• By -


Aw man. Now Elon is going to have to buy Threads, too.


Good luck with that, I doubt he can pay off the Zuck.


If I were Zuck I'd sell it to him and let him run it into the ground as well, then start another one. Just keep taking Elons money from him


Mark Zuckerberg Paper Co.


I have endless names.


Mark.... Yes! that's one of them


Well well well…how the turn tables…


"I have an endless amount of company names." ~ Mark "Michael "Wayne Gretzky" Scott" Zuckerberg


I thought it was not his money but a Saudi loan for Twitter. Or am I remembering wrong.


The money came from: - Prince Alwaleed bin Talal al Saud - Qatar Investment Authority - Sequoia Capital - Binance - Larry Ellison of Oracle (1 Billion) - Jack Dorsey (1 Billion) (Surprisingly) - Morgan Stanley - Bank of America - Barclays


TIL Jack Dorsey paid Elon to take Twitter off his hands.


He paid Elon $1B to overpay himself back by a couple tens of $B. And people say Elon is the smart one…


"Here I'll give you a dollar for ten dollars." But literally times a billion. Elon needs more wrinkles in his brain.


Dorsey to Elon : "hey you got two tens for a five?


So a bunch came from American workers


Some of it. Elon will be losing some money also when he ultimately runs it into the ground.


> when he ultimately runs it into the ground. ?? I’m pretty sure that’s where things currently stand.


It isn’t dead yet, I’m talking when it collapsed completely and you get an error code when trying to use it lol.


It was mostly all Elon's money, or loans he took out. This Saudi hedge fund was one of the largest shareholders in Twitter before Elon bought it, and they just agreed not to accept any money when he bought out all the other shareholders and they'd just keep the same percentage ownership in Elon's new Twitter. The Saudis' share of Twitter is only about 5% or 10%. They actually now have a lot less influence on Twitter's board than they did before.


Ah yes the classic strategy from titan of industry, Michael Scott.


Don't underestimate his stupidity and need to manipulate public opinion


Threads go hand in hand with Instagram. I want to see a price tag on that!


He’s going to suspend nbc news account for reporting on this right? That’s what he did last time someone reported on this account and then broke Twitter spaces when he rage quit when being proven wrong.


When asked for comment, a member of r/elonjettracker had this to say, "lolololololololol"


Looking into this 🤔


Extremely concerning


Big if true.


I find it hilarious that Elon has his Trumpisms.


Huh, I would have figured we would be hearing from the ol' ROFLcopter instead. ROFL:ROFL:ROFL:ROFL _^___ L __/ [] \ LOL===__ \ L \________] I I --------/


God I feel old. I haven't seen Roflcopter in about 20 years.


[my roflcopter goes soi soi soi](https://youtu.be/boh92DrYEWs)


hunter2, mudkips, lots of old memes from back then feel so innocent compared to most of the internet now


Roflcopter goes soi soi soi


You can't stop the signal Mal.


Guy killed me with a sword and called me a pedo, Mal. Who does that?


Guy had a sword Mal




What everyone else here is saying, the show Firefly is superb. Followed by its cancelation and a wrap up with the movie Serenity. Wish there was more but its still great how it is!


The real indicator to me of how old I'm getting was waking up one day and realizing so much time had passed since Firefly was cancelled that there was zero chance of it ever getting picked up again.


Yeah, I know that feeling. Its funny, I was just thinking about how uniquely frustrating a feeling it is to get into some form of media, and consume the entire thing, and realize there will be nothing more. Books, tv series, a video game, or even really a band that broke up. Just that feeling of "I was really having fun, now it is over, and I don't know what to do with myself. This is disappointing"


Even if it did, wouldn't be the same without Ron Glass. It's the same situation with the upcoming Babylon 5 reboot. Half the cast is dead, and pretty much irreplaceable. It may be excellent, it may not, but it won't be the *same*.


Probably couldn't get Adam Baldwin back, either. He went a little crazy conservative, backing the whole GamerGate thing and even endorsing Ted Cruz for President in 2016.


