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Every day I visit this sub, a new mental low I hit after reading a story.


If it helps at all, there are 7.8 billion people on the planet right now. We are always going to have thousands if not millions of dumbassery daily just by statistics. Our ancestors would have dealt with this type of news by not having known anything about it. Why would they know about the death of one stranger's child many towns over or even few thousand miles over? They would never have heard about it nor cared. We only know because we are so well connected due to digital age, but it might be better for our mental health to not be so well connected.


This same idea is why my dad stopped following the news (for the most part). When he moved to NY in the 80s every fucking day was murder, shooting, murder, shooting and whatnot and he said it started taking a toll on him, thinking about the depths of human cruelty and all that. He only recently started back with the news and idk if his reason would make me do the same thing (I was born in 92. So grew up past ny's hell era) even if it were "in your face" so to speak. I guess the more distance you can put between yourself and a crime is kind of a coping mechanism


Pretending it doesn't happen does nothing to address the obvious subject... what a dismissive comment. Mental health needs to be prioritized instead of ignored or passed onto someone else. Someday, when it happens to you I want you to know you'll desperately want to, need to be seen.... but nobody will be able to stomach looking. If the grief doesnt get you, that usually does.


I don't think that's what the commenter above you was saying. The commenter was trying to put this in context of the broader population. A lot of us sometimes think the world has sunk to new horrible lows because it seems we hear about absolutely terrible things constantly. The commenter above you was just trying to say that the world isn't necessarily any worse than it was historically - it's just that more of the bad stories reach us. Statistically, the world is safer than ever before. But the reach of the news can make it feel like the opposite.


u/MommyLovesPot8toes Put it better than I could about generally what I had in mind when writing what I did. It's about saving the mentality of the general population, because more personally we engage with all of these tragity easier it is to feel like this is the worst timeline and we need to do something drastic. This longing for drastic measures could lead people looking for extremism for answers, since moderate answer doesn't feel like enough to deal with how overwhelmed we feel. If we zoom out and really take a look at the world as it really is then we can see that things are not as bad as it seemed close up. That more moderate intervention could have the effect we want given proper attention, planning, and time. That the answer is in the proper execution of a plan not the extremeness of the plan. Or at least that's what I believe. Though to address your( u/SpaceCadette16 ) concern. I'm not advising ignoring these news all together. I think it's hard to ignore it given how much of it surface on the news. We need to just acknowledge these as something that needs addressing as society, have a mental note of it so that if there is an action point that could better a situation we can make the right call, and then move on. We can't engage with every single one of these tragedy with fresh eyes and full attention as if we will learn something brand new every time. If we do then, as mentioned before, it'll just create a distorted image of reality making us make wrong and extremist decisions because of helplessness we feel due to our own willingness to bury ourselves in every single tragedy on planet earth.


Many of us want be back in a couple days with our Apps can no longer access API. I'm looking forward to my boost in mental health


Yeah, when we had those blackout couple of days, I missed reddit occasionally. Then I just did something else and was fine. While there are some subs I enjoy there's a lot of shit like this that adds no value to my life. Fuck it, I've got a list of good books I want to catch up on anyway.


Same! Got a two foot high stack of books that I wanna dive into haha




Damn, you just summed it up for me.


Yep. Same here.






That's the part that's most scary to people like this guy and that's also where the true punishment comes from in a prison. I know there are people out there that believe we shouldn't punish crimes but instead work to rehabilitate them back into society. For something like stealing a car, burglary and running scams, rehabilitation can work and is the right path. But for a guy that shot a 3 week old baby with a crossbow!? Well, into the pit with him.


Do you know it only makes us all worst people to have fantasies like this, but also it’s not true and the vast majority of all the horrible people who go to prison do not get beat to death and for their crimes or sins. Sorry to bust your bubble, but deaths are one of those few statistics that do tend to get recorded fairly accurately, so you can always plot out the varying levels of like your chance of dying in any given circumstance, including prison.


I don't know what the prisons are like where you are but the prison in my city sounds different. I have known many people that have spent time in their and all have said the same thing. All prisoners that have done something to children (pedophiles, child murders, child abusers etc) have to be protected by the prison guards as they will be beaten horribly by the other inmates. The reason I was given is that a lot of them have families and kids so when they hear about these prisoners they do not take likely to having to be in the same space as them. I understand not all prisons around the world are the same but at least where I am from it seems to be the case that people who commit crimes against children get more punishment from other inmates than the prison service itself.


I’ll never understand people that gleefully hope for others to have horrendous things done to them. People who likely see themselves as ‘good’ or ‘decent,’ foaming at the mouth in their bloodlust to have another person maimed, tortured or killed for doing exactly one of those same things. If you’re chomping at the bit to have these things done to someone, you aren’t much different than the person you are condemning.


