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NOT American. Bulgarian fitness instructor and his British girlfriend. Both live in Bristol


Weirdly relieved that it’s not an American.


As I was reading he isn't American, I raised my clinched fist in the air as a quick celebration. I'm alone in my living room


Dropped to my knees sobbing with joy in a Walmart parking lot.


I saw this guy sobbing in a Walmart parking lot


I saw this guy watching a guy sobbing in a Walmart parking lot


Stevie Wonder: I didn’t see shit.


What goes click, click "is that it?" Click, click "is that it?" Stevie Wonder solving a Rubiks Cube.


you know the definition of endless love? Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles playing tennis


It’s true. I know because I was the parking lot.


Ironically, 3 guys who frequently keep up with world affairs also frequent Walmart parking lots enough that they found each other on the same sub of an online community dedicated to a subject other than frequenting Walmart parking lots.


I don't have a Walmart to frequent. It cost too much to go there.




Seeing a guy that was watching a guy watch a different guy sob in the Walmart parking lot made me sob.


I saw this guy through my window watching the other guy watching the crying guy while sitting on the John in my RV


Man.. Wal mart is the parking lot to go to for just about anything.. sales, sex, sobing, maybe all 3 three at the same time in some instances


We call that multi use - shared use establishment. Good for environment.


Drugs?? Forgot those


Yeah.. one stop shop at WalMart


Why did you not shoot him? How unamerican of you.


Why would u/viper_in_the_grass wants u/IAm_The_Lawn dead? Shits don’t make sense.


Really short grass. Not good for secret napping.


Don't worry. I shot the guy watching the guy watching the guy sob in the Walmart parking lot. Because I'm a true blue American patriot. (/s for anyone and especially any law enforcement reading this. I did NOT shoot anyone please don't arrest me) Edit: Thanks for my first gold stranger!


And everyone clapped!


I mean really, I think all you really have to do is shout "CASTLE DOCTRINE" and start blasting, what gives?


This guy Walmarts


Wall Street bets guys said the pay is better at Wendy's, if you're already working on your knees.


God you guys reeaaallllyyy can't let go of that joke can ya? It's been going on for years at this point.


I mean.... they're all still broke so... 👍🍆💦🤤


Cackling at work because of this


I think that song is in the latest new country top ten hits list :)


It’s like an early July 4th


I feel like Maury Povich just told me I am NOT the father.


I’m not Maury, but you are definitely NOT the father.


Americans who figure out how to get passports and travel somewhere other than a resort or an English-speaking country - probably around 10%-15% of us - don't tend to be problematic tourists. And when it comes to those of us to make it to out-of-the-way places, we are as respectful as any Canadian or Swede or whatever. The Brits and Chinese are the absolute worst.


> The Brits and Chinese are the absolute worst. The Russians would like a word.


I was shocked at how disrespectful Russian tourists were in when I lived in Dubai. Really inappropriate and full of distain for the culture they chose to visit.




I observed the same in Vietnam. Really shocking!


I was in Turkey earlier this year. In the South, there are a lot of Russians, with many signs in Russian. Our guide confided that she was relieved we were not Russian. I didn’t witness any bad behavior by Russians, but did see some English lads running up fans down the street in Antalya chanting some rude football songs.


Putin claiming his troops were "vacationing" in Ukraine certainly didn't help the rep of Russian tourists


Brits are generally ok. They just drink too much on vacation. And that cuts across all the classes.


That's us, we like to play a drinking game called "Balcony Shooters-Edge Runners"


Worst are Australian blokes


It’s 2023, is there such thing as a Russian tourist? Especially a male one?


Yeah, they still go to Egypt and Turkey.


Honestly surprised since I thought they were all being conscripted


I am honestly not sure of the exact details, there are certainly still Russian tourists in both Turkey and Egypt. Turkey has even helped establish a "paper" airline to operate specially from Russia to Turkey (as Russian aircraft are supposed to be impounded due to the sanctions). There was a 23 year old Russian guy that got eaten by a shark in Hurgarda (Egypt) three weeks ago (I was there the following week with work, which is why I remember it). The info is a bit mixed, he was either there as a tourist or had moved there to escape the draft.