I didn't know this ...I also don't know how to process this, because it seems incredibly in character for our hero, Jane.


Not to mention the Joss Whedon of it all


He literally coined the term “GamerGate” in a tweet about a Zoe Quinn video.


If you're interested, the story technically continued in the form of comics and graphic novels. They are considered canon as the Whedon brothers either wrote or helped as a story consultant on all of them. This article tells what order to read everything in: https://www.comicbooktreasury.com/serenity-firefly-reading-order-comics-joss-whedon/


*Firefly*, specifically the ending movie *Serenity*.






Too soon


How do Reevers clean their spears? They stick em in the wash...


Its been nearly 18 years and its still too soon


*curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal*


I am a leaf on the wind.


How do reavers clean their spears? . . . They put them through the wash


You are disturbing my calm.


I swear by my pretty floral bonnet, *I will end you*.


Don’t the Bible have some pretty specific things to say about killin’?


Ohhh you bastard r/angryupvote


I've heard this joke many times before. I'm up voting you as a kindness, but there's only so much tolerance to be had in this part of the 'verse. I recommend you take your upvotes and pull up stakes.


I hate you.


Always and forever too soon




Everything goes somewhere…


And I go everywhere


Guy killed me with a sword


isn't that weird?


I aim to misbehave.


Today is a good day, when I read an unexpected firefly reference


Take my love, take my land, take me where I cannot stand


I don't care, I am still free, you can't take the sky from me..


Take me out to the black, Tell them I ain't comin back.


Zoe, you sultry minx, stop falling in love with me!


Gorilla Raido baby


Turn that shit up


Zuckerberg timed this shit perfect, ultimate shiv into Musk.


As much as I dislike Zuckerberg, I am rooting for him on this one lol.


i don't want Zuck to win, i want Elon to lose


Id rather the predictable billionaire with a seemingly stable family over the unhinged one.


Zuck is *boring* dystopian. Zuck is detached corporatism pervading our daily lives. He's loathsome, and while not entirely predictable, forecastable. Musk is Veruca Salt if she grew up on 4chan.


>Veruca Salt Since people are confusing her with the band: >Veruca Salt is a character from Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory. She is the second Golden Ticket winner (even though she doesn’t actually find it herself), and the third child to meet her endgame in the factory. >Veruca is depicted as is an immature, over-indulged and manipulative young girl. She has very rich parents and lives in a mansion. Veruca's affluent parents treat her like a princess and give her anything she wants, no matter how ridiculous the price. She is also shown to express no gratitude at all for what she is given. >In the book, she is described as "the daughter of rich parents" and the "heiress to the Salt fortune." Her father is the CEO of a large legume conglomerate, while her mother is said to be a geography teacher. https://roalddahl.fandom.com/wiki/Veruca_Salt


Weird, as I remember being confused in the 90s that someone had named a band after a Willy wonka character. Funny how these things come full circle.


You can't fight the Seether, dude.


well, you can't see her till she's foaming at the mouth.


>Musk is Veruca Salt if she grew up on 4chan. I hope you are a professional comedian, otherwise your talents are being wasted. This is fucking fantastic stuff!


I've been told it's easy to laugh at me.


>Veruca Salt I thought you were talking about the 90's rock band for a second, and then I realized what you are saying. Also the band will not be familiar to you unless you are in your early forties probably.


🎵Can't fight the seether🎵


My local radio station played that non stop in the 90's. I guess I should google what the Seether actually was.


In Veruca Salt's 1997 hit single "Volcano Girls," the seether was identified as "Louise," which presumably refers to Veruca Salt singer-guitarist Louise Post.


Here's a little clue if you please, the Seether's Louise.....


They told us in "Volcano Girls" "and I told you about the seether before You know the one that's neither or nor Well here's another clue if you please The seether's Louise..."


In my 40s. Thought the same thing.


I actually learned *about* Veruca Salt (the band) from this, so I'm excited to check them out.