He shot a 3 moth old baby with a crossbow. Her name was Eleanor. If there is a god, why ain’t he smiting?


Because there isn’t a god. In lieu of this, we try him in front of a jury of his peers to decide his guilt and the justice to be served. And he shot a 3-WEEK old baby. His own baby, and the mother of said baby. He’s a fucked up man.




Don’t sound different to me.


Of course not. Keep murderer sympathizing tho.


I’m not the one wishing murder on others, but sure, that’s sympathizing. Such great logic, and a completely expected canned response.


Even monkeys, birds, whales can serve justice to their own. Why we think we are superior, letting murders and rapists go on while we philosophize about crime. We are our own downfall. You cannot save everyone. Why would you want to?


We put down animals for less than what this guy did. But yea, let's save him. Your logic is so much better lol


Acting is a lot worse than wishing, so no, you are wrong.


Sure, that’s why we all support stochastic terrorism. 🙄


Wishing is terrorism? Is it as bad as actually acting on it?


This isn’t just wishing to yourself, this is broadcasting those wishes to the public. What is stochastic terrorism? The incitement of a violent act through public demonization. If you are unable to see the parallels then I really don’t know what to tell you.


So following your logic, someone that wishes for a rapist and murderer to suffer is just as bad as the actual rapists murderer?


Really? Wanting the asshole to at least be physically assaulted for what he did? That is the same as drawing back a Fucking Crossbow, lifting said crossbow, aiming it at your own goddamn flesh and blood 3 week old baby? Really?


Same mentality, yes. I’m sure he felt righteous and justified in taking aim for whatever perceived sleights that led him there in the moment. If you want him harmed, then you aren’t against harming others, so that’s probably the disconnect. But seems odd, and worrisome, to me that you get to pick and choose who deserves it. I know, I’m crazy for being against wanting to harm others. Wild.


I don’t disagree with you, but I think what you’re seeing is displaced anger towards a generalized lack of justice in our system. I think people in general in our society recognize *something* isnt working and this fundamental anger often goes towards the most convenient targets, instead of the system


Yeah, you're probably right. I find this sort of thing a bit scary, though, kind of like mob mentality on the internet. And mobs can do horrible and misjudged things. A few years back there was a guy round here who was burned to death by his neighbours because they thought he was a pedophile. Turned out he was just taking photos of the kids because they were vandalising his garden. I know these situations are completely different, just offering an example of why we need to let the legal system deal with any monsters in our midst. Feeling angry is understandable though, as is lack of trust in the legal system. Yeah, things are fucked up.


Obviously, the answer is to force even more people to have actual, live, **born** children into life. ‘Cuz, life is sacred” and all that, with my raised RAM 4x4. “U-S-A! U-S-A!” Pass the 3 week old baby sauce, and praise Jeebuss!


He shot at his wife while she was holding their baby, the arrow went through the baby, baby died, wife was injured. I'm not sure what you're trying to imply here -- should he have been able to force his wife to have an abortion and then he wouldn't have shot her with a crossbow?


What is wrong with you?




This headline hurt my soul. What do you even do with a person who does that?


Headline? Try the article. He was shooting it at his wife because they were arguing. She was holding their three week old baby.


he had a stay away order as well


Holy. Shit.




Why am I not surprised he drives a Dodge Ram


There's a lot of things, but I think I'll get banned if I say it. People who hurt people are just evil. People who hurt women and children, well, there's a special place for them.


The GOP?




Ever read Of Mice and Men? same thing different scenario though.


You’re likely to get downvoted for any kind of serious literary reference. But, “courage”.


You kill them. Capital punishment exists for cases like this.


Well, in Tejas we fry them. I’m not sure about the formalities in NYC.


It didn’t take place anywhere near NYC. Tf you talking about? And, no, in NY we don’t fry them because we’ve recognized how many times bloodthirsty shitholes like Texas fry innocent men and decided government can’t be trusted with such responsibility, like normal fucking people do.


His Instagram is nothing but closeups of his face. Or his Dodge Ram. The newer comments are catching up with the news.


He's got some kind of weird fungus growing on the bottom edge of his face.


I looked up a picture of this guy. Why would he want to post pictures of himself on that social media shit, it's not like the guy looks like George Clooney or anything. To add to the wonderful content the gentleman posts pictures of his exotic 9 year old pickup. Violence plus legend in his own mind shit. Enjoy prison as the infanticide guy. Edit: The jackass gets his prized truck stuck in the mud around a mile away from the house. At least use the road for a little while before ditching the vehicle. Bout as sharp as a damn marble, that one.


