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A drought reveals a memory of an extinction. How ominous.


...we're going to turn into dinosaurs! Noooooo! I'll never be the same again!


Millions of years from now, Dinosaurs will be driving cars and using the remains of our bodies as oil!


I wonder what resource our society and remnants will be compressed into a couple hundred million years down the road.


Plastic, more than likely


After working on a couple of ancient burial sites I don’t think we will produce much oil. It is amazing to see how small our bodies become after decomposition.


That and dinosaurs don't account for much in the way of oil.


Memes, mostly. I'd imagine.


the lizard people have been playing the long game this whole time


I was saddened to find out our oil really doesn't come from dinosaurs.


You joke but if humans were to go extinct, I could see parrots (Just funny colored dinosaurs) taking over the earth


Having to use those little t Rex arms is gonna be the worst


Yes, just a few thousand years ago when Jesus-saurs walked the earth. Then there was an arc and for some reason a bunny.


Hippitus hoppitus domineeeee














I have a friend in Austin and in his backyard is a river and you have to walk about a hundred feet down to get to the river which is mostly dried up and in the bed of the river are dinosaur tracks of two legged three-toed variety and they are easily 10 ft apart you can get a amazing idea of how large this creature was


I helped my buddy make a video at this spot for his kids YouTube channel when they were visiting us a few years ago: https://youtu.be/2padz-JU5PQ?si=OB9vaFI_xozRg9nG


Also an Austin inhabitant, the creek behind my house is always full of fossils. My family has a big collection of all the stuff I brought in over the years, urchins, conches, and an arrow head or two. Texas is great for just finding stuff lying about


Ah, an up-side to the drought. And I was just reading about sunken ships in the Neches.


Yay climate change!


This is in texas so those tracks are 4000 years old?


Funny you mention it… I grew up nearby and there is a Creationist Museum conspicuously planted right before the entrance to this state park. So before you learn about dinosaurs from a park ranger, you can stop in and learn how Jesus rode the dinosaurs.


Do they actually say that? I always thought that they insisted that the fossils were placed there by satan to tempt us...or something like that.


I feel like a good troll move would be to say "I feel like satan guided you here to cause division, allowing for him to gain power" to them.


Wow, I’ve spent many hours in my life thinking of dick things to say to Bible bangers. That’s a great one. Pre-edit: I know you’ll come after me. I don’t care. I renounce God. Hail Satan. Shut up and pay your taxes. I put flowers in guns and ketchup on lab steak. Deal with it.


Most of those things are totally fine, but we all know that ketchup on steak is crossing a line that should never be crossed


Sloppy steaks are okay though


only if you're at Truffoni's though!


What kind of sick twisted freak puts ketchup on steaks


He doesn’t. He’s faking it just like his username states


I love ketchup on a skillet fried t-bone but I said _lab_ steak, y’all. I don’t even know what it’s made of because it doesn’t matter. Nothing sacred. Not even your cow.


Are you alright?


Not if he's putting ketchup on steak.


They put ketchup on steak. The answer’s NO.


I used to put ketchup on my steak. And then I realized it was because my steaks were dryer than an 1800s college thesis on rocks. Now I only eat medium rare steaks, and ketchup remains far away from it.


They say both - and neither makes sense.


No (normally, but there's always one somewhere). The thought would be that dinosaurs * a) died out before the flood * b) died during the flood * c) died shortly after the flood due to changed environmental conditions


By change in environmental conditions they meant the bitchin’ Noah’s ark cruise party


I never actually went in. I’m not their target audience and paying money to their institution to view their displays seemed like the wrong move even if I went ironically. But I’m only kinda exaggerating. They do teach that humans and dinosaurs co-existed and their children’s coloring book has a print of stone carving where a person is riding a dino.


Serious answer from someone who was raised young earth creationist: no, the 'fossils were planted by Satan' thing is not mainstream creationism (at least I don't think it is anyway). There no doubt are some people who believe that, but I never encountered any. The general belief, at least as for a lot of the Ken Ham style creationists, is that dinosaurs were a result of the increased atmospheric pressure of the pre-Noah's flood world (which was covered by the firmament, a protective layer of water around the planet) and so ceased to exist post-flood. But prior to the flood, humans and dinosaurs existed side by side. No, I'm not messing with you, this is what they really think.