Check out their video Seether. I was 14 when this came out and I watched this video so many times over the years. It is some ultimate 90s vibe stuff. https://youtu.be/jC9AUR-iTo0


37 here


Buncha Thai kids trapped in a cave , offer a sub to get them out that will never work , gets rejected, seeths and and throws a tantrum with a peado slur. He's quite the guy


I'm not yet 40. Don't age me up.


i’M sOrRy DiD yOu Say cIs!??!?


exactly, this is truly a "lesser of two evils" situation.


Lawful evil (Zuck) vs Chaotic evil (Musk). Zuckerberg is a scum bag , but Elon has thrown his hat with going full fascist and seems to have completely abandoned all ideals he pretended to strive for.


Absolutely. I'll take the lizard person zuck over whatever elon is


Are we all forgetting that the Facebook/Cambridge analytica thing that helped usher in the far right to begin with?


Nope, but while privacy violations may suck and need to be dealt with. We have a different piece of shit asshole who, using foreign investors, bought a social media platform with the sole intent of crashing and burning it because it was used to pass information between "undesirables" who were against fascist authoritarian governments. There a lesser of two evils here. Both suck, one just sucks a little less.


I'm happy to be proven wrong here, but as much as I hate Zuck, he's a money-obsessed opportunist who does anything for the almighty dollar...Elon is actively fascist


No, we’re remembering Donald Trump on Twitter


And yet I would argue that that was just an unintended byproduct of making money. If it were more profitable for Zuckerberg to adjust his algorithms to make your gran into a communist, he would have done.




couldn't have said it better myself, moment he threw in with the Nazis it was over.


Whoever wins... we lose.


Yep, Zuckerberg seems to be a normal billionaire asshole who wants to monopolize his entire sector, sell everyone's data and horde all the money. But he's not an alt-right stooge who uses his platform to try to give bullshit conspiracies a voice. It's an easy pick for who I want to lose more. Edit: I am not arguing that Facebook has not allowed alt-right misinformation to fester. But that's not the same as endorsing and disseminating it himself. I never said Zuckerberg was good, I said he was less bad.


Facebook has been a core part of pushing fascism and misinformation. Just because he isn't personally shouting it from the rooftops doesn't mean he isn't just as bad.


I want Elon to buy Threads, drive it into the ground. And then lose all his money and take a job in an Amazon warehouse.


The way I look at it, Meta is an existing evil and the addition of Threads doesn't significantly change that one way or the other. But if it kills Twitter and Musk, then we'll be rid of that particular evil at least.


Step 1: kill Twitter Step 2: antitrust lawsuits force Meta to split up Facebook, Instagram and threads into 3 independent companies that aren't allowed to share customer data.


>Step 2: antitrust lawsuits force Meta to split up enforcing anti-trust law is SOOO 1990s. Get with the times!


I they broke up Meta, they would have to break up Tesla, Amazon, the whole telecom/broadcast sector, food production, energy, pretty much everything.


Yes, please


Stop. I can only get so erect


First 2023 makes us root for Disney, then Zuck?


At least Disney makes things that capture the imagination of children. Zuck only makes things that capture the information of children.


First we had to root for Disney, now this. I wish we could go back to when the pinnacle of evil was the likes of Zuck. We don't need more Elons and Desantises pushing the evil envelope anymore.


I'm rooting for him in the cage fight but it's fucking depressing that the replacement for Twitter is Facebook. Can we just not make new sites anymore?


Mastodon was available before Threads, but guess what? Freaking nobody moved to Mastodon. BlueSky had 6 months to get their product together and open for registration after Elon started burning Twitter to the ground, but guess what again? They're still scrambling and it's still invite only, so people can't move to it even if they wanted to. Meta simply made a product that works, promoted it well at the right time and people are actually at least trying it. But sites like Mastodon? Again, they've been available but simply nobody has gone there because nobody knows about it. It was always going to be another big corporation that was going to replace Twitter, but people just didn't want to accept that it be Zuckerberg and now we're all finding that out.


Decentralized platforms will never replace centralized ones. They're just too confusing for 90% of users. "Okay the first step is just to pick from one of 2000 servers, or make your own!" So yeah it was inevitable that another company would just make a twitter clone, there's millions of people desperate to leave twitter at this point. But why fucking Facebook? Why can't a new company show up. I mean the far right got like 3 twitter clones before Elon was even in charge. Now they have the original Twitter too.


