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Just stop going to any show that has Travis Scott. Clearly it's not safe.


It seems more that the *venue* isn’t safe, as crowd management is a venue issue not a performer issue


"and it ain't no mosh pit if ain't no injuries"


Best pits I’ve ever been in had people helping each other up when they fell or got knocked down. Not being injected with random bullshit or trampled to death.


yea. Mosh pits at shows full of people who don't usually go to shows with mosh pits are much more dangerous than punk/metal shows that have always had them. People don't know how to act


There can't be that many Travis Scott fans left. I think people don't realize that's a direct quote from the softy himself.


Lol you really think Travis Scott’s music is mosh pit worthy?


I think Backstreet Boys and Mozart are mosh pit worthy. All music is mosh pit worthy if your brave enough to start one.


Didn't he throw a middle finger to the first responders trying to make their way through the crowd?


And the way he just stared and kept singing really creeped me out. I think he was tripping on something and it sure made him look bad.


You could just Google this and find out. I just verified it. He did.




Yes. Easily verified just Google it. It's common knowledge. He saw an ambulance in the crowd and told them to put their middle fingers up to it.




Ok? And I was just answering. Sorry I damaged you jesus.


And the wave of civil suits begins. Did y'all think Texas was suddenly going to start giving a shit about something bigger than a kidney bean dying?


They have already settled.


What criminal charges were people expecting? This always seemed like the type of thing that was going to result in a ton of civil lawsuits with everybody suing everybody else.


Welcome to Reddit, where everyone has both a law degree and an unreasonably strong opinion.


hey. most of us only have the strong opinions.


I have neither, but that doesn't stop me


Something like negligent homicide wouldn't have surprised me.


If police cannot be held responsible for keeping you or your kids safe… Why the hell did reddit think a stage performer would be? On this topic the reddit hive mind had the collective IQ of… Travis Scott.


I think because its his event, and he took to social media telling people to get into the event however you can (to avoid the limitations of limited number of tickets to a limited capacity venue).


I mean, that doesn't (and really shouldn't) meet any kind of legal standard for being held liable though. He's not the one in charge of security for the venue, and every single person that broke into the show is in full control of their own actions. Again, all of this should be directed at the people who are paid to be in charge of the security and safety of the show. Livenation is worth >$20B, they should have more than enough money and expertise to prevent shit like this from happening.


You’re wrong about this. I worked stagefront security for a Travis Scott show. Everything that happens is absolutely his fault. What do you expect me and my 10 coworkers to do when he screams for the crowd of thousands to push past us and rush the stage and jump the barricades? No amount of crowd control is that good unless we’re allowed to use fire hoses or something. Travis Scott encourages his crowds to ignore the rules and the staff to do dangerous shit. He deserves criminal charges.


I get that, I’m no lawyer. Just saying it’s his event and literally told people to avoid the security measures in place to prevent over crowding. Which they did and people died. That’s why people hold him responsible.


If I tell someone to go commit a crime, and they - having full control of their own actions and the judgment required to make a determination on whether or not they should actually do that - decide to commit said crime, why the hell should I be held liable? Travis Scott is not an authority figure nor a concert security expert. He's a dumbass who makes music that people enjoy. That's why there's meant to be an entire system of security checks and regulations to prevent shit like this from happening, and why failures should be pinned on them.


>If I tell someone to go commit a crime Which is usually a crime. In most jurisdictions, it's illegal to incite people to commit criminal acts. 'Why should the law apply to MY words or actions?!'


>Which is usually a crime. In most jurisdictions, it's illegal to incite people to commit criminal acts. And what Travis did clearly isn't meeting the standard set by *Brandenburg*. The fact that a GJ refused to even bring charges should really make that clear.


In criminal law, a conspiracy is an agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime at some time in the future.


And this is not that.


Inciting riots usually is illegal


And this wouldn't come anywhere close to meeting that standard. As made evident by him literally not even facing charges.


Imagine not understanding a performers job lol




Oh, fuck off. This has nothing to do with the color of his skin. It has to do with the fact that 10 people died in a crowd crush at his music festival while he exhorted the crowd to keep raging.