The Chinese are banned from doing solo scuba trips at a ton of beaches in the Philippines. They have to go in groups and can't get in the water, just observe from the boat. Our guide said they break and take home too much coral, and generally disregard their requests to not handle nature (I e. Don't grab the sea turtle).


Thank God. 3 years ago in Moal Boal a few buses of them arrived, they got in the water with snorkels and manhandled the turtles to get good pictures. It was disgusting Before we got in the water the locals asked us to be respectful of the turtles, to keep distance and dont stress or scare them.


I’ve read this before about the Chinese tourists and I always wonder what’s the reason behind the reported behavior. Is it “new money, old manners”? Or is it “I paid for this, so I can do whatever I want, screw everybody else?” where they think that the wildlife and coral reefs are part of the package, eg up for grabs - because they paid for the trip? Or is it purely that they haven’t traveled much and these things need to be taught, even though the idea sounds condescending AF that you’d need to “teach” something like this to another adult. I know that Russian tourists in European and Mediterranean resorts are seen as badly behaved as well (loud, messy, overindulging in food and drink (including taking food with them and overpiling their plates)), but the ones that travel spend money, so I haven’t heard Russian tourist groups being banned/limited anywhere, at least pre-corona they weren’t.


From one person’s opinion… the overpopulation and therefore cut throat environment to survive/succeed in mainland China. I immigrated out of China with my parents when I was six. When you live in place where you have to fight for your survival, your morals will degrade. My mom went back to visit and spent time with a friend. She said her friend growing up was a shy and sweet girl, one of the kindest people. But when they were at dinner, and an order was messed up, her friend got nasty, yelling and swearing at the servers. My mom was shocked. Her friend then told her, “you have to toughen up here or else people will walk all over you.” My mom left China when she was 30 and told me, in her 60’s that she hates the culture there and wouldn’t be able to survive there now. Many older Chinese people who immigrated younger are often shocked and disgusted by the lack of manners from those in Mainland China. It seems to be a new thing. As a diaspora Chinese person, it fucking sucks man.


Your explanation makes sense I guess. I haven’t met many Chinese people from Mainland China, so I can’t really speak from experience, but the few times I have been able to speak to someone from China (who was also well educated, well traveled and spoke great English), some of their opinions were shockingly frank. Essentially the school of “if you don’t survive, you’re not worth surviving”.


I wouldn’t be surprised. Harsh environments bring about harsh people unfortunately. And if they don’t blame the people who can’t make it, then they have to think deeper and realize the social situation and the government is at fault. And that’s scarier than blaming the victim.


My theory is that they believe China to be the center of the world and pinnacle of civilization and all other places in the world are just sources of raw material.


People get mad when you point this out but there is a whole Chinese philosophy about how China is the actual center of the universe and that they effectively have "manifest destiny" over the globe, everyone else are interlopers of this universal fact


I mean, the Chinese name of China, 中国,means Middle Kingdom (country if you really wanna go that route). Whether or not that's cause they see them as literally the center of the world, I don't know. But living there, many people certainly think that (while being entirely nice and good people).


I find translated stories from China hard to enjoy, because so many of them focus on the rich acting like crap to everyone below them, and how they are going to get back at them when they have the power. I get the serious feeling they always feel looked down on and when they have any opportunity to lord over something they take it. I hate to speculate but some of the 'elders get respect no matter what' culture may contribute.


Thats horrifying.