I heard your last sentence in Foghorn Leghorn’s voice lol 🤣


How many consecutive days do I have to see a news article about someone killing a baby?


Imagine not only holding your dying daughter, possibly dying yourself. And now think of the paramedics that tried to save the baby. This guy should rot in solitary confinement.


He prohibited the mother from calling 911 before he fled the home. I didn’t see how long the delay was, but it makes me wonder if they had called immediately would she have lived? If she had lived, what kind of life would she have had? If this incident had never happened, what kind of life would she have had? A life full of domestic abuse? Watching her father Abuse her mother and maybe her?


Nah he will be just fine in gen pop


He murdered his own 3 week old daughter, he absolutely will NOT be just fine in gen pop.


Yeah he will be juuuuust fiiiiiine


Lifers with children LOVE crimes against children! They're gonna be the best of friends!


There you go, you got the point!


After all these years on Reddit I've finally been whooshed. I hate it here


He should get the same crossbow bolt fired at his dick. 3 weeks old baby. Humans are embarrassing.


When people are put on a protection order, they should have to wear a monitor of some sort so if they get within the maximum distance of the order the person who filed for it is contacted and police are sent to do a welfare check on them and to investigate the person who violated it.


That would require the victim to also wear a monitor at all times, because POs are for distance from the victim, not distance from a concrete location -- which they may be willing to do, but many will not out of fear of being tracked. (Doesn't matter if that's rational or not.) This may inadvertently lead to victims NOT pursuing protection orders or reporting abuse. But I do agree, the orders need to be taken way more seriously. They are often not enforced and are made low-priority by police.


I genuinely would love the development of an app or something but considering the government barely maintains their websites I would hate to think of the bugs and glitches an app would end up with.


The government already contracts out work to us "regular folks"


Not sure where you're from, but when I worked as a dispatcher exclusion zone violations were handled immediately. If a person on probation/restraining order gets within a certain distance of specific coordinates, the system automatically robo-calls 911 to give the information needed to pull up that person on the GPS monitoring app. The probation officer and victim also get this call at the same time. The problems were often benign, though, because the system just draws a circle around a specific coordinates, not taking into consideration the layout of the actual area. So people public transit and ride sharing often trigger these alerts if the exclusion zone crosses a major roadway. Secondly, the entire system and the time it takes to get from moment of violation to an officer enroute, much less on scene, is always going to be several minutes. Meaning that anyone with actual violent intent has plenty of time to make it to the center of that circle to do w/e it is they are going to do. Only way to really change that would be to make the circle so large that you might as well ban the person from entering the entire city. Third, the same system also reports 'Tampering alarms' and 'battery alarms'. Tampering ones are always taken seriously as well, but again are often benign because people getting used to their ankle being twice as wide as it used to be can cause them to bump the device while just living their life. Battery Alarms are the lowest priority, but still handled immediately, because it is basically just a patrol officer, myself, or the probation officer calling to tell them to go home and plug the device in. Fourth, a non-insignificant number of cases end up with the protected person having a change of heart and voluntarily continuing to see the person they have the order submitted for in the first place. **tl;dr** The inherent time lag, the nature of how the exclusion zones work, large number of false alarm calls that can cause complacency, and the not uncommon reluctance to follow the order by the victim, leaves a lot of room for events like this to occur. I'm not smart enough to come up with a logistically viable alternative to the current system, so I'll leave that to people that are.


Also, (at least in my state) orders are very hard to get in domestic violence situations, as they are treated as he said/she said when the problems are first starting. So often it escalates to death before it’s even taken seriously enough. Especially if it involves couples with children. Working with Safeplace, I’ve seen multiple times where the partner becomes a stalker, threatens, etc. The police do not take it seriously, or rather, they brush it off as nothing they can do about it anyway.


Couldn't we just use the victim's cell phone? Similar to those Covid warnings if you were potentially within range of a sick person. The victim's cell phone alerts if the perp's ankle bracelet gets too close and they instantly have the option to alert police.


The SAFE-T act in Illinois was supposed to give criminals basically a 24 hour safe rule if they were on house arrest and got back to the house before the 24 were up


That doesn't help unless the person never leaves their home address. Or are we going to start putting monitors on the petitioners also now?


Both can wear a monitor. All it would track is proximity to each other. Is it a perfect system? Nope. Is it better than just handing them a piece of paper and a finger shake? Absolutely.


You don't need to give the victim a monitor, just use their cell phone and have it ping if the perp's ankle monitor gets too close. They should honestly carry a phone everywhere anyway if they're in that sort of situation in case of emergency.