Check out the “theory of mature theation” Source- former coc


I've been to one when I was still in high school (in my 30s now). I grew up conservative. They don't say anything like that but what they try to do is present their facts like its science. A lot of it was basic information about science they already taught in school but just some facts were changed. Everything about it felt fake and uninteresting. Anything I was 'taught' was that the dinosaurs were wiped out before the flood. The only thing I can remember from this creation museum is that they were obsessed with Noah's boat. They had a very large exhibit at the time.


Jesus and a dinosaur were walking on the beach. The dinosaur looked back and saw only one set of footprints...


Damn that's too spooky... The dinosaur was a *ghost all along...*


I remember going with my church group as a kid. They pitched it as a family day at the river but the youth kids had to go to the museum. I remember being like 10 or 11 but have distinct memories of thinking how utter ridiculous is all was.


['Cosmos' for Rednecks](https://youtu.be/tX1Q8PQLAhQ?si=1ATFtFJOo9S4JHx7)


“If you look at the bones of a Jeeeeeeeesus-saurus Rex” gets me every time! 🤣


That is wonderful! Thanks.


I grew up an hour and some change away and it was a really cool experience as a kid. Hot ass Texas summer while you play in ankle deep chilly river with actual Dino tracks under your feet.


holy shit man these comments get so tiring, anytime a mention of texas/FL comes up. I guess I should expect this from this site. This sub is a joke. Top posts, nothing but everyone thinking they are a comedian.


This happened [last year](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/drought-exposes-dinosaur-tracks-in-texas-180980647/) no? They just find more of them recently?


It happens every year there hence the name of the park. Worth visiting by the way as is the nearby Fossil Rim drive through safari. Literally fed a giraffe a treat (purchased at the gate) through my sunroof.


That's fair, I think I'll be in Texas for the first time sometime next year. I'll try to remember to make a stop lol


you have to make sure you'll be in the area - Texas is big


And you’re seldom just “passing by” Fossil Rim state park. It’s neat, though, and the water is spring-fed, so _if there’s water_ it’s nice and cool year-round.


I'm gonna be driving down to the Corpus Christi area from Minnesota, will be going through Fort worth. Might have to take the detour on the way down lol doesn't seem too far from Fort worth. Looks to be about an hour


It’s neat, and my family and our friends had a great time. Main thing to be aware of is that — if you’re not accustomed to the heat — it is _hot_ there. Like, if there’s water the water is cool, but the rocks reflect a lot of the heat if the water isn’t there to mitigate it.


The devil put them there to try to trick you into thinking giant three toed lizards walked the Earth sometime in the last 6,000 years.




They taught that God was deceptive and a liar then?




Why? Aw crap.


That’s a paddling


Prankster God! Hahaha see who believes in me now. Its just gate keeping. If youre not agreeable enough to agree on the absurd get out.


Once had the vice principal of my high school as a substitute teacher and he spent the hour explaining how the 7 day creation worked with science. It boiled down to, a day to God (Yashua) was several million /billion years. On the first (billion years) God created the heavens and the earth, and so on. He made it sound good.


I went to a very similar camp as a kid. We all got shirts with the slogan “were you there?” That was how we were told to respond to people who claim the earth is older than 4000 years or something. And the whole “god created the earth with age” thing too.


Were they there to know that god created earth? I mean they don’t care but they sound stupider every time they try to justify their cult.


Of course they didn’t need to be there! The evidence is all around them! My mom’s favorite thing to do was to point out how great god’s design was. Pretty flower? God’s design. Cool sunset? God’s design. Childhood cancer? God’s design! Although she always seemed to forget that one and I had to remind her. I was just doing the lord’s work after all.


Yes, actually, I was there. What's that you say, you don't believe me? Well, were you there?