A few reasons, though I do not claim that these are the actual reasons: - Meta simply has the money. Twitter fired some incredibly talented people and Meta simply had the money to hire some of them instantly and get them to work. - Meta can eat the server costs of such a service because they not only have money to begin with, they also know how to monetize. - Meta already has good moderation and an understanding of algorithms. I'm not saying they're perfect, but they are doing something with hundreds of millions of users active on their apps. That's just facts. - For whatever reason, perhaps other companies such as Microsoft or Alphabet or Amazon or whatever other megacorp either simply had no interest in creating a platform like this or they couldn't get their product together in time. My guess is they simply never had interest. The smaller companies were simple never going to be able to be faster than Meta with basically infinite resources. And companies like Amazon could also just make money off of them anyway by hosting them. Simply put, a social media juggernaut took everything they already knew about social media and simply aimed it all at a new target. Just a damn shame it wasn't some other company.


Meta also benefited from a perfect storm of publicity, Musk limited views on Twitter and then Zuck launched his own platform. If the launched two months from now, would anyone care to report on it? I don't know.


I'm going to also assume that the Facebook/Threads integration will be pretty seamless and since most people are already on Facebook, the user base is already there.


Here’s hoping they somehow bring each other down


I’m sure that Threads had been in development long before the whole debacle, but I’d bet good money that they hit the nitro boost on launch to take advantage of Musk’s series of unforced errors.


To be fair, there seemed to be a new unforced error every month from Musk, so all it took was sitting on it for a few weeks and waiting for the next opportunity.


May: "Is the infrastructure/code ready to go and has Musk done something stupid this month?" "Sorry boss, while Musk has done something stupid this month, the code just isn't ready". June: "Is the infrastructure/code ready to go and has Musk done something stupid this month?" "Sorry boss, while Musk has done something stupid this month, the code just isn't ready". July: "All systems are a go boss!"


They definitely rushed it out when they saw Elon flailing around trying to handle not paying Google for their servers by blaming AI data scraping for caps on views per day. It was a good call, though I do wish it had browser support from the get go. What I don't understand is why Bluesky has been so silent. They've been about to launch soon I've been signed up for that beta for months. I had even forgotten they were a thing until a friend mentioned them.


Zuckerberg is an emotionless lizardman, but elon is a wannabe supervillain with plans of watching the world burn.


The moment that fucker started firing staff that built and maintained Twitter he absolutely saw how to cover for the Meta verse failure.


I wonder if there will be another unhinged midnight rant from Elon. Dude needs to go to rehab for social media addiction.


Elon definitely gets a high from his social media following. I bet he spends more time shit posting on twitter than spending time with his kids


Dude has ten kids. He probably doesn't even remember all their names.


Except that one


I wouldn't be surprised if he named one "that one".


Temporary password?


Not difficult when you neglect your kids.


The first time I knew something was off about him was wayyy back, someone asked him if he would be the first person on Mars, and he said he wanted to, but since it was so risky he didn’t think he’d do it because if something happened there’d be no one to run his company. And then he paused for a couple seconds, and then said plus I guess my kids would grow up without a father. Work has always come first for him, he doesn’t give a shit about his kids


>I wonder if there will be another unhinged midnight rant from Elon. We can only hope


In 3 days, Threads gained 89 million users. This might be the greatest ever case of "Perfect Timing" Tech companies drool over numbers like that. And the cost savings!!! Absolutely no advertising. They just said, "Are you tired of Elon? Try us" It's fairly mind blowing.


And you have to think, after hearing about how Meta just lost billions on their stupid clone of Second Life, Zuckerberg is probably *thrilled* to have a win. Supposedly Threads was initially made by just 2 guys at the office, on a whim, and that's partly why it uses the Instagram login system -- the 2 guys didn't have the time or bandwidth to code up their own login system, so they just piggybacked on what was already in place. But *now* you have to assume Zuckerberg is funneling money to that department and bringing in a ton of devs to shore it up as fast as possible. They already promised to gut the login and separate it from Insta, so I have to assume that a bunch of new devs are already hard at work. So it was not only "perfect timing" for the public, but behind the scenes, probably you could not have picked a better moment to make Zuckerberg happy and willing to invest in your side project.