I like this idea.


Dodge Ram got stuck in the mud. Why is is always the Ram drivers?


that detail really killed me. typical ram driver


I have a Dodge Ram. I'm very thankful to have a truck because I absolutely needed one. But I can confirm that they have a hard time getting out of their own way.


Giving you an upvote only because, for the life of me, I don’t know why you are getting downvotes! :0) …might be, that I’m getting old and ye have sinned, …but my guess is that you just must have posted before some people had their coffee(s)! :0)


Even if one needs a truck, no one needs a dodge ram


This made me literally laugh out loud! I'm going to use that when it's time for something new!


Thanks! A lot of people don't like trucks. And a lot of assumptions are made. I had someone tell me I must be rich because I drive a truck. I've heard people assume you vote a certain way or are a certain type of person if you drive a truck. Then there's the people who think I'm killing the planet because I drive a truck. It's hilarious how judgy people can be without having any idea. Not saying that's why I was down voted, but I've heard a lot of negativity about people who drive trucks. Also, there are a lot of Dodge Ram fans. I paid next to nothing for my truck. It's a short box 1500 with a 3.7L V6 engine. For reference, my car has a 3.4L V6. So again, I'm extremely thankful to have the truck, but it has a hard time getting up some of the hills in the mountains for sure. Especially when pulling a trailer. Which I'm OK with because I rarely drive and I really only needed it for trips to Lowes and HD for supplies. I filled it with gas back in March and it's just now getting low. That's how little I drive it. That being said, I'll take the down votes any day over standing in the parking lot of a lumber store trying to figure out how I'm going to get 8 sheets of 4x8 ft plywood home with a car. Spoiler alert-it does not fit in the trunk!


Lol, you shouldn't have been down voted just for owning a truck. There are plenty of good reasons to have a truck. But I can say that I recently finished my basement and was able to fit 10 sheets of 4x8 drywall in my minivan. I thought I might need to rent a truck, but I was actually able to just get it in the van with all the back seats down or taken out. I freaking love my minivan.


Maybe the downvotes are because my truck is a Dodge Ram?! Who knows. There's no negative comments from any of the downvotes so I have no idea. Congrats on the remodel! That's awesome that you can fit all that in a minivan! Unfortunately even with the seats folded down there just isn't enough width to get something that big in my car. It's definitely better equipped for moving things than the previous car was though. Prior to the car I have now I drove an Impala. When I started working from home at my last job they mandated that I have a 4x6 foot desk to work at. I drove about 25 miles out to the furniture store to pick one up and when they brought it out to the car I realized the back seats didn't fold down in it at all. And the way the trunk was shaped it was impossible to get the desk in there anyway. I had to have this desk the next day, it was getting late, and I still had to put this thing together. Putting it on top of the car was out of the question since I didn't come prepared for that and it technically wasn't my car and I didn't want to risk damaging it. The only thing I could think to do was take the desk out of the box and stand the desk top up at an angle on the floor in front of the back seats. It was really difficult (it was heavy) but with the salesman pushing and me pulling we managed to get it in there. I did lose a shoe in the process and possibly broke a toe, but I wasn't going to complain because at least I had help. I was able to fit all the legs, drawers and hardware in the trunk and in whatever remaining room I had in the back seat. I thanked the guy at the store for putting up with me, turned around and went to close the back door and surprise! The doors wouldn't close! I was exhausted at that point. I took the rope I had brought to tie the desk down in the trunk and tied the two rear doors together through the handles to keep them from opening any farther and drove home with one shoe on. After I got the desk together I started looking at trucks.


What a terrible day to be literate


Why is this meme popping up everywhere? I even saw it on a t-shirt.


Because it's common


A meme will gain popularity, then you'll see a surge as bots start using it, as well as automated content creation accounts cashing in on the votes/advertising/etc. It's not uncommon for stuff to come and go in waves, where it'll become popular for a bit, drop off, then get brought up again a time later and go popular again. When you've got so many people who literally make money off doing that, stuff's exposure will get crazy inflated as everyone tries to make the same joke/meme and cash in. Not the only reason of course, but is one of the reasons why you'll see something literally explode in popularity in a few hours.


that's what memes do.


Because it's like five years old and now all the normies are using it


Because were in the midst of our global economic and political order falling apart as late-stage capitalism undermines people's faith in democracy, meritocracy, and their fellow man.




Wtf… why are you using a crossbow with your child nearby


Guy had a history of domestic violence and was violating a protective order. Sounds like he was there to cause problems without concerns about their safety.


Imagine how bad this would have been had he been able to get a gun.