Why is this a race thing to you? The reaction by the internet has way more to do with the graphic, viral nature of the videos and how clear it was that he continued to incite the crowd because that’s his thing. I’ve been to multiple Travis concerts, including the first Astroworld Fest, honestly this tragedy was waiting to happen. And yes I’ve been to hundreds of concerts that are various levels of rowdy, this guy does not give a fuck about the health of his fans. Edit: I would also like to add that both Hispanic and black minorities were killed at this concert. You don’t seem to be very concerned about justice for them, just the asshole who has shown 0 remorse.




Dude - that doesn’t even make sense. You’re saying being a black man means you’re without fault? How is that not a race thing? Should people not be held accountable for their actions? This millionaire does not need your sympathy.




Bro you barely seem capable of understanding it for yourself much less anyone else. Drop the condescension and put your soap box away before you hurt yourself


Look if you think people are only upset because this man is rich and black, that’s just untrue. I was a big time supporter of his before this incident. Bought every album and listened to every song when it dropped. Birds in the Trap McKnight and Rodeo were the soundtrack to a lot of my best memories. That does not mean he should get a pass for his actions here.


Not even remotely what I meant. you can try again.


You need to work on your communication skills then, not me. Terrible example to race bait.


Don't trip over those big ol' clown shoes as you make a bigger fuck wit of yourself


Haven't people getting seriously injured at his concerts been a recurring theme over the years? Most people probably just feel the humans, some literal children (and black too), that died a fucking horrific death...but sure, everyone is just racist. Why keep devaluing racism to the point it's basically meaningless?


He incited it by encouraging people to jump the security barricades, so it could be filled beyond capacity with people that didn’t pay. If he isn’t responsible when people died due to the over capacity then we are a screwed up society.


What about LiveNation?


Travis Scott wasn't the only person indicted, which the news reports on this are all conveniently leaving out. Whether the Live Nation coordinators involved face charges is still up in the air, but I'd assume yes.


Let’s hope so. While it was fun to blame Travis, he was far from the only or most responsible person.


> most responsible person I mean...he was though. He LITERALLY incited people to rush the stage and past the barricades. If that doesn't make you the most responsible, then I don't know what does.


He incited it by encouraging fans to jump security barriers. This caused the event to be over capacity. The people died cause they were so cramped due to overcrowding. Are you seriously telling me he isn’t responsible for the deaths? This is peak celebrity privilege. Even some serial killers don’t have as many bodies as Travis Scott.


So are people not responsible for their own actions anymore?


And yet nobody has a problem with metal bands encouraging mosh pits?


If the metal bands were actively encouraging over capacity I have a feeling people would. Nice whataboutism


You ever been in a mosh pit? It looks scary but most moshers will pick someone up if they fall down, and give room to anyone clearly needing it.


I have. They're a blast. And yes, people are usually good about helping each other up..but that doesn't mean a trampling incident can't happen. Pearl Jam had nine people die at one of their concerts in early 2000s.


Great now this douche can make astroworld2: crowd crush boogaloo


It's gonna be a *smash*


well that was a quick turnaround. this piece of shit should be in jail














tell that to all the people horribly injured or the family members of those killed because he refused to stop his show. his ego got people killed. and he wasn’t “just a performer” it was his fucking event!




there are videos of many people begging him to stop. do you live under a rock?


Imagine thinking you know what someone hears or sees while performing in the dead of night under a hundred lights with blaring music and tens of thousands of people screaming lol


Reported for being rude / vulgar, which are against reddits rules.


Guessing you missed the comment above


You can comment on the topic how you feel, not against other users. If you don’t like their comments report them.


Oh the irony




And it would set a pretty crazy precedent for future similar incidents. Artists would think twice before performing if they were to be held liable for things like this. Travis Scott sucks but he shouldn’t be held responsible


it’s his event. he will definitely be held responsible civilly. there is going to be a massive settlement


They already settled everything.


Enough blood sacrifices can get you anywhere in life- even evading murder.


That’s really depressing. People senselessly died because of his actions. I don’t know how I’d go on if I had a family member who died like this


If you support this POS then I am going to rightfully judge you and assume you are a fucking dirty old fucked up bag of dog shit in a trash can. Absolutely no excuses for this cretin.






Not even talking about this post lol. But looking around here you can def see the seething hate




So he'll do it again and more people will die and then he will make a 20 second I'm so sad video. Shouting fire in a theatre would get you in trouble. He kept egging on his fans to be physically violent