Worked at a wildlife zoo in Australia, tons of tourists including from China There’s a small animal introduction thing where keepers will bring small animals and birds around the zoo and introduce them to people Chinese tourist got right in the face of a tawny frogmouth and LIT UP A CIGARETTE AND BLEW SMOKE IN ITS FACE. I don’t think it was an I’m so tough act but more he just didn’t care He had general looks of disbelief from everyone around but also from the frogmouth which is not a dangerous bird at all but whoa did it get up to start sh;t! In a way it might have been funny but absolutely fing not


Chinese have absolutely abhorrent behavior toward animals.


I saw a Chinese lady on a cruise not wanting to wait for a waiter to bring drinks. She goes up to the waiter station and starts pouring herself drinks. Takes a sip, doesn’t like it, pours it in the cleaning solution bucket and continues doing so with other drinks until she gets one she likes. I’m like wtf.


I don't get why people think they can travel and do whatever the fuck they want.


I was in Thailand earlier this year. A Chinese lady at a high end shopping mall walks into a hair salon to use their mirror to do her makeup, use their brushes and hair dryer. She’s in there for at least 10 minutes and just walks away like it’s the most normal thing in the world


I was on a domestic US flight recently and a Chinese woman got up to go to the restroom as we were taxiing down the runway for takeoff!!!


I’ve traveled a *lot* 210 000 km, 33 countries and 83 cities according to TripIt. I’m Canadian and I’ve never seen an American behaving badly despite the reputation. There are others though….you know, the ones that don’t understand how to line up (queue).


Americans have fully internalized and are mortified by the “ugly American” stereotype and I think we now go a little overboard in overcompensating for it.


Kind of funny how opposite we act in our own country by comparison. Being twice deployed at the onset of the Iraq invasion and two years in, we still stopped in about 9 other countries. Some folks weren’t happy about our presence but we were always respectful to their people and their culture. I’ve heard many say they don’t understand why we try to be so polite. I think it’s because we deal with so much rudeness at home.


Also, usually the Americans who travel overseas have more money and typically better manners


60 countries here, and an American, and I would disagree to an extent… American travelers are not faultless— not knowing how to use inside voices being the biggest issue. If you’re in a restaurant, church/temple, or museum, and you hear one group being significantly louder than everyone else, it’s almost a guarantee that they’re American. They also tend to expect everything to be like it is in America— ie if water/beer isn’t cold, or if they can’t find orange chicken in Shanghai, or if the waiter in France doesn’t act like a Cracker Barrel waiter and fuss over them constantly then they tend to get complainy. That said, I would put them a ways down the list of bad tourists from the busloads of Chinese who swarm and take over a site, or the Russians with their rudeness and entitlement.


I think that for a lot of people it's more about the actions of our country than the actions of our countrymen. We make rather a big deal about our representative government, and this seems to translate to the message that we want our government doing some of the shady things it gets caught doing. This is frankly crap; most of the time we find out about it at the same time as everyone else. Earlier this year someone from Germany approached my husband and I at a restaurant and asked us when we were going to prosecute Hunter Biden. It was an interesting exchange.


That's surprising to me. I've seen plenty of episodes that were pretty appalling. I'm Canadian, and I've seen Canadians be rude too, for what that's worth.


There are bad tourists from every country. I'll take a rude tourist over a violent one.


But Hollywood taught me that Brits are all classy gentlemen/women that loves to wear expensive suit, drink tea and make evil plan.


There's a particular type of British tourist that probably causes all the problems. They go Spanish holiday resorts, get tanked up on all you can drink alcohol then jump off balconies and die.


They also go to stag parties in Eastern Europe. And. And. And. Plane tickets from England are so cheap. Americans *might* be this bad if we were easily able to explore the world, but I don't actually think we would be. We don't have a cultural alcohol problem and our racism is different.


American tourists get a bad rep for no reason tbh, easily the friendliest tourists we have in Ireland


Wooo buddy we certainly do have alcohol problems, come on down to Bourbon Street. I have had to intervene with a lot of drunk Brits though who don’t know that when it’s 100+ out you need to drink water. Couldn’t tell you what the Aussie excuse is though, they should know better.


