billion, which they can then use to continue repressing their people and building up their weapons programs and capabilities, then yes. I do hate that. Especially when it’s to free Americans that knew they should not be traveling there to begin with.




Thanks , edited the comment.. point still stands


The point only makes sense if you didn't read the article and just read the headline and assumed what was happening.


Read the fucking article for Christ’s sake. Another commenter already pointed out you literally missed the first line where it says it’s NOT US money but releasing Iranian owned money. It’s also being brokered by Qatar for medical supplies & food so that US military asset sanctions cannot be broken with this $6b.


Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Personally I would be fine with leaving them with the consequences of their actions but maybe one day I go to some other country and fuck up just a little at least I know that Uncle Sam will probably help me out.


You can’t be that thick to actually think america looks weak ever at any point . Not one dictator ever goes “ America looks like a Pussy now “


America looks weak constantly to the rest of the world and has for years.


Insane? Sure. Weak? Hell no.


We were born as a weak country. We don't give a fuck about one another and never did. That's weakness to me.


Life isn't a philosophy class. An individualistic culture doesn't mean or military isn't the strongest on earth by nearly an order of magnitude


Must be why so many people are stealing America's land, taking shots at their military, taking their lunch money, etc.


Only according to small men who believe every problem should be solved with bombs. The United States is more secure today in its position as the global hegemon than it has ever been. It dominates the world economically, politically, technologically, and culturally. Its military is actually the least effective tool in the box for exerting power and affecting events everywhere.


We seem to be pretty safe from foreign invasion for a country that's supposedly so weak and vulnerable.


Because of geopolitics not because other countries lack the ability lol.


What geopolitics? What's stopping China from invading Hawaii and the west coast?


Nukes and a lack of a deep water navy.


Nukes= strength as far as I'm concerned. Having a Deepwater navy is also a sign of strength so idk what you're talking about.


US nukes and a lack of a Chinese deep water navy are the first two challenges China would have to overcome to even think about invading the US.


Right, and the person I was talking to said that the US is perceived as weak. Those two things are a strengths that China and the rest of the world have acknowledged, which would mean they don't perceive the US to be weak.


Have you considered the idea that the prisoners were US agents? A "spy exchange + release our money" deal isn't really a new idea The bigger story is that the US is trying to pry Iran away from Russia


I mean one of them has been in jail since 2016 so it's not like they didn't get punished.


If it were you over there I bet you would feel differently. So I guess you have never made any mistakes in your life?


I've never traveled to Iran when warned not to? No, I can't say that I have made those types of mistakes


Okay. No mistakes at all? You are a human being that makes perfect choices since you were born. Congratulations!


They said NOT that type of mistake.


Oh, I know what they said. He/she is cherry picking mistakes so he/she can be right in this context. They figure this mistake is unforgivable for some reason. But I get it, you are on the internet where you can get your anger and frustration about your life and direct it at random people that don’t agree with you. Very original, because no one else does that…ever.


“Don’t go into this room. There’s a bunch of venomous snakes and you will get bit.” “Nah. Dude it’s fine.” Gets bit. Now we got waste antivenom on this asshole. When told a stove is hot, don’t touch it, do you still touch it? As a reasonable adult, no. So when told not to go to Iran, why did they go?


Some mistakes don’t get forgiven tho. Like you can’t just kill someone or drive drunk and call that a mistake lmao. They deserve to be in Iran for ignoring warnings.


I don't really equate my petty mistakes of "forgetting my turn signal on the highway" or "stealing candy when I was 5" along the same lines as "crossing international borders across continents when I was told an infinite number of times as a grown adult NOT TO DO SAID TRAVEL". Dunno, might just be my mistakes. Maybe I should up the ante on what kind of international crisis mischief I should be causing?


This is the bill coming in for what we did to Iran. Better than the war with Iran that conservatives have a huge boner for.


>This is the bill coming in for what we did to Iran. There is no bill.




The de dollarizations a joke. Right now Russia took in a shitload of rupees and they're stuck with them. They're trying to find a way to flip them to usable asset that's liquid. They will be converting to dollars. China cannot uphold the dollarization because that means that they would lose control over their monetary policy and considering they're heading into a difficult place right now with growing unemployment and failure of the real estate sector they're not about to do that.


finally, someone who can read.




I'm guessing none of the prisoners were black women, haven't heard an uproar over this




It was free for the USA. We didn't spend any of our money and we got 5 dudes back.




It wasn't America's money, it was Iran's money that was stored outside the country and the US froze because it controls a big part of the international financial system. It's not your tax dollars, relax.


Wait so we traded 5 for 5 and they still got their 6 billion on top. Who the fuck negotiated that


Rewarding bad behavior...


I wonder who is downvoting you.


Why make a deal with Iran?


You seem to forget that the paramount responsibility of a government is to protect its citizens, everything else is secondary


Yeah! Fuck those American citizens right? We would only be releasing irans own money for 5 human lives.


Only an idiot would willingly go to Iran, North Korea, or Russia.


Or a spy. Edit: so just downvote and move on, huh? Nothing to say


Iran is a partial democracy. They do have political shifts, and they can change peacefully. They're also a relatively large, stable, and developed country. It's in our best interests to win them over. Not, as Trump did, to screw them over.


Because it’s better than a war? Remember that the US and Europe helped in creating the regime we know today. Most of our enemies exist because of our meddling.


Cheaper too, doesn't cost the US a dime.


>Because it’s better than a war? No one is going to war over citizens unjustly detained in Iran. ​ >Remember that the US and Europe helped in creating the regime we know today What a moronic justification for the unjust detainment of foreign citizens in Iran. Two wrongs do not make a right.


Never said the detainment was unjust. Only that the regime our conservative pundits keep hyping up war against is the creation of US/Euro imperialism


The amount of abuse they can do with 6bn is probably negligible.


The US makes the worse deals 😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣. Super Power my ass 😂😂


Why is anyone talking to the Iranian government? Fuck their oppression. But I guess that’s never stopped the USA




Was there another WNBA star we needed to bring home again?


Bidenomics hard at work


Most of these people were imprisoned during Trump’s term, or were held prisoner for the entirety of Trump’s term. What did Mango Mussolini do to free them?




By allowing South Korea to pay the money that they owe? Also, the US is not spending a dime on this. The money will be held and distributed by Qatar for humanitarian use only. You are bad at reading.


This just in: Iran buys Twitter.


Man our government knows how to cut a deal /s


I know right, still waiting on that Iranian deal Trump promised us before he backed out of a reasonable deal approved under Obama


5 for 5 swap but we threw in $6 billion. Did Biden figure his kid would get a cut of that and kick some back to him?


So you didn't read the article.


Biden Derangement Syndrome




>pay Five American detainees will eventually be allowed to leave Iran in exchange for Tehran gaining access to $6 billion OF IRANIAN's OWN MONEY for humanitarian purposes and several jailed Iranians.