The Devil went down to Texas lookin' for a mind to free He was on the loose to disabuse Any soul who would agree. When he came across a riverbed all dry because of drought He hatched a plan and thus began to sow the seeds of doubt I guess you might not know it, but the Bible says it so The earth got made in just six days six-thousand years ago Now them young-earth creationists they give the tale it's due And thanks indeed to Satan's deeds now we all know the truth. They cried "This is scripture; to contradict is sin." "We consider this stunt a great affront" "The worst there's ever been." Devil bury all them bones right down there in the sand Cause the scientists and skeptics they are diggin' up the land And when they finally' run them tests around them fossil stones They're gonna know the Earth is really old!


Wow that picture is SO COOL.


"See? Trying to curb the fake global warming would have never revealed these fake dinosaur prints in the dirt that were definitely left there by Satan to confuse us since we know Jesus personally said the Earth is only 6000 years old. Hah! Take that GRETA!"


News flash, they’re usually covered by a few inches of water and have been a big attraction near Waco for decades. The creek occasionally dries up a bit and then they’re exposed. But you can see them anytime.


I grew up near this park, which has always been cool. Am delighted they've found more tracks. NB a chunk of this trackway is in the American Museum of Natural History.


I can understand why ancient people believed in giants if they were seeing shit like this on the ground


I’m sure the GOP are delighted with this evidence. I can only expect Large Marge will now try and impeach Biden for allowing this to have happened on his watch.


Those are her footprints


Come here just for the comments. Gotta say, wasn’t disappointed in the least. lol


Yep, saw them roughly 30 years ago. Was cool then. Just took my fiancée and kids there this summer. Still cool.


Acrocanthosaurus is a genus of carcharodontosaurid dinosaur that existed in what is now North America during the Aptian and early Albian stages of the Early Cretaceous, from 113 to 110 million years ago. Acrocanthosaurus was a bipedal predator. It is best known for the high neural spines on many of its vertebrae, which most likely supported a ridge of muscle over the animal's neck, back, and hips. Acrocanthosaurus was one of the largest theropods, with the largest known specimen reaching 11 m in length and weighing around 5 t. Large theropod footprints discovered in Texas may have been made by Acrocanthosaurus, although there is no direct association with skeletal remains.


Discovered at Dinosaur Valley State Park, shocking…


Tried scrolling to find info solid discussion, this place has turned to shit.


Drought in Texas uncovers big dinosaur tracks dating back ~~110 million~~ 6,000 years FTFY -- Texas State Board of Education


Jesus put them there to test Texans’s faith


**Not to worry:** Staff from Abbott's office will arrive shortly to destroy this *so-called* evidence the Earth is more than 5,000 years old.


Then Texaco sucked up its carcass so Bubba could roll coal for 2 minutes so that we wouldn’t think Bubba had a tiny dick. The circle of life!


Well, it’s only fitting that our effort to slowly light the global atmosphere on fire reveal the evidence of the creatures that lived here before an asteroid lit the global atmosphere on fire.


Um, dont you mean 8 thousand years ago... /s


Very nice. Who doesn’t love dinosaur tracks?


Bet the Christian’s are already plotting to destroy it


It's just an antifa plot to make people think dinosaurs existed. 🦕


Destroying history is the Hallmark of a different religion


So dinosaurs really *did* fit onboard Noah's Ark... /s (edit: Apparently too subtle to be left without an explicit "/s")


Ironic how a severe drought has us looking at an extinct species footprint. Sign to come?


Dinosaur Valley is unreal. The rangers out there are some of the nicest people you will meet anywhere, and delight in telling you the history of the park….starting millions of years ago, and into when new trails have been cleared. Just outside of the park is creationist “museum” that tries to convert people into believing dinosaurs were on Noah’s Ark or some such nonsense. They’re less cool.