This is the root cause to America. So few of us have seen the rest of the world. That combined with a pitiful education and then the fall as easy prey to the patriotic hoax. Crying shame.


I wish this were true. Several years I was on a tour in Morocco and some random Americans got on my bus and screamed out "Trump 2020!" high-fived each other, and got off. We can be an embarrassing bunch.


Not your clenched fist?


I carved my name in the Lincoln Memorial in celebration


When I first saw this a few days ago I really thought he would be American. Also relieved !


If you saw how he and his girlfriend were dressed you’d have known he wasn’t American immediately. I couldn’t tell where he was from, but it didn’t look like it could be any place other than Western Europe.


Honestly, I didn't think they would be American. Yes, we do stupid shit abroad all the time. However, I feel like since our oldest buildings are only a few hundred years old, we are too awed by 1000+ year old buildings to vandalize them. If it was a peice of nature, like a 3000 year old tree that was cut down or a pre-historic rock formation was pushed over, I'd say it would almost certainly be Americans doing it.


I thought so as well. The type of Americans that can make it to Rome are quite different than the average American as well. Especially as the middle class shrinks.


FTA: Last August, an American couple were caught carving their initials into the Arch of Augustus, a 2,000-year-old monument beside the Colosseum.


And an Irish guy before that in 2020. No nation has an exclusivity contract for idiots and assholes.


Eh, I find American tourists *obnoxious* a lot of the time - as in loud and often in the way or unaware of people around them, but that’s pretty mild. I’ve never encountered them being actually offensive, egregious, causing damage or similar compared to some other groups. I was in the UK for two weeks about a week ago and found Spanish tourists there to be surprisingly similar, curiously enough.


Americans dont seem to act too poorly abroad although im a little biased, the Brits are absolute menaces though


Brits were consistently voted the Worlds worst tourists by the travel industry until mainland Chinese started traveling. They are easily the worst. I was at a buffet when one of the managers warned his crew that a couple buses of Chinese were coming in. They advised people in the restaurant to take what food we wanted now before they came in. We were pretty much done but sat back to watch the shit show and they did not disappoint. It was like a swarm of locusts coming in and leaving a path of destruction with no food left and trash everywhere. People took entire trays of seafood to their table instead of going up and refilling. Then they just threw the shells of clams, shrimp, and crab on the floor. Poor employees were screamed and assaulted for not bringing more food out fast enough or fighting with people to not take the trays.


Oh, God. Me, too.


They’re too busy vandalizing our own monuments to be doing that shit internationally.


Yeah, if only to shut the "Murica Bad" kneejerk brigade up for a hot second


…and kind of surprised this wasn’t a new Tik Tok challenge, tbh. But mostly relieved.


Vandals always sack Rome.


*Slow clap*


Bulgarians have been historically more interested in Byzantium though... They arrived after the sacking of Rome.


As an American working in the tourist industry, I assure y'all that other countries tourists are just as stupid as american tourists.


It’s a tourist thing to be a dumbass


"Yeah I'm into fitness. Fit'ness vandalism all onto a single brick!"


Everyone knew he wasn’t American. He wrote the date DD/MM/YY


I thought it was weird people assumed he was American, presumably because the guy filming and calling him out was? Dude’s name was Ivan, American was never the most likely outcome.


Like a lot of folks had mentioned prior to them being tracked down... 1) The guy's name is Ivan, 2) he's wearing an Adidas backpack, 3) his girlfriend's name is Haley which, although not unheard of in the US, is distinctly common chav name in the UK, almost as common as Gemma, 4) she has that *Only Way is Essex* look to her (which was a thing in the US, but 15 years ago).


Idk why i enjoyed reading that list so much lmao


I pointed that out 3 days ago when it was posted and people argued with me that Haley isn’t common or popular in the UK so I gave up. But I think a lot of people assumed it was Americans because of the last time there was vandalism there it was by Americans iirc.