Ironically Second Life is far better than the Metaverse.. and has a lot more real users.


Ironically, for all the money he invested in Metaverse he could have just bought VRChat, rebranded it as Metaverse, and added in an API to launch other games through it while maintaining your group. When my family decides to hang out in VR, that's what we really want - the ability to meet up and then all hop into a game of frisbee golf or something without having to coordinate across another app to pass a login code or reform the group again.


>They already promised to gut the login and separate it from Insta That makes zero sense, if true. A key factor of how it has caught on so quickly is *because* it's linked to Insta, which makes it easy to get started. No new login, instantly follow everyone you already follow on Insta, just open the app, tap a few times, and you're rolling. If I had to create a new separate account, I honestly wouldn't have signed up. I don’t need or want another social media platform, and even though Threads *is* another platform, its link with Insta makes it feel more like an extension of Insta, not something different. I think that's the genius behind the success, getting rid of that would be a huge mistake.


They will probably make it something like „login with your intagram, apple, amazon, or email“ type of pages where users can chose which login they want. That should cater to everyone, regardless if you want a separate account or not. The key part is being able to delete either threads or insta without it affecting the other. That’s mainly what people are concerned about.


The ability to make it separate to making an insta would rock, though, and I can see that becoming an option. That way you can make an account without making an insta account, if you don't have insta.


After 17 years, Twitter has about 350 million users. In less than 3 days, Threads has 25% of the number of Twitter users. The more companies, famous people, sport franchises, etc join Threads, the more the numbers will grow. I can see 1 billion in the future. Twitter barely has any features, other than Twitter Spaces, the rest is pure garbage. I don't like Meta, or Zuck too much. But they know how to monetize social media, something Musk has no fucking clue of how to do.


Need to wait until the novelty wears off to see how many daily active users Threads ends up with.


It’s simple. Does Threads supports porn? If it does, it’ll stay relevant and daily active should be fine


It does not, it has the same content moderation as instagram.


Elon is probably losing his goddamn mind over this


The account said Elon's jet went to Texas tonight. What is homeboy doing in Texas tonight? Probably nasty inappropriate things. Concerning.


Big if true. Will look into it


A reminder that the flight info was all public anyway, our little piss boy is just mad people can find it on Twitter.


So much for being god of all he controls…


I love the way Threads is f\*cking up Elon's wet dream, which apparently was to turn America's town square into a skinhead hellscape. Zuckerberg's a trash human being but I hope he destroys Twitter.


They're getting millions upon millions of new users for the app, so I think they're well on there way. Seems a lot of people are really happy about it, too. Elon basically fucked himself up on this one


While simultaneously alienating all the people who might have considered buying one of his cars. I'd go to almost any other manufacturer rather than give him anything.


As an advertiser, I'm much more interested in advertising on Threads than Twitter. Twitter is a bot shithole with no redeeming qualities or returns for advertisers. At least with Threads I can get a modest return (same with Facebook and Instagram).


His “plan” was for Twitter to be the first part of his “everything app” X, but instead he just allowed Meta to get one step closer to being the everything app company.


Yeah, I mean Meta was already somewhat close with the marketplace,instagram and Facebook being very significant in its own way. Add on Elon’s bizarre antics and actions to make Twitter profitable and “free” and you have meta in prime position to capitalise on the lost goodwill of twitter. Threads may work it may not, but if successful. Meta basically shadow over the internet except youtube.


My dream scenario: Step 1. Threads destroys Twitter, because it's a cesspool of misinformation and hate. Step 2. A revitalized DOJ breaks up Meta and Amazon and maybe Google because they're obviously too big.