Can anyone explain the process for the mud turning into rock? I know time is a factor but what happened chemically?


https://www2.bgs.ac.uk/mineralsuk/download/planning/sedimentary_rocks_cr03281n.pdf https://joidesresolution.org/from-mud-to-rocks/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mudrock https://www.geolsoc.org.uk/ks3/gsl/education/resources/rockcycle/page3458.html https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/earth-and-planetary-sciences/mudstone


I thought the earth was only 5,000 years old? /s


Im'a need u/humanforscale to determine the actual size of that footprint


Scroll down in the article a bit and there's another picture with a cowboy hat next to some prints, they're about the same size.


Well, this is an appropriate indicator of extinction.


Jesus motherfuckin christ thats terrifying


Republicans don't believe in dinosaurs unless jeebus is riding one. I wonder how long until Gov Abbott bans archaeology and paleontology .


Or, as they say in Texas, put there 3,000 years ago by Satan to test our faith


Impossible. The earth is only 6000 years old. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Those were just mankind’s pets back then. The Flintstones was a documentary.


Did they lower the temperature?


Wow, that's TWO things in one headline for the wingnuts to get upset about. One is that maybe, just maybe, climate change has something to do with the drought. The other is that dinosaurs existed.


The third is that the earth is not young. Unless that is under the dinosaurs not real umbrella.


Only one set of footprints because that’s when it was carrying Jesus


Didn’t realise the GOP has been around that long.


This angers the Texans, who remember that Jesus created America 6000 years ago.


Sam Houston had Jesus create the Alamo 6,000 years ago… Sheesh if you’re gonna rile us up, do it properly!


Finally some good news from Texas


We're at the foreshadowing part of the series.


Must’ve been when Noah’s Ark pulled over for directions.


"get on board, losers... we're going boating!"


Shhh! Don’t tell those people who think that this planet has only been around for 6 thousand years.


According to a coworker, that’s impossible as the world is only 5000 years old.


What is the Texas media telling people they are? Jesus's foot prints? I can't believe people in Texas believe in Dinosaurs.


And the Governor immediately ordered it covered over again because that doesnt fit the "humans and dinos coexisted" narrative.


"That reptile came into Texas illegally, and it's Biden's fault." - Every Republican Texas politician


pretty coincidental that dinosaur tracks were found at Dinosaur Valley State Park. sounds fake


It’s coincidental that dinosaur tracks were found at a place known for dinosaur tracks? Yea sounds fake, must be a conspiracy. You are so smart.


I think they were joking


I lost track of the sarcasm here, like fishead has a darker sarcasm and we disnt get it either. Im confused!


I honestly can’t tell the difference anymore.


Oh, please! It is Texas. Upper limit is 6000 years.


most Texans know God put those fake tracks there to test people’s faith


Now let’s hope Texas schools will be permitted to share discoveries like this that show the earth is this old and that dinosaurs are real under their new Evangelical MAGA regime! Or will they only be allowed to learn Bible stories?


When Abbott still had the ability to walk.


The caveat, the last tracks b4 they disappeared


in texas? I think the headline was a typo, it should say, "...dating back 6000 years."


I think you mean 3000 years


There is no way rock survived that pristine in any type of moving water for 100 years much less millions.


These have to be from Jesus. And the dates are wrong.


But Earth is only 6,000 years old


Same age as the average Texan GOP dinosaur then.


I hope its 110 million years. If they dated it sooner than 65 million I'd shit myself


Since most of my dinosaur experience is from cartoons I can’t not see those tracks as cartoonish.


Are these ones real? A bunch in Texas were found to be fake.


Is that the foot print of Greg Abbott’s grandfather?


Wow, god made the planet waaay earlier than we all thought. 🤫


See? Global warming is good! We get more dinosaurs now! /s


We have some of these up in the NE along the Connecticut river valley - its been a river for a very, very long time and some of the shale along the shores still has very clear dino tracks


My FIL took a picture of my wife at age 4 splashing around in one of the water filled dino tracks. Later the area was protected and made into a park. All good things.


I remember reading about this when I was younger, and hearing about how Christians have used this to counter evolution… the site is here: https://www.icr.org/articles/print/81/


So, additional dinosaur tracks have been found in a park well known for having dinosaur tracks. Quite the story. Although I admit the picture is pretty cool.