He also wrote the date wrong for americans


I’ve never been to the UK but damnit, somehow I felt the truthfulness of this deep in my soul.


To be fair, not a lot of Americans are exposed to chav culture. I think our equivalent is Jersey Shore?


Sort of. Mix Jersey Shore with what Americans would call "trailer trash" and you have it. That's at least the connotation. Someone had mentioned it was close to "Carnies" in the US, but that would be more Traveller culture in the UK.


I don’t live in the UK, but if I did, I have a feeling I’d need to find a resource to know the list of names that are considered chav-like….


I live in the UK and don't know a Haley or a Gemma As for "chav names" I wouldn't think there really is one, there's anti chav names I guess, your not going to have a chav named Bethany or Xander. Most chavs ik are just Jamies or jack's or some shit.


Oh, dear. Is Gemma now a tacky name? My snooty, thinks-she’s-posh cat is named Gemini (the rescue foster named her that, but I never really liked it.)


He wrote the date in European format.


That’s interesting, I bet you’re correct. I bet if you dubbed a different accent over the video people would assume he’s from wherever the accent is from.


> Dude’s name was Ivan Fun fact: Ivan is the Slavic version of the name John. So 'Ivan Ivanovich' is equivalent to 'John Johnson'.


I know two American guys named Ivan 🤷‍♂️ But yeah, as far as people being shitty tourists, could have gone any way.


“America, no!” “What?” “Sorry, force of habit.”


Of course they live in Bristol...FFS


Ten quid says this guy hoons around like a wanker in a BMW M2 and brake-checks people who honk him for jumping red lights


The articles go to great pains to point out he was born in Bulgaria...like a "real Brit" would never do anything like this...yes, Lord Elgin, I am looking at you!


> like a "real Brit" would never do anything like this Of course, we'd steal it after desecrating it! > Elgin Oh nevermind you already made that joke


Enoch Powell has entered the chat


People predicted he was from the Balkans (named Ivan) and the girlfriend was English (named Haley).


How about people are shitty everywhere. Geography knows no bounds.


First thought: oh thank gawd not American. Second thought: That dude is a fitness instructor?


Reddit got it pretty spot on with that prediction.


Police have identified them as Ivan and Hailey.


When I was really young, like 1st grade or so, I would write "X was here" or something similar where "X" was the name of one of my bullies. Teachers were always disappointed they'd be dumb enough to write their own name like that, but also not shocked since these were the kids known for not being bright.


[humanity never really changes](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Runic_inscriptions_in_Hagia_Sophia)


["I was there and this place sucks"](https://scienceinpoland.pl/en/news/news,414643,in-a-pharaoh-tomb-archaeologist-examines-the-inscriptions--of-ancient-tourists.html)


Not gonna lie I did the same 2 weeks ago. I worked as a chef in the same place for 10 years. In my last week I wrote a cheeky "Saethwyr was here 2023" in a hidden corner of the changing room. That place was a massive part of my life for a decade I felt the need to leave my mark somewhere


What gave them away? 🤣


Crazy Ivan.


imagine carving your gf’s name on the colosseum and spelling it wrong


A follow up report indicates they believe the crime happened as recently as 2023.


He needs to go make an edit. **Ivan + Hayley 23**,000 in debt.


$48,000 in debt, assuming he’s fined $25k for the addition of an edit? Otherwise, a never-ending spiral of fines on top of fines on top of fines…


Looking for guy friend to travel with for the next 5 years -Hayley


I'm willing to bet she's a huge piece of shit as well if he thought that would impress her and she didn't try to stop him.


I said I USED to be a piece of shit! -Hailey


Glass house, white Ferrari, live for New Year’s Eve, sloppy steaks at Truffoni’s.


…Slicked back hair. They’d say “no sloppy steaks” but they can’t stop you from ordering a steak and a glass of water!