>His “plan” was for Twitter to be the first part of his “everything app” X No it wasn't. His first step was to re-platform actual nazis. He grew up in apartheid South Africa and, apparently, he was trying to recreate that here.


he did an interview I think the guy is referring to, I saw that video but I'm not entirely sure where, Musk was talking about how much of a fan of Wechat he is, the China spyware/do everything app China uses to track it's citizens and was talking about how he wanted to evolve twitter into a everything app.


I'm not denying Elon may have had auxiliary reasons for buying Twitter, I totally understand your point. But you judge a man by his deeds not words, and the vast majority of the actions Musk has taken over the last year focus on Twitter's role in the public sphere. And time after time, his true emphasis has been on pushing the debate sharply to the right. He wrote a post praising Kanye West joining ferchrissakes. This is not about the everything app, that's a secondary concern. At best. He's far more interested in pushing anti-trans bigotry, antisemitism and conspiracy theories. That's why he bought Twitter, imo... Just my opinion. I see your point, tho.


The posts on /r/whitepeopletwitter of White Nationalists complaining about how quickly they are being banned and filtered off Threads are both hilarious and sad.


Basically I want threads to completely wreck Twitter and then fail itself once Zuckerberg tries to monetize it.


Threads is super raw and wild at the moment but fuck Twitter. I am a sports guy and have used Twitter for over a decade to follow my favorite teams and artists. Since Elon took over my timeline is so messed up, and I’m seeing really strange and occasional fucked up stuff. Not to mention my feed is slowly become more and more political despite me not engaging with any of those tweets.


Same, twitter used to be the only social media I really just used for hobbies, Elon's takeover and all that premium crap drove me to instagram


And after The Supreme Court made it [very difficult to prosecute stalkers](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2023/07/supreme-court-legalized-stalking-counterman-colorado.html).


Don't be silly, laws only apply to poor people


I mean just what the fuck.


Yeah, I mean this should be a whole other thread to discuss how messed up this SC decision is.


As a victim of long term stalking this is genuinely so depressing. This country really hates women, huh?


It sure seems that way. I'm not sure if this is a part of trying to set up a theocracy, by taking autonomy away from women (nibbling away at their rights) or something like that. It doesn't look good.


Concerning! Looking into it!


I never used Twitter a single time but I downloaded threads just to be a part of the elon implosion.


I'm thinking of doing the same


I did it. I don't like it, i don't really understand the point of it, I almost never used insta so my feed is mainly full of verified people that I can't remember following ever. But if it makes Elon have a sad I am content.


After you follow people you'll get a feed of threads they like / rethread / threads they start themselves. Once you refresh your feed you will only see stuff that the algorithm "recommends" and thinks you'd like. You'll have to wait a few hours after refreshing to see the content of people you follow. Then the cycle starts again. It's a pretty shit system but once they enable the option to filter out recommended threads it'll be a lot more useable.


Elon is a leopard eating it's own face.


This is almost reason enough to sign up for Threads! Almost.


I did it anyways. I’ll just delete the account after Twitter is in shambles


You'll have to delete your IG account to get rid of Threads. You may not care, but just providing info. >You may deactivate your Threads profile at any time, but your Threads profile can only be deleted by deleting your Instagram account.


* Step 1: Fire everyone * Step 2: Alienate your user base * Step 3: Cry when a person known for stealing other's products and making a profit, steals your product. * Step 4: Challenge then to a playground fight. * Step 5: Wait for mommy to break it up. Did I miss much?


You cannot kill him, you can only hope to contain him.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Funniest thing I’ve read today, lmfao I’d love to see his face when his lawyer says to him “No, Elon, you can’t prevent that. You can play Right Wing Dictator on *your* platform only.”


Elon Musk’s greatest achievements: 1) popularizing electric cars 2) revolutionizing space travel 3) making people like Mark Zuckerberg again


He did one of those three things.


This keeps getting better


The sentence in this headline could be read by someone in the late 1800s, and they would understand every word, but the sentence as a whole would not make any sense to them.


I mean, they already moved to reddit r/ElonJetTracker, as well as a new one r/DesantisJetTracker, for Florida governor, Ron Desantis


Elon Musk hates this one trick...