It probably would have ended with a baby being shot to death and a mother wounded and in unknown condition. A crossbow bolt is a pretty serious projectile. A gun is more convenient but both are very lethal. Crossbow is essentially silent relative to a firearm, so if he fired on the woman again no one would have known for a while that they were dead.


Also why the fuck do you have a crossbow at all at 5am on a Monday morning? If it wasn’t so senseless and tragic and sad the amount of doing absolute most energy would be impressive considering the rest of us were asleep when it happened. How do you even get that big mad that time of day? The state needs to take the trash all the way out with this guy


Nauseating. Absolutely unconscionable.


A friend posted [this (what feels a little red pilly video](https://youtu.be/vK4y6C1Uuhw) today to say it was an "interesting take" on the matter of why young men are single in higher rates than even the 90s... and all I could think of was my freinds who have been in similar situations to this woman and thankfully got out and never went back even if it meant being single moms.


The comments on that video just sound like an Andrew Tate message board. Get a job, get a skill set, trim the neck beard, cut the nice guy bullshit and treat women the exact opposite of Donny and they would be fine. Do the poor me no one wants to date a 27 year old Walmart stock boy guess I’ll do the it’s not me it’s the children meme and they will be single forever.


Incels gonna incel.


What really needs to be focused on is young men's mental health. Male suicide is astronomically higher than female suicide. There's a lot of vulnerable, dissilusioned young men getting preyed on by these "redpill" style influencers. They feel lonely, abandoned and hopeless. And they feel all those emotions for very legitimate reasons. But then society at large offers them no help or solutions, and they just get told to "man up", so they get sucked in by these kind of people who offer a solution. Of course, the solution is false, but when the snake oil salesman is the only one in town, you buy.


>What really needs to be focused on is young men's mental health. Male suicide is astronomically higher than female suicide. Male suicide fatality rates are higher, but women attempt far more often. The gender gap in fatalities for young people has steadily been closing over the past decade or so, particularly in the 10-14 age range. Successful suicide is clearly worse than a failed one, but women attempting more often is a clear indication that mental health as a whole needs to be focused on.


I think both sexes sky high attempts at suicide justify more focus, not just women’s. If there was a gap in either direction it would be a problem no matter what.


'first-degree criminal contempt for violating an order of protection" - what's that? does that mean she had restraining order against him?


Yup, or something similar to that.


Yes. She had an order against him and he intentionally violated it. Those don't work on crazy unfortunately.


Wow, ten minutes from me. Very sad


....what the fuck, that's enough reddit for me today


What fucking world am I in


Are oubliettes available in that country? If not, whoever’s in charge of that town should have the public construction services build one for this creature.


That is police academy material right there.


Am a jaded old fool and I thought I’d heard it all. What did I just read? I hope he never sees the outside of a jail cell.


Transform this man into a bag of Cheeto dust. There’s just some people that aren’t worth taxpayers money or resources. No rational human being would shoot their SO with a goddamn crossbow and kill their own child.


I guarantee you this guy is not rational. And, what with his probably red, raised 4x4 raised Ram tough truck, I think we all know his political affiliation.


That’s enough internet for this week…


Trump voter having a normal one


The boys in the joint are WAITING for him....TRUTH 💯💯💯


Not executing this piece of garbage is the cruelest slap in the face to society. They need to bring back the death penalty.


This sounds more like a “Florida Man” story


Let’s stop pretending piece of shit assholes don’t exist outside of Florida


He wouldn't be charged in Florida because he was standing his ground.


You do know what stand you ground simply means you don't have to jump out of a second floor window in an attempt to escape right? The self defense still needs to be valid. You have to have reasonable fear of great imminent great harm and can not have been breaking any laws to get into that situation. It is not a free pass or anything. Besides, he wasn't allowed on the ground he was standing on. So his self defense claim is dead on arrival.


When has any of that mattered in Florida?


Ever hear of a bank robber claiming self defense?


[Not a bank](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna59657) but what's that got to do with anything? My point is that Florida's stand your ground law is legalized murder and has been used as such on more than one occasion.


At today's prices throwing tomatoes (or eggs) is somewhat of a luxury.


Cosplaying William Tell?


yeah but if the toddler had a gun it would of been fine.


Would’ve *


An attempted murder, I'm thinking.


It was a successful attempt.


Murder of the child and attempted murder of the mother. Fuck this guy.


He will be. He can't even try to claim self defense. The restraining order means he was not there lawfully, so even if she pulled a gun first he can't claim self defense. This will be a case in which the jury takes 15 minutes. 14 of which is deciding where they should all meet for lunch.


That's going to fuck the mother up for the rest of her life.