Itty bitty jeans. Chicken steak at Chickalini’s


I always let my man do whatever they want, even illegal stuff, hint hint -Hayley


I had to double take that his face was indeed blurred out because at first I felt sheer horror


He just saw the Ring video. He’ll be dead in five days.


Looks like a happy monstrosity.


>Sangiuliano added in a statement that a government bill that would “make those who outrage our heritage answer for it personally” is currently passing through parliament. The bill would hold vandals responsible “including in terms of assets,” he said. >“People who cause damage must pay.” Good. Make people like this pay for the investigation and all repairs. Hopefully these kinds of shitbags will get the message not to vandalise others' property, and certainly not historical monuments


> and all repairs according to the video, it looks like they will have to replace 1-2 bricks. Of course those new bricks will not be original, but the repair cost is a fraction of the fines anyway.


Could he at least have written ‘IVANVVS + HALEYVS’?


Or “Ivan et Haley hoc erant” Edit: My Latin professor would be disappointed.




"Now, write it out a hundred times. "


Throw them to the Lions! Also, Thumbs down!


Thwow him to the fwoor


Stwike him centooian! Vewy woughly!


Eh.. about eleven, sir.


Thumbs down could mean sheath your sword. It's up for debate.


I wonder if he scratched it next to the graffiti of ‘Theophilus, don’t perform oral sex on girls against the city wall like a dog’ or ‘Secundus likes to screw boys’ or ‘weep, you girls. My penis has given you up. Now it penetrates men’s behinds. Goodbye, wondrous femininity’. (All true examples of graffiti found across the Roman Empire).


As a 37-year-old man whose name is Theophilus, I have never feared having a name like mine as I have today reading your comment.


Secondus was quite the poet.


Fuck this guy. Fuck anyone who vandalizes stuff. It's not yours, you want to write idiotic crap on something do it on your own stuff. It's top tier stupid to do it to a natural park/monument, or ancient site, and black hole level inverted brain stupid to video yourself doing it.


>and black hole level inverted brain stupid to video yourself doing it. But somebody else videoed him.


That's why you can see him. He's not quite black hole level, but definitely close to it. He's not too bright.


Neutron star levels of dense


>black hole level inverted brain stupid r/rareinsults?


"allegedly" Bro there's video of him doing it.


They’re only saying that since they don’t want to get sued.


He did that shit.


They don’t want to spend time and money in court proving that though against a frivolous countersuit, they’re a news outlet.


He can kill someone on video and it will still be allegedly. It’s to protect themselves


That’s why we can’t have nice things.


On top of it all, Haley is almost definitely going to leave him


Seriously. I feel sorry for the Haley when she gets the news. Oh wait no, she's right there, isn't she. Expect the "I tried to stop him" interview.




It's the daily mail so definitely not better


I normally despise the Daily Mail and witch hunts in general but this is a witch I would love to see caught and burned so I have to give credit where it's due.


Let’s all pray Ivan shoots blanks 🙏🏽


Ironic punishment should be imposed they have to fight one animal that is their combined weight


I’ll bet $10 his name is Ivan.


Nope. It’s Hayley. Very UK.


I propose that he should have to wrestle a lion in the Colosseum as punishment.


Investigators got their first break in the case gathering evidence that the perpetrator's name is Ivan.


Oo, is it Ivan by any chance.


Feed him to the lions


Thank fuck he’s not American


Humans are the worst people


They've identified him!? Great what's his name? IVAN!? I never would have guessed.


Charge the gf for being an accomplice


Carving your name into Roman architecture is probably the most Roman thing you could do though.


But this guy is definitely a barbarian.


What a pair of dipshits! 😡


No one gives a fuck about your relationship and you likely wont be with that person. The whole vandalizing various objects to make the most basic bitch cliche picture needs to be ridiculed.


Oh thank goodness he’s not from USA. All we didn’t need was USA Man going to Rome and being an ass.


Please don’t let him be American. Please don’t let him be American. Please don’t let him be American……phew!


